Selected quad for the lemma: cause_n

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cause_n act_n zeal_n zealous_a 46 3 9.2429 4 false
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A91153 A brief necessary vindication of the old and new secluded Members, from the false malicious calumnies; and of the fundamental rights, liberties, privileges, government, interest of the freemen, parliaments, people of England, from the late avowed subversions 1. Of John Rogers, in his un-christian concertation with Mr. Prynne, and others. 2. Of M: Nedham, in his Interest will not lie. Wherein the true good old cause is asserted, the false routed; ... / By William Prynne of Swainswick Esq; a bencher of Lincolns-Inne. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1659 (1659) Wing P3913; Thomason E772_2; ESTC R203220 47,789 64

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desire_v he_o to_o be_v patient_a since_o they_o be_v ancient_a friend_n and_o what_o he_o speak_v be_v not_o in_o jest_n or_o scoff_n as_o he_o take_v it_o but_o in_o sober_a sadness_n desire_v he_o have_v great_a acquaintance_n among_o the_o papist_n to_o inquire_v out_o the_o truth_n of_o what_o he_o speak_v when_o he_o come_v to_o london_n where_o most_o papist_n in_o england_n be_v then_o assemble_v for_o both_o their_o satisfaction_n and_o to_o give_v he_o a_o account_n thereof_o which_o he_o promise_v to_o do_v about_o 5._o or_o 6._o day_n after_o this_o papist_n tell_v he_o that_o according_a to_o his_o request_n he_o nad_z make_v diligent_a inquiry_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o what_o he_o speak_v on_o the_o way_n and_o that_o he_o find_v all_o or_o most_o of_o the_o jesuit_n be_v knave_n they_o and_o most_o of_o the_o jesuited_a papist_n be_v against_o the_o king_n and_o whole_o for_o a_o commonwealth_n as_o be_v most_o advantageous_a for_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n interest_n use_v more_o word_n to_o the_o same_o effect_n which_o the_o protestant_n be_v my_o old_a familiar_a acquaintance_n about_o two_o day_n after_o relate_v to_o i_o in_o westminster_n hall_n as_o a_o concurrent_a testimony_n with_o that_o i_o have_v publish_v to_o this_o effect_n in_o my_o true_a and_o perfect_a narrative_n and_o the_o republican_n spurious_a good_a old_a cause_n true_o anatomize_v 3_o lily_n a_o zealous_a republican_n in_o his_o almanac_n anno_fw-la 1651._o prognosticate_v that_o the_o star_n do_v then_o promise_v act_n of_o grace_n and_o favour_n to_o popish_a recusant_n who_o in_o their_o zeal_n and_o loyalty_n to_o the_o new_a republic_n exceed_v most_o presbyterian_n a_o argument_n it_o be_v a_o creature_n of_o the_o jesuit_n and_o their_o projection_n to_o procure_v they_o more_o grace_n and_o favour_n than_o before_o and_o promote_v their_o design_n against_o we_o 4_o nedham_n rogers_n his_o confederate_a and_o fellow_n champion_n against_o i_o make_v use_n of_o the_o jesuit_n barclay_n his_o forecited_a jesuitical_a principle_n as_o the_o chief_a cornerstone_n of_o our_o new_a parliament_n and_o republic_n structure_n whereon_o