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A09026 The grounds of diuinitie plainely discouering the mysteries of Christian religion, propounded familiarly in diuers questions and answeres: substantially proued by scriptures; expounded faithfully, according to the writings of the best diuines, and euidently applyed by profitable vses, for the helpe and benefite of the vnlearned which desire knowledge. To the which is prefixed a very profitable treatise, containing an exhortation to the study of the word, with singular directions for the hearing and reading of the same. By Elnathan Parr minister of the word, at Palgraue in Suffolke.; Grounds of divinitie. Parr, Elnathan, d. 1622. 1614 (1614) STC 19314; ESTC S103147 128,560 328

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somewhat to offer God in the same person that such offring might be sufficient For the worke of our Redemption was performed by the Man-hood but the vertue and merite was from the God-head And here we haue found out the Reason why the Righteousnesse of Christ should be of merite sufficient and effectuall for thousand thousands euen all the Elect because it is the righteousnesse and obedience not of a méere Man but of God and Man in one person euen of God himselfe whose goodnesse and righteousnesse must néeds be as himselfe of infinite merite forre and vertue The righteousnesse then of Christ hath this aptitude or nature to make all beléeuing sinners righteous because it was so appointed of God It hath power and sufficienty is to doe because it is the righteousnesse of God Vse 1. To giue thankes vnto God for the Incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ and our redemption by him and to take delight to grow in the knowledge of it according to the Scriptures For indéed how can he be a Christian or Godly who knoweth not his Sauiour nor the great mystery of Godlinesse concerning him 1. Tim. 3.16 Ioh. 8.24 1. Ioh. 5.10 Ibid. 11.12 as it is called Nay wholly to be ignorant thereof or to deny it is to deny our sinnes make God a lyar and to loose eternall life Vse 2. Is Christ God Then tremble all yée prophane wretches which despise his Word and Sacraments yea let all such tremble who teare his Body Bloud and Passion by their blasphemous oathes for he is God yea a iealous and reuenging God yea a consuming fire But let all such as feare him and trust in him be comforted yea let them be merry and ioyfull for he is God most true and able to performe all his pretious promises of saluation And though shame disgrace rebukes of men and cruell persecutions follow the profession of his Name Gospell shrinke not neither be ashamed he is able and will both beare thée out assist thée and reward thee in his Kingdome Remember Paul 2. Tim. 1.12 For the Gospell saith he I suffer but I am not ashamed for I know in whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that hee is able to keepe that which I haue committed vnto him vnto that day Is Christ man Then be comforted thou which art afflicted in body or minde which beleeuest For wee haue a high Priest which is touched with our infirmities Heb. 2.17.18 4.15.16 and is full of compassion who was afflicted who suffered and was tempted that he might be able to succour them which are tempted Is Christ God and Man in one Person Then let thy soule by Faith rest on his obedience as sufficient yea of infinite price for thy Redemption c. Qu. I conceiue in some measure I thanke God the exceeding worthinesse of the person of Christ and that his righteousnesse is of a sufficient merite for all the Elect yea if it had so pleased God for a thousand worlds but what is this Righteousnesse of Christ for the which we are iustified Ans It is to speake properly his actuall obedience whereby he fulfilled the will of his Father both in perfect keeping of the Law and in voluntary suffering the punishment due to our finnes Rom. 5.19 Phil. 2.8 Explic. The Righteousnesse of Christ is two folde vncreated essentiall to the Godhead which is incommunicable and cannot be imputed and created being either the holinesse of his nature which improperly I would not deny to be imputed or Hebr. 7.26 of his actions which is the actuall obedience spoken of in the Answer which properly is imputed and comprehendeth his holy life and whole humiliation vnder diuers heads deliuered in the Créede Of the which I will not in particular inquire because there are diuerse Expositions of these things in euerie mans hand so plentifull and excellent that the Authors séeme to haue left nothing further to be spoken therein Vse It is the righteousnes of Christ for the which onely we are iustified in the sight of God not for our owne inherent righteousnesse either in whole or in part because it is vnperfect and wil not endure the rigor of the Law nor is proportionable to the iustice of God which is to be satisfied yea the maintaining of Iustification by workes ouer-turneth the foundation of Religion which whosoeuer obstinately and finally holdeth cannot possibly be saued Q. How shall I bee made partaker of this righteousnesse of Christ Ans Wee are made partakers of the righteousnesse