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A14298 Approved directions for health, both naturall and artificiall deriued from the best physitians as well moderne as auncient. Teaching how euery man should keepe his body and mind in health: and sicke, how hee may safely restore it himselfe. Diuided into 6. sections 1. Ayre, fire and water. 2. Meate, drinke with nourishment. 3. Sleepe, earely rising and dreames. 4. Auoidance of excrements, by purga. 5. The soules qualities and affections. 6. Quarterly, monethly, and daily diet. Newly corrected and augmented by the authour.; Naturall and artificial directions for health Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1612 (1612) STC 24615; ESTC S106222 54,245 162

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the heart and the spirits tempereth the humours ingendereth good bloud breaketh flegme conserueth nature and maketh it mery as the Princely Prophet speakes wine reioyceth the heart of man Being moderately drunk it forceth the soule to partake with the body so that both of them together being full of animall spirits might ioyne in one pleasing sound for the glorifying of their Soueraigne Benefactor VVhat is the vse of white wine White wine drunk in the moring fasting cleanseth the lungs Being taken with red Onions bruised it pearceth quickly into the bladder and breaketh the stone But if this kind of wine be drunk with a full stomack it doth more hurt then good and causeth the ●eat to descend before it be fully concocted VVhat is the vse of Rhenish wine Rhenish wine of all other is the most excellent for it scoureth the raines of the back clarifieth the spirits prouoketh vrine driueth away the headache specially if it doth proceede from the heat of the stomack VVhat is the vse of Mascadell Malmesie and browne Bastard These kinds of wines are only for married folkes because they strengthen the back yet I wish them to be very chary in the drinking thereof least their often vse fill the raines and seede vessels with vnnaturall accidentall windy puft or as the Logicians speak with aduenticious heat which in time will grow to a number of inconueniences VVhat is the vse of Sack Sack doth make men fatte and foggy and therefore not to be taken of young men Being drunke before meales it prouoketh appetite comforteth the spirits marueilously and concocteth raw humours How shall I know whether hony or water be mingled with wine Vintners I confesse in these daies are wont to iuggle and sophistically to abuse wine namely Alligant Muscadell and browne Bastard but you shall perceiue their deceit by this meanes take a few drops of the wine and powre them vpon a hot plate of yron and the wine being resolued the hony will remaine and thicken If you suspect your wine to be mingled with water you shall discerne the same by putting a Peare into it for if the Peare swim vpon the face of the wine and sink not to the bottome then it is perfect and vnmingled but if it sinke to the bottome water without doubt is added vnto it Shew me a way to keepe Claret wine or any other wine good nine or ten yeares At euery vintage draw almost the fourth part out of the hogshead and then rowle it vpon his lee and after fill it vp with the best new wine of the same kinde that you can get Your caske ought to be bound with yron hoopes and kept alwayes full How might I helpe wine that reboyleth Put a piece of cheese into the vessel presently a wonderfull effect will follow Or else put a bunch of Peniroyall Organy or Calamint about the hole at which the new wine cōmeth forth but if your wine be new you will haue it quickly purged you must put halfe a pint of vinegar in euery 15 quarts of new wine Shew me how to seperate water from wine Doctour Liebault a learned Phisitian of Fraunce saith that if it come to passe that wine haue water in it and that we finde it to be so to seperate then this water from this wine you must put into the vessell of wine melted Allom and after stopping the mouth of the said vessell with a spunge drenched in oyle to turne the mouth of the vessell so stopped downward and so the water onely will come forth or else cause a vessell of Iuy wood to be made and put therein such quantity of wine as it will be able to hold the water will come forth presently and the wine will abide pure neat Some do vse presently to change the wine so watered and to draw it out into another vessell and then to put a pint a halfe of salt to euery fifteene quarts of wine others doe boyle the wine vpon the fire so long vntill the third part be consumed and the rest they vse three or foure yeares after Shew me a way how a man may drinke much wine and yet not be drunke To drinke great store of wine and not to be drunke you must eate of the rosted lungs of a Goat or otherwise eate sixe or seauen bitter Almonds fasting or otherwise eate raw Coleworts before you drinke and you shall not become drunk How many sorts of Drunkards are there So many men so many mindes The soule being once depraued and depriued for want of grace of her vniforme and melodious harmony becommeth tainted with diuers and discording affections insomuch that in their very drinking they shew of what base alloy they are composed Some kind of Drunkards we see laughing out of all measure others we see weeping Some are dumbe some talkatiue Some hop and daunce some on the contrary lie still as if they were without feeling One more watchfull then the rest drinks more then twentie deseruing well the garland of Bacchus Another sleepes and wallowes like a filthy Hogge One flatters another fights In briefe one is Lion drunk another Sow drunk One apish drunk another Parrot drunk How to make them which are drunk sober You must make them eate Coleworts and some manner of confections made of brine or else drink great draughts of vinegar Shew me a way how to make Tossepots and drunkards to hate wine Cause a Drunkard to drinke with white wine the blossomes of Rie gathered at such time as the Rie blossometh or else take three or foure Eeles aliue and let them lie in wine till they die and afterward cause this wine to be drunken off by such as are giuen to be drunk or else take a greene Frog which is ordinarily found in fresh springs and let the same lie in wine till she die otherwise marke diligently where the Owle haunteth that so you may get some of her egs frie them and giue them the drunken gallant to eate But in vaine labours the Phisitian to cure the bodies intemperance while the soule sleepes in sinne while the reasonable faculties lie troaden and trampled vnder these worldly pleasures Awake then thou sensuall man and shoote inwardly into the lightsome cause of health which is no other then sobrietie fashioned after the spirituall image of the Trinitie But if thy nature be so sterne if thy soules aduantage be no solide reason in thy iudgement to conuert thy brutish liuing yet let examples of the bodies griefes terrifie thy lustfull thoughts from such vaine dregs Looke but on the countenance of a drunkard and is not he disfigured Doth not his nose seeme rotten withered or worme-eaten Doth not his breath stinck his tongue falter Is not his body crazed subiect to gouts and dropsies It is written of olde Father Ennius that by emptying of bottels he got the gout and many other dolours As Mounsieur du Chesne out of Celius Rhodiginus translated these verses into French Le bon
