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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72410 Two treatises, one of the latter day of iudgement: the other of the ioyes of Heauen I. S. 1600 (1600) STC 14058.3; ESTC S125046 52,691 137

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TWO TREATISES One of the Latter day of Iudgement The other of the Ioyes of Heauen 1. Cor. 15.52 In a moment in the twinckling of an eye shall the Trumpet blow and the dead shal be raised and we shal be chaunged that are found aliue Mat. 24.22 Except those dayes should bee shortened no flesh should be saued but for the elects sake those dayes shal be shortned Imprinted at London by Thomas Creed and are to be solde at his house in the Olde Change at the signe of the Eagle and Childe 1600. The Epistle to the Reader GEntle Reader my desire hath bene of a long time to set downe vnto thee the Excellent the Decaied and the Restored Estate of man if by Gods grace I might or may as yet in good time performe it Wherof I haue finished a great part the which if God giue good successe in due time shall be added to that which is alreadie published wherein I haue set downe the Excellent Estate of man by declaring how God created him after his Image The thing that I haue aimed at both in that and this or any thing else that hereafter I shall do is only to profit and to do good And therefore at this time and according to this time and troublesome dangerous dayes of this world prognosticating the vtter ruine and decay thereof I haue thought good by this Treatise of the Latter Iudgement to put you in remembrance that you may be ready and prepared when the Trumpet shall blowe and when we shall be called to our account That euery one of vs in the meane time may haue this in our minde and in our mouth Good Lord prepare vs to thy kingdom and shorten the daies of sinne Ezekias desired to haue his dayes prolonged And vnto Iosias it was pronounced for a blessing that his time should be shortned Which of these two was the better choyce that I leaue to thy resolutiō perswading thee to that which I take to be best Suprema cogita Cor sit in aethere Foelix qui potuit mundum contemnere Thine to his power S. I. A TREATISE OF the latter day of iudgement Act. 10.36 to 43. Ye know the word which God hath sent to the children of Israel preaching peace by Iesus Christ which is Lord of all Euen the word which came through all Iudea beginning in Galile after the Baptisme which Iohn preached To wit how God annointed Iesus of Nazareth with the holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the diuell for God was with him And wee are witnesses of all things which hee did both in the land of the Iewes and in Ierusalem whom they slew hanging him on a tree Him God raised vp the third day and caused that he was shewed openly not to all the people but vnto the witnesses chosen before of God euen to vs which did eate and drinke with him after he arose from the dead And he commaunded vs to preach vnto the people to testifie that it is hee that is ordained of God a Iudge of quicke and dead EVery one no doubt is desirous to know what shall bee done at the latter day at the day of doome and iudgement A doctrine very necessary to them that haue any care of themselues and of their owne saluation and very profitable also to prouoke vs to the loue knowledge and feare of God And so much the more profitable and necessary it is by how much the nearer that day is at hand and approacheth beeing as our Sauiour Christ saith hard at the doores Concerning these words which I haue read vnto you I shall require you to haue regard vnto these principall matters First what is the cause why this generall iudgement shal be Diuision Secondly the declaration of this iudgement Thirdly who shall be the iudge Lastly how it pertaineth to the wicked to the godly wherunto I haue thought good to ad an exhortatiō the better to be prepared The cause wherfore Christ shal come to iudgement principally is no other but that which procured death vnto vs and the last generall iudgement shall make that matter more certain not only that this bodily death which is a seperation of our soule body for a time shal not serue the turne be inough to satisfie that punishment which we haue deserued but also that some shall be deliuered to eternal death both of body and soule as indeed we should be all in that estate were it not for the benefite of Christ his death The sinne transgression of Adam as also the sins and transgressions of vs al was is the cause why God is displeased with vs and why his wrath is vpon vs and why we are subiect vnto death and why wee shall appeare before the iudgement seate of God Psal 90.9 For when thou art angry saith the Prophet All our dayes are gone we bring our yeares to an end as it were a tale that is told wee consume away in thy displeasure Thou wilt set our misdeeds before thee and our secret sinnes in the sight of thy countenance Our misdeeds haue procured death had not Christ died for vs and rose againe from death to deliuer vs from feare They were the cause why we were shut out from heauen had not Christ ascended vp into heauen to procure vs an entrance they had brought vs to the fearefull iudgement of God and to the heauy and wofull sentence of euerlasting condemnation and endlesse destruction if by the meanes of our Sauiour Christ we might not be deliuered from it For when we were at hell gates and appointed