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A13952 A briefe institution of the common places of sacred divinitie Wherein, the truth of every place is proved, and the sophismes of Bellarmine are reprooved. Written in Latine, by Lucas Trelcatius, and Englished by Iohn Gawen, minister of Gods word.; Scholastica, et methodica, locorum communium s. theologiæ institutio. English Trelcatius, Lucas.; Gawen, John, minister of Gods word. 1610 (1610) STC 24261; ESTC S103024 183,328 620

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Instrumentall beginning thereof In Defence of the Efficient Cause of Actuall Sinne. I. IN Actuall Sinne there are two thinges Being and Iniquitie Of Being God is the Author and Principall Efficient of Iniquity the Will of Man II. A Thing is sayde to be done by Gods permission two wayes eyther by it selfe or by Accident That which is done God permitting it by it selfe hath the respect of good but that which is done by Accident God permitting the selfe same in respect of God permitting it by accident is evill because God permitteth not evill as it is evill but as it is a meane of his glory In Defence of the Matter of the first SINNE That the first Sinne was not Pryde but vnbeliefe against Bellarmine Lib. 3. de Amiss Gratiae Cap. 5. 6. I. EEccles 10.14 There is a fallacy of the sense or vnderstanding of the word For Pride is not the beginning or cause of backe-sliding or departing from God but on the contrary the very backe-sliding departing from God which is comprehended in vnbeliefe is made the beginning and cause of pride II. TO b. 4. Ans The place treateth not of the order of diverse actes in the first sinne but of the Effect of Pride to witte Perdition the beginning whereof is truely and properly attributed to Pride yet not exclusiuely III. ROm. 5. Ans Disobedience comprehendeth the whole Sinne of Adam to witte the violating or breaking of Gods commaundement which if it should bee resolved into it owne parts the first shall bee not Pride but vnbeliefe IIII. THe Testimonies of the Fathers which are alleadged eyther do not ●reate of the order of the first sinne ●ut of the next Adjunct thereof or Synecdochically they vnderstand by pride vnbeliefe it selfe as the immediate ●ause thereof V. THe inner actions are two wayes discerned eyther in respect of the In●ention or in respect of the execution whereof the one properly respecteth the end the other the meanes but when there is speech made of the first sinne it is not inquired what was the first thing in the intention of Adam Eue but what was the first act of committing the Sinne. In Defence of the matter of Original Sin That Originall Sin is a quality or Concupiscence against Bellar. Lib. 5. cap 15. I. THe Positiue cause of original Sin is held to be three-fold the First the actuall sinne of Adam Secondly the Law of Nature originally passing the third the Iustice of God II. THe positiue quality is trāsferred to the posterity after the same manner as the Sinne it selfe is not as a certaine accident of nature concreated or together with it created which should follow or accompany the substance by it self but as a whole corruption of the whole mā which hath a foundation in Adam as in the first instrument of nature it selfe neyther are the habits gotten convayed into the ofspring as they are personall but as in the name of the whole Nature one for all gotte them III. IN Concupiscence two things concurre the very Act of lusting or coveting which by it selfe is not evil and the deformity of that act of that God is the Author of this he must by no meanes bee the Author IIII. THe first sinne was not onely the sinne of the Body but also of the Soule Wherefore it was not onely the eating of the fruit forbidden but also vnbeliefe and pride in the soule and so whole Sinne is transmitted into body and soule not onely by the law of generation by which man formeth or yeeldeth forth man but also according to the corruption of him that generateth wherby man as hee is corrupt begeteth corrupt man V. THe Quality was not diminished both because then it passed as it were into another nature as also because it cannot eyther bee diminished or abolished but by the singular grace of God VI. THe Concupiscence of the Flesh against the Spirite doth not onely signifie those first motions voyde of consent but also the very roote of evill and the whole corruption which is not onely of the coveting but also of the other faculties of the Soule VII ORiginall Sinne is taken away in this life by the regeneration of Baptisme not that it might not be but that it might not be imputed for sinne In Defence of the matter of Actual sinne against the distinction of Sinne Veniall and Mortall Bellar. Lib. 1. Cap. 9.10 I. THe Testimonies of Scripture doe not proue or confirme the Verity of the distinction according to the mind of the adversary Not the First Mat. 5. for hee treateth of the inequality not onely of sinnes but also of punishments by an allusion to civill or politicke punishments Not the Second Mat. 23. for hee treateth of the nature of Hypocrites who being carefull in small matters doe openly neglect the chiefest things and make not a difference betweene those things which by themselues and alwayes are necessary and those whereof not the want but the contempt doth make vs guilty or culpable Not the Third Luc. 6. for he treateth of them who hunt after prayse by the reprehending of others but doe neyther know nor reproue themselues being in others very quicke sighted but in themselues blind Not the Fourth Luc. 12. for hee speaketh of the duety of loue towardes our neighbour whereby wee are bound after the example of Gods goodnesse to forgiue even the least sinnes Not the Fift 1. Cor. 3. for hee speaketh of doctrine and the manner of teaching that by a supposition applyed to the Doctors of the Corinthians Not the Sixt Iac. 1. for hee speaketh of the degrees of sinnes which are three Vitiousnesse a vitious motion and vitious action And of all these Death is made the reward or wages Not the two Last Math. 12. for hee speaketh of the nature of Sinnes even the least or lightest for which notwithstanding we are presented guilty before God Eph. 5. because both the heavinesse of sinnes and the effect of the same are expounded Synecdochically II. THe Testimonies of Councels and Fathers are either suspected or in controversie as of the Tridentine Councell and of the Popes both Pius and Gregorie or doe treat of the inequality and divers degrees of sins as the Councell of Milevitum and of the Fathers Augustine Origen Chrysostome and Hierome III. THe reasons which are alleadged proue nothing Not the first because it is grounded vpon a double false presupposall Vppon the one that sinnes in the faithfull are not mortall For the Wages of Sinne of whatsoever manner it be vnlesse it bee forgiven is Death Vpon the o●her that the sinnes of the faithfull are lighter then the sinnes of the vnfaithfull and so in their Nature Veniall For in that sinnes are Veniall in the faithfull it is not from the nature of the sinnes but from the Grace of God and in that they are not so in the vnfaithfull it is not from God but from the nature both of the sinnes and sinners Not the Second because Sinne is not sayde
Rom. 8.30 Iustification and Glorification that is a gratious beginning ●roceeding together with a glorious pe●●ection of divine blessings by the perfect coniunction of Christ or by the perfect ioyning of them together with Christ The End Remote is Gods glory the o Subalterna meane or indefinite indifferent End is that we should be holy the last end is life and glorification p Eph. 1.6 And this is the manner of Predestination in it selfe and the causes therof simply wee must now consider of the opposites and contraries of the same Of these although there bee a diverse respect yet Sinecdochically it is wont to bee signified and shewed by the common name of reprobation in which significatiō it is distinguished both from eternall Predestination which abusiuely is called Reprobation as also from that part of Gods decree which eyther Logically is called Non Election or Theologically a q Preteritio passing by which properly is called Reprobation But forasmuch as being opposite to Predestination whereof wee haue treated it signifieth that whole fore-ordinance and maner of order vnto the end wherevnto the Reprobates are appointed of it we must speake in the first signification Now Reprobation is an Act of Gods pleasure or decree whereby God from everlasting hath purposed in himselfe to passe by the greater part of the Vniversality of Creatures as touching the communion of his healthfull and supernaturall grace and glory and the same also before hand to condemne that were not like to abide or 〈◊〉 in the integrity of their first originall estate according to his iustice for their sinnes to the setting forth of his glory The Cause Efficient of this reprobation first principall is God second impulsiue is his owne pleasure and will r Pro. 6.3 Eph. 1.11 Prou. 16.4 But this act which in God is simple vniforme as touching vs in respect of the order vnto the end ought two waies to be considered and distinguished for there is in God first an act of ſ Preteritionis passing by called of the Schoolemen a Reprobation Passiue and Negatiue before all thinges and causes that were like to be in the thinges or from the thinges whereof no other reason eyther can be giuen or ought to be sought besides the pleasure and will of God t Rom. Mat. 1.23 Then there is an Act of the preparation of punishment or fore-condemnation from everlasting u 2. Thes 2.9 Rom. 6.23 called of the Schoolmen Affirmatiue and Actiue Reprobation before all thinges indeed but not before the causes fore-known and considered to bee like to bee in the thinges or from the thinges but it is a respectiue Act of sinne as the necessary Antecedent because as God in time iustly punisheth and condemneth man for sinne so God also from everlasting hath iustly decreede to punish man and fore-condemned him by or from the x Ex Hypothesi supposition of sinne The matter of Reprobation or rather the right obiect are all and singular Reprobates and the condition of this matter or obiect according to that double respect of the Act ought two wayes to bee considered for as touching that former Act of God and passing by the matter of Reprobation is considered to bee Man in generall without any respect of any quality y Rom. 9.11 but as touching the latter which is of Predamnation or appointment vnto punishment the matter of Reprobation is man in that he is a sinner or for his sinnes to be punished by the necessity of Gods iustice z Eph. 2.3.5 The form special is indeed the not appointment of thē into the adoption of Children but in common it is that whole manner of order vnto the end in respect of both the Acts to wit both of Preterition and Predamnation Of Preterition whereof this is the manner of order Prescience or fore-knowledge not that which is of speciall affection and good wil but that of vnderstanding and knowledge in God which otherwise is also called in the Scriptures the Purpose of God whereby God foreknew them that were to be reiected both who and how many they should be fore-appointment by which hee hath determined the Reprobation of them that were forknown in not choosing them by a speciall loue in Christ but in leaving them to themselues in their owne nature which fore-appointment is wont to bee signified sometime by the name of Preordaining sometimes of coagmention and sometimes of hatred a Rom. 9.22 Of Predamnation and the execution ●ereof this is the order a iust forsa●ng which is eyther of triall God ●ot giving his grace b Rom. 9.21 or of punish●ent God taking away all his saving ●tes and delivering them into the po●er of Sathan c Ioh. 13.2 1. Thes 2.9 10. Hardening and those things which ●se to accompany d Rom. 9.18 the same even vn●o the guilty condemnation of man which of some are called the Effectes of Reprobation but more fitly and truely ●he Consequents or degrees of order vnto the end The end of Reprobation first remote is the setting forth of Gods glory e Rom. 9. second the meane or Indifferent end the declaration of the liberty of God f 2. Rom. 9.21 the last and neerest g Rom. 9 28. the execution of his iustice in the punishment of the Reprobates OF PREDESTINATION The Part Confuting I. SOlutions or distinctions for the cause efficient Predestination signifieth two thinges the determination of th● end and the ordinance of the mean● vnto the end of both the first cause i●pulsiue is the will of God II. PRedestination is eyther taken mo● specially for the Predestination o● the Saints and differeth not onely i● the thing but also in the manner from Election or more generally for every fore-appointment of order vnto the certaine end in which signification the three partes thereof may be put to wit the appointment of the beginning the means and end III. REprobation is taken eyther Negatiuely for not Election or affirmatiuely for the preparation of punishmēt IIII. IT is one thing to treat of the first act of Predestination and Reprobation which is Gods decree of choosing and 〈◊〉 choosing or passing by which is ●solute and another thing to treate 〈◊〉 the second which is respectiue of ●posing indeed vnto the means wher● the cause is in God onely but of ●t choosing vnto sinne whereof the ●use is in man but the ordination from ●od V. THe second Act of Reprobation or the ordination vnto punishment is ●●stinguished into that which is simple ●●d compound or comparatiue the one that whereby one is ordayned vnto ●unishment but the other whereby in 〈◊〉 vnequall condition the one is more ●en the other the cause of that with●ut God supposeth the merite of man ●ut of this without God no reason can ●e given The Places for faith fore-seene 2. Thes 2.13 Ans The conclusion is ●f no force from the cause of salvation ●nstrumentall to the
