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A03064 A treatise of faith diuided into two parts. The first shewing the nature, the second, the life of faith. ... By Iohn Ball. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1631 (1631) STC 1319; ESTC S100833 364,072 489

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which to faith are meerely accidentall The godly and deuout affection and willing submission to the rules of faith which is in Christians being an act of charitie and not of faith differenceth not true faith in it selfe from the faith of Hypocrites but distinguisheth faith and charitie from faith only And thus our Aduersaries make the Deuill a Catholike against his will Or if they will say that true Christian faith doth alwayes actually and necessarily imply this godly affection and willing submission of vnderstanding to the rules of faith then because this cannot bee without charitie let them say as the truth is that true Christian faith cannot bee separated from loue and good workes It is impertinent to dispute whether the faith of Deuils be naturall coact and dishonest or the faith of wicked men supernaturall voluntarie and Honest as if these things distinguished the faith of vngodly men from the faith of Deuils For if the maiestie of Gods infallible truth command the assent of Deuils to that which they loue not doth not the same cause also preuaile with vngodly men who beare no affection to God or goodnesse And as for the honestie or dishonestie of the act there can no circumstance bee named why it should bee honest in wicked men and dishonest in the Deuils for it is fearefully abused in both And if it be granted that faith without workes or grace is in men the gift of God but the faith of Deuils not so this argues a difference only in the cause not in the essence nature or qualitie And though it bee his gift yet being without grace and charitie and without these of necessitie as vnfruitfull as the faith of Deuils both which our Aduersaries grant it is no more auaileable to make a Christian then the faith of Deuils is It is further obiected if faith cannot be without charitie then faith alone doth not iustifie This followeth not Bellar. de Iustis lib. 1. cap. 15. §. At si §. postrem● for it is one thing to say faith alone doth not iustifie another that faith which iustifieth is not alone This latter wee yield vnto the first wee denie Faith alone doth iustifie that is priuatiuely considered without hope or charitie as causes concurring therewith in iustification but this faith cannot really be seperated from or negatiuely considered without hope and charitie For though it be true that the total cause of any thing being in act the effect must needs follow yet from the totall cause we cannot separate those things together with which it hath in nature it existence and beeing and without which it cannot be in act for the producing of the effect though they con●erre nothing thereto because that is to denie the being of it and to destroy the cause The eye alone seeth the eare alone heareth but it must be a liuing eye and hearing eare not separated from the head or broken off from the rest of the bodie Faith alone iustifies without other graces not in regard of their presence but in regard of their co-working with faith to this effect of our Iustification It is one thing to say the eye is in the head without other senses and another thing to say the eye doth see alone no other sense seeing with it Liuelihood is the qualification of that faith that iustifieth and workes at least a preparation and promptitude of heart to good workes is an effect of faith as immediate as Iustification So then faith cannot bee withot loue and yet wee apprehend not the promises of eternall life by workes but by faith alone although truly they cannot be apprehended by parties destitute of workes at least of sincere resolution to walke in obedience Nor doth faith alone apprehend the truth or deriue the benefit of diuine promises to our selues but by it alone though accompanied with all other sanctifying graces and attended with the whole traine of good workes wee expect and pray the promises may be fulfilled not for our sakes or for any righteousnesse wee haue in vs or can hope for in this Life but only for the merit of Christ by his sole mediation and intercession In briefe the faith which iustifieth is operatiue attended with good workes of all sorts accompanied with all graces of the the Spirit but we liue by it as it vnites vs to the Lord of life yea by it alone not by it and other parts of grace in as much as by it wee trust in Gods mercies offered in Christ wholly relying on them not partly on them and partly on our workes or righteousnesse CHAP. V. Of the generall obiect or matter of Faith Iustifying §. 