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A28815 Polypharmakos kai chymistes, or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian shewing the true vse of all manner of plants and minerals in which is explained the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery ... / by D. Border ... Border, D. (Daniel) 1651 (1651) Wing B3751; ESTC R4185 78,680 164

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to bed one scruple either in pills or dissolved in some convenient liquor about the foresaid time of the Moon A very melancholick maiden was cured in this manner CHAP. XCIII Suffocation and pains of the Matrix with retentation of menstrues cured by I. P. TAke extract Drionae one dram and a half the leaves of Sena half an ounce Ginger one scruple Cinamon one dram Sugar one ounce lay them to infuse one night in a pint of warm whey made of Goats milk Then strein it and drink thereof three mornings warm about the new Moon keeping a warm and drying diet your wine must be infused with Rosemary flowers Another that hath cured the rising of the mother by R. C. Take the flowers or buds of a Walnut tree in May give the patients as much thereof to drink as will lie on a great and with two or three doses they shall be cured Also if you give one scruple of oleum succinum album in wine it will presently cure the same disease a thing oftentimes proved with good successe CHAP. XCIIII To provoke urine and to cause the Jaundies to flow W. K. THe powder of earth worms drunk with white wine provoketh urine and cureth the Jaundies and T●●●ians Also gray Sope two ounces Bay-salt finely beaten one ounce mix them and therewith anoint the navill and belly Also Castile Sope being drunk with warm wine provoketh vrine Also if you shall apply quick earth-worms upon a whit blow called Pavaricium of some Paviricies they will cure the same CHAP. XCV To provoke Urine and to heal other obstructions a most excellent and proved receipt by I. H. and many other THis composition of artificiall salts breaketh and after a sort consumeth all tartarous diseases as hath been very often and truly experimented by divers and sundry persons yea it prevaileth much against the gout taken with potions electuaries and sirrups appropriate unto the particular ministrations Take the salt of radish of Eringos Bean-stalks Broom Alizanders Auniper Ash Ani●eed Fennell Camomil Worm-wood Vervine Tartar Christaline of each alike quantity mix thē in a warm morter keep it close in a dry place for in the air moisture it wil quickly resolve The dose hereof is from half a scruple to a whole ●●●uple and may be very safely administred without perill to any age or sexe upon good occasions and at times convenient after that the body is prepared for the same purpose I shall now proceed in order to speak of severall other griefs and diseases incident to mans body and shew you the cure thereof according to the rules and practise of the most excellent expert Philosophical Physitians and Chyrurgians beginning first with the head Of the pain in the head AL or the most of Physitians in the world do hold this position that pain in the head is no other thing then vapors arising from the stomack and ascend unto the head which do offend membrana whereupon ensueth pain And besides this there be severall other causes The first cause is putrified bloud in Leonichie The second is the vapours that ascend from the stomack and offend the head The third is the humidity or moisture betwéen the skin and the flesh So that the causes are thrée and the remedies as many to dissolve the antecedent causes I have now shewed thée the originall and root of the pain in the head about which thou shalt never more néed to beat thy head or break thy brains either in séeking the Aphoris●s of Hypocrates the Commentary of Gallen or the Authority of Avicen for in these four or five words I have said all Now of the cure of this disease as it hath béen experimented an infinite number of times which way soever the cause cometh work thou after this manner and thou shalt never want credit in giving others ease and curing thy self When the pain in the head is confirmed and that thou ●anst find no help by common Theorick or Pra 〈…〉 ick do these things following First let them bloud on Leoniehie cutting it overthwart and let the patient spat as much as he can Then the next morning let them take Aromatico fasting The next day let the head be shaven and lay thereon an attractive plaister to draw out the humidity In the end cause them to néese and hereby all the pain in the head will cease CHAP. XCVI Of the Catarrhe the rhume in the head the Cough and Tysick THe Catarrhe is a moist vapour which assaulteth the head and afterward falleth down again into the stomack where it ingrosseth and corrupteth This moisture hath his beginning of the moisture of the lungs and untill such time as the lungs be discharged thereof the Catarrhe will continue in his force This infirmity raigneth more in