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Ten sermons preach'd before Her Royal Highness, the Princess Ann of Denmark at the chappel at St. James by Lewis Atterbury ... LL.D. and one of the six preachers to Her Royal Highness.
Atterbury, Lewis, 1656-1731.
Wing A4157; ESTC R35290
we_o reprove_v in_o another_o and_o the_o consideration_n that_o his_o eye_n be_v upon_o we_o will_v make_v we_o more_o wary_a in_o our_o carriage_n towards_o he_o and_o more_o exact_a in_o the_o government_n of_o our_o life_n and_o conversation_n thou_o that_o teach_v another_o say_v the_o apostle_n teach_v thou_o not_o thyself_o 2.21_o rom._n 2.21_o thou_o that_o preach_v a_o man_n shall_v not_o steal_v do_v thou_o steal_v thou_o that_o say_v a_o man_n shall_v not_o commit_v adultery_n do_v thou_o commit_v adultery_n thou_o that_o abhor_v idol_n do_v thou_o commit_v sacrilege_n 3._o we_o shall_v entitle_v ourselves_o to_o a_o bless_a reward_n he_o that_o say_v to_o the_o wicked_a thou_o be_v righteous_a shall_v the_o people_n curse_n 25._o prov._n 24.24_o 25._o nation_n shall_v abhor_v he_o but_o to_o they_o that_o rebuke_v he_o shall_v be_v delight_n and_o a_o good_a blessing_n shall_v come_v upon_o he_o last_o we_o shall_v hereby_o avoid_v those_o mischief_n which_o the_o neglect_n of_o this_o duty_n will_v certain_o bring_v upon_o we_o for_o if_o we_o do_v not_o admonish_v our_o neighbour_n when_o we_o see_v he_o commit_v any_o grievous_a and_o presumptuous_a sin_n we_o ourselves_o be_v partaker_n in_o his_o gild_n and_o shall_v be_v accountable_a for_o it_o before_o god_n have_v no_o fellowship_n with_o the_o unfruitful_a work_n of_o darkness_n 5.11_o eph._n 5.11_o but_o rather_o reprove_v they_o and_o not_o to_o reprove_v they_o will_v be_v account_v to_o have_v fellowship_n with_o they_o these_o be_v such_o weighty_a consideration_n and_o powerful_a motive_n as_o one_o will_v think_v shall_v encourage_v every_o one_o to_o the_o practice_n of_o this_o duty_n though_o never_o so_o difficult_a but_o since_o it_o require_v not_o only_a courage_n and_o ability_n but_o also_o a_o great_a measure_n of_o prudence_n and_o circumspection_n to_o perform_v it_o aright_o i_o shall_v in_o the_o iv_o and_o last_o place_n lay_v down_o some_o direction_n for_o a_o due_a and_o prudential_a execution_n of_o it_o 1._o propose_v to_o yourself_o a_o good_a end_n in_o reprove_v other_o 2._o have_v certain_a knowledge_n of_o the_o offence_n 3._o endeavour_v to_o avoid_v that_o fault_n yourself_o you_o reprove_v in_o other_o 4._o use_v the_o most_o inoffensive_a word_n and_o do_v it_o after_o the_o mild_a manner_n imaginable_a 5._o observe_v such_o due_a circumstance_n of_o time_n and_o place_n as_o your_o christian_a prudence_n shall_v direct_v 1._o be_v sure_a to_o propose_v to_o yourself_o a_o good_a end_n in_o reprove_v other_o which_o must_v be_v the_o benefit_n and_o amendment_n of_o the_o person_n to_o be_v reprove_v for_o if_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o reason_n why_o you_o reprove_v he_o be_v to_o vent_v your_o own_o passion_n or_o to_o give_v way_n to_o the_o resentment_n of_o your_o own_o mind_n the_o person_n reprove_v will_v reap_v very_o little_a benefit_n by_o it_o he_o will_v look_v upon_o it_o as_o a_o personal_a quarrel_n proceed_v from_o the_o illwill_a of_o his_o adversary_n and_o rather_o seek_v a_o way_n how_o he_o may_v retaliate_v the_o injury_n as_o he_o call_v it_o than_o look_v into_o his_o own_o breast_n and_o amend_v his_o fault_n it_o be_v the_o first_o step_n to_o a_o cure_n to_o have_v a_o good_a opinion_n of_o our_o physician_n which_o