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cause_n brethren_n zeal_n zealous_a 31 3 9.0520 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02480 A touchestone for this time present expresly declaring such ruines, enormities, and abuses as trouble the Churche of God and our Christian common wealth at this daye. VVherevnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obserued of all parents and scholemaisters, in the trayning vp of their schollers and children in learning. Newly set foorth by E.H. Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604.; Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. De pueris ad virtutem instituendis. 1574 (1574) STC 12609; ESTC S105953 36,378 106

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to aproche to be as it were begoon Yet I do lament so may al true English hearts that our sinnes are so gréeuous as by the occasion therof the lord doth deny in the time of so chast so wise so godly zelous so learned a Prince as is our most drad soueraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth whose life with ioyned harts hands let vs cry cry vnto the Lord to lengthen within this Realme of Englād to bring to perfectiō that which be hath begon to abolish from her people al remnants of popery to supplant the hipocritical vnlearned ministerye But it is to be thought assuredly to be beléeued that our sinnes euen our sinnes so great so greuous so manifold as that the measure of them is immesurable the burthē of them is intollerable are the only cause that our aduersaries doo florish beare thē selues so bold against the furtherers of this work as they do that our iniquity is the very cause that so many cold brethren do encrease remaine at this day O where is Besaleel wher is Aholiah where is Hirā where are al those true workmē become that in the worke of the material tēple were so stout so zealous so artifitial so wise Is there nothing of theyr zeale remayning nothing of their valeance abiding nothing left of their skill no alas nothing almost nothing at al. And o greuous case as this worke is most diuine most true yea as it is the selfe same Temple that was then prefigured so is it in labour in building in erecting most of al neglected and despised nay it is almost altogeather set aside But if I shoulde saye that all men doo neglect the building of this holy house as the more is the case to bée lamented very fewe as they ought doo further the same then should it not appeare that the greatest workmen do more plucke downe by theyr ill example in life than erect by their labour in building Neuerthelesse whether they worke for loue for gaine or for feare so they doo the workes of hired workmen it is not much to bée waied I meane for so much as they doo For as the Apostle sayeth VVhether they preache Christ for loue or for spite so they preache it is to bee ioyed although theyr true labours aswell in life as in doctrine would bée more to the aduauncement of the worke and to the winning of a great many others But I would to God that the greatest parte of them were not as they are more careful in building of Pluralities Trialities Totquots and Non residens than in furthering of this sacred spiritual and diuine Temple of the Lorde I would to God they were not more geuen to gréedye gaping after promotions than to the gathering together of the infected weake wounded and féeble shéepe Yea I woulde to God I saye they did not more watche and prye for worldlye preferment than watche and praye for the Lordes people the verye true house churche and Spouse of Christ. Assuredlye euen nowe hath the Figge trée cast his Leaues nowe is the Sunne darkened nowe hath the Moone lost her Light and nowe are the Starres fallen from Heauen Hee that hath eares to heare let him heare But tel me I praye you yée ministers of this holye worke yee Stewardes of this housholde yée guides of the people Is the kingdome of heauen a worldlye kingdome Is the crowne of glorye a heape of Ritches Is Christ his church a materiall Temple or is the same sustayned eyther with Siluer or Gold Is it not sayde My Kingdome is not of this vvorld If my Kingdom vvere of this vvorld then vvould my seruauntes surely fyght for mee that I shoulde not bee deliuered to the Jevves but novve is my Kingdome not from hence Is it not also vvritten The Kingdome of heauen is like to a Leauen vvhich a vvoman tooke and hid in three bushelles of floure tyl al vvas leuened Do not al the prophets al the Apostles al the faithful that euer were doth not the whole volume of sacred scriptures doth not christ him selfe the verye true sōne of the father God almighty affirme the kingdom of heauen to be a spiritual kingdom not visible but inuisible not transitory but euerlasting yea do not wée our selues at this daye euen wée in whom so smal fruict of godlines apeareth affirme hold maintaine the same kingdom to be a kingdom intransitory diuine incomprehensible the glory thereof to be immortal neuer vading Do not wée further hold that the Church of God is the congregatiō of the faithful the very frame building foundation therof to bée the Apostles Prophetes one body the body of Christ the same Christ being the head corner stone according as it is writtē You are no more strangers and foriners but Citizens and Saints and of the houshould of God and builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophetes Christ Iesus him selfe being the head corner stone In vvhome all the building coupled togeather grovveth to be an holy Temple in the Lord In vvhome you are builded togeather to bee the habitacion of God by the spirit Is it not thus said is it not thus writtē is it not so beléeued what should I say if it be so writtē if christ him self hath so taught you you your selues cā not deny it if you be assured I say that the kingdom of God is immortal immutable and holy why why then alas doo you so greedily seeke after worldly primacies transitory promotions corruptible substance If that crowne of glory bée likewise immortal permansible why desire you earthly crounes why hunt you after vaine titles deceaueable honours Hath God any felowship with Belial Or may the world the spirite make friendly attonement togeathers what agréemēt is there I pray you betwixt God Māmon or how accordeth light darknes It may not be it may not bée I saye that the Minister of gods word should any other way of him selfe séeke to further the gospel of Christ then by sincerity of life godly conuersation from the which meane whosoeuer he be that swarueth the same vndoubtedly is no builder but a destroyer no shéepherd but a wolfe no Minister of trueth but a sclanderer of the same I beseech the Elders that are among you saith Peter vvhiche am also an elder and a vvitnesse of the suffering of Christ and also a partaker of the glorye that shal be reuealed that ye feede the flock of God vvhich dependeth vpon you caring for the same not by constraint but vvillingly not for fylthye lucre but of a readye minde not as thoughe you vvere Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that ye maye bee ensamples to the flocke O you Pastours you Preachers you Guides of the people you pillers of the churche O you maisters of this worke Surueyours as it were of this building doeth then the kingdome of heauen stande in