flegmatick melancholy bodies then in any of other constitutions Such as are troubled with it are not long lived because their lungs are consumed by little and little and thereupon they are troubled with the Tysick and consequently they perish if they be not quickly releeved I wil now shew thee a rare secret to cure the same Take Pulmonaria and Sena that is fresh and new infuse them in wine and water over a small and gentle fire till the wine have drawn out the virtue Then strein it and put thereunto Quintaessence solutive and keep it close in a glasse let the patient drink thereof every morning ●●un●es luke warm for twenty days together let him eat good nourishing meats for they agree well with his disease If the patient he not too far spent you shall ●e● your cure performed in short time in the mean time if the patient he weak you shall give him new laid eggs 〈…〉 white wine If the 〈…〉 ●e perceived not to be qui●e expelled 〈…〉 then give him Aromatico afterward comfort him again with rest●rati●es and cor 〈…〉 him strong and no doubt by the help of God he shall be cured This method of curing this infirmity differeth from the common course that Physitians take which would cure it with diet and mollifying liniments and causing them to spat and such like which are means rather to augment the Catarrhe then to diminish the same The second course to cure the descention that cometh from the head to the stomack USe these five things if y● wil cure this disease first Electuario Angelica ● Quintaessence solutive 3 p●●lulae pro de●censo 4 Unguents for the stomack and head 5 Quintaessence vegetable The electuary cleanseth the head and stomack the Quintaessence solutive evacuateth the body the pills take away the cause of the descension the unguents dry and the vegetable Quintaessence preserveth the body from all ill and noisome infirmities The electuary must be taken first in the morning of the Quintaessence solutive you must take a spoonfull in the morning in a little broth and sugar keeping a reasonable good diet and do this four or six days Then take the pills in the evening and in the mean
Mel rosarum which doth very effectually purge the melācholy humor That done I gave her our sirrup against the melancholly humour for eight 〈◊〉 ten days together and applied unto the sores an unguent of Lytarge boiled with the powder of Scrophularia th●● was she in short time cured Another for the same Take Uerdigrease Pelitory of Spain Dock root the suice of léeks of the herb Scrophularia of each alike quantity mixe them and lay on lint and apply it unto the Scrophulae but take some care thereof CHAP. CIII Of Pavaricium or Pavaricies called the whit-blow THis grievous and intollerable malady as thoss know well that have felt them cometh on the end of the singer and is an infirmity bred in the liver whereof nature being-willing to discharge her self sendeth it to the extream parts of the fingers and most commonly it cometh to the finger next the thumb but seldome in the other The reason or cause whereof is hidden save that we may conjecture as we have said before an accident in the liver which nature sendeth forth unto those parts to ease herself When it cometh to the end of the finger that it can go no further it causeth a sharp and excessive pain and the accident coming unto that place not having passage is so hot that in short time it putrifieth the sinews muscles and cartilages and in the end rotteth both flesh and bone The secret of this grief is not commonly known of the most Surgeons who with all their learning cannot devise to cure it as it ought to be cured The most part of such as have that infirmity loose their finger but if thou wilt quickly help them follow this method First let them bléed on the liver vein then let them be well purged Afterward dresse the finger with oleum sulfuris which will cause some pain neverthelesse to have some ease you must abide it The next day dresse it with magno licore untill it be whole which will be in short time as I have often proved CHAP. CIIII. Of grievous Vlcers in womens breasts FIrst they must be touched with oleum sulfuris then make this unguent Take of the yolks of eggs two ounces Turpentine Butter Barley flower Honey of Roses of each half an ounce incorporate them all in a morter and therewith dresse them untill they be whole But if they come of any kind or spice of the foul disease this unguent will be to very small purpose But then shall you dresse them with Vnguento magno which is appropriate unto the disease and look that you purge them with Aromatico CHAP. CV Of the disease called Asthma or Tysick and the cure thereof THis disease which is called the Tysick is a certain infirmity contained in the lungs which doth harden and dry them in such manner that such as are troubled therewith cannot fetch their breath It procéedeth of adustion of the bloud that cannot run in the veins and so the lungs lacking sustenance worketh that effect This disease is cured four manner of