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A04789 The exposition, and readynges of Iohn Keltridge: Mayster of the Artes: student of late in Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge, minister, preacher, and pastor of the Church of Dedham, that is in Essex: vpon the wordes of our Sauiour Christe, that bée written in the. xi. of Luke Keltridge, John. 1578 (1578) STC 14920; ESTC S107990 202,637 268

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not the Aucthor of sinne Hée that sendeth his Prophettes to reclayme them And his Preachers to winne them And his word to bring them And his Christ to serue them is not the Aucthor of sinne God it is that sent his Prophets to feede them And his Minysters to instructe them And his Gospell to renewe them And the life of his Sonne for the ly●● of vs all to bring vs to eternall life Then God is not the Aucthor of sinne The Sun might turne him selfe and take his seate in Cancer And the Moone coulde pause and stay hir swifte Voiage which shée kéepeth beefore I shoulde faile in this I will not then beate so mutch on this Iron The Scripture teacheth vs reason leadeth vs Experience guideth vs Nature it selfe directeth man to this That hée whiche sitteth vpon the Cherubins and taketh the Heauens in his arme and stretcheth forth his legges towardes all the corners of the earth and looketh so fiersly vp on the Sonnes of men and iudgeth accordinge vnto equity and hath his Loynes girte with a Siluer Gyrdle and his legges of Brasse That commaundeth the Sunne the Moone and the Starres and theydare not resist him That sayth dooe this and they dooe it And so gloriouslye reygneth on the earth and sendeth his Ministers of flaminge fier to consume the wicked and hath his Habergions and instrumentes of Iron for the vngodly against the day of wrath It séemeth to mée very vnreasonable that any one man béeing neuer so mutch blinded should not sée his Maiesty his brightnes his perfection his guidance his gouernment his Aucthoritie his rule to bee perfecte to bée pure to bée vnspotted to bée glorious and excéeding comely euen in the créeping wormes Then let this suffise to stay vpon for the libertine and outlaw and denyer of the godhead of our Lorde That hee erreth hee is deceaued hee findeth it amisse That God either is or can bee the Aucthour of sinne The Maniches with the Martianistes that are dependant hereon haue small inheritaunce with the Lorde that haue deuided his kinge●ome and giuen a Regimente to a good God and an other to an euill God and cut him in péeces as it were and depriue him of his right that is due vnto him Agaynst whom it were a long disputation for his prouidence and his rule are depending hereon it is more requesite for him to handle that hath the Oares the Sea at liberty then for mée that runne in so narrowe a streame This I say as all things were made created by onely one true and eternall God to fulfill that in Genesis In the beginninge God created Heauen and earth And in Iohn In the beginning was the word the worde was with God and God was the worde all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made And by him were all things bothe in heauen and in earth visible or inuisible Whether they be Maiesties or Lordships eyther rules or powers All thinges were created by him and for him he was before all thinges and in him all thinges consisteth It is therefore Sacriledge and breach of the powre of the Lord to giue any thinge vnto any other or make his powre equall with the works of his hands that framed and fashioned all at the beginning But now to the seconde opinion As for these wée leaue them to the Lord the at his comming in the Heauens will looke vppon them whom they shall wel know to bée maker and Creator of all when the Element shall melte with fier and the Heauens fold like a Scroll And all that is in heauen and in earth obay him For the bréefe instruction hereof I will aunswere two Argumentes in this second cause One is this Adams sinne was iniquitie God willeth none iniquitie Therefore God willed not Adam should sinne If he willed not sinne then he doth not wil it nowe for he is now as he was then And to this tendeth the next He that doth the wil of God pleaseth God. Adam in breaking the commaundement pleased not God. Therefore God willed not he should sinne And Pigghius a bastarde diuine The Iewes in crucefying Christ did that God would That God would deserueth not death