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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14612 The contrition of a Protestant preacher, converted to be a Catholiqve scholler conteyning certayne meditations vpon the fourth penitentiall psalme, Miserere / composed by Iames Waddesworth, Bachlour of Diuinitie in the Vniversity of Cambridge, & late parson of Cotton, and of Great-Thorneham in the County of Suffolke, who went into Spaine with the Kinges Maiesties first Embassadour-Legier, as his chaplayne ... Wadsworth, James, 1572?-1623. 1615 (1615) STC 24924.5; ESTC S2953 166,461 144

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thou giuest as a nurse and to worke what thou commandest as a laborer For Salomon calls him sluggarde who hides his hande in his bosome will not put it to his mouthe not so much for meate as to performe with his hande what he speakes with his mouthe And thus let vs folowe S. Peters aduise As euery one haue receiued grace so to employe it towardes others in grace of speache grace of action that as the holy ghoste appeared in fashion of a tongue so allso he is called in holy scriptures Digitus Dei the finger of God our Sauiour saying he caste out diuells by the finger of God that is by the vertue of the holie spirite which is a finger of action as well as a tongue of speache that as our coūtryman venerable Bede hath written a Treatise teaching men to speake or expresse their mindes by the signes motions of their fingers as we vse to talke with dumbe me● so we shoulde learne according to our English phrase to handle our tongues well i. by the workes of our handes to make good the wordes of our tongue For otherwise that accusation of Ieremy will fall vpon vs mendacium operatus est we haue wroughte alye whiles our bad actions doo falsefye our good speches or when we doo good for hypocrisy not for sincerity it is a monstrous lye because ordinary lyes are spoken but such a lye is wroughte operatus esi mendacium a lye with a wroughte latchet which may be seene Contrarywise a true seruante of God one who will teach his fellowe seruantes the iuste complete will of his maister he must learne Salomons lesson Read my lawe as the apple of thine eye vidz with attention And write it on thy fingers namely in execution so the prophet saith the worde of our lorde was made in the hande of Aggaeus where he mentioneth making of it in his hande for reuealing of it to his knowledge because our knowledge is vayne without practise as in Geometry the Mathematiques one quarter of an howres practicall demonstration will make you to vnderstand more then a whole weekes theoricall study and as the 7. planets giue more influence then the fixed starres because the one are fixed in their spheres and the other haue their peculiar motions for influence procedeth from lighte motion not from lighte alone and therfore we must like S. Ihon Baptiste as well burne mooue in heate of charity as shyne stand still in lighte of faith Not as the Lacedimonian of the nightingall to haue a sweete voyce only and nothing else Nor Iacobs milde voyce Esaus roughe handes Nor as Agis said of a witty Sophister that when he helde his peace he had nothing good in him Or as Stratonicus cōming by a fountyen asked of the inhabitantes nexte it whether the water were good they answered we vse to drinke of it Thē saith he it is like to be naughte for your faces complexions seeme to be corrupted iudging of their founteyne by the operation effectes therof as we likewise shall be discerned by our deedes what is in the founteyn of our hartes WHAT BE THE WAYES OR PROCEEdinges of our iustification what faith doth teache vs in these wayes Sect 5. 1. WHerfore least penitent or thirsty men shoulde drinke of corrupted founteynes I will directe as many as I can to the cleare waters of healthfull doctrine whose springes are only within the boundes of the Carholique churche I will teach the wicked thy wayes vidz such as haue bene in wickednes of sinne or of heresye I will shew them thy wa●es of iustification 2. I will teach them that somtime thy lawes and thy wayes are called iustifications praying with Dauid I woulde my wayes mighte be directed to keepe thy iustifications 2. sōtime they are said to be iustifyed who are only declared to be iuste which is imputatiue righteousnes wherof Esay said wo be to you who doo iustifye the wicked for bribes 3. somtime for the first iustification or obteyning of iustice vnto a sinner wherof S. Paul saith whom God calleth he iustif●e●h 4. somtime for encrease or proceeding in further iustice which is called a second iustification of one allready iuste of which S. Iames speaketh concluding that a man is iustifyed by workes and not by faith only and S. Ihon willeth him who is iuste to be further instifyed 3. I will teach them that the end of our iustification is the Glory of God the saluation of our soules That the cheife efficient cause of our iustification is the Goodnes Mercy of God the efficient by-way of merite is the passion of Christe the efficient by-way of instrument vnited is the humanity of Christe the efficient by-way of instrument separate are the Worde Sacramentes