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cause_n adultery_n commit_v fornication_n 1,452 5 12.1572 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69143 Miscellania or a treatise Contayning two hundred controuersiall animaduersions, conducing to the study of English controuersies in fayth, and religion. VVritten by N.N.P. and dedicated to the yonger sort of Catholike priests, and other students in the English seminaries beyond the seas. With a pareneticall conclusion vnto the said men. Anderton, Lawrence, attributed name. 1640 (1640) STC 576; ESTC S115142 202,826 416

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and 5. Luke ● 16 both who leaue out this exposition saying thus absolutely Whosoeuer putteth a●ay his wyfe and marrieth another committeth adultery And this exposition is giuen by S. Thomas Sent. in 4. distinct 35. quaest vnica art 5. So as in these former words of Math. 1● a Parenthesis is to be vnderstood after this manner Whosoeuer putteth away his wyfe which is not lawfull except it be for fornication marrieth another committeth adultery Now that the exposition of our Aduersaries of the said text was cōdemned throughout all ages of the primitiue Church is most cleere since the Fathers of ech such age eu●● taught that a man putting away his wife ●pon any occasion yea for Fornication cou●● not marry any other Woman For exam●● thus in the first Age Clemens teacheth 〈◊〉 Canon Apostol can 48. In the seco● Age Iustinus Martyr in Apolog. pro Christ. nis In the third Tertullian l. 4. in Marc●nem In the fourth Age the Councell of E●●●ris can 9. In the fifth Concil Mileuitan●● can 17. and S. Austin lib. de adulterinis con●gijs In the sixt age Primasius in Comment 〈◊〉 cap. 7. prioris ad Corinth Now here I vr● that if the former exposition of the Cath●likes be false then did the Primitiue Chu●●● wholy erre therein which is most absurd● maintayne In like manner the Primit●● Church of Christ did then wrong ma● Christians in not suffering them to vse ●pon occasion of the wyues Fornication t●● priuiledg which Christ may seeme to gra● to them I may add hereto that diuers le●●ned Protestants by maintayning that 〈◊〉 case of Diuorce vpon adultery the innoce● party cannot marry againe do reiect c● Aduersaries exposition of the former 〈◊〉 of Matthew 19. According hereto to ●mit many other moderate Protestants t●●ching the same with vs Catholikes D. H●●son in his tertia Thesi printed 1602. maint●●neth the same publikely in Oxford In l●● sort some thirty yeares since more or le●● the same Doctrine was preached at Pa● Crrsse by D. Doue● Now to all this aboue ●aid I may adioyne the exposition of S. Au●●in in l. 1. de adulterinis coniugijs cap. 9. of the ●oresaid text who there sayth That the ●ords in Math. 19. vz. nisi ob fornicationem ●ught to be taken negatiuè non exceptiuè by ●ay of negation not of exception So as the sense of them may be this Whosoeuer shall put away his wyfe nisi ob fornicationem that is extra causam fornicationis without the cause of fornication and shall marry another commit●●th adultery From which exposition the A●ultery of him is affirmed who putting away his wyfe without the cause of fornica●●on shall marry another But nothing is ●ere said of him who putting away his wyfe ●y reason of fornication shall marry ano●her Thus far of this Text. Animaduersion CLXXX AS the Inuisibility and Latency of the Protestants Church hath beene fully aboue demonstrated so here I hould it not imper●●nent if I proue the Continuall and vnin●●rrupted visibility of our Catholike Church ●nd consequently that it is that Church of God to which so many Prophesyes haue ●eene made of its vneclipsed splendour and ●●diancy Thy (46) Esa 60. Gates shal be conti●●ally open neither day nor night shall they be ●●nt c. Now this verity is proued seuerall wayes ●nd first from the confessed Jnuisibility of the Protestant Church during all former ages till Luthers insurrection And this the rather seeing the learned Protestants confesse that all the former Inuisibility of the Protestant Church was wrought by the labour power and diligence of the Catholike Roman Church Now how could the Roman Church effect so much for so long a tyme except it selfe during all that tyme were most visible According to this assertion we find M. Napper to confesse the same reason of his Churches Jnuisibility in these words During (47) Napper vpon the Reuelations caps 11. 12. euen the second th●s age meaning since Christ the true Chur●● of God and the light of the Gospel was obscure● by the Roman Antichrist himselfe Secondly the euer Visibility of the Catholike Church is proued from the acknowledged succession of Pastours in o●● Catholike Church euer since the Apostles since those visible Pastours were the visible and most eminent members of our said Church preaching and instructing others who in this respect must become also vi●it● and knowne Now this our visible succession of Pastours in our Roman Church is confessed euen by our Aduersaries for thus D. Fulke exprobrateth the Catholiks in these words You (48) D. Fulke in his answere to a Counterfayte Catholike p. 27. can name chiefe Personages in all ages marke these words in all ages and their gouerment and ministery and especially the succession of the Popes you haue vpon your fingars Thus D. Fulke Thirdly and lastly the same is thus proued Yf the most ancient and reuerend Fathers of the primitiue Church I meane Ignatius Dionysius Areopagita Iustinus Irenaeus Tertullian Origen Cyprian Athanasius Hilarius the Cyrills the Gregories Ambrose Basill Opratus Gandentius Chrysostome Ierome Austin and diuers others be accounted by our Aduersaries most earnest Professours of our Catholike Roman fayth then it foll●weth most consequently that our Catholike Church was most cōspicuous in those tymes since those Fathers were the visible Pastours of the Church then in Being Now that the Fathers of those primitiue t●mes were Papists professing the present Roman fayth appeareth besides from what is already most fully confessed by our Aduersaries in that behalfe euen from that acknowledgment of Peter Martyr saying As long (49) Peter Martyr l. de votis p. 476. as we insist in the fathers so long we shal be conuersāt in the Papists errours Now that our Catholike Church hath beene further also most visible since the tymes of those primitiue Fathers I meane for these last thousand yeares is so fully confessed by our Aduersaryes in this Treatise as that I hould it ouer wearisome and fastidious so often to repeate such their Confessions Animaduersion CLXXXI THe mayne Argumēt drawne from Reason which our Aduersaryes vrge against vnwritten Traditions is this It seemeth say they impossible that vnwritten Traditions can be kept and conserued since there are diuers hinderances thereof as Forgetfulnes Jgnorance negligence peruersnes of mens Natures and the like And hence it is that we see that such Sentences which Lycurgus Pythagoras and others deliuered only in words and not in wryting are at this day lost and perished To this I answere that I hould it impossible that Apostolicall Traditions should not be preserued since this care is not properly incumbent vpon Man but vpon God who gouerneth the Church Now besydes the prouidence of God which is the chiefe cause of preseruing the Traditions of the Church there are foure other inferiour or subordinate Causes for their preseruation The first is the committing of Traditions to wryting For although they be not set downe in Holy writ I meane in the