the temperature or mediocritie beginneth to impugne and fight with his contrarie which is more weake vntill it see the vtter dissolution of the same Of the wicked motions of the Minde CHAP. 2. What be passions of the minde THe passions motions or perturbations of the soule which otherwise may be called the accidents of the spirit are strange or sodaine insurrections and rebellious alterations of a tumultuous troubled soule which with draw it from the light of reason to cleaue and adhere vnto worldly vanities VVherein consists the cure of the spirituall maladies As the cure of the bodyes griefes consists chiefely in the knowledge of those causes which engender them so in like manner for the cure of spirituall maladies we must search out the causes from whence they do proceed And as the causes of the bodyes griefes are two outward and inward so the causes of spirituall diseases are likewise two outward and inward The outward are disgraces iniuries hatred miserie losse of honour and such like accidents which wee call outward because they arise out of our bodies able to stirre vp a world of troubles in our Spirits The inward causes of spirituall maladies are two fold the one corporall which presently at the first bickering doe torment the body the other meerely spirituall rightly termed the passions of the soule which torment the soule it selfe The Physitian therefore that will cure these spirituall sicknesses must inuent and deuise some spirituall pageant to fortifie and help the imaginatiue facultie which is corrupted and depraued yea hee must endeauour to deceiue and imprint another conceit whether it be wise or foolish in the Patients braine thereby to put out all former phantasies VVhich are the chiefest passions of the soule The chiefest spirituall passions are voluptuous Loue Iealousie Anger Choler Sorrow Feare and Enuy. VVhat is Loue Loue is an affection whereby the minde lusteth after that which is either good indeed or else that which seemes vnto it to be so Among other causes which besot men towards this affection of Loue I finde idlenesse to be one of the principall which being taken away the force of loue presently decayeth according to that of the Poet Otia si tollas periere Cupidinis arcus Next I finde that mortification of the flesh weakeneth nature and consequently subdueth lust Last of all time and age doe conquer this tyrannous motion but indeede the Grace of God which enlighteneth the eyes of our vnderstanding to regard and meditate on the holy Scripture is the most soueraigne and comfortable water of life which cooleth and alayeth the fierie stings of vnlawfull loue VVhat is the cause of loue The cause of loue among fooles is beauty but among good men the vertues of the minde are the principles of loue for they are euerlasting and when all other things as beauty and riches do decay yet they become more fresh more sweet and inestimable then before Hence it is that wee are counselled to chuse wiues not by our eyes but by our eares that is not by prying into their fairenesse of bodies but by inward contemplating of their honest deedes and good huswiueries Ordinarily the most beautifull and goodly sort of men and such as are decked with bodily gifts are most deformed and vicious in their soules There is alwayes a great combat betwixt chastitie and beautie so that wee seldome see faire women to be honest matrons the reason is because they prefer the phantasticall pleasures of their bodily senses before the true and right noble vertues of the minde such as the Spanyard saith are like an apple which is faire without and rotten within La muger hermosa es como la mancana de dentro podrida y de fuera galana Shew me some other meanes to remedie the stinges of vnlawfull loue Forasmuch as examples are the most familiar meanes to edifie and arme a diseased minde against the assaults of inuisible temptations I will lay downe some which our moderne Writers haue recorded for true The Passion of Loue hath beene so violent and vehement in some that the wisest as Salomon haue turned to be Idolaters and braue Martialists as Hercules and others haue become fooles or mad men Saint Augustine Libr. 11. Trinitat cap. 4. rehearseth a story of one in his time that had such a strong and strange apprehension of his mistresse body imprinted in his braine that he imagined himselfe really present with her and committing of carnall copulation with her so sensibly that his very seed did spend in the said imaginary act vt ei se quasi misceri sentiens etiam genitalibus flueret that I may vse his owne words For the cure of this beastlike and slouenly sinne I will content my selfe with three famous examples There dwelt in Alexandria a dame of great beautie and of greater learning called Hippatia which publikely read vnto Schollers It came to passe that one of her chiefest Schollers became so inamoured of her that the ardent desire of loue compelled him to discouer vnto her his passion entreating her to pittie his languishing state Hippatia a very wise woman and loath to cast away so worthy a Scholler by a cruell disdaine bethought her selfe of this subtill and sodaine remedie she out of hand prouided her of a filthy bloudy and mattry smock and after shee had inuited him to her chamber fayning her selfe willing to giue him contentment shee tooke vp her peticote and shewed him her flowry contagious smocke speaking vnto him after this manner My friend I pray thee see here how thy iudgement hath beene abused see what thing thou louest so precious examine more straightly what motiue induced thee to loue such filthy trompery ouer-cast and disguised with a glozing beautie At these words the young man began to be ashamed to repent himselfe and thenceforth to become more wise and sober It is reported of that great Scholler Raimundus Iullius that falling in loue with a faire Gentlewoman he pressed her very earnestly to respect him Shee to dispatch and to ease his passion concluded to lye with him but when shee came shee presently shewed him her left dugge most vgly to behold by reason of a canker which had almost rotted it At which hideous sight his courage sodainely quailed and cooled in such sort that his lustful loue was conuerted into a charitable loue to study for some extraordinary Physicke to help her A Lawyer of Tholouza for his further learning hauing trauailed into Italy was at length insnared with loue at Venice Whereupon he often passed by the doore of his mistresses house and made many tokens of his good will towards her Hee attempted by the assistance of Bawdes to corrupt her with gifts and in the end with much adoe found means himselfe to impart his loue vnto her The Gentlewoman with bitter threatning repulsed him All which could not cause him to desist from his idle exterprize so vnbrideled was his affection so violent his motion But at the last perceiuing