their Administers The materiall cause or subiect of our iustification is the minde of man es●ecially the will wherin this iustice is wroughte remayneth The formall cause in habite intrinsecall is the habite of grace or charity infused in habite extrinsecall or exemplar it is the very iustice of our Sauiour Christe in which S. Paul admonisheth vs we shoulde beare the image of the celestiall man i. Christe as we haue borne the image of the terrestriall man Adam But the formall cause in Acte are good workes which in one respecte are the Effectes of our iustice and in another haue allso so efficiency in our iustification as likewise haue feare faith hope loue repentance all which laste as dispositions preparing our minde will doo euery one in some sorte iustifye I will teach them that faith necessary to iustification is not to be restreyned only to the promises of Gods mercy but it must beleeue all Truthe which God hath taughte And that faith is seated principally in the vnderstanding not in the will as a confidence for so it should be all one with hope And that in the vnderstanding it is a firme assent vnto all thinges which God propoundeth to be beleeued and not a knowledge of them 4. Touching the firste Our Sauiour in the holy Go●pells and in the Epistles and Actes of the Apostles they doo often require other pointes of faith to be beleeued beside the promises of mercy as that Ch●iste is omnipotent that he is the Sonne of God that he is God and man and the true Messias that he was crucifyed and rose agayne c. so all the other Articles of the Apostles Creede whatsoeuer the Caluinistes say to the contrary are poyntes of justifying faith w●thout beleefe wherof no man can be saued and yet moste of them perte●ne to other matters then to promises of mercy 5. Touching the second that faith is an assent of the vnderstanding in beleefe not a confidence of the will which perteyne● to hope and therfore S. Paul saith that in Christe Iesu we haue truste and accesse in confidence through his faith therfore faith is not a
not how they came into this misery As one falling into a Well where was so much water as serued to saue him from bruysing to death yet not so much as suffized to styfle him from speache being found and asked with wonder how he came to fall into such a place he answered I pray seeke meanes how to helpe me out and stand not marueiling how I fell in Neuertheles among learned deuines euen this difficulty is vnfolded against Pelagius Faber Erasmus Zuinglius the Anabaptistes 4. First S. Paul saith Sicut per vnum hominem as by one man sinne entred into the worlde and by sinne death afterward In whom all haue sinned and againe By the disobedience of one man many are made sinners Therfore it appeares that children being subject to death are subject to this sinne But infantes haue no actuall sinne therfore he must needes meane sinne originall And this he saith comes by one ma● and by Adam in whom all are By him as our generall father in whose publique disobedience we are all partakers as the children of a Traytor are taynted and the body of a towne corporate are subject to the actes of their head gouernors 5. And so to that obiection How can it be sinne in infants who neuer had vse of will to giue consent It is answered That originall sinne is on our behalfe i● some sorte voluntary in Adam in whose Wille person all our persons and wills were included for he was our Head a publique person representing all mankind our first roote wherof all the branches must sauour and our Generall father in whom we are all so comprised that what he did it was allso our deede As among men the fathers facte often redoundeth to the benifite or prejudice of his sonne and as vnto lawes are not requisite the expeesse consent of euery man in the cuntry but only of those parlament men who as publique persons doo represent all the common wealthe But with God none are punished absolutely for others faultes but euery one for his owne And therfore the Councell of Trent hath defined of original sinne that it is cuiusque proprium in which respecte euery infante is punished therein for his owne faulte whose punishment as it bringeth no sensible payne because it hath exilem rationem voluntarij only a consent included in the publique will of Adam yet it wanteth the blessed fruition of glory propter latissimum foeditatem mali because it is so generall a deformity or spotte of our corrupte nature spread ouer all our powers of body soule with which blemishes no creature may appeare in the glorious presence of allmighty God before whom there can remayne nothing vncleane 6. Infantes then being subject to this punishment for originall sinne it must needes be properly their owne sinne and not for their fathers faulte For as Ezechiel saith The soule which sinneth shall dye the sonne shall not beare the iniquity of his father nor shall the father beare the iniquity of the sonne Nor is that contrary hereunto which is in the firste commandement Visiting the sinnes of the fathers on the children vnto the thirde and fourthe generation in them that hate me for the auncyent and present wryters doo generally vnderstand this visitation