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cause_n body_n sin_n soul_n 4,646 5 5.4196 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00063 The shape of .ii. mo~sters. M. D. Lxij. Fulwood, William. 1562 (1562) STC 11485; Interim Tract Supplement Guide Huth 50[37] 1,334 1

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¶ The Shape of ii Mōsters M.D.Lxij THis present yere of oure Lord God a thousande fiue hundred thre score and two one Marke Finkle a Ioiner dwelling beside Charing crosse by Westminster had a Sow that brought forth one Pigge onely vpon the seuenth of Maye beinge Ascention daye the whiche Pigge had a head muche lyke vnto a Dolphines head with the left eare standing vp forked like as ye see in this picture aboue and the right eare being like as it were halfe a litle leafe being deuided in the middes sharpe toward th end lying downward flat to the head without any holes into the headward The two fore feet like vnto handes eche hande hauinge thre long fingers and a thumbe bothe the thumbes growinge on the out sides of the handes the hinder legges growing very much backwarde otherwise then the common natural forme hath ben seen beeing of no good shape but smaller frō the body to the middle Ioint then they be from the same Ioint toward the foot And the taile growing an Inche neare vnto the back then it doth of any that is of right shape These straunge sights the Allmighty God sendeth vnto vs that we should not be forgetfull of his mighty power nor vnthankful for his so greate mercies The which hee sheweth specially by geuing vnto vs his holy word wherby our liues ought to be guided and also his wonderful tokens wherby we are most gentilly warned But if we will not be warned neither by his word nor yet by his wonderful workes then let vs be assured that these straunge monstruous sightes doe premonstrate vnto vs that his heauy indignacion wyl shortly come vpon vs for our monstruous lyuinge Wherfore let vs earnestly pray vnto God that he wyl geue vs grace earnestly to repent our wickednes faithfully to beleue his word and sincerely to frame our liues after the doctrine of the same ¶ An Admonition vnto the Reader LEt vs knowe by these vgly sights and eke consider well That our God is the Lord of mights who rules both heauen and hell By whose strong hand these monsters here were formed as ye see That it mighte to the world appers almightie him to bee VVho might also vs men haue formde after a straunge deuise As by the Childe of late deformde appeareth in plaine wise what might these monsters to vs teache which now are sent so rife But that we haue Goddes wurd well preacht and will not mend our life At which straunge sightes we meruel muche when that we doe them see Yet can there not be found one suche That so will warned bee And loke what great deformitie In bodies ye beholde Much more is in our mindes truly an hundreth thousand folde So that we haue great cause in deede Our sinnes for to confesse And eke to call to God with speede The same for to redresse VVhich if we wyl not fayle to doo and purely to repent He wyl no doubt vs comfort so as shal our soules contente Now sith our God so louing is and ready to forgeue VVhy doe we not abhorre all vice and only to him cleaue Sith he also his hande can shake And sone destroy vs all Why doe we not then feare and quake And downe before him fall VVhy doe we not amend I saye Either for loue or feare why driue we of from day to daye And sinning not forbeare Good lawes of lats renewde wee see Much sinne for to suppresse God graunt that they fulfilde maye bee To ouerthrow excesse O Lord graunt vs also thy grace That by repentance pure In heauen to haue a dwelling place For euer to endure Amen ꝙ W. F. ¶ Imprinted at London at the Long Shop in the Pultry by Iohn Alde