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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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Tribes and families of Israel and hauing seene what forces and number of men fit to beare armes were found in euery Tribe from 20. yeares of age vpwards hee appointed vnto them by direction from the Lord such Princes and Leaders as in worth and reputation were in euery Tribe most eminent Numb 1 46. The number of the whole army was 603550. men for the warres besides women and children also beside the strangers which followed them out of Egypt This great body of an army was diuided by Moses into foure grosse and mighty Battalions each of them containing the strength of three whole Tribes hauing Captains and Colonels appointed vnto them Thus did the blessing which Israel gaue to his children and God himselfe before to Israel take place among them In the middest of the foure great armies sorted vnder their seuerall standards was the Tabernacle Numb 3 8 as a portable or mooueable Temple carryed which was surrounded by the Leuites and the Leuites also by the other Tribes so that not onely the Pagans and Heathens were forbidden accesse vnto it Verse 38 but the sentence of death passed vpon euery soule of the Israelites themselues that durst approach it who were not of the Leuites to whom the charge was wholly committed So sacred was the Tabernacle of the Congregation Numb 1 39 and with such reuerence garded and regarded that two and twenty thousand Priests were dedicated to the seruice and attendance thereof For as the industry in framing euery the least part thereof the curious worke-manship bestowed vpon it Exod. 31 3 4 and the charge and expences about it were exceeding great so the dutifull obseruance in the preseruing and laying vp of the holy vessels the solemne remoouing thereof the vigilant eye in attending thereon together with the prudent and prouident defence of the same serued to procure all due reuerence to the holy things of God and to encrease zeale and deuotion in such as approached neere vnto him euen as on the other side this is the maine cause of the prophanation of the Sacraments and of the contempt of the Word and Prayer and of so little practise of true piety among vs because there is so little feare and reuerence in the hearts of men towards the worship of God and the parts thereof Great was the zeale and forwardnesse both of Princes and people as appeareth both in making the Tabernacle and all manner of worke for the seruice of the Sanctuary Exod. 36 5. in offering afterward For after that Moses had taken order for all things necessary written in the Lawes numbred his armies and diuided them into seuerall Regiments or squadrons whereof the Tribe of Iudah led the Vantgard the twelue Princes or Commanders of the Tribes renowned of the Congregation and the heads of thousands in Israel Numb 1 16. brought their Offerings before the Lord to wit sixe couered Chariots and twelue Oxen to draw them therby to transport as they marched the parts of the Tabernacle Numb 7 2. with all the appurtenances the Sanctuary onely excepted which for more reuerence and regard was carried vpon the shoulders of the sonnes of Kohath vnto whom that care and charge was commited Numb chap. 3. verse 31. Neuerthelesse after so many mercies of God vpon them hauing seene so many miracles shewed so many victories atchieued so many remissions obtained so many benefites receiued and so many iudgements inflicted vpon the disobedient yet they as a stubborne and rebellious generation a generation that set not their heart aright Psalme 78 8. whos 's spirit was not stedfast with God neuer ceased to prouoke him by their sinnes and oftentimes as it were made a generall Conspiracy against him and Moses his seruant so that Miriam and Aaron were not free Arist Rhetor. lib. 2. cap 24. Numb 12.1 verifying the saying of the Philosopher 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Euen a mans Kindred know how to enuy at him But among all other mutinies and murmurings recorded in this Booke none was greater then that which happened after the returne of the twelue Aduenturers or Discouerers sent out by Moses into the Territories of Canaan as wel to informe themselues of the force of the inhabitants and fertility of the Countrey as also to take knowledge of the Wayes Passages Riuers Foards Plaines and Mountaines thereof that nothing might be hidden from them For the wrath of God was turned against Israel being kindled by the violent breath of their rebellion Numb so that hee punished the same in a most fearefull manner Iude verse 5. and almost extinguished euery soule of the whole multitude which he had brought out of Egypt for onely two Caleb and Ioshua were excepted And albeit Moses was the mildest and meekest man vpon the earth Numb 12.3 and often prayed vnto God for them to renew his wonted mercies and to consider that theyr destruction would encrease the pride of the Heathen