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A13192 Godly meditations vpon the most holy sacrament of the Lordes Supper With manie thinges apperteininge to the highe reuerenee [sic] of soe greate a mysterie. In the end. De Eucharistiæ controuersia, admonitio breuis. Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629. 1601 (1601) STC 23491; ESTC S117947 70,901 378

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Math. 26.26 Hoc facite in mei memoriam Doe this in remembrance of mee 4 The fourth effect is to stirre vp in vs the loue of God and our neighbour Of God who first loued vs of our neighbour for his sake that sayd Hee that loueth God should loue his neighbour also 1 Ioan. 4. 21. What should we enter into ●hat sea of the manifold ef●fects of this Sacrament If I ●m sick here I may cure me if I am whole here I shall keep me if liuing here I shall comfort me if dead in sinne heere I shall raise mee if I burne with the loue of God here I may inflame me if I am cold in deuotion here I may warm me if I am blind here I may enlighten mee if ●potted here I may clēse me I wil not flie as Adam some●time did frō the presence o●●od because here I cā coue●●ne nor run away for feare of ●he enemie for heere I shall find grace to strengthen me Cyrill in his 4. booke vpo● Iohn sayth here not onely ●eath is put to flight but als●●pirituall diseases that caus●●ath are expelled the cruel● and inordinate loue of our members is repressed and the perturbations of the mind quieted Tho. Aquinas calleth this Sacramēt a precious banket admirable holsome full of all sweetnes to prouoke vs the more to lou● it hee addeth Here sinnes are clensed vertues increased the minde made fertill with all spirituall graces and that when Christ saw his Disciples to wax● sad for his departure he left vnto them this Sacrament for a singular comfort The fruits of this Sacrament The fruits hereof may bee reduced to these 12. properties the first is to quicken 2. To set at libertie 3. To enflame 4. To giue patience in trouble 5. To nourish 6. To restore 7. To vnite 8. To communicate 9. To make whole 10. To preserue 11. To strengthen 12. To conduct through and therefore this Sacrament is called Viaticum the prouision for the way as Elias passed his iourney in the strength of his meate It is written of Obededon in the second of Sam. 3. that he and his did prosper because he receiued the Arke of God into his house how much more shall this bee accomplished in those who receiue Christ Iesus truly into their soules the manifold effects whereof by increase of grace from grace to grace the faithfull feele and finde as much The fift Meditation Of the fruit and effecte of this most holy Sacrament COnsider that as the soule newly created of God so soone as it co●meth in●o the body which descen●ed of Adam is forthwith contaminated made per●●aker of the whole euill and ●isery wherin he inwrapped mankind by his transgressiō So likewise as soone as the soule receiueth Christ it i● forthwith made partaker of his merits and righteousnes And this is one cause why his Sacrament is called a Communion 2 Consider that as hee bringeth vnto thee the fruit of his life and death his re●surrection and ascention so also he desireth to communicate thee vnto his members 3 Consider that the vnderstāding is so lightned by this holy Sacrament that it easily commenth into the knowledge of God whence those 2. Disciples going to Emans straight after the receiuing of bread as the Scripture sayth their eyes were opened and they knew the Lord. 4 Consider that it was not the hem of the garment for what vertue could there bee in so meane a subiect to procure health but it was the hemme of Christes garment So it is not bread and wine but this bread this wine that sanctifieth our soules 5 Consider how it reneweth Gods grace that like as bodilie foode doth renew that which naturall heate had consumed So this heauenlie nourishment restoreth that which the Soule through the heate of euill desires had lost 6 Consider it ioyneth vs to Christ our head to our neighbours who are Christs mēbers prouoking vs to loue them with true charitie and therefore this Sacrament is called of the Fathers the Sacrament of vnion loue For Christ by giuing his the same food vniteth thē in one diuine essence S. Augustine writeth that this Sacramēt is instituted vnder the forme of bread and wine For as bread is made of many grains and the wine one of many grapes so the faithful by loue and vnitie are made one in Christ their head one by cōsent and concord amongst themselues 7 Consider the great peace and tranquility of the minde which cōmeth by this sacrament y t as the ship was tossed troubled before but when Christ came into it all was calme so in this world we are often troubled but when Christ comes all is quiet he would haue his Disciples say vnto what house they entred Peace bee vnto this house Luc. 10.5 How much more may it ●e● sayd to that heart where this holy mystery is truely worthily receiued Peace be vnto this heart The fruit of this Meditation The fruit is to