That which deserueth not death is not sinne That is not sinne is not to be punished Then the Iewes in dooing that God woulde be not to be punished And nowe I require yee to giue me leaue a little and marke my spéech I doubt not but you wil sée and confesse with me the power of the Lords that out of that is euill can bring that is good to fulfill his will. Wherein I can not meruaile that Ierome stucke so stifely in the deniall of his prouidence and did not thinke that he was busied in small trifles or had to do with matters of little valewe And I note the blindenesse of our Papistes with whome Phillip Melancton bare was very frée and ernest in this and a man fearefull by nature gaue place vnto the papists in more things then this But for my owne part I teach thus this doctrin not in my owne name but in the Lords as hauing glened it by corne and corne from the most excellent best learned men vnder the Sunne of late days for God hath giuen vs more light then to them in former age in flourishing state among men Out of whose life I confesse my self to haue borowed much if ought the it be I possesse And Zwinglius and Oecolampadius the two lights very starres of their time are witnesse here Martinus Luther Martinus Bucer men of singuler learning and wisedome shall testifie the same and I call to witnesse in this behalfe Petrus Martyr and Iohannes Clauine of which two for sundry sciences for readines and liuelinesse in witte for eloquence and handsome handling of the scriptures no one can bee compared of late daies to them the LORD God did manifest him self so plainly to them I offer you there fore taken from these men my iudgement opinion to the thrée former argumentes To the first The will of any one is saide to bee of these sortes We are said to will a thing when we appoint and ordeine any thing to be done though we bee not partaker of the deede and delight not in the same The seconde Wee also are saide to will when we with or desire or delight or take pleasure or ordeine or constitute or ioy or thinke it good or estaeme it as comely or mainteine the same The third Wee are said to will a thing vppon the contraritie thereof For not forbidding it it commeth to passe we are often times said to be willing vnto it But as for the Lorde the God of hoastes he worketh by an other way and his iudgement is aboue the capacitie of man For God wrought not naughtines in Adames heart first But ordeined that sathan moued by his owne cankered and corrupt nature
munera poscis Munera quae longós sunt habitura dies Ex hoc fonte fluent auidae solamina menti Sola fuos famulos quae sine fine beant Scriptores alij lucri fallacis amore Diuulgant animi damna pudenda sui Applausum plebis multorum scripta requirunt Mobile iudicium mobile vulgus habet Multorum Italicis turgescit pagina fumis Nomen habet libri non habet artis opus Hos Venus eneruat Venerisque obscaena libido Plena est deliris impia Musa iocis Aspice quam multas vendit vernacula nugas Lingua quibus species nulla pudoris inest Incumbit lassis infoelix sarcina praelis Equibus exitij dira venena fluunt At tu Keltrigi diuerso tramite curris Scribis at in scriptis stat Deus ipse tuis Et legis ast ea quae Christi dictata legebas Antè fidem mores dogmata sana preces Enarras at quae te iussit spiritus ergo Mactè agè virtutem quaelibet ansamouet Gloria sit Christi populi sit fructus at ista Laudis ingenij sint monumenta tui FINIS The exposition and Readynges of John Keltridge vpon these woordes of our Sauiour Christe that bee written in the .xj. of Luke ¶ The texte 1. ¶ And it fortuned as he was praying in a certayne place when he had ceased one of his Disciples sayd vnto him Lorde teache vs to pray as Iohn also taught his disciples And he sayd vnto them when you pray say 2. O our Father which art in Heauen 3. Halowed bee thy name 4. Thy Kingdome come 5. Thy wyll be fulfilled euen in Earth also as it is in Heauen 6. Our dayly bread giue vs this day 7. And forgiue vs our sinnes for euen we forgiue euery man that offendeth vs 8. And leade vs not into temptation 9. But deliuer vs from euill THe Church and societie of the faythfull it hath bin from the beginning as from the first moulde wheron wée were fashioned so till the last houre when the Lorde wil call vs vnto a reckning hée will daily foster and maintaine such as feare his name For which cause the family of the Lorde and of those that beléeue and call on him faythfully haue in