of Christ by faith onely Ioh. 1.12 Ioh. 20.28 Act. 26.18 Rom. 3.22 28. and 4.6 Gal. 2.16 c. Expl. As the righteousnesse of our owne workes is not that for the which we are iustified so neither is it or the sacrifice of the Masse the Instrument of applying the obedience of Christ vnto vs but onely Faith And faith is that instrument not for any inward dignity or merit of it neither as it is a quality or good worke nor because it hath Charity ioyned with it but because it receiueth and embraceth Christ Ioh. 1.12 Rom. 1.17 And therefore we are iustified by Faith or through Faith but not for Faith When therefore we say Faith iustifieth it is meant Correlatiuely or in regard of the obiect which it apprehends the Righteousnesse of Christ being hence called the Righteousnesse of Faith Euen as it is the Treasure which maketh rich the hand onely receiues it euen so our Faith receiueth the Treasure of the Righteousnesse of Christ whereby we are iustified and enriched to eternall life And because Faith onely hath this property and power to receiue the righteousnesse of Christ therefore we say that we are iustified by Faith onely not so to be vnderstood as that we exclude Loue and good Workes from Faith but from the act of iustifying and receiuing the promise for though Faith and good Workes agrée together in the conuersion and renouation and obedience of a Christian as the life and the actions of life the Trée and the Fruit the Cause and the Effect Yet in the particular of iustification they are as contrary as fire and water Rom. 10.3 and 11.6 and destroy one another The manner of our Iustification by Faith is thus God in the promise of the Gospell offereth the Righteousnesse of Christ and withall in the hearts of his children by his Spirit worketh a power whereby they receiue it which is Faith not onely belieuing the truth of the promise in generall but in particular applying to themselues which Faith by the sentence of God is then imputed to vs for Righteousnesse to Iustification Vse We are here admonished specially to labour for this same Faith without which Christ dyed indéed and was righteous but not for vs. The excellency of Faith cannot sufficiently be expressed By this the Word and Sacraments are profitable vnto vs our Prayers auaileable by this By this our obedience is acceptable we please God we stand we
prayer to God for vnderstanding for as wee cannot see the Sunne without his owne light so we cannot see the wonders of the word vnlesse the Lord manifest them vnto vs by his Spirit The third thing that is to be done that wee may read in iudgement is Application to make vse of that wee attaine vnto by reading in the reforming of our liues Many esteeme highly of the tree of knowledge with Eue but they regard not the tree of life when as the very life of our knowledge consisteth in the practise of that which we know As it is said of Hearers so it is true of Readers Not the readers of the word Ioh. 13.17 Iam. 4.17 but the doers shall be iustified And These things if you know them happy are you of you doe them Nay he that knoweth and doth not shall bee the more beaten and is guilty of the more sin As therefore wise men labour to make profite of all things they deale with so we should propound this end to our selues in all our reading that it may be profitable to teach to improue to correct and to instruct vs in all righteousnesse that we may become absolute and perfect in all good workes Some read onely to this end that they may know more then they did and this is vanity Some that they may bee knowne to know more and this is pride Some to make a gaine of their knowledge and this is filthy lucre Some to edifie others and this is charity Some to edifie themselues and this is Christian prudence such like words hath one of the Antients Another saith thus Then is our reading to be commended when we turne the words into workes And againe the Scriptures are Gods Epistle written to men to the end they should liue well And the Holy Ghost better then all Reuel 1.3 Blessed is he that readeth and they that heare the words of this prophesie and keepe those things which are written therein Amen Now to God onely wise be honour and praise for euermore 1. Tim. 1.17 Amen Amen THE GROVNDS Of Diuinitie The prime and chiefest place of Diuinity is concerning God Heb. 11.6 Hee that commeth to God must beleeue that God is and that hee is a rewarder of them which seeke him and this is life eternall Iohn 17.3 that they know thee the onely very God and him whom thou hast sent IESVS CHRIST QVESTION HOw may we come to the sound knowledge of God Ans The best meanes to attaine such knowledge is by the holy Scriptures Esay 8.20 Iohn 5.39 Explication The knowledge of God is either Naturall or Reuealed That which is Naturall is either by the notions imprinted in euery mans minde whereby the conscience is conuinced or by the consideration of the creatures which naturall knowledge is vnsufficient to saluation Rom. 1.19 20. though sufficient to leaue vs without excuse The Reuealed Knowledge is that which is attained by the word of God who though he dwell in the Light which none can attaine vnto 