they_o be_v both_o build_v and_o not_o only_o so_o but_o he_o use_v the_o very_a argument_n of_o campanella_n which_o he_o prescribe_v the_o king_n of_o spain_n to_o suggest_v to_o the_o english_a nobility_n protestant_n and_o clergy_n to_o hinder_v and_o keep_v out_o king_n james_n from_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n upon_o queen_n elizabeth_n death_n to_o dissuade_v and_o draw_v they_o all_o off_o from_o king_n charles_n and_o oppose_v his_o restitution_n now_o campanella_n word_n be_v these_o cap._n 25._o de_fw-la mon._n hispanica_fw-la p._n 207_o 208._o praeterea_fw-la suspitionem_fw-la incutiat_fw-la amicis_fw-la elizabethae_fw-la saepius_fw-la iis_fw-la inculcando_fw-la fore_fw-la ut_fw-la jacobus_n in_fw-la amicis_fw-la elizabethae_fw-la caedem_fw-la maternam_fw-la vindicaturus_fw-la sit_fw-la etc._n etc._n praesertim_fw-la cum_fw-la maria_fw-la ipsius_fw-la mater_fw-la moriens_fw-la ei_fw-la religionem_fw-la catholicam_fw-la et_fw-la suae_fw-la caedis_fw-la vindictam_fw-la serio_fw-la commendaverit_fw-la exasperandi_fw-la etiam_fw-la sunt_fw-la mimi_fw-la episcorum_n et_fw-la ministrorum_fw-la anglicorum_fw-la proponendo_fw-la illis_fw-la regem_fw-la scotiae_fw-la calvinismum_fw-la amplexum_fw-la esse_fw-la spe_fw-la et_fw-la cupiditate_fw-la regni_fw-la adactumque_fw-la vi_fw-la a_fw-la baronibus_fw-la haereticis_fw-la quod_fw-la si_fw-la vero_fw-la regnum_fw-la angliae_fw-la etiam_fw-la obtineat_fw-la tum_fw-la illum_fw-la cito_fw-la priorem_fw-la religionem_fw-la revocaturum_fw-la esse_fw-la quandoquidem_fw-la non_fw-la solum_fw-la mater_fw-la defunct_n verum_fw-la etiam_fw-la rex_fw-la ipse_fw-la galliarum_fw-la summopere_fw-la ei_fw-la illam_fw-la commendarint_fw-la quibus_fw-la modis_fw-la fiet_fw-la ut_fw-la semina_fw-la belli_fw-la inextricabilis_fw-la inter_fw-la angliam_fw-la et_fw-la scotiam_fw-la jaciantur_fw-la etc._n etc._n to_o keep_v king_n james_n from_o the_o crown_n which_o nedham_n thus_o imitate_v and_o pursue_v with_o a_o little_a variation_n in_o his_o interest_n sect_n 3._o of_o the_o presbyterian_n p._n 12_o 13._o the_o royal_a party_n will_v never_o leave_v buzz_v into_o c._n stuart_n ear_n to_o quicken_v his_o memory_n that_o the_o interest_n of_o your_o party_n be_v in_o its_o infancy_n found_v upon_o the_o ruin_n of_o his_o grandmother_n continue_v and_o improve_v by_o the_o perpetual_a vexation_n of_o his_o grandfather_n and_o at_o length_n prosecute_v to_o the_o decapitation_n of_o his_o father_n be_v not_o so_o weak_a as_o to_o fool_v yourselves_o that_o you_o shall_v fare_v better_o than_o other_o it_o be_v the_o common_a sense_n of_o the_o cavalier_n that_o you_o prepare_v his_o father_n for_o the_o block_n and_o be_v incense_v at_o other_o because_o they_o take_v from_o you_o the_o honour_n of_o the_o execution_n dr._n creighton_n tell_v he_o that_o the_o presbyterian_n pull_v his_o father_n down_o and_o hold_v he_o by_o the_o hair_n while_o the_o independent_n cut_v off_o his_o head_n and_o after_o he_o it_o be_v more_o elegant_o express_v by_o salmatius_n presbyteriani_fw-la sacrificium_fw-la