A sermon preached in Christ's-Church, Dublin, on the 23d. of October, 1698 being the anniversary thanksgiving for putting an end to the Irish Rebellion, which broke out on that day, 1641, before the House of Lords / by Nathanael Lord Bishop of Waterford and Lismore.
Foy, Nathaniel, d. 1707.
Wing F2046; ESTC R33792
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The zealous, and impartial Protestant shewing some great, but less heeded dangers of popery, in order to thorough and effectual security against it : in a letter to a member of Parliament.
Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680.
Wing G837; ESTC R22540
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Rash oaths unwarrantable: and the breaking of them as inexcusable. Or, A discourse, shewing, that the two Houses of Parliament had little ground to make those oaths they have made, or lesse ground to take, or presse the taking of them, being it is easie to be apprehended, they never intended to keep them, but onely made them for snares, and cloaks for knavery, as it is clearly evinced by their constant arbitrary and tyranicall practices, no justice nor right being to be found amongst them; by meanes of which they have declaratorily, and visibly lost the very soule and essence of true magistracy, (which is, the doing of justice, judgement, equity ... In which is also a true and just declaration of the unspeakable evill of the delay of justice, and the extraordinary sufferings of Lievtenant Colonell John Lilburne, very much occasioned by M. Henry Martins unfriendly and unjust dealing with him, in not making his report to the House. All which with divers other things of very high concernment, are declared in the following discourse, being an epistle, / written by Lievtenant-Colonell John Lilburne, prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London, to Colonell Henry Marten, a member of the House of Commons of England ... May 1647.
Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657.
Wing L2167; Thomason E393_39; ESTC R201615
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A discouerie of I. Nicols minister, misreported a Iesuite, latelye recanted in the Tower of London Wherin besides the declaration of the man, is contayned a ful answere to his recantation, with a confutation of his slaunders, and proofe of the contraries, in the Pope, cardinals, clergie, students, and priuate men of Rome. There is also added a reproofe of an oratiuon and sermon, falsely presented by the sayd Nicols to be made in Rome, and presented to the Pope in his consistorye. Wherto is annexed a late information from Rome touchng [sic] the aute[n]tical copie of Nicols recantation.
Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610.
STC 19402; ESTC S120349
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The advocate of conscience liberty, or, An apology for toleration rightly stated shewing the obligatory injunctions and precepts for Christian peace and charity.
Walsh, Peter, 1618?-1688.
Wing W627; ESTC R17873
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Pisgah euangelica By the method of the Reuelation, presenting to publike view those Cananites ouer whom our Lord Iesus Christ and his holie Church shall triumph after seuerall battailes. That which is past is shewed in a briefe ecclesiasticall historie, containing most of the mutations which haue befallen the Church, from the yeere of our Lord 97, vnto the yeere 1603. as they haue been shewed vnto S. Iohn in Patmos, and recorded by such historiographers as are of least suspected faith. Gathered by William Symonds, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
Symonds, William, 1556-1616?
STC 23592; ESTC S118079
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A sacred septenarie, or The seuen last wordes of our Sauiour Christ vttered vpon the crosse, (with the necessary circumstances of the same:) expounded by a commentary, gathered out of the holy Scriptures, the writings of the ancient fathers, and later diuines. By Alexander Roberts, Bachelour in Diuinity; and preacher of Gods word at Kings Linne, in Norfolke.
Roberts, Alexander, d. 1620.
STC 21074; ESTC S115974
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The reasonableness and certainty of the Christian religion by Robert Jenkin ...
Jenkin, Robert, 1656-1727.
Wing J571; ESTC R8976
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One hundred and ninety sermons on the hundred and nineteenth Psalm preached by the late reverend and learned Thomas Manton, D.D. ; with a perfect alphabetical table directing to the principal matters contained therein.
Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677.; White, Robert, 1645-1703.; Bates, William, 1625-1699.
Wing M526A; ESTC R225740
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