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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16521 A sermon preached at Mapple-Durham in Oxfordshire, and published at the request of Sir Richard Blount by J.B. ... Bowle, John, d. 1637. 1616 (1616) STC 3435.5; ESTC S2530 11,624 32

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A SERMON PREACHED AT MAPPLE-DVRHAM in Oxfordshire AND PVBLISHED at the request of Sir RICHARD BLOVNT By I. B. D. D. and Chapleine in Ordinary to his Maiestie Quoties 〈◊〉 toties iudicamur Hierom. LONDON Printed by T. S. for Iohn Hodgets 1616. ROMANS 6. 23. The wages of Sinne is Death but the gift of God is eternall Life through Iesus Christ our Lord. ALl Scripture commeth from one fountaine which is the spirit of God and therefore all Scripture is fit to perfect the man of God But as in Paradise though there were one Fountaine yet it was diuided into foure Riuers whose waters were diuersly rellished according to the nature of the soile through which they passed Or as in an Instrument of Musike though one winde giue a generall sound yet by the diuersitie of the Pipes and Organs the Tones are varied So the holy Scriptures inspired by one spirit haue an accidentall difference according to the nature of the Pen-men of the facred Scripture Hence is it that Gregorie compared some Scriptures to Iacobs hasle rods partly pilled and partly couered other Scriptures to Achabs house of Iuory without any couering The Scripture that I haue read is of the former sort which craueth your attention whilst it is enterpreted craueth your affection when it is applied And iustly doth it craue both the Holy Ghost ioyning together Ima summis the highest and the lowest things as Leo speaketh The first proposition being of Death The second of Life Death of all things the most terrible Life of all things the most comfortable To leaue an impression in you I will compare them to the two remarkeable Trees in Paradise The first is as the Tree of the knowledge of good euill The second as the Tree of immortalitie The first the experimentall Tree of Death The second as the Sacramentall Tree of Life Both of these haue a double consideration In the tree of death you may consider First the bitter roote which is sinne and the euill fruit which is death the wages of sinne In the tree of life you may consider the sacred roote which is Gods gift and the happy fruit which is eternall life by Iesus Christ our Lord. Sinne the roote of death Death the fruit of sin The gift of God the roote of life Life the fruit of the gift of God are the foure corners of the Alter vpon which at this time we will offer vp our sacrifice vnto God Sinne. The first is Sinne which Saint Iohn doth define to be the breach of Gods law A law so much vrged by the iustice of God that our Sauiour Christ proclaimeth that heauen and earth shall passe away but one iod or title shall in no wise passe from the law til all be fulfilled One Iod which is but a letter amongst the Hebrews as the graine of Mustard seed the least of all letters but one point of a letter From whence the Rabines haue obserued that God changing the name of Sarai to Sara tooke one Iod from her name which that it might not be taken from the Law he added one Iod to Osheah and called him Iehoshuah A Law so vrged that S. Paul repeates the sentence of God in a language of fear trembling Galat. 3. 10. Cursed is euery man that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to doe them VVe are bound we are All bound all to Doe to doe All all to Continue to continue vnder paine of a Curse a curse which implieth a riuer of brimstone and the breath of the Lord to set it on fire This is the sentence of God against Sinne against euery Sinne against the least Sinne whether it be a sinne of Thought or Word or Act or Degree or Delight or Desperation or Omission God hath concluded All Sinne to be the Roote of Death and destruction How iust then is the Complaint of S. Augustine Vaepeccatis hominum quae sola inusitata exhauressimus VVoe to the custome of sinne that taketh away the sense of sinne and causeth vs to feare none but vnusuall monstrous prodigious impieties Common ciuility keepeth many a man from rednesse of the eyes the inheritance of the Drunkard from rottennesse of the bones the leprosie of the Adulterer from Iezabells dogs the sepulcher of the Oppressor But Couetousnesse Pride Enuy Detraction Bribing Flattering Idle-Complementing and Fashioning of our selues to all luxurious ambition and foolish-vanities of the world are now become Free-Denisons of Court of Citty of Country that challengeth the priuiledge of the vnrighteous Iudge neyther to be afraid of the iustice of God nor to be ashamed in the sight of men I doe confesse that there are Essentiall and Accidentall differences of sinnes Some doe grieue some doe resist some doe quench the spirit of God But yet euery sinne in the owne nature hath the sting of a Viper and doth wound vs mortally Take a view and you shall finde that Adam lost Paradise for eating of an Apple Some say it was an Indian figge an entising bait of sweetnesse You shall finde that God drowned the world for Imaginations Gen. 6. 5. You shall finde that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 words of feathers dalliances chamberings wantonnes and the scumme of lasciuiousnesse shall make vs giue an account at the day of iudgement Sagitta leuiter volat sed grauiter vulnerat Idle words are as feathered arrowes which flye lightly but wound the soule deeply Yea you shal find that there are sinnes of Gesture Quando cum oculis fabulamur VVhen saith S. Augustine wee speake lewdly with our eies which God so punished in Lots wife that shee is a pillar of Salt vntill this day These sinnes so small in our estimations so familiar to our corruptions so vsuall in our conuersations so glued to our affections they haue poyson in the roote and the fruit of them is death VVe read in Ecclesiasticall history of Cassianus a Schoolemaster of Children and a Scholler and Martyr of Christ who by the commandement of the Tyrant was stabbed to death by his Schollers pen-kniues VVe read in Scripture of Amasa whose bowels were shed out by the sword of Ioab Of Sis●raes head gored with a nayle we read of Acha● who was wounded in his breast with an arrow VVe read of Christ whose side was pierced with a speare All these did not wound a like deepely but all did wound alike deadly Speares swords arrowes nailes pen-kniues all instruments of the death of the body Deeds swords lookes gestures thoughts all causes of the death of the soule Our sinnes in Scripture are compared vnto sands which are very small considering them seuerally and yet the greatest shippe is easily swallowed vp of quicke-sands There is not a sinne of any nature but is as big as one of Herods wormes which deuoured Herods bowels Noli despicere peccata tua quia parua sunt nam et pluuiarum guttae paruae sunt Despise not Augustine