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cause_n adultery_n commit_v wife_n 2,548 5 8.1753 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03519 Certayne sermons, or homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, where they haue cure. Anno 1547.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 1. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Church of England. 1547 (1547) STC 13640; ESTC S110029 106,479 184

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of Christe and then our state our dignitie and fredome wherein God hath set vs by geuyng vs his holy spirite and lette vs valeauntly defende thesame against Sathan and all his craftie assautes that Christ maie bee honored and that we loose not our libertie but still remain in one spirite with hym Moreouer in his Epistle to the Ephesians the blessed Apostle willeth vs to bee so pure and free from adultery fornicacion and all vnclennesse that we not once name them emong vs as it becommeth sainctes nor filthinesse nor foolishe talkyng nor iestyng whiche are not commely but rather geuyng of thankes For this ye knowe saieth he that no whoremonger either vncleane person or coueteous persone whiche is an Idolater hath any inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christe and God And that we should remembre to bee holy pure and free frō all vnclennesse the holy Apostle calleth vs sainctes because we are sanctified and made holy in the bloud of Christe through the holy ghoste Now if we bee sainctes what haue we to do with the maners of the Heathen Saincte Peter saieth as he whiche called you is holy euen so bee ye holy also in all your conuersacion because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy Hetherto haue we heard how greuous a synne fornicacion and whoredome is and howe greatly God doth abhorre it throughout the whole scripture Howe can it any otherwyse be then a synne of moste abhominacion seyng it once may not be named emonge the christians muche lesse it may in any poynt be committed And surely if we would weyghe the greatnes of this synne and consydre it in the right kynde we shoulde fynde the synne of whoredom to be that most fylthy lake foule puddle and stynkyng synke wherinto all kyndes of synnes and euils flow wher also they haue their restynge place and abydinge For hath not the adulterer a pryde in hys whoredome as the Wisemā sayeth They are glad when they haue done euyl and reioyse in thinges that are starke naught Is not the adulterer also ydle and delighteth in no godly exercise but onely in that his most filthy and beastly pleasure Is not his minde abstracte and vtterlye drawen awaye from all vertous studyes and fruicteful labours and onely gyuen to carnall imaginacions Doth not the whoremonger geue his mynde to glottonye that he maye be the more apte to serue hys lustes carnall pleasures Doeth not the adulterer geue hys mynde to couetuousnes and to pollyng and pillyng of other that he maye be the moreable to mainteyne his harlottes and whores and to contynue in hys filthye and vnlawfull loue Swelleth he not also with enuye agaynst other fearynge that his preye shoulde be allured and taken awaye from hym Agayne is he not yrefull and replenished with wrath and displeasure euen agaynste his beste beloued if at any tyme his beastly and deuyllishe requeste be letted ▪ what synne or kynde of synne is it that is not ioyned with fornicacion and whoredome Is it a monstre of manye heades It receyueth all kyndes of vices and refuseth all kyndes of vertues If one seuerall synne bryngeth dampnacion what is to be thought of that synne which is accompanyed with all euyls and hath waytynge on it whatsoeuer is hatefull to God dampnable to man and pleasunt to Sathan Great is the dampnacion that hangeth ouer the heades of fornicatours and adulterers What shal I speake of other incommodities which issue and flowe out of this stinkynge puddell of whoredome Is not that treasure which before all other is most regarded of honest persons the good fame and name of man and woman loste through whoredome What patrimony what substaunce what goodes what riches doth whoredome shortly consume and brynge to naughte What valiauntes and strengthe is many times made weake and destroyed with whoredome What wyt is so fyne that is not doted and defaced throughe whoredome What beautye althoughe it were neuer so excellent is not obscured through whoredome Is not whoredome an enemye to the pleasaunte flour of youth and bringeth it not gray heares and olde age before the tyme What gyft of nature although it were neuer so precious is not corrupted with whoredom Come not the Frēche pockes with other diuerse diseases of whoredome From whence come so many bastardes and misbegotten children to the hyghe displeasure of God and dishonoure of holy wedlocke but of whoredome How many consume all their substaunce and goodes and at the laste falle into suche extreme pouerty that afterward they steale and so are hanged through whoredome What contencion and manslaughter commeth of whoredom How many maydens be deflowred how many wyfes corrupted howe many wydowes defyled through whoredom How much is the publique weale impoueryshed and troubled through whoredom How muche is Gods worde contempned and depraued by whoredome whoremongers Of this vice commeth a great parte of the diuorces whiche now a dayes be so cōmonly accustomed and vsed by mēs priuate aucthoritie to the great displeasure of God and the breache of the most holy knotte and bonde of matrimonye For when this most detestable sinne is once crept into the breaste of the adulterer so that he is entangled with vnlawfull and vnchaste loue streyghtwayes hys true and lawfull wyfe is despyced her presence is abhorred her companye stynketh and is lothsome whatsoeuer she doth is de●prap●ed there is no quietnes in the house so longe as she is in sighte Therefore to make shorte tale muste she awaye for her husbande can brooke her no lenger Thus through whoredome is the honest and innocent wyfe put awaye and an harlot receiued in her stede and in lyke sorte it happeneth many tymes in the wyfe towardes her husbande O abhominacion Christ oure sauiour very God and man commynge to restore the lawe of hys heauenly father vnto the righte sense vnderstandinge meanynge emong other thinges refourmed the abuse of this law of God For where as the Iewes vsed of a long sufferaūce by custome to put away their wyfes at their pleasure for euery cause Christ correctyng that euyl custome did teache that if any man put awaye his wyfe marieth an other for any cause except onely for adultery which then was death by the law he was an adulterer and forced also hys wyfe so diuorced to cōmitte adulterye if she were ioyned to any other man the man also so ioyned with her to cōmitte adultery In what case then are those adulterers which for the loue of an whore put awaye their true and lawfull wyfe againste all lawe ryght reason and conscience O dampnable is the state wherin thei stande Swifte destruction shall fall on them if they repent not and amende not for God wyll not euer suffer holy wedlocke thus to be dishonoured hated and despyced He will once punishe this carnal and licencious maner of liuing and cause that his holy ordinaunce shalbe had in reuerence and honoure For surely wedlocke as the Apostle saieth is honorable emonge