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A03315 The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery; Buch der cirurgia. English Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512. 1525 (1525) STC 13434; ESTC S119422 165,988 151

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or pixides wherin be stryngys of y e bonys ¶ Of the lymmes y t be holden is fyrst y e bladder is lyke a bagge wher in is gadered the suꝑflue water or vryne that cometh of the kydneys y e bladder is of ●i strōge pānicles is roundand great about the quātite of a pynte In it be ii lōge wayes named porri vritides cōmynge from the kydneys a syde halfe berynge the vryne from y e kydneys The necke or pype of the bladder is flesshy with closynge and onclosynge lacertys or musculys goynge from the bladder beudyd through the myddys vnto the yarde of the man But in a woman without beudynge the quātyte of ii ynches with ther secrete mēbre through that is the vryne dryueth ¶ Of the grayne or semynall vessellys Ca. ix THe semynalle vessellys be in them selfe vaynes that haue theyr begynnynge by the kydneys of the vaynes of Chyli and Adorati descendynge be●●●ge the blode to the coddes bothe 〈◊〉 man and womā wherfor in the last●…yon the sede is namyd sperma whiche is the sede of our humayne na-nature In a man these vessellys be outwardys for theyr coddys be without and the womens vesselles be within for theyr coddys or stonys be within and by thys may be marked that this sede hath the nature of the herte the lyuer and y e kydneys and the brayne for this cause for to make dilectacyon the senowes com from y e braynes to the stonys also the hole body hath felowshyp therwith ¶ The matrix or moder is an acker of the generacyon of mankynd and an organ for to conceyne whose maner posycyō or place is betwen y e bladder fūdament and is made of ii stronge pannycles and is rounde and hath armis w t coddys or stonys lyke y e pursse of y e coddis hath a thynge lyke a bely ī y e myddyl and a necke holowe and small at the ende lyke a mānys yarde that is crokyd hath a cleft namyd vulua and hath aprepuciū or couerynge lyke a mānys yarde and is of lengthe viii or ix ynches And though she hath ii holownessys y t be openly knowē after the nōbre of her brestys or pappis yet she hath eche deuyded in iii. cellys or chābres and one in the myddys and thus she hath vii cellys or places of cōceyuyng She hath also collygacyon with the braynes hert lyuer and the stomacke and is bounde to the backe betwene her and the brestys be ioyned to gydder the mylke and the menstruall vaynes Therfor Ypocras sayth that the womās mylke is the broder of mēstruum And Galienus sayth therfor that the woman can nathaue theyr costumable diseas of menstruum gyue mylke at one tyme. ¶ Under y e moder is y e ryght fundament whiche is the keper of the suꝑfluyte of the fyrst dysgestyon and is made of pānycles and is of the length of a shaftment rechynge nygh to the kydneys stretchynge in length nyghe to the romp bonys and the vndermost parte of it is namyd the ars and the ars gut hath collygacyō with the bladder therfore in theyr sekenes they suffer w t eche other ¶ The mannys y●●●● is a plowman of the nature of mankynd and is also a waye of the vryne is made of skyn̄e musclus vaynes senowes and grosse stryngys and it is plantyd vpon the bone Pectinis and y e bondys com from the bone Sacris or holy bone In the yarde be ii pryncypall wayes or pypes the one for the sede and the other for the vryn The ende of the yarde is namyd Ballanum the hole is namyd mitra The fyrst ouergoynge skynne of the yarde is prepucium and the yarde is commonly viii or ix fynger brede longe and must be of resonable bygnes accordynge to the quantyte of the matrix or moder Permenium or Peritonium is the place betwene the ars and the yarde the whiche is a seme that foloweth the lyne of the yarde Inguina or lyskes be y e clynsers of y e lyuer ordeyned in y e foldys of the thyges ¶ Nates be the buttockes ordeyned vpō y e bone semoris and is grofe lacertous flesshe ¶ Of the shynnes and great fete Ca. x. THe greate fote or the shynne bone contynueth of y e ioynte Scie or the thyghes to the vttermoste parte of the artycles This great fote is deuided in iii. y e fyrst is y e thygh the other is the shynne the thyrde is the lytell fote ¶ Whan the vaynes be descendyd with braunches from theyr begynnyng to the last spondyle or backbone thā be they deuyded in ii partys