Cholericke humour is hot and fiery bitter and like vnto the flower of wine It serueth not onely to cleanse the guts of filth but also to make the Liuer hot and to hinder the bloud from putrifaction What is the Melancholicke humour The Melancholick humour is black earthly resembling the lees of bloud and hath the Spleene for a seat assigned vnto it Howbeit Physitians say that there be three kindes of melancholy the first proceedeth from the annoyed braine the second commeth when as the whole constituion of the body is melancholicke the third springeth from the bowels but chiefly from the Spleen and liuer Shew me a diet for melancholicke men First they must haue lightsome chambers and them often perfumed Secondly they must eate young and good meat and beware of Beefe Porke Hare wilde beasts Thirdly let them vse Borrage and Buglosse in their drinke Fourthly Musicke is meet for them Fiftly they must alwayes keepe their bellies loose and soluble Of the restauration of health The sixt Section Of the foure parts of the yeare CHAP. 1. What is the nature of Spring time THe Spring time beginneth when the Sunne entereth into the signe of Aries which is the tenth day of March. At this time the daies and nights are of equall length the cold weather is diminished the pores of the earth being closed and congealed with cold are opened the fields waxe greene hearbes and flowers doe bud beasts rut the birds chirp and to be briefe all liuing Creatures doe recouer their former vigour in the beginning of the spring Now a man must eate lesse and drink somwhat the more The best meates to be eaten are Veale Kid yong Mutton Chickens dry fowle potched egges figs raisins and other sweet meate and because the Spring is a temperate season it requires temperature in all things Vse competent Phlebotomy purgation or such like Venery will doe no great harme As the Sunne by steps and degrees makes his power manifest abroad so within our bodyes hee workes strange and meruailous effects after his cloudy absence Sweet meat must haue soure sauce after our gurmundise and gluttonous fare let vs now likewise imitate these degrees and by little and little weane our bodies from such luxurious cheer Wee see Nurses annoint their teates with Wormwood iuyce to terrifie and withdraw their froward Children from their auncient sustenance so in like manner let vs in this season beginne to sequester our wanton wils being the bodies rulers from persisting in their former lauishnesse for which purpose I aduise the temperate to abstaine from immoderate drinking of wine from immoderate spiced meate specially towards the midst of this season and if they be cholericke hot and dry of constitutions I aduise them to coole themselues now and then with waters of Endiue and Succory or with fountaine water together with a little Comfits to expell inflamation and windie pestilent humours In any case let them which regard their health take heede of salt Herrings and slimy Fish as a meate fitter for labourers then for tender natures Or if their longing wantonnesse be such that they must needs eate them let them exercise or omit their next meale whereby those ill humours may be spent or digested which were caused by reason of the vnwholsome nutriment For assuredly the bloud of idle people will be quickly tainted and corrupted so that the bad excrements will break out into itch tetters the small pockes or meazels or else they will descend from the head into the eyes teeth or lungs and there engender a fearefull cough In old persons these brackish viscous and salt humours will congeale and harden into the stone of the bladder or reines What is the nature of Summer Summer begins when the Sunne entereth the Signe of Cancer which is the twelfth day of Iune In this time Choler is predominant heat encreaseth the windes are silent the sea calme fruits doe ripen and Bees doe make honey Now a man must drinke largely eate little and that sodden for rost meate is dry It is dangerous taking of Physicke and specially in the Dog dayes To heale wounds is very difficult and perillous All these inconueniences happen because of the dog dayes to last for the space of those fortie dayes wherein that Constellation called the Dog meeting with the Sunne in our Meridian doubleth his heate by whose burning influence Frenzies the Pestilence Calenturaes and other hot cholericke sicknesses are bred in our bodies What is the nature of Autumne Autumne beginneth when the Sunne entreth the first degree of Libra which is the thirteenth day of September Then it is Equinoctiall Meteors are seene the times doe alter the Ayre waxeth cold the leaues doe fall corne is reaped the earth loseth her beautie and melancholy is engendered For which cause such things as breede Melancholy are to be auoyded as Feare Care Beanes olde Cheese salt Beefe broath of Coleworts and such like You may safely eate Mutton Lambe Pigges and young pullets Take heede of the morning and euening cold What is the nature of Winter Winter beginneth when the Sunne entereth the Signe of Capricorne which is commonly the twelfth day of December Now the dayes are shortned and the nights prolonged Windes are sharpe Snow and sodaine inundations of waters arise the Earth is congealed with frost and Ice and all liuing creatures doe quiuer with colde Therefore a man must vse warme and dry meates for the cheerefull vertues of the body are now weakened by the colde ayre and the naturall heate is driuen into the inward parts of the body to comfort and maintaine the vitall Spirits VVee must expell the colde ayre with warme drinkes wines braggot metheglin malmesie and such like and aboue all with warme clothes which I wish to be of wooll rather then of any other stuffes In this season wee may feede liberally on strong meates as Beefe barren Does gelt Goats and on spiced or baked meates for whose better digestion and to shut the orifice or mouth of the stomacke some vse to eate Comfits of Anise-seedes presently after meales some other hauing weake stomackes take digestiue pouders made of sweet Fenell seedes Coriander seed Corrall prepared a little masticke Sinnamon and Rose suger within the conserues of Roses Others againe content themselues with a pouder composed of Rose Suger Annise-seede Sage and a crust of fine bread whereof they take a spoonefull in a cup of drinke At nights be sure to keep your selfe warme and specially your head and feet In this case I cannot but commend the Dutchmens prouidence aboue our owne who continually in colde weather weare furres about their necks and couer their feete with wollen sockes Now Wardens Apples and Peares may be vsed with wine or with salt for swelling or with comfits for windinesse To vse carnall copulation is expedient if the weather be moist and not very cold Astronomers auerre that if the first day of December be foule and tempestuous it will not be calme thirty dayes after