ways First you shall let them bloud under the tongue cutting those veins overthwart and suck them as much as they can for it evacuateth and openeth the opilation of the bloud and easeth the lungs of all that evill matter which offendeth Secondly you shall give them a dose of Aromatico which evacuateth the stomack of all evill qualities that offend the lungs The third is to let them eat for a moneth together every morning one ounce of Electuario de Althea The fourth to anoint the stomack every night with magno licore But every ten days you must take a dose of Electuario Angelica whereby thou shalt help them quickly You must also kéep a sober diet refraining Fish Pork slimie things Spice baked meats Chéese and such like which nourish grossely and do infect the bloud CHAP. CVI. An excellent remedy against the Worms YOu shall give the patient two ounces of unguento magno to drink with Mel rosarum thrée mornings together anoint the nosethrils therewith and in thrée days they will be expelled were they never so many For the Worms of all sorts Take of the powder of Centuary leaves one ounce powder of Sena of Alex. half an ounce Wormséed finely beaten one ounce then take of good Malmsey a quarter of a pint or better of the best Honey two ounces dissolve the Honey in the Wine with a gentle heat and then put in all the powders and stir it well together which done put it into a clean bladder knit it close and hang it in the Chimney untill it be an hard tump you may use it as the Wormséed alone is commonly used give a child the weight of a great at a time to the elder sort more as you think good it killeth the worms and causeth them to void CHAP. CVII Of the hardnesse of the milt and the cure thereof THe spléen or milt is hardened by reason of superfluous humidity that it taketh from the liver and lungs Therefore if you will help this infirmity it were necessary to use medicines a bstersive and drying which thou shalt do thus First give them Aromatico then let them use this Electuary which is of marvellous virtue in that operation Take Crocus Martis Scolopendria of each one ounce Spikenard lapis lazuli of each two scruples Cinamon half an ounce mixe them and make an Electuary thereof with purified honey and take thereof every morning one spoonfull and every night two hours before supper an other spoonfull and anoint the outward part where the grief is with balsamo artific and in short time the disease shall be cured Another remedy very effectuall for the former disease Let them bloud on the two veins under the tongue That done mixe mustard séed with the urine of a boy and lay it betwéen two cloaths and lay it to the part afflicted one night and then if thou féel not good ease use it again till the disease be gone Also the decoction of oak helpeth the swelling of the milt CHAP. CVIII The cure of the Gonorrhea or running of the reins the forerunner of the soul disease FIrst you shall give them Aromatico once in white Wine Then morning and evening for seven or eight days use this potion following anointing also the reins and those parts with Aquae fae●ida being cold and in short time they shall be healed Take the whites of four or five new laied Eggs two ounces of fine Sugar thrée ounces of Rose water mixe them well and drink it morning and evening This is a rare secret and often proved the drink must be drunk cold CHAP. CIX Of the Hemerrhoids and their cure THe Hemerhoids are an alteration in the Hemerhoidal veins caused of a corrupt and putrified humour whereof nature being willing to discharge her self sendeth forth by those veins unto the extream or outward parts where it cannot passe through and causeth the alteration and inflation that is called the Hemerrhoids This corruption and
putrifaction is caused of the evill quality of the liver which corrupteth the bloud and is the cause of all this inconvenience Now for the cure it were necessary to help the liver to purifie the bloud to alter the Hemerrhoids and to discharge nature of that imp●d●ment First therefore give them Electuario Angelica the next day they shall take Sirupo solutivo whereof they shall take five or six doses Then let them anoint the Hemerrhoids with Caustick once or twice and they shall soon after be cured Of the divers sorts and divers effects of the Hemerrhoids and their cure By reason of this disease that cometh always at the end of Intestino or Longanon some have marvellous pain about the fundament some burn wonderfully and others do scald which cometh because of the good or bad qualities in some more than in other some as experience sheweth For as I said some have such a burning that they can take no rest some have such pain as they cannot fit some have it scalding hot that it is intollerable Though this infirmity is more hurtfull in one complexion than in another and the cure harder yet you shall cure them in this manner First give them Aromatico then purge the body five or six times with Sirupo solutivo Then give him fume at the