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cause_n body_n life_n soul_n 5,160 5 5.5664 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08252 Londons doue: or A memoriall of the life and death of Maister Robert Doue, citizen and marchant-taylor of London and of his seuerall almesdeeds and large bountie to the poore, in his life time. He departed this life, on Saterday the 2. day of this instant moneth of May, 1612. Nixon, Anthony. 1612 (1612) STC 18588; ESTC S121754 15,077 34

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men for the same But Marie and Martha Feasting CHRIST were blessed of GOD for euer Manie make Banquets but the poore haue no part in them So did Holofernes for Iudiths sake but perished in his excesse The rich Glutton fared daintilie euery day while the poore man died at his gate for want of foode Couetousnesse would suffer him to giue nothing like churlish Naball and Vnmercifulnesse threwe him headlong to Hell Pittie and tender Compassion doe declare the Children of men to be the Sonnes of God who doth admonish them thereunto saying Bee you mercifull as your heauenly Father is mercifull Herein is God pleased and his Maiestie honoured by doing and shewing the true markes of his deere Children This stirred vp Maister Doue in the godly remembrance hereof not only in his life time to relieue these distressed persons by his manie continued déedes of Charitie but to leaue a worthy commemoration of his Religious intention● to remaine for euer after his death by the gifte of Fiftie pounds to bee employed in the perpetuall behoofe of such as shall be condemned to die That is in hauing the great Bell at Saint Sepulchers Church without New-gate to be Tolled on euery Execution day till the condemned Prisoners haue suffered death and also a small Hande Bell to bee Rung at Midnight vnder Newe-Gate the Night after their Condemnation And the next morning at the Church-wall To put them in minde of their mortalitie with a Prayer to be saide touching their saluation Oh admirable Deuotion and worthie to be recorded in the Monuments of Antiquitie who whether he liued or died gaue maintenance by his bountie that this should continue for euer for the comfort of them and all succéeding them Oh what a vertuous man was this whose care was not onely to preserue their bodies from fainting by ministring ordinary supplie of sustenance but to giue them spirituall foode and to awake their sléepie senses from securitie to saue their soules from perishing Of the maintenance giuen by him vnto certaine Schollers in Saint Iohn Baptist Colledge in Oxford BEsides the many memorable déeds of Deuotion which he did to poore aged men to comfortles widowes to destitute and néedie yong-men to distressed Prisoners and to diuers others yet vnknowne in farre larger measure then my Instructions haue hitherto ledde me vnto He was also a charitable and carefull Patron to poore Schollers where the abilitie of their owne Friendes was not able to reach to yéelde them exhibition And besides what he had formerly done vnto them he gaue an hundreth pounds at Easter last and a Latine Bible written in parchment to certaine Schollers in S. Iohn Baptists Colledge in Oxforde for their maintenance and vse and for their further preferment in learning the high way to honor Oh happie Schollers borne in such a time where bountie and vertue calleth you to promotion Spend not therefore pretious time idely nor withdrawe your selues from the happines of your future hopes Now is a golden treasurie opened vnto you which farre surmounteth Craesus wealth make your selfe rich in learning and honor shall be your reward This your good Benefactor hath loaden you with better treasure then gold siluer or pretious stones which are subiect to many casualties gottē with griefe kept with care and lost with a thousand sorrowes These riches are seldome possessed in peace but are the cause many times of cruell murthers thefts and an hundred deadly daungers of body and often proue the destruction of the Soule But learning shall whilest you liue euer last and remaine with you No théefe shall be able leauing your life to robbe you of this treasure Had king Priamus sent his Sonne Polidorus with no other treasure to his supposed friends The young Prince had neuer felt the force of inhumaine murther and crueltie nor his Parents had cause to lament so grieuous a mischance with so many sorrowfull and bitter teares Therefore be gréedie to gaine learning and knowledge be earnest and carefull to purchase wisedome the which shall crowne you with honor in the daies of your perfection and raise you to the high Seate of dignitie Imbrace this benefit with gladnes and praise God for him that gaue furtherance vnto it Of the bountie and charitie of Maister Doues to the Schoolmaister and Schollers of Christs Hospitall in London OUer many Orphanes poore children did he become a carefull father standing in stead of their owne naturall Parents in affording meanes to haue them trained vp in the exercise of good letters to bring them to preferment and to kéepe them from the snares of Idlenes the path to perdition hath in tender regard of their good and the Commonwealths benefit giuen furtherāce to y e Schoolemaister of Christs Hospitall to nourish them in the knowledge of the latine tongue and such as are not capable thereof to be instructed in wryting and casting account and to be placed and preferred to seuerall trades and mysteries wherby they may grow in time to be happie members of this honorable citie Oh yée children carrie thankfull mindes first to God for his goodnes in preferring you hereunto and next vnto such Benefactors as haue so charitably prouided to instruct you Through his bountie shall you be trained vp either in the latine tōgue that you may proceed vnto further knowledge or in writing that you may be able to set downe that w c your penne which your memorie is by no meanes able to preserue And whether you be in prison restrained from libertie or separated by the Sea from the sight of your countrey by your penne you may helpe your selues in the one and satisfie your selues in the other What honors you may attaine vnto by learning or what good you may come to by hand-writing you are not able to conceiue before you haue made experience of it By the one you may be both beatified and beautified with all y t inward graces of the minde by the other you might speake if you had lost your tongues by tyrannie as many did in the bloody daies of Dioclesian Or did your legges faile you or were you made cripples by the warres as Scipio was yet your writing might get your liuings and procure both rayment for the backe and foode for the belly were your mindes troubled and vexed and that your memories were as weake as Mesala●s braine was féeble yet the propertie of your penne might serue to helpe you in y t imperfection Wherefore it is no small benefit bestowed vpon you oh yee child●en that may be inriched with so excellent a qualitie onely by vsing diligence without any charge to your Parents For this cause suffer not occasion to ouerslip you but take hold of her fore cop least neglecting méete opportunitie you afterward snatch in vaine at her bald hinder part and so with griefe and repentance bewaile the losse of that which can neuer after be recouered according to that of the Poet Volat irreuocabile Tempus That Time is bald and