ligarunt_fw-la independentes_fw-la jugularent_fw-la etc._n etc._n and_o p._n 5_o 6._o the_o papist_n have_v have_v so_o fair_a a_o creature_n of_o the_o father_n for_o many_o reason_n they_o have_v no_o cause_n to_o fear_v foul_a deal_n from_o the_o son_n as_o for_o his_o religion_n if_o any_o it_o be_v at_o best_a but_o a_o devotion_n to_o prelacy_n which_o be_v bequeathe_v to_o he_o by_o legacy_n all_o his_o other_o pretence_n of_o religion_n in_o scotland_n he_o forfeit_v before_o ever_o he_o leave_v that_o country_n what_o profession_n he_o have_v since_o own_v abroad_o have_v for_o reason_n of_o state_n be_v keep_v very_o close_o yet_o not_o so_o close_o but_o he_o discover_v it_o but_o if_o this_o be_v not_o evident_a let_v we_o have_v recourse_n to_o reason_n and_o then_o consider_v how_o long_o he_o be_v under_o the_o wing_n of_o his_o mother_n instruction_n in_o france_n and_o what_o a_o nursery_n flanders_n have_v be_v for_o he_o since_o which_o be_v the_o most_o jesuited_a place_n in_o the_o world_n consider_v also_o the_o urgency_n of_o his_o necessity_n dispose_v he_o to_o embrace_v any_o thing_n or_o take_v any_o course_n to_o get_v a_o crown_n be_v under_o the_o same_o influence_n of_o the_o wander_a star_n call_v reason_n of_o state_n as_o be_v his_o grandfather_n h._n the_o four_o of_o france_n who_o shift_v his_o religion_n to_o secure_v a_o crown_n etc._n etc._n these_o put_v altogether_o into_o the_o balance_n be_v ground_n enough_o to_o believe_v he_o sufficient_o affect_v if_o not_o swear_v to_o popery_n here_o we_o have_v nedham_n plough_v with_o campanella_n his_o heifer_n use_v his_o very_a policy_n word_n argument_n in_o substance_n to_o exasperate_v the_o presbyterian_n independent_a and_o protestant_a party_n against_o carl_n stuart_n and_o keep_v he_o from_o the_o crown_n as_o campanella_n suggest_v to_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n and_o the_o english_a protestant_n and_o prelate_n to_o exasperate_v they_o against_o his_o grandfather_n king_n james_n for_o the_o self_n same_o end_n by_o traduce_v both_o in_o their_o religion_n and_o meditation_n of_o revenge_n of_o their_o respective_a mother_n and_o father_n decollation_n here_o i_o shall_v desire_v the_o reader_n to_o take_v special_a notice_n of_o 4._o particular_n 1._o of_o campanella_n the_o jesuit_n foreign_a popish_a prince_n and_o their_o instrument_n machiavilian_a practice_n secret_o serious_o frequent_o to_o suggest_v to_o protestant_a subject_n that_o their_o most_o orthodox_a protestant_a king_n and_o right_a heir_n to_o the_o crown_n be_v inward_o incline_v and_o well-affected_a to_o popery_n that_o they_o profess_v themselves_o protestant_n only_o for_o politic_a end_n to_o gain_v or_o retain_v the_o crown_n that_o when_o they_o be_v settle_v in_o their_o throne_n they_o will_v either_o profess_v or_o introduce_v popery_n which_o will_v be_v the_o jesuit_n and_o papist_n great_a advantage_n who_o thus_o suggest_v it_o if_o true_a purposely_o to_o exasperate_v their_o protestant_a subject_n against_o and_o alienate_v their_o affection_n from_o