espetiall receyued two manner of ordinaunces giuen directly from God since the first creation The first is the knowledge of him and of his word The second the māner of prayer and of callinge on the Lorde wherin I doo exempte and seuar from the Church all fond and counterfet illusions crept in by the vanity and superstition of men For as hee that made and created all was partner with no man in that singular worke of his So is it not to bée permitted that any one shoulde haue that glory which is due onely to his Maiesty Therfore hee hath sealed vp as proper to his seueral vse all manner of adoration all inuocation and ernest affection of the spirite neyther hath hée giuen liberty to the Sonnes of men to vse it any otherwise then in his name the certaynty whereof is knowne in this for that our Sauiour Christ hath giuen by his comminge vnto man 〈◊〉 thinges as keyes to open and shut the Gates of Heauen His Gospell wherin the euerlastinge God is knowne and Iesus Christ whom hée hath sent togeather with our duety and feruency and the vse therof as the vniting of vs all in both the sacramentes So that of these as of a swéete sauor doo the odours cum vp out of that golden Censar which offer and present them selues before his Throne the prayers of his Sainctes Wherfore I haue aboue all other as one albeit in the gréenenes of my dayes peraduenture also rawnes of time far vnméete to discerne so great a matter Yet made choyse especially of this that a playne and perfect way may be knowen wherin to walke For that euery one is ready to come vnto the Alter and many in these dayes thinke them selues discharged come they to the Temple to heare Elyas And this vayle it is taken away more easely as wee bee readier to serue God sinsearly But if any man thinke I haue donne him iniury in decidinge this I appeale to the Booke of God to trye it In whose name I require all such as feare his Maiesty and loue the truth to giue mée liberty to vse my speeche oue houre or two Then shall hee seeme very Christianly bente when hee examineth all things by the worde of the Lorde or liueth so all the dayes of his life that prayinge deuoutly hee pray vnfaynedly or crauinge needely hee doo it neighbourly or askinge earnestly it bee done brotherly in all his dealings The occasion of these words of our Sauiour Christ was taken of a question mooued of his Disciples namely how and after what manner it was expedient to pray And this it was drawne from the custome and ordinance of the disciples of Iohn so that these few lines haue two things in generall therin contayned First a demaund or request of his disciples Next an aunswere or replye to the peticion of his sayd scholers Both which giue mee occasion to deuide or make distribution of the same wordes for in the demaunde or requeste of his disciples is contayned an entraunce or pathway vnto prayer which you shall finde to be onely handled in this first péece of this worke and as for the answere of Christ that it is now too long to stand vpon for a bréefe exposition with the meaning therof it is to bée looked for in the seconde part of this Booke The knowledge how to praye with the demaunde or question hath théese foure péeces seuerally deuided by themselues 1. Whether we haue neede of praier or not 2. What prayer is 3. What kindes or māner of prayer there be 4. How to prepare our selues to prayer ¶ Causes that wee haue neede of Prayer are these FIrst the expres word of God that commaundeth vs to pray The question is when and it must be alwayes as Mat. 7.7 Luk. 18.1 Rom. 12.12 Eph. 6.18 Colos 4.2 1. Tim. 2.8 Pro. 18.23 1. Thes 5.17 Psal. 50. The seconde cause that wée haue néede of prayer is showen in the examples of our forfathers in the Law and before the Law accordinge to the will of God that ought to mooue vs of Abell Gen. 4.4 of Seth. Gen. 4.26 of Noe. Gen. 6.6 and Gen. 8.22 In this age menne are not sayd to haue so full knowledge of God onely to haue sacrifised and called on God and not by the word praying Albeit it was not without intercession But in the dayes of Abram afterwarde called Abraham the way and manner of calling on the name of God is most liuely expressed as Gen. 22.8 Gen. 13.4 Therfore also had Abraham the commendation of the Lord in the training and bringing vp of his youth and housholde as Gen. 18.19 So Abraham his seruaunt praied when hée went to get his Maisters Sonne a Wife from Caran of Mesopotamia of the house of Nicor Gen.
