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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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Almighty God touching the heart of man by the inspiration of the holie Ghost both Aug. de gratia lib. arbit cap 2. 9. 15. de Spir. lit cap. 34. lib. 2 de pec mer. c. 5. de praed grat cap. 9. de verb. Apost serm 41. cap. 1. ser 15. cap. 11. tract 4. in epist Io. de Praedest sanct cap. 3. Chrys ho. 9. in Ioan. Bern. de gratia liber arbit Prosp lib. 2. de vocatione gent. cap. 26. 27. 28. cont Collat cap. 26. man himselfe doth something receiuing that inspiration because he might as well reiecte Matth. 23 d Act. 13 g Hierem. 18 b 25 a b 32 f 35 c Zach 1 b the same and yet without the grace of God Cypr. de orat Dom. Aug. de natura gratia cap. 18. lib. 2. cont 2. epist Pelag. cap. 10. Hier. epist 139. coulde hee not by force of his free-will moue himselfe to Iustice in his sight And for that cause when it is saide in holy Scripture Zach. 1 a Mal. 3 b Act. 2 f 3 c Ephes 5 c Iac. 4 c Mat. 11 d Hierem. 3 a d 4 d 18 b Esa 1 d 40 a 45 d 46 c 55 a b Bar. 4 a Ezech. 18 g 1. Reg 7 a Be yee conuerted vnto me and I will be conuerted vnto you We are put in minde of our libertie and when wee aunswere Thren 5 d Hierem. 31 c Conuert vs O Lord vnto thee and we shall be conuerted We confesse that we are preuented by the grace of God 10 What is the manner of preparation to Iustification ANd certes men are disposed to Iustice whilest beeing Aug. l. 2. cont 2. epist Pelag. c. 9. de Praed Sanct. c. 20. Conc. 2. Araus cā 5. 6. 7. 25. Fulg. de incarn gra Christi cap. 17. 18. stirred vp and holpen by the grace of God conceiuing Faith Ro. 10 c d by hearing they are freely Aug. tra 26. in Io. de Praed Sanct. c. 11. de spir lit cap. 31 32. in expos propos ex ep ad Ro. c. 44. lib. 1. qu. ad simplic q. 2. Prosp l. 2. de vocat gent. cap. 27. 28. Euthim. in cap. 1. Io. Isid lib. 2 de summo bono cap. 2. mooued vnto God beleeuing those thinges to be true which are reuealed and promised by God and this especially that God doth iustifie Rom. 3 d Aug. de nat gra c●p 44. the wicked man by his grace through the redemption which is in CHRIST IESVS and whilest knowing themselues to be sinners by conuerting themselues from the feare of Gods iustice with which they are Fulgent lib. 1. de rem pec cap. 8. 9. 11. Prosp lib. 2. de vocat gent. cap. 27. lib. 3. de vit contemplat cap. 12. Aug. tract 9. in epist Ioan de catech ●ud cap. 5. profitablely storkē to the consideration of his mercy they are erected into hope hauing confidence that for Christ his sake Almighty God wil be mercifull vnto them him they begin to loue as the fountaine of all Iustice and therefore are moued against sinne Eccli 2 d Aug. ho. 50. cap. 2. ex 50. et ho. 27. c. 1 Chrys ho. 21. ad Ant. with some hatred and detestation that is to say by that repentance which must be done before Baptisme Finallie whilest they purpose to take Baptisme to begin a newe life to keepe Gods Commaundements Of this disposition it is written Heb. 11 b He that commeth to God must beleeue that hee is and is a rewarder to them that seeke him And Mat. 9 a haue a good heart my Sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And Eccli 1 c the feare of God expelleth sinne And Act. 2 f doe Penance be euery one of you Baptised in the name of Iesus Christ in remission of your sinnes and you shall receiue the gifte of the holie Ghost And Mat. 28 d going therefore teach yee all nations Baptising thē in the name of the FATHER of the SONNE and of the HOLIE GHOST teaching thē to obserue all thinges whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you Finally 1. Reg. 7 a prepare your hartes vnto our Lord. 11 What the Iustification of a wicked man is what are the causes thereof THis disposition or preparation verie Iustification it selfe doth followe which is not the onlie Aug. lib. 6. cont Iul. cap. 11. lib. 1 retract c. 13. ep 105. 106. Conc. Mileu cap. 3. 