1. What doctrines are called matters of Faith § 1. MAtter 's of faith strictly and properly those are called which pertaine to the nature and essence of faith first and by themselues as are the points of faith contained in the Gospell the ignorance whereof is damnable and the deniall hereticall But in a more large acceptation all truth reuealed by God in his holy Word is a matter of faith and to bee belieued as God hath reuealed it Hence is that rule of Diuines There are many integrall parts in the Word of God which are said to bee of the word of faith but not prope●ly a matter of faith For there are many historicall domesticall and particular matters set downe for example not properly for faith which wee belieue not because they pertaine to sauing faith but for that they appertaine to the Word written by the Spirit of God And not much vnlike hereunto is that distinion that some things are necessarie to bee belieued to saluation by themselues and the authoritie of the Scriptures as the substantiall points of faith and manners others for the authoritie of the Scripture only as those which are not so necessarie and some neither by themselues nor the authoritie of the Scripture as are things in themselues indifferent so long as by circumstance they bee not repugnant to faith tru●th loue and edification § 2. Iustifying faith is considered §. 2. Iustifying faith is two wayes considered either according to it most eminent effect which is to iustifie or according to it full and adequate act For that faith which iustifieth doth imbrace the Commandements belieue the threatnings looke to all the promises of God made in Iesus Christ concerning this life or the life to come and receiue the good things promised it sustaineth in aduersities worketh by loue as an instrument conioyned with it guideth all our actions and giueth firme assent vnto euery article of faith and euery part of diuine truth but as it iustifieth it is conuersant about Christ obeying to death that we may find righteousnesse and forgi●enesse of sinnes to life in him or it cleaueth vn●o Gods mercies manifested in that ete●nall sacrifice alwayes breathing out life to men renouncing all trust and confidence euen in such graces as we haue receiued from God The trueth mercie fidelitie and power of God
with many doubts and difficulties § 2. p. 96 The particular certaintie of remission of sinnes is not equall in certaine and firmenesse of assent to that assurance which we haue about the common obiect of faith § 3. p. 96. 97 There be seuerall states of Belieuers but all subiect to manifold temptations § 4. 98. 99 Beliefe in Christ for remission is stronger and more necessary then particular assurance of our saluation § 5. p. 100 Not only some vncertaine hope but euen infallible assurance of saluation is to bee sought and may bee obtained § 6 p. 101. 102. c. There is a word testifying thus much that my particular person beholding the Sonne and belieuing on him shall haue eternall life p. 101. 102. 103 Such as truly belieue may know they belieue p. 103 In respect of the exact measure of grace and strength the regenerate are oft deceiued but of the truth of grace they may be assured p. 104. 105 What it is to belieue with the whole Heart § 7. p. 105 In what sence wee must continue daily to aske of God forgiuenesse of sinnes notwithstanding former assurance of pardon p. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 How iustification is full and entire p. 110 God hath said as to Abraham so to euery one of the seed of Abraham I will be thy God p. 111 How euery faithfull man may and doth make God his in particular ibid. The Apostles and other faithfull haue beene assured of their saluation by ordinary faith p. 111. 112 The saluation of a belieuer is infallible in it selfe and in euent but not euer in his apprehension and feeling § 9 p. 113. Assurance of faith in things extraordinarily is not altogether free from assaults p. 114 The benefits that come vnto vs by temptations p. 115. 116 The Commandements are laid before belieuers not as the cause for obtaining of eternall life but as the way to walke in vnto eternall life § 10. p. 117 Vpright walking is necessary but not the cause of Iustification p. 118 The belieuer relyeth not vpon his workes though hee exercise himselfe therein with all diligence p. 119 What infirmities may stand with assurance of faith § 11 p. 120. 121 What sinnes hinder assurance § 12. p. 123 The absolute raigne of sinne will not stand with the state of grace § 13. p. 124 True assurance breeds encrease of resolution and care to please God § 14. p. 125. 126 CHAP. IX THe authority of the Church cannot bee the ground of faith § 1. p. 128. 129 Whatsoeuer credit the Church hath it receiueth the same from the Scriptures p. 139 The authority of the Pope whom they call the Church virtuall is the first ground and last resolution of the Romanists faith § 2. p. 129. 130 Faith resteth not vpon the Saints but vpon Iesus Christ § 3. p. 132. 133 The Rhemists in defence of their Saint-inuocation are driuen to say that we are to trust in the Saints departed p. 133. 134. 135 CHAP. X. THe benefits and effects of faith § 1. p. 136. 137. 138 139. 140 Faith doth not effect and performe those things by any excellency force or efficacy of it owne aboue other graces but in respect of the office whereunto it is assigned in Couenant of grace p. 140 Of all creatures Man only is capable of iustifying faith § 2. p. 140 Faith is proper vnto Man in this life in his iourney towards his perfect home and eternall habitation p. 141 All men haue not faith p. 141 The subiect of Iustifying faith is man a sinner called according to the purpose of God acknowledging his offences hungring thirsting after mercy § 2. p. 141 The seat of faith is the heart but the heart contrite humbled bewailing sinne denying it selfe and affected with desire of remission § 3. p. 142. 143 In Scripture the heart is taken for the whole soule with all its powers and operations p. 144 Faith is common to all and peculiar to them only who bee called according to the purpose of God § 4. p. 145 All haue not the like measure of faith § 5. p. 146 Faith perfect in none p. 146. 