to destruction he came with this ioyfull message Come againe ye children of men As indeed his first comming here on earth was to saue and not to destroy and to call sinners to repentance that they might bee receiued into the fauour of God and haue their sinnes forgiuen them but this his second comming at the latter end of the world shall be to iudge to tender vengeance and to destroy those sinners who in this life were against his glory and their owne saluation to call them now to account whom when time was he called to repentance and who now shall be punished by the extremitie of the wrath of God Who if they had well regarded it in their life time might haue bene receiued into fauour their sinnes being forgiuen so that at the day of iudgement they should not haue beene put to any hazard for them nor ventured the daunger of losse of body and soule for them Here in this life they might haue escaped that which in that day they shall not be able to auoyd We see in all well ordered Realmes that if it were not for offences committed and for the manifold outrages of robbers theeues and murderers the Iudges needed not ride their circuit neither shuld there be any iudgement heard of But as before that man had disobeied God this sentence was
day of iudgement they shall not escape though his iudgement doo not presently take hold on them They cannot slip from God or auoyd him but are bound as it were with secret chaines so that in time to come they shall bee drawne do iudgement who are kept vntill that time to be punished euen as the oxe which is fed fatted to the slaughter So that it behoueth vs to wayt vpon the time of the last iudgement which God hath appointed and so to continue in hope and patience vnto the ende of our liues and not to be offended thogh the wicked be not punished But euery one of vs ought to haue respect to our owne wayes to keepe our selues within the compasse of Gods feare least that fall vpon vs which we thinke and looke should fal vpon other and wonder with our selues why it is not so Againe as the word of God dooth instruct vs let vs cōsider these two principall causes why God delayeth this day of iudgement One is that the day of iudgement shall not come vntill the number of the elect be fulfilled as we may reade Reu. 7.2 And I saw another Angel come vp from the East which had the seale of the liuing God and he cried with a loud voyce to the foure Angels to whom power was giuen to hurt the earth and the sea saying Hurt ye not the earth neither the sea neither the trees till we haue sealed the seruants of our God in their foreheade And then shall the iudgement be as we reade Math. 24.22 Except those daies should be shortned there should no flesh be saued but for the elects sake those dayes shal be shortned Secondly this Iudgement is delaied that the stubborne and vngodly may be thereby without excuse For they haue warning inough exhortations threatnings at all times what their sinnes deserue and what they are to looke for so that they cannot be ignorant of the iudgemēt day neither can they say that they are oppressed at vnawares And this may suffice to proue not onely that sinne and our offences is and shal be the cause of iudgement but also they that sin of set purpose in scoffing and mocking sort think that there shall be no iudgement or rather do suppresse and bury within thēselues if it might be the inward feeling knowledge of the same that to their great hurt shal not escape that heauy vēgeance of God thogh yet they be forborn Also that the minds of the godly be not troubled although they do not presently see that god doth exercise his iudgments punishments vpon them and that they faint not in wel doing but still hold on their course remembring that God hath appointed a day of iudgement vpon the which they must stay and depend and vnto the which they must referre all matters and then shall all their causes be heard and all their griefes eased Notorious sinnes procure notorious punishments in this world but especially at the iudgement day shall the full measure of all plagues and punishments be fulfilled And so much the more because that in this world many rule and raigne in their wickednesse and are as it were scotfree and as the Prophet saith They come in no misfortune like other men neither are they plagued according to their deserts But the latter day the day of doome and iudgement is and shall bee their day of assises and of their perpetuall execution Wherefore let none of vs all suppresse and banish the inward feeling and knowledge of this iudgement day seeing that by nature it is engraffed into our hearts and secret knowledge but rather let in haue that effect in vs that of right it ought to haue We see it true in worldly matters and I would to God it were as true in heauenly matters For questionlesse the forethought of the assises and of the execution doth feare many from their wicked purposes and makes them take an other course And so no doubt would the remembrance of the iudgement day preuaile with vs but that wee are carelesly perswaded that it is farre hence and that we shall neuer see it nay more then that many thinke it shall neuer be Well how far off the iudgement day is God knowes and wee may euery day looke for but by the way take this for thy learning that thy dying day is and shall be thy iudgement day and assure thy selfe that thou shalt so find it For when thy soule is parted from thy body then shalt thou