pere Ennius seicha tant les bouteilles Qu'il fut geine de goutte et douleurs nompareilles More would I inueigh against the Lapithes of our age had not I of late taxed them in my first Circle of the Spirit of Detraction Shew me a way to make olde wine to be new out of hand Take bitter Almonds and Melilot of each an ounce of Licorice three ounces of the flowers of Alexander as much of Aloes perepatick two ounces bray them all and tye them together in a linnen cloath and so sinke them in the wine At what time are VVine and Beere readie to turne and change About the middest of Iune when the Sun enters into the Tropicke of Cancer and somwhat before the Dogge dayes begin wine and Beere are apt to become eager and corrupt and likewise when the Southerne winde blowes whether it be in Sommer time or Winter when it is great raine lightning thunder or earthquakes then are wine and Beere subiect to turne Shew me how to keepe wine and Beere without turning Aboue all things haue a speciall regard that you lay your vessels in vaulted sellers and then cast into your said vessels either Roach Allome done into powder or the ashes of Oaken wood or beaten Pepper or else put into your vessels so corrupted a good quantity of Cowes milke somewhat salted or if none of these serue draw the drinke into an other vessell that is sweet and vntainted vsing a composition of the foresaid remedies intermingling it foure or fiue times a day for the space of a sennight Is wine hurtfull to sicke folkes Hypocrates writeth that to giue wine or milke to them that be sicke of agues or head-aches is to giue them poyson yet neuerthelesse it doth agree with some kind of diseases as for example it is permitted to them that be troubled with dropsies with ill dispositions of the body and with the rawnesse and weaknesse of the stomack to be briefe wine is an excellent restoratiue for olde age which of it selfe is a great and troublesome sicknesse and for this cause some Phisitians aduised olde men to drinke wine in the middest of Sommer I meane to vse Bacchus for their Phisitian twenty dayes before and twenty dayes after the dogge dayes to the end that in the heat and siccity of that fierie starre their lungs should be ouerflowne but howsoeuer wine reuiueth feeble spirits and maketh the heart light specially of an olde man according to the Italian saying A vecchio infunde lolio ne la lampada quasi estincta Vnto an olde man it infuseth oyle in his decayed lampe Of diet drinks as well for them that be sicke as in health CHAP. 3. Shew me how to correct the malicious vapours of wines FOr the correction of medicinable wine you must put and infuse Burrage Buglos and Pimpernell in your wine for the space of foure and twenty houres before you drink of it Some vse to temper the force of wine by putting a toste in it Some take the leaues of Isop wel powned made fast in a fine cloath and put into new wine against the diseases of the lungs shortnesse of the breath and the cough which they call Isop wine some take dry Roses Anise and hony together with one pound of the leaues and seed of Betony one pound of Fenell seede and a little Saffron these ingredients they put in twenty quarts of new wine and after foure moneths are past they change the wine into a new vessell this kinde of wine is very expedient to be drunk for the clearing of the eye-sight for Pleurisies and for the coroborating of the stomack Others make wine of Wormewood for the paine of the stomack and liuer and for the wormes of the guts which wine is made after this manner eight drams of Worme-wood stamp them and straine them and so cast them into three pints of wine Shew me how to make Ipocras and wine of Scene Common Ipocras is made after this manner take nine pound of the best white wine or Claret that you can get an ounce and a halfe of Cinamon one pound of Suger three drams of Ginger and two scruples of Nutmegs beat all these somewhat grosly then let them soake three daies in the said wine and afterward straine it and vse it for the heating and comforting of a colde and a weake stomack but if you feare sicknesse prepare wine of Scene after this manner take an ounce of the leaues of Scene well mundified halfe a dram of Cinamon seeth them in a quart of white wine with a soft fire till it come to a pint afterwards put a little Suger vnto it and in three daies after it hath beene steeped and so continuing you may straine it and vse it by taking of three spoonfuls in the morning and three spoonfuls when you goe to bed vntill your body be sufficiently purged Shew mee a diet drinke against Melancholie Take two ounces of the leaues of Scene of Fumitory greene Hops and Borrage of each a pound seeth them to the third part in faire water with a soft fire or else till two gallons come to one gallon straine them and sweeten them with Suger or hony and after a sennight you may drink thereof euery morning a draught fasting and so before supper one houre Shew me a diet drinke against the consumption Take two gallons of small Ale halfe a pound of blancht Almonds a quarter of a pound of Annise seeds three or foure stickes of Licoras sliced or bruised one pound of Red Roses Isop and Parsley bruise and straine what is to be bruised and strained after you haue let them boile to one gallon and when it is ready adde vnto it a quart of Malmesie and drinke thereof morning and euening two houres before you eate this drinke preserueth a man from the cough makes a man of a strong constitution and cureth the consumption Of Cider and Perry CHAP. 4. What is Cyder MOnsieur Libault in his third booke of his mayson rustique writeth that Cyder most commonly is sowre yet notwithstanding whether it were made such by reason of the sowernesse of the Apples or become such by reason of the space of time in as much as it is very watry and somewhat earthie as also very subtile and pearcing and yet therewithall somewhat astringent and corroboratiue becommeth singular good to coole a hot liuer and stomack to temper the heate of boyling and collerick blood to stay collerick and adust vomiting to asswage thirst to cut and make thinne grosse and slimy humours whether hot or colde but chiefely the hot Such drinke falleth out to be very good and conuenient and to serue well in place of wine for such as haue any ague for such are subiect to a hot liuer and hot bloud for such as are scabbed or itchy for such are rheumatick vpon occasion of hot humours and it needeth not that it should be tempered with water VVhat is the vse of Perry Perry is a sweet kind