The one goth to the ryght bray or thyghe y e other to y e lyfte and comme branche wyse downe throughe the shynnes to the fete and make iiii vaynes The fyrst is named Sophena of the innermest holownes of the anclewe The secound Sciatica on the vtter parte of it The thyrde Poplitica betwene the great too and the other The. iiii is Renalis betwene the lytel too and y e other These vaynes be lett blode for dyuers dyseases for this cause ther be in the shynnes iii● great vaynes that oftētymes bryngeth in great cours of blode with peryll and Jeopardye ¶ Auicē saith y t the senowes of y e fete cōme from y e fenowes of y e hādys but they take theyr begynnynge from the laste spondylle of the kydneys and the bone sacri It is to be vnderstande that by the forme or dysposycyon of musclus y t woūdes by the ioyntys be peryllous and sore to be feryd The grose boundys come out through y e shyn̄ys and be openly shewyde from beneth by the knees and on the helys and in the ioyntys of the artycles the sole of the fote is all full of boundes ¶ Of the bonys in the greate fote Ca. xi THe fyrste that is namyd the thygh is a great mary bone and rounde at both the endys The vppermost roundues is named Uertebrum and entreth in y e brode bonys of the hanches The nether parte toward y e knee hathe ii roundnessys whiche cōme in ii holownessys of the fyrste shynne bone namyd Osfocile and theron is a roūd brode bone namyd the worle bone or knee shyue and so is the knee full made ¶ Tha●… weth the shynne bone and therbe ii 〈◊〉 namyd focilia y e byggest 〈…〉 former syde makyd the gaderynge of ●…es and cōmeth downe from the kn●… onto y e fote and maketh the anclewe on the inner syde The other on the vtter syde lyke wyse descē dynge shyftynge her selfe to the fote by the other focili bone and maketh y e vttermeste anclewe and these ii shynne bonys make betwene them bothe one holownes where as the fyrst bone of the fote is receyued in And in y e fote be iii. acyes or gaderynge of bonis In y e first acyes be iii. bōys gadered togyder ī one rowndnes The fyrst of these iii.
as it may be and preserue y e place of y e woūde that an inpostume come not must be done with euacuacyon attractyffe to the contrary syde with lettynge with sharpe glystres and w t pillis cocis ¶ Also lay in the begynnynge vpon the place a plaster comfortatyffe accordynge to it ¶ A consortatyffe plaster Make this plaster with water of Myrte of Wyllowe of tasyll called Uirga pasto ris or of the oyle of Mirte of lylyes of roses of the powder Rosary Balaustiay Cypressy Calami aromatici Leucium Camomell Mellilote Boli armeni aluminis Mirre Olibani atque Citonij medled w t wyne and do in the drynke Sticados with water and hony and therwith is he eased of the payne as the mayster Auicēna sayth And whan the blode cometh out of the brayne of the stroke somust you gyue the pacyente to drynke the braynes of rosted hennes with water of Garnet Theo doricus maketh therto a plaster cum baccis lauri cunino aniso sale thure atque cribatura furfuris dressed with wyne And ye maye gyue for this fracture a good drynke for by nature of hym selfe with lytell helpe may be holpeu ¶ Of the cōtusyō with a grete fracture and brekynge of the brayne panne Ca. xxxiiij IF the fracture be grete it is nedefull to go to the Surgery and to y e more makynge of the fracture that proueth Galienus ī sexto Auicenna in quar to Therfore it is nedeful in grete contusyon to vncouer it and to make greter som parte of the fracture by cause the pannycle may be closed of the euyll matter Thefore sayde Guido ye shal not worke after y e maysters that sayth they wyll cure with theyr drynkes without surgery and raysynge of the bones it is possyble of the small contusyon but not in the grete contusyon ¶ Therfore it is nedefull to go to the Surgery of y e fracture of y e brayne pāne y e whiche Galienus sayth w t shorte wordes in sexto Terapētice yf y e woūde be w t grete cōtusyō y e brusynge must be cut out w t a terrybell or peerser borynge fyrst about after that vse cuttynge knyues or tortelles in y e beginynge Therfore sayth Guido viii lerrfyng is nedefull to this workynge after that he set that worke and operacyon concordynge w t Galieno Haly abbate Paulo and Auicēna ¶ The fyrst lernynge is that ye shall not worke there as the most sykenes is for Galienus sayth there as y e deeses is ye shall not worke ¶ The. ij lernynge is that for all sayenges take heede for to speke of the peryll