4. Chrys ho. 3. de poenit Theoph. in cap. 2. Mar. See the 3. question of Baptisme page 151. remission of sinnes but a Sanctification also and renouation of the inward man by the voluntarie receiuing of grace giftes of the holy Ghost whereby a man of vniust is made iust and of an enemy a friend that he may be Tit. 3 b heire according to the hope of life euerlasting The causes of this Iustification are these The finall cause is the glory of GOD and of CHRIST and life euerlasting the efficient cause is the mercifull God who freely Ibid. doth washe 1. Cor. 6 c sanctifie signing Eph. 1 c annointing with the holy spirite of promise which is the pleadge of our enheritance the meritorious cause is his most beloued onely begotten SONNE our Lorde IESVS CHRIST who Ro. 5 b when wee were enemies for his Eph. 2 a exceeding Charity with which he loued vs by his most holy Passion vpon the TREE of the CROSSE deserued Ro. 4 d for vs iustification satisfied God the Father in our behalfe Also the Instrumentall cause is the Sacrament See the 1. question of Baptisme pag. 147. of BAPTISME which is the Sacrament of FAITH without the which no man euer obtained Iustificatiō Finally the only formal cause is the Iustice of God not by which Aug. de spir lit c. 9. 11. in Psal 150. tract 26 in Io. epist 120. c. 30. de nat grat cap. 63. lib. 1 cont Pelag. Coelest c. 30. lib. 1. de pec mer. c. 9. 10. Com. Vien in Clē l. 1. tit 1. de sum Trin. he himselfe is iust but whereby hee maketh vs iust To wit which beeing by him geuen vnto vs we are Eph. 4 c renued in the spirite of our minde and are not only reputed iust but are truely Aug. ep 29. ser 16. de verb. Apost l b. 2. retract c. 13. de spir lit cap. 26 27. called and are in very deede iust euery one receiuing our proper iustice in our selues according to the measure which the holy Ghost doth distribute 1. Co. 12 b Ephes 4 ● Aug. ep 57. quaest 1. to euery one euen as he will and according to euery mans proper disposition cooperation For although none can bee iust but hee to whom the passions of our Lorde IESVS CHRIST are communicated yet that is done in this iustification of a wicked man at what time through the merite of the same most holy Passion by the holy-Ghost Ro. ● 2. Cor. 1 d Aug. de spir lit cap. 17 32. de nat grot
The seuenth Age Anno. Dom. 600. Leontius Episc Sophronius Episc S. Isidorus Hispalen Episc Concilium Hispalense 2. Concilium Toletanum 4. Georgius Alexandrinus Episc hic sorte Concilium Braccarense 2. Concilium Toletanum 8. Concilium Braccarense 3. The sixt generall Councell of Constantinople Synodus Trullana Constātinopolitana * The eight Age Anno Dom. 700. Venerabilis Beda S. Ioannes Damascenus The seuenth general Coūcell of Nyce 2. * The ninth Age Anno. Dom. 800. Alcuinus Paulus Diaconus Concilium Moguntinum Ionas Aurelianens Episc Concilium Aquisgranense 1. 2. Haymo Episc Rabanus Episc Concilium Wormatiense Phocius Episc The eight general Councell of Constantinople Ioannes Diaconus Rom. Remigius Antisiod Episc Theophilactus Episc Concilium Triburiense Concilium Nannetens hic force * The eleventh Age Anno Dom. 1000. Burchardus Wormatiensis Episc Concilium Salegūstadiens S. Petrus Damianus Episc S. Lansiancus Episc Concilium Rom. sub Leone 9. cont Petergar Concilium Vercellense sub eodem Concilium Turonense sub Victore 2. Concilium Rom. sub Nicolao 2. Guitmundus Episc Algerus Concilium Rom. sub Gregor 7. contr eundem Berengarium S. Anselmus Episc Oecumenius S. Iuo Carnotensis Episc * The twelfth Age Anno Dom. 1100. Zonaras Rupertus Tuitiensis Gulielmus Abbas S. Bernardus Hugo Victorinus Gratianus Euthymius Concilium Lateran sub Alexandro 3. Lucius 3. Pont. Nicetas Innocentius 3. Pont. * The thirteenth Age Anno 1200. Concilium Lateran magnum sub Innocent 3 S. Thom Aquinas Concilium Lugdunen sub Gregor 10. Gulielmus Durand Episc * The fourteenth age Anno Dom. 1300. Nicephorus Calixtus Concilium Viennense sub Clemenet 5. * The fifteenth Age Anno Dom. 1400. Concilium Constantiense Concilium