lower parts with frankincense and storax sitting on a close-stool thrée or four times and then anoint the parts with Balsamo artific for that will dry and take away the pain altogether and the patient shall be surely healed There are divers kinds of Hemerrhoids but two in principall The one sort is in the fundament and causéth great pain when they go to stool The other so●● cometh forth of the fundament and are not so painfull as the first To cure those within the fundament you shall give the patient eight or ten days together Sirupo magistrale warm let them take Aromatico once and use Glisters wherein is put half an ounce of Aqua reale Phioravante at a time and so thou shalt help them The best way for those that are come forth is to make incision or to make a little hole in them that the bloud which is putrified may come forth and so by evacuation thou shall help them Also you shall understand that vomiting is very necessary in the rure of both sorts because it openeth the veins Also Oleum Ovorum doth ease the pain of the Hemerrhoids very greatly so doth the oil of fig● if you anoint them therewith The Tooth of an Horse-fish being worn in a ring on the finger after the body is purged taketh them away by a secret and hidden quality a thing proved more then an hundred times CHAP. CX Of the cure of such as are troubled with suffocation of the Matrix A Certain woman afflicted therewith having much pain and grief in her stomack was cured by taking a dose of Electuario Angelica Then she used our sirrup against pains of the mother eight or ten days and anointed her stomack with Magno licore every night A certain young woman afflicted in manner aforesaid wanted also her naturall sicknesse and began to loose her naturall heat so that nature could not digest the superfluous matter in her body was thus helped First she took Electuario Angelica and every night anointed her stomack nosethrills and pulses with magno licore and every morning drank of Quintaessence solutive and so was cured CHAP. CXI To cure a rupture or bursting in the beginning IN every ten days once give them Aromatico and every morning fasting give them one ounce of white Tartar in water or wine and two hours before supper you shall take the like let your bread be dry also you must wear a trusse fit for that purpose and use this remedy following Take of the spirit of wine twelve ounces frankincense Olibanum mastich sarcocolla of each half an ounce infuse them in Aqua vitae and therewith wash the rupture twice a day then cast thereon the powder of Bislingua and the herb Balsamina and lay thereon a cloath wet in the said water and bind on the trusse so hard as he may possibly abide it and hereby shalt thou heal any great rupture in an hundred days but sée that you kéep diet accordingly Another for the same Take very stiff and thick paper wel gummed chew it in the mouth till it be soft then lay it upon the rupture and lay thereon a trusse fit for the purpose Some use to stéep the paper in lie and wring the same out till it be dry and apply it to the rupture changing it once in 24 hours A most excellent medicine for bursting Take Knotgrasse Cōfery Ribwort Shepherds-pouch of each alike quantity wash them dry thē then set them in an oven to dry then beat them to powder searce thē to that powder take a like quantity of Aniseeds beat it with the powder hearbs searce them again when y● will use this powder take as much of it as will lie upon a six pence for ten mornings together drink it with a little Malmsey fasting then take of the foresaid hearbs being first sodden in fair water till they be tender wring the water clean from them and apply it to the place not too hot let not the trusse be too strait for it will make the place rent further gather the hearbs to make this powder in May when the chief strength is in them put a little oil of Spike to the hear bs after they be boiled and the water clean drawn from them anoint the place with oil of Spike before you lay the hearbs to it This hath béen often proved to be good upon children that have béen born so and upon old folks that have been many years broken CHAP. CXII Of retention of Urine and the cure thereof THe retention of urine ariseth of many causes one is gravell that stoppeth the conduits where it should passe an other is the want or weaknesse of the virtue expulsive so that nature cannot expell an other is a carnosity which is an alteration caused of corrupt and putrified humours which do so restrain the powers and urine that it cannot passe There is another and that is viscosity of the reins so grosse that it hinder●th the urine from passing Another cause which is too too common is the Gonorrhea when it changeth into Stranguria that it is a stopping or choking of the cenduits that cary the urine to the bladder All these foresaid causes procéed of one original even of the distemperature of nature whereof if you ask the reason you shal understand that it ariseth of that filthy beginning which bringeth the soul disease That which moveth me to beléeve it is the observation thereof divers and sundry times for many have been cured that were infected with the pocks which were troubled with carnosity before spoken of some with gravell some with debility of the virtue expulside some with Gonorrhea all which when they were cured