that y e pacyent be not in fere ¶ The iii. lernynge is y t ye in the workynge take heede of the cōmyssures of the brayne pāne as nere as is possyble that y e pacyent sholde be in no fere of fallynge hurtynge of dura mater as is sayd in y e Anothomia ¶ The iiij lernynge is take hede of the full moone then is y e brayne more gretter cometh vnto the brayne pāne ¶ The. v. lernynge is that yf the braydynge be in y e nether ꝑte of the wounde it may the better be clensed ¶ The. vi lernynge is that ye in the braydynge folowe not the ende os the cleuynge for Galienus sayth it is ynoughe takynge of so moche from the bones that the matter may be clēsedout ¶ The. vii lernynge is yf the bone stande styffe that ye wyll take ●●t than put therin oyle of roses and therwith the bone shall be losed and than with out payne ye may take it out ¶ The. viij is that you haste with the worke as faste as is possyble and moost in pressyng prye kynge of the pannycle for cause incontinēt cometh the impostamcyon and euyll accydent and in the descendynge of the matter ●thyde not tyll the seuenth daye in the somer 〈◊〉 the fourthe day in the wynter for fere that in the pannycle sholde fall suche presfynge that the workinge sholde be nought ¶ Of this workynge speketh Anicenna in quaito that in the fyrst ye must se●●ere the heere from y e heed of the wofide make ij cuttynges therin cleuyng crosse wyse or after thuꝭ fy sterynge ▪ as Lantfrāeꝭ sayth and the one cuttynge must be the clenynge of the wounde after that ye must vncouer all the ●nised bone wherin the hole shal be And as the blode cometh rennyng out ther at so must you fyll the wounde with clowtes whiche clowtes must be wette in water and vynegre or in the whyte of an egge And yf there come no blode ye shal fyll the wounde with fyne lynnen cloth dry And after that ye shall do thervpon the lynte of lynnen depte in wyne and in oyle and bynde it than to y e wounde as therto belongeth And yf there be none euyl accydent comyng ye shall begyn to hele the broken bone but fyrst can●e the pacyent to fyt as therto belōweth and after that stoppe his teres with wolle or with cotton so that he be not hurte with the clap of the stroke And lose the ●ande of the wounde and cause the clowte ●all out then drye the wounde Then take 〈◊〉 men and let them hold with solte clothes the corners of the wounde and yf the bone be ●eble and haue small holdynge then departe it with cutrynge knyues and with the lenticulate and yf it be nedefull to stryke w t the hammer do it shortely withoute longe taryenge If the bone be stronge 〈◊〉 ●e ther throughe many holes with the tra● pane tyl it be departed 〈◊〉 other bone And than as you wyll takeout y e bone 〈◊〉 shall it lyfte vp with one eleuatory to y e ty me the one bone be departed from the other and take it out with your fynger or with a lytell tonge and ther after shall you make euen y e sharpnes of the bones And than shall you cure the wounde of the bone lyke as is aforesayd of the fracture with the loesynge of the bones ¶ The mendementes of accedētes or euylles fallynge Ca. xxxv IF there come impostume to the wounde and happeneth moost by the pressynge of the bone or of y e tentes byndynge or by colde or euyll rule thā must you hastely lyste vp and departe the cause takynge therfro y e matter w t lettynge blood of the vaynes and with other purgacyons softenynge the place with hote oyle of roses and with hoote water wherin is soden hye malowes fenigreke lynseed camamyll or with a plaster of popltre or malowes And yf there come ony blackenes in the ●ā nycle by the operacyon of the medecyne shall clense it with hony and oyle os 〈◊〉 yf the blackenes cometh by hym selfe cometh towarde the eyes with other euyll tokens then is there no tryst of lyffe in the fyke pacyen● For mayster Paulus sayth The blackenes 〈◊〉 tokeneth the dystruccyon of naturall he●●e ¶ Of the dyntes of the brayne pāne lyke as a kettyll is