24.12 So Isaack went out to pray in the eueninge verse 63. After this began the word of God to bée more fully knowne vnto our fathers Hee was not onely more openly worshipped but more reuerently and duely honored For Moyses prayed forty dayes and forty nightes Deut. 9.25 Also for his Sister Mary stroken with a leoprosie for that shée rebelled agaynst her Brother Numb 12 13. Therfore also God commaunded Iosuah to meditate in the booke of his Law day and night Iosuah 1.8 After which time they of Israell gaue them selues to more earnest obedyence and more pure and sinceare reuerence of his Maiesty Great men aunciant Matrons Kings and Princes loued him faythfully called on his name constantly signified their homage and obedyence openly Hanna wife vnto Helcana in the sight of the Preest 2. Sam. 1 Debora and Barack Iud. 5.1 Iudith in the misery and calamytie of her Citezens 13.2 And Dauid sanctified the name of him that was Almighty and asked councell of the Lord God 2. Sam. 5. by Abiathar the highe Préeste After that hee daunced before the Arke of god 2. Sam. 6. Then at the blessinge receyued of Nathan with the certeinty of his kingedome with an aunsweare of the house hée would haue builte hée went in and sate before the Lorde and worshipped 2. Sam. 7.18 so did Salomon euen in the royaltye and statelynesse of his Princes Offering vp burnt offrings and trespas offerings and consecrating the Temple newly dedicated 2. Kings 8.22 stoode before the Alter in the sight of the congregatiō and stretched out his hands towardes Heauen In the same manner Christe prayed for vs Ioh. 16.26 and 17.9 and 20. Hée prayeth also for Peter Luk. 22.32 Paull prayeth without ceasinge 1. Thes 1.2 Hée prayeth in the Temple Act. 22.17 Hée fasteth and prayeth Act. 14.23 So that Ideines banished slothe abolished our mindes strengthned In desiring readynes in praying steadines in beléeuing perfectnes can not but they must thorowly cupple vs and chayne vs to the Lorde make vs readye by the examples of our Predecessors and of God himselfe to obaye and prayse him ¶ The thirde cause is The necessity of man that néedeth all thinges for what haue wée that wée haue not from the Lorde Meate to nourish vs apparrel to clothe vs the Sun to comfort vs the Moone to pleasure vs the Starres in their brightnes the Sommer in his gallantnes the Springtyde in his pleasantnesse all commeth from the Lorde ¶ The fourth cause is The daunger and perrill wherin wée bée so often times fallinge so often slyppinge so continually transgressing the will of the highest At our birthe very vnwillinge to enter into these miseries yet tasting of the vanities and delights of the flesh wée choke vp the good giftes of God and are daily wayed doune with greater encomberaunces If wee looke vp to Heauen the glory and furniture therof condempneth vs for they ronne out their race and kéepe their appoynted circuit as men of war prepared vnto battayle they neuer retire backe vncrowned Man only among them that haue reason very vnreasonable alwayes rebelleth and reasoneth with god If wée turne our eyes to see the earth the creatures therin they curse the state of man and grone to bée at liberty acknowledginge our fall and séeinge the dishonour wherunto wee be come that standinge so surely wauer now so brickelly and liuing happely are now faine to misery decayinge not stayinge till hée that sit aboue in the Heauens renue agayn our former state and bringe vs holme to lyfe Therfore pray without intercession that the god of glory may recompence those that bée his at his appearing ¶ The fifth cause is The deliuerance by the Lord that other wise weare helplesse For as they whose bones were wearied in Aegipt whose sinewes and ioyncts were benommed with making bricke that could get no stubble and strawe to burne their Clay that had litle rest and small quiet vntill God appoynted his messenger sent his seruants in signes and wonders to reskew them So wée if blessednes come not from the strength of Israell and quietnes from him that loued Iacob and a pleasant looke from him that erecteth the Hill of Sion and deliuerance from Christ and strength from God neyther can wée neyther may wée neyther ought wée to hope for any safety whatsoeuer The Lord our God hee is a man of warre his name is Iehouah hée scattereth the Charyots in his wrath hée sendeth out lightning in his fury hee chastneth his enemies as a valiaunt champion and battereth in péeces the bulworkes of the wicked so excelent is hée and so kinde a Lord vnto such as feare him that trouble persecution death it selfe is conquered where hée helpeth vs anguish of minde and penury bée cōmon messengers where hée assaulteth vs. ¶ The sixth cause is and the last The Diuil and Sathanas that assayeth continually and worketh craftely to bereaue vs of the honor wée looke for from the Lorde That subtilly prenenteth vs watchfuly intangleth vs so deceiptfully snareth vs to driue vs from our god Hée hath a number