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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20529 Foure godlie and fruitful sermons two preached at Draiton in Oxford-shire, at a fast, enioyned by authoritie, by occasion of the pestilence then dangerously dispearsed. Likewise two other sermons on the twelfth Psalme. VVhereunto is annexed a briefe tract of zeale. / By I. Dod. R. Cleauer. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625.; Winston, John, fl. 1614-1634.; Greenham, Richard. 1611 (1611) STC 6938; ESTC S114261 70,793 120

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the preuenting of the like sinnes in others and the stopping of the mouthes of wicked blasphemers who would be readie heereupon to speake euill of the holy name of God and of the professours and profession of Christianitie Thus cold and carelesse were they till the Apostle had sharply reprooued them but after that they had well disgested his speeches and thorowly considered of all matters they fell to lament for their owne corruptions and for the transgressions of others and were zealous against all wickednesse and for all manner of goodnesse in themselues and others This was the effect of holy griefe in them and this will be found in all that attaine to that repentance which is vnto life in which regard when the Lord would worke a cure vpon the luke-warme Laodicians he biddeth them be zealous and amend That was their sinne that they were key-cold and euen frozen in the dregges of securitie exercising themselues in sundrie good duties for that must needes be because they were a Church but neuer regarding with what loue vnto God or men they performed the same therefore the Lord vrging them to reformation willeth them to be zealous and amend implying that these two euer goe hand in hand to wit sound repentance and godly zeale yet so that as euery one is of greater growth in the body of Christ so this grace is of greater strength in him as is euident in Dauid who speaketh thus of himselfe and that by the inspiration of Gods holy spirit and therefore cannot but speake truely My zeale hath euen consumed me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy word Weaker Christians haue some good motions of griefe for mens offances but the Prophet was exceedingly wrought vpon by his zeale so that it did euen spend him and consume him in regard of the fearefull breach of Gods commandements which he obserued in his very enemies And the like we find in another place The zeale of thine house hath eaten me and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee are fallen vpon me Thus was the holy man of God touched yea tormented with the things whereby Gods glory was impaired as if he had beene laden himselfe with reproaches and disgraces But most admirable was the zeale of Moses and Paul who for that feruent desire that they had of aduancing Gods glory could haue beene content to haue had their names put out of the booke of life and to be separated from the Lord so that his great name might be magnified in sparing and sauing their brethren the Israelites Now because our hearts may easily deceiue vs in this matter of zeale either by perswading vs that we haue it when we are farre from it or that we altogether want it when in some good measure we haue attained vnto it therefore will it not be amisse to set downe some rules whereby we may trie whether our zeale be currant or counterfeit First therefore touching the matter about which this holy zeale is to be exercised it must be good according to the saying of the Apostle It is good alwaies to be zealous in a good matter and it was before shewed that Gods people must be zealous of good workes otherwise if the matter be euill the more earnest any is the more sinfull neither is such earnestnesse worthy the name of zeale being nothing else but a diuellish and fleshly heate or rather a kinde of frenzie and madnesse Such was the zeale of Idolaters that would mangle and cut themselues and that would offer their children in the fire in honour vnto their gods Such was the zeale of the Scribes and Pharises who would compasse sea and land to make one a Proselite that is one of their owne sect With this violent and mad zeale was Paul carried before his conuersion as he himselfe confesseth in plaine tearmes Acts. 26. 