the dimness of the eyes and cléereth the sight and taken inwardly is very good for the back also the herb infused in warm water and applied plaister wise dissolveth all kind of swillings esp●ially in the joynts But it is the more effectual if you a● thereto Mallows and Smallage The vertues of Pellitory of Spain THis heab is good against the Megrim the Vertigo or the giddiness of the head the Apoplexie the Faling sicknes the Palsie and is singular good for all cold infirmities of the head and sinewes The vertues of of Tobacco TObacco is of singular use both in Phisick Chiurgery Oil of Tobacco is good to anoynt the Stomack and for many other griefs of the body it healeth all manner of wounds and sores if you make a salve thereof thus Take oile of Roses oile of St Johns-wort of each one pint the leaves of Tobacco beaten small in a stone morter two pound boile then together to the consumption of the juice strain it and put it to the fire againe adding thereto of venis Turpentine two ounces of Oblibanum and Mastick of each half an ounce in fine powder put thereto so much wax and Rosin as will make it into a Salve Tobacco is also the ●est medicin that is for deafnes if you use it in this manner Take a quart of runing water and put if into a new pi●kin and put thereto 3. ounces of Varinus Tobacco opened into the leaf and boil it to a pint then strain it hard and kéep it a glass vial for your use When you go to bed warm a little of this water bloud warme then soak therein a little black wooll and put it into both your ears do thus every morning and evening as you find occasion This cured a Lady that was deaf sixtéen years Of the use and virtue of Ebulus or Dane-wort TAke the buds of this vegetable when they are young and green perboil them in water and make thereof a sallad and give unto those that have costive bodies and it will provoke them to stool It is an herb very profitable for the sinews it comforteth the weak parts and preserveth such as are weak in the joynts from many accidents it purgeth phlegm which for the most part causeth debility of the nerves Whosoever useth to drink of a sirrup made of the berries thereof shall not be troubled with ye Gout nor any disease in the articular parts The seed dried is profitable against all infirmities caused of humidity The use and vertue of black Ellebore THe root of black Ellebore being dried and kept two years may be safely used without other preparation and may be ministred against any infirmity that hath his originall of a melancholy cause Therefore it is most appropriate against the feaver quartain lunatick persons vexed wt melācholy The use and virtues of the hearb called Gratia Dei a kind of Geranium in English blew Storks-bill TAke of Gratia Dei dried in the shadow and beaten into fine powder one ounce Cinamen ● dram Cloves one scruple Wheat-flower one pound Orenges-condite one ounce make thereof a paste with honey and bake it in the Oven with bread but take great heed that it burn not Of this you shall give one ounce to purge against many infirmities but above the rest against Scrophulae against scabs and the white scall For it evacuateth onely the superfluous humidity of the body it drieth and is appropriate for such kind of infirmities Howbeit you must note that all soluble medicines are not fit for one disease or complexion for chiefly and properly Rubarb purgeth choller black Elebore avoideth melancholy Danewort dispossesseth the body of phlegm and this herb cleanseth the bloud Therefore every one hath his peculiar propertie though sometime either of them may work upon more causes than one yet not so properly or simply but by accident and in regard of circumstances Two drams of the powder of this hearb drunk in wine or broth provoketh vomite and siege and is very good for such as are lunatick It helpeth or at the least delayeth the extremity of the feaver it is good against griefs in the stomack and wind in the belly A decoction thereof made with lie helpeth putrified vlcers if they be washed therewith for as it purgeth the stomack so it cleanseth the sore and healeth it quickly if you wet a cloath in the said lie and apply it thereunto The virtues of Rubarb THe hearb called in ye Italian tōgue Lappacia maggiore or Rombice domestiee is a kind of Rubarb which among the learned Herbarists is termed by the name Rha recentiorum whereof one dram when it is new will lose the body evacuate choller as the Rhabarbarum doth It is very good against the ●ppilations it purgeth the bloud and taketh away scabs You shall have a most precious medicine thereof if you mix the gréen root with Honey Cinamon Saffron Ginger and