to be when the children doo imitate or participate the sinnes of theyr predecessors and so visitare is visum iterare to visite is to come and see the same sinnes Or admitte it be to visite 1. to chastize and punish yet he threatens it only to the 3. and 4. generation in them which hate him meaning if these generations doo hate him as their fathers did for a generation which shoulde loue God shall not be punished for their faultes who before did hate him At least not in eternall punishments Wherfore eternall losse of glory being an eternall punishment laid vpon Infantes dying in originall sinne doubtles they vndergoe it for their owne and not for any parents faulte 7. And thoughe I graunted that somtime temporally in this worlde God punished the children in regarde of the parentes offences so far forthe as the damage of the children may be a greife or a penalty to the parentes yet I verily thinke saluo semper meliori judicio praesertim s●nctae matris Ecclesiae that euen such their temporall punishment are not alone for their parentes faultes but that the children themselues haue allso deserued the same And then both at once the parentes are punished by the calamityes of their children as being partes of themselues and the children likewise suffer such temporall punishments justly for their owne originall guyltynes or offences actuall ORIGINALL SINNE COMES FROM Adam alone as Principall and how bad parentes haue good children c. Sect. 4. 1. WHerfore I say Originall sinne and his punishments are deriued only from Adam as principall vnto vs as Accessaryes with whom as our Generall head all mankinde maketh but one body And no Infantes are herein punished for their other mediate or imediate next parentes offences For S. Paul saith By one man sinne entred into the worlde which the Mileuitan Councell saith is originall sinne contracted by generation from Adam 2. And therfore diuerse Auncyent Fathers wrote against those Heretiques who woulde conclude that the Acte of mariage was of it selfe euill because the children begotten were borne in originall sinne which they suppose falsely to be deriued from the copulation of the parentes as the next causes as well of the Accidentall sinne as of the reall substance of the infantes wheras in truthe distinguishing betwene the one the other they shoulde haue referred the cause of that sinne vnto Adam alone as doth S Paul saying By one man and should haue ascribed only the substance of the soule body to God the parentes For suppose the Parents be odious Adulterers or doo sinne much in other circumstances of generation yet as allmighty God doth concurre cooperate to the naturall worke of conception creating ininfusing soules euen in children vnlawfully begotten where he forbiddes abhorres the morall dishonesty So likewise the parents doo participate in the naturall propagation without communicating this originall corruption Euen as stolne corne being sowen in forbidden grounde doth neuertheles growe as other corne doth by the helpe of God nature of the earthe and yet herein neither doth our lorde consent to the thefte nor is it a bad action to sowe corne but to steale it or to sowe it contrary to commandement where he should not 3. And thoughe the infante that is borne offend not actually nor the parents who beget the body nor our lorde who creates the soule yet we are borne polluted with originall sinne not as the proper effecte of mariage or generation but as an ordinary accident vsually following the conception of our humane nature in respecte we are the posterity members of Adam our head By whom only sinne entred vpon all mankind And herehence is the reason
why parentes iustifyed in state of grace doo neuertheles beget children subiecte to sinne originall corruption as much as others not so much becau●e generation is an acte of our carnall man iustification is an effecte in our spirituall man for the wholeman is iustifyed but especially because we and euery creature generamus nobis similes in specie magis quàm in indiuiduo we doo procreate our of-spring ech creature like himselfe rather like in speciall kinde of nature then in particuler propertyes of person as of men to proceede mankind c. For as the progeny was neuer like the parent in euery personall respect so when they are a like in many such particulers yet it is rather accidentally contingent then essentially necessary And so we see foolish or lame parents haue sound or discreete children and contratiwise As then parents doo not necessarily communicate to children their personall propertyes no not of nature much lesse of grace so to be in state of grace a iustifyed man is a personall property and therfore mo more maruell to haue children vnregenerate borne of iuste parentes then to see a childe borne vncircumcised of a circumcised lew or to see a cleansed wheat corne bring forthe an eare of wheate which againe hath fazells chaffe HOW ORIGINALL SINNE IS DERIVED from Adam by meanes of our parents and yet we haue not our soules from them ex traduce Sect. 5. 