Basilcense Concilium Florentinum Bessarion Episc Sixtus 4. Pont. * The sixteenth Age Anno Dom. 1500. Concilium Tridentinum A TABLE CONTAINING the order and Summe of the whole Catechisme CHRISTIAN Doctrine consisteth in Wisedome Iustice To Wisedome maie bee referred these Chapters that followe in order CHAP. I. OF FAITH and the CREEDE where amongest other thinges are handled these that followe Of the author of the Apostles Creede q. 5. Of the descending of Christ into Hell q. 13. Of the Markes of the Church that it is Visible q. 18. One q. 18. Holy q. 18. Catholicke q. 18. CHAP. II. OF HOPE and our Lords Praier with the ANGELICALL Salutation as also Of Hope to be ioined with Feare q. 2. Of the Praise of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Veneration of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. Of the Inuocation of our Blessed LADY q. 15. 16. 17 18 19. CHAP. III. OF CHARITY and the Ten Commaundements Also Whether the Ten Commaundementes doe belong vnto Christians q 6. Whether they may be kepte q. 6. Of the Inuocation of Saintes q. 8. Of the Worshippe of Saintes q. 8. Of the Relickes of Saintes q. 8. Of the Holy-Daies of Saintes q. 8. Of the Images of Christ and the Saintes q. 9. Of the Preceptes of the Church namely Of Traditions Apostolicall Ecclesiasticall q. 1. as followeth Of the Church and her autorty q. 9 10. 16. Of the Bishoppe of ROME and the Church of ROME q. 9. Of Councelles q 11. Of the autority of holy Fathers Ibidem Of the fiue precepts of the Church q. 14. Of the holy Scripture and the interpretation thereof q. 16. CHAP. IIII. OF the SACRAMENTES in generall Of Ceremonies q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Of Concupiscence in the Regenerate q. 3. Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Of Chrisme q. 4. Of the Blessed Sacrament Of the Reall Presence q. 4. Of Transubstantiation q 5. Of the adoration thereof q. 6. Of the sacrifice of the MASSE q. 7. Of communicating vnder both kindes q. 8. Of the Sacrament of Penance Of Contrition q. 4. Of Confession q. 5. 6. Of Satisfaction q. 7. 8. Of Purgatory and the faithfull departed q. 9. Of the Sacrament of Extreame-Vnction Of the Sacrament of Orders Whether al Christians be Priestes q. 2 8. Of honour due vnto PRIESTES whether they be good or euill q. 6. 7. Of the Sacrament of Matrimony Of diuorcement q. 3. Of Vowe breakers q. 4. Of the Marriage of Mounks Nunnes Ibidem Of the single life of PRIESTES q. 4. 5. Of VIRGINITY q. 5. and more at large in the question of the Euangelicall Councelles CHAP. V. OF CHRISTIAN IVSTICE The first part of the Chapter 1 Of sinnes in generall 2 Of the seauen deadly sinnes 3 Of Alien sinnes that is of sinnes of other men which by any defaulte of ours doe touche vs. 4 Of the sinnes against the Holy-Ghost 5 Of the sinnes that cry into Heauen 6 Of the purging or expiation of sinne 7 Of small or Veniall-sinnes The second part of the Chapter 1 Three kindes of good Workes where also is intreated Of the fruite of good Workes q. 2. Of Fasting q. 4. and as followeth Of Praier q. 7. and as followeth Of Almes the workes of Mercy q. 10. as followeth 2 The Cardinall vertues 3 The gifts fruits of the Holy-Ghost 4 The eight Beatitudes 5 The Euangelical Counsels of the Gospel Of Euangelical Pouerty Chastity Obedience q. 3. 4. 5. Of Mounkes Religious Orders q. 5. 6 The foure last things of a Man To cōprehend the summe of al Christiā Doctrine in one worde this sentence of Ecclesiasticus is worthy the noting which saith My Sonne coueting WISEDOME Eccli 1 33. conserue IVSTICE and God will giue it vnto thee THE TABLE OF THE APPENDIX 1 Of the fall of the first Man 2 Of the transfusing of Adams sinne into all men 3 Of the remedy of Originall sinne 4 Of the relicks of Original sin in those which are baptised 5 Of the imbecility of nature of the law to iustify mē 6 Of the dispensation and mystery of the comming of Christ 7 Who are Iustified by Christ 8 A description of the Iustification of the wicked man the