presently appeare before Gods iudgement seate to giue thy account and pray that it may be to thy comfort and not to thy destruction Heb. 9.27 2 Now for the description and declaration of this generall iudgement which is the second principal matter in this text that both they which either mocke or doubt of the iudgement to come and they also which are well neare perswaded thereof might be throughly perfectly and certainly enformed therefore the order and maner of this iudgement is set downe in the scriptures and word of God principally and especially in the 25. Chap. of Mat. vers 31. and so forth in these words And when the Sonne of man commeth in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall hee sit vpon the throne of his glory And before him shall be gathered all Nations and hee shall separate them one from an other as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from the goates And he shall set the sheep on his right hand and the goates on the left Then shall the King say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world Vnto them on the left hand he shall say Depart fro me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his Angels And these shall go into euerlasting paine and the righteous into life eternall Which description and declaration cannot be more plainely euidently and briefly set downe setting forth vnto vs First the comming of the Iudge with his company that is al the holy Angels Secondly the general appearance of all the people of the world Thirdly the office of the Iudge in separating the good from the bad And lastly the pronouncing of iudgemēt by definitiue sentence without all reuocatiō Al which matters God willing shall be handled when I come to entreate of the Iudge so that I need not to stand vpon this point but to referre you thither where in a more fit place it may be considered And as here the order of the iudgement is expressed so in other places of scripture other matters are specified which are very necessary to giue vs further vnderstanding herein As first concerning the day when this iudgement shall be the signes that shall go before this day as also how suddenly it shall come vpō the world Cōcerning the day the Prophets do foretell how terrible it is likely to be The day The day of the Lord
bridegrome It is an article of our beliefe and surely not without singular comfort and commoditie that he that vouchsafed to take our nature vpon him and to bee cloathed with our flesh that suffered and endured the spitefull dealing of the wicked and an accursed death for our sakes that he that rose from death to bring vs to life that he that ascended into heauen to procure vs an entrance into his fathers Kingdome and to make vs fellow heires with himselfe that he I say would not forsake vs euen in the most dreadfull time and greatest necessitie when we had deserued the heauy sentence of iudgement and wofull condemnation That hee would set vs free from all feare and to haue that comfortable and most gracious regard of vs as though we had neuer offended him and to vse this chearefull and ioyfull speech vnto vs Come ye blessed I say this article is not without singular comfort From thence shall be come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Which is not spoken to the wicked to whom nothing is comfortable but onely the vanities and pleasures of this transitorie life which shall haue an end and a sudden end and a finall and heauy recompence but to the comfort of the godly and to encourage them which haue sighed and groaned vnder the burthen of their sinnes and who haue fledde vnto the throne of the grace of God and holding out a godly course haue through hope and patience looked for this deliuerance which shall be at the day of doome and iudgement Which comming of Christ vnto iudgement shal be vnto them as the appearing of the Angel was after Christ his resurrectiō vnto the women that is milde and gentle Be not ye affraid let not your hearts be troubled But vnto the rest his countenance shall be like lightning and hee shal come in flaming fire rēdring vengeance So that they shall not be onely astonied and become as dead men as were the souldiers that were set to keepe our Sauiour Christ in the graue but furthermore they shall be in horrible feare and trembling And happy were they if they might be partakers of their desire so far as not to be to become as thogh they had neuer bene borne But as the godly do passe to ioyes so the other of force must liue in eternall torments In consideration of which iudgement and torments to come they leade a life continually in feare and trēble at the remembrance of their woful estate which hereafter shal be The godly also haue good cause to feare the selfesame feare of the last iudgement and eternall torments in respect of their manifold sinnes and offences whereby they haue prouoked the heauy wrath of God against them But that they might be raised vp againe and comforted it pleased our Sauiour Christ to receiue the sentence of condemnation himselfe and against his owne person hee beeing altogether innocent and guiltlesse in the presence and from the mouth of an earthly Iudge Pontius Pilat by name that wee might bee acquitted and set free at the terrible and fearefull day of iudgement which in the ende of the world shall come vpon all flesh that wee I say might bee acquitted which are altogether full of sinnes and altogether guiltie According to that we read Ro. 8.1 