vapours of the feet that else should vanish away in the head and eyes Also you must if you can possibly sleepe in your chaire and let your head be meanely couered according to the time For as too much colde so too much heate doth astonish the minde and spirits Of early rising CHAP. 2. What are the commodities of early rising EArly rising is healthfull for the bloud and humours of the body and a thing good for them that be studious of waighty affaires for the animall spirit is then more readie to conceiue Yet notwithstanding it is not amisse to consider and serue the time and place because if the aire be corrupt as in plague time or enclined to moistnesse as in raynie and mistie weather or thundring it is better to abide either in bed with some light or to sit in the chamber by some sweet fire Of Dreames CHAP. 3. What are Dreames DReames are either tokens of things past or significants of things to come And surely if a mans minde be free from cares and he dreame in the morning there is no doubt but the affaires then dreamed of will truely come to passe How many sorts of dreames be there There be three sorts of Dreames To wit diuine supernaturall and naturall Diuine dreames are they which were sent by inspiration from God to his Prophets and faithfull seruants and as God is the Author of trueth so are they true and certaine Supernaturall dreames are placed in the middest betweene the diuine dreames and the naturall for they may happen without being precisely sent from God and their cause comes not onely by the sole deprauation of humours as naturall dreames doe but by the rauishment of the spirit which wakes while the body reposeth and which being oftentimes holpen by the inspiration of some good Angel or Genius doth represent by such Dreames things which commonly come to passe These kind of dreames chance in the morning when the braine is more free from the vapours of the meate which before had dulled it Among many examples which I haue read of this one seemes most strange vnto me Two friends trauailing together to a certaine Citie by the way at a little village parted the one to his friends house and the other to an Inne Hee which lodged at his friends house saw in his dreame his companion defiring him that he would come to help him or else he was to be killed by his hoast which when he saw he awaked rose out of his bed and was about to goe to the Inne but comming to himselfe and thinking how it might be a false dreame returned to his bed and slept then againe his friend appeared vnto him and seemed to request him more earnestly that he would succour him but he making no account likewise of this dreame slept againe to whom in like manner the third time his companion with a great complaint desiring him because hee had neglected to helpe him in his life time that now he would at last not denie to seeke reuenge on the murtherer saying that his murthered body was brought out of the gate of the Citie vpon a Cart couered ouer with dung to hide the offence By this meanes God disclosed the murther which well might be termed sera numinis vindicta Naturall dreames are they which represent the passions of the soule and body the imaginations of such dreames come to passe either by reason of outward causes or inward the outward are vaporous meates which ingender corrupt and burnt bloud For the vse of Coleworts Beanes Pease and Pottage causeth sorrowfull and troublesome dreames like as Garlick and Onions being eaten at supper doth make a man to dreame of terrible things The inward causes of which dreames are euill humours specially melancholicke which through the blacknesse thereof doth darken the light of the vnderstanding which is seated in the braine and there-hence as a candle imparts light vnto the whole body and there they imprint troublesome dreames To hinder a man from dreaming let him auoid bad and windie meates let him purge melancholy and at conuenient season if neede be let him bleed Likewise it is expedient to temper and correct the humours by sound antidotes and preparatiues to vse revulsions and deriuations to withdraw some of the fumes and vapours which ascend vp into the head filling the braine with many such troublesome conceits The fourth Section Of Euacuations CHAP. 1. How many kindes of Euacuations are there EVacuations are either naturall or artificiall the one vsuall as exercise vrine fasting and venerie the other compelled as by Bathes bloud-letting Purgations vomites glysters What be the commodities of Exercise Exercise is that which maketh the body light increaseth naturall heate and consumeth superfluous humours which otherwise would clotter and congeale within the body For in euery concoction some excrements are ingendred which being left alone may be the rootes of diuers sicknesses Now the thicker sort of excrements are auoyded by sensible euacuations But the thinner may be wasted and purged by exercise At what time is it best to exercise It is best to exercise when the body is fasting and emptie least after meats by violent and vehement motions digestion be hindered and putrifaction follow In Sommer exercise is to be vsed an houre after Sunne rising for feare of a double heate In Spring and Haruest time it is to be vsed about an houre and a halfe after Sunne rising that the morning colde may be auoided for as the heate at mid-day is hurtfull so the morning colde especially in Autumne is to be eschewed What kinde of Exercise is good Walking if it be not too slow is a commendable exercise and may be vsed in hot moneths specially of cholericke persons To hang by the hands on a thing aboue your reach so that your feet touch not the ground is good To climbe vp against a steepe hill till you pant and fetch your breath often with great difficultie is a fit exercise to be frequented in colde seasons Olde men must content themselues with softer Exercises least that the small heate which they haue should be spent They must onely euerie morning haue their ioynts gently rubbed with a linnen cloth To be briefe they must be combde and cherished vp with fine delights Vnto what complexion doth Exercise most appertaine Vnto the flegmaticke rather then the cholericke What exercise should short winded men vse They must vse loud reading and disputations that thereby their winde pipes may be extended and their pores opened Of Vrines CHAP. 2. What is Vrine VRine is the clearer and lighter part of bloud proceeding from the raines which if a man forceth to suppresse he is in danger of the collicke or stone What colour of vrine is most commendable That Vrine is most laudable which is of colour somewhat red and yealow like golde answering in proportion to the liquour which you drinke Teach me to prognosticate by Vrines White vrine signifieth rawnesse and indigestion in the