Nations both of the Egyptians from whence they came Numb 24 13. and of the Canaanites to whose Land they were going and preuayled by his wonderfull prayers with him For the prayer of a righteous man auayleth much if it be feruent as the Apostle Iames saith chapt 5. verse 16. yet they ceased not to murmure against him witnesse heereof amongst others the insolent behauiour and conspiracy of Korah Dathan and Abiram and their Partisans Numb 16. verse 1. who for the contempt of God and his Ministers and seeking to ouerthrow the order and discipline of the Church were some of them swallowed vp aliue and by the earth opening her mouth deuoured others euen two hundred and fiftie in number which offered Incense with Korah their Captaine were consumed with fire from heauen besides fourteene thousand and seuen hundred which iustified the former mutiny were stricken dead with a sodaine pestilence as Numb 16. verse 49. Thus while the wicked multitude vsurped ecclesiasticall authority and endeauoured to subuert the power of the Church-gouernment and to bring in a parity that is an horrible confusion by making all men alike by pretending that all the Congregation are holy euery one of them as Numb 16. verse 3. and by rebelliously contending against the high Priest and the cheefest Magistrate to whom God committed the ouersight of all the Almighty altered the course of Nature that They dyed not the common death of all men neither were visited after the visitation of other men Verse 29. but he made a new thing and wrought one of the greatest wonders and myracles which fell out in all the time of Moses his gouernment And the better to assure his people and in his great goodnesse to confirme them touching the election of Aaron and his sonnes to the Priesthood it pleased him also to approoue the same by a great miracle of the Twelue Rods giuen in by the hands of the twelue Tribes of which Moses receyued one of euerie Head and Prince of his Tribe all which being
and not through impatience accuse God neither impute the euill successes of our affaires to him but to our selues euen as he that stumbleth and falleth against a stone should not accuse the stone but his owne hastinesse and heedlesnes Now then if wicked men want the knowledge of God and the feare of his Name to guide them in the search and suruey of their owne wayes to enquire into the true cause of their euill successes wee cannot maruaile if they wander vp and downe in their owne imaginations and can neuer finde the fault to bee in themselues Secondly the vngodly are blinded with a Reason 2 selfe-loue and selfe-liking of themselues aboue God or his Word The loue of the creature or of our selues more then God or equall with God hindereth vs in good things and quite swalloweth vp the loue of our brethren and darkeneth the light of vpright iudgment that it cannot shine in our hearts The conceited person thinketh himselfe a wise man and imagineth his owne course to be the best vsing no aduice of others as if he himselfe were in all things sufficient of himselfe to see what is best for himselfe This Salomon excelling in wisdome teacheth to these conceited persons abounding in folly Prou. 12.14 The way of a foole is right in his owne eyes but he that hearkeneth to counsell is wise So in another place Prou. 18.2 A foole is not delighted with vnderstanding but with those things which are in his owne heart And againe Prou. 26.12 Seest thou a man wise in his owne conceit There is more hope of a foole then of him These selfe-louing and selfe-liking fooles are delighted with their owne folly which they labour to publish and make knowne to all men and may worthily beare away the bell from all the fooles in the world For these are proud fooles that highly esteeme of their owne wisedome and scornfully disdaine the counsell and wisedome of all other men Seeing therefore euill men want the wisdome of God that is from aboue and abound with selfe-loue which descendeth not from aboue but is earthly sensuall and diuellish we cannot greatly maruaile if wicked men will acknowledge no fault in themselues but wholly looke to second causes and lay the blame vpon the most High when they faile in their purposes Vse 1 The vses of this doctrine First of all wee learne this truth that no euil man can look for any good successe in the matters he taketh in hand but let him alwaies be sure to be crossed cursed of God Albeit thou lay in thine own conceit neuer so strong a foundation work neuer so wisely in thine own imagination yet if thou make not God thy Counsellor 〈◊〉 119.24 and his Word thy director thy wisdome shall be turned into folly and thou shalt be taken in the snare of thine owne hands For all sin against God bringeth with it the wrath of God and the euill life of a sinner drawes vpon his owne head sundry crosses and calamities causeth him to haue ill successe and raiseth vp infinite iudgments against him Whensoeuer we despise his word prophane his Sabbaths defile his Sacraments and practise