at his becke as Pages to wayte on vs Seruaunts hée hath great store at his commaundement to withdrawe vs espyes hee appoynteth to ransacke our dooinges the more easely to betray vs For hée is the prince of this world hee ruleth chéeflye Eph. 2.2 Ioh. 12.31 Many wayes hée may ouerreatch vs for diuerse hée his pretences pleasant hée his fetches to intrap vs when reason is exiled and shée hath lost her seate when Wisdome is banished content to séeke out an other corners to harbor in when the pleasauntnes of the brayne and finenes of thy wit is fled awaye When thy younge dayes are gon and the gréenenesse of thy youth wythered vp When wantonnes hath rushed out and thou thy selfe warest dimme when strength faileth thée and thy stout and courragious men are fayne to bough and the Elements can féed thee no longer and thou layd in thy Pauilion thy Tente pitched in the ground thy body layed vnto the earth and thy spirite in his powre that gaue it thée shall hee not giue a shrewde assault and lay vnto thy charge and vpbrayde thée with thy misdeeds that hath so long a time accused our bretheren day and night before the Lorde Reu. 12.10 If hée spared not Iehosuah the heighe Préeste standinge before the Aungell of the lord But suffered rebuke at the hands of the Mediator and as yet ceaseth not to vere his sainctes The onely way that wée haue to auoyde him is by our intercession and prayer to the Lord offered vp in golden vessels before our God to make an Attonment for our sinnes and heare is sumwhat to bee consithered also For there is two kindes of prayer one of good men of euil mē another Full deare in the sight of the Lord is the prayers of his saincts and his eares are open vnto their cryinge who is there that hath failed that put his trust in the Lorde or hath hée
thy kingdome come Therefore Eucherius vppon the kings doth figuratiuely drawe the kingdome of Saul vnto Christ in that they of Israel lost the kingdome and gouernement by his reprobation and it shoulde be recouered againe vnder the Messtas by free gift Lactantius giueth a spiritual heauēly kingdome vnto Christ for that he was obedient and fatthfull to his father and fulfilled all thinges euen to the death of the crosse therefore he hath giuen him a kingdome and honour and rule Also Epiphanius maketh a comparison betwixt the house of Israel and Ierusalem from whome the scepter and kingdome was some times taken away but saith he for euer shall our glorie last which we shal haue in the throne of the Lorde And his kingdome it is not on yearth for so he testified vnder that testimonie hee gaue vnto Pontius Pilate Therefore Cyprian Christ may be called the kingdome of God whome we looke for dayly and in our prayers desire he woulde come spéedily for in so much as he is our resurrection our glorie our crowne therefore shall we rise be made like vnto him and raigne with him most gloriously It is true and certeine as there is a dominion and sceptar on earth so there is and shal bee a kingdome in heauen so that at such time as wee pray and desire to be with Christe we desire to bee with him in his kingdome which in the ende hee will giue vnto vs in heauen Then as the power of Sathan is great and as he hath his pollicie and ingins readie prepared to snare vs so hath the Lord God his ordinarie meanes to bring vs to his kingdome and hee layeth vp in store for those that bee his against the day of his comming First of all the kingdom of God was knowen and opened inlarged verie aboundantly by his worde which he gaue vs so that they which were snared intangled by Sathan had to runne vnto that eternal decree and heauenly Oracle that was deliuered by the Lorde The séede of the woman shall tread down the head of the Serpent with this as with spirituall foode were our fathers fedd and liued in the hope which they had in one Christ for they hoped for an heritage and for a kingdome and for their redemption which they knewe shoulde bee fulfilled in their season Secondly the amplification and increase of the kingdō of God was shewed to man in that when the appointed houre was come he sent his onely begotten sonne into the worlde that beeing made man of the virgin Marie he might take our weakenesse vppon him and beare our infirmities that our nakednesse might be no more open before God his father but we might be clothed and couered in his peace First he washed away our sinnes and nayled them vnto the Crosse and adopted vs into the libertie of the children of God That we might falter no more and slide from him he lefte a defence and shielde for vs which is our faith that albeit we haue sinne and iniquitie ranging in our mortal bodies yet by a liuely hope in his bloud we might stande stedfast against the enimie and haue our sinnes no more imputed to vs but be counted able to stande before his tribunal in the merite and death of his sonne and such an assurance is giuen vnto vs of life in that kingdom that Paule bursteth out into a verie