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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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lyfe than no doubte ryghtuousnes shulde come by the lawe But the scripture concluded all thynges vnder syn that the promes by the fayth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyuen vnto them that beleue SAynt Paul my welbeloued frendes in the epistle of thys day declareth vnto vs that they chaūge the testament the euerlastynge wyll of God which testament wyll or couenaunt god hath concluded in Christ our only iustifyer and sauiour which seke saluation and iustification by the lawe not by Christ I speake sayeth saynt Paule after mans fashion that ye maye the better vnderstande me Though it be but the testament and last wyll of a man yet yf it be ones authorised and allowed nomā cutteth it of or addeth any thynge therto Ambrose Here saynt Ambrose noteth that the Apostle vseth thys comparison or similitude to thintent he wold declare that they be falsifyers of goddes testament whych wheras they beleue in Christ yet mengle with Christ the law whych hope to be partly saued by the law For in very dede the hole cause of our saluation is Christ Iesus and no iote of the lawe as the Apostle saynt Paule doth in thys epistle very fully and effectually proue Yf mans testamēt ought to be of such strength that we ought nether take ought therfro nor put ought ther to how much rather ought gods testament wyl to be such But in gods testamēt to Abraham was the promise of eternal saluacion and iustification made and vnto hys sede Ge. xxij In thy sede sayd god to Abrahā shall all the nations of the earth be blessed He sayth not in the sedes as many but in thy sede as of one whych is Christ Now thā seynge this wrytyng this testamente and couenaunte maketh mencion but of one heyre in whome God promysed that we shulde all be saued and iustifyed then we ought to allowe none other thynge to our iustification to oure blesse and saluation but only Christ Secondly S. Paule proueth by the circūstaūce of the tyme that the law blessed not nor iustifyed mākynde For the promyse or wrytyng of the testament was proued and confirmed by god in the only heyre Iesu Christ before the law was gyuen For the law was gyuen longe after that is to saye as Paul here wytnesseth aboue foure hundred and thyrty yeares after Wherfore yf the law were any cause of our iustification then the people whych were before the law was gyuen coulde not be iustifyed whych thynge is false Ro xiiij as the Apostle manyfestly proueth in hys epistle to the Romaynes For Abraham was iustifyed lōge before the lawe came yea and that before he was circumcised It is therfore playne that the euerlastyng inheritaunce can not come by the law For yf it were by the lawe as reasoneth saynt Paule than it can not come by promyse But so it is that god gaue it vnto Abraham by promyse Ergo the heritage of heuen and saluacion commeth by promyse and not by the lawe An obiection But here sayeth he ye wol aske me syth the law is not the cause of saluation but Christ is the onely gyuer of it to such as cleaue faste vnto hym by true fayth hope and charitie wherfore then serueth the lawe Solutiō what good do it Surely much good my frendes The vse profyte of the lawe is great thoughe it be not cause of our iustification I say the workes of the lawe saue vs not but it is only the merytes of Christ that saueth vs that iustifieth vs yf we stycke vnto hym by ernest quycke fayth whych worketh of loue and not of compulsion In dede a true and ryght christon man I meane a person that is cleane turned into a new man whych hath so great fayth and charitie in hym that for Christes loue he is ready to do all thynges such as man nede no lawe i. Tim. i. For the lawe as the Apostle also testifyeth is not gyuē vnto the ryghtuouse man but vnto the vnryghtuouse and disobedient to the vngodly and vnto synners to vnholy and vncleane to murtherers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to mansleers to whoremongers to beastly persons to theues and so forth The lawe than is rather a restrayner from euell than a iustifyer it is as it were a brydell tyll Christ come and be setled in vs whyche maye cause vs to worke euen of loue wythout cōpulsion of law The lawe sayth Paule was added bycause of trāsgression tyll Christ whych was the sede that was promysed came So the lawe is not agaynst the promyse of