desire with our whole harts to haue par● in these effects to hūger and thirst after righteousnes To remember that of the womā of Sam●ria Io● 4.25 who when she heard Christ spea● of the waters of life sayd Giue me Lord of this water So O Lord giue vs of th●● foode which may worke in our Soules these so many and so worthie effects The Soloquie DOst thou desire to know O my soule with what good things Christ in this holy mysterie hasteth vnto thee how hee commeth loaden and inriched with so many merits and rewards whatsoe●er he brought into the world al these he exhibiteth in this most diuine Sacrament Hee that ministret● such foode to him that figh●teth what doth hee keepe in store for him that ouercommeth Surely in that immortall life in that land of pro●mise hee will fill thy desires with all happines which in this wildernesse giueth thee such heauenly Manna And what doth hee so much couet of thee my Soule by this most noble foode the● that hee may plentifully reward thee with vnspeakable graces Marke what hee ●ringeth more I assure thee ●hen thou canst wish or de●ire Behold sayth hee Apoc. 3.21 I stand at the doore and knocke if any heare my voyce and shall open to mee the gate I will enter in vnto him and suppe with him What w●lt thou do O my soule in so great aboundance of all good things do what thou art able do it quickly Bee thou enlarged to receiue such mysteries Make cleane the place of thy hart Prepare the vpper roome o● thy best best disposed deuotion Exclude a mind beating vpon vain idle cogitations Exclude an entrance to euill desires yeeld acceptable passage to the bridegroome Christ Iesus to whome be prayse for euer and euer Amen A Dialogue betweene Man and the Soule Man IT is true my soule that thi● heauenly foode doth bring with it many great excellēt effects to the liuing but tell me what doth it profite one dead Soule Nothing Man Then
the Diuines Baptisma spiritus the Baptisme of the Spirit so doth it also happen in this spirituall Communion 3 The third howe wee reape profite by receiuing Christ into the holy desires of our Soule it may be easily vnderstood by the increase of loue While I was musing sayth the Prophet the fire kindled The eleuatiō of the mind vnto God doth take vs away from earthly affections and carrie vs vnto him on whom our desires are fixt 4 How acceptable this is vnto God wee all know hee that accepted the intention of Abraham and said vnto Salomon because this was in thine heart doth not onely accept of our good desires to embrace him in the armes of our affection hut also doth reward this desire as the deed done But we are to consider that we must not onely stay vpon the desire of our will and receiue Christ spiritually but wee must proceed farther to receiue him together both spiritually and sacramentally For it is not inough to follow Christ in our intention but wee must also receiue him in this holy mysterie wherein we shew reuerence vnto his blessed institution and that wee are become his Temple as the Apostle speaketh 1. Cor. 6. wherfore that we may be partakers of so great a blessing as is our vnion with Christ wee may not omit this speciall part of our Christian duetie which hee who will please God and proceede to the perfection of a Christian life must often vse that so hee may goe forward in all vertue and holinesse of life yea euen vnto the end That this holy Sacrament is giuen to the sicke as necessarie for the time of any visitation COnsider that amongst the effects of this heauenly Sacrament that to be chee●ely numbred that it maketh those strong in induring temptations which worthily receiue it Whence it is that in times past it was giuen to men in places of visitation or danger of death that they might bee constant in the confession of Christ and able to withstand the temptations of the diuell 2 Consider that it also profiteth to attaine the health of the body seeing it is so auaileable to the saluation of the soule For if at the onely touch of Christs garment many receiued health what cannot Christ himselfe doe entring into the Soule of the sicke 3 Consider that Christ foreseeing our conflict to come ordayned this most holy Sacrament for the spirituall helpe of our soules we must think by how greater necessitie wee labour by so much this sacrament doth exercise more effectually his wholsome effects seeing it is proper vnto the Lord to helpe more readily then when greater necessity doth require 4 Consider that here the distressed either in bodie or mind may apply vnto himselfe in particular the merits of Christs passion and raise vp himselfe by a comfortable participation of this holy mysterie and say Thou hast good cause to reioyce O my Soule that the Lord of maiestie commeth vnto thee that hee may comfort thee departing this world and by thy assistant helpe against the assaults of Sathan who indeuoureth to draw thee away from the reward of life continue onely a good will for all though thou art faint and feeble though thy enemies bee many and mighty yet hauing receiued diuine strength thou shalt say I can doe all thinges