a downe taken out of the wynges medle all this togyder and drop it in to y e eye and lay thervpon a plaster made of breed cromes wette in wyne but let it not lye longe that is very good yf yt go not a way thā drop in y e eye water of Amios salgēme so mētere y e eye w t dressynge of order drye ●sope yf it dryue it not away take fayre water wherin hath stande ●eed arsenicum Or take the waters of y e herbes a foresayd ii ounces Thutie preparati halfe a dragma Coralli rubei margaritarū uon parforata● of eche y t thyrde part of a dragma Camfere the wayght of x. barly cornes draganti gōme arabici of eche y e wayght of viij barly cornes ●eru●e lote amidi of eche the wayght of v. barley cornes Womans mylke y e whyte of an egge of eche a dragma medle thē togyder occupy it at e●ē at mornynge tyll y e parsone be hole ¶ For the woūde of the eeres Ca xxxviij b. IF ony is woūded by y e eere or in y e ete wherin is seare y t the brayne be hutte or y e baynes of y e herynge it is in grete peryl dedly for if y e bryane be perisshed it is deedly And yf y e synewes be perysshed y e lōgeth to the heryuge so shall he be deffe Therfor must he ernestly take heed of it y t he gyue knowlegyng to his frēdes ¶ And yf y e woūde be grete sore sowe it lay thervpon y e powder of y e lyme of egge shelles frankencens dragons blood and say aboute y e woūde a defensuiū thervpon towe depte in the whyte of an egge medled w t a lytel drages blood frankencense in y e secōde ●●●●yrde day lay in y e woūde oyle of roses medled w t the yolke of an egge for slakynge of the payne y e other day after ye shall clense the woūde w t rose hony barly melt termenty ne somtyme medled with myr●a and sarcocolle after the wounde is nedefull to be clensed or he le it with a grene wounded plaster or with bawme and rule hym w t blood ●ettynge to chambre goynge for y e lesse comynge of swellyng or spostumaciō ▪ If the wounde with shotte take hede of the arow howe depeit is gone in for y e pacyent may come lyghtly to chaūgyng in ●brakinge and shakynge with a crampe and it is a token of deth and with that token is his eyen reed therfore it is peryllous to take suche a wounde in hand ¶ If you wyll do it ●●rough grete desyre or other causys thā tell his fryendes all the tokens and condycyons that ye wyll not take hym in hande but for a deedman than make the wounde wyde as I haue shewyd you afore and de fende the place with defensiuum than pull out the arow heed with your tonggys as is aforesayd in the. xvi chaptre than clēse the woūde lyke as is aforesayd and make flesshe to growe and he le it lyke another wounde ●cule hym lyke as is aforesayd let hym dryncke no wyne ther is nothynge that hurtyth the brayne and the vaynes of herynge so fore as the wyne dothe therfore it is very good that the persone that is woūdyd in the heed beware hym of wyne drynkynge ¶ Of the wounde of the nose Ca. xxxix THe nose is somtyme wounded with a sworde or with a cuttynge wepen and the nose is somtyme hoole cut of somty me abydeth hangynge on the flesshe of the lyppys somtyme he is woūded the lengthe of y e nose ¶ Item is the nose hole cut of so may he not be set on agayne yf it be not hole cut of thē take y e lyppes of the wounde and sowe it and lay in y e woūde roūde tentes of row or woll or of goose fedders that the matter may the better come out on y e seme lay that powder which s●ondyth in the chaptre of the sowynge of cōmon woundys thervpon lay ●ow depte in the whyte of anegge medled with lytell of the forsayd powder whan you wyll than bynde it and hele it lyke an other woūde w t the wounded plaster or with bawme and take hede that he let bloode at y e vayne or let hym set venroses or boxes behynde the elbowe or behynde on the necke and for to do his easement for cause that no heet come to y e woūde yf the nose be cut ouer thwart to the lypof the mouth that y e nose hāgyth or is cut through the hole of the nose thrylles to the ouer lyppe of the mouth so set y e nose thrylles the one an the other euen richt as it stode before and make in the nose ii tentes of waxe or of pypes of goose pennis that is best ther through be clensyd y e heed and the wounde and that he may haue his breth and begynne to sow at the vpperst of the wounde on the myddell of the nose and after sow on the sydes that the stytches stōde vneuen a thwart fynger the one from the other vpon y e seme shall ye lay a powder ¶ A powder ¶ Take franckensence the lyme of egges shellys and dragons blood theron layde row depe in whyt of an egge mydled with a lytell oyle of roses ther vpō laye ii● plumacyoles or lytell small ●usshyns made of lynnē clothe that one beneth on euery syde one thenaft bynde it so as I shall saye therafter cure it with a plaster or with the bawme as I haue lerned and defende the wounde from heet and of euyll accydentes with this salue ¶ A defencysse ¶ Take sap of nyght shaw or solatrum or ●… and oyles●●… i● oūces 〈…〉 this medle togyder 〈◊〉 〈…〉 vpon the wounde or 〈◊〉 the whyte 