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A13997 The high-vvay to heauen: or, the doctrine of election, effectuall vocation, iustification, santification and eternall life Grounded vpon the holy Scriptures, confirmed by the testimonies of sundry iudicious and great diuines, ancient and moderne. Compiled by Thomas Tuke.; High-way to heaven. Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. 1609 (1609) STC 24309; ESTC S102479 78,861 226

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men in making choise of whom hee list to bee his vessels of honour and temples for his Spirit to inhabit And finally it teacheth vs to loue our brethren who are elected by the same God and for the same ends that we our selues are Fourthly Ministers are by Pauls example bound to teach their people the whole counsell of God and to keepe backe nothing which is commodious therefore they must teach them this doctrine Lastly Ministers must not suppresse or keepe backe that which is reuealed but rather proclaime and diuulge it For things reuealed as this is belong to vs and to our children for euer as Moses writeth Yea they ought to do it the more diligently that they may preserue them frō those infectious errors which many turbulent and erroneous spirits doe publish to the world and stay them from abusing this so holy a doctrine as many doe to licentious luxurious liuing The iudgement of Caluin is worthy to bee embraced who saith We shall neuer be throughly perswaded that our saluation ●oth flow from the Fountaine of Gods free mercie vntill we bee acquainted with his eternall Election The Scripture is the Schoole of the holy Ghost wherein as nothing is omitted necessarie to be knowen so nothing is taught but that which is expedient for a man to know We must therefore beware that we do not keepe the faithfull from that which the Scripture deliuereth concerning Predestination le●t we seeme maliciously to defraud them of that which God doth affoord vnto them or reprooue his Spirit as if hee had reuealed things fit for some considerations to be concealed The fift and last thing to be considered is the maner of propounding and handling of this doctrine Here these duties must be obserued First that this doctrine bee deriued onely from the word of God and not fetcht from the forge of mans braine For the word is a sure Rule to direct our vnderstanding And it is the cheifest point of sobrietie to make GOD our Schoole-master when we learne and then to leaue learning when he leaues teaching When he leaues speaking then wee should leaue inquiring Hee which curiously pries into Gods secrets runnes himselfe into an inextricable labyrinth and findes not that wherewith his curiositie may be satisfied Secondly this doctrine ought to bee deliuered in conuenient and fit tearmes that the trueth thereof may be discerned and no point obscured and that the sublimitie and maiestie thereof be not eclipsed and debased Thirdly it is fit that before this doctrine be preached to the people the Minister do first acquaint them with more familiar points of Religion that his labours may be more prosperous and beneficiall These things haue beene deliuered by way of a Preface I will now speake of the decree of Election and of the Execution of it CHAP. 2. What Election is There bee two distinct acts thereof The causes of it Efficient Materiall and Formall Three ends thereof Sixe effects of it Two subiects of it Fifteen prerogatiues of the Elect. 〈◊〉 properties of Election Many signes thereof are set downe ELECTION to euerlasting life is the speciall decree of God touching the conferring of eternall saluation by Christ the Redeemer to certain men of meere mercie and good will Or The degree of Election is that whereby God hath appointed some vnto his glorious grace in the obtaining of their saluation and celestiall life by Christ. Or it is as Augustine teacheth the preparation of a free donation whereby God hath made vs vessels of mercie before the creation of the world vnto the adoption of the sonnes of God by Iesus Christ In the decree of Election there are two distinct preordinations or acts of the diuine counsell the former concerning the end the latter concerning the meanes tending vnto the end This the holy Ghost seemeth to haue taught most clearely Rom 9.11 where he saith That the purpose which is according to Election might remaine firme By which we see a distinction put betwixt the purpose of God his election And in Rom. 8.29 30. The decree is expresly distinguished from the execution of it which the Apostle placeth in vocation iustification and glorification The first act in the decree of Election is a part of the diuine purpose whereby God doth assume certaine men to be created passing by all other vnto his euerlasting loue and fauour and by assuming them doth make them vessels of mercy and honour The second act is the purpose of sauing or of conferring glorie whereby God doth ordaine and separate the same men being to fall in Adam vnto saluation and celestiall glory These two acts must not be seuered but distinguished The former is of men to be created and the latter is of men that are