1. Tim. 6.16 yet hath therein reuealed himselfe so farre as he saw fit for vs to vnderstand This knowledge beyond comparison is far more excellent then the naturall 1. Cor. 8.1 is sufficient to saluation in regard of Knowledge but not in regard of working or effecting it which onely is by the holy Spirit making this knowledge effectual to syncere faith loue feare obedience c. Quest What are the holy Scriptures Ans The holy Scriptures are all those bookes of the old and new Testament by the direction and inspiration of the Holy Ghost written or approued by the Prophets and Apostles Explic. These are the writings of the Prophets which are contained in the Hebrew Canon of the old Testament Those the writings of the Apostles which are contained in the Greeke Canon of the New But all those bookes vsually contained in our Bibles from the end of the small Prophets to the Gospell of Saint Matthew together with the prayer of Manasses are called Apocrypha that is hidden which though they containe many wholesome things and for many ages haue béene read in the Church yet are to be distinguished from the other being neither equall in authority nor of any more credit then as they agrée with them They are called the Scriptures that is the Writings in regard of their supereminent excellency being vnto all other Writings as the Sunne vnto the lesser Starres both in regard of their péerelesse worth and also because that all other bookes obtaine a degrée of worthinesse according as they more or lesse accord with them They are called Holy Rom 1.2 because of the Authour which is God 2. Tim. 3.16 because of the Pen-men 2. Pet. 1.21 which were holy Men because of the matter which is the holy Will and Counsell of God Act. 20.27 because of the vse to make vs holy and perfect in all good workes 2. Tim. 3.17 It pleased God that the heauenly doctrine shold he written both that it might be the better conueied vnto succéeding posterities and also that it might bee the safer preserued from corruption there beeing an infallible standeth for the examining and determining of all doctrines and opinions which should arise If the worship of God and the doctrine of saluation hath béene meruailously depraued now it is written what think wée would it haue béene if it neuer had béene written Vse Whosoeuer then desires the true and sound knowledge of God are to bée admonished to procure themselues Bibles and diligently to reade in them or if they cannot reade to heare others that they may fetch euen from the Fountaine it selfe the doctrine of saluation and also that they may euen discerne the bookes wherein the same is infallibly contained For though it be possible for a man to bee saued holding the summe of the heauenly doctrine without the distinct knowledge of the seuerall bookes yet it is the duety of all Christian men and women so farre as they haue meanes and are capable of it to endeuour to attaine to the Historicall knowledge of the Bible and bookes Canonicall therein contained First that they may with all thankfulnesse honour the holy Scriptures aboue all other Writings Secondly that they may make the best profite of the Preaching of the Word which they cannot doe who when Authorities are alleaged and places quoted are not able to distinguish the worth of the authority as whether it bee Diuine or Humane Thirdly for the more certainty of their faith when they can themselues find and examine by the holy Scriptures those things which are Preached In which regard the men of Berea are commended as an example vnto vs. Act 17.10.11 For all doctrines of men are to bee examined by the Scriptures and no further to be credited then they haue warrant from the same This condemnes them which are negligent this way which negligence is by too well knowne experience found to bée the
cause that after long Preaching many remaine very grosly ignorant Q. What doe you meane by this word Testament Ans By Testament I vnderstand the vnchangeable Couenant betweene God and man Gen. Ier. Cor. 6.18 concerning the mercy of God by Christ to man and mans obedience to God Q You say that the holy Scriptures are the Bookes of the Old and New Testament Are there then two Testaments Ans I beleeue that the Testament or Couenant of God is but one in regard of Substance though in regard of Circumstance it be said Gal. 4.24 that there are two Expli The Doctrine of Grace offering to men in the name of God saluation and binding man to obedience and thankefulnesse to God is called in regard of the forme of conuention agréement betwéene God and man a Couenant and in regard of the maner of confirming it a Testament being in many things like a Testament For first as in a Testament or last Will the Testators minde is declared so is the will of God in his word Secondly as in a Will so héere is a Testator which is Christ a Legacie which is eternall life Heires which are the Elect an instrument and Writing which are the Scriptures and Seales which are the Sacraments Thirdly and principally as a Testament is in force by the death of the Testator Heb. 9.16.17 so the Couenant of God is ratified by the death of Christ This Couenant is and