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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16549 An exposition of the dominical epistles and gospels used in our English liturgie throughout the whole yeare together with a reason why the church did chuse the same / by Iohn Boys ... ; the winter part from the first Aduentuall Sunday to Lent. Boys, John, 1571-1625. 1610 (1610) STC 3458; ESTC S106819 229,612 305

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and haue not charitie I am nothing gather two conclusions against vs the first is th●t true faith may bee without loue the second that faith alone without good workes is nothing worth in the businesse of our iustification To the first answere is made that the speech of Paul is not a categoricall proposition but an hypotheticall supposition if it were possible that all faith should be without good workes it were nothing Secondly Paul here speakes not of a iustifying saith of that faith of beleeuers which is common and generall but of the speciall gift of faith to worke miracles of which our Sauiour in the Gospell If yee had faith a● much as a graine of mustard se●de and should say vnto this mulbery tree Pluck thy selfe vp by the rootes and plant th● selfe in the sea it should euen obey you This hee said vnto the beleeuing Apostles and therefore cannot bee construed of a sauing faith but of a miraculous faith and so S. Ambrose notes vpon this text to doe wonders and to cast out diuels by faith is nothing worth except a man be an earnest follower of good conuersation Our Diuines acknowledge that euery kind of faith is not ioyned with loue for there is a dead ●aith and there is a liuely whereby Christ liueth in vs we in Christ. There is a faith of diu●ls and a faith of Gods elect There is a faith whereby the beleeuer shal neuer perish and there is a faith whereby some beleeue for a time and in the day of temptation fall away There is a faith which the world destroyeth and a faith which is our victorie by which a Christian ouercomes the world There is a faith whereby wee beleeue there is a God and there is a faith whereby we beleeue in God according to these differences of faith in Scripture there is a faith without workes and there is a faith which worketh by loue We say then of the faith of Gods elect whereby we beleeue in God to which the promise of iustification and eternall saluation is made that is a faith which cannot be separated from charity but wheresoeuer it is there is loue ioyned with it bringing forth the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God Inseparabilis est bona vita à sid● qua per d●●e iionem operatur imò verò ea i●s● est bona v●●● saith A●gustine according to that of Irenaeus to beleeue is to doe as God will and therfore Beza translates here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not omnem fidem but to●●m ●idem implying not all kinde of faith but all faith of this kinde to worke miracles as if Paul should argue thus If a man could worke neuer so many miracles and faile in his morals he should be nequ●m nequam is nequi●quam as our Apostle speakes a nothing The second conclusion gathered out of these words against vs is that faith alone without charitie nothing auaileth to iustification Our answere is that albeit faith is not solitaria yet in our iustification it is s●la euen as the eye in regard of being is neuer alone from the head yet in respect of seeing it is alone for it is the eye onely that doth see So saith subsists not without other graces of God as hope loue c. yet in regard of the act of iustification it is alone without them all For the further opening of this hard point you must vnderstand that separating of things one from another is either real in the subiect or mental in the vnderstanding real separation of faith and charitie wee wholly denie For Bellarmine confesseth expressely that Luth●r Melan●thon Chemnitius Caluin and other learned Protestants haue taught that good workes in s●me sort be necessarie to saluation and that there is no true ●aith vnlesse it bring forth good workes and be conioyned with charitie Separation mental in vnderstanding and consideration is either negatiue or priuatiue Negatiue when in the vnderstanding there is an affirming of one and denying of another Priuatiue when of things that cannot be separated indeed yet a man vnderstands the one and omitteth to vnderstand the other As for example though light and heate cannot be sepa●ated in the fire yet a man may consider the light and not the heate so then in our iustification wee doe not negatiuely separate other graces from faith as if faith existed alone without hope and loue but priuatiuely making them effects and consequents not concur●ing causes of our iustification Our assertion is faith considered without hope and charitie that is hope and charitie not considered with it doth iustifie Christ Iesus is our husband and we are his spouse now the Bridegroome must bee ●lone with the Bride in his secret chamber all the seruants and the familie being put apart afterward when the doore is opened and he commeth foorth into the waiting roome then let all the seruants and handmaids attend then let hope doe her office let loue doe the duties of loue then as S. Peter exhorts ioyne vertue with faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance c. The Papists obiect that loue is the life of faith All faiths actiuitie proceedes only from charitie and without which our ●aith is dead So the Scripture plainly that in Christ neither is circumcision any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Cardinall Bellarmine reades 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 passiuely wrought by loue disagreeing herein from all the Fathers and that which becomes him worse from the vulgar Latine to which all Papists are tied by the Councell of Trent as also from the Rhemish translation in Enlish which hath as our Testament wor●eth actiuely for they foresaw this absurditie that if they should haue translated faith wrought by loue then it would haue followed that loue must needs be before faith whereas all of them acknowledge faith to be before loue according to that of Augustine Faith is giuen first by which wee obtaine the rest and Altissiodorensis in his golden Summe saith that faith hope and charitie are a created trinitie resembling the three diuine persons vncreat For the Sonne is begotten of the Father and the holy Ghost proceeds from both so stedfast hope is bred of faith and loue doth issue from them both And Bellarmine cites often in his workes out of Augustine Domus Deicredendo fundatur sperando erigitur diligendo perficitur The foundation of Gods house in our soules is faith the walles hope the roofe charitie The Prophet in a vision saw the transgressor against the transgressor and the destroyer against the des●royer So the schoolmen oppose the schoolmen and their Champion Bellarmine fights against Bellarmine For if faith be the foundation of all other vertues as himselfe writes lib. 1. de Rom. pont cap. 10. then it is not as hee