in him that strengthneth me Cast all thy hope on Iesus and thou shalt neither be ouercome of thē nor put to shame thou knowest well that the body of a certaine dead man was restored to life 2. Kin. 13. by the onely touch of the body of Elizeus If the boones of a dead Prophet had so great vertue that they restored one from death to life and the theeues amazed by the miracle of the thing durst doe no euill what will not the liuing and glorious bodie of Iesus doe● entring into thee I doubt not but it will exercise greater might in thee seeing hee is God omnipotent and Lorde of all and the diuell shall be ouercome and confounded at his presence O holy Daniel teach mee howe I ought to giue thankes to my louing Lord who seeing me in time of neede beset with infernall Lions doth sende me food not by the Prophet Abacucke Daniel 14. or by any heauenlie Angell but himselfe commeth to bee my foode O Loue without measure Cōsider O my Soule this vnspeakeable mercie thou knowest thou wast loued of him in his greatest extremities when hee departing out of this life vnto the Father did institute this holy sacrament for thy welfare Thou seest also hee loueth thee in thy extremities it remaineth that crying out with the Prophet Dauid Psal. 8. Lord what is man that thou art so mindful of him or with the Apostle Rom. 14. If I liue I liue vnto the Lord if I die I die vnto the Lord to whom bee prayse and honor for euer Amen What he ought to doe who is to communicate before hee come to the holy table of the Lord. HEE who will doe the thing which he oght cōcerning this Sacrament and that which the dignitie of such a mysterie doth require must lot out a certaine space of time to himselfe wherein hee may performe those things which pertaine to the preparation thereof And that we may discourse more at large of this matter and more familiarlie with them which doe often communicate I say they shall do very well if as Moyses commanded the people that three dayes before they were to receiue the Lawe they should prepare themselues So also they should prepare themselues in three dayes that they may bee apt and disposed to receiue the Lord which bringeth a Law not of death but of life not of the letter but of the spirit not of feare but of loue The holy Scriptures do testifie that the maides of the king Assuerus Hest. 2.12 cōming only into his sight but once in sixe moneths prepared thē with oyle of mirrhe and other sixe moneths with certaine sweet odors If these did doe this that they might find fauour with an earthly man what preparation shall bee required of v● that wee may find fauour in the sight of the true God One of the cheefest prayses of the blessed Virgine Mary for which the Angell did commend her he shew●th when he s●ith Thou hast ●ound fauour with God and ought it to seeme a hard and troublesome thing vnto vs to do for so great glorie and dignitie that which this women hath done for such vanitie With what face I pray will wee refuse labour yea although all the powers strength of our soules bodies were to be imploy●ed that we may come at least but into the grace fauor of God specially when wee heare that these miserable maids spent their whole life that they might come into the fauour of one mortall man But because this is an hard thing for vs to doe at least let vs prepare our selues in those three daies whereof I haue spoken doing al that which in vs lyeth But if
vnto vs which is proper to them that loue ardentl● heere Sampsous ridle is solued de comedēte exi●uit cibus de forti egressa est dulcedo out of the strong come sweetnes what is stronger then the Lion what sweeter then hony Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Iuda hony the sweetnes of the holy Eucharist The fourth Meditation of the wonderfull thinges of this Sacrament LEt vs beehoulde with the eies of our faith one of the greatest workes o● God vnder heauen and for this inestimable misterie laud and praise his holy name 2 Let vs with thankfull hartes wonder at the loue of God who after hee receiued vs into his familie there placed vs not as seruantes but as sonnes and that he might shew the part of a carefull father doth prouide a meane to nourish vs and not contēt with that would haue his owne sonne to institute that meane by the spirituall participation of himselfe 3 Consider the diuine wisedome of the sonne of God who respecting our weaknesse hath conuaied vnto vs his bodie and blood after a diuine spiritual manner vnder the forms of bread and wine 4 Consider how by this misticall Communion occasion is giuen to exercise our faith and to prepare our soules which liue by grace as our bodies doe by foode 5 Consider the high and worthy effect of this heauenly foode which is not so much changed into the substance of the eater as it doth rather chang vs to a diuine essence the meate being diuine doth make vs also diuine O the omnipotent wisdome and power loue of God The Fruite The fruite of this meditation is to lift vp our selues aboue our selues and blesse God for this wonderfull benefit without curious searching and