because aswell it selfe as all things vnto it selfe are intended the other by it selfe intended but not chiefly or first because it selfe indeed is intended but not all thinges therevnto the intent after the first way is Gods ●race after the second Gods iustice The directing of the means disposed ●s an effectuall bringing of them along ●nto the end by the knowne meanes of Gods wisedome whether revealed or ●idden now this directing of the means 〈◊〉 eyther by it selfe or by accident And this is the manner of generall providence which being layed downe ●here is a more easie way and method ●nto the particular meanes thereof according to the particular nature of the Subiects For first of all the nature of thinges whether generall or particular is subiect ●o Gods providence according to al the meanes both of appointment governing and ordayning l Mat. 10.29.30 Luc. 12.6.7 Pro. 16 33 for the appointment governing and ordayning of things naturall so faree extend themselues as the m Causalitas causing of the first agent extendeth it selfe now it extendeth it selfe as farre as vnto all n Entia beings not only as touching the beings of speciall kindes but also as touching the o Individua particular thinges themselues neyther onely as touching the beginnings of things incorruptible but also of things corruptible Secondly the Accidents of Nature whatsoever they are which are of common Nature in their own perfection are subiect to Gods Providence after the manners already remembred but those which are of particular Nature in their defect are subiect to Gods Providence after the manner of Governing and Ordayning p Gen. 37.28 Iob. 1.21 Esa 10.5.6 c. Act. 2.23 Rom. 8.28 Thirdly all ends of things whatsoever whether meane or supreame are appointed governed and ordayned of God Fourthly those which are meanes whether they bee ordinary or extraordinary the first cause vseth even them according to their owne Nature by appointing governing and ordayning them Fiftly concerning things necessary and contingent that we may see thereinto and in few wordes expound the more difficult points therof three things are to be noted First that the Nature and naturall properties of things as they be are from God and that therefore according to the maner which God hath put into things they are subiect to Gods providence q Iob. 10 10.11 Exod. 15 26. Ps 105.17 And thus stands the maner nature of things that some be necessary some contingent those the order whereof betweene the Cause and the Effect is vnchangeable eyther absolutely by themselues and of their owne Nature or by Supposition and relation to the Causes proposed which neverthelesse may eyther not be or be changed these the order whereof is mutable into both partes of it owne nature indefinite such as are the things of nature or thinges particular which haue the conditions of mutability and contingency infolded among themselues in themselues Secondly that it is an effect of Gods providence that any thing happeneth by what manner soever whether contingently or necessarily and therefore that falleth out necessarily which Gods providence hath disposed to fall out necessarily and that commeth to passe contingently because such is the reason or manner of Gods providence hence God being the vniversall beginning eyther mediately or immediately causeth that the things stand both wayes and that out of causes necessary or contingent Effects and Events necessary and contingent are produced Thirdly of what soever things there is a contingency of these there is also a necessity by supposition and therfore nothing is so contingent which may not two wayes be necessary by supposition one way in it owne existence for what was to be contingent the same frō whence it proceeded must needs presētly haue or formerly had a being The other way by the determined decree foreknowledge of God in respect wherof all thinges come to passe infallibly but to speake properly it is one thing that somewhat falleth out contingently another thing necessarily and another thing infallibly the first and the second inferre the order of the Effect vnto the Cause but the third is more common then both because thinges both contingent and necessary come to passe infallibly yet those contingently these necessarily These things layed down it is manifest that all things both necessary and contingent are every way subiect to Gods Providence 1. of Conservation because both haue being and power frō God 2. of Governing for of both God disposeth according to the liberty of his will whether effecting or permitting 3. of Ordayning because God also hath prescribed an end vnto them according to their Nature and d●sposeth them as meanes wisely and bringeth them vnto the same powerfully Sixtly as concerning Actions Naturall and Voluntary it is to be noted that three beginnings of actions must be considered and proportionally distinguished the one Vniversall is God the other Generall is Nature the third Particular and is eyther a Naturall Inclination or Instinct or Will Electiue Of these beginnings there are particular properties the vniversall beginning is finite the Generall is desining the particular is defined in his Subiects the first is from it selfe and to it selfe the second hath a relation vnto God the third vnto both Whence it commeth to passe that those actions which are from the particular beginning mediately are from God by the generall beginning but those which are from the generall beginning are from God immediately Here it is evident that all actions whether naturall or voluntary are subiect to Gods Providence first by way of Conservation for God conserveth the Natures of thinges and the liberty of will which hee hath given man Secondly by way of governing because God as hee is an vniversall beginning effectually moveth all other beginnings to doe or worke thirdly by way of ordayning because he bringeth and directeth all actions vnto the end which hee hath fore-appointed to them whether Naturall or Voluntary r Psal 139.3 The last thing remayneth concerning good and bad actions and that the manner and efficacy of Gods providen●e in evill actions for of the good there is no difficulty might according to the degrees thereof the better be knowne two things are to be premised One is that according to the difference of the beginnings whereof wee haue aboue spoken the one the selfe same action is both good evill good as touching the generall as it is from God and common Nature for both God and Nature of themselues doe alwayes bring forth good actions evil according to the particular respect in man as hee is corrupt for every vitious act taketh the necessity of the vice from the neerest cause which is the will of the offender whence is that of the Schoolemen ſ Principalitatem Causalitatis omnis in peccato consistere penes voluntatem quae imperat actum that the chiefty of every procurement in sinne consisteth in the power of the Will which cōmands the Act. The other
is that in every Action three thinges are to bee discerned and distinguished the Nature the Subiect the Accidentall quality of them both The Nature is from the Creator which gaue it and moveth the beginnings of naturall properties and actions The Subiect is the moving of the Action which is according to nature in respect whereof every sinne is said to bee in God subjectiuely The Quality is the Accident of Nature and of the Subiect being good indeed according to grace but evill according to the corruption that groweth in nature and in the Subiect which infecteth man and those things which are of man with a bodily and effectual taynt or strayne whence the will which is the inward beginning of actions infuseth the force of that corruption into the actions immediately These things layed downe it is to bee marked that Providence also in evill actions worketh by all the wayes and degrees t Esa 45.7 Lam. 3.37 Am. 3.6 In the way degree of Conservation for it hath put into man both the beginning of Nature which by it selfe by a naturall necessity is limitted as also the beginning of actions which is the will that by it owne power limitteth her motions and freely inclineth them vnto whatsoeuer actions vndetermined againe it sustayneth the will as it moveth the things of nature by a common beginning and the actions naturall and voluntary by a particular beginning By way and degree of Governing for first God bringeth to passe effectually the worke that is evill as farre foorth as it hath a respect of good chiefly it hath that both because it is in good subiectiuely because it is vnto good reduciuely Secondly God remitteth the sinne and prescribeth a bound vnto it according to the liberty of his will u Pro. 16.9 Thirdly hee permitteth evill things not that he alloweth them but that it is no evill to permit evils for sith hee which permitteth hath power to forbid without any obligation as also he to whome it is permitted hath power to doe without any compulsion the Will in both parties is voluntary in the former without fault in the latter without excuse In the way and degree of ordayning for God ordayneth the events of sinnes vnto good x Rom. 8.28 eyther morall that is of punishment and chastisement or Supernaturall that is of his glory in Iustice and mercy y Rom. 5.20 11.33 wherby it is cleare that for a thing to haue being to doe and to bee ordayned it is good but for the same to bee evill to doe evill and to bee carried vnto evill it is euil that God effecth but this God suffereth to bee effected by the creature this is the formall cause of providence The end of Providence which may easily bee gathered from the thinges afore-going is the glory of God conioyned with the salvation of the Elect. z Mat. 6.26 OF PROVIDENCE The Part Confutatiue Distinctions for the Cause Efficient I. FAte or Destiny is eyther true or fayned that without violence this violent The true Fate eyther is Divine or Naturall the Divine is nothing else then the governing and providence of thinges the Naturall is none other then the course and order of naturall thinges The fained Fate eyther is of the Chaldeans or the Stoickes the one superstitiously bindeth and tyeth the actions and eventes of thinges vnto the power and position of the starres the other is flowing from everlasting being such a ranke and knitting together of causes that on it should depend both God himselfe and Gods Providence the Consequent of both is a necessity of constraint II. VNto Providence pertayne two thinges the manner of order the execution thereof the first is Eternall the second Temporall III. GOD governeth the Inferior things by the thinges superior not for the defect of his power but for the aboundance of his goodnesse according to the liberty of his will IIII. THe Nature of the following cause is not onely like to the superior Cause in that it hath somewhat thence but also vnlike it in that it proceedeth from without or outwardly For the Materiall Cause I. ALL thinges subiect to the causing of the first agent are also subiect to the ordinance of the same vnto their end wherefore all things in that they haue being are subiect to Providence II. IT is one thing to treate of the cause vniversall and another thing of