manner thereof in the state of the Lawe of Grace 9 Of the necessity of preparation to Iustification in those of full age and whereof it riseth 10 The manner of preparation to Iustification 11 What is the Iustification of a wicked Man and what are the causes thereof 12 Howe it is to be vnderstoode that a wicked Man is iustified by Faith and freely 13 Against the vaine confidence of Heretickes 14 Of the increase of Iustification once receiued 15 Of obseruing the Commaundements the necessity and possibilitie thereof 16 That the rashe presumption of Predestination is to be auoided 17 Of the gifte of perseuerance 18 Of those which are fallen of their reparation 19 That by euery mortall sinne Grace is lest but not Faith 20 Of the fruites of Iustification that is to say of the Merite of good workes and of the reason of the same Meritte A Table of the other Questions following 1 Of Hallowed Creatures in the Church 2 Of Pilgrim age vnto he ly places 3 Of Indulgences or Pardons THE FIRST CHAPTER
they deale so much more feruently in our behalfe by how much lesse cause they haue to be carefull for them-selues and by how much greater perfectiō of synceare (g) Hier. in vigil c. 2. 3. Bern. in vig. Pet. Pau. serm 2. in festo eorundem ser 2. de S. Vict. charity and of all kinde of vertue agreable vnto blessed Saints they continually doe exercise Not with-out greate cause therfore doe wee (h) Dam. l. 4. cap. 16. reuerence these lightes of heauen and nexte vnto God the fortresses principall ornaments of the Church Not without greate cause doe we esteeme praise imitate and loue exceedingly these Saintes aboue all mortall men thoughe neuer so excellent Not with-out greate cause according to our small power we doe exhibite great honor vnto thē being now aduanced to such and so great dignity Finally not without great cause do we according to Christiā pietie make sute vnto thē (i) Bas in 40. Mart. et in Mamátem Naz. ora 18. in Cypr. 21. in Ath. 20 in Bas Nyss de San. Eph. Chrys in ser de catenis S. Petri. Amb. de vid. de fid resur in c. 22. Luc. Chrys ho. 66. ad pop Ephr de laud. Mart. Hier. in epit Paulae ep 27. c. 1. 7. 14. Aug. de cura pro mort c. 4. l. 7. con Don. c. 1. Ber. ser 66. in cant Theod. l. 8. Graec. aff in Philoth. Prud. in lib. peri steph 7. synod Act. 6. vide etiam supra in salutationem Angelicam Gen. 48 16. Iob. 5 1. Gen. 32 26. Ose 12 4. Zach. 1 12. Hier. 15 1. call vpō thē not that they may giue any thing as of themselues but that they may pray with vs to God the giuer of all goodnesse and that they may be fauorable and effectuall intercessours euē in their behalfe that haue deserued no good at all Which kinde of worship and inuocation if it bee done rightly as it should to witte so as that supreame (k) Aug. lib. 10. ciu c. 1 lib. 20. cont Faust ca. 21. lib. 8. ciu cap. 27. worshippe and honor due vnto Almighty God which wee called Latria may stand whole perfite there is doubtlesse no inconuenience therein neither is it (l) Ro. 15 30 Heb. 13 18. Ephes 6 18. Col. 4 2. 1. Thes 5 25 2. Thes 3 1. Luc. 7 3. Iob. 42 8. repugnant to holy Scripture but is approued by many firme testimonies of the Church is very profitable And in that we do in this manner with the Church honor cal vpon the Saints it is so farre off from obscuring the glory (m) Conc. Trid. sess 25. of Christ our Lord Sauiour that it doth more set forth and aduance the same For herein doth the most excellent vertue and glory of Christ our Redemer shine and shewe it selfe in that he doth not only in himselfe but in (n) Ps 67 36. Ioan. 14 12. his Saints also appeare mighty glorious and marueilous in that he honoureth (o) Io. 12 26 Mat. 19 28. Luc. 19 17. Ap. 2 26. 3 21. 5 10 them himselfe and will haue them exceedingly (p) Psal 138 17. honored in heauen and in earth also in that that by them and for their sakes (q) Chry. ho. 2. in Psal 50. ho. 27. in Mat. 42. in Gen. f●r de virt et vit he giueth many thinges and spareth oftentimes the vndeseruing For it is well knowne that ABRAHAM (r) Gen. 26 3.24 Ex. 32 13.3 Reg. 11 et 15 4. Esa 37 35. 