hath béene alwaies one and the same to Abraham and the Elect before Christ Rom. 4.23 24. the same that it is to vs for all are saued by Christ they by him to come wée by him come in the flesh Acts 15.11 But because God in his manifold wisedome otherwise propounded it to the Fathers otherwise to vs Euen as a Physition administreth after one manner to a child after an other to a man growne for the diuersitie of their age and temperament therefore it is said to be double God bringing them and vs after a diuers manner to the knowledge of saluation by his Sonne Christ For before the comming of Christ the manner of the Couenant to the Fathers was darke burdensome and costly they being gouerned and tutored by the ministery of the Law a seuere Schoole-maister Gal. 3 24. vnder hard conditions as the yoake of many diners Ceremonies to be abolished Heb. 15.10 Gal. 3.10 and the burden of the Curse and hence it is called Old but vnto vs all things are after a more plaine easie and frée manner without the same strict exaction of the law of obedience to be performed in our owne persons Act. 13.38.39 the grieuous burden of the Curse and the intollerable yoake of Ceremonies being remoued from our neckes by the preaching of the Gospell and for this it is called New Therefore Saint Augustine said that the new Testament was hidden in the Old and the Old manifested in the New Wherefore when you read in the Scriptures that the old Testament was but for a tune Heb. and to be abolished c. and that the new is better and such like vnderstand this opposition and abolition not in the bookes for the bookes of the old Testament are the word of God which abideth foreuer nor in the substance or matter but in regard of circumstances afore spoken Notwithstanding this the Law it selfe or Decalogue which by a figure is sometimes called the Couenant must be holden to be a diuers kinde of doctrine from the Gospell and bringing forth in respect of vs contrary effects 2. Cor. and the Gospell not to bee a new Law differing from the old onely by a further degrée of perfection or by addition of Councels as the Papists teach Vse 1. Remember that to be in couenant with God is the fountaine of all thy happinesse which Couenant the Law is not but it is the Copy as it were of the Articles points agréed vpon betwéene God and thy selfe declaring not why God is thy God but what he requireth of thée nor why thou art receiued to grace but what thou promisest to do As then when thou sealest to Couenants or Indentures which are for thy great aduantage thou labourest well to vnderstand what thou sealest to and art careful to kéepe conditions on thy part so this requireth that thou shouldest know the law of thy God with the particular points thereof and if thou expectest the aduantage of the couenant that thou shouldest precisely kéepe the conditions on thy part which if thou doest not but transgressest it is as if thou shouldest deny thine owne hand and seale Vse 2. Remember also that the Scriptures are Christs Testament wherein thou hast a rich bequeathment of eternall life As men neglect not to haue the Copies of their fathers wils wherein the inheritance is giuen them and aske counsel and are very conuersant in them that they may vnderstand euery tittle in them Iohn 5.39 Col. 3.16 so shouldest thou be diligently conuersant in the word of God Q. Of what authority are the holy Scriptures An. I beleeue that they are of a diuine Authority whereby we are infallibly certaine of the Doctrine contained in them Psal 119.9 Esay 8.20 Gal. 6.16 Phil. 3.16 2. Tim. 3.16 2 Pet. 1.19 and necessarily bound to beleeue and obey the same Being therefore called the word of God and the perfect and onely Canon of our faith and life Expl. The Scriptures are two waies taken essentially for the doctrine contained in them and accidentally for the writings wherein such Doctrine is expressed now in both these they are Diuine but Canonicall properly the first way The whole Scripture is the rule but not the whole of the Scripture as in a Carpenters Rule euery thing that is of the Rule is not the Rule The Scriptures are Diuine and infallible because God is the Author who can neither be deceiued nor deceiue by word signe or writing They are Canonical 2. Tim. 3.16 2. Pet. 1.20 21. Esay 8.20 Rom. 15.4 1. Tim. 3.14.15 Ioh. 20.31 because written to this end namely to be the rule of our Faith and Life And of this authority they are in themselues though all the world should contradict it or be ignorant of it As the sunne was the measure of the day night before either man or beast were made to behold it That they are diuine it must néeds be Deut. 5.32 Eze. 20.29 2. Tim. 3.16 because of God the Author and Canonicall they must nées be because diuine which two agrée together as the cause and the effect Vse 1. Hence wée learne that by the Scriptures as by a supreme Iudge all controuersies in Religion are to be decided Euen as all difference and strife about weight is ended by an euen and iust ballance so all dissention in the faith is by the vnpartiall beame of the Sanctuary which is the Scriptures easily certainly compounded Yea we attribute this