the Causes particular Of the Particular Causes there are chances but the Vniversall Cause nothing can escape III. COrruptions and defects in naturall thinges are indeed against the particular nature yet they are from the Intention of the vniversall nature in that they fall out for the good of the whole vniversall IIII. THe manner of the Doer is one and of the Instrument is another that which is of the Instrument and the Creature is disorder but that which is of the doer and the Creator even in things most out of order is order V. SOme things are done by Providence efficiently and causally some other thinges according to Providence permissiuely and determinatiuely For the Formall Cause I. THe Soule alwayes worketh freely which although it depend on the causes yet it selfe is the neerest cause of her own actions for naturall effects haue more likenesse with the neerest causes then with the furthest off II. THere is one necessity from the former or a Constituens that which appointeth another from the latter b Consequens or that which ●nsueth one inward another outward one of constraint another of ●mmutability one absolute another by supposition the distinction of all which in this point of Providence is very necessary III IT is one thing to speake of deedes is they are in act and another thing as they are subiect to the Cause contingent for after the first maner they are necessarily after the second contingently IIII. SInne is two wayes considered eyther properly principally as it is sinne or as farre forth as it hath the respect of good and that two wayes first because it is in naturall motion action Inclination that is in good subiectiuely Secondly because it is vnto good God from evill drawing forth good V. THat thing which being once decreede another infallibly followeth without any other Intermediate Cause is the Cause of the Consequent but God will haue sin to come to passe not immediately but by the wil of man as the meane intermediate VI. OF things being God is the effectuall beginning but sinne to speake properly hath not the manner of an Act or being but of defect for there is a double being of the thing and of the manner vnder the being of the maner not only notions and relations are contayned but also Privations and sinne is a being of the manner not having a being Positiuely but Privatiuely VII IN every sinne there are two things the Materiall or the Subiect and the Formall that is to say the naughtinesse The Subiect is a thing
which is OF CORRVPTION CAP. III. AFter this first state of Integrity the second which is of Corruption by and by succeeded and followed It is The Condition of Man whereby in turning away goodnesse from himselfe and himselfe from goodnesse and in estranging the same into the contrary hee by himselfe as touching himselfe wholy perished And this condition ought two wayes to bee knowne according to the quantity and quality thereof For first wee are to see concerning the corruption which man procured to himself through his owne fault and naughtinesse then concerning the power of man which after that corruption remayned in Man The place concerning Sin containeth and expoundeth the Doctrine of Corruption but the place concerning Free-will containes and layeth open the doctrine of Mans Power OF SINNE The Part Confirming CAP. IIII. SINNE by which name the quality of humane Corruption is wont to be expressed is in Generall defined to be a Ioh. 3.4 a breaking of the law or iniquitie that is a Defect or want of that lawfull good which was given to our Nature by God whereby man declining from good and inclining to nothing but to evill is made guilty of Gods wrath and damnation and everlasting punishment but in Speciall it ought three wayes to bee distinguished defined and through the causes to bee expounded For there are three degrees of Sinne the Beginning of it was in Adam the Propagatton from Adam in vs and the Effect of the same from vs Wherefore wee must by order consider together of the Sinne of Adam Original Sinne and of Actuall Sinne. The Sinne of Adam is an act of disobedience in Adam as in a singular individuall person and generall beginning of all men whereby by violating the Law of God hee destroyed both himselfe and his posterity for ever b Gen. 3. Rom. 5. 2 Cor. 11.3 Originall Sinne is an hereditary vitiousnesse whereby for the disobedience of Adam all men from him either propagated or to bee propagated are made guilty of both euils both of sinne and punishment c Psal 51.7 Eph. 2.3 Rom. 5.12 Actuall Sinne is an iniquity and Lawlessenes whereby wee swarving or going awry in our actions from the straitenesse of the Law dayly increase the guilt of sinne and punishment d Mat. 12.34 Iac Rom. 7.8 The Efficient Cause of Adams sinne or the beginning thereof may bee noted to bee two-fold according to the former and the latter Actiue as wee distinctly speake and Actuall The Actiue beginning is a naturall power to both opposites the morall good and evill e 1● Tim. 2 13. Rom. 5.12 The Actuall whereby through the act of disobedience the will of man abused that his power to evill lost his power to good and alienated the same into the contrary f Gen. 3.6 Rom. 5.19 Ecle 10.15 The Efficient Cause of Originall sinne ought to bee considered and discerned by three wayes and degrees for there is a double outward cause one inward The outward neerest cause is the actuall sinne of Adam who was as the mediate and common beginning of whole humane nature g Rom. 5 12.19 but the Remote was the justice of God which God had shadowed in nature and expressed in speech plainely vttered or in the word Enunciatiue h Gen. 3. The inward Cause is the very Law of Nature originally passing of which law God layed downe a double ordinance By the one hee commaunded a propagation absolutely by the other hee threatened a punishment conditionally with the former he furnished both man in man Nature with the latter man only Hence it came to passe that by that ordināce of propagation man is begotten but by the ordinance of punishment hee is begotten vitious i Rom. 5.12.16 Heb. 7 9.10 1. Cor. 15.22 Both alike necessarily The Efficient Cause of Actuall sin properly immediately is the wil which commaundeth the Act in which the whole Action of evill resideth as in the Agent or working Instrument k Gen. 6.5 Iac. 1.14.15 The Matter of Adams first sinne which is as the Subject is the whole and entire person of Adam and in him as in the actiue beginning the whole matter of mankind l 1. Cor. 15 22 But that which is of the Object is the taking of the forbidden fruite and the vse or eating thereof m Gen. 3.4.5 both whereof includeth a contempt of Gods commaundement an impious consent of licentious will Briefly a most miserable backesliding from God and a disobedience of the whole man n Psal 51.5 T it 33. 1. Cor. 2 14. Rom. 7.23 Eph. 2. c. The Matter of Originall Sinne which is as the Subiect is whole man and every man according to himselfe wholy and the whole of himselfe for the whole Subject is subjacent to whole sinne both in respect of receyving for whole man receyveth whole sinne and of power and manner for the whole man doth and worketh whole sinne and therefore whole sinne affecteth and infecteth whole man with a corporall and effectuall taint or contagion o Rom. 5.6 7. Rom. 6.6 Gal. 5.16 Col. 2.11 Rom. 8.3 6. Eph. 4.17.18 but that which is as the object is first a defect or want of originall righteousnesse then an inclination or quality contrary to that righteousnesse or vprightnesse which is commonly called naturall corruption or originall concupiscence the former those testimonies of Scripture doe proue which speake of Sinne negatiuely or privatiuely but the latter those which speake of sinne affirmatiuely or positiuely p Mat. 12.34 Mar. 7.31 The Matter of Actuall sin which is as the Subject is man according to his body and Soule and all the faculties of both to witte both of body and Soule p Gal. 5.19 20. c. Mat. 15.19 Rom. 14.1 Eph. 2.3 Rom. 15.18 Col 3.17 Gal. 6.1 Iac. 4.17 but that which is of the Obiect are the thinges spoken done and lusted after against the Law whether they be of omission or commission eyther by infirmity or by malice or whether they bee outwardly or inwardly committed wherevpon many kindes of sinnes arise and those which are neyther mutually matched each with other nor linked together but some more grievous then other yea and oftentimes some contrary each to other q Ioh. 9.11 2. Pet. 2.20.21 Hence also is the difference between sinne pardonable and vnpardonable whereof the one is sayed to be a sinne which is committed against the father and the Sonne that is every transgression of Gods law wherevnto Repentance belongeth and therefore that which is pardonable not by the properties of it own nature but by the grace mercy of him against whome it is committed r Mat. 12.31 the other is sayd to be a sinne which is committed against the holy Ghost and therefore is called by an excellency in Scriptures the blasphemie of the Spirite and a sinne vnto death ſ Mat. 12 31. 1. Ioh. 5.16 Now for the making
of this Sinne three thinges concurre First the Deniall of the Truth against knowledge and conscience Secondly an vniversall Backe-sliding from Christ not a particular sinne against the first or second Table of the Law Thirdly a Rebellion sprung from a hatred of the truth conjoyned with a tyrannicall sophisticall and hypocritical oppugning or withstanding and of these conditions there is a mutuall knitting and sequele of the one with and after the other Further it is called a Sinne against the Holy Ghost not in respect of the divine Essence and person of the Spirite but in respect of his office that is of Grace and illumination whereof the holy Ghost is properly the Worker or effecter but it is sayed to be vnpardonable for three causes First because of the just judgement of God who suffereth not his Spirite which is the Spirite of truth to bee reproved of a lie Secondly because of impenitency or the hardnes to repent Thirdly because of the truth and the dignity of redemption purchased by Christ For there remaineth no other sacrifice after men haue forsaken the sacrifice of Christ t Heb. 6.4 Heb. 10.20 The Formall of Adams first sinne is two-fold according as that sinne in a divers respect is eyther a Quality or Relation as it is equality the formall thereof is disobedience u Rom. 5.19 Rom. 5.14.15 1. Tim. 2.13 as it is a Relation The Formall of the same is guilt or obliging to everlasting punishment Disobedience passed by Act but guilt was spread on all the posterity by imputation z Rom 5 12. 1. Cor. 15.22 The Formall of Originall Sinne is likewise vsually taken two wayes eyther for guilt which neverthelesse is rather the necessary consequent of that sinne or the proper accident thereof or for that whole deformity of whole nature which was not infused nor yet gotten by imitation but naturall or as wee speake connaturall or begotten together with vs not by the vice of common Nature but by the vice of the first originall Instrument from which all descended naturally a Psal 52.7 Rom. 5.12 1. Cor. 5.22 Eph. 2.3 The Formall of actuall sinne is an inordinatene adioyned to that which is spoken done and lusted after against the Law which ought to be discerned frō the actions motiues as the defect from the effect For sinne is not formally the very action but the corruption or defect of the action and as the Actions of men are two-fold Immanentes trauseuntes to witte abiding in and passing from Whereof those come from the mind and will immediately but these by the members or Instruments of the body mediately so there is a two-fold inordinatenesse the one Inward the other outward b Rom. 24 1. Eph. 2 3 Gal. 5.16 Rom. 15 15. Col. 3.17 Rom. 6.19 The End of the first Originall and Actuall Sinne ought to bee discerned after one and the selfe same manner and consideration Now it is discerned two wayes First by the Accident in respect of God disposing sinne to the iust end and most wisely shewing forth his glory both by workes of justice against them who endeavour to sinne by workes of mercy towardes them whome he freeth from sinne for Christ Secondly according to it selfe in respect of man in whome sinne is in which respect an end of Sinne cannot properly bee granted but in steade thereof are granted two Consequents or effects guilt punishment c Gen. 2 17. Rom. 6.23 Eph. 2.3 2. The. 1.9 By the name of guilt we vnderstand that bond between sinne and punishment as a meane put betweene whereby the sinner is most strongly bound to the subjection of punishment