the powder of Roses If you rost the root in the embers and mix it with condifed Sugar it breaketh the Scrophulae and mundifieth them and healeth them in short time Some do mix it with the gum called Ammoniacum and so do bring it into the form of an unguent and apply it unto the parts affected with the Scrophulae The virtues of Tithymale GAther the hearb Tithymale called Spurge in the moneth of May take forth the juyce and mix it with Sugar-roset or Sugar-violet in fine powder thē make of thē both a moist past keep it in a glasse close stopped When you purpose to use it minister two scruples thereof in broth or any other convenient sirrup It purgeth without pain helpeth all feavers that come of heat working not only by ye stool but provoking of sweat also It resolveth all continual and quotidian fevers when the parties affected therewith be hot and their sweat cold yea though they be brought very low it wil by Gods help deliver them of their troublesome adversary Laurcola doth also move the body by vomit and siege but it may not be used in any continuall feaver or quotidian because it will inflame too much The virtues of Soldanella THis herb groweth in Sandy and salt ground and is hot and dry It purgeth vomite and siege and is excellent against the dropsie all windinesse and unwholsome moisture in the body Being taken in lozinges with Aromatico the quantity of one dram it sendeth forth all the noisome waterinesse out of the body drying and heating those parts in an excellent manner The virtues of Cyperus THe herb Cyperus called in English Galingal being put into new wine giveth it an excellent good taste smel prevailing against inward passiōs caused of wind It is good for such as are bursten for it resolveth the wind if you take the powder thereof being stamped very small and make a plaister thereof with other things appropriate thereunto applying the same to the rupture and changing it once every day Also if the patient do once a day
and melt a drop of it into the ear and so continue four or five drops and anoint the Ears round about and stuffe it with unwashed wool round about and keep it warm this will ripen the Impostume CHAP. CXLVI A singular medicine for any stopping at the stomack TAke four ounces of Lynseed and boil it in a quart of milk till it come to a pint and anoint the breast therewith then take a peece of scarlet and wet 〈◊〉 throughly in the milk and when it is wet lay it on your breast without warming CHAP. CXLVII An Oyntment to clear the Lungs TAke the pap of rosted apples as much oblibanum as a bean twice as much Sugar candie as oblibanum mingle them together being beaten to powder if the patient be far goue put to it a little oyl of sweet Almon and anoint the breast outwardly with oyl of Almonds CHAP. CXLVIII An Oyntment for deafnesse TAke an English Onion of the greatest you can get and cut of the tip of it then take out some of the meat and fill it up with the best Sallet-oyl then wrap it up in a brown paper and rost it in the ●mbers when i● is rosted you must peel it and then strain it through a fair cloath this you may drop with a feather into your ears luke-warm morning and evening and your head must be kept very warm CHAP. CXLIX An Oyntment to break a sore TAke two drams of Cantarides a quarter of an ounce of Pepper and so much vinegar as will make it a perfect oyntment lay this upon a brown paper and apply it CHAP. CL An excellent oyntment for scalding or burning by Mr. Iohn Burghesse which will do more in six weeks then another in three moneths TAke Bacon that is very fat cut of the sward and cut it into Collops very thin and fry it till be black then pour the liquor into water take it out of the water and put it in the pan and fry it again till it be black then pour it into the water again then take it out of the water and put it into the pan and fry it till it be black then pour it forth again and beat it with a little water till it be white put your water clean from it and put your liquor into a posnet take a reasonable quantity of Onions pilled and chopped small put them to the liquor and boil them together and strain it through a cloath and keep it to your use this cured a man that was scalded in a Brewers vessell CHAP. CLI For a burning or scalding SAlt dissolved in water or brine presently takes away the pain and heat of any burning or scalding if it be anointed therewith and especially if it be bathed with linnen cloths dipt therein to heal it that it be not séen Take sheeps suet and sheeps dung the inner rine of elder and boil them through a course cloath and when you use it warm it and lay it on the burnt or scalded place with a feather CHAP. CLII. An Oyntment to take away a Wen. MAke powder of unslackt lime and mire it with black Sope and anoint the Wen with it and the Wen will fall away and when the root is come forth anoint it with oyl of balm and it will heal it perfectly CHAP. CLIII An oyntment for the Shingles TAke Adders-tongue in the moneth of May one