〈…〉 that powder of dragōs blood 〈◊〉 the yolk of an egge medled with this powder of draggā●● ●●imy arabici holy armeny of ●●he a dragma or take this after ●…ynge powder ¶ A powder ¶ Take fariu● or obi vi ounces mumye dragantum 〈◊〉 arabici of eche an oūce lay it thervpon yf it need that the wounde must be clensed then clense it w t rose hony medled with barly meele and cause the flesshe to growe yf it be need with the powder of stanckensence c. and after he le the wounde w t that powder ameys cypressi and wasshe it with warme wyne If the 〈◊〉 be cut from the bone and for to make the skyn̄e fayre thē he le it with this salue ¶ A salue ¶ Take francensence myrta of eche an oūce farina fa●●greci ii ounces rosyll vi oūces waxe ii● oūces oyle of olyues xxiiii ounces and therof make a salue or els w t this powder ¶ A powder ¶ Take masticis frāckēsence myrra dra g●atum gummy arabici of eche halfe an ounce farina fa●igreci ii ounces make therof a powder in
y e woūde stoppyth Therfore take hede whā ye se such● a wounde than bynde the contrarye parte as I haue lernyd you in ye. xv chap. ¶ Another experymentall lernyng for to staunche the bloode ¶ Also was I callyd to a yonge man which was stytched through his legge aboue his knee to the whiche was callyd another mayster before whych therto dede a good staunchynge of blode neuerthelesse the wounde bleded styll and I desyre not to come ther for cause of y e mayster but I marke that the pacyent became febler and fayn thā I sette the aforsayde stone and in the mean tyme drede I stampe small netyll And I cause the other mayster to vnbynde the woūde anone cam ronnyng out of y e woūdyd vayne a fynger thicke blood Thā I layd on the vayne in the wounde y e blood stone and that powder of the same blood stone mydled with the whyte of egges and y e powder thus mydled layd I rounde about the bloodstone and thā I bounde ther vpō on the wounde the stamped small netylles and than I bounde it with a rollynge boūde that ther cam not out one dropell of blode All be it so that a mayster layde the afor sayd bloodestone on a woundid vayne neuerthelesse it wyll not stoppe nor staūche y e blode lyke wyse as it hath happeneth me And shor●ly I clene and shruped the stone and th●● I layd it on the wounde and thā he shewyd his powre as therto belongthe Therfore it is good to haue y e stone in powdē th●● to lay thē vpon y e woūde vaynes ¶ Of the wounde of the hande and the fyngers Ca. xlvij THese woundes be not so deedly as the woūde in the elbow Neuertheles therto cometh often tymes impostumacyon and swellynge therfore take hede yf it neded to be sowed the wounde thā worke after the. xiij chaptre and bynde it lyke another wounde If the wounde is with shot than take out the pellet lyke as it shewed before in the. xvi chaptre If the wounde hath bled but lytell Than let hym blood as is sayd in the. xv chaptre If ther be grete payne of the wounde and the payne wyll not slake then make this after folowynge remedye ¶ A medecyne Take boli armeni ii ounces oyle of roses iiij ounces opium xl barly cornes heuy venegre half an ounce semē bisantie or by sant sede one dragma whyt popylyon sede or semē papaueris albt a drag nyghtshede or howleke sap iiij ounces medled to gyder and lay on the place so often tymes tyll the payne be slaked but not longe for the coldemakynge of the membre And he le the wounde lyke another wounde If after y e helynge of y e woūde come there small bollynge or knottes that y e ioynte maye not be vowen than shall ye lay●on the knotten euery daye this plaster folowynge ¶ A plaster Take powder of litargirii iii● oūc. oliū Olyue xx oūces mustilaginis seigreti mustilaginis seminis lini ofeche xvi ounces mustilaginis maluistici viij ofices resyne xxiiij oūces cere iiij oūces olfum ca momille a pounde and halfe a poūd farine fenigreci farine seminis link of eche iiij oūces masticis thuris of eche ii oūces hogges grece capons grece goose grece duckes grece of eche iiij ounces all this medled to gyder make therof a plaster laye it on y e knottys than shall it be euen Or make another salue to the same in this maner ¶ A salue Take hogges grece goose grece kapons grece duckes grece ofeche v● oūc. waxe il oūces litargirum ii oūces oyle olyus viij oūces farine fenigreci farine seminis lin● ofeche ii oūces bdellij oppoponati thuris masticis of eche an oūce of al this make a salue With this salue gothe away all the hardnes of the ioyntes and the knottes