It dulls the spright it dimmes the sight It robs a woman of her right Of Vomites CHAP. 8. What is a vomite A Vomite is the expulsion of bad humours contayned in the stomack vpwards It is accounted the wholesomest kinde of Phisick for that which a purgation leaueth behind it a vomite doth root out VVhich are the best vomites Take of the seeds of Dill Attripplex and Radish three drachmes of Fountaine water one pound and a halfe seeth them all together till there remaine one pound straine it and vse it hot Or else make you a vomite after this manner take three drachmes of the rind of a Walnut slice them and steepe them one whole night in a draught of white wine and drinke the wine in the morning a little before dinner VVhat if the vomites worke not If they work not within an houre after you haue taken any of them sup a little of the sirupe of Oximel and put your left middle finger in your mouth and you shall be holpen VVhat shall I doe if I vomite too much If you vomite too much rub wash your feet with hot and sweet water and if it cease not for all this apply a gourd to the mouth of the stomack Sometimes without any Phisick at all one shall fall to a customarie vomiting And then it proceedes eyther of the colde complexion of the stomacke or of hot complexion If of colde complexion you may helpe it by making a bagge of Wormewood dry Mints and Maioram of each a like one handfull of Nutmegs Cloues and Galingall halfe a drachme of each one Let all of them be dried and powdred and put betwixt two linnen cloathes with Cotton interposed and basted And then let them be applied vpon the stomack Or else you may apply the said hearbes alone dried on a hote Tilestone and put betwixt two linnen cloathes vpon the stomacke Let them fortifie their stomackes with the sirupe of Mints or of Wormewood or eate Lozenges called Diagalanga If vomiting proceedes of hote complexion you may cure it by a playster applied to the stomacke of oyle of Roses Wormewood Mints and Barly flower with the white of an Egge Some in such a case take the water of Purselane in their drinke to quench their thirst Of Common sicknesses CHAP. 9. Shew me how to cure such common sicknesses as daily annoy our bodies ALL sicknesses whatsoeuer spring out of the head distempered and there-hence they arise in one of the foure humours which by the distemperature of the head become likewise distempered so that all sicknesses abound eyther of the bloud depraued or of choler infected or of flegme coagulated or of melancholy empoysoned Or perhaps they spring by the mixt corruption of two or more of these humours Wherefore it behoueth vs to be wise in the very beginning of our sicknesses and to preuent their theeuish intrusion Aboue all vomites or purgations I see none comparable to Stibium or Antimonie prepared which I dare boldly commend as a most soueraine and cheape remedy for agues dropsies fluxes and distillations vnto the poorer sort The taking whereof I wish to be onely three graines infused for a whole night in a glasse of Sack with a little Suger or cleare Ale and to be drunke vp the next morning As for rich men let them fee the Physitian least that noble trade decay for want of maintenance according to that olde saying Stipends doe nourish Artes. The Seminaries of diseases after this manner rooted out by Antimonie Let euery particular griefe be suited thereafter for agues let them coole the liuer with Ptisans Endiue or Succorie waters For the stone let them take Goates bloud dried into powder in a hote Ouen or otherwise as they please within their pottage or liquour seeing that the hardest Adamant is dissolued with this kinde of bloud why may not the stone in mans bodie be likewise bruised therewith For the Gout let them exercise if they can or else ●e let bloud very often in the place affected or let them reserue Horse-leaches for that purpose I might here commend diuers locall medicines as oyles of Roses of Mirtilles of Cammomill or wilde Mallowes of Turpentine or such like I might aduise them to lay emplaisters on the goutie ioynts made of Mellilote of vnguentum Populeum of the flowers of Cammomill of red Roses with Beane flowre I might wish them to apply the Colewort leafe and then to stop the fluxe with that precious and admired salue commonly called Paracelsus his stiptick playster which I haue found by experience to heale any wound whether it be olde or greene sooner in one weeke then any other in a moneth by reason of the binding drying and strengthening vertue which it hath being likewise able to stop the concourse or falling of humours into the sore This salue I praise aboue all others as that which breeds none but good flesh and as Apothecaries say it wil● keepe forty yeares without putrifying But indeed because all sicknesses proceed from the braine it were fit to purge the superfluous moisture thereof once a moneth either with a drachme of Pilles Imperiall or of Pillulae sine quibus or of Pillulae Cochiae From the braine they flow into the musckles of the backe and from thence they descend into the feet which is termed Podagra or to the hucklebone which is called Sciatica or else from the backe into the hands and then it is called Chiragra For a preseruatiue against the plague let them now and then take Pillulae communes or the aboue said Antimony which is also good against poison drunke whereby they may note that whatsoeuer helpes the one helpes the other The fift Section Of infirmities and Death CHAP. 1. What be the causes of hot infirmities THE causes of hot infirmities be sixe The first are the motions of the minde as loue anger feare and such like The second the motions of the body as immoderate carnall copulation vehement labours strayning hard riding The third long standing or sitting in the sunne or by the fire The fourth cause of infirmities is the vse of hote things as meates drinkes and medicines vntimely vsed The fift closing or stopping of the pores which happeneth by immoderate annointing bathing or otherwise thickning the skinne so that the holes whereby the sweat and fumes doe passe out be stopped The sixt putrifaction of humours by distemperature of meats and long watchings What be the causes of colde infirmities The causes of cold infirmities be eight the first is the cold aire the second is too much repletion the third is want of good meate the fourth is the vse of cold things the fift is too much quietnesse the sixt is opening of the pores the seauenth is oppilation in the veines or arteries the eight is vnseasonable exercise VVhat is the chiefest cause of death The chiefest and vnauoidable cause of our deathes is the contrarietie of the Elements whereof our bodies be compounded For the qualitie which is predominant ouer