they_o yea_o make_v they_o the_o visible_a instrument_n to_o keep_v they_o from_o their_o hereditary_a crown_n to_o the_o scandal_n prejudice_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n though_o they_o be_v most_o real_a cordial_a constant_a professor_n of_o it_o and_o whence_o such_o scandalous_a suggestion_n original_o spring_v 2_o of_o the_o inexcusable_a malice_n of_o nedham_n profess_v himself_o a_o protestant_n not_o only_o in_o imitate_v this_o jesuitical_a romish_a practice_n against_o his_o own_o hereditary_a protestant_a sovereign_n ch._n stewart_n but_o transcend_v it_o many_o degree_n first_o by_o pretermit_v his_o behead_a father_n long_a education_n of_o he_o in_o the_o protestant_a religion_n while_o he_o live_v and_o this_o charge_n unto_o he_o in_o e_o 251._o write_v a_o little_a before_o his_o death_n viz._n above_o all_o i_o will_v have_v you_o as_o i_o hope_v you_o be_v already_o well-grounded_a and_o settle_a in_o your_o
the_o majority_n of_o their_o fellow_n member_n against_o all_o rule_n of_o law_n justice_n conscience_n the_o right_n privilege_n of_o parliament_n and_o their_o former_a protestation_n league_n covenant_n remonstrance_n by_o the_o selfsame_a army-officer_n who_o seclude_v they_o by_o their_o confederacy_n and_o now_o have_v call_v they_o in_o again_o for_o the_o end_n recite_v in_o my_o narrative_n which_o if_o they_o refuse_v to_o prosecute_v at_o the_o army_n and_o sectary_n instigation_n john_n rogers_n his_o scurrilous_a passage_n and_o queres_fw-la against_o the_o old_a seclude_a member_n p._n 7_o 38_o 39_o etc._n etc._n and_o nedham_n large_a justification_n of_o their_o former_a seclusion_n upon_o false_a irrational_a jesuitical_a principle_n will_v sufficient_o animate_v they_o to_o thrust_v their_o master_n out_o of_o door_n upon_o the_o selfsame_a reason_n and_o false_a pretence_n he_o allege_v for_o that_o seclusion_n with_o their_o approbation_n yea_o rogers_n his_o discontent_a passage_n forecited_a p._n 46_o 47._o threaten_v some_o sudden_a approach_a storm_n and_o ejection_n to_o they_o which_o they_o shall_v not_o escape_v nec_fw-la enim_fw-la lex_fw-la justior_fw-la ulla_fw-la quam_fw-la necis_fw-la artifice_n arte_fw-la perire_fw-la sua_fw-la so_o that_o all_o the_o survive_v reseclude_v member_n and_o our_o oppress_a weary_a nation_n shall_v ere_o long_o once_o more_o have_v cause_n to_o say_v and_o sing_v with_o the_o kingly_a prophet_n ps._n 9_o 15_o 16._o the_o heathen_a be_v sink_v down_o in_o the_o pit_n that_o they_o make_v in_o the_o net_n which_o they_o hide_v be_v their_o own_o foot_n take_v the_o lord_n be_v know_v by_o the_o judgement_n which_o he_o execute_v the_o wicked_a be_v snare_v in_o the_o work_n of_o his_o own_o hand_n haggaion_n selah_n swainswick_n sept._n 23._o 1659._o finis_fw-la errata_fw-la courteous_a reader_n correct_v these_o error_n at_o the_o press_n by_o mean_n of_o the_o author_n absence_n in_o the_o country_n page_n 2._o l._n 5_o 6._o often_o distil_v r._n against_o all_o desert_v l._n 6._o his_o a_o p._n 9_o l._n 10._o r._n who_o yet_o continue_v p._n 