4. Reg. 8 19. et 19 34. et 20 6. et 2. Mac. 15.12 ISAAC IACOB DAVID HIEREMIE are reade to haue profited the liuing though they themselues were departed before Whereupon the fathers (s) Amb. vid. et in ca. 21. Luc. Leo. se● 1. et 2. de Pet. et Pau. et ser de ann●uers Paulin. ad Cyth et de B. Faelice Maxim de Taur Mar. Bas in 40. Mar. Aug. quest 108. in Exod. Euseb de praep lib. 13. cap. 7. whē they speake of the Saints they often call them our fauorers intercessors and Patrones And not without cause doubtlesse forasmuch as the faithful suffrages of the Saints whē they are humbly and deuoutly desired in the name of CHRIST are knowne by experience to haue done good to many For which cause were (t) Hier. con Vig. ca. 2. seq epist 53. adu Ripar in ca. 65. Esa er 2. Syn. Nic. Gangreh the VIGILANTIANS long since condemned who do defraud the saints their holy (u) 4. Reg. 13 21. Eccli 48 14. Aug. 22. ciu cap 8. Dam. lib. 4. cap. 16. Bas in Psal 115. Chrys in Iuuent Max. in Bab. ser de catenis Petri. Amb. ep 85. ser 91. 93. Naz. Iamb 18. Conc. Trid. sess 25. Act. 19 12. 5 15. Luc. 8 44. Mat. 14 36. Relickes of their honours which the true Catholike Church hath alwaies giuē vnto thē Neither must we giue eare vnto malitious cauilers who doe falselye affirme that the honour due vnto God is by this meanes translated (x) Gen. 19 1. 23 7. 33 3.6 42 7. Ios ● 14. 1. Reg. 20 41. 25 23. 4. Reg. 2 15. 1. Pat. 29 20. vnto men that Saints are adored for Gods that creatures are by Catholikes made equal vnto the Creatour For that it is nothing so bothe many other thinges doe conuince amongst the rest that olde and solempne supplication called the Lytanie dothe testifie where God the diuine persons are worshiped and inuocated first of all in a farre more high and excellent manner than the Saintes (y) Bern. ser de 4. modis orandi Victor lib. 3. de persecutione Wand or all the orders of Saintes together Hereupon also were those feasts of Saintes instituted which Sainte AVGVSTINE writing againste FAVSTVS the Manichee (z) Lib. 20. con Fau. ca. 21. in Ps 88. Conc. 3. ser 47. de sanctis Ber. in Vig. Pet. Pau. Isid lib. 1. de off ca. 34. 35. defendeth in this manner The Christian people saith he dothe celebrate the memories of Martirs with a religious solemnity that they may both stirre themselues vp to the following of their steppes and also be made partakers of their merits and holpen by their prayers 9 Is the receiued vse of the images of Christ and his Saintes contrary to this first commaundement Bar. 6 25.38 Deut. 4 15. 5 8. Psa 113 12. 134.15 Sap. 14 1.21 1. Cor. 10 7. 8 4. NO surely for we doe not as the Heathens are wonte worshipe images stockes stones as if they were certaine (a) Leu. 26 ● Tert. l. 2. 501. Mar. cap 22. Goddes for that is speacially prohibited in this commandement but after a Christian maner and with a deuoute minde we doe there honour Christ himselfe his Saintes where they are represented (b) Bas
8. in 1. Cor. in ser de leuium peccatorum periculis Bern. ser 1. de conuers Pauli et in tract de praecepto dispens c. 14. contristate the holy Ghost they darken and obscure the conscience they diminish the feruour of charitie and they doe hinder the proceeding of vertues drawe a man often times to greater vices and dangers For which cause it is written He that (d) Eccli 19 1. despiseth litle thinges shall by little and little fall He (e) Ibid. 3 27. that loueth danger shal perish in it He (f) Eccles 9 18. that shall sinne in one thing shall lose many good thinges Therefore these blottes filthes of the soule as much as may be are to bee eschewed for as wee reade (g) Apoc. 21 27. Psal 14 2. 