will_v incline_v we_o to_o follow_v his_o advice_n and_o make_v a_o due_a application_n of_o his_o prescription_n for_o it_o be_v not_o the_o excellency_n of_o a_o medicine_n without_o a_o proper_a and_o timely_a application_n of_o it_o can_v make_v it_o effectual_a if_o therefore_o we_o desire_v our_o reproof_n shall_v take_v place_n we_o must_v be_v sure_a so_o to_o manage_v it_o that_o the_o person_n admonish_v may_v look_v upon_o it_o as_o a_o effect_n of_o our_o love_n and_o goodwill_n our_o sincere_a desire_n to_o promote_v his_o interest_n rather_o than_o of_o any_o advantage_n we_o may_v propose_v to_o ourselves_o by_o it_o or_o the_o gratify_v a_o peevish_a and_o querulous_a humour_n 2._o let_v we_o be_v sure_a to_o have_v certain_a knowledge_n of_o the_o offence_n before_o we_o take_v upon_o we_o to_o reprove_v any_o one_o a_o uncertain_a rumour_n or_o common_a fame_n which_o be_v to_o frequent_o a_o common_a liar_n be_v not_o a_o sufficient_a ground_n of_o reproof_n much_o less_o a_o groundless_a surmise_n or_o wide_a conjecture_n but_o we_o must_v be_v moral_o certain_a of_o the_o offence_n and_o either_o witness_n of_o it_o ourselves_o or_o else_o we_o must_v have_v such_o plain_a evidence_n for_o it_o though_o not_o ocular_a demonstration_n as_o no_o reasonable_a man_n can_v call_v in_o question_n before_o we_o believe_v a_o ill_a report_n of_o our_o neighbour_n to_o yield_v a_o ready_a and_o willing_a ear_n to_o defamation_n and_o tale-bearing_a show_v that_o either_o we_o be_v very_o ill-natured_a ourselves_o or_o else_o very_o credulous_a that_o we_o want_v the_o most_o excellent_a of_o all_o christian_a virtue_n which_o be_v the_o very_a life_n and_o soul_n of_o christianity_n i_o mean_v love_n and_o charity_n to_o our_o neighbour_n which_o as_o the_o apostle_n tell_v we_o be_v not_o easy_o provoke_v think_v no_o evil_a 6._o 1_o cor._n 13.4_o 5_o 6._o bear_v all_o thing_n believe_v all_o thing_n hope_v all_o thing_n endure_v all_o thing_n i._n e._n believe_v and_o hope_v the_o best_a of_o every_o thing_n and_o every_o man._n and_o this_o be_v a_o grace_n so_o essential_a to_o christianity_n that_o whosoever_o be_v destitute_a of_o it_o may_v make_v what_o pretence_n he_o please_v to_o purity_n holiness_n and_o perfection_n but_o he_o be_v in_o the_o low_a form_n of_o christ_n school_n and_o ignorant_a of_o the_o first_o rudiment_n of_o true_a religion_n 3._o be_v sure_a you_o yourself_o be_v not_o guilty_a of_o that_o fault_n 141.5_o psal_n 141.5_o which_o you_o reprove_v in_o other_o let_v the_o righteous_a smite_v i_o it_o shall_v be_v a_o kindness_n and_o let_v he_o reprove_v i_o it_o shall_v be_v a_o excellent_a oil_n which_o shall_v not_o break_v my_o head_n for_o though_o it_o be_v the_o wisdom_n and_o duty_n of_o every_o good_a christian_a to_o suffer_v the_o word_n of_o exhortation_n and_o reproof_n though_o from_o the_o worst_a man_n and_o his_o most_o inveterate_a enemy_n yet_o for_o the_o most_o part_n it_o so_o fall_v out_o that_o the_o reproof_n of_o those_o man_n who_o be_v notorious_o guilty_a of_o the_o same_o crime_n make_v very_o little_a impression_n upon_o we_o we_o can_v hardly_o believe_v they_o in_o earnest_n who_o blame_v we_o for_o the_o do_v those_o thing_n which_o they_o recommend_v by_o their_o own_o example_n and_o we_o be_v very_o apt_a to_o conclude_v that_o the_o reason_n why_o they_o cry_v down_o the_o vice_n be_v that_o they_o may_v engross_v the_o practice_n of_o it_o to_o themselves_o but_o when_o a_o man_n of_o know_a virtue_n and_o probity_n take_v upon_o he_o to_o reprove_v his_o admonition_n earty_a weight_n