God but it standeth wyth the promyse it is as it were our schole mayster and leader to Christe For sayeth saynt Paule yf there had ben any lawe gyuen which coulde haue gyuen vs lyfe that is to say whych coulde haue iustifyed and saued vs than no doubt shulde ryghtuousnes haue come by the lawe But that could not be And therfore the scripture cōcluded al vnder synne to th ende that the promyse by the fayth of Iesus Christ shuld be gyuen to al such as beleue the same The lawe than was added not to iustifye but to brydell vs in to leade vs lyke a scholemayster vnto Christ And it was ordeined and gyuen sayeth Paule by angels as is wytnessed also in the Actes in the hande of a mediatoure Actu vij that is to saye in the hande of Moses whych went betwene as a spokesman betwene the angels and the people The people coulde not heare the lawe that was ordeyned and gyuen of the angels from god wythout a mediatour Wherfore nowe we haue muche more nede of the mediatour Christ whych may brynge vs the waye to God Here therfore good people ye lerne in this epistle two thynges the one is wherfore Christ serueth and the other wherfore the lawe serueth The lawe must be our brydell our staye our scholemayster to directe and leade vs to the true vnfayned fayth in Christ whych fayth may make vs to worke euen of loue But Christ must be counted our only iustifyer and the only cause of our saluacion We must do the workes of the lawe not as compelled by law but as prouoked by loue whych we beare fyrst to God and consequently to our neyghbour for Christes sake This doynge we shall surely be iustifyed and sanctifyed persons and shall inherite the eternall inheritaunce of God To whome be glorye c. The Gospel on the .xiij. sonday after Trinitie The x. Chapter of Luke Th argument ☞ Of the lawyers question of Christes answere IEsus sayd to hys disciples Happye are the eyes whych se the thynges that ye se For I tell you that many prophetes and kynges haue desyred to se those thynges whych ye se haue not sene thē and to heare those thynges whych ye heare and haue not herde them And beholde a certayne lawyer stode vp and tempted hym sayenge Mayster what shall I do to inherite eternal lyfe He said vnto him
same goodes wyth Christ Furthermore Christ gaue them power agaynst wycked spirites to cast them out to heale al maner of syckenesses as it is redde in the tenth of Matheu Also in the .xix. psalme ye rede Thou shalt walke vpon Lions and Dragons Wherfore where a christen man is the power to worke these sygnes myracles is not taken awaye as by many exemples it hath ben proued But no man ought to do them onles it be necessarie and the case requyre it For the Apostles thēselues wrought not these myracles but only to the testification of gods worde that so by myracles the Gospell myght be confirmed as the texte sayeth They went and preached euery where the Lorde workynge wyth them and confirmynge the worde wyth myracles folowynge But nowe after that the Gospell is spred abrode and opened to the hole world myracles be not necessary as they were in the Apostles tyme. It foloweth whan the Lorde had spoken vnto them he was receyued into heauen That is to saye he went vp to begyn hys spirituall and heauenly kyngdome and drewe wyth hym oure hopes into heuen that thyther whether we sawe him ascende we shulde also folowe And he sytteth on the ryght hande of God Thys is a maner or fygure of speakynge and it sygnifyeth he is God egall and of lyke power wyth the father And as the prophete sayeth he ascended vp on hygh hath led captiuitie a prisoner So that nowe we be no longer in thraldome for Christ hath caryed it awaye wyth hym and made vs the chyldren of hys father to lyue eternally wyth hym in heauen To whome be glorye for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the sonday after the Ascension daye The .i. Epistle of Peter the .iiij. chap. Th argument ☞ An exhortacion to do good workes according to thexemple of Christ MOost deare beloued brethren Be ye therfore sober and watch vnto prayer But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue amonge your selues For loue shall couer the multitude of synnes Be ye herberous one to another wythout grudgynge As euery man hath receyued the gyfte euen so minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manyfolde grace of God Yf any man minister let hym do it as of the abilitie whych god ministreth vnto hym that god in all thynges maye be glorifyed