and so on the contrary Of monethly Dyet CHAP. 2. Shew me how to order my body in euery particular Moneth In Ianuary IN this Moneth mans inward parts become replenished with more heate then at any other time The reason is because our bodies being in health receiue into them more aboundance of food whereby they are strengthened and comforted in their constitutions and principall powers So that wee may aduenture to eate grosser meats as baked Venison of barren Does gelt Buckes gelt Goats Brawne Beefe and such like in this moneth then in any other Moneth for that our naturall heare in warmer weather is dispersed and so digestion hindered now fasting is very hurtfull But spiced drinkes and wines are highly commended Beware of Physicke and chiefly of bloudletting In February Because this season is very raw and watrish keepe your neck and feet warme and imitate the Dutch who vse to weare furred collers as a soueraigne remedie against the colde Ayre Towards the latter end of this moneth it will not be amisse to eate now and then I meane in the beginning of meales those meates which are of a laxatiue substance as a pared pippin or a few stewed prunes and raisins It is good now and then to drinke a a cup of good Meath or white wine some vse to breake their fast with the pith of white bread bespread with honey for the purifying of their breast and bladder All kinde of Physicke is dangerous in this Moneth excepting pilles to purge the head which now seemes more heauy then at other seasons In March In this moneth it is good to eate cleansing things for our bodyes hauing beene glutted with diuersities of meats in the winter cannot but breake out into some outward part by itch biles pockes issues plagues morphew iaundise greene sicknesse or such like or else inwardly by impostumes feuers catarres c. Wherefore let vs vse pottage made of leekes Alisander Peniroyall and Betony and aboue all things let vs beware of salt fish And for our Physicke let vs content our selues with bathes eyther naturall or artificiall or with sweat naturall or artificiall The naturall sweat if it be not excessiue or violent in the opening of the pores will cleanse the bloud make light the spirits dissolue thicke and raw humours and asswage the dropsie the Scuruy and all such sicknesses as proceed of lazinesse The artificiall sweat will cure the itch and mundifie the skinne In a word now is the best time to remoue the rootes of diseases and to preuent their further stealth In Aprill Now with the warme weather our bloud beginnes to heat and waxe rancke And therfore it is expedient to eate meat of a light digestion and sallets to coole our bloud Salt meates are very hurtfull specially for them which doe not trauell by reason that the bloud becomes tainted with them and will quickly engender the itch If there be vrgent need a man may in this Moneth purge or be let bloud But for bloud letting I could wish these rules to be first practised first that the body be made soluble secondly that it be done in the morning before any exercise or commotion of the humours thirdly that the certainty of the veine be regarded fourthly that the quantity be considered according to the Patients complexion and age not vnder fourteene nor aboue fiue and fiftie fiftly that he obserue a very sparing vary dyet for three dayes after whereby pure and good bloud may succeed in the corrupteds place In May. As this Moneth is the most moderate season of the yeare free from extremities hot or cold so that we seeme to liue in terâ floridâ so ought we chiefly now to obserue measure and moderation in our dyet for our bloud being luke-warme may easily be ouertaken with any excesse through that sodaine alteration which Philosophers terme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Before meat Exercise is most expedient To drinke Wormewood wine is accounted very healthfull and so to drinke soure whay clarified with Sage and Parsley is an excellent dyet drinke for hot Cholericke stomackes Some vse in this Moneth to breake their fast with old Cheese or Parmizan grated with Suger and Sage as a restoratiue for weake spirits Now Horse-leaches may be applyed to our feet or to such parts of the body where we suspect the concourse of moist humors In Iune Early rising profiteth much in this warme time for which cause good husbands doe fetch a long vagari through the pleasant fields to prouoke appetite which otherwise with lazinesse would be corrupted with satietie and sultry loathsomnesse A little meat will serue but we may drinke the more freely so that it be not strong and recompence nature this way for the easier digestion of our meates For euen as the heate of the Sunne breedes chaps clefts and dust in the ground so likewise would it ingender burnt choler as dry soot in a chimney in our sparing bodies Cheries by reason of their piercing vertue are thought commodious to appease thirst Sallets performe the very same To bath in cold water is esteemed a soueraine remedy against all outward griefes or tumours proceeding from heat In Iuly Now arriues the Sommers Solstice which with the fiery Dogge turnes the moisture of our bodies into parched exhalations which we commonly call cholerick symptomes And therefore shunne roast or broyled meates Shunne salt meates Bacon and strong Beefe Spare not to drinke Ptizans Endiue or Succory waters which coole the liuer Now you may boldly sleepe in the after noone so that it be not presently after dinner and not aboue an houre Beware of bloud-letting Physick and venerous acts When you are emptie bath your selfe in colde water for that recreates the animall powers In August In this moneth begin to withdraw your custome from drinking by little and little conuerting the same to a temperate least the vnseasonable Accidents which awayte vpon this moneth doe seaze on thy moist body and so bestow a gift which will not easily be clawed off a tyrannous ague tertian or quartane Beware of fruit specially Apples or Peares which now are wont to tempt want on bodies Beware of them yee nice Maydes whose God is your longing will least yee meet with the greene sicknesse by eating such greene fruit Beware of Eeles and of all fish that are taken in Ponds or in muddy places Some vse to annoint their bodies with this precious oyle to preuent the theeuish intrusion of diseases in this threatning season Take oyle Oliue and incorporate it with the iuyce of Sage Smallage Angelica Rose-water and Rue In September Some accustome themselues to drinke a draught of Goates milke luke-warme in the morning to encrease radicall moisture while this moneth continueth But in any case take heed of excesse least the fruit and drinke which thou tookest so liberally in the Sommer doe worke some treason against thy carelesse body in the Autumne In any case beware of the nights colde Walke as little as thou canst after Sunne