and_o authority_n along_o with_o they_o the_o reverence_n which_o be_v pay_v to_o his_o person_n set_v a_o edge_n upon_o his_o reproof_n and_o he_o do_v not_o so_o much_o request_n as_o command_v a_o reformation_n 4._o in_o reprove_v we_o must_v use_v the_o most_o inoffensive_a word_n and_o do_v it_o after_o the_o mild_a manner_n imaginable_a brethren_n 6.1_o gal._n 6.1_o say_v the_o apostle_n if_o any_o man_n be_v overtake_v in_o a_o fault_n you_o that_o be_v spiritual_a restore_v such_o a_o one_o in_o the_o spirit_n of_o meekness_n consider_v thyself_o lest_o thou_o also_o be_v tempt_v if_o his_o offence_n proceed_v either_o from_o weakness_n or_o inadvertency_n from_o mistake_n or_o the_o frailty_n of_o humane_a nature_n the_o oil_n of_o pity_n and_o compassion_n a_o mild_a and_o friendly_a admonition_n will_v sink_v deep_o into_o his_o mind_n and_o soon_o heal_v the_o wound_n than_o a_o more_o rough_a and_o churlish_a medicine_n there_o be_v indeed_o a_o time_n when_o we_o must_v use_v the_o caustick_a and_o the_o corrosive_n when_o we_o meet_v with_o a_o dare_a and_o insolent_a offender_n at_o such_o a_o time_n as_o this_o to_o be_v cold_a or_o lukewarm_a be_v to_o give_v up_o the_o cause_n of_o god_n and_o to_o encourage_v man_n in_o their_o wicked_a do_n we_o must_v show_v ourselves_o zealous_a for_o the_o law_n of_o our_o god_n and_o the_o good_a and_o welfare_n of_o our_o brother_n but_o then_o we_o must_v take_v care_n that_o this_o zeal_n be_v according_a to_o knowledge_n 10.2_o rom._n 10.2_o that_o it_o be_v moderate_v and_o temper_v with_o true_a christian_a prudence_n 5._o and_o last_o we_o ought_v to_o observe_v such_o due_a circumstance_n of_o time_n and_o place_n etc._n etc._n as_o our_o christian_a prudence_n shall_v direct_v and_o right_a reason_n dictate_v to_o we_o it_o be_v the_o observation_n of_o man_n conversant_a in_o business_n that_o the_o success_n of_o our_o
of_o our_o duty_n it_o command_v the_o practice_n of_o the_o most_o necessary_a precept_n such_o as_o be_v those_o which_o be_v enjoin_v in_o this_o and_o the_o precede_a chapter_n and_o leave_v our_o reason_n to_o work_v out_o what_o ought_v to_o be_v do_v upon_o particular_a and_o casual_a emergency_n to_o direct_v in_o some_o case_n what_o be_v lawful_a and_o in_o most_o what_o be_v prudent_a and_o expedient_a and_o for_o our_o great_a security_n have_v lay_v down_o some_o general_a rule_n which_o if_o serious_o consider_v and_o careful_o attend_v to_o will_v be_v sufficient_a to_o direct_v our_o reason_n in_o all_o its_o judgement_n and_o determination_n thus_o in_o relation_n to_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o first_o table_n which_o principal_o concern_v the_o worship_n of_o god_n the_o holy_a gospel_n command_v we_o 24._o joh._n 4.24_o 24._o to_o worship_v he_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o truth_n to_o direct_v our_o address_n to_o god_n alone_o through_o one_o mediator_n our_o lord_n and_o saviour_n jesus_n christ_n and_o several_a other_o particular_a precept_n it_o give_v we_o as_o to_o the_o necessary_a and_o essential_a part_n of_o divine_a worship_n but_o our_o direction_n how_o to_o behave_v ourselves_o as_o to_o the_o circumstance_n of_o worship_n be_v all_o refer_v to_o this_o general_a rule_n 14.40_o 1_o cor._n 14.40_o let_v all_o thing_n be_v do_v decent_o and_o in_o order_n and_o thus_o in_o relation_n to_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o second_o table_n which_o concern_v our_o neighbour_n our_o saviour_n have_v lay_v down_o many_o excellent_a precept_n in_o this_o admirable_a though_o short_a