be euen ¶ If ony parsone is cut of y e hāde ther shall a quycke henne be opened puttynge the stumpe of y e arme therin that shall staūche the blood than shall you sow the skyn̄e crosse wyse ouer the stumpe and thervpon strawe the powder aspresayde as herafter folowed ¶ A powder This powder is made of whyte frankēsence dragons blode and medle of this powder a lytell in the whyt of an egge and depe therin towe and lay it on the wounde If a parsone is the arme or the hande cut of and ther is ony pecys of the bone in the stumpe that is a lytell lose or not that shall ye pretelly take out or is that bone not euen and ther apyre ony sharpnes of bonys out of the wounde than put the skyn back wart and than cut of the vneuen bone and sowe the wounde as is aforesayd and than he le the wounde with staunchynge of the bloode and with the rulynge aforesayd And occupye altymes the defensyffe whyche is nede full to this wounde ¶ If this woūde wyl not be staunchyd of the bledynge than lay thervpon this herafter folowyng powder ¶ A powder Take Boli armeni papyr brennyd wyne stone of eche lyke moche bynde the woūde faste that the blood be staunchyd ¶ Whan the fynger is cut through than sowe it clenely and bynde it lyke another wounde And ye shall lay the fynger in a pype of elder tree and than hele it as I before haue lerned you ¶ Of the wounde in the brest Ca xlviij OF the woundes in the brest howe they happened speketh Gwido y e meruaylyd him that he hath foūde whr yten so lytell of Galieno Haly abbate and Aniceu na of y e membres that be holden and moche is whryten of the mēbres whyche holden and in these happened the woundes in sondry maners and therfore ye must haue also sōdry cures therafter as they be It is somtyme done w t a sworde or with a dagger or with a shot or w t a spere through ronnyng Sōtyme is woū dyd the vttermoost skynne and the flesshe somtyme in the holnes of the brest somtyme through y e body Somtyme is woūded the membres within the body lyke as the harte the longues and dyafragma that is the pānicle that departeth the herte from the other membres And somtyme is not towched y e membrys within thā it is but a symple woūde And this is nedefull to be knowen of this particyon to the surgean that he may the better do her cure And bycause that the olde doctours in this cure accordyth not therfore I shall whryten som what for to knowe the maner of the woundes er ye take it in charge ¶ The fyrst is If any be wounded in the brest with a swoorde or other lyke wepen it is lyghtly to knowen yf the wounde wtin be cut through or not for the greatnes of the wounde But is it w t a dagger or arow it is yll to knowe yf it goth through or no● Therfore it is nedefull to haue to●…es fo● to knowe the same And that token that the wounde
gothe through the breest or in the holnes of the brest is as the wynde cometh out the wounde princypaly whan the nose and the mouth is stoppeth than shall yow hāge a lytell feder on a threde a fore y e woūde is the woūde through than shall meue the feder ¶ The token that the herte is wounded is the blacknes of y e blode and that the membres without be colde the superfluyte of the sweyt of swommynge or Sincopis minuta The place of suche a wounde is vnder the lyfte pappe and that is not good suche a woūde to take in hande therfore it is a cause for to refuse it for it is a deedly cure The tokens that the longue is wounded that y e blood comyng ther out is rede and shomynge and the pacyente is hoote and kowckyth and is pale an y e place of the wounde is on the ryght And as Galienus sayd whan moche bloo●…yth through the mouth without payne that is a token that the vaynes be hurt ¶ The token y e the diafragma is woūdyd that he cannot hale his winde to hym strongly cowghed with bloode slymy spattyll that the pacyent hath great payne in his fyde the place of this wounde is by the small rybbys if ●herto comythyll accedēte ●han it is dedly and yf the bloode rya in y e belly than it wyll corrupte for nede and rotte and the token of this is heuynes of the syde and of y e smal rybbys stynkynge spatyll with moche cowghe the pacyent hathe therwith the axcis and Jamer sayd also the wynde that comyth out of y e woūde and the mouthe styncketh so sore y t it may not be suffryd y t clowte stynckyth of the bloode thāt comyth from y e woūde and the woūde that gothe through y e backe is in more peryll than y e other for the vaynes synowes throte and stryngis of the hert