vehement speeche and wondereth at the Lord that hath brought to passe so much for vs For who can lay ought to our charge that be the children of God It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christe that is dead nay rather which is risen againe that sitteth at the right hande of his father and is an intercessor and mediator for vs Wherefore séeing the sonne of God hath made a satisfaction for our sinnes and hath by his resurrection vanquished hell death the diuell and condemnation it doth followe that he hath made vs a frée passage to his kingdome and hath set in good order the perfection that was wanting to make vs obedient children in this life and to giue vs his rewarde at the length euen a crowne of immortalitie and glorie And here commeth in the thirde thing that establisheth and giueth vs full certeintie of our kingdom in Christe whereby he squareth vs as fit stones hewen out in good time for so excellent a building and it is the earnest of the spirite procéeding from his father to direct sanctifie and gouerne vs against all the assaultes and temptations of Sathan And here it commeth to passe that where as by nature and offence of the first man we are vnreadie and vnméete to do that which is acceptable pleasant in his sight nowe by his spirite woorkinge in our mindes and consciences and daily striuing with the fleshe wee finde aptnes in our selues and a more readinesse to obey the Lorde This comforter as he was moste plentifully in great terrour and astonishement manifested to his Apostles at the firste enlarging of the kingdome of God so hath he not forsaken vs thoughe visibly he appeare not vnto vs but doth purge and wipe away our infirmities and lighteneth vs by a perfect calling and secreate operation through the obedience of his name that we may knowe what the holy and perfect and readie will of God is And as Saul a verie wicked and vngodly man was founde prophesying among the Prophets and Amos from the Mulberie trées and from the plough was taken into the temple and Sinagog of Hierusalem and as some of the Apostles from the net and the fishers hooke were altered and chaunged vnto other maner of men so is it with vs made and fashioned againe that were before filthie and wicked we are purged renued clensed and renouated by a more liuelye quickening wee stande boldly before his throne of grace and heare knowe the glad tidings of peace for the spirite maketh intercession with groninges for those that be the Lordes and worketh mightily in our heartes vnto saluation Fourthly and lastly this kingdome of God is increased and inlarged by the preaching of the Gospel a verie ordinarie way that God hath left vnto vs to bring vs to heauen euen to beléeue the worde and obey the Lord God and to attaine to the ful measure and depth thereof which is the eternall decree purpose and determination of his death the ende wherof is our life the cause thereof his onely loue good wil and fauour that he bare to man openly knowen and apparant by the Gospell It is therefore called the Gospell of Iesus Christe the sonne of god Mar. 1. It is called the word of Christe Collos 3. It is called the worde of the Lorde Act. 6. It is called the doctrine of Christ or the teaching of the Lorde Act. 13. And it is called the teaching of him that saueth Tit. 2. It is called the preaching of the Lorde Rom. 16. all which titles epithites giuen vnto the
once named among you as becommeth sainctes If in the reuelation The Lord had some thing to say vnto the church of Pargamos although that in the heat and percecution and slaughter of the Martyrs of God they continued steadily Yet had some among them where as sathan dwelt that mainteined the doctrine of Balaam that taught Balaac to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel to sacrifice vnto Idols and commit fornication If hee had something to say vnto them for that they mainteined the doctrine of the Nicolitans which thing he hateth It is most certeine and true that the family of loue hath erred If God taught vs a right commit not adulterie If Moses said that very truely ioyne not your selues to the maner or custome of the nations If Samuel checked them for that they wēt a whoring after straunge wiues If Esaias for that Israel rose vp early and went astray And as the vntamed and vnbridled Colt went a neighing after other mens wiues if Ieremie that confusion shall come on them and baldnesse on their pates for defiling their owne coutche It is vndoubted it is most true that the famelie of loue hath erred If the fathe●● haue iudged rightly if Nazianzen in his funerall laste talke vnto his sister To ioyne vs together in one flesh cannot seperate vs from the spirite If Ambrose in his speach he hath of virgens was wont to commende Sara and Rebecca and Rachell as Matrons of chastitie Their husbande 's as Lordes to direct them in integritie If Epiphanius in his second booke agréeth with the church as vnspotted cleane hauing honest