pound and three quarters of a pound of fresh clarified Hogs grease and stamp the Adders-tongue very small in a Morter then boil them together and stir them till they become a salve then put it into an earthen pot and anoint the Shingles and spread some of it upon a cloath and lay it upon the Shingles so far as they go this is good against any biting or stinging of a Serpent or ●adde Dogge by anointing the place very hot CHAP. CLIIII An Oyntment for the cold Sciatica or Benummednesle in the thighs or legs TAke a pint of Aqua vitae a pint of Wine Vinegar a quarter of a pound of oyl of Bays the juyce of four or five handfulls of Sage a sawcer full of good Mustard the Gall of an Ore and chase them in the bladder an hour or more that the oyl may be well mingled with the rest and anoint the place therewith against a good fire and let him go warm into his bed and sweat Probatum est CHAP. CLV An Oyntment for the Gout and to comfort the joynts TAke a Fox put the guts and skinne away and cut him in small pieces and take ● gallon of Sallet-Oyl seeth them together with a soft fire and put therein a handfull of Mugwort shred small two onnces of Dill in powder seeth it again in a pound of oyl Olive and a pound of fresh butter seeth it till all the water be consumed then strain it and anoint the joints therewith CHAP. CLVI An Oyntment against the Palsey TAke Ivy-berries and Capons grease three ounces and the roots of Celendine a handfull of Sage of oil of Bays two ounces of oil Olive half a pound beat the hearbs and roots small seeth all these together upon a small fire so strain it and anoint the place grieved this is very pretious There is Flos Vnguentorum or the flower of Oyntments sold by the Apothecary which hath very rare effects for the curing of all old Fistulaes and festred sores of long continuance it draweth any broken bone splinter or thorn out of the flesh It cureth aches or pains in the joints or bones and being rightly made is above all others the most pretious unguent as experience dayly teacheth I have already shewed you many hidden secrets or rare experiments in Physick and Chyrurgery which thou must needs acknowledge to have produced wonderfull great effects yet are they nothing in comparison of these that are behind the reading and right use whereof will render thee a true imitator of him who by his unparallelled wisdome and morall Philosophy knew the virtues and use of all herbs and vegetables from the tall Caedar of Libanon to the Hysop that groweth upon the Wall And foras much as there is none that can with assurance of good successe undertake any cure in Physick without observing certain Rules as hath been already proved unto you in the practiso of Chyrurgery Before I speak of Purges Vomits Waters Drinks and Hearbs in generall I shall recommend some particulars which I always observe in the ministring of Physick CHAP. CLVII Certain Rules to be observed by the learned and expert Physitian A Skilfull Physitian is a continuall Votary or serbant of nature for the right ministring and applying such ●it and proper remedies as may help defend and sustein nature and wast or destroy the malady or disease which that thou mayest effectually perform search diligently to know the cause from whence the distemperature or disease ariseth whether of Phleghm Choller Bloud or Melancholly and whether it be seated in the Stomack Head c. or from a hot or
cold cause by which means thou art in a good measure enabled to find out the grief or disease and apt to prescribe a proper remedy against i● If thou findest it convenient and profitable for the Patient to be let bloud thou must have resp●ct to the time of the year the age of the party the sign that governeth the strength of the Patient and the disease In purging also thou art to take notice and consider what humour is to be purged and how far it aboundeth and have as speciall regard to suit the medicine to the humour that thou wouldest purge as to the time and the quantity thou givest thereof But chiefly and above all I hold it necessary in all sicknesses or diseases you should observe the time when the Patient falleth ill and what Planet governs and what the aspects are for by that you may judge whether it be a convenient time to minister Physick as for example R. H. findeth himself ill this present day being the first of Aprill 1651 and seeketh unto me for remedy I find at this time Saturn in opposition with the Moon and Mars with a quartille 12 degrées a sextile with Venus 6 degrées by which I adjudge if not a good time to minister Physick and the next day like unto it therefore unlesse I perceive the Patient to be in great necessity I perswade him not to take his Physick untill the third day which I find favoured with better aspects These kind of observations are of great antiquity and were in high esteem among the most learned Philosophers the practise whereof is of that singular use in these times that some in London and other places which soar with