epitome_n of_o morality_n his_o sermon_n on_o the_o mount_n and_o then_o close_v all_o with_o this_o rule_n of_o universal_a influence_n whatsoever_o you_o will_v that_o man_n shall_v do_v unto_o you_o do_v you_o so_o unto_o they_o for_o this_o be_v the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n the_o end_n and_o design_n then_o of_o this_o rule_n be_v to_o teach_v we_o how_o to_o behave_v ourselves_o towards_o our_o neighbour_n which_o be_v the_o most_o difficult_a and_o most_o neglect_a part_n of_o our_o duty_n for_o we_o be_v general_o so_o much_o bias_v by_o self-love_n that_o when_o any_o controversy_n be_v start_v in_o which_o our_o own_o interest_n be_v concern_v we_o be_v very_o nice_a and_o exact_a in_o claim_v what_o belong_v to_o we_o and_o be_v our_o due_n but_o when_o the_o scale_n be_v turn_v and_o it_o be_v our_o duty_n to_o weigh_v and_o consider_v what_o our_o neighbour_n may_v just_o expect_v from_o we_o than_o we_o make_v use_v of_o false_a weight_n and_o measure_n and_o too_o often_o determine_v direct_o contrary_a to_o the_o plain_a rule_n of_o justice_n and_o honesty_n we_o be_v not_o so_o apt_a scholar_n in_o learning_n this_o lesson_n of_o charity_n as_o we_o be_v severe_a master_n in_o exact_v it_o from_o other_o and_o therefore_o ii_o i_o shall_v mark_v out_o the_o bound_n and_o limitation_n of_o this_o rule_n and_o consider_v the_o just_a extent_n and_o latitude_n of_o these_o word_n whatsoever_o you_o will_v etc._n etc._n 1._o it_o be_v evident_a that_o this_o rule_n be_v determine_v to_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o second_o table_n for_o so_o it_o be_v limit_v in_o the_o very_a word_n of_o the_o text._n it_o be_v whatsoever_o you_o will_v that_o man_n shall_v do_v unto_o you_o etc._n etc._n some_o there_o be_v indeed_o who_o will_v have_v this_o rule_n extend_v also_o to_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o first_o table_n and_o to_o be_v the_o measure_n of_o our_o duty_n towards_o god_n but_o this_o without_o the_o support_n of_o any_o good_a reason_n for_o though_o religion_n may_v proper_o be_v say_v to_o be_v justice_n towards_o god_n because_o all_o the_o service_n which_o we_o owe_v and_o be_v able_a to_o pay_v unto_o god_n be_v high_o just_a and_o reasonable_a and_o what_o be_v but_o our_o bind_a duty_n and_o service_n yet_o the_o distance_n be_v so_o great_a between_o a_o infinite_o perfect_a be_v and_o we_o poor_a vile_a worm_n his_o work_n be_v so_o wonderful_a and_o his_o way_n past_o find_v out_o that_o it_o be_v utter_o impossible_a and_o it_o will_v be_v the_o high_a presumption_n for_o we_o to_o weigh_v our_o action_n in_o the_o same_o balance_n with_o he_o these_o word_n be_v therefore_o limit_v to_o the_o duty_n of_o the_o second_o table_n as_o may_v be_v plain_o make_v out_o from_o that_o parallel_n place_n where_o our_o bless_a saviour_n be_v ask_v this_o question_n 22.3_o matt._n 22.3_o master_n which_o be_v the_o great_a commandment_n of_o the_o law_n return_v this_o answer_n thou_o shall_v love_v the_o lord_n thy_o god_n with_o all_o thy_o heart_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o soul_n and_o with_o all_o thy_o mind_n and_o this_o be_v the_o first_o and_o great_a commandment_n and_o the_o second_o be_v like_a unto_o it_o namely_o thou_o shall_v love_v thy_o neighbour_n as_o thyself_o and_o then_o add_v on_o these_o two_o hang_v all_o the_o law_n and_o the_o prophet_n where_o we_o may_v see_v that_o this_o rule_n be_v make_v to_o be_v the_o sum_n and_o substance_n only_o of_o the_o second_o table_n 2._o this_o rule_n be_v determine_v to_o those_o