147 The faith of the weakest Christian is sufficient to saluation § 6. p. 148 The degrees of faith may be considered according to the diuers growth which God bringeth his children vnto p. 148. 148 Foure degrees of faith § 7. 149 Faith is weake foure wayes 1. Knowledge 2. Assent 3. Confidence 4. Fruits and effects p. 149. 150 Ordinarily belieuers are weake at the first p. 150 Some priuiledged aboue others p. 151 Faith weake in one respect may be strong in another p. 151 The benefits of the weakest faith if true and liuely § 8 p. 151. 152 Weake faith if sound will grow and encrease ibid. We must striue to be strong and rich in faith p. 152. 153 Faith somewhat growne § 9. p. 153 Strong faith p. 153. 154 Full assurance gotten by degrees p. 154 The benefits of full assurance p. 154. 155 The strongest faith is subiect to sundry infirmities § 10 p. 156 The strong belieuer doth sometimes shrinke when the weake stands fast p. 156 CHAP. XI MOtiues and encouragements to belieue § 1. p. 157 158 Meanes for the right planting of faith § 2. p. 159. 160 161. c. Faith once obtained is seriously to be regarded § 3. p. 164 165 Meanes whereby faith is strengthened and confirmed § 4. p. 166. 167. 168. 169 CHAP. XII VVHy Satan endeuours by all meanes to hinder as the kindly taking so the growth of faith § 1 p. 170. 171 The first Temptation is taken from our worthlesnesse § 1 p. 171 Remedie The sence of vnworthinesse must not discourage vs from beleeuing because 1. The mercy fauour promises and benefits of God are all free p. 171 2. Wee are not more desirous to belieue then God is we should so doe p. 171. 172 The second Temptation They know not whether they bee elected § 2. Remedie 1. Hold such suggestions to arise from the Spirit of errour and lend no eare to such whisperings of the old Serpent p. 172 2. If God make offer of mercy and forgiuenesse in the Ministery of the Gospel 〈…〉 ●●nd to receiue it ibid. The third Temptation They 〈…〉 of doubtings § 3 Remedie 1. Faith may be true 〈◊〉 liuely that is weake p. 173 2. It is not the excellency and measure of faith that doth make vs righteous before God but Christ whom faith doth receiue ibid. 3. It is not faith but Christ receiued by faith that nourisheth to eternall life ibid. 4. We reade that Christ reproued some for their small faith but neuer reiected any that came vnto him in weaknesse desiring to be confirmed p. 174 The fourth Temptation They cannot keepe their faith strong and stedfast § 4 Remedie 1. There is no shadow of change with God p. 174 2. Labouring after and groaning to rest their wearied soules vpon the promises of mercy being neuer satisfied till their doubtfulnesse be remoued
10. it hath this proposition concerning the present or time past To me belieuing in Christ my sinnes are forg●ued And thus the horned argument of the Iesuite Bellar. de Iustif lib. 1. cap 10. Sect. ratio secunda Idem de Eccl. lib. 4. cap. 11. §. Sectary nostri whereby he would proue the speciall mercie of God not to be the obiect of faith Iustifying and our doctrine in that point to b e grosse and absurd is easily vntied For thus he reasoneth Iustifying faith goeth before Iustification But faith in the speciall mercie of God followeth Iustification For hee that belieueth the pardon of his sinnes is either iust before or not iust if iust before then faith iustifye●h not if vniust then belieuing that his sinnes bee pardoned he belieueth a lie Our answere is that speciall faith hath the sundrie acts but to this purpose specially two The first heartily to desire earnestly to thirst after D. Field of the Ch lib. 3. cap. 44 Bolton of walking with God pag. 321. 322. To belieue that my sinne is now forgiuen in Christ is rather an act of experience in a Belieuer now iustified then that beliefe which is required to Iustification P. Bayn Helpe to true Happines part 2. qu. 9. humbly to intreate for acceptation and confidently to rest vpon the promise of free remission The other comfortably to assure and perswade that that is granted which was desired and receiued in promise Faith by her first act obtaineth and receiueth pardon and doth not finde vs iust when wee begin to belieue by her second act shee doth not actually iustifie but finding the thing done certifyeth and assureth vs of it So then speciall faith in her first act is before Iustification and procureth obtaineth and receiueth pardon but then shee hath not the perswasion of it as alreadie done in her second act shee presupposeth the thing done and alreadie obtained and so truely perswadeth the belieuer of it but procureth not the doing of it Before Iustification faith seeketh and receiueth the promise of forgiuenesse after Iustification it comfortably assureth of the blessing obtained in both it hath for it obiect the speciall mercie of God in Christ Faith receiueth Christ offered in the Gospell and it perswadeth and assureth of pardon in Christ receiued both these bee the acts of faith sometimes expressed a Iustifiing faith hath some acts as a cause disposing preparing and fitti●g vs to the receit of that gracious sauour whereby God doth iustifie vs and other as a susceptiue cause receiuing embracing and enioying the same In the former respect faith consists not in a perswasion that wee are the sons of God but in the latter Feild appendex to the fifth Booke second part in the definition of Iustifying faith but if we