both created and corrupted By the former men are ordained vnto grace and by the latter the meanes are subordained whereby grace may be conferred and declared For this latter prepares a way for the complement and execution of the former The efficient cause of Election or the Electour is God Almightie Father Sonne and Holy Ghost For such workes as are wrought by God vpon the creature are common to the three persons the maner of working peculiar to each of them being reserued And the Scripture expresly sheweth that the Father the Sonne did elect vs Eph. 1.4 Iohn 15.16 For howsoeuer Christ himselfe is elected as hee is our Mediatour yet as hee is the eternall Word or Sonne of the Father he doth elect as well as the Father Now seeing the worke of election belong to them we may not exclude the holy Ghost who hath one common Godhead with them The cause which mooued God to elect those which are elected was his meere good will and nothing els as appeareth by these reasons First by the word of God Hee hath saith Paul predestinated vs according to the good pleasure of his will At this time also a reseruation is made according to the election of grace Secondly if Christ did not merite as he was a man to bee vnited to the person of the word and to bee borne wholy voyd of sin there is no cause for vs to thinke but that our election vnto life is of the free grace of God But Augustine doth confidently and most truely teach that the man-head of Christ was thus aduanced for no merit of worke thereof but freely had it Therefore it is absurde to thinke that we were not elected of Gods free grace Thirdly if the Patriarch Iacob was elected by grace then Election is of grace but the former is true as Paul doth witnesse Rom 9. ●1 Before the children were borne and when they had neither done good nor euil that the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by works but by him that calleth it was said vnto her the elder shall serue the yonger Therefore we also are elected of grace Fourthly God hath
elected vs as the Apostle teacheth for the commendation of his glorious grace but if election bee not of ●race then grace deserues not all the praise but we ourselues haue something whereof wee may glory Fiftly let vs consider the iudgement of antiquitie Augustine saith A● he that is Christ 〈◊〉 predestinated to be our head so are we● to bee his 〈◊〉 hers Humana hic merita 〈…〉 Le● mens merit● h●●e 〈◊〉 silent which perished in Adam 〈◊〉 And let the grace of God be●●e the ●way and raigne And againe In one and the same cause one 〈◊〉 forsaken another is taken 〈◊〉 assumitur gratia pr●stante non merito in mercie and not of merit And againe He hath elected none worthy but by electing him he hath made him worthy It is the grace of God whereby he hath elected me not because I am worthie but because it vouchsafed to make me Videte charissimi See my beloued how that hee doth not elect men good but maketh those to be good whom he hath elected And elsewhere he saith that God loued no other thing in Iacob then his owne free mercy He loued Iacob by his free mercie and hated Esau by his iust iudgement Hierome also speaking of Iacob and Esau saith that the election of the one and the reiection of the other doth not demonstate their merits but the will of the Elector and reiector and further also confesseth that it is in the power and will of God to elect or reiect a man without good or euill workes Angelome also saith that Christ hath predestinated some to eternal libertie quickning them by his gracious mercie Finally this trueth will appeare if wee shall remooue the false causes which might seeme to perswade God to chuse vs for his people First therefore we are not elected for foreseene 〈◊〉 as these arguments ensuing will sufficiently prooue vnto vs. First God is the primarie and principall authour of all his actions Now the supreame and first ground or author depends of no externall ground or beginner But God should depend of an externall ground if hee could not elect whom he would vnlesse faith did mooue him Secondly euery cause is before the effect now Faith is alter Election as the Holy Ghost sheweth when hee sayth So many as were ordained to eternall life beleeued It was well sayd of one Christ first apprehends vs and this apprehension of his workes in vs the apprehension of faith whereby we lay hold vppon him Faith is a meane which tends to the end wherunto the elect are ordained Wherefore seeing that Election must needs be before the end it must also bee before Faith which is a meane leading to the end Thirdly faith is not the cause of vocation and iustification moouing God to call and iustifie therfore it is no impulsiue cause of election For ●he cause of the cause is the cause of the thing caused If faith then were the cause of Election it should be also the cause of vocation which is an effect thereof But it is not so as the Apostle teacheth Tit. 5. ● Lastly the Scripture no where saith that we are elected for fore-seen faith What reason then haue wee to beleeue it Wee conclude therefore that wee are not elected for faith and with Iustine Marti● wee call those blest Qui sunt praesciti vt