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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02668 A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers What a ryght [and] lawfull othe is: whan, and before whom, it owght to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuynge thankes vnto God. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. 1543 (1543) STC 1280; ESTC S122477 30,233 63

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hygher thynge As though the creature were aboue the creator Not vnlyke to the pharisees which estemed the golde offred in the temple moche greatter than the temple that sanctifyed the golde and the offeringe vpon the aulter moche better than the aulter that sanctyfyed the offeringe In this proue they themselues not only blynde but also blynde leaders of the blynde Moche more passeth those beastlye bellye goddes vpon the feadinge of ther wreached bodyes than vpon God which is the lyfe of ther soules Ther masses and monye sacrifyes are the cause why they esteme an othe made vpon the gospell boke to be farre about that othe which is made vpon the eternall God and not the ●eryte which the gospel contayneth O wretched idiotes sayth Chrisostoine the scriptures are ordeyned for god and not God for the scriptures Greatter is the lorde that sanctifyeth the gospell than the gospell that is of the lorde sanctifyed The Turkes or Mahometanes whom we reken to be a verye execrable secte hath the holye name of god in suche reuerēce that they neuer sweare by it vnlesse they be by mos● vrgēt necessyte compelled Neyther cōmitt they the administracion of ther comon welthes to anye manne whom they knowe to be a swearer be he neuer so ryche valeaunt wyse lerned courragyous or of noble byrthe How that matter passeth amonge vs Christyanes all the worlde knoweth yea though we saye nothinge of the periurye which dayly regneth amonge vs to farre and to brode And surelye this dare I be bolde to saye that all we knowe it is contrarye to the commaundemēt wyll and pleasure of God yet doth the most part of vs committ it And they that do it not are not ones moued with pyte as it wolde become al christen menne to se ther bretherne so peryshe or to se a lawfull and charitable redresse for it They also which hath the lawes in gouernance and vnto whō the iudgementes are committed seketh not by harde correcciōs the amendemēt of it but euery where it regneth vnponnished A verye lyght matter is swearige accounted now adayes in euerye mannys mouthe hygh and lowe ryche and poore ruler and comonner pryst clarke woman and chylde to the vtter contempt of god If they be in dallyannce playe and sport nothinge semeth vnto them pleasaūt freshe nor any thinge worth no thinge cherefull or fytt to be lawghed a● vnlesse the cōmunicaciō be mixed with the blasphemye of goddes name If a matter shall be reasoned or a storre rehersed in a companye the tale shall want his due circumstance vnlesse it be garnished with othes Amonge the ruffeling rutters and galauntes of the worlde is not he rekened for a manne of noble blood that can not sweare by heauen by the elementes by the trone of God by the won̄des blood crosse in euerye assemblye and in euery place he cometh in This is the comon rhetoryck the florishinge maner of speakinge the cleane fyne pure and bewtifull language of our baptysed brode of our holy christen commynnalte both in lordes howses and bysshoppes howses more lyke bedlem beastes than christianes yea more lyke denyls of helle than menne of reason grace No faute fyndeth our prelates in this nor breake of christen religiō nomore than thei do in the daylye hauntinge of the stewes and other shamefull abhominacions But these they releace with ther masse saynges for monye For them that rede the scriptures they can fynde out grenous ponnyshmentes but not for these enormyous excesses This presumptuose sacrilege this wycked knauerye this malignaunt myschefe ageynst God offendeth them nothinge at all The Iewes tare ther garmētes customablye whan they harde goddes name blasphemed But who amonge vs sheweth any maner of tokē that he is ones but discontented with it where are those godly lawes become that were wont to be heade the blasphemer or els stone hym vnto deathe where are the epytomes pandectes and institutes of Iustiniane the emprour that wolde suffre no suche offenses remayne vnponnyshed where are the statutes ryall that kynge Henrye the fyft made also for swearers with in his owne palace that if he were a duke that ded swear he shuld forfett for euery tyme xl.s to the aydinge of poore peple If he were a lord or barone xx s If he were a knyght or a esquyre x.s. If he were a yemāne xl.d If he were a page a lackeye or a slaue to be scourged naked eyther with a rodde or els a whyppe All this is now forgotten and gone The olde phylosophers abhorred the blasphemye of god the poetes and oratours thought them worthye of greatt ponnyshementes we thinke no thinge lesse Cicero wylled that neyther swearing nor promes made by othe shuld be vsed for feare of periurye Sweare in no wyse sayth Periander if thou cannist by anye meanes auoyde it If thou be wyse sayth Phocylydes thou shalt not sweare with thy wyll though the cause be neuer so good If the matter lyeth so sayth Pythagoras that thou must nedes sweare do it with greattreuerence Periurye sayth Menander can neuer be hydde from God Therfor rather lose thy matter than sweare For of hydden periurye saith Tibullus wyl a myschefe followe eyther at one tyme or other Se what a dangerous matter the prophane phylosophers accoūted swearinge that neuer knewe Christ and we account i● nothinge at all They abhorred the wyckednesse of it and we take it for a myrte pastyme Mene can seke out penaltees and make newe constitucions for them that laboure to knowe God and to lyue after his lawes but for them that spyghtfullye abuse the name and glorye of God we can fynde non at all And no maruele consydering we are the ryght sworne chyldren of periurye Who hath so largely bene periured as prelates prestes and religious which at the receyiunge of ther p●pishe degrees hath forsworne the veryte of god whom in baptym thei faythfully promysed to stāde by ageynst all the de●yls in helle yea brynge ther lawes doctrynes and doynges vnto the touche stone which is goddes worde thou shalt fynde that they laboure nothinge els but the breakinge of that promes How vnreuerentlye they haue vsed ther othe of allegeaūce to ther princes and magistrates I thinke the cronicles kepeth not in sylence Whan paschal●s the bysshop of Rome had sworne to be trewe vnto Henry the fort emproure he gaue hym thervpon a wrytinge which contayned also the in●estiture of prelates Not longe after that whan he se his tyme he called in Rome a generall synode where as he by coūsel of his spiritual sorcerers breakinge both othe priuilege ded excommunicate the good emproure raysed vp his sonne ageynst hym deposed hym empresoned hym fynallye caused hys bodye to be taken out of the grounde at Leodium and in a prophane place to be beryed yea after his deathe the sonne whom