11. and Phil. 3. 6. when he was enraged against Christians and spared no paines nor cost to make them denie and blaspheme the name of Christ. Heere then is to be condemned the zeale of ignorant Papists and Brownists and such like who are very hotte indeed for he must needes runne whom the diuell driues but in euill causes as might easily be prooued and may hence if by no other arguments be probably concluded in that they vse the diuels owne weapons to wit lying standering railing cursed speaking and the like in the pursute of the same But much more damnable and vile is their zeale to be esteemed who against their knowledge and consciences doe violently and maliciously oppose themselues against the Gospell and the professors thereof and stand for falshood and wickednesse and the practisers thereof as did those wretched Pharises that set themselues against our Sauiour and committed the sin against the holy Ghost A second rule is that as the matter in which we are zealous must be good in it selfe so it must be knowne vnto vs to be of that qualitie True zeale must begin where the word begins and ende where it ends for otherwise it cannot bee of faith which is euer grounded on the word and whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne We must not therefore content our selues with an honest meaning and hope that wee haue a good zeale towards God when we haue no warrant for our hope but must so acquaint our selues with the Scriptures of God that our zeale may be according to knowledge Which rule discouereth the corruptnes of their zeale whether close hypocrites or weake Christians who are led on meerely by the examples of good men whome they affect much to like of and earnestly to stand fot such things as they perceiue them in their practise to obserue and to make conscience of and if there be but a word spoken against any of the things that they haue taken a liking of they are maruellously stirred with indignation thereat and grow passionate and vehement against the parties though they haue neuer so good a meaning in that which they speake Yet let them bee vrged to prooue out of the word the necessitie of those duties which they so earnestly presse they can say little or nothing to the purpose for them and so grow manie times either to dislike and forsake all if they bee hypocrites or at least to bee discouraged and to bee at a stand if they be weaklings in Christ Iesus And whence proceed these inconueniences but from this that they are zealous for things that in themselues and vnto others are good and holie but not thoroughly discerned of them to bee of that nature the consideration whereof should make vs to sit sure in matters of godlinesse not building vpon the example of good men but vpon the truth of the good word of God and then our foundation shall neuer faile vs. A third propertie of true zeale is that it beginneth in our selues and after proceedeth vnto others for neuer can that man be truely zealous to others which neuer knew to
whomsoeuer True zeale loueth friends as they be Gods friends true zeale hateth aduersaries so farre as they be Gods aduersaries true zeale loueth a good thing in the most professed enemie true zeale hateth sinne in the most assured friend If wee be perswaded that our enemies bee Gods children howsoeuer wee disagree in some particulars yet wee must swallow vp manie priuate iniuries and more reioice in them as they be Gods seruants then be grieued at them as they haue iniuried vs. Indeed true Zeale is most grieued at the sinnes of the godly because so much are their sinnes more grieuous then the sinnes of others by how much they came neerer to the image of God then others The last rule is that wee keepe a tenour of zeale in both estates to wit of prosperitie and aduersitie Wee must especiallie looke to that whereunto wee are most readie that is whether wee be more zealous in prosperitie and fall away in aduersitie or whether we be more feruent