Now then there is no cōdēnatiō to them that are in Christ Iesus And what shall we then say If God be on our side who cā be against vs who spared not his own son but gaue him for vs al to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God maketh reqūest also for vs. So that I may boldly say to them who feele the inward comfort of Gods spirit within their hearts by the forgiuenesse of their sinnes through Christ his death Feare not this feare nor tremble as the wicked doo at this iudgement For seeing ye are led by the good spirit of God it is a token that yee are the children of God and that yee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba which is as much as to say father euen our father which art in heauen And the same spirit of God beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the children of God and if we be children wee are also heires euen the heires of God and fellowe heires with Christ our elder brother Wherefore there is no cause why the godly should feare this iudgement as the wicked feare it For as the one sort shall at that day receiue the iudgement of condemnation whereof they haue an inward feeling in this life which makes them feare so the other shall receiue the sentence of absolution and shall bee quit as it were by proclamation when Christ shall say Come yee blessed Which is the cause that moueth the holy Apostle S. Iohn 1. Ep. 4.17 to breake forth into these words Herein is the loue of God perfect toward vs that we should haue boldnesse at the day of iudgement Therefore the godly make their prayers and wish that this day might come shortly Reue. 22. Come Lord Iesus come quickly The wicked would not haue it come as yet nay if it were possible they could wish it should neuer be and that it would neuer come to passe Torment vs not say the diuels to Christ before our time Oh say the wicked that this time might neuer be or that after death wee might vanish away and come to nothing How greatly auaileable shall it be to the godly when hee that is their Sauiour and hath shead his most precious bloud for their redemption hee that is their elder brother and hath purchased vnto them this libertie as to be called the sonnes of God when he that is their head and hath made thē his members shal be their Iudge to iustifie them and to declare them righteous and wh●n at that day hee shall deliuer them from all sinne feare of death the diuell hell and all other miseries wherewith other shall not onely be ouertaken but ouerwhelmed For who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods children and who shall procure their destruction whose saluation God hath wrought But to the great terrour of the godlesse and wicked who feare not God nor loue either Christ or his Gospell hee shall be their Iudge to their fearefull and that most iust destruction This also shal not onely be an inward refreshing amōg great miseries wrongs and persecutions while wee liue heere on the earth but also a great ioy in time to come that al vnrighteous iudgement shall be called to account and that there shal be a generall and most absolute reformation For on earth for the most part there is no true
liues madnesse and their end without honor But now how is it that they are counted among the children of God and that their prouision is among the the Saints and that they are so highly in Gods fauour Therefore we haue erred from the way of truth and the light of righteousnesse hath not shined vnto vs and the Sunne of vnderstanding rose not vpon vs. We haue wearied our selues in the way of wickednesse and destruction and we haue gone through daungerous wayes but wee haue not knowne the way of the Lord nor liued in his feare And now hauing heard the chiefest matters concerning the day of doome and the generall and last day of iudgement that wee may the better bee prepared vnto it let vs heare what counsell is giuen vs in holy scriptures And first that of the Apostle S. Paul may take place and seemeth greatly to tend to this purpose Which counsell wee read 1. Cor. 11.13 in this sort If wee would iudge our selues we should not be iudged and this profit wee should reape thereby that in time to come we should not be condēned with the world But as a matter full of terror and pensiuenesse wee will not enter into so deepe a consideration nor trouble our consciences so farre as to iudge our selues or to fall into examination of our owne wayes Whereas no doubt if wee should so doo it would fall out most happily on our side For if vpon due try all and examination without all partiallitie and affection wee should pronounce sentence of iudgement against our selues according to our deserts it would bee no otherwise nor no better then condemnation And yet not that condemnation which woorketh dispaire but such a condemnation whereby wee might bee acquitted from euerlasting condemnation As the same Apostle writing to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 7.9 I now reioyce saith he not that yee were sory but that yee sorrowed to repentance For yee sorrowed godly so that in nothing ye were hurt by vs. For godly sorrowe causeth repentance vnto saluation not to bee repented of but the worldly sorrowe causeth death So verily if wee would enter into iudgement with our selues it would procure a griefe and sorrowe but such a sorrowe especially if it came from a well meaning minde that should not be vnto death For by iudging of our selues we should take a viewe of that