thorow Iesus Christ GOod brethrē and systers in our sauiour Christ the lection of the epistle of thys daye redde in the church is taken forth of the .iiij. chapter of the fyrste epistle of the Apostle messanger of Christ S. Peter Ye shall therfore vnderstande that forasmuch as thys holy mā S. Peter had now in the chapters goynge before thys place sufficiently taught the Iues and others whome he wrote thys epistle vnto The occasion of thys epistle of the fayth and iustification whych cōmeth by Christe he doth now in the chapters folowynge monysh them of good workes ☜ accordynge to the maner of syncere and pure preachers whych before they gyue any preceptes of good maners woll fyrst intreate of the causes of new lyfe Wherfore thys present lesson is nothynge but an exhortation to good workes after the exemple of Christe Thus than he sayeth Be ye therfore sobre and watch vnto prayer Thys texte contayneth a generall exhortacion to all such thynges as become christen men to do in this lyfe Sobrenes and modestie For modesty and sobrenes be not so greatly good workes as they be the selfe rules wherby al good woorkes be tempered Ye shall therfore vnderstand here by modestie and sobrenesse fyrst those ciuile vertues whych haue contrary vyces arrogancye and pryde In lyke wyse doth also Paule vnderstande them in the .xij. to the Romaynes where he wryteth I saye vnto you by the grace whych is gyuen me to euery one of you that none thynke proudly of hymself aboue that it becōmeth hym to thynke but lette hym so thynke that he be demure and sobre euen as God hath bestowed to euerye one the measure of fayth Seconde ye shal vnderstande by modestye and sobrenes here also the soūdnes of mynde so that ye thynke modestly soberly of gods worde lest through your owne ymaginations and good intencions ye go awaye from the true vnderstandyng of gods worde or suffer your selues to be plucked away wyth any maner wynde of new doctrine Now whā we be modest and sober aswell in lyfe as in doctrine it foloweth consequently that we muste nedes watch and gyue our selues to prayer It foloweth But afore all haue feruent loue amonges youre selues for loue shal couer the multitude of synnes As though saynt Peter shuld saye It may happen peraduenture that a man may fayne wyth hymselfe that he is sober Charite modest and busye in prayer Therfore before al thynges se ye haue charitie without whych youre demurenes youre sobernes your prayer maye be but fayned and cloked workes with out whych charitie also they be nothynge worth nor yet thankfull to God accordynge to the sayenge of Christ Math. v Whan thou shalte offer thy offerynge at the aulter and remembrest that thy brother haue ought agaynst the leaue there thy offeryng and go and be at one wyth thy brother first and then come and offre thy oblation Doubtles my brethren charitie is to be preferred before all other workes for wythout it none of all oure other workes can please God as Christ hymselfe wytnesseth Math. v. And also the prophete Esay in the fyrst chapter Thou shalt nomore offer to me sacrifice and so forth but learne to do ryghte helpe the nedye c. Vehemēt charitie And saint Peter wyl that our charitie be vehement or feruent not colde and negligent such as theyrs is whych wyth theyr mouth make as though they loue a man but wyth theyr harte they hate hym as euel as a tode And he addeth the cause ☜ for loue or charitie couereth the multitude of synnes Thys sentence is taken forth of the x. chapter of the prouerbes For the moost proper office of charitie is to hyde the infirmities of the neghboure Furthermore hospitalitie and harbourynge wythout murmurynge or grudgynge is also one of the effectes of charitie It foloweth in the texte As euery man hath receyued the gyfte euen so minister the same one to another as good dispensours or stewardes of the manyfold grace of god Here good people the Apostle Peter exhorteth euery man particularlye to do hys office in hys callynge He that is a preacher of gods worde oughte to be content wyth hys gyfte and to execute his dutie in hys vocatiō that is to wyt he ought to preach not hys owne dreames but the sermōs and wordes of God and so of all other offices in Christes cōgregation whych yf they were done accordynge to S. Peters aduyse here we shuld both haue gods word more purely set forth and also the churche in better vnitie and concorde Then accordyng to euery mās gyfte and as Paule sayeth euen as God hath