in affliction and ouer-whelmed in abundance whether by the one we are not puffed vp with securitie and secret pride and whether by the other we be not too farre abased and discouraged or which is worst of all quite driuen out of the way for many in time of peace are religious who seeing persecution to follow the Gospell begin like those that are compared to stonie ground to step backe and at last vtterly to renounce their former profession Others so long as they may haue credit by embracing the Gospell will seeme to goe farre but when discredit comes they forsake all contrarie to the practise of Dauid who saith The bandes of the wicked haue robbed mee yet haue I not forgotten thy Law And againe Princes did persecute mee without cause but mine heart stood in awe of thy Word And for disgrace hee saith I am small and despised yet doe I not forget thy Word Others on the contrary part so long as God exerciseth them with any crosse are zealous professours who beeing set aloft and comming once vnto promotion begin to grow secure and carelesse of all duties towards God or men as is to be seene in the lsraelites from time to time We see manie in time of their miserie to hee much humbled and whiles they want liuings and preferments we see both Preachers and people in outward appearance very godlie who hauing obtained that which they sought for haue their zeale vtterly choked Doe not many pray for the continuance of the peace of the Gospell that they themselues might continue in peace and prosperitie Doe not manie mourne in the aduersitie of the Gospell because they are grieued for their owne aduersitie Oh great corruption of our hearts Oh bottomles pit of hypocrisie If wee were ashamed that wee are no more grounded on the word and that wee can bee no nore holie and vpright in our hearts surely the Lord will so gouerne vs that he would not suffer either prosperitie to quench our zeale or aduersitie to discourage our hearts This is then our triall herein if when we are in greatest prosperitie we can mourne with them that mourne in the Lorde and when wee are in greatest aduersitie wee can reioyce with them that reioyce in Christ. This is a sure token wee loue not the Gospell nor fauour the word because wee haue a loue to prosperitie neither are zealous to see the word contemned because wee haue an hatred of aduersitie Daniel concerning outward things was an happie man as being neere to the Crowne and yet when hee saw the God of Israels glory to be defaced and his seruants and seruices to be trodden vnder foote hee could content himselfe with nothing so much as with fasting weeping and prayer And Paul on the other side being in bonds for the testimonie of Iesus Christ and concerning his outward man in a miserable case reioyced greatly and was as it were reuiued when he heard that the Gospell flourished and that the faith and loue of the Saints was still continued This zeale should we much labour for that in all estates we might be rightly affected towards God and men FINIS Verse 10. Sound sorrow the first step to repentance Ioel. 2. 13. Note Acts. 2. Psal. 45. Reasons Iob. 11. Rom. 7. Act. 9. Math. 5. 4. 6. Vse 1. Luke 6. Reuel 6. 16. Vse 2. Vse 3. Meanes to get tendernes of heart Iohn 16. 8. Ezeck 36. Ier. 31. Isa. 30. 2. Sam. 12. Doct. 2. God looketh into the manner of our doing Mat. 24. 38. Iude. 12. 1. Tim. 445. Heb. 13. Gen. 6. 2. Luk. 17. 28. See M. Dods Sermon on Isa. 10. Doct. 1. Vse 1. Vse 2. Ionah 3. 8. 9. Vse 3. Doct. 3. Confession of sinne must folowe griefe for sinne Doct. 4. Asking pardon must be ioyned with confession Luk. 18. 13. Daniel 9. 19. Nehem. 9. Exod. 34. Ezeck 36. Mat. ● Vse 1. Vse 2. 1. Ioh. 1. 9. Vse 3. How we may attaine to earnestnesse in asking pardon Doct. 5. The greatest sinners are the veriest fooles Ioshua 7. Reason Vse 1. Psal. 119. 93. Obiect Answer Doct. 6. It is hard to be at downe mans pride Psalm 30. 6. 7. Verse 9. 2. Cor. 12. Micah 7. Lament 3. Dan. 4. 24. Dan. 5. 20. 2. Chron. 11. Iam. 4. 8. Vse Prou. 16. 5. 18. Psal. 119. Pet. 3. Iam. 4. 2. Cor. 12. 10. 7. Fruites of pride Prou. 13. 10. 2. Sam. 12. 13. Psal. 51. 1. Sam. 25. 32. Iob. 31. 