23 4. There shall not enter into the Heauenly Ierusalem any polluted thing And except they be washed away in this life they doe burden a man after (h) See aboue of Satisfaction page 215. his death and cannot certes be cleansed without the bitter paines of Purgatorie fire Which fire although it be not euerlasting yet if wee beleeue (i) In Psal 37. ser 41. de Sanctis Greg. in 3. Ps poenit Sainte AVGVSTINE It is more sharpe grieuous than whatsoeuer a man can suffer in this life 3 What then are the remedies to purge the lighter sorte of sinnes FOR the washing away of such filthes of the soule in this life the Primitiue Church hath (a) Aug. ep 108. Ench. c. 71. 72. in Io. tract 12. ser 41. de Sanct. lib. 21. ciu c. 27. ho. 50 ex 50. ca. 13. Conc. Tolet. 4. can 9. acknowledged and vsed these remedies An humble accusation of a mans selfe our Lords praier knocking of the Breaste other the like deuoute exercises either towardes God or towardes our neighbour and afflictions of the bodie voluntarilie and deuoutlie vndertaken Which remedies wise men certes so much the more willingly and seriously doe imbrace by how much they doe more perfectly knowe more diligently waigh and consider the seuerity of Gods Iustice in (b) Iob. 24 12. Prosp in sent Aug. c. 210. Aug. in Ps 58 reuenging of sinne Which may be expressely shewed euen by that one dreadful speach of Christ I say vnto you (c) Mat. 12 36. that euery idle word that mē shal speake they shall render an account for it in the day of iudgement Also by that speeche of S. PETER (d) 1. Pet. 4 18. The iust man shall scarce be saued Insomuch that for this cause IOB a man otherwise Iust and Innocent hath saide I did (e) Iob. 9 28. feare all my workes knowing that thou didest not spare him that sinneth And the Apostle Saint PAVL It is (f) Heb. 10 31. horrible to fall into the handes of the liuing God But (g) 1. Cor. 11 31. if we did iudge our selues as the same Apostle warneth vs wee shoulde not bee iudged Therefore (h) Pro. 28 14. Blessed is that man that is alwaies fearefull but he that is of a hard heart shall fall into euill 4 Is it sufficient to abstaine from sinne CHristian Iustice Bern. ser 34. ex paruis Chrys in Ps 4. ho. 16. in ep ad Ephes Aug. serm 59. de temp whereof wee haue hitherto treated proposeth two partes and as equally necessary commendeth them vnto vs in these wordes Decline (a) Ps 36 27. 33 15. ibid. Aug. from euill and doe good As also S. PAVL teacheth Hating (b) Ro. 12 9. 1. Pet. 3 10.11 Tob. 4 13. Esa 1 16. Eccli 3 32. Col. 3 8. Ephes 4 16.17.20 Iac. 4 17. Mat. 3 10. 7 19. euill cleaueing to good Therefore It is not sufficient as (c) In sent Prosp c. 86. Aug. lib. 19. ciu cap. 14. S. AVGVSTINE hath plainely saide to abstaine from euill except that be done which is good and it is a small matter to hurt no man except thou doest endeuour to doe good to many Wherefore hauing nowe finished after our manner the first part of Iustice which prohibiteth euills it followeth nowe that by the helpe of Christ we go foreward to speake of the other part also which consisteth in the pursute of those thinges which are good OF THREE SORTES OF GOOD WORKES 1 In what good thinges doth Christian Iustice consiste THis Iustice extendeth (a) Chrys in Psa 4. 14. ho. 23. in Gen. so far that it containeth in it selfe all the good thinges which are honestly iustly and deuoutly done and proposeth the same vnto vs as to be both desired and followed Wherefore thus doth the Apostle admonishe the faithfull Walke (b) Col. 1. worthie of God in all thinges pleasing fructifying in al good worke Prouiding (c) Ro. 12. 2. Cor. 8 21. Mat. 5 17. 1. Pet. 2 12. good thinges not only before God but also before all men For this is the true vse and proper fruit of our vocation of Christian Iustice purchased by Christ as witnesseth (d) 1. Pet. 2. S. PETER That beeing dead to sinnes we may liue to Iustice that is to say as S. PAVL expoundeth it That (e) Tit. 2. vide Bern. ser 2. de resur denying impiety worldly desires we liue soberly iustly godly in this world To this effect is that of the Gospel proposed vnto vs that without (f) Luc. 1. feare beeing deliuered from the hands of our enimies we may serue him in holinesse iustice before him all our daies For therefore hath Christ redemed