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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A40456 Querees propounded by the Protestant partie concerning the peace in generall, now treated of in Ireland, and the answers thereunto made in behalfe and name of the Irish nation / by one well affected thereto ; to the first copies whereof many things are inserted and much added. French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1644 (1644) Wing F2182; ESTC R35691 21,588 38

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whereof it is evident was the sole cause of the defeat At Loghleagh you were shamefully beaten At Rosse we had our intent which was to defend the Towne though you got the field by the advantage of your Artillery and somewhat else must not be spoken off At Keshenennan being in all not a full thousand men horse and foote very slightly provided we kept the passage against your great Army of five or sixe thousand horse and foote At Clancurry we had also our intent which was to send you home without annoyance of us At Portlester you got the worst as is aforesaid All such Castles as we have gained from you we wonne them in a manner without difficulty blowes or losse Ballinikill onely excepted which also held not out much more then halfe a day after the first shot of a Cannon though you vauntingly glorified it with the name of invincible yet in each of them you abounded with men and all other Military provision Now in all these battles encounters skirmishes and Castles wonne or lost it is particularly to bee noted that you never gayned from us without stiffe and stout resistance sharpe blowes and much losse most commonly and with much advantage of Artillery Armes Amunition and other warlike necessaries whereas whensoever we got from you I say for the most part it was evermore without much opposition damage or bloud with all kinde of disadvantage of our side which evidently demonstrats whose men are most cowarded or stood worst If we still runne away why did not you over-runne and conquer the kingdome And if a man armed onely with a Club or a Gunne without powder should flye from another compleatly armed and provided to his hearts desire can any with reason therefore call that man a coward I should rather hold him for a Cullion that pursues such a man or at least cannot wrest his will or winne his wish from him If our men thus nakedly appointed could hold play for a whole yeare to yours plentifully furnished while succour was a comming as it appeares they did may they be nickenamed Cowards rather the contrary for all this proves manifestly that you were very cowards or they very valiant fellowes and I thinke you will rather averre the later then avow the former How ever I am certaine all Christian Nations else will and doe proclayme them valiant yea England and Scotland their most spleenative enemies Prince Rupert will witnesse it And out of these premisses I deduce an infallible consequence two or three ergo our men and monyes are considerable ergo it is dangerous for you in a new warre to hazard the losse of the kingdome and utter extirpation of the protestant party Ergo it is better and safer for you his Majesty should give content to this Nation by giving his Royall assent to our propositions But you say it is not in his Majesties power to condescend to our demands If he shall it will set popery againe in jurisdiction introduce the Supremacie of Rome and take away or endanger his Majesties supreme authority in causes Ecclesiasticall a diminution of honour and power not be endured I answer we desire not the repealing of any ancient grounded lawes but to be disburdened of certayne grievous pressures layd on us either by acts of state or parliament or the lawlesse Law of Sic volo sic jubeo fraudulently or violently enacted and executed by the unsupportable tyranny of the ministers of this subordinat governement destructive to our Religion lives and liberties which a free parliament with his Majesties Royall assent can legally doe therefore it lyes in his Majesties power to grant our propositions Doubtlesse you will acknowledge King Charles to be as lawfull absolut powerfull a King of England and Ireland tam de jure quam de facto as was Henry the VIII or Edward the VI Who as it were at a blow beat downe and suppressed a Religion of above eight hundred or rather twelve hundred yeares standing seazed on IESUS CHRISTS owne patrimony the possessions of the Clergy confiscated their goods sacked and prophaned their Churches in fine turned above ten thousand of them out of doores to seeke their fortunes without being heard or orderly convicted for any offence contrary to all Law conscience and common reason For the Abbeys hold their Lands in Franke Almoine and in Fee they were possessed of them by the donation of severall Saxon English and Norman Kings and Subjects continued legally by prescription established by law and confirmed by the Charters of Kings as that of Magna Charta 9. H. 3. and the confirmation thereof 28. Ed. 1. Where it is granted that the Church of England shall be free and have its liberties inviolable and cap. 2. judgement given against them shall be held for naught Also sententia lata super confirmatione Chartarum by Ed. 1. or ●● Ed. 3. cap. 8. If any statute be made contrary to Magna Charta it shall be voyde or the confirmation of all these 1. 6. 7. 8. of Rich. 2. and 4. H 4. All which were intended to prevent tyranny and secure the Church then being visibly knowne and generally reverenced for to no other Church were they granted neyther can any other enjoy them Yet did Henry the eight and Edward the sixt assume the power to controvert and subvert all these which you approve and applaud though they were acts surmounting the puisance of heaven and you will not allow King Charles the power of ordinary actions and sublunary things in our behalfes albeit you avow his consent given to the Scots as aforesaid by act of parliament to pull downe Bishops without whom a parliament is no parliament In equity and reason whatsoever Common-law may pretend to the contrary His Majesty by a publicke Declaration in Print declared the late Earle of Strafford innocent for matter of bloud yet was he compelled after to subscribe to the condemnation and decollation of the said Earle to content the parliament of England as yet insatiably discontented All these I say you approve and commend and yet must his Majesties hands be bound and his gracious favours lockt up from us under pretext forsooth of impossibilities in our demands though they contayne nought but what legally layes in his Majesties Royall brest to grant As for your wonted childish foppery which you call popery to be set againe in jurisdiction our propositions import as you meane it no such thing but that we may be allowed the freedome of the Roman Catholicke Religion which hath here continued in jurisdiction if you know what meanes jurisdiction above a thousand yeares maugre all your fiery furies and persecutions And suppose it were in jurisdiction as you understand it no disinteressed judgement can see what his Majesty should loose thereby his Rents and Customes would be still the same if not much more by reason of the freedome of ingresse and egresse of trafficke and the fidelity of Officers he should gayne a
