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cause_n action_n good_a will_n 1,601 5 6.4879 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04813 A relation of the second voyage to Guiana. Perfourmed and written in the yeare 1596. By Lawrence Kemys, Gent Kemys, Lawrence, d. 1618. 1596 (1596) STC 14947; ESTC S109262 39,383 66

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A Relation of the second Voyage to Guiana Perfourmed and written in the yeare 1596. By Lawrence Kemys Gent. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson dwelling at the three Cranes in the Vintree and are there to be solde 1596. AMORE ET VIRTVTE TO THE APPROOVED right valorous and woorthy Knight Sir Walter Ralegh Lord Warden of the Stanneries Captaine of her Maiesties Guard and her Highnesse Lieutenant general of the Countie of Cornwall I Haue heere brieflie set downe the effect of this your second Discouerie without anie enlargement of made wordes for in this argument single speech best besemeth a simple truth Where the affinity of the matter with your person leadeth me to write of your selfe vnto your selfe that small libertie which I haue therein vsed shall I doubt not without offence or sinister construction be giuen to the cause in hand which whether it suffer not detriment by attributing lesse then of right belongeth the iudgement be theirs that vprightly and indifferentlie shall weigh the consequentes of their euill purpose who in seeking to detract from the Authour of these Discoueries do so much as in them lyeth wound deface and treade vnder foot the thing it selfe But this is no noueltie nor proper only to these our dayes For long since it hath bene said Pericles Laudes eo vsque sunt tolerabiles donec ea dicuntur quae auditores se quoque facere posse existimant si maiora proferantur Inuident non credunt The feruent zeale and loyaltie of your mind in labour with this birth of so honourable expectation as it hath deserued a recompence farre different so needeth it not my poore suffrage to endeare the toyle care and daunger that you haue willinglie vndergone for the good and aduauncement of our weale publique The praise-worthines therof doth approoue it selfe is better read in your liuing doinges then in my dead vnregarded papers All that I can wish is that my life were a sufficient pledge to iustifie how much more easie and more material the course for the Guiana wold be thē others which requiring greater charge yeeld not so large benefit and are subiect to more doubtful euents If vnto their wisdoms who sit in place and authoritie it shal appeare otherwise and that in following of other attempts there is lesse difficultie certainer profit needfuller offence vnto the enemie the cost and trauaile which you haue bestowed shall not I hope bee altogether lost if vnto your Honour I can well prooue how and where the amendes is to be had maugre the force and preuention of all Spaniardes Your Lordships to be commanded in all seruice Law Kemys To the Fauourers of the Voyage for Guiana IN thinges earnestly desired though neuer so likelie we are still suspicious thinking it more credite to our common wisdome to discredit most noble and profitable indeuours with distrust then touch to our valures and safeties to lie wilfullie idle So that howsoeuer an action well and iudiciallie attempted be esteemed halfe performed yet is this my iealous conceipt concerning the Guiana that nothing is begun before all be ended In this regarde gentle Reader I haue presumed to burthen thine eares with the weake plea of a good cause and in steede of opening it throughlie to thy prudent consideration to note onlie mine own vnsatisfied affection hoping that because I do name the Guiana vnto thee thou wilt vouchsafe hoc nomine to vaile and couer all other my defectes in the deserte of a good meaning In publishing this treatise my labour principallie tendeth to this end to remooue all fig-leaues from our vnbeleefe that either it may haue cause to shake off the colourable pretences of ignorance or if we will not be perswaded that our self-selfe-wil may rest inexcusable They that shall applie and construe this my doing to serue the Spaniard his turne so well as our owne in so much as it may seeme to instruct warne and arme him for their satisfaction heerein they must not be ignorant that his eyes in seeing our shipping there doe as effectuallie informe him that manie of our heartes are toward that place as if it should bee crediblie aduertised by some corrupt hireling that we thinke write and discourse of nothing els Neither can I imagine that to conceale our knowledge herein which to conceale may perhaps prooue and bee hereafter taken for worse then paricide would be of better purpose then to hoodwincke our selues as who would say no man shall see vs. Besides if the action were whollie to bee effected at her Maiesties charge then might it at her Highneesse pleasure be shadowed with some other drift and neuer bee discouered vntill it were acted But since it craueth the approbation and purses of manie Aduenturers who cannot be so prodigall both of their possessions and liues as voluntarily to run themselues out of breath in pursuing they knowe not what great reason it is that where assistance is to be asked due causes bee yeelded to perswade induce them vnto it The Spaniard is not so simple vnsetled and vncertaine in his determinations as to build them on our breath or to make our papers his Bulwarkes nor so slowe as to expect a president of our forwardnesse His proceedings are sufficientlie strengthened with the trauailes reportes and substanciall proofs of his own men that haue aboue 60. yeares beaten round about this bush And to say a truth the expedition that he hath vsed in sending so manie ships in Februarie last to people this countrey and disappoint vs as it doth consequentlie shew that he findeth his chiefest force and sinewes to consist in golde so doth he thereby plainly to our faces exprobate our remissnesse and long deliberations that in twelue monethes space haue done or sought to doe nothing woorthie the ancient fame and reputation of our English nation interressed in so waightie businesse In Iune last His late prouision of a new supplie of whole familes to the number of sixe hundred persons bound for Guiana but that it pleased God that by meanes of that right honourable seruice most resolutelie performed in the sea-fight and sacking of Cades the ships wherein they should haue beene conueyed were conuerted into ashes what might it signifie Certes as it doth euidentlie prooue that El Dorado hath vndoubted credite and account in their iudgements so pointeth it at vs whilest we onlie to entertaine idle time sit listening for Guiana newes and instantlie forget it as if it were nought els but a pleasing dreame of a golden fancie If we with our selues shall expostulate how this commeth to passe that the aduantage wholie resting on our side in respect that Berrec was this last yeare beaten out the country throughlie discouered and the Inhabitantes made desirous of her sacred Maiesties happie gouernment they notwithstanding by entring before vs haue nowe gotten the start of vs what may we thinke shall wee iudge that their natiue country is lesse deare or more wearisome vnto them then ours