and in the very subiection to the continuance thereof The punishment is both deathes both of the body temporall and of the soule together with the body eternall Wherevnto are conjoyned afflictions as the fore-goers of both and these through the goodnesse of God are in those which are truely faithfull eyther tryals or martyredomes or fatherly chastisements but in the wicked they are in theyr owne nature torments punishments and these two Effects do altogether hold all men bound being considered in the state of nature without any difference of age yea the very Infants who both haue a guilt and feele a most bitter punishment both of losse and sence vnlesse God gratiously avert it Now hee averteth it for the covenant sake in the Infants of the faithfull in whome sinne is taken away by Baptisme both in the lessening of it selfe and the releasing of guilt yet not that it giveth over eyther to be in all equally or to worke in them that are already of full yeares vnequally for that natiue or naturall corruption remayneth in Act even after Baptisme e Rom. 7.18 Exod. 34.7 Pro. 20.9 Iob. 9.20 OF SINNE The Part Confuting In Defence of the Efficient Cause of the First Sinne. DISTINCTIONS I. IN the Fall of Adam three beginnings concurre which must bee distinguished and discerned one Outward two Inward to witte Generall and Particular the Outward beginning vniversall is God in respect of the action The Inward Generall is nature which moveth man to the action naturall The Inward Particular is the will of man in the power whereof the principalnesse of causing consisteth Principalitas cousalitatis as it is such an action II. ADam is two wayes to bee considered eyther as a particular person or as the roote of all mankinde if after the former manner the disobedience of Adam was his owne proper sinne if after the second it was with him and vs common In Defence of the Efficient Cause of Originall Sinne. I. THe Efficient of this Sinne is eyther Totall as they speake or Partiall that which is partiall is improperly and accidentally sayde to bee a cause in respect of the occasion it selfe and it is the tree of life and the instigation of that old Serpent that which is totall is Man himself through the maner of propagation II. THe Propagation of Sinne is two wayes made partly by the manner of Generation and partly by the maner of Fault Of Generation because Sinne is transfused through the body of the Begetter into the body of the begotten materially but into his soule causally and that partly by Gods forsaking and partly by the contagion of the body into which the Soule is infused of Fault because Adam according to the condition wherein hee was created conveighed through his offence as through a certaine gate whatsoever evill was in himselfe into all his posterity III. THe Soule of Man is two wayes considered eyther according to her Essence or according to her Subsistence according to her Essence shee is from the Man that begetteth who communicateth vnto him that is begotten that singular manner of subsisting in the body IIII. THe whole of Nature should be distinguished from the whole Nature because wee haue that from common nature absolutely by Gods ordinance but this mediately from our Parents as the
concerning God is vtte●d For the INFINITNES GOD by speaking properly is not in a place because he is no where ●ontayned yet euery where because he contayneth and reacheth vnto al thing not in quantity but in power For the IMMVTABILITIE WHatsoever change seemes to b● ascribed vnto God in the scriptures it is not in God but in the thing and therefore when Repentance is vttered concerning God it signifieth n● the affect in God but the effect of Go● in men For the ETERNITIE SOmewhat is sayed to bee Eternal● eyther properly or Analogically Properly which by Nature hath neyther beginning nor ending Analog●cally which having a beginning b● the grace and power of God hath no● an end after the former manner God is eternall after the second the Angels and the Soules For the KNOWLEDGE THe Act of Knowledge in God is indivisible wherfore neyther foreknowledge nor remembrance are not ●ncident vnto God but in respect of vs. For the POWER POwer in God takes away all that which is eyther of finite power or want of power For the WILL. THe Will of God is eyther absolute or Conditionall neyther are there contradictory Willes in God sith the thinges and persons are both alike or after the same manner The end of the First Booke THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE first Part of Holy DIVINITIE that is of the Workes of GOD or the Causes of our Salvation CHAP. I. AFter that we haue treated of the 〈◊〉 of holy Divinity we must consider concerning the partes thereof Now the partes of Divinity according to the consideration of the end and of the meanes to the end are two the one of the causes of our salvation and so of the works and Effects of God the other of his Subiect to witte of man and of the diverse state of man for salvation which is the nearest end of Divinity is considered two wayes both in it selfe and the causes thereof simply as also by relation vnto the Subiect vnto which it was ordayned for which respect it is diversly modified or measured according to the manifold condition of the subiect wherein it is The workes of God of which wee must treate in the first part of Divinity are of two sortes Inward and Immanent Outward or Going out those are in the very Essence of God by an Internall and Eternall Act these passe from or goe out of God into the Creatures by an externall and temporall act of the first kind is Predestination of the second if you respect the workes of Nature is Creation and Providence if of Grace Redemption and restoring againe OF PREDESTINATION The Part Confirmatiue CHAP. II. PVrposing to speake of Predestination wee must declare first what Name it is secondly what thing it is Whereas to Predestinate is to appoint and ordayne things to their ends a Rom. 8.29 Eph. 1.5 according to the manifold respect consideration of those ends it is wont to be taken diversly among the Doctors of the Church Now the ends generally to which things created are ordayned are two the one is that to which thinges are carried by the order of nature or according to nature by the ordināce of God the other is that which exceedeth the proportion or measure of the created nature and respecteth the state of man out of this temporall and naturall life the one of the Schoole-men is called Proportionate the other Superexcedent In respect of the former end Predestination is a decree of God or a iudgement of Gods vnderstanding aswell in generall of all thinges created b Act. 4.28 as in speciall of all Creatures reasonable which were to be put over to their certaine end And in this signification it is also of others called Providence and by vs was sayde to be a kind of those inward and immanent actions of God in respect of the latter end Predestination is taken two wayes c Synecdochice Synecdochically even as the state of man out of this naturall life is two-fold eyther commonly or Improperly for the eternall decree of God concerning men to bee saved or punished or singularly and properly for the Act of decreeing vnto eternall salvation which was in the minde or vnderstanding of God and in this signification wee take Predestination in this place This Predestination is to bee discerned two wayes or by two degrees first in it selfe and the causes thereof simply secondly oppositely vnto the contraries of the same Predestination therefore is an Act of Gods good pleasure wherby God from everlasting purposed in himselfe out of the vniversality of Creatures to make some and certaine of them partakers of his grace glory in Christ to his prayse and their salvation The Primary Efficient Cause of this Predestination is God in whome and from whome the very Act of Predestination is as it were from his divine vnderstanding and in it fore-shapened altogether or alwayes going before all things and causes d 2. Eph. 1.5 Rom. 8.29 2. Tim. 1.23 secondly Impulsiue which is the benevolent or well-willing affection of the Will of God in Christ which in Scripture is called the good pleasure of the Will of God e Eph. 1.5 And this act of Gods good pleasure which in God is simple and vniforme according to our humane manner of vnderstāding hath two as it were distinct Predestinations the former is of the end the latter of the meanes vnto the end that distinctly we vse to cal election or fore-knowledge f 1. Pet. 1.2 Rom. 9.11 8.29 but this by a common name purpose g Prothesis and Predestination but both of them is a fore-ordinance from everlasting before all things and the causes that were in the things h Rom. 9 19. Act. 13.48 Rom. 9.11 11.6 The matter of Predestination or to speake more properly the Obiect is man who out of the common nature of his kind was to bee lifted vp or advanced Of this obiect according to that double respect of the act of Gods purpose there ought to be a double cōsideration for if you respect the fore-ordinance of the end man cōmonly absolutly i Rom. 9.20 21.35 is the matter of Predestinatiō but if of the means vnto the end man is who was to perish of himselfe and in himselfe guilty in Adam k Esa 54.16 Rom. 9.22 1. The. 5.9 The forme speciciall indeed and proper is an adoption into Sonnes by Christ l Eph. 1.5 but commonly that whole manner of order in respect both of decree and execution In respect of Decree the order of degrees m Rom. 8.30 is this Fore-knowledge by which God fore-knew them that were to bee Predestinated afore appointment or a determining purpose by which God hath fore-determined the Predestination of them that were fore-knowne both by electing them from everlasting and by preparing for them elected grace in the present world and glory in that to come In respect of Execution the order of degrees is this an effectuall vocation n
of nature from God the naughtines came vnto the Subiect by the corruption of man The Places of Scripture which are wont to bee wrested against the truth of this Doctrine of Providence are for the most part these Against the Materiall Cause 1 Of the Corinth 9.9 Ans Providence is eyther generall or speciall A conclusion from the deniall of the one vnto the deniall of the other is of no force 2 Sam. 1.6 1. King 21.34 Ans Providence and chance are not repugnant the one to the other if the respect of divers causes bee distinguished Esay 31. 1. Act. 5.38 Ans according to the divers considerations of the beginninges wee iudge both of the Causes whether neerest or remote and of the qualities of Actions whether good or bad but whatsoever quality is vitious it is from the particular beginning and not from that which is Vniversall or Common Against the Formall Cause Ezec. 18.33 Ose 13.9 Answ a double consideration of the punishmēt of sinne is wont and ought to bee distinctly noted one is of Iustice in God and hath a respect of morall good another of merite and fault in man hath a respect of evill and in this latter signification these places are to bee vnderstood Prou. 16.4 Answer The working of God in respect of the wicked presupposeth three thinges first the limitation of sinne secondly the withdrawing of Grace thirdly the ordayning of punishment Ierem. 