and that is fastenyth to the backe and the wounde of the mary is also sore peryllous and the wounde of the backe bone that is not depe that is not peryllous and the wounde that towched not the backe bone is not so peryllons ¶ If the wounde be small without lesynge of the substaūce and that cometh not to noneyll accedence y t shal be drest with tow depped in the whyte of an egge therin mydle a letyll drogōs bloode with frankēsence lyme of egge shel les and on the. iij. day shall the wounde be drest agayne and than hele it with a gre●… woundyd plaster or with the Jewys plaster or with bawme but wyll you occupye the bawme so must you occupye it at y e begynnynge to the endynge without dressyng of the whyte of an egge doynge therto and also defende the wounde from hete and swellynge with that de●ensi●um ¶ A Defensyffe ¶ Take role armeno oyle of roses and a letyll venegre ¶ If the wounde be great y t it must be sowed than sowe it and bynde it so as I haue lerned you afore and ye shall hele it lyke another wounde with the grene woundyd plaster or with the Jewys plaster or with the bawme ¶ If the wounde be so greate and depe stytcheth or shotten that it gothe in the hole of the body of suche a wounde sayd Rogerius Brunus Wylhelmus de Saleceto Lancfrancus that it shall not be boūden for cause y e bloode shol de not abyde within suche a woūde shall be kepte vp with tentes depeth with oyle of roles and with salue and stryke about with defenstuum and whan ye be sure of y e yll accidence than shall ye clense the wounde with this ¶ A clensynge Take Frankēsence Myrra Farina lupinorum of eche an ounce straynyd rose hony vi ounces camomyll floures ij ounces wyne one poūde and a halfe all this togyder mydled and this in the wounde s●owttyd for to clense the wounde and take hede that ye spowtte no more in the woūde than he may suff●e and than rolle the pacyont on a table roundabout and tourne hym vpon the wounde that the clensynge may come-out agayne yf he may that suffre no more so do in y e woūde againe y e tētes clēse it w t this plaster Take rose hony frākencense myrra sarcocolle or take an other plaster ¶ A plaster ¶ Take strayned rose hony turpentyne vi oūces barly meell as moch as it neded thā shal y e woūde be clene w t this plaster with this plaster with the aforsayd spowtynge that takyth away y e yll matter and this is the counsell of y e aforsayd maysters bycause yf y e matter sholde abyde in y e woūde it wolde cometo y e hert and to al other gentyll mēbrys within y e body it wolde be the dethe of the pacyent Theodoricus Henricus sayd that the wounde sholde be closyd and yf it is of nede y t the pacyent is ●eble tha● shal yegyue hym strengthyng confortynge to the nature and yf the wounde be not hastely closen y e naturall het ●holde through the wounde come out and the colde ayre wolde go in whiche ayre dystroyeth the wounde but Guido makyth concorde bytwene the aforsayd maysters and sayd that the substaūce of the thynges that comyth in the wounde of the brest as well it is in the fyrst parte as in the other parte And to all the woūdes of y e brest belongth ●woo curis one win another without this woūdes is to be knowen by y e for sayd ●okēs ¶ As you knowe by the aforsayd tokens that there is no membre within woūded or that no matter comyth therin the wounde shall ye hele without tentes and w t plasters salue incarnati●ū with plu macyoles deppeth in wyne with byndynge that seldō be chaunged yf ye be called to a woūdyd ꝑson that ye ●ere y e woūde hathe bleded inwarde that shal ye know by y e ratlynge of the pacyēt hath he bleded a lytell that y e blood rynnynge is done than cōmaunde you y e pacyent to stupe on y e woūde that he may meue hym that the blode may come out and as that is done so let y e wounde be tentyd with medsynes or drynes that drawith outwarde as turpentyne or hony that is better that drawyth outwarde and dryeth and clensyth And bynde hym with plumacyoles of tow but not to styffe in this same day let hym bloode In ye. iij. day glyster the wounde w t the soden wyne as I shall say here after than tourne the pacyent on the woūde and ther in doo reasonable tentys and that it let not y e out comynge of y e engeled bloode or matter and the tentys shal be bounde with a lōge threde bycause that the tente ●all not in the ho●nes of the brest for the pacyent sholde suffer moche harme ¶ If ther be the rynnynge of the blood than ye shall not stoppe it but yf it rynnyd