11._o l._n 32._o r._n 1653._o p._n 13._o l._n ●0_n it_o r._n they_o p._n 16._o l._n 4._o therefore_o whereupon_o l._n 18._o strong_a r._n stranger_n p._n 17._o l._n 2._o cause_n r._n course_n p._n 19_o l._n 6._o r._n barclay_n and_o the_o very_a jesuit_n l._n 9_o and_o 22._o this_o jesuit_n r._n the_o jesuit_n he_o speak_v they_o speak_v p._n 21._o l._n 20._o in_o l._n 22._o retain_v p._n 22._o l._n 37._o be_v r._n over_o p._n 31._o l._n 10._o disown_v l._n 12._o thus_o that_o l._n 21._o and_o but_o p._n 34._o l._n 9_o seem_v r._n survive_v p._n 31._o l._n 3._o volume_n volley_n p._n 35._o l._n 2._o up_o we_o p._n 38._o l._n 14._o r._n jesuit_n and_o barclay_n p._n 37._o l._n 7._o jugalarunt_fw-la a_o 2_o pet._n 2._o 18._o jude_n 16._o b_o in_o he_o p._n 35._o to_o 41._o c_o pag._n 4._o 119._o d_o p._n 20_o 21_o 22_o 24_o 98_o 57_o e_o his_o own_o phrase_n p._n 3_o 4._o f_o p._n 59_o 65_o 26._o g_o p._n 24_o 25._o h_o p._n 10_o 17_o 18_o 19_o etc._n etc._n i_o psal._n 64._o 3._o question_n 1._o k_o rogers_n p._n 2._o l_o see_v my_o speech_n dec._n 4_o 1648._o p._n 79._o to_o 94._o m_o as_o himself_o prove_v concertation_n p._n 43_o 44._o n_o page_n 1._o quest_n 2._o a_o page_n 36_o 37._o b_o in_o my_o epistle_n before_o my_o speech_n dec._n 4._o 1648._o and_o vindication_n of_o the_o secure_v and_o seclude_v member_n a_o tertull._n apologia_fw-la pro_fw-la christianis_fw-la a_o see_v the_o epistle_n and_o appendix_n to_o my_o speech_n 1648._o a_o john_n 8._o 44._o a_o the_o army_n declaration_n apr._n 20._o 1653_o august_n 12._o 1653._o and_o a_o true_a state_n of_o the_o common_a wealth_n of_o england_n p._n 8_o 10._o a_o see_v the_o second_o part_n of_o my_o register_n and_o calendar_n of_o all_o parliamentary_a writ_n objection_n a_o nedham_n p._n 31._o a_o see_v their_o declaration_n and_o vote_n m._n 17._o for_o suppress_v the_o lord_n house_n b_o see_v my_o plea_n for_o the_o lord_n question_n 3._o *_o pag._n 35_o to_o 42._o a_o deut._n 17._o 8._o c._n 19_o 15._o john_n 7._o 51._o act_n 19_o 38._o c._n 25._o 17._o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la c._n 29._o and_o cook_n ibidem_fw-la b_o see_v my_o plea_n for_o the_o lord_n p._n 424_o to_o 460._o *_o in_o his_o bridebush_n *_o see_v speed_n trussel_n holinshed_n walsingham_n hall_n stow_n and_o other_o in_o r._n 2._o and_o h._n 4._o my_o plea_n for_o the_o lord_n p._n 424_o to_o 456._o a_o see_v the_o act_n vote_n declaration_n against_o they_o *_o page_n 40_o 41._o *_o totles_n madge_n charta_fw-la f._n 52._o hen._n de_fw-fr knyghton_n de_fw-fr event_n angl._n l._n 3._o c._n 14._o my_o plea_n for_o the_o lord_n p._n 268_o 269_o 278_o 279_o 280_o 193._o exact_a abridgement_n p._n 53._o 195._o 368._o 376._o to_o 386._o *_o hobard_n report_v p._n 155._o 183._o quest_n 4._o quest_n 5._o a_o p._n 27_o to_o 36._o a_o p._n 34_o to_o 41._o i_o see_v their_o print_a petition_n to_o that_o effect_n to_o king_n james_n mr._n edward_n gangrena_n and_o treatise_n against_o toleration_n k_o see_v my_o epistle_n before_o my_o historical_a and_o legal_a vindication_n e_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o {non-roman}_o p._n 235_o to_o 251._o a_o see_v militiere_n his_o victory_n of_o truth_n dedicate_v to_o he_o and_o mutatus_fw-la polemon_n p._n 32_o 33._o a_o rerum_fw-la anglicarum_fw-la annal_fw-la lond_n 1616._o p._n 3._o p._n 116._o and_o mr._n fox_n vol._n 3._o b_o act_n and_o monument_n vol._n 3._o p._n 101_o 102._o a_o jer._n 2._o 12._o b_o see_v the_o general_n history_n of_o france_n hospinian_n and_o ludovicus_n lucius_n hist._n jesuitica_fw-la l._n 3._o c._n 2._o speculum_fw-la jesuiticum_fw-la p._n 75_o 80._o c_o mat._n 7._o 16_o 20._o d_o jer._n 5._o 9_o 29._o e_o true_a and_o perfect_a narrative_n p._n 62._o a_o 23_o eliz._n c._n 1._o 27_o eliz._n c._n 2._o 1_o jac._n c._n 4._o 3_o jac._n c._n 5._o question_n 6._o *_o rogers_n p._n 6._o 10_o 37_o 38_o 119._o nedham_n p._n 32_o etc._n etc._n *_o see_v gildas_n beda_n aethelred_n mat._n westminster_n geoffry_n monmouth_n wigorniensis_n malmsbury_n huntingdon_n hoveden_n matt._n paris_n walsingham_n simeon_n dunelmensis_n brompton_n knyghton_n holinshed_n grafton_n speed_n fox_n baker_n camden_n britannia_fw-la *_o 25_o h_o 8_o c._n 22._o 1_o eliz._n c._n 1_o 3_o 4._o 5_o jac._n c._n 1_o 2._o with_o the_o act_n in_o the_o narrative_a p._n 91_o 92._o ‖_o see_v rastal_n treason_n crown_n provision_n and_o praemunire_n rome_n recusant_n †_o see_v a_o exact_a collection_n and_o collection_n of_o they_o my_o speech_n memento_n prynne_n the_o member_n reconcile_v to_o prynne_n the_o barrister_n the_o good_a old_a cause_n true_o state_v *_o isay_n 49._o 23._o c._n 60._o 3_o 10_o 11._o †_o ps._n 72._o 10_o 11._o isa._n 42._o 4_o 12._o c._n 51._o 5._o c._n 60._o 3._o 9_o 10._o c._n 66._o 19_o *_o ps._n 63._o 3._o a_o cl._n 22_o e._n 1._o door_n 10_o 11._o cl._n 24_o e._n 1._o d._n 8._o 10._o cl._n 27_o e._n 1._o d._n 7._o cl._n 32_o e._n 1._o d._n 7._o 16._o cl._n 34_o e._n 1._o d._n 9_o 16._o cl._n 35_o e._n 1._o d._n 9_o 15_o 17._o b_o liber_fw-la regalis_fw-la ms._n the_o brief_a of_o the_o rite_n and_o prayer_n use_v at_o the_o king_n coronation_n ms._n *_o gal._n 6._o 7._o a_o see_v their_o declaration_n may_n 6._o 1659._o b_o exact_a collection_n p._n 663_o 664_o 695_o 696_o see_v p._n 631_o 632_o 633._o 641_o to_o 645_o 657_o 658._o *_o de_fw-la clementia_n l._n 1._o c._n 3_o 4._o *_o virgil_n georg_n l._n 2._o *_o suetonius_n tacitus_n eutropius_n plutarch_n and_o grimston_n in_o his_o life_n *_o exact_a collection_n p._n 657_o 658_o 695_o 696._o see_v my_o speech_n p._n 80_o 81_o 101_o 102_o 103._o a_o ovid_n metamorph_n lib._n 1._o b_o gen._n 1._o 2._o c_o roger_n concertation_n p._n 62_o 70_o etc._n etc._n a_o 2_o chron._n 10._o 10._o a_o titus_n 1._o 16._o 2_o pet._n 2._o 1._o jude_n 4._o b_o cornelius_n cornelii_n praefatio_fw-la in_fw-la minores_fw-la prophetas_fw-la militiere_n his_o victory_n of_o truth_n see_v my_o narrative_a p._n 55._o ‖_o ezech._n 37._o 23._o ephes._n 4._o 4_o 5_o 6._o 1_o cor._n ●_z 4._o 6._o *_o gen._n 1._o 16._o ps._n 136._o 8._o a_o in_o their_o agreement_n of_o the_o people_n and_o declaration_n 20_o novemb._n 1648._o b_o jan._n 6._o 1648._o