10.7 Answ The Prophet speaketh from the feeling of his own infirmity not of an vntruth in doctrine nor of any wickednesse in life but of his vocation vnto which hee was drawne against his will Exod. 4.21 Esa 69.19 Ezek. 14.9 Rom. 1.28 2. Thes 2.11 Answere A Working is one thing and a working permission is another thing That is in good thinges onely this both in good evil for by permitting God worketh foure wayes first as touching the materiall of sinne secondly as touching the withholding of grace which God oweth to no man because it is grace Thirdly as touching the endes vnto which God disposeth sinnes Fourthly as touching the iust punishment of the sinner whereof this is the highest degree by sinne to punish sinne OF THE WORKES OF Grace or of Redemption CHAP. V. THe Worke of God Externall and Temporall which he bringeth to passe in thinges is twofold of Nature and of Grace The Worke of Nature whereof hithervnto we haue spoken is whereby God hath eyther created thinges not as yet being or conserveth governeth and ordereth them being created by his Providence The Worke of Grace is that which God effecteth in the Elect who shall be heyres of Salvation according to the good pleasure of his will And this Worke commonly is called Redemption for the explication of which worke three thinges concurre the beginning the manner and the Effect or the Application thereof The beginning is Christ as hee is God and man from whome there is no power nor healthfull Action which is needefull for Redemption but doth proceed The manner according to which Christ executed this worke is that holy disposing and dispensation of his offices Now the Effect or Application is discerned first by the degrees hereof in this life that is by Calling and by Iustification Secondly by outwarde meanes that is by Gods Covenant and by his Sacraments Thirdly by the Subiect that is the Church which Christ hath redeemed with his blood Wherefore wee must treate first of Christs person secondly of the offices of his person Lastly of the other places pertayning to the application OF THE PERSON OF CHRIST The Part Confirmatiue CHAP. VI. THe neerest singular and determinate beginning of our Redemption is Christ as hee is God and man because by him Man was to be redeemed in whome our redemption was from everlasting Predestinated by him againe to be restored by whom at first he was created in him he ought to bee made partaker of the loue of God who was the Sonne of loue or the beloved Sonne and at last in him to obtayne the right of Sonnes or adoption who by Nature was the Sonne and heyre of God from everlasting Christ therfore being God and man is as the scripture most briefly defineth the Worde made flesh or God made manifest in the flesh that is a person in whose singularity two Natures the properties thereof remayning whole are vnited for the Redemption of mankind For the explication of this Definition we must consider of three things in order First of the Natures and the necessity verity and actions thereof Secondly of the Subject of the Natures or of the person and of both the Vnity and the operation thereof Thirdly of the Hypostaticall vnion of the Natures and of the manner foundation power and efficacy thereof As concerning the Natures whereas Nature is an outward beginning making the thing it selfe and distinguishing it from other things we acknowledge two such natures in Christ according to the Scripture Divine and Humane both in themselues and in their properties distinct a Rom. 9 1 1. Ioh. 5.20 Phil. 2.6 the one from everlasting immutable immortall impassible the other in time conceyved and borne mutable mortall passible Both are Indivisibly necessary for the redemption of mankind or the dispensation of the office of a Mediator the divine Nature that hee might satisfie God that the satisfaction might bee proportionable to our debt that an Infinite good might helpe an Infinite evill by overcomming death and by vndergoing both the heavines of sinne and the infinitenesse of Gods judgement Adde further that whereas the arbitrement betweene God and man is aboue the humanity because no man can bee a chiefe and supreme messenger of divine thinges but God by his God-head because no working aboue nature such as is a sufficient Intercession with God is of or from nature because no beginning but of the Godhead it selfe can bee the beginning of that satisfaction which may stand before God it must needes bee that according to the divine nature in his person hee tooke on him all the partes of Mediation or Mediatorship But the humane that being man hee might according to the Law satisfie Gods justice that hee might sufficiently suffer for the accomplishment of the worke of satisfaction both by obeying made vnder the law and by dying made a curse according to the Law that in all thinges being like vnto his brethren sinne excepted hee might bee a faithfull and vniversall high Priest in those thinges which are to bee performed before God to purge the sinnes of the people b He. 2.17 Now the divine Nature of Christ that wee may in few wordes speake touching the verity of those Natures is that whereby hee obtayneth the same Essence with the Father and the holy Ghost albeit both according to his person whereby hee is distinguished to bee the Sonne of God and according to the dispensation of his office whereby hee is discerned to bee a Mediator hee is distinguished from the essence of God of which nature
holinesse eyther of both wayes the iudiciall or law signification remayneth 1. Cor. 6.11 Answ First there is a fallacy of conioyning for these three are not ioyned together as if they were b Synonyma of one signification but as subordinate and opposite to the three-folde accusation going before for to those corruptions whereof hee treated he opposeth washing to defiling or vnrighteousnesse fornication covetousnesse hee opposeth Sanctification but to Guilt which hee expresseth in these wordes They shall not inherite the kingdome of God hee opposeth Iustification Secondly hee treateth of Iustification which is made in the name of Christ and not of that which is by a certaine infusion or inherent righteousnesse In defence of the Efficient Cause of Passiue Iustification or the Instrumentall Cause of the Actiue against Bellarmine from the 13. Chap. lib. 1. De Iustificatione to the 19. THat Faith alone doth not iustifie Bellarmine proveth by fiue Arguments First is That the Fathers and Scriptures doe attribute the power of Iustifying not onely to Faith but also to other vertues Chap. 13. Distinctions according to the rancke of his Arguments I. FAITH in the Scriptures and with the Fathers is wont two wayes to be considered one way properly according to the Nature of Faith simply the other may figuratiuely that is by a h Metaleptice transumption correlatiuely whereby faith apprehendeth her obiect after the first manner Faith is sayde not to be alone after the latter it is sayde alone to iustifie II. Iustification which is the actiō of faith is considered two wayes eyther generally for that whole missery of our reconciliation with God or particularly for the principall and speciall part thereof which consisteth in the application and imputation of Christes righteousnesse The ground of the one is Generall the Instrument of the other is particular III FAith is considered one way in the person of him that is iustified another way in iustification it selfe another way in the effect of Iustification In the person of him that is iustified it is the roote and beginning of all vertues In the act of Iustification it is the instrument in the effect it is the dore of life the gate and way into life IIII. THe feare of the Lord in the Scriptures and with the Fathers is taken aequivocally for it signifieth eyther the fore-goer or antecedent of Faith or faith it selfe or the consequent of Faith the Antecedent of Faith because feare is the first degree of faith vnto Iustification First not in time but in order of nature Faith it selfe because the feare of God in Scriptures very often signifieth the whole worship of God knowledge and trust that is Faith it selfe The consequent of Faith because the feare of God or that desire to avoyde sinnes and to performe righteousnesse followeth faith as the fruite the good tree Now whatsoever things are attributed to the feare of God by the Fathers or in the Scripture they are attributed eyther in the second signification by a Synecdoche or in the third by a Metonymy V. THe Word Hope is sometimes taken for trust it selfe according as the same Verbe signifyeth sometime to trust sometime to hope In which signification it is taken of the Fathers and in the Scripture in the places cited by Bellarmine sometimes it is taken oppositely so that faith is of things past and present hope onely of things to come VI. TRue loue which in this world can never be perfect is neyther in time not nature before Iustification seeing that it beeing as it were the effect by issuing forth followeth faith as the neerest cause neyther doe the places of Scripture which are alleadged point out the cause of the remission of sinnes or of Iustification but the Adiunct and the necessary consequent thereof VII THere is a two-fold repentance propounded in the Scriptures a true and an hypocriticall Faith defineth and limitteth the true but the want of faith the hypocriticall and therefore those things which are attributed in the scriptures and by the Fathers to the true repentance they are attributed not in respect of it selfe simply but in respect of faith d Secundū quid after a sort Adde further that by a frequent and vsuall Metonymy in the Scripture that is attributed to the Effect which is proper to the cause VIII THe Purpose and desire truely to receaue the Sacrament as also a purpose and desire of a new life and obedience are excluded from Iustification but not from the person justified for the cause of Iustification is one thing the quality of the person justified is an other thing neyther are the effectes to be confounded with the causes or the causes with their effects The second Argument If Faith cannot be seperated from loue other vertues then it alone cannot Iustifie Cap. 14.15 DISTINCTIONS I. IT is one thing to treate of Faith as it is considered absolutely as a quality but another thing as it is considered relatiuely as an Organ and Instrument being absolutely considered it cannot be separated from good works but considered relatiuely it justifieth without workes because it alone is the Instrument of Iustification and not workes so it is never alone yet it alone worketh in the worke of Iustification II. ANd yet it followeth not that faith justifieth with vices as it justifieth without workes because Faith onely is cōsidered exclusiuely without works as it iustifieth Quae iustificans est and not what it is iustifying III. WHerefore that third point also is in cōsequent that faith if it be alone shall also alone iustifie vs because as Iustification is never separated from faith so neyther is faith from workes As also that is an Inconsequent if the eye alone seeth therefore it shall see although it bee alone IIII. BVt that which the Adversary proveth that true faith may in very deed bee separated from loue and other vertues leaneth vpon no ground and first as touching the places in Iohn 15. there is speech of faith historicall in 1. Cor. 13. Of faith of miracles In Iames 2. Of faith temporall or hypocriticall Secondly as touching the argument taken from the state of the Church hee playeth with the doubtfull signification in the word Faithfull who in the places now cited are so called for the outward profession of faith and the communion of the Churches and not according to the inward truth and formall manner of faith and the Church Thirdly as touching the argument taken from the proper manner of faith and loue it leaneth both vpon a false consequent and a false supposition for this is a false consequent in that albeit there bee two vertues yet they may mutually be separated the one from the other This also is a false supposition in that loue springeth not necessarily from faith for God hath given Faith as the mother begetter of loue Fourthly as touching the absurdity there is none for Iustification shall not therefore depend vpon workes because it is not without