thing_n which_o tend_v to_o the_o benefit_n and_o advantage_n of_o our_o neighbour_n and_o therefore_o st._n austin_n read_v the_o word_n quaecunque_fw-la bona_fw-la etc._n etc._n whatsoever_o good_a thing_n you_o will_v that_o man_n shall_v do_v unto_o you_o do_v you_o so_o to_o they_o for_o there_o be_v some_o man_n of_o such_o envious_a and_o malicious_a temper_n that_o they_o will_v willing_o undergo_v any_o severity_n themselves_o on_o condition_n that_o their_o enemy_n may_v endure_v the_o same_o and_o suffer_v their_o own_o house_n to_o be_v burn_v that_o his_o may_v perish_v in_o the_o flame_n nay_o lose_v one_o of_o their_o own_o eye_n that_o he_o may_v be_v deprive_v of_o the_o like_a advantage_n like_o the_o pretend_a mother_n of_o the_o live_a child_n will_v say_v 3.26_o 1_o kin._n 3.26_o let_v neither_o of_o we_o have_v it_o but_o let_v it_o be_v divide_v other_o there_o be_v of_o so_o proud_a and_o churlish_a a_o disposition_n that_o they_o scorn_v to_o be_v oblige_v and_o have_v rather_o be_v without_o a_o benefit_n than_o to_o be_v behold_v for_o it_o to_o one_o they_o hate_v such_o a_o man_n as_o this_o will_v soon_o die_v than_o owe_v his_o life_n to_o a_o enemy_n and_o in_o regard_n to_o these_o man_n this_o rule_n must_v be_v understand_v thus_o 3._o whatsoever_o you_o will_v that_o any_o man_n not_o this_o or_o that_o particular_a person_n shall_v do_v unto_o you_o do_v you_o so_o unto_o they_o 4._o if_o we_o will_v put_v the_o case_n right_a we_o must_v suppose_v the_o circumstance_n to_o be_v the_o same_o between_o our_o neighbour_n and_o ourselves_o for_o one_o different_a circumstance_n will_v very_o much_o alter_v the_o nature_n of_o a_o action_n thus_o upon_o supposition_n that_o i_o be_o strong_a and_o more_o healthy_a than_o my_o neighbour_n i_o may_v be_v willing_a that_o he_o may_v do_v some_o thing_n to_o i_o which_o if_o i_o shall_v do_v the_o same_o to_o he_o will_v tend_v very_o much_o to_o his_o prejudice_n and_o disadvantage_n a_o rich_a and_o wealthy_a man_n may_v be_v willing_a that_o other_o shall_v withhold_v their_o hand_n from_o do_v he_o good_a that_o he_o may_v have_v the_o same_o excuse_v to_o deny_v his_o charitable_a relief_n to_o the_o poor_a nay_o mere_a difference_n in_o opinion_n may_v make_v it_o unreasonable_a that_o i_o shall_v desire_v some_o thing_n of_o such_o a_o man_n which_o he_o may_v very_o reasonable_o demand_v of_o i_o and_o i_o shall_v ready_o comply_v with_o 5._o we_o must_v take_v care_n in_o apply_v this_o rule_n that_o our_o desire_n be_v restrain_v to_o those_o thing_n which_o we_o have_v just_a and_o reasonable_a cause_n to_o expect_v from_o our_o neighbour_n and_o then_o this_o rule_n will_v run_v thus_o whatsoever_o you_o have_v just_a and_o reasonable_a cause_n to_o desire_v that_o any_o man_n in_o the_o same_o circumstance_n shall_v do_v unto_o you_o do_v you_o so_o unto_o they_o for_o every_o malefactor_n who_o be_v sentence_v to_o punishment_n for_o his_o evil_a deed_n will_v willing_o have_v his_o punishment_n remit_v and_o the_o judge_n himself_o will_v desire_v it_o if_o he_o be_v in_o the_o same_o circumstance_n and_o a_o criminal_a at_o the_o bar_n but_o yet_o it_o be_v not_o just_a and_o reasonable_a that_o all_o criminal_n shall_v be_v pardon_v for_o this_o will_v make_v the_o law_n itself_o useless_a by_o relax_v the_o co-ercive_a power_n of_o it_o and_o render_v magistrate_n cheap_a and_o contemptible_a when_o they_o be_v no_o long_o ble_a to_o be_v a_o terror_n to_o evil_a doer_n 13.3_o rom._n 13.3_o but_o only_a encourager_n of_o those_o who_o do_v well_o these_o be_v the_o most_o