vs from all (g) Tit. 2. iniquitie that he mighte clense to himselfe a people acceptable a pursuer of good woorkes For (h) Eph. 2. wee are the worke of God himselfe created in Christ Iesus in good workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them Thus doth S. PAVL constantly write and warne all men about the obseruance and continuall practise of Christian Iustice And for this cause also S. IHON doth wisely admonish absolutely define (i) 1. Io. 3. Litle children let no man seduce you Hee that doth iustice is iust euen as he also is iust He that committeth sinne is of the Deuill And S. IAMES expresly teacheth By workes (k) Iac. 2. Aug. in praef in Psa 31. de fid et op c. 14. Chrys ho. 2. in Gen a man is iustified and not by faith only For euen as the body without the spirite is deade so also faith without woorkes is deade Then againe the same Apostle He that hath looked (l) Iac. 1. in the lawe of perfecte libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke this man shall be blessed in his deede And noe other meaning then this had S. PAVL when he saide Not (m) Ro. 2. the hearers of the lawe are iust with God but the doers of the lawe shall be iust 2 What profite doe the
sinnes more easily The POPE or Caluin The POPE requiring those sixe thinges which I spoke of before and the Protestants allowing scant one of them 5 How wickedly our pardōs are slaūdred FOr whereas they doe so wickedly slaunder the Pastours of the Church as if they did graunt Pardons to licence men to sinne to dispense therby in Gods commaundements it is a thing which neuer any CATHOLICKE did yeelde nor euer anie POPE did challenge to himselfe but alwaies acknowledged that euery simple Priest might to those which are his subiects remit the mortal sinnes themselues although not the temporall punishements thereof in as high and ample manner as hee himselfe he hauing no authority to remitte out of Sacramentes any one mortall sinne in the worlde Much-lesse to permitte it as lawefull Whereas God himselfe in such things cannot according to the Doctrine of Diuines dispense who being a Soueraigne goodnesse cannot be the author of sinne and as the Apostle saith 2. Tim. 2 12. Heb. 6 18. cannot deny himselfe Let them turne ouer al our Bookes our Schoolemen our Canonistes and Summistes and if they finde in anie one Author of credite that all the thinges aboue mentioned must not of necessitie concurre and so hath alwaies bene vnderstood in the practise of the Church after the maner by vs declared they shall recouer their creditte of true and honest dealing Let them looke vpon our Extrauagants or Bulles where Iubeleis or other Pardons are graunted and published and if they doe not there finde that Particle or clause expressed that they which will obtaine such Indulgence must be Vere Poenitentes truely penitent then let them freely without shame blaspheme the iurisdiction of the Church Yea they shall for the moste parte finde that actuall Confession is a thing expresly required Actuall Confession not alwaies necessary as one parcell of such thinges as are causes of the Indulgence and then is it impossible to obtaine such indulgence without Confession although at other times when Confession is not expresly mentioned it is not necessarie but onely to those whose conscience is burdened with mortall sinne who cannot in the new lawe obtaine iustification but by Confession either actual or in vow and desire For of such as are not in grace must that be vnderstood which we haue saide before when we spoke of sixe thinges necessary in an Indulgence otherwise if one be already in grace hee hath virtually those fiue first things needeth nothing but to doe that which is the cause of the Indulgence whether it be Confession or Receiuing or Almes or Fasting or any other such deuout action As for the Simony which they charge vs withall in these Pardons No Simony in Pardons wee neither buy nor sell Pardons but sometimes the worke required for which they are graunted is Almes and yet few or none are now graunded for any Almes to the POPES cofers but onely to be giuen at the parties discretion thereby to take away all cause of scandall 6 Why Pardons are called remissions of sinnes whereas they take away the punishment onely BVt it may peraduenture somewhat moue our aduersaries that we call these Indulgences remissions of sinnes whereupon it seemteh we vnderstand the verie faults themselues not the punishments thereof But this we can easely declare vnto thē by an example of a Father who although he haue receiued into fauour his sonne whom he had disinherited which is to remitte him his fault and to receiue him into his grace yet doth he impose oftentimes some lighter punishment for the same faulte both as a cautell for that which is to come and as a iust reuenge for the offence remitted and then he may iustly be saide not to haue perfectly forgiuen his sonnes faulte So also doth the holy Scriptures call the guilte of punishment by the name of sinne Gen. 43 8. Vnlesse I shall saith IVDAS to IACOB bring againe the childe I will be guilty of a sinne vnto thee all my life And God is said to render the sinne of the fathers vpon the children Deut. 5 9. 3. Reg. 1 21. Pro. 16 6. I and my sonne SALOMON shall be sinners And by mercy and verity iniquitie is redeemed And although sometimes in Pardons it be said A CVLPA POENA What these wordes A Culpa Poena signifie From the fault and the punishment the true meaning of the Church therein is that the fault must be remitted either before the seeking of the Indulgence or else in the very worke which is the cause of the Indulgence when Confessiō is exacted for obtaining the same Or the otherwise by Contritiō the worke is performed in grace so that there is giuen both togither Whether all the workes for the Indulgence must be donne in grace yet by diuerse causes The first by Confession or Contrition the second by the Indulgence For although it be not necessary that for to obtaine an Indulgence al the works which are done for the same be done in Gods grace yet is it verie necessary that all those workes be throughly done and that the last worke of all in which the Pardon is to be receiued be not onely done with a certaine morall perferction but also in the grace fauour of God For example There is a Iubiley in which it is graunted that whosoeuer Fasteth three daies and giueth Almes and such a day visiteth such a Church praying for some particuler necessities shall haue a plenary Indulgence Although a man doe the other in state of mortall sinne yet if hee for the same good purposes doe throughly performe them and then hauing by the ordinary meanes obtained Gods grace visitte the Church he shall receiue the Indulgence and yet if the POPE should so graunt it that he must first Confesse and then Fast and giue Almes and visitte the Church then would I thinke that his intention were to haue al the thinges following performed in grace so if he fall in the midst of the weeke so that he fast not in grace he getteth nothing 7 Of diuerse kinds of Indulgences FOr the better declaration of the custome of the Church in this matter of Indulgences it is to be vnderstoode that wee may diuide Pardons two manner of waies First in respecte of the qualitie of the punishement released Secondly in respecte of the quantitie of the same punishment taken away The punishment it selfe sometimes is enioined in Penance by the Ghostly-Father sometimes it is due either by the Canons of the Church allotting certaine Penances for euery faulte or in the stricte examination of Gods iust iudgement who onely searcheth the hart and knoweth the depth of our desertes From all these kindes may the Church absolue for that soueraigne autority which it hath recriued as we haue partly shewed aboue shall more exactly be shewed hereafter Pardon of Penance enioined of other paines also And heerein is founded the first diuision of Indulgence into remission of Penance enioined and of penance which is in the