workes whereas these are two divers propositions to bee without workes and to iustifie without workes The third Argument is taken from the removal of the Causes whereas Faith alone Iustifieth which causes are of Bellarmine referred to three heades cap. 16. The first is the authority of the word whervnto the Adversary answereth That it is no where taught in the scripture That wee are iustified by faith onely Answ Though the Particle alone be not expressed in the Scripture yet the signification of that word is expressed by Synonimall formes of speaking which are these 1. Without Workes 2. Of Grace freely by Grace 3. The exclusiue Particles which are two particulars Galat 2.16 but by Faith Luc. 8.30 By beleeving onely by which formes of speaking as all works aswell Ceremoniall as Moral are excluded so faith alone is included as the only Instrument of Iustification The second head is the will of God who will haue vs iustified with the alone condition of faith The Adversary answereth that it contradicteth the Scripture which layeth downe also the condition of Repentance Answere 1. Repentance is the condition of faith and of the person justified but not properly of Iustification 2. It is one thing to treate of the condition of Iustification but another thing of the cause and Instrument therof for a condition noteth a consequent or effect but a cause the Antecedent or Efficient 3. Neyther is our Iustification with the condition of Faith as Faith is a habite in vs but as it apprehendeth Christ out of vs. The third is the nature of faith which alone hath that property that it apprehendeth Iustification The Adversary answereth that Faith doth not properly apprehend Answ There is a double apprehensiō the one of knowledge in the vnderstanding the other of trust in the Will both these Faith includeth which in respect of the vnderstanding and the will apprehendeth Christ but the nature of the Sacramentes is otherwise which were instituted not that they might iustifie but that they might confirme the party iustified in the feeling of his Iustification The fourth Argument is from the maner of Iustifying for we affirme that faith Iustifieth not by the maner of cause worthinesse or merite but by relation onely which Bellarmine denyeth and proveth by three arguments that faith iustifieth by the manner of merite and cause cap. 13. The first is taken from testimonies which teach that faith is the cause of iustification Rom. 3. Rom. 5. Ephes 1. Answer First for Faith is one thing and by Faith is another thing The one is of the cause the other of the Instrument Secondly neyther is the maner of works the same with that of faith in opposition because workes haue the nature of righteousnesse inherent in vs but faith the nature of righteousnesse imputed vnto vs. Thirdly nor doe the places which are alleadged note the cause of Iustification but eyther the Instrument thereof or the quality and state of a man iustified The second is taken from those testimonies which testifie that faith is the beginning of righteousnesse and hereby the formall cause of Iustification Rom. 4. First there is a two-fold imputation as in that very place the Apostle noteth the one of debt the other of grace and the Apostle trea●eth of this and not of that Secondly ●●th Faith is the instrumēt it is no strange ●hing if as it is vsually the manner of ●nstruments the name and the office of the thing whereof it is but the Instrument bee attributed vnto it 1. Cor. 3. First A foundation is vsually considered two wayes properly or by a Metalepsis properly Christ is so but by a Metalepsis Faith which hath respect to Christ For distinctions sake the one may bee called i Primum ad primū the first the other to the first Secondly a foundation is eyther vnderstoode to bee as a part of a building or a ground of a building Christ and Faith are sayd to be the foundation of the Church not properly as they are a part thereof but as they are the Ground and Base of the same Act. 15. First the hearts are justified by faith not as the cause but as the Instrument not by effecting but by affecting or applying Secondly the place it selfe doth manifestly distinguish Faith which is onely the inner instrumētal cause from the cause properly Efficient to witte the Father in the Sonne by the holy Ghost The third is taken from those Testimonies which teach that Remission of sinnes is obtayned by Faith Luke 7. Ans First men are sayde to bee saved both properly of God our onely Saviour and figuratiuely by the meanes which it hath pleased God to vse eyther inward as faith or outward as the voyce of the Gospell and the signes thereof Secondly the efficacy of faith wholy dependeth vpon the object which it apprehendeth and it is sayde to saue for that it is the effectuall and necessary Instrument of Salvation like as the Gospell is called the power to every one that beleeveth vnto salvation Rom. 4. Ans First The Particle wherefore noteth not the cause of the Consequent but of the Consequence Secondly it is there shewed not what the habite of faith deserveth sith faith and merites are opposites but what is the vse and effect of true naturall faith Rom. 10. Answ First the Apostle doth neyther make preaching the cause of faith nor faith the cause of invocation and salvation but teacheth that as that is the Instrument of the one so this is of the other Secōdly the degrees of Salvation are reckoned vppe by the Apostle which are badly confounded with the causes thereof Thirdly those things which Faith obtayneth by Invocation it obtayneth as an Instrument and not as a Cause because all the power of Faith consisteth in Relation Heb. 11. Ans First men please God by faith not for faith Secondly whatsoever examples are cited they note not the merite of Faith but the vse and effect thereof The Fift Argument is fee from two principles the first whereof is the Formal Cause of Iustification which the Adversary affirmeth to bee righteousnesse inherent in vs The second is the merite and necessity of good workes Of the former wee shall treate in the explication of the Formall Cause of the latter in the place concerning good workes DISTINCTIONS IN DEfence of the Materiall Cause I. THere is one Iustice Create and another Increate the one is of God of Christ as hee is God the other of the Creature and of Christ as hee is a creature II. THe Create righteousnesse is eyther of the Person or of the cause by that some person is judged just by this a righteousnesse of the Cause of some controversie is vnderstoode the righteousnesse of the Person to speake properly is in Christ III. OF the person there is one inherent another Imputatiue that was in Christ this is in vs by the worke of the Spirite for Christ IIII. INherent righteousnesse is eyther originall or habituall or else
of the very Institution Neyther must we referre the words of the Promise in the Supper to Christs Sacrifice but to the Sacrament which hee instituted neyther also in Baptisme is the efficacy of the Sacrament simply expressed but the promise given concerning the efficacy V. THe m Concionale word pertaining to the congregation the word of Institution are not opposite but both in Baptisme and the Supper there is the same worde for that which is n Or of Preaching for the congregation in Baptisme the same is of the Institution and that which is of the Institution in the Supper the same is for the congregation VI. IN every Sacrament two things must needes bee distinguished the Substantiall and the Accidentall thereof the one whereof is properly required for the being the other for the well being of the same Now the Preaching of the same is no part of the Essence of the Sacrament but pertayneth to the manner of Administration VII THe Consecration of Sacraments consisteth in two thinges in the Institution or ordinance blessing sealing of the word and in the promise of God himselfe then in the holy vse thereof which is done by prayers and thanksgiving VIII THe chaunge of the Sacramentall word is twofold Substantiall and Accidentall the one properly pertayneth to the sense the other to the wordes and order of the wordes and yet a conclusion from the change of wordes to the change of the Element is of no force because this cannot bee changed without corruption but those may easily be changed the sense neverthelesse remayning Distinctions in Defence of the Cause Materiall I. SIgnes are eyther of things past or thinges present or things to come and they all eyther pointing out or sealing vp or presenting of all which the Sacramentall signes are mixt II. THe signe signifieth eyther the Element or the Action or both wherefore in a Sacramentall thing all that is called the signe which is perceyved by the fences whether it bee seene or heard for the Element is perceyved by the sight but the action by the sight and hearing III. THe thing signified in the sacrament is both a substance and action the substance is eyther properly whole Christ or Synecdochically the body of Christ delivered vnto death and his bloud shed the Action is Gods alone and is eyther Iustification or Regeneration IIII. THe thing and the signes are both offered eyther joyntly and truely in respect of God who promiseth or distinctly in respect of the faithfull to whome without the sacramentall cōmunion the thing signified is truely and spiritually given or of the vnfaithfull to whome even in the Sacramentall Communion the Signes indeede are offered but the thing signified is not given Distinctions in Defence of the Forme and Effect of a Sacrament Bellarmine proveth by ten reasons that the Sacraments of the New Law are the causes of Iustification by the worke done Cap. 8. Lib. 2. de Sacram. Ex opere operato I. THe Sacramentall Signes are sayde to bee practicke not for that they worke by the deede done but because they are effectuall Instruments whereby the truth of Gods Grace in Christ is sealed vppe vnto vs and because Infantes are baptized the Sacramentes doe not therefore immediately effect Sanctity for in respect of the Infants Baptisme is properly a Sacrament of entrance as in respect of them that are growne to full age it is a Sacrament of Sanctification not by effecting but by binding II. GOds institution or authority hath ●ot put a power of effecting in the Sacraments which is proper to the Principall Agent but of signifying sealing and presenting neyther hath humane instirution any place in divine matters sith the nature of those things which concerne faith and religion lerneth vpon the alone word of God III. THe Institution and vse of a Sacrament consisteth in two things first in the Relation of the Signe vnto the thing signified Secondly in the lawfull administration and receyving the verity and vertue of the Relation doth wholy depend vpon the Institutor of the lawfull administration God is the Author according to his will but man is the Minster of the same according to the rule of Gods will and his owne calling IIII. THe Sacraments depend vpon God and Christs Passion after a divers respect vpon God as the cause vpon Christs death and Passion as the object for the Passion of Christ cannot properly be called the cause of the Sacrament but the object and the thing signified wherevnto it is carried V. WE are made assured of the remission of sins by the Sacraments through an assurance not absolute but relatiue not from the former but from the latter not by the Principall but by the Instrumentall not properly by effecting but by scaling VI. THe Sacraments the word haue reference vnto faith not after a contrary but after a subalternall manner because as faith is begotten by the word so it is nourished by the Sacraments both are Instruments yet distinct by manner of working VII SAcraments profite not except they bee well applyed now there are two meanes of Application the one outward the other inward the outward are the Signes and the Word the vse of the Signes is perceyved by the touching but the vse of the Word by hearing the vnderstanding of both is required because the Signes and the word not beeing vnderstood doe not profite the inward is faith which bringeth the vse of the Signes and the word to the Soule VIII THe subordinate Instruments of the stirring vp of faith is the word of preaching or the Scripture and the visible word of the Sacrament neyther doth the one disanull the other but rather settle and establish each other Adde further that the vse of the picture and outward Signes of Baptisme is one and of the Signe is another whereas that hath neyther the worde nor promise this both IX THe profite of the Sacraments is both Generall and Particular in a diverse respect Generall in respect of the entrance and the whole outward action Particular in respect of the Application the one Generally is performed by the Signes and the word the other particularly by faith X. THe Difference of the Sacraments of the olde and new Testament consisteth not in the thing signified but in the manner of signifying and other outward Adjuncts and circumstances whereof wee haue aboue spoken The same Point doth Bellarmine proue by eight Testimonies of Scripture Cap. 4. The First Place is of Mathew the 3. Answ There is no difference made between the Efficacy of Iohns Baptism and Christs but betweene the Persons whereof the one by the outward Ministery onely giveth the water as the Signe of the Remission of sinnes the other by the Inward Efficacy giveth the Spirite as the earnest of the thinges signified And hee vseth the future Tense speaking of Christs Baptisme because he hath respect to the very Ministery of Christs Preaching which he was about to take in hand neyther doth the Place