hundred hearts for one both at home and abroad he should be obeyed and served as Father of the Common-weale for love and filiall feare not as he has beene hetherto by you for lucre and interest aswell appeares by your now falling off from him since the dayes of gayne are expired for his protestant party here is onely as aforesaid in Dublin Drogheda Dundalke and in those quarters where also now by a new treason lately discovered they manifest the old treachery lay hidden in their hearts and to confirme what I have above layd downe on this discovery there were found but onely three Commanders in the whole Towne of Drogheda who stood for his Majesty And if all the protestant pulses in Dublin or elsewhere in Ireland were felt by a skilfull Physitian in that kinde I doubt there would hardly be found a hundred free from that franticke feaver As concerning the introduction of the supremacy of Rome which you object it is well knowen and we care not who knowes it that all Ireland never beleeved other how then can that be intended to be introduced that has never beene taken out of it I say all Ireland that is all Irish-men whereof if a very few beleeved otherwise they were of a viperous brood destructive to their mother and considerable as none in regard of the whole kingdome as also such English as here inhabited With all our propositions make no mention of any such intended innovation So as suppose the Roman Catholicke Religion were freely exercised in Ireland which is that we seeke the supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall and the honour and power thereof should still asmuch as ever remayne in his Majesty Yet reflect but a little and you may perceive that his Majesty has lost that honour power you so much esteeme in England and Scotland Oh that that were all for the parliament and Scots if any they admit attribut it to the Elders of their Kirke but there is no corner in a Round-head for such a supreme beliefe it has place then onely in a few protestant heads and fewer hearts if they were all profoundly sounded in England and Ireland and as for the beliefe of Roman Catholicks in that kinde it derogates not a single haire from their faithfull and fixed allegeance to his Majesty as is evident by their cleaving to him in his three kingdomes now in these boysterous times of his troubles when all Sectaries flote in their fidelities and flitt according their fancies Moreover what great diminution of honour or power to use your owne words should his Majesty thereby sustaine suppose the supremacy of Rome were introduced The world knowes that knowes the History of England that the Crowne of England had more power honour fame wealth before it assumed that seeming specious Title then it could ever since then purchase eyther at home or abroad This needes no proofe the Legend of the lives of the Monarchs thereof does demonstrate it Had not Henry the VIII morerenowne by his Booke written against Luther in defence of the seven Sacraments for which he received a Sword from the Pope with the glorious Title of Defender of the Faith then he had after when his lust lead him to arrogate the supremacy and more treasure had he in his Coffers I am certaine For notwithstanding the spoyle and pillage of the Church whereof the value of the Lands onely England at that time amounted to above three hundred and twenty thousand pounds ten shillings sterling per annum out of which the King tooke into his owne possession and appropriated to the Crowne a hundred sixty one thousand one hundred pounds per annum besides their moveables which doubtlesse made up a vast summe yet died he without wealth without honour without friends without peace in his house or heart and with remorse of Conscience belcheth forth his last breath in despayre with an Omnia perdidimus and can boast of no other Monument he hath left to Record his memory but such as hee left who vaunted of burning Dianas Temple Now since then can any man shew me the effects of the supposed honour or power England has enjoyed or acquired eyther forraine or domesticke by the supremacy other then pride luxury epicurisme blasphemy effeminacy and in a word a licencious liberty to swim in sin and wallow in vice without controll It is true indeed there was a Duke went into Spaine Basta And to the Isle of Ree c'est assé England has assisted in this later age Holland Swedland the Palatinate and other rebels against their naturall and lawfull Soveraignes and has beene and still is cowed by that Nation which it most scorned and vilipended of the world and over which in former ages it was wont to domineere crow and conquer It is lately become the forge of novellisme and heresie the nursery of Sects and now the stage of rebellion These are the fruits of your gosling Gospel and the feats of honour and power acted since the supremacie of Rome has beene expelled and the inheritance of S. Peter intruded upon France Spaine Italy Poland and other Catholicke countries states and Provinces who still continue obedient children to the Church of Rome esteeme themseves eyther in power honour wealth or worldly splendour no way inferiour to England yea many of them farre exceede it in all They are adored beloved awed at home and abroad The Turkes Heathens and Infidels feare and feele the force of their armes both ends of the world doe them homage are tributary to them and contribut to the farssing of their Coffers Yet doe they still acknowledge Rome their superiour in causes Ecclesiasticall neyther have they any ambition to spirituall jurisdiction because they know they are incapable thereof and they deeme it rather a diminution then any addition of honour or power to arrogat a Title which derogats from the power and jurisdiction essentially inhering in that Title which they are assured cannot be but in a Priest So as this great Colossus of honour and power Supremacy in spirituall causes in a secular person the losse whereof you so much apprehend is a meere ens rationis and consequently a thing not to be thought of by rationall men Yet if you will needes be so chymericall as to contend de lanacaprina take you it so wee may have from the benignity of his gracious Majesty his Royall assent to our humble propositions which all good Subjects and reall patriots are bound to wish and vote it being the most efficacious meane to secure and succour his Majesty against the malignant party and to settle this tottering kingdome in a firme and constant peace whereto a raging malice to this Nation with an undiscreete antypathicall zeale to the extirpation of the Religion thereof may rayse many opposits But let every man of both parties lay his hands on his heart and sadly consider the state of this kingdome which lyes pining in a violent hecticke feaver Its veines have beene superaboundantly vented