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cause_n adultery_n commit_v wife_n 2,548 5 8.1753 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69098 A most excellent hystorie, of the institution and firste beginning of Christian princes, and the originall of kingdomes wherunto is annexed a treatise of peace and warre, and another of the dignitie of mariage. Very necessarie to be red, not only of all nobilitie and gentlemen, but also of euery publike persone. First written in Latin by Chelidonius Tigurinus, after translated into French by Peter Bouaisteau of Naunts in Brittaine, and now englished by Iames Chillester, Londoner. Séen and allowed according to the order appointed.; Histoire de Chelidonius Tigurinus sur l'institution des princes chrestiens, & origine des royaumes. English Chelidonius, Tigurinus.; Boaistuau, Pierre, d. 1566.; Chillester, James. 1571 (1571) STC 5113; ESTC S104623 160,950 212

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great Emperor Cesar who saide that the good shephearde doothe neuer pull the skinnes of the shéepe but taketh only the fléece And call to your remembrance Oh ye Princes that they are men as ye are free as ye are Christians as yée are boughte with the same bloude and shall be iudged by the same iudge that yee are issued all out of one stocke and roote and that you differ in nothing but in a litle transitorie dignitie which shall vanishe away as the smoake and you shall haue no preheminence before god Remembre the voice of your great king Iesus Christe who dothe exhorte you to embrace peace Beholde with your pitifull eyes the poore widowes with a great numbre of Orphanes whose lamentations dothe pierce euen to the throne of god Remember also how that we all shall be accomptable of our liues and shall all appeare before one iudge who will not lose one haire of oure heades but hathe saide vnto vs that from the bloude of Abell the first that was slaine euen vnto the laste man he will not lose one drop of bloude that shall not be accompted for before him by those that haue cruelly shed the same The thirtenth Chapter Hovv hurtfull incontinencie is to Princes and hovve that the same hathe bene the cause of the ruine and destruction of many realmes and kingdoms vvith also a Treatise of the dignitie and excellencie of the honourable state of Matrimonie THe obseruation of all the things before written are not sufficiente to make a Prince apte and méete to gouerne anye Empire or kingdome if further he be not deliteful and careful to clense his court of one kind of vice which hath bene in time past so familiar amōg Kings princes and Emperors that it hath bene wholly the cause of the ruine of thē selues and their subiectes Which vice bicause it is a matter that procéedeth of nature and that it dothe something please and bewitch our senses the cure thereof is the more difficile and daungerous to be practised and specially vpon yong princes who as yet haue not experimented the rigoures and assaultes of Fortune Wherfore there must be vsed great paine and diligence in the beginning to resist and fight against the same for after it is once in full possession of vs euen those that be moste best armed for it shall sometimes finde themselues impeached and troubled The vice which I doe intende to speake of is the incontinēcie that is vsed with women to which if the Prince or any other gouernor dothe once giue himselfe in pray he can not chuse in this world a more redier way to destroy bothe him selfe and his people And bicause the doctrine heerof may be better learned how to eschue the same we wil lay before your eyes by examples the greeuous punishments that the Lord our God hath sent to suche Princes and Prouinces as haue bene defiled with this wicked vice And we wil begin our discourse by the afflictions specially wherewith he hath plaged and tormented his owne people for this abhominable sinne of incontinencie First of all whoredome and other horrible filthinesse vsed amongs the people was the cause of the vniuersal floude and that God did poure downe his wrathe vpon earthe Fiue famous Cities as it is wrytten in the Bookes of Moyses in the olde Testament were destroyed for their wantonnesse and dissolute life In the Boke of Numbres is shewed for the like offences twelue Princes were hanged and foure twentie thousande men died In Leuiticus yee may see howe that the Chananians were ouerthrowne for their incest and filthinesse In the Booke of the Iudges you shall reade that all the tribe of Beniamin were destroied for the adulterie committed with the wife of a Leuite In the booke of kings also you shall perceiue greuous plages were sente to Dauid for his adoultrie Salomon likewise for the same cause did commit Idolatrie and was giuen vp to a reprobate minde The Prophet Ieremie dothe say that the chéefe cause of the ruine and destruction of Jerusalem was for adultrie And many realmes and kingdomes haue suffered chaunge and alteration of their gouernment and haue bene transferred to others for the causes aboue named Troy the proude for the rauishment of Helen was destroyed Thebes the populous for the rape of Chrisippus and for the incest of Oedippus was punished The gouernement of kings were banished out of Rome for the rauishment of Lucretia And Aristotle in his Pollitikes doth say that whoredome and adultrie be the principal causes of the ruine and destruction of realmes and kingdomes Pausanias that great renoumed Prince for that he did defloure and afterwardes kil the daughter of Bizance was aduertised by a spirite oute of a piller of his ende and deathe at hande a thing very prodigious that wicked spirites shall giue acknowledge of the confusion and paine that is prepared for wicked men which thing was founde to be true afterwardes in him for he died as the piller had foresaid to him These smal numbre of examples by vs thus manifested I doe thinke shoulde be sufficient to pull backe and withdraw yong Princes and all other that haue giuen them selues to incontinencie from the inordinate affection thereof And as touching Olde man S Augustine a zealous rebuker of vices in his Ciuitate Dei dothe teache them how they should tame this slipperie desire and lust of the fleshe where he sayth althoughe lecherie be detestable and horrible in all ages yet it is most abhominable and monstrous in olde age Afterwardes folowing his discourse he wryteth this that foloweth to the vtter cōfusion and ignomie of all old leachers Thinke sayth he howe muche it displeaseth God to sée an olde man that hathe a graie heade his féete full of goute his mouthe without téethe his raines charged with the stone his face writhled his eyes holowe his handes shaking his head séeming none other than the head of a drie Anatomie and that which is woorse one that looketh euery houre that deathe the earth and the woormes shoulde sommon him to appeare before the dreadfull iudgement seate of god And yet neuerthelesse in despite of all these and his yeares wil leaue the briole to his incontinent minde and filthie luste and wil kindle his icie hart maugre this age which things truely are a testimonie of reprobation and a certaine argument that the moste gréeuous parte of hell are reserued for them For he hathe neither nature nor other prouocation of the fleshe that dothe leade or induce him to suche incontinencie but a very disordinate custome that he is falne in in the which withoute any feare of the iudgement of God he will continue euen vnto his graue And it was truely spoken of S. Paule the true louer and aduauncer of chastitie wryting to the Ephesians when he sayd that there can be no greater punishmente for an adulterer than to be blinded in his filthinesse that he cannot sée the iudgements and