the highest on the wings of same give judgements this way rather then by the vrine and therefore I suppose thou wilt not think it losse of time if I am the more large on this point If thou wilt therefore be expert in this art thou must be throughly informed concerning the course of the heavens and the celestial bodies and what the signs and aspects be which thou hast more lively represented by this Figure An Aspect of any of the Planets is a certain distance betwéen the centers of two Planets wherein they notably help or hinder prosper or afflict for by good aspects as the Sextile and Trine they assist and prosper but by a Quartile and opposition they vex hinder and aflict so that by this thou mayest perceive the conjunction is good with good and evill with bad By a Trine you are to understand a third part of the Air a Quaril● is the fourth part of the air a Sextile a sixth part of the air An opposition is when one Planet is right against another the half part of the air and a conjunction is when they méet But that which is of the chiefest use in matter of thy study and practiseis the knowledge of the twelve houses which Astronomically are deciphered thus In each house thou findest characterized one of the 12 Signs yet note that they do alter and change according to the Quotidian and course of motions Thrée of these signs be of the nature of fire three of air three of water and three of earth The thrée fiery Signs are Aries Leo Sagitarius the thrée of the ayr be Gemini Libra and Aquarius the three of the water are Cancer Scorpio and Pi●ces and those of the earth are Taurus Virgo and Capricornus And when 2 Planets are in one sign and one degree of the Zodiack there is a conjunction Therefore as it is necessary that theu shouldest know what the sign is when thy Patient falleth sick so must thou likewise know what Planet is Lord of the house then observe what the Aspects are described in the first Globe or Sphear and it will not a little direct thy iudgment both concerning the disease the remedy and the time of continuance or abatement thereof Also the knowledge of the Planets is the more desirable for that it is the ●udgement of the wise Philosophers that they have not onely influence upon the bodies of men c. but also upon all Hearbs Plants and Vegetables for the Sun hath a speciall influence on the Bay-trée and other trées of that nature and we find by good experience the effects answerable of which more in the virtues of herbs the study whereof will very much enable thée in the right ministring and applying such things as in thy practise thou shalt find requisite to be made use of for A●comes the Phylosopher chose to make his powders whereof he giveth such large commendation when the Sunne entered the first degrée of Aries I shall now therefors procéed to set down certain generall remedies by way of Purgations Vomits Glisters Drinks and Waters with divers other hidden secrets for the curing of any disease or malady of the body either internall or externall CHAP. CLVIII An excellent Purge TAke Diacatholiacon one ounce Confection of Hameck one ounce mixe them very well together and put them into half a pint of White-wine and drink it CHAP. CLIX. Pills to purge Melancholy and Choller TAke half an ounce of Aloes Sackatrina and beat it to powder very small then take a dram of Rubarb and slice it very thin and dry it in a sancer upon embers then beat it to a fine powder and of powder of Steel half as much in measure as the Rubarb and with a little Claret-Wine temper them together till they be like past and then make them into pills whereof take one every night 2 hours after supper and in the morning drink some broth CHAP. CLX To purge the head of grosse Choller and Phlegm TAke Pillule Masticka Fermely I dram and a half of oyl Teijme Chymicall seven drops of the spices of Aromatica seven grains mix these well and make them into ten pills an hour before dinner and an hour before supper and use them as you have need CHAP. CLXI A Speciall powder for the Memory and to purge the Brain TAke thrée ounces of Senae leaves Sednarij Commi● Parsley and Dill séed of each an ounce Ginger one ounce and a half Cloves Nutmegs Calimus Galingal Pimpernill Roots Sage Rue Valerian Annis-seeds of each one quarter of an ounce Sagar three ounces pound all these small and temper them together and take thereof morning and evening one dram at one time CHAP. CLXII Another excellent Purgation Take the flowers of the Peach-tree infused in warme water for the space of ten or twelve hours then strain them and put thereto more of the flowers and put to the said liquor to infuse after the same manner six or seven times then put thereto as much Suger as it will require and boil it to the thicknes of a sirrup whereof take two spoonfuls in the morning and it purgeth the belly better then Rubarb or Agrick for it worketh exceedingly upon moist and waterish humors without pain or gripings CHAP. CLXIII To make Pills of Liquoris to be taken