to be Veniall or pardonable for that it is worthy of pardon but for that God vouchsafeth pardon to the Sinne and the Sinner Not the Third because it is false both that Sinne is Veniall of it own nature and that any the least Sinne should not bee against Charity For it is the transgression of the Law the ende whereof is Loue. Not the Fourth because the Nature or consideration of man offended is one and of God is another for according to the party offended the greatenesse of the offence is esteemed Not the Fift for no sinne is vnperfect because every sinne is a perfect iniquity though there bee degrees of this perfection Not the Sixt because though all sins doe not exclude charity yet they offend Now in that they exclude not or are veniall to the faithfull we must impute it not to sinne it selfe but to Gods mercy in Christ OF FREE WILL. The Part Confirming CAP. V. NOw after the Condition of man vnder Sinne followeth the consideration of humane strength which after Sinne remayned in man and is commonly and vsually expounded and noted by the Name of Free-Will But it is needefull we discerne the nature of this Doctrine three manner of wayes First commonly and absolutely according to the causes thereof Secondly in Particular according to the state and condition of man being a Sinner Thirdly respectiuely and comparatiuely according to the diverse estate of Man out of the State of Sinne whether of his Integrity or redemption or glory Commonly and Absolutely Free-will is defined to bee a naturall power or faculty of the Soule by it owne and proper motion without coaction or forcing to chuse or refuse the good or the evill which is proposed or offered to the will by the mind or vnderstanding to bee chosen or refused The Efficient Cause of this Free-will is vsually two wayes distinguished For one is Primary and another Neerest The Primary or Principall is God the beginning not onely of every good in nature but also of Nature it selfe and of the faculties and functions thereof a Gen. 45.8 Pro. 16.1 Ier. 10.23 Phil. 2.13 The Neerest is Free-will it selfe that is the will of mā which by judgement of reason going before of it owne accord choosing imbraceth or refusing shunneth that which was objected by the mind b Esa 1.19.20 Mat. 23.37 1. Kin. 3.5 Of this will there is vsually had a double consideration the one as touching the Speciall the other as touching the Operation As touching the speciall it is sayed to bee a faculty of willing or nilling as touching the Operation it is sayde to bee a function or action of that faculty eyther improperly occupied about the ends or properly about the meanes that tend to the ends The Matter hath the nature eyther of a Subiect or Obiect That which hath the nature of a Subiect as in this place we consider it is a substance created intelligent indued with reason wherein namely the vnderstanding and will are the essentiall parts proportionally but freedome is sayde to consist or be in these parts as the separable accident in the Subject That which is of the Obiect is generally all that which is put or consisteth in election or choice But specially it is the moral good or evil whervnto the will of the Creature is freely carried or which it freely escheweth And as touching Free-will in the cause of Naturall good the question is more Philosophicall then Divine The Forme of Free-will is the very freedome of the mind or of the Electiue will which for learning sake must three wayes be distinguished known For there is one freedome in the Subject another to the Object and lastly another from the lett that crosseth the same which three it is needefull that wee know for the making of this Forme and for the condition of mans Free-will First there is required freedome in the Subiect that is in the will it selfe which from her inward beginning worketh alwayes freely and that by reason of it owne nature according to which a free necessity of willing is laide vpon it So that it is not to bee called a Will which is bereft of this Freedome For the wil hath such a reciprocacy with Freedome as with it owne Essentiall property Then there is required freedome to the Obiect eyther to both opposite by way of disjunction to witte eyther morall good or morall evill whereof the one is chosen or refused before or rather then the other or to eyther of thē when onely one is offered to be taken or refused Lastly there is required freedome from the let that crosseth For the wil of man is freede from compulsion and from necessity From Compulsion for what it doth it doth the same of it owne accord From Necessity for albeit in respect of the Speciall it be necessarily limited to doe eyther good only or evill onely or both yet by it own inward power it freely limiteth it selfe to the bringing forth of it owne act yet it is needefull that both manners of Freedome be distinguished First from the Freedome of right and secondly from the Freedome of slavery That nature hath denied to man This the corruption of nature He hath not freedome of right who of due is Subject to another and according to the will of the same liueth is moved and worketh c Pro. 21.1 Act. 2.23 Wherefore all selfe power or liberty ought to bee given and assigned to God alone he hath not freedome from slavery who through his owne fault hath made himselfe a slaue to sinne and the tyranny thereof d Ioh. 8.34 The End is the glory of God in his Iustice and mercy and the Salvation or inexcusablenesse of man Particularly in the state of Corruption Free will is defined to be a naturall faculty and power freely and without coaction to chuse and performe the evill which by the mind is offered to the will to be chosen and performed The Efficient Primarie Cause is God both in respect of the Will and the freedome it selfe as being the Author and beginning of both as touching the naturall state thereof The neerest cause are the mind and will of man so farre forth as both by corruption of nature are averted from good and converted to evill and the vnderstanding verily proposeth and iudgeth falshood for truth and the will chuseth and followeth the evill in stead of the good c T it 1.15 1 Cor. 2.14 Rom. 8.7 Rom. 5.6 2. Tim. 2.26 The Matter as it is considered in the Subiect is the naturall or carnal man but as in the obiect it is the evill vnto which the actions of both faculties are carried Now the Evill whether you referre it to the inward or to the outwarde actions wee two wayes consider absolutely and in it selfe or Relatiuely as having reference to another thing The Evill absolutely is that which is strictly forbidden of God Relatiuely is that which is evill in the obiect circumstances and end that is which
sayd to be that whereby one cannot be compelled to do or suffer any thing against his naturall inclination from Vnchangeablenesse is sayd to be that which can frame it selfe indifferently or contingently to both opposites and so can do and not do suffer and not suffer The first freedom is not in man corrupt the Second is in every man of whatsoever state and condition The third was in man before the fall V. ONe freedome is sayd to be from necessity an other from sinne an other from misery The first is of Nature The second of Grace The third of glory VI. FReedome is eyther properly taken for the freedome which is in the Subject to the Object and from the contrary impediment or vnproperly or Synecdochically for one of these Liberties That Man cannot without faith or the speciall helpe of God perform any morall good against Bel. Li 5. de Grat. Lib. Ar. Cap. 9. I. GOod Workes are two wayes vsually considered eyther according to their outward manner or according to their inward In respect of both God is sayde to reward good workes of the one because they carry a shadow of civill goodnesse which also is acceptable to God as touching it selfe but of the other because they are done in faith according to Gods Rule and Prescript to Gods glory Now God rewardeth not according to the proportion of merite but according to the grace of promise notwithstanding those places of Exodus the 1. because there is noted an antecedent but not a cause of Gods blessing towardes the Mid-wiues Of Ezek. 2.29 and Daniel 4. because the Consequence is of no force from the outward rewarding to the quality of the Worke. For God is wont liberally to recompence an outward obedience with an outward rewarding II. A Thing is sayd to be good Equivocally and that two wayes eyther that it is such indeed or that it appeareth such or else that it is eyther good in it selfe as touching the substance of the worke or that it is sayde to be perfectly good in the Object Subiect End and other circumstances The Workes of the Heathen are called good workes eyther according to the appearance onely or because the substance of the worke is good though it be evill in the Subject obiect end other circumstances III. THe Fathers which seemed to attribute any thing to Nature eyther treated onely of those outward Civill and politicke actions as Basil and Augustine or of the natural good as Chrisostom● or of Workes according to the common opinion as Hierome IIII. IN the Works of Heathens all and every of those thinges are wanting which are required of the Adversary for the making of a good worke the circumstance of the end is wanting because that is not don for God which is not done for his commaundement according to his rule or for Gods glory The Action is defiled by the naughtinesse of the cause because whole man is whole sinne wholy not onely as touching himselfe but also as touching his actions Neyther hath a good worke any proportion with the strength of nature because to will and to do good is of grace and not of nature and so good workes are not onely hard but also impossible to Nature Neyther do the absurdities proue the contrary because wee are bound of duety to doe good workes nor are they therefore called evill because they are done simply but because they are not well done That there is no Free-will in godly and saving actions against Bellarmine Lib. 6. cap. 10.11.12 THe Freedome of Will is vsually considered two wayes in man regenerate according as there are in him two divers and contrary beginninges the beginning of good which is the Spirite or the parte Regenerate the beginning of evill which is the flesh or the part vnregenerate Hence the freedome of will in respect of the first beginning freely willeth good in respect of the other it freely willeth evill and in this sence is Free-will in man Regenerate diversly pronounced eyther to be or not to be AND THis is the State of man according to Nature and his naturall condition both in his first originall condition and Creation and in his change and corruption which after followed by sinne Now the other state of mā in this life according to the Grace of Vocation which is aboue Nature is to be known and discerned Now it ought to be discerned two wayes according as the Ch●istian calling and estate or the condition of a Naturall Christian man is in this life comprehended in two principall heades to wit Faith and good Works For these are the two partes of a Christian calling and the two most conjunct dueties of a Christian man namely to Belieue and to Doe for faith imbraceth the Grace of God in Christ good works doe testifie and performe Thankefulnesse for that Grace OF FAITH The Part Confirming CAP. VI. BY the Name of Faith wee doe vnderstand an outward and hypocriticall profession of Religion and Faith a Mat 13 20.21 Heb. 6.4.5 6. not a temporall knowledge and assent concerning Gods Grace b Act. 8.13 Iac. 2.29 Lastly not a certaine perswasion concerning some miraculous effect conceyved by a singular revelation or promise c Mat. 17.20 1. Cor. 13.2 but we meane that which properly and simply is so called and is pronounced by it selfe concerning the onely Elect and them all Wherevpon it is wont commonly to be called the saving iustifying faith d Rom. 3.28 and is a gift of God or a holy habite e Inditus given inwardly by the Spirite of God whereby the godly in their vnderstanding beleeving Gods truth receiue with a sure and firme assent of Wil the promises of the saving good-will and grace of God in Christ to his glory their salvation The Efficient Cause of faith is two wayes vsually expounded Primary or Instrumentally The Primarie Cause of Faith is God who had his fore-going good pleasure and the onely free affection of his will no preparation of our righteousnes going before or merite of our workes accompanying the same f Ioh. 6.29 Eph. 2.8 Luc. 24.32 The Instrumentall Cause of Faith is two-folde the one inward and chiefe the other outward and furthering The inward chiefe Cause is the holy Ghost who begetteth the same in the Elect by a speciall action next and immediately beyond the order of nature partly by disposing the vnderstanding to the saving knowledge and receyving of Christ partly by induing the will with new qualities and by inclining the same that it might particularly and firmely assent and cleaue to that knowledge and receyving g 1 Cor. 12.9 2. Cor. 4.6 Gal. 5.22 The outward and furthering Cause is the preaching of the Gospell by which the holy Ghost ordinarily formeth confirmeth this very worke of Faith in vs albeit God according to the Liberty of his power and will may beget worke faith without the vse of this ordinary meanes when it pleaseth him and is