set Now is the proper time to take Physick either by Pilles or Gargarismes for the head by vomites purgations or electuaries for the stomack or by glisters for the bowels or by bloud-letting for the Pleurisie or by sweats for the itch In October This moneth hath great affinitie with March so that whatsoeuer is good in the one is good in the other Arme your body soundly with pleasant wines or spiced drinks against the ensuing Winter Arme your minde with study for now this temperate time inuites thee to read without impediments either of violent colde or of violent heat In Nouember In this season the humor of Bloud decreaseth and black melancholy endeuours to domineere in our bodies which varies like the time Let thy body be well cloathed for feare of the nipping weather Now you may aduenture to eate salt meates powdred Beefe and Mustard In the morning it auailes much to eate a hote loafe buttred and seasoned with Suger and Cinamon which also serues as an excellent receipt to preuent the cough Now you may safely drinke a pipe of Tobacco fasting if you feare theumes In December In this colde Moneth imitate the Spanish Diet. In the morning breake your fast with a bit of Marnelad or Sucket with a draught of Aqua vitae Vse Pepper in your meats And what other spice you please for the seasoning of your Cates. Now you must eate more and drinke the lesse Eate roasted Apples or Wardens to close vp the mouth of your stomack after meales Or else now and then drinke off a Cup of good Claret wine with a roasted Apple in it For the body being benummed and as it were made senselesse with frost and shauing windes had need to be refreshed and cherished with such comfortable allurements For this cause it fell out by discreet tradition that the twelue dayes were allowed vs to feast in that our bodies might enioy the fruit of our trauaile that a forced sanguine complexion by reason of such cheerefull prouocations might downe waigh the naturall melancholick power But for all this let vs not forget our Christian duties in spending wastfully that which might benefit vs a farre longer terme like vnto swinish Epicures whose thoughts intend on their present prouender of whom Saint Paul wrote Edamus Bibamus ludamus cras moriemur Let vs eate drinke and play for to morrow we shall die And as another of late verified Dulcia dum fas est fugitiuae gaudia vitae Carpe volubilibus labitur annus equis Of medicines and meanes to prolong Life CHAP. 3. Shew me certaine remedies to prolong life TO liue for euer and to become immortall here on earth is a thing impossible but to prolong a mans life free from sicknesses and to keepe the humours of the body in a temperate state I verily beleeue it may be done first by Gods permission by obseruing a good dyet and sometimes by vsing of some Treacle Methridate or such like in the Spring time and Autumne Shew me a Syrup against hot diseases and to preserue health For the preseruing of a mans health free from hot diseases vse this sirup fasting take of cleere fountaine water two quarts put into it the roots of Smallage Borrage Buglosse Endiue and Parsley of each three ounces of good Tobacco leafe halfe a pound seeth them with a soft fire vntill they come to one quart and then put vnto them two pound of Suger and mingle it with a pint of good white wine vinegar and if you please to adde some iuyce of Lemonds thereto it will proue a rare help against grosse choler flegme it will scoure and open obstructions and opilations about the Spleene liuer and raines Shew me preseruatiues against cold diseases Doctor Steuens water is an excellent preseruatiue to prolong life and against cold diseases and is made after this manner take a gallon of gascoigne wine then take ginger gallingall Cammomill Sinnamon nutmegs graines cloues mace anise-seede carraway-seed of each of them a drachme then take sage mints red roses tyme pellitory of the wall wild marioram rosemary penny-mountaine otherwise wilde tyme cammomill Lauender of euery of them one handfull then bruise the spices small bruise the hearbs and put all into the wine and let it stand twelue houres stirring it diuers times then distill it in a limbeck and keepe the first pint of the water for that is the best and then will come a second water which is not so good as the first The vertues of this water are these it comforteth the spirits it preserueth the youth of man it helpeth old gouts the toothach the palsie and all diseases proceeding of cold it causeth barren women to conceiue it cureth the cold dropsie the stone in the bladder and the raines of the backe it healeth the canker comforteth the stomacke and prolongeth a mans life Take but a spoonfull of it once in seauen dayes for it is very hot in operation Doctor Steuens who vsed this water liued one hundred yeares wanting two The sublimated wine of M. Gallus Physitian to the Emperour Charles the fift of that name is most admirable for the vse thereof caused him to liue sixscore and nine yeares without any disease which I thinke to be better then Doctor Steuens water it is made in this sort Take of Cubebs Cinnamon Cloues Mace Ginger Nutmegs Galingall three ounces of Rubarbe halfe an ounce of Angelica two drachmes of Mastick foure drachmes and of Sage one pound and two ounces steepe these in two pound and sixe ounces of Aqua vitae which was sixe times distilled then distill them altogether This wine comforteth the braine and memory expelleth Melancholy breaketh the stone prouoketh appetite reuiueth weake spirits and causeth a man to waxe young and lustie It may be taken twise euery weeke and not aboue one spoonfull at each time and that but in a cup of drinke fasting Of Mirth CHAP. 4. What is the principall naturall meanes to prolong life MIrth which is a motion of the minde whereby it taketh delight and stayeth it selfe in that good which is offered vnto it What are the effects of Mirth Mirth enlargeth the heart and disperseth much naturall heat with the bloud of which it sendeth a good portion to the face especially if the mirth be so great that it stirreth a man to laughter Mirth I say maketh the forehead smooth and cleere causeth the eyes to glister and the cheekes to become ruddy Wherefore did God giue affections vnto men God afforded Mirth and such like vnto men that thereby they might be induced to seeke after his diuine Maiestie in whom alone they should finde all mirth and comfort What mirth doe the common people loue best Ignorant men doe delight in corporall and outward things which moue their bodily senses As in beholding of faire women pleasant Gardens rich attires or else in eating or drinking What mirth doe wise men like Wise men receiue pleasure by contemplation which is proper to the minde