13. 1. Tim. 6. 17. Remedies against Pride Luke 18. 13. Rom. 7. 24. Obiect Answer Rom. 1. 14. Math. 25. Gen. 18. 27. Isa. 42. 6. Iob. 42. 6. Eccl. 1. 13. Prou. Isa. 61. 1. Luk. 4. 18. Psal. 37. 11. Isa. 57. 15. Iam. 4. 6. Math. 5. 3. 2. Sam. 12. Psal. 141. 5. Doct. 7. Speedy iudging of our selues procures fauour The time being expired this point was briefly handled Vse 1. se. 2. Verse 14. Lament 9. Verse 15. Verse 16. Verse 17. Doct. 1. Sinne brings men into straits 1. King 22. 31. 32. 2. King 3. Iudges 16. Prou. 22. 5. Pro. 13. 32. 29. 30. Prou. 21. 17. Prou. 6. 26. 1. Tim. 6. 19. Iob. 27. 8. Pro. 1. 26. ●● Rom. 2. Vse 1. Iob. 31. 3. Verse 4. Math. 4. Iohn 8. Vse 2. Prou. 5. 22. Psal. 107. Vse 3. 2. Cor. 4. 8. Doct. 2. The godly finde greatest fauour with God Hos. 11. 1. Pett 6. Isa. 27. 9. Hos. 6. 1. Vse 1. Reasons why the pestilence is a more fauorable stroke then the sword Lamen 5. Reuel 6. 8. Leuit. 26. The time allotted being welneere spēt the points following were but briefly touched Doct. 3. Gods punishments are answerable to mens sinnes Ioel. 1. 5. Isa. 23. Prou. Reason Vse Ezek. 24. 35. Doct. 4. Gods iudgements very swift Psal. 147. 15. Exod. 12. Zach. 5. 2. Gen. 3. 17. 18. 1. Cor. 15. 52. Reason Vse Psal. 1 39. Doct. 5. God is present at the execution of his indgements Gen. 28. 12. Verse 15. Vse Doct. 6. A good man is most seuere against himselfe 2. Tim. 1. 15. Exod. 32. Philip. Reasons 1. Cor 13. Vse 1. Nehem. 5. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Verse 1. Doct. 1. Gods childrē neuer helples Micah 7. 2. Verse 7. Psal. 22. 11. Isa. 59. 4. 16. Reasons 1. Sam. 14. 6. 2. Chro. 14. 11 Psal. 62. 11. Math. 6. Hos. 14. Psal. 107. Psal. 141. 4. 5. Vse 1. Psal. 3. 1. 2. 3. Psal. 71. 10. 11. Verse 12. 13. Vse 2. Gen. 31. Psal. 27. Doct. 2. want of good men much to be lamented Micah 7. I. 2. Hos. 4. 3. 1. Kings 19. 11. Verse 4. Verse 1● Psal. 16. 3. Psal. 42. Reasons Psal. 67. 5. Vse 1. Vse 2. Doct. 3. Fained friends worse then open foes Prou. 27. 6. Iudas Matth. 26. 49. Reasons Psal. 55. 12. 13 Vse 1. Vse 2. Ier. 9. 4. 5. Vse 3. Obiect Answere Obiect Answere Verse 3. Doct. 1. The more cunning any is for mischiefe the more fearefull shall his mine be Psal. 52. 4. 5. 1. Sam. 22. 8. 9. c. Ier. 4. 22. Ier. 9. 5. Reasons Gal. 3. 2. Cor. 11. 2. 3. Vers. 13. 14. 15. Iob. 5. 12. Psal. 7. 9. Vse 1. Prou. 24. 8. Prou. 20. 17. Vse 2. Prou. 21. 30. Psal. 33. 10. Doct. 2. The wickeds boasting a forerunner of their ruine Psal. 59 7. 8. Exod. 15. 9. 2. Kings 18. Chap. 19. 28. Reasons Psal. 52. 1. Psal. 10. Psal. 73. 9. Vse 1. Vse 2. Reuel 18. 7. 8. Doct. 3. No man hath the ordering of his owne tongue Reasons Prou. 16. 1. Num. 23. Ephes. 4. Prou. 18. 7. Micah 4. 11. 12. 13. Mat. 12. 36. 37 Vse 1. Psal. 141. 3. Vse 2 Iob. 5. 27. Isa. 45. 16. 17. Act. 4. 29. Titus 2. 14. Rom. 12. 1● 2. Cor. 7. 11. 1. Cor. 5. 1. 2. Reu. 3. 19. Psal. 119. 139. Psal. 69. 9. Exod. 32. 32. Rom. 9. 3. Rules of true zeale The matter must be good Gal. 4. 18. 1. King 18. 28 Ier. 7. 31. We must know the thing to be good for which we are zealous Rom. 14. 23. Rom. 10. 2. Zeale must begin at home Luke 6. 42. Heb. 2. 17. 18. Luk. 16. 15. 18. 9. Wee must make greatest account of the weightiest matters Matth. 23. 23. We must look to the inside as well as to the out-side Ier. 4. 14. Iam. 4. 8. Matth. 23. Ioh. 31. Gen. 39. Matth. 23. Wee must be more strict to our selues then to others Titus 3. 1. Gen. 14. 23. 24. Iob. 1. 1. Cor. 4. 12. 1. Thess. 2. 9. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Tim. 5. 18. Zeale condemneth sin in friends as wel as in foes Mat. 16. 23. Gal. 3. 1. 1. Cor. Gen. 25. 28. 1. Sam. 2. 3. 4. Zeale opposeth itselfe against the sins of the mighty Iob. 29. 8. 9. Iob. 29. 12. Compassion to be ioyned with zeale Mark 3. 5. Matth. 23. 37. Luk. 19. 41. 42. 2. Cor. 12. 21. 1. Cor. 4. 1. Sam. 15. 35. True zeale maketh men desirous of admonition Iob. 30. 13. Wee must be most feruent in Gods causes Exod. 32. 19. 20. Reuel 2. 2. Zeale must be constant in all estates Luke 8. 13. Psal. 119. 61. Verse 161. Verse 141. Verse 141. Psal 63. 34. c. Iudges Dan. 9. 1. Thess. 3. 6. 7. 8.