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cause_n adultery_n commit_v fornication_n 1,452 5 12.1572 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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of Israel the punishment of this sinne of fornicatiō which was so fearful among the people of Israell is brought in of the Apost P. to bring all men to such fear of God as may restrain them from it Neither let vs commit fornication 1. Cor. 10. saith the Ap. as some of them cōmitted fornicatiō fel in one day 23000 The life of man beeing so pretious vnto our heauenly father as it is it cannot be a smal sin that prouoketh the Lord to proceede in iudgement euen to the death of so great a number therefore is this notable punishment not without great reason ioyned to fornication which was the cause therof For commonly this sinne is little regarded hauing natural infirmitye set beside it in the vsual speech of mē to hide it withall But the holy Ghost doth not so match it in his speech hee doth not set before our eies in a cloak of natural infirmity wherby we shold the lesse feare it but putteth vpon it the garment that indeede belongeth vnto it euen a cloake bathed with the blod of 23000. There is a great difference between these two cloakes the one is far vnlike the other In the eyes of the holy Ghost this sin is fearfully stayned with much blood in the sighte of fornicators there is nothing in it with is not natural kindly so diuers are their iudgements and so great is the disagreement of their opinions The Apost P. reasoneth against fornicators by the worthinesse of our bodies 1. Cor. 6.16 which are the members of Christ Do ye not knowe saith he that he whiche couplth himself with an harlot is one bodie For two saith he shal bee one flesh Certain it is that the body of ā harlot can be no member of Iesus C. And the fornicator by the testimonye of the Apost is become one body with her Gen. 2.24 Mat. 19.5 Mar. 10.8 Eph. 5.31 hauing the same coniunctiō with her in wickednesse that the husbande hath with his lawfull wife in holines and by the appointment of the Lorde There is great cause therefore why the holy Ghost should so earnestly perswade vs to fly fornication making that sinne aboue all other to offende against his owne body whiche doeth commit it 59 Of maried folkes ADultery and fornication beeing forbidden the godly louing and chaste life of married folkes must needes be commanded Which that it may be performed almightie God requireth of his children that they do match themselues with such as feare him and serue him after his worde Such hath he promised to blesse As for those that marry for riches beauty and such outward things when there is not the feare and true worshippe of God ioined withal Ps 128. Gen. 6 2.3 they haue alwaies tasted of most greeuous plagues from the hand of the Lord. Moreouer wee knowe that if any thing must be kept holy in the whole life of man it is the faith which the husband plighteth vnto the wife and the wife promiseth vnto the husband All contractes and promises which wee make must faithfully be obserued but if we make comparison we shall finde that mariage not without great cause is named the couenant of God Solomon sheweth by this worde Pro. 2.17 that God beareth rule ouer mariage hauing it vnder his garde and protection And for this cause if the husband breake his promisse whiche hee hath made vnto his wife he is not periured onelye towards her but towards God Deut. 5.18 Ex. 20.24 Asmuch is to be said of the wife that she doth not onely wrong to her husband but to the liuing God For vnto him shee is bound inasmuch as God wil haue the care of mantayning mariage whereas it is ordeyned by him and he himselfe the author of the same Therefore when we heare this worde adultery we ought to holde it as execrable and accursed and let vs know that except we be sober continēt Heb. 13 4. chast and modest God hath vs in great hatred and our life is infected before him For if our persons are counted pretious and our liues held deare in his sight he will also that the loyalty and mutuall faith which ought to bee betweene the husband and the wife be in price and estimation Mat. 5 28. Tit. 1.15 that suche an honorable and holy thing as mariage is be not set forth vnto reproche And this ought to teach vs that God wil not haue a man to cast an vnchastey vpon the wife of his neighbor beecause God hath already coupled her vnto her husband he will him to bee her shadowe and that when we think on euil and set our mindes on anye vile lust we ought to stand in fear of that sentence which is pronounced by the holy Ghost as namely that GOD wil take vengeance on al them which violate and defile the holy coniunction which he hath set foorth in his owne name 60 Of mariage and why it was instituted Seing that in lawful mariage there is Gods blessing it is manifest that in whoredome there is nothing but cursednes Wherefore wee muste not delight in whoredome but rather abhorre it Ps 128. seeing that therein there is nothing but wickednesse and euill successe whereas in mariage there goeth a blessing They which are maried must not with all greedinesse followe the lusts of the flesh and their sensuality taking their pleasures and desirs after their inordinate concupiscences but the ioye that the faithfull maried folkes ought to haue is that they should confes that it is God that hath knit them together for to be vnited in such wise that the one should not desire to be seperated from the other but that in this vnion man should knowe that it is not good for him to liue alone and therefore should loue his wife whom God hath geuen vnto him to be with him and to helpe him the wife also to knowe that she hath bene taken out of the side of man and therof made a woman that she might bee an helper to man and therefore should geue her selfe wholly to obeye her husband That they should confesse that they are in a very honorable estate as the sonne of God hath well declared and that it commeth not from the inuention of mans braine but from the most auntient institution of God Also that God hath made them pertakers of marriage to the ende they should possesse their vessels in honor and sanctification and not in filthinesse and vncleannesse Likewise if they haue children they shoulde acknowledge that they are the instruments whereby God doth increase his Church and the greater number of children they haue let them reioice Let them reioice so much the more cōfessing that the blessing of God is the more vppon them and that God doeth greatly honor them when they are made fathers and mothers of so great a flock They that want this knowledge and vnderstanding and which doe not so reioice though they be maried that they