any vnrighteousnesse against men and impiety against God then followeth and falleth vpon vs some sicknesse or trouble some crosse or affliction one way or another as the Apostle sheweth For your dissention and vnreuerent receiuing of the Lords Supper 1. Cor. 11.30 many are weak and sick among you and many sleepe Now when the rod and scourge of God lyeth vpon the backe of transgressours and they feele themselues sore plagued either they accuse God as the authour of their trouble or murmure against his punishment or rest vpon second causes which are ordered by him who is the principall cause Vse 2 Secondly we learne that if we would haue God blesse vs and the lawfull labours of our hands we must be godly in Christ Iesus If we leade a sincere and sanctified life purge our hearts to be a peculiar people to God zealous of good workes wee haue a sure promise of good successe and strong assurance of a plentifull blessing to follow vs all the dayes of our life There is no good successe in any thing without Gods blessing And this is the cause why God blesseth vs not because wee blesse not his Name wee liue not as a people vnder his protection wee do not deny vngodlines worldly lusts liuing soberly righteously and godly in this present world hauing our conuersation in the heauens and looking for the blessed hope of glory and immortality Hereunto commeth the saying of Salomon Prou. 16 3. Psal 37.3 1 Pet. 5 7. Commit thy workes to the Lord and thy thoughts shall be directed This is a worthy saying to redresse our weakenesse and distrust and to make vs rest and rely our selues on Gods good prouidence This also the Prophet Dauid teacheth Psal 127 1 2. All the fruit of our labours cares dependeth vpon the prouidence of God yea all our industry and studie shall be vaine and vnprofitable vnlesse he guide all our affaires To this purpose the Prophet speaketh in another place that the godly Psal 1.1.3 refusing the counsell of the wicked the way of sinners the seat of scorners shall bring forth fruite in due season so that whatsoeuer he shall doe shal prosper It is God alone that directeth the wayes and works of the faithful and without him is no good successe This wee see verified in Ioseph Gen. 39 2 3. The Lord was with Ioseph he was a man that prospered and was in the house of his master the Egyptian And his master saw the Lord was with him and that the Lord made al that he had to prosper in his hand The like the Scripture● testifieth of Hezekiah that hee prospered in all his workes 2 Chro. 32 30 and 20 20. So Iehosaphat spake to the people Heare ye me O Iudah the inhabitants of Ierusalem put your trust in the Lord your God and ye shall bee assured beleeue his Prophets and ye shall prosper Thus also the Lord exhorteth Ioshua after the death of Moses Iosh 1 8. We do all of vs desire the blessing of God vpon our labours and to haue good successe in our seuerall callings this is the pathway that we must walke in namely a godly life and conuersation without this his blessings shall turne into curses and wee shall neuer attaine the end of our hope This appeareth by the words which the man of God spake to the King of Israel saying Thus saith the Lord Because the Aramites haue saide 1 King 20 28 the Lord is the God of the Mountaines and not of the Valleys therefore will I deliuer all this great multitude into thine hand and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Lastly we are bound euery one to consider Vse 3 the true cause of euill successe to be in our selues When the hand of God is any way vppon vs that he plagueth
goe bidde his friends farewell which were at his house and when he had more leysure Christ should be serued So it fared with them that were bidden to the marriage-feast who all with one consent beganne to make excuses the first said I haue bought a peece of ground and I must needes goe and see it another said I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen and I goe to proue them and another saide I haue married a wife and therefore I cannot come Luke 14 18 19 20 Math 22 5. Thus wee see our nature is slow and vntoward to follow the Lord wee shift off and shrinke backe as long as wee can and many goodly excuses our corrupt flesh findeth to linger and put from vs all true obedience to Christ Iesus Faine wee would seeme desirous to follow God to come vnto Heauen but wee are loth to soyle and defile our feete Cant. 5 3 so that we must be violently thrust forward before we will yeeld so sturdy and stubburne our neckes are Ioh. 6 44. Wee see the truth of this in Nicodemus he bare a loue to Christ and a liking to his doctrine but first hee came to him by night for feare of the Iewes Ioh. 3 2 afterward hee waxed more bold in the cause of Christ before the face of the Pharisees and that in the open day thogh he receiued a checke Ioh. 7 50 and lastly he shewed himselfe more constant and zealous in professing himselfe to be one of his disciples in the buriall of Christ The like we see in Ioseph of Arimathea