speake of faith as it iustifyeth it peculiarly embraceth Christ with his benefits as he is profered in the word and Sacrament For faith which is required to Iustification is not a perswasion or knowledge of things alreadie possessed but a confid●nce of things promised and vpon belieuing to bee obtained which in the order of causes not in time doth goe before remission of sinnes Who knoweth not that we must belieue that we might be iustified Iustified I say and not certified of Iustification by the benefite of faith The Scripture is cleare Belieue and thou shalt be saued God iustifieth the circumcision by faith and the vncircumcision through faith Doe not these and many the like passages shew that Iustification and not onely the sense and manifestation of Iustification alreadie obtained doth depend on faith § 4. It may bee said we are iustified before in Gods decree Indeed whom God doth iustifie them he decreed to iustifie from all eternitie but whereas election is manifested by faith as by its effect iustification doth depend vpon faith as its cause and wee are iustified by faith as the instrument thereof For election is an act immanent and eternall §. 3. Act. 16.31 Rom. 3.30 but iustification transient and in time inferring some change in the person iustified not physiciall but morall in respect of state §. 4. whereby it comes to passe that the person is in another condition and account then he was before In briefe the act of faith preswading of the pardon of sinne alreadie obtained by belieuing and glorying in the sense of Gods mercie must bee distinguished from that act of faith which iustifieth and is a leauing or staying vpon Christ to obtaine remission the priuiledge of grace and comfort which comes to the soule by belieuing must be distinguished from the condition of the couenant which is required on our parts before wee can obtaine pardon This is the rather to be noted Fishers answere to certaine articles because the maine cauils of the papists against our doctrine touch●ng particular confidence in Gods mercie and certainetie of saluation are grounded vpon this surmise that wee make that faith which is an assured and certaine perswasion of our particular election iustific●tion and saluation to be the sole cause to wit on Mans part of Iustification whereas Iustification it selfe must goe before the assurance of it and such persons onely can haue true assurance and certaintie of their Iust fication election and Saluation who doe vnfainedly belieue and know assuredly that they belieue as they ought And it makes much for the comfort of many faithfull people who commit their soules vnto Christ Iesus and depend vpon him and no other for saluation who yet are much perplexed as if they had no faith nor could doe ought pleasing vnto God because they want this certaine assurance of the remission of their sinnes whereas if they had learned what it is to belieue vnto Iustification and trust vnto the promise for pardon they might for the present take comfort in this that notwithstanding their feare they relie vpon Christ ●nd commit their soules vnto God as to their faithfull Redeemer and might with more ease and speed grow vp vnto the desired comfort and assurance when they should distinctly perceiue and discerne the ground● of faith and assurance by what steps and degrees they must clime from the one vnto the other CHAP. VIII By faith a true belieuer may bee certaine and infallibly assuredly of the remission of his sinnes and eternall saluation §. 1. How Faith assureth of saluation § 1. IT is a Principle common amongst our Aduersaries that eue●y conclusion issu●ng from one proposition reuealed expressely in Scripture another clearely and certainely knowne otherwise and by euident and good consequent added vnto it b longs to faith and is belieued by no other habit then of faith As for example All the dead shall rise Peter is dead therefore Peter shall rise The conclusion is Theologicall and belongs to faith though it be not expressely written that Peter is dead or that he shall rise againe So it is in this present matter All that belieue sh●ll bee saued this proposition is
cause them to walke in my Statutes And though a man be weake fe●ble and imperfect yet finding and feeling the worke of sanctification begun in him hee may be assured that hee who hath wrought this beginning of life will goe forward therewith vnto the end Our Sauiour Christ said to the young man in the Gospel Phil. 1.6 Math. 19.17 If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements But that young Pharisee was ignorant of the Law and his owne estate rested in externall workes of righteousnesse and when he came to Christ was destitute of the true knowledge of the Messias Iohn 17.3 without which our Aduersaries will confesse there is no eternall life and so from their owne grounds it is absurd to imagine that Christ by these words did simply intend to direct him a way for the obtaining of eternall life by his owne workes or merits We grant the Law to which our Sauiour referred that young man to bee the rule of obedience according to which people in couenant ought to walke building their workes of righteousnesse vpon fai●h as the foundation and obedience issuing from faith vnfained to bee the way to eternall blisse We acknowledge also that no man can be assured of remission of his sinnes who doth not walke before God in vprightnesse and integritie but this vpright vnfained obedience is imperfect the effect of that faith which iustifieth Vpright walking is necesrie but not the cause of Iustification Psal 119.1 2. 