needlesse questioning after the manner how but to giue God thankes and bee ashamed rather at our selues that neither the wonderfullnes of his power nor the greatnes of his benefites can make vs no more to loue him then wee doe The spirituall Soloquie O my soule thou art happie which hast prepared for thee so wonderfull and so high a repast as there can bee found none either in heauen or earth more for in it is cōtained that which the Apostle in the 1 3. to the Hebr. calleth the brightnes of the glory of God but hidden that he might heap on thee the more benefits thou knowst Moyses descending from the mount Sinah on which hee had talked with God the children of Israell could not talke with him for the brightnes of his face wherefore as the Scripture saieth he put a couering before his face Exodus 34.16 that all might speake with him in like sort our heauenly Moyses hath done who not content with thy deliuerance from the hard seruitude o● Egipt and spirituall Pharoe but that thou shouldest not bee terrified with the greate brightnes of his glorie after an ineffable manner doth come vnto thee and commune with thee Iacob said surely God was in this place I was not aware of it Gen. 28 16. O wonderfull loue how farre hast thou gon with my Lord Iust cause hast thou O my soule to reioice and in reioicinge to admire the goodnes of thy blessed Saviour cease to measure the greatnesse of this worke by the weaknes of thine owne vnderstanding say rather with the Prophet Psalme 111 Memoriam facit mirabilium suorum The mercifull Lord hath made a memoriall of his wonders he hath giuen meate to them that feare him When the sonne of God clothed himselfe with our nature it was a worke verie admirable for therein he assumed humane nature mortall and passible but when the faithfull receiue the holy Eucharist man doth participate a diuine nature immortal heauenly Hence was it said of God Psal. 86.9 Tu es magnus faciens mirabilia Lord thou art great and doing wonderfull things The manifold effectes and fruites of this holy Sacrament WEe may remember which we cannot forget that as man consisteth of soule and bodie so doth he also leade a twofold life the one temporall readie to fall into a thousand dangers and casualties The other spirituall subiect to as many and more The life of the body consisteth of the vnion of the Soule with the body The life of the soule consisteth of another vnion with grace in Christ. Both these as they haue their defects and casualties so haue they also their remedies and sustentations For the life naturall God hath ordained naturall sustenance for the life supernaturall supernaturall nourishment which is this most holy Sacrament But that which at all times is most to bee lamented is whereas the spirituall life is farre more excellent then the temporall notwithstanding is more regarded and preferred For what thing doth not a sicke body doe to recouer his health hee neglecteth all charges and griefes he esteemeth nothing of the bitternesse of Medecines he contemneth the sharpnesse of paines the most experienced Phisitions the best preseruatiues are sought for and all for bodily health which endureth for a little time And are wee so carefull for the health of our Soule would to God we were then would we repaire with more deuotion vnto this most holy Sacrament where our spirituall life is preserued and strengthened Three things there are sayth one necessarie for the life of man the mother which brings him forth the meate which sustaineth him and the Phisition that cures him when hee is sicke The same three are necessarie for the life spirituall The mother is Baptisme the meate is the holy Eucharist the Phisition to cure is repentance Now then as the body without meats cannot endure labours and liue no more can the Soule without this spirituall repast sustaine the labours of this Pilgrimage the assaults of her enemies and liue The ayre being corrupted when we goe forth of doores wee fortefie vs with some preseruatiue This world is corrupted our preseruatiue against temptations is this holy Eucharist Men entring a way possessed by the enemie arme themselues with weapons get them good companie seeing we haue in all the way of our life many enemies visible and inuisible shall we not arme our selues take vnto vs Christ our Captaine Of the most principall effects of this Sacrament THe first is as wee may so speak to Deifie that is to make man diuine or like vnto God himselfe heere in the state of grace and hereafter in the state of glory and for this cause it is instituted in forme of nourishments For as nourishments and the body nourished become one so Christ and the faythfull receiuers Other meates receiue life of the body this giueth life to the Soule 2 A second effect is that with Christ are giuen vs all his merites and rewards which hee hath purchased here the hiue is giuen vs with the honey 3 The third effect of this Sacrament is that hereby a continuall and constant remembrance of Christ Iesus our Sauiour is continued whereby we shew his death vntill he come and therefore he sayth