who at the first was a disciple of Iesus secretly Ioh. 19 38 but after declared himselfe manifestly in the costly and honourable buriall of his Master Thus it appeareth that the Kingdome of Heauen is like a graine of mustard seed which is one of the least of all seeds Matthew 13 31 and that the Elect themselues are brought on by small degrees their handes hang downe their knees are weake they goe halting and limping and quickly turne out of the right way they hang off and on a great while they meete with many lettes and incombrances both at home in themselues and abroad in others And albeit for further proofe and certainty of this point it were sufficient to send euery man that knoweth what true vocation and conuersion meane home to his owne dores to examine his owne heart yet consider I pray you briefly the heauenly calling of Saint Austine as it is testified by himselfe in his bookes of confession For when God beganne to speake to his conscience hee felt a world of tentations he was tossed and troubled with infinite combates and conflicts betweene the flesh and the spirit Lib 8. confess cap. 1. 2 7. betweene God drawing on the one side and the flesh the world and the diuell holding backe on the other part His pleasures past presented themselues before his eyes and hee thought hee might prolong the time at length he beganne to breake through this army of enemies and to speake vnto God after this maner Et tu Domine vsque quo q●am d●u quam ●iu cras cras quare non modo O Lord how long wilt thou suffer me thus how long how long shall I say to morrow and to morrow why should I not doe it now why should there not be an end of my filthy life euen at this houre Then hee was bidden to take vp and reade in the Scripture after which followed his wonderfull and finall conuersion ioyned with much weeping and lamentation This difficulty the Apostle found in his practice that when hee would doe good hee was so yoked that euil was present with him he did delight in the Law of God concerning the inner man yet he saw another law in his members rebelling against the law of his minde and leading him captiue vnto the law of sinne so that he did not those things which he would but the euilsi which he would not he did Rom. 7.21 22 23 29. This should teach vs to call vpon God by earnest prayer that we may receiue of him the presence of his grace the assistance of his Spirit that wee may ouer-stride all doubtes and difficulties that would stay vs and so entangle vs in the snares of sinne Let vs vse all holy and lawfull meanes to strengthen our faith that we may proceede from faith to faith and grow in the graces of God vntill we come to be perfect men in Iesus Christ And let vs not doubt of our calling when we see to the griefe of our hearts and the discomfort of our soules such wants and weakenesses in vs it is not otherwise with vs then with all the faithfull but let vs striue and fight against these lettes which would withdraw our mindes from God and take heede wee quench not the Spirit nor grieue him by whom we are sealed vnto the day of redemption 1 Thessalon 5 19. Ephes 1 30. And although Satan and the world make neuer so much suit vnto vs to entertayne the pleasures of sinne which are but for a season and sing neuer such sweet songs to enchant vs and lull vs asleepe in carnall security let vs stoppe our eares and strengthen our hearts against such lusts as fight against the soule Wee see sundry persons after theyr calling by the preaching of the word and after a long profession of the faith to turne backe againe as the dogge to his vomit 2 Peter 2 22 Prouerb 26 11. 2 Timoth. 4 4 some to theyr vaine company others after the loue of the world the lusts of the flesh the cares of this life and grow to bee more filthy and prophane then they were before Let vs take heed of such dangerous examples their doings are euill theyr fall is fearefull theyr end wil be more fearefull without repentance and practising of their first workes Fourthly we see the people of God before Vse 4 they could enter into the land of Canaan were constrayned to buckle and encounter with sundry enemies the Amalekites the Canaanites the Amorites the Bashanites the Midianites and sundry others Exodus 17 8. Numbers 21 1 and 31 1 2 c. all which in the end they subdued so that not one of them was able to looke them in the face Thus it fareth with all the faithful in this life As soon as wee enter into the race of Christianity by and by we must expect many and sundry enemies that crosse vs in the way some secret that seek to vndermine vs some open that with all violence flye vpon vs and driue against vs both seeke to ouerthrow vs yea such as before our calling seemed our friends and familiars now beginne to reiect and renounce vs now fall to nod the head at vs and to set themselues against vs because it seemeth strange to them that wee runne not with them into the same excesse of riot and therefore they speake euill of vs which shall giue account to him that is ready