1.1 2. Psal 32.1 2. not the cause of Iustification When the Scripture pronounceth them blessed that feare God keepe his Commandements and walke in the vndefiled way doth it not describe the person whose sinnes are couered in which stands his happinesse Our Sauiour hath taught vs plainly That except our righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies wee shall in no wise enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Math. 5 20. What righteousnesse doth hee here meane In●erent or the righteousnesse of workes for he presseth an vniforme obseruation of all Gods Commandements The Scribes and Pharisees did as it seeme euen then calumniate him ●s they did afterward Paul and the Papists doe vs still as a dest●oye● of the Law because he reproued their confidence in workes and sought to establish the doctrine of faith which now we teach Needfull in this respect was that caue●t I thinke not that I am come to destroy the Law and the Prophets Verse 17. Math. 5.17 I am not come to destroy but to fulfill them And in these words as our Sauiour rendreth a reason why he that breaketh any of those Commandements which the Scribes and Pharisees counted the least shall bee counted least in the kingdome of Heauen Verse 19. so he maketh passage to the exposition of the law in the verses following where hee cleares it from the corrupt glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees And it is to be noted that he saith Verse 20. not Except your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Law and Prophets but except it exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees to wit that righteousnes which they taught and practiced who made none account of some commandements which they called the least vrged only an externall obseruation of the Law according to the letter without any respect of inward pietie and maimed and m●ngled the word as pleased themselues The sentence therefore must bee vnderstood of inherent righteousnesse whence the necessitie of good workes is strongly concluded The faith that iustifieth is liuely and operatiue euer conioyned with an affection of pietie and obsequious disposition as powerfull to bring forth deeds of mercie as to make firme and faithfull application of Christs righteousnesse or conceiue sure trust of Gods mercie offered in him Now what is required in faith that it may iustifie of necessitie it must goe before assurance of pardon and forgiuenesse True it is then that without inherent holinesse no man can be assured of his acquittance from sinne but if we enquire into the true cause of absolution it is the sole grace and mercie of God in Iesus Christ embraced by a true and liuely faith Doth this any thing preiudice Christian assurance that without true and sincere obedience at least without a promptitude ap●nesse inclination and resolution to doe good workes and walke in obedience there can bee no ●ssurance No For the belieuer relieth not vpon his workes though hee exercise himselfe therein with all diligence and though hee know well that hee comes infinitely short of what God commandeth and bewaile his daily failings and sees hee hath need to renew his purpose and resolution to better his obedience and condemnes the imperfections that hee espieth more and more in himselfe yet it is not impossible to be assured of the truth and vprightnesse of his heart and sincere though imperfect desire and endeuour to walke with God which as the fruit of the Spirit and effect of faith doth euidence his reconciliation with God For hee that feareth God and walketh in his wayes in the perfect and vndefiled way is iustified from sin And he that knowes 1. Iohn 1.3 4. ●hat he walketh before God in truth and with a perfect ●●a t may certainly conclude from this fruit of the Spi●it that his sinnes are pardoned § 11. I might adde §. 11. that the faithfull are sealed by the Spirit and by the same Spirit are enabled to cry Abba Father What infirmities may stand with assurance whereby they are assured of the pardon of their s●nnes but I will shut vp this matter briefly shewing what infirmities may stand with assurance of faith and what sinnes cannot that Christians may bee directed the better to make triall of their estate 1. Iohn 1.7 If we say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darknesse we liue and doe n t the truth and if we say that we such as Iohn then was regenerate and in the state of grace haue no sin Verse 8. we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. Euen such then as walke in the light and haue fellowship with God are sinners Prou. 20.9 Ecles 7.2 1. Iohn 3.9 and not iust or perfect in themselues Who can say his heart is cleane there is no man iust who sinneth not and yet the Apostle is bold to affirme That hee that is b●rne of God sinneth not The iust then transgresse the Law and so are sinners but they make not a trade of sin or profession of iniquitie and so are not law-breakers or transgressours And this the Apostle plainly teacheth saying Iames 2.10 Euery one that hath this hope of being the Sonne of God doth purge himselfe as he is pure 1. Iohn 3.3 not according to the measure of his puritie or perfection but according to the truth in habit becomes like vnto him as on the contrarie he that commits sinne 1. Iohn 3.8 that is is a crafts-master of iniquitie