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cause_n body_n sin_n soul_n 4,646 5 5.4196 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07287 The practice of repentance. Or A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the fifteenth of September last passed, by Radford Mavericke, preacher of Gods word in Devon Mavericke, Radford, b. 1560 or 61. 1617 (1617) STC 17682; ESTC S105958 30,434 48

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Son of God did second him saying Repent for the Kingdome of beauen is at hand repent and beleeue the Gospell This we know was alwayes the manner of the Prophets before that time to call people to Repentance And it was the first and chiefest point of doctrine which the Apostles of Christ were commanded by our Sauiour to vrge after his Resurrection That Repentance and Remission of sinnes should be preached in the name of IESVS beginning at Ierusalem Luk. 2. Where our Prophet Ieremie prophesied long time before Ob. But if Ieremies minde and purpose were to exhort the Iewes vnto Repentance why doth he not vse plaine words to perswade thereunto Answ I answere that this Metaphor of washing which our Prophet vseth in this place is farre more significant then if he had exhorted to Repentance in plaine termes For now in stead of one word which he might haue vsed namely Repent he vseth such wordes whereby they are both exhorted to Repentance and also taught how to repent We will therefore consider the wordes in particular and take them both for an exhortation and as a direction to Repentance Only this one thing I would craue by the way of intreatie that hereafter in all this Sermon you would not take these wordes of our Prophet any more as spoken to the Iewes but directed vnto vs for whatsoeuer is written you know it is written for our learning And as Ierusalem to whom this was first spoken was a type and figure of the Church of God so doth this exhortation Wash thine heart from wickednesse belong to all Churches and Kingdomes Cities Countries Nations and People to all I say in generall and to euery one in particular euery one hath neede to haue his heart washed and clensed from wickednesse So that now in this third circumstance we must speake of three things Three things First of washing or clensing Secondly of washing or clensing of the heart Thirdly of vvashing or clensing the heart from vvickednesse And first of vvashing or clensing 1. Note Washing This Metaphor of vvashing as it is very significant so it is very vsuall among the Prophets The Prophet Esay vvhen he had most sharply reproued the same Nation of the Iewes calling the Princes thereof the Princes of Sodome and the People thereof the People of Gomorrah vpbrayding them that they were a finnefull Nation a People laden vvith iniquitie and corrupt children telling them plainely and peremptorily that the whole head vvas sicke and the vvhole heart vvas heauy that from the sole of the foote to the crowne of the head there vvas no vvhole part but vvounds and swellings and sores of sinne full of corruption and so proceedeth on with such terrible menacings and threatnings as though the Lord had vtterly reiected them and would neuer receiue Prayer or Oblation more at their hands for it was a burthen vnto him Yet on a sudden the Prophet changeth his speech and exhorteth them to Repentance with these like vvordes of our Text Wash you make you cleane take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes cease to doe euill learne to doe well seeke iudgement releeue the oppressed iudge the fatherlesse and defend the widdow Obser Where-hence I obserue that washing and clensing are fit vvordes to expresse the nature of true Repentance which thing also vvas plainely signified by the diuers vvashings in the Leuiticall Law Leuiticall Law for such indeede is the nature of sinne before it be truely repented of that it maketh man more vgly in the sight of God then the foulest Leper in the vvorld can be in the sight of man And indeede to speake all in a vvord sinne is a spirituall Leprosie and therefore if Naaman the Syrian had neede to vvash himselfe seuen times in the floud of Iordan vvhich signifieth the Riuer of Iudgement before the could be clensed from his bodily Leprosie how many times aboue seuentie times seuen times haue wee neede to be washed and clensed from our spirituall Leprosie which hath so taynted and soyled our bodies and soules that all the vvater in Iordan is not able to clense one soule from this disease of sinne but only the blessed bloud of our sweet Sauiour that was baptized in Iordan is it that must clense vs from all sinne For this cause Christ the true Physician of our soules did of his gracious goodnesse cure and clense many Lepers from the filth of their bodies that thereby he might make knowne to the world that it is he onely which was appointed by God to bee to the purgator and clenser of our soules as Saint Iohn sayth The bloud of Christ clenseth vs from all sinne 1. Iohn 1.7 And the same Apostle in the Reuelation signifyeth vnto the seuen Churches that it is Iesus Christ which loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud Reuel 1.5 This cleansing and washing of our sins in the bloud of Christ was prefigured in that bloud of the Paschall Lambe wherewith the Doore postes of the children of Israel were stricken Exod. 12.7 And also in the bloud of those sacrifices which Aaron was to offer part of the bloud whereof was to be put vpon the hornes of the Altar with his finger and the rest of the bloud to be powred on the foote of the Altar Exod. 19.12 Many such Ceremonies and prefigurations are euery where to be read in the old Testament the truth and substance whereof was accomplished in the new Therefore Saint Austen saide well The new Testament was wrapped vp in the olde and the olde vnfolded in the new Nouum in veteri obuolutum vetus in none explicatum All which are more plainely opened vnto vs by the Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrewes where he sheweth that all things almost were by the Lawe purged by bloud and without sheading of bloud was no remission Hebr. 9.22.23 And hee addeth further that it was necessary that the similitude of heauenly things should be purified by such things but that the heauenly things themselues are purified with better sacrifices then these Moreouer Isaack Isaack who was readie to be sacrificed was a true figure of Christ which was the substance that was sacrificed for vs being both Priest and sacrifice who offered himselfe for our sinnes vpon the Altar of the crosse his holy body being the night before he suffered washed all ouer with his owne most precious bloud like as the high Priest was vsed to bee washed the night before hee came into Sancta Sanctorum And his sacred side when he hung vpon the Crosse to the very piercing of his harmelesse heart was opened with a speare or launce Vt pateant viscera per vulnera saith Saint Austen sweetely vt per foramina Corporis pateant arcana cordis Augustin That the bowels of Christs loue might appeare in his wounds and that the secret sweetnesse of his heart towards vs might be shewed foorth through the windowes