Selected quad for the lemma: cause_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
cause_n become_v zeal_n zealous_a 37 3 8.2749 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 18 of 18
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59567 A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in the Abbey-church at Westminster on the fifth of November, 1691 / by the Archbishop of York. Sharp, John, 1645-1714. 1691 (1691) Wing S2995; ESTC R15085 12,865 30 View Text
A61178 A sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London at St. Mary Le Bow, April 20, 1682 by Thomas Sprat ... Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713. 1682 (1682) Wing S5058; ESTC R16434 15,174 38 View Text
A30733 A sermon preach'd at St. Mary-le-Bow to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, April 5, 1697 by Lilly Butler. Butler, Lilly. 1697 (1697) Wing B6282; ESTC R27140 16,186 51 View Text
A36785 A narrative of unheard of popish cruelties towards Protestants beyond seas, or, A new account of the bloody Spanish inquisition published as a caveat to Protestants / by Mr. Dugdale. Dugdale, Stephen, 1640?-1683.; Dugdale, Ric., 1680 (1680) Wing D2473; ESTC R763 26,721 32 View Text
A68715 Christs politician, and Salomons puritan Deliuered in two sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie. By Thomas Scot Bachelour of Diuinitie and one of his Maiesties chapleines. These two sermons epitomiz'de. Beware of men; of hypocrites beware. Who likes not this, no friends but enemies are. Be not too iust; be not a puritan. Yet be as pure a Christian as you can. Scott, Thomas, preacher at the Rolls Chapel.; Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626, attributed name. 1616 (1616) STC 22074; ESTC S100078 29,507 59 View Text
A02480 A touchestone for this time present expresly declaring such ruines, enormities, and abuses as trouble the Churche of God and our Christian common wealth at this daye. VVherevnto is annexed a perfect rule to be obserued of all parents and scholemaisters, in the trayning vp of their schollers and children in learning. Newly set foorth by E.H. Hake, Edward, fl. 1560-1604.; Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. De pueris ad virtutem instituendis. 1574 (1574) STC 12609; ESTC S105953 36,378 106 View Text
A96785 Vox pacifica a voice tending to the pacification of God's wrath; and offering those propositions, or conditions, by the acceptation, and performance whereof, in some good measure, a firme and continuing peace may be obtained. It is directed to the King, Parliaments, and people of these islands: By Geo. Wither Esquire, (a commander in this war) heretofore their unheeded remebbrancer [sic] of plagues and deliverances past; and their timely forewarner of the judgments now come. He hath disposed it into six books, or canto's, whereof foure onely are contained in this volumne; and the other deferred to be hereafter published, as there shall be cause. Wither, George, 1588-1667. 1645 (1645) Wing W3210; Thomason E1242_1; ESTC R202399 111,848 215 View Text
A96538 A word in season, for a warning to England: or a prophecy of perillous times open'd and apply'd. Wherein the signes of bad times, and the means of making the times good, are represented as the great concernment of all good Christians in this present age. First exhibited in a sermon preached in the Abby at Westminster, July 5. 1659. and since enlarged and published. / By Thomas VVilles, M.A. minister of the Gospel, in the city of London. Willis, Thomas, 1619 or 20-1692. 1659 (1659) Wing W2308; Thomason E1734_1; ESTC R7862 218,037 465 View Text
A59549 Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions the last of which was never before printed / by ... John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York ... Sharp, John, 1645-1714. 1700 (1700) Wing S2977; ESTC R4705 231,778 520 View Text
A15622 A view of the marginal notes of the popish Testament, translated into English by the English fugitiue papists resiant at Rhemes in France. By George Wither Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1588 (1588) STC 25889; ESTC S120301 238,994 326 View Text
A95658 A voyage to East-India. Wherein some things are taken notice of in our passage thither, but many more in our abode there, within that rich and most spacious empire of the Great Mogol. Mix't with some parallel observations and inferences upon the storie, to profit as well as delight the reader. / Observed by Edward Terry minister of the Word (then student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and chaplain to the Right Honorable Sr. Thomas Row Knight, Lord Ambassadour to the great Mogol) now rector of the church at Greenford, in the county of Middlesex. Terry, Edward, 1590-1660. 1655 (1655) Wing T782; Thomason E1614_1; ESTC R234725 261,003 580 View Text
A09031 A plaine exposition vpon the whole 8. 9. 10. 11. chapters of the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans Wherein the text is diligently and methodically resolued, the sence giuen: and many doctrines thence gathered, are by liuely vses applyed, for the benefit of Gods children performed with much variety, and conuenient breuitie: being the substance of neere foure yeeres weekedayes sermons.: By Elnathan Parr, Bachelor in Diuinity, and preacher of Gods Word. Parr, Elnathan, d. 1622. 1618 (1618) STC 19319; ESTC S114074 348,782 462 View Text
A33309 A generall martyrologie containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ from the creation to our present times, both in England and other nations : whereunto are added two and twenty lives of English modern divines ... : as also the life of the heroical Admiral of France slain in the partisan massacre and of Joane Queen of Navar poisoned a little before / by Sa. Clarke. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1640 (1640) Wing C4514; ESTC R24836 495,876 474 View Text
A43507 Aerius redivivus, or, The history of the Presbyterians containing the beginnings, progress and successes of that active sect, their oppositions to monarchial and episcopal government, their innovations in the church, and their imbroylments by Peter Heylyn ... Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.; Heylyn, Henry. 1670 (1670) Wing H1681; ESTC R5587 552,479 547 View Text
A52303 David's harp strung and tuned, or, An easie analysis of the whole book of Psalms cast into such a method, that the summe of every Psalm may quickly be collected and remembred : with a devout meditation or prayer at the end of each psalm, framed for the most part out of the words of the psalm, and fitted for several occasions / by the Reverend Father in God, William ... Lord Bishop of Gloucester. Nicholson, William, 1591-1672. 1662 (1662) Wing N1111; ESTC R18470 729,580 564 View Text
A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852 View Text
A71277 Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 2. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ... Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695. 1692 (1692) Wing W3383A; ESTC R200957 1,495,232 926 View Text
A51842 One hundred and ninety sermons on the hundred and nineteenth Psalm preached by the late reverend and learned Thomas Manton, D.D. ; with a perfect alphabetical table directing to the principal matters contained therein. Manton, Thomas, 1620-1677.; White, Robert, 1645-1703.; Bates, William, 1625-1699. 1681 (1681) Wing M526A; ESTC R225740 2,212,336 1,308 View Text
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