death and of those torments which by reason of our sinnes we deserue And by this meane we should be driuen to repentance and to seeke after God to bee reconciled vnto God to returne into his fauour that our consciences might be disburthened of so great feare which the seuerity of the last iudgemēt of god might work within vs that we might haue boldnesse and comfort in that day But if we walke on securely carelesly and wil not once vouchsafe to enter into iudgement with our selues then may we a while be merry in this world but our mirth shal hereafter be turned into mourning As the wise mā doth put such carelesse persons in remembrance that in their iollitie they might not too much forget themselues Reioyce saith he if so be it seeme good in thine eyes but remember therewithall that thou shalt be called to account and to iudgement Eccle. 11.9 and 12.14 And therefore he giueth this counsell Chap. 7.14 It is better to go to the house of mourning then to the house of feasting Anger is better then laughter for by a sad looke the heart is made the better Better it is to be in the house of mourning and to weepe for our sinnes wherby we are in daunger of Gods iudgement then to be in the house of feasting and forgetfulnesse to enioy some pleasure with the world for a small time seeing our life is but as a span long that here onely and in this life is the time of forgiuenesse that we may be pardoned Better it is to be angry with our selues then to please our selues in such sort and a sad minde is a meane and a great help to further our repentance And how shall we obtaine so godly a purpose as to bee set free from Gods heauy anger which we haue most iustly deserued if we doo not vse the meanes which tend therevnto Commonly where iudgement is there followeth condemnation but heare how sweete and comfortable it is that in iudging of our selues after this order which I haue set downe vnto you we shall find a way to be quit from euerlasting condemnation Which we can no way escape if in this life wee doo not iudge our selues and condemne our selues by true repentance calling for mercie and forgiuenesse that wee may be receiued into Gods fauour and not in time to come to be condemned with the world For in so iudging of our selues it is not a meanes to cause vs to dispaire but to haue a better hope and an enduring and a reioycing comfort which comfort shall neuer bee taken from vs if still wee be mindfull to call our selues to iudgement and haue an eye to our wayes that wee do not offend God Wherefore let euery one of vs pray that our hearts may bee so prepared against this iudgement day that we may be most willing to call our selues to account and to iudgement So that hauing thus humbled our selues after a while all feare shall passe away from vs and our hearts shall be filled with ioy and whereas heretofore we haue wished that this day should not bee now wee shall desire in heart to haue it come to passe And so much the more because our consciences shall assure vs our sins being forgiuen that we shall not bee among the number of them that shall be condemned but among them to whom it shall be said Come yee blessed inherit the kingdome prepared for you Which comfortable words God graunt we may then heare to our euerlasting comfort Spend the time in an honest vocation An other remedy to auoyd the seueritie of this punishment is to seeke to please God in this world in an honest vocation and trade of life For as idlenesse is the cause of many sinnes and vices so godly painfulnesse is the mother of all vertues and which doth breede a great comfort to our cōsciences against the time when we shall be called to our account how we haue spent our time and imployed those good gifts wherewith God hath inabled vs. Therefore in the Gospell before the declaration of the latter day of iudgement there is mention made of the talents that were bestowed they that receiued them were called to the reckoning how they employed them the slothfull being bound hand and foote and cast into vtter darknesse and the painfull highly aduanced So that there is a way offered to auoyd iudgement and they that are therein negligent and carelesse shall be guilty of iudgement and shall fall into diuers mischiefes and sins which shal make them more faulty and worthy of greater condemnation The life of man somewhere is
soule shall bee many And first to begin with that which I finde set downe in the Text. And the citie hath no need of the Sun or the Moone to shine in it that is there shal be seene no earthly wants For what a great temporall blessing is the benefite of the Sunne most comfortable to man and beast which bringeth forth the fruites of the earth for mans foode and without the which al things seeme to be sad lowring But thē shal we not need this benefite for the presence of God shall be more comfortable and the glory of God shall supply the want of Sun and Moone All things then shall bee ministred vnto vs so aboundantly that wee shall not so much as once think of any want whether it be foode or cloathing or any comfort of this life whatsoeuer As the Prophet Isay doth worthily expresse it Chap. 49.10 They shall not be hungry neither shall they be thirsty neither shal the heate smite them nor the Sun For he that hath compassion on them shall lead them euen to the springs of waters Here the body hath need of rest but there shal be no night neither shall there be any need of rest heere for feare of theeues