comly mariages therin If Ierome vpon Timothie the 4. condempneth suche as thinke not reuerenly of Matrimonie If Basill in his Examero calleth it the chaine and bonde of nature If Athanasius accuseth Miluius of this heresie and in iudging not honourably of mariage setteth forth Adam and Eue ioyned together in Paradice If all the fathers haue agreed and set themselues against the adulterer If Christ committed them to death And Paul that incestuous man to Sathanas If they in the prematiue Church haue consented all in one and our lawes agree in the same at this day What néede we to striue any more for this The case is open the thing is knowen It is vndoubted it is most true that the famelie of loue hath erred To confute them perticulerly as it were by treatise that I leaue to them whose priuate charge requireth it To you I speake this to giue a warning that all such detestable vnto the Lorde are reserued against the great day the day of wrath he will iudge them Partely to awake you out of that slumber wherein you be that this beginning and enteraunce which I nowe perceiue to be grounded a little in smaller trifles burst not out into greater heresies But I returne to the next and that is of frée will men And yet a little I am inforsed to serch out this which is verie comon and it smelleth of the Donatist that thinke the Church is no where but where suche as they be are Your prayer that the will of God may be done in earthe willeth not thée to iudge so rashly of thy brother And that byworde so common in the woride Do all thinges to the glorie of God tasteth of those runninge heades in the Primatiue church in Affrica The Circumcelions that thought all thinges which were not done and liked by them they coulde neuer be done to Gods glorie Againe for I will neuer spare the wicked It is not the will of God that any as a man franticke and without wit shoulde scourge and whip them selues as the Iewes and Italian fashion was and renued amonge them in Italy of late that remaine as the Iewes do in the olde ceremonies I touche them vppon good occasion for I haue knowen of these Iewish rites renued of late And it is a wicked and moste heynous ●fence against the rule prescript commaundement of god To kéepe trueth in thy heart and to lye vnto thy neighbour for aduauntage or for the Gospell to sweare to an vntrueth to honest him that professeth religion And it tooke the beginning from the Maniches and from the Gnostiches and renued in Priscillian which thinge I thinke it is but of a blinde affection and ignoraunt zeale and not knowen vnto some Let warninge therefore bee taken in time I finde that vnder Gratian and Valentinian the assembly of the Priscilianistes were verie greate suche as were defiled with filthines with whoredom with euill dealing with any vice whatsoeuer If they came vnto their secte they kepte it close If they ioyned with them they concealed it All others they estéemed as castawayes There was a verse among them Iura periura secretum prodere noli Sweare and forsweare kéepe secrete thy secret déedes bewray them not I accuse no man I wish amendment for I sée that which is amisse God which knoweth the hearte and the secretes and searcheth the raines will search out and examine and iudge it to Let this be a remembraunce in prayer His will be done in earth and it will take away thy wil from this wilfulnesse And nowe I come to the frée will men I am longer then hitherto I was wont but the matter and the weightinesse of the cause compelleth mée Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen This order in prayer taketh away the will of man it taketh away workes it taketh away all power the is in vs it referreth vs only to the will of god Fleshe and bloud hath in this place a great combate with the Spirite that seeing he is lorde in earth and maister of the fishes in the Sea and guyde and ruler ouer the creatures in the earth yet shoulde be so debarred of his libertie and so tyed vnto thraldome that hee hath not so muche as power ouer his owne soule nor discretion to iudge of that should bring him life The fishe that swimmeth in the riuer The birde that flickereth in the ayre the worme that créepeth on the earth may séeme to be happier then man is For euery one hath an ende and appointed time giuen him to iudge of that whiche bringeth life and avoide that which is euill As for man he is so tyed that the sworde the Ieobet the Axe the water the fire cannot bee auoided if it bee determined by the Lorde But vnhappie is man that cannot sée the goodnes of our god For séeing all things happen by the Lorde what is it shall trouble mée God hath appointed the heauens the earth the clowdes and all shall be obedient to them that feareth him For it is our comfortes we are weake and we be not able to helpe our selues But one there is that sitteth aboue and it is hee that shall prouide for vs. Ierome vnto Tesiphon complayneth of Pelagius by sirname Bryto according as Prosperus