Life but the Instrument and meane to attaine vnto life Neither doe the places which are cited proue any thing else which doe eyther note the quality of them that are to be saved and not the cause of Salvation Heb. 10.1 Tim. 2. Rom. 10. or doe intimate the way of righteousnesse by which men come vnto Salvation Phil. 2. 2 Cor. 4. Or lastly doe treate of the Effects from which as from that which is the a A Posteriori That is from the Effect to the Cause latter judgement both may and should be had of them that are truely justified and hereafter shal be glorified Mat. 25. Iac. 1. 2. Cor. 7. II. NEyther doth the reason alleadged from an absurdity and expressed in the ninth Chapter proue the contrary for Faith alone is sayde to saue vs aequivocally eyther in respect of faith because it is alone or of salvation because it alone saveth Faith is not alone without works but it alone saveth and justifyeth without workes as the eye onely seeth yet not alone but joyned together with the Body That the Law of God is not possible to be fulfilled by vs against Bellarmine Lib. 4. Cap. 11. I. THe Testimonies of Scriptures which are alleadged First Ma● 11. 1. Ioh. 5. treate not of the nature of the Law compared with the power of the Regenerate or not Regenerate for the fulfilling of the same but eyther of the burthē of the Crosse which the inward vertue and efficacy of Christs Spirite and the hope of eternal immortality doe ease or of Gods commandements in Generall aswell in respect of Faith as of good workes which are not so farre grievous that by them the faithfull should be oppressed for both the Spirite becommeth conquerour and whosoever beleeveth i● freed from the curse of the Law Secondly those in Ioh. 14. Ro. 13 Gal. 5. Ioh. 15. doe not treate of our power for the fulfilling of the Law but eyther of our duety or of the effect of our loue towardes God Or lastly of the loue of our neighbour as a most evident Testimony of the whole obedience of the Law Thirdly in Psalm 118. 1. King 14. Act. 18. 1. Kin. 15. 2. King 23. 2. Chron. 15. 11. There is no speech concerning any perfection of the righteousnesse of those who are named righteous absolutely but eyther respectiuely or by relation vnto others or Inchoatiuely as touching themselues or by Imputation in respect of Gods acceptance Or lastly after a sort in respect of their owne sincerity opposed or set against Hypocrisie II. THe reasons which are alleadged Chap. 13. proue not the question in hand Not the First for it is grounded vpon a false presupposall and vpon that which by the Schoolemen is tearmed Petitio Principij Not the Second because it playeth vpon a false consequent for our bond remayneth albeit our weakenesse or want of power bee admitted like as the debt is wont to remaine though the debtor bee not able to pay Not the Third because God hath his reasons First he doth not require a debt in vaine and we are put in mind of our debt Secondly the Principles of nature are not in vaine stirred vp for the convincing of the wicked and the saving of the godly Not the Fourth because the Apostle discourseth Rom. 8. of the right of the Law not of Iustification and that right is not saide to be fulfilled of vs but in vs. Not the Fift because the operations of the Spirit are produced in vs according to the manner of the Instrument and the measure of our Infirmity Not the Sixt because as being Iustified they are born of God they performe the Law but as they are regenerate vnperfectly they performe and fulfil the same vnperfectly OF MANS ESTATE after this Life The Part Confirming CAP. VIII ANd this is the State of Mā in this life both according to the condition of his first Originall or Naturall corruption as also according to his regeneration by Grace or the truth of Christian calling Now the other State of Man which shal bee after this life next ensueth the same and it ought two wayes of vs to bee considered and declared eyther Generally in respect both of the godly and vngodly or Particularly in respect of these or those Generally the estate of man after this life is knowne by two degrees by the resurrection of the flesh and the last iudgment The Resurrection of the flesh is an iterated and indivisible coupling of the soule with the body wrought by the mighty power of God that when death shall be conquered men made immortall might liue for euer eyther in glory or in torment The efficient cause principal of the Resurrection is the whole Godhead For the father raiseth the dead the sonne quickneth whome he will and the holy Ghost with the father and the sonne giueth a fulnes of life aswell to the body as to the a 1. Cor. 15.12 1. Thes 4 14. 1. Cor. 15.25 soule but the instrumentall or ministeriall are the Angells the effectuall working of whome the scripture signifieth by a Metaphor of a sounding Trumpet The matter is mans body the same in number as touching the substaunce which wee beare in this life whether it bee of them which are dead or of those which shall bee found aliue at the last day b Dan 12.2 Ioh. 5.26.29 1. Thes 4.16.17 The forme according to the consideration of the matter shal be eyther a Restoring of the dead vnto life or that proportionable and conformable transformatiō of those which shal be foūd aliue This form the changing of the qualities of the body doth accompany being indeed a generall incorruption and immortallity but besides these in respect of the faythful there shal bee a particular glory power and spiritualnes of the bodyes The end principall is the glory of the righteousnes and grace of God Subordinate according to the considerations of the persons that rise agayne eyther the salvation and glory of the Elect or the punishment and casting away of the Reprobate The last or extreame iudgement is a iudiciall act whereby Christ in the last day with greate maiesty and glory shal giue sentence vpon all men vniuersally The efficient cause principall as touching indeed the iudiciall power and authority is God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost but as touching the maner of iudgment or exercise therof Christ is not onely as he is God but also as hee is man both because of the estate of glory which followeth together with the personall vnion of the divine and humane nature as also because of the agreeablenesse and affinitie of himselfe with men c Mat. 24.30 Luc. 21.27 2. Tim. 2.8 The Administring Cause shall bee the Angells whose Service God will vse both in the gathering together and in the separating and singling out of them that shal be judged d Mat. 24.31 1. Thes 4.16 The Matter as it respecteth the subject is the faith or infidellty of every
one declared by the effects of both but as concerning the Object are both vniversally all Creatures even the vnreasonable which shall be freed from the servitude of corruption and generally all both Angels and Men and particularly that man of Sinne and Sonne of Perdition Antechrist e Mat. 29.32 1. Thes 4.17 Apoc. 20.12 The Forme is that whole order and proceeding of the most majesticall judgement comprehended in the very preparation both of the Iudge and of the Persons to be judged in the sentēce of the judgement and in the execution of the sentence f Mat. 25.32 1. Thes 4.16.17 The End Supreame is the glory of God himselfe and the accomplishmēt or Christs office Subordinate the iust condemnation of the wicked and the glorious felicity of the faithfull both which the infinitenesse and eternity either of joy or sorrow followeth g 2. Tim. 4 8. Particularly the State of man after this life after the time of that vniversall life resurrection and last judgement is eyther of life or death eternall Life Eternall is the life of glory wherein the Soule ioyned to our body enioyeth God for ever being advanced to the highest toppe and height of her felicity The cause of this life is God to wit the Father the Efficient the Sonne the Meritorious and the holy Ghost the sealing and applying Cause h Ioh. 14 2● Apo. 21.3 1. Cor. 15.45 Rom. 8.11 The Matter which hath the respect of the Subiect are those good things which neyther eye hath seene nor eare heard nor can the mind of man comprehend i 1. Cor. 15 28. That which is of the Obiect are all the blessed and elect k Apo. 21.3 Mat. 25.24 The Forme is the most perfect knowledge vision and fruition of God himselfe and the exceeding felicity blessednesse of man which accompanieth the same which also consisteth both in the separation and absence of all evill things in the participation and presence of all good things both are both perfect and eternall l Apo. 22.4 Psa 7 15 1. Ioh. 3.2 Psa 16.11 The End is the glory of Gods grace and the glorifying of the elect m Apo. 1. Cor. 15.28 Death Eternall is the vnspeakeable and most miserable condition of the reprobates appointed or decreed of God whereby both their Soule and body are most justly adiudged to eternall punishments The Efficient Cause remote is God the most iust iudge the Instrumentall is Sathan the neerest is Sinne n Mat. 25.41 The Matter which hath the respect of the Subiect are Eternall punishments that which is of the Obiect are the Cursed and the Workers of iniquity o Ioh. 5.29 1. Thes 1 9. The Forme is the perpetuity and the infinitenesse of the punishments in Hell p Apo. Esa 66.24 Mat. 4.42 The End Supreame is the glory of Gods Iustice The Neerest is the iust condemnation and punishment of the wicked OF MANS ESTATE after this Life The Part Confuting Touching the Resurrection I. THe Resurrection in the holy Scripture is two wayes taken Figuratiuely or Properly Figuratiuely eyther by a Metonymy it signifieth immortal life or by a Metaphor eyther a deliverance from danger or the regeneration of the Soules which is a spirituall resurrection and is called the First Properly Resurrection signifieth the quickning of the Bodie which shal be done at the last day which also is called the Second II. THere is one Resurrection Vniversall and Finall which no man shall escape an other Particular or foregoing whereof there are particular examples extant in the Scriptures Of the last Iudgement I. IVdgement in the Scriptures signifieth three things eyther the cause of damnation or an vniversall governement or the very Act eyther of condēnation or Iustification II. THere is a two-fold Iudgement of the Lord Particular or Antecedent When God in this life eyther defendeth his people or represseth the wicked Vniversall being the last which shall be done in the last day of the Resurrection III. THe Sonne is sayde to be the iudge of the world not exclusiuely or oppositely but by an appropriation for that by the Sonne in a visible forme the last iudgement shall be executed IIII. THe Sonne is said to be ignorant of the day of iudgement eyther because he would haue vs to be ignorant thereof or as touching his humane nature which by ordinary and naturall knowledge knoweth nothing of this matter or as touching his state of humility which as touching his voluntary dispensation hee hath taken vpon him Of Life Eternall I. THere are 3. kinds or differences of life there is a life of nature which the Apostle calleth Naturall There is a Life of Grace which the Sons of God alone doe enioy in this world there is a life of Glory which consisteth in the vision of God II. LIfe Eternall is two wayes taken Metonymically both for the way to life and for Christ himselfe Properly for the State of the blessed after this life III. THere is one Vision of God Naturall in the thinges created an other Specular or Symbolicall by resemblances and Signes an other of Faith by the doctrine and doings of Christ an other of Present sight or of glory to come when we shall see God face to face Of Death Eternall DEath is fowre-fold First Corporall which in the Scriptures is also called Temporall and the first death in respect of the wicked Secondly Spirituall and that eyther of the faithfull or vnfaithfull that of the faithfull is three-fold of Sinne which is called Mortification of the Law as it is the power of Sin of the world as the world is dead vnto them The death of the vnfaithfull is that which may be called the death of faith or of the soule Thirdly Eternall which is called the second Fourthly Civill death which of the Lawyers is sayde to be of them which are condemned to death FINIS