and enemies our houses and the gates of our cities are shut but there the gates shall not be shut but alwayes open because there shal be no feare of enemies no feare of future hurts and dangers They that are oppressed here had need of defence of helpe and comfort and hardly it is to be had in this world Eccles 5.7 Psal 10. But there shall violence no more be heard of Esay 60.18 There shall euery ones cause be heard and euery wrong shall be righted For there shall be no curse for not onely the course of sin shall bee cut off but all ocasions of sinne shall far be remoued from vs and we shall bee throughly reconciled vnto our God and we shall enioy perfect peace As no griefe of minde so no disease of body shall molest vs neither shall there be any vse or need of Phisicke All infirmities shall be turned into perfections and all deformitie shall haue an end That which is now the mighty conquerour of mankinde that is death shall then be trode vnder foote for death shal be swallowed vp into victory that with comfort we may say O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory 1. Cor. 15. And that which our first parents could not taste of nor so much as touch that is of the tree of life for though they tasted of the tree of knowledge of good and euill yet they were soone cast out of Paradice least they should put forth their hand and take of the tree of life also and eate and liue for euer Gene. 3.22 in this Ierusalem euen in the midst of the streete of it shal be the tree of life and a common passage vnto it Reue. 22.2 For this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortalitie Thus shall there be mirth without sadnesse health without sicknesse strength without weakenesse life without labour light without darknesse felicitie without abatement al goodnesse without any euill Where youth flourisheth that neuer waxeth olde life that knoweth no end beautie that neuer fadeth loue that neuer cooleth health that neuer diminisheth ioy that neuer ceaseth there shall be pleasure without paine and all happinesse without any change and life without the reach and gunshot of death The godly in this life are as wares then shall they come to their own possession now they are in the skirmish then shal they be crowned cōquerors now they are in the tēpestuous sea then shal they be in the quiet hauen now in the heat of the day thē shal they be in the rest of the euening Now in place they are absent frō Christ thogh in affection they be present with him then shal they follow him whither soeuer he goeth now they suffer trouble with Christ though their life be hid in Christ but when Christ shal appeare they also shal appeare with him in glory Col. 3.3 and then also shal they receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory According to that warrant which was pronoūced by a voice frō heauen Re. 14.13 Write Blessed are the dead which hereafter die in the Lord. Euen so saith the spirit for they rest from their labors their works follow thē And what ioy wil thy soule receiue at that day whē she shal be presented before so honorable and infirnite a multitude before the seat and maiestie of the blessed Trinitie with recital declaratiō of all thy good works trauels suffred for the loue and seruice of God whē there shall be laide down in that honorable cōsistory all thy vertuous deeds all the laborys that thou hast taken in thy calling all thy almes all thy praiers all thy fasting all thy innocēcie of life all thy patience in iniuries all thy constancie in aduersities And for their further comfort and in a maner woonderful astonishment as the wicked shal be vexed with horrible fear when they shal see the righteous stād in great blodnes they shal curse their foolishnes madnesse for tormenting such vniustly whom they thought nothing worthy of honour and yet now see them among the Saints of God Wisd 5. So shall the righteous in their place go forth and looke vpon the carkasses of the men that haue transgressed Gods will and holy lawe Esay 66.24 And looking backe vpon the daungers which they haue passed and wherein other men are yet in hazard their ioy shall so much the more be encreased For they shall euidently see how infinite times they were to perish in this their mortall life if God had not held his speciall hand ouer them They shall see and behold the daungers wherein other men are plunged and the death and damnation whereinto many of their friends and acquaintance haue fallen the eternall paines of hell incurred by many that vsed to laugh and be merry with them in the world when as they shall shine as stars which haue conuerted many vnto God Dan. 12. As contrariwise they that by their euill example and manifold offences haue bene the cause of the downfall of many shall suffer intollerable griefe In earth no ioy pleasure or comfort so surpassing so strange so wonderfull but will breed a sacietie and we shall after a while waxe aweary thereof either desiring greater or else longing after varietie as mans nature is giuen to nothing so much as to newnesse and noueltie but behold the ioyes of this new Ierusalem shall be so diuers so straunge and so incredible that we shal neuer be satisfied therewith Which in the Reue. 21.2 is expressed in these words that the tree of life bare 12. maner of fruites and gaue fruite euery moneth Twelue manner of fruites there is the diuersities of their ioyes Giuing fruit euery moneth there is the continual change Stil pleasing