1. ANd allthoughe Originall sinne be a corruption of our nature rather then an personall faulte yet it is not any parte of our nature as proceding from nature positiuely but only a priuation or defecte folowing nature and proceding from Adams freewill and infecting our will as partes branches of Adam Wherfore it is properly a sinne because it had consent of will thervnto which we cannot say of other naturall defectes as to be borne deafe dumbe blinde lame or disfigured because these are no way referred to any consent of will Allso infantes neither haue thoughtes wordes nor deedes against the eternall law of God and yet they haue this originall sinne which is not conteyned in that description for that description is vnderstood of actuall sinne only But originall sinne consistes not in any action for it is only a gultines a spotte or blemish no● any actuall transgression 2. As for that Argument of the Pelagians which so much pressed S. Augustin about the traduction of our soule it is thus propounded and answered Sinne say they hath his seate in the soule not in the flesh But the soule is created not deriued from Adam nor our parents therfore neither is this originall sinne deriued from the one or from the other by generation but foloweth by imitation Firste it is answered in generall that it cannot be by imitation because neither can children imitate their parents so soone as they are borne and yet euen then most agree they are guilty of originall sinne Nor is this sinne any action and therfore no imitation for to imitate is to doo somewhat but it is called sinne originall not actuall and is accompted a guilte of our nature not a facte of our person 3. Next about the proposition As all deuines agree that the soule is the seate of sinne so yet if the soule may herin be depraued by the flesh as some thinke then may originall sinne be transfused into the soule by generation of the body These men say the flesh must needes be the meanes of cōueying this sinne vnto the soule as vnto his seate for if the soule should be created alone and not be ioyned to the body it should in that case be free from this infection And it seemes iuste that as Adams flesh was firste corrupted by his soule which firste admitted sinne so now the soule shoulde be firste corrupted by the flesh still deriuing sinne and so originall sinne is both a corruption of penality subiecting vs to all misery and a corruption of viciosity inclyning vs to all sinne 1. by rebellion against the spirite 2. by drawing the soule downeward 3. because the soule of it selfe is not able to gouerne all our appetites without diuine grace 4. Thus therfore say they that the flesh doth depraue the soule being vnited vnto it as a wounde in the body maketh the soule grieue but if you cutte the flesh wanting life it feeles no payne So the flesh hath not sinne in it selfe as in his seate no more then wyne hath in it selfe dronkennes and yet maketh others dronke and so the body is able to infecte to worke vpon the soule 1. not by predominance as one elemēt or mixte body vpon another 2 nor by influence as the heauens vpon these inferior bodyes 3. nor by deuine power as the fyre vpon dammed spirites but. 4. by Sympathy of vnited correspondence as in a phrensy or lunacy such a distemper or quality of the body makes the minde to be madde or foolish And so the corrupte distemper of our flesh doth disorder our soule whit sinfullnes which sinfull distēper is not actually but dispositiuely in the seede of the parent or flesh of the infante nor is it in the flesh vntill it come to be ioyned to the soule which is only the full finall seate of sinne 5. And note that all this may be true in respecte of that radicall concupiscence which is as it were the positiue materiall parte of originall sinne but the formall true nature of originall sinne consisting priuatiuely in the wāte of originall iustice this priuation is not caused nor conueyed vnto the soule by the flesh Nor by that carnall luste which more or lesse is in the naturall generation of all men For if by supernaturall priuiledge any parents should engendre without all luste yet the childe shoulde be infected with originall sinne or if luste were the cause therof ●hen according to the excesse of luste in the parents shoulde originall sinne be more or lesse in the children Wherfore thoughe S. Augustin doo often say that it is not generation but luste which doth deriue this sinne he only intendes to shew that the sole acte of generation is not the only cause of originall sinne for euen in paradise there shoulde haue bene the acte of generation and yet therin shoulde haue bene no sinne But by luste may be meante the propagation of our corrupte nature of which corruption luste is a certein signe effecte wherfore when he saith originall sinne is deriued by luste he meaneth that this corrupte propagation of our nature wherof luste is a signe is the meanes to deriue originall sinne 6. And so when S. Augustin saith of the body and the soule that the one is corrupted in the other as in an Vncleane vessell eyther it may be true by way of morall comparison in regarde of that concupiscence radicall as is afore said which in some is the materiall positiue parte of originall sinne hauing his materiall seate in the flesh by this dispositiuely