we see these things come to passe we may be sure that the kingdome of God is nigh for as a man that is dying hath many phantasies euen so saith Chrysostome the world declining shall haue manifold errors in so much if it were possible Gods elect should be deceiued Matth. 24.24 Aristotle could not conceiue the world should haue an end because he thought and taught it had no beginning but diuine Plato who liued in Egypt and read as it is supposed the bookes of Moyses acknowledged the worlds creation and so subscribed to the worlds destruction holding this axiome Quod oritur moritur That which hath a beginning hath an end Whatsoeuer hath an end had a beginning the which is to be construed of compounded elementarie substances subiect to generation and corruption as all things in this world are For as we reade in scripture Some things haue a beginning but no end as Angels and the soules of men Some things haue no beginning but yet haue an end as Gods eternall decrees One thing to wit Ens Entium Almighty God hath neither beginning nor end who only hath immortalitie of all other things the first and the last and yet in himselfe there is neither first nor last Some things haue both a beginning and end as the world which had a creation and is subiect to corruption The world passeth away and the glory thereof and then when as the powers of heauen shall be shaken and the element shall melt with heat and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt vp then the sonne of man shall come in a cloud with power and great glory Now this certainty of Christs comming to iudgement affordeth abundant matter of comfort to the godly affordeth abundant matter of terror to the wicked affordeth abundant matter of instruction to both Comfort to Gods elect for when these things come to passe then saith Christ in 28. verse Lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth neere Now you are prosecuted and persecuted deliuered vp to the Synagogues and cast into prison but at that great assise there shall be a generall goale deliuery and you that haue done good shall goe into euerlasting ioy and your enemies who haue done euill into euerlasting fire Heere ye mourne but hereafter all teares shall be wiped from your eyes here ye sow in hope but then ye shall reape with ioy when as ye shall see the sonne of man comming in the clouds c. As God is the God of comfort so his booke is the booke of comfort Whatsoeuer things are written aforetime they are written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope The very soule of all the Bible is the Gospell and the summe of all the Gospell is the Creede and the maine point of all the Creed is that article concerning our resurrection and hope of eternall glorie when Christ shall appeare The Church then hath well a●nexed that Epistle to this Gospell as a consolation against desolation By the booke of comfort wee know that our Redeemer liueth and that he will come againe to iudge and reuenge our cause We beleeue that an eternall kingdome was secretly granted vnto vs in our election openly promised in our vocation s●aled in our iustification and that possession shall bee giuen in our glorification when as the Iudge of the world shall say Come ye blessed of my Father inherit ye the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world When the Lord himselfe sh●ll descend from heauen with a shout and with the voyce of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God we sh●ll be caught vp in the clouds to meete him and so shall euer be with him And therefore pray wee daily Thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesus come quickly Amen Now as this is comfortable to good men so most terrible to the wicked as Christ vers 26. Their hearts shall 〈◊〉 them for feare They shall seeke death in those da●es and shall not finde it And as it is Apocal. 6.16 They shall s●y to the mountaines and rocks fall on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe This hath been their day wherein so farre as they could they haue done their will the next is the Lords day wherein they must suffer his will a day of anger a day of trouble and heauinesse a day of destruction and desolation a day of obscuritie and darknesse a day of clouds and blacknesse The reprobate shall see the sonne of man in the clouds aboue to condemne them beneath hell mouth open readie to deuoure them before the diuels haling them behinde the Saints and all their dearest friends forsaking them on the left hand their sinnes accusing them on the right iustice threatning them on all sides the whole world made a bone fire terrifying them to goe forward insupportable to goe backe impossible to turne aside vnauailable no maruell then if at the worlds end men be at their wits end Thirdly this administreth instruction vnto all for as it is in the Epistle Whatsoeuer things are written aforetime are written for our instruction And this is so good a lesson that if we could obserue it well wee should neede no more teaching so saith the Wiseman Remember the last things and thou s●alt neuer doe amisse The last things are foure Death Iudgement Heauen Hell But the chiefe is iudgement for all the rest attend it Death is vsher to iudgement going before Heauen and Hell executioners following after Death would not bee so fearfull if iudgement did not follow Hell would not be so painfull if iudgement went not before without it heauen would not be desired nor hell feared Hee then that remembers the last day remembers in it all the last things and he that remembers the last things cannot do amisse Wherefore let vs euer embrace that godly meditation of S. ●●●rome Wheth●r I eate or drinke or whatsoeuer I doe else I thinke I h●●re the last tr●mpe Arise ye● dead and come vnto i●dgement The consideration of the worlds destruction is a suffi●ient instruction to keepe good men in honest courses to terrifie bad men from euill waies Italians in a great thunder vse to ring their bels and discharge their cannon shot that the roring of the one may lessen the terror of the other In like sort Satan hangs tinckling cymbals on our eares and delights vs with the vanities and musicke of the world that we may forget the sound of the last trumpe and so that day be seene before foreseene of most As it is certaine that Christ shall come so most vncertaine when he shall come for he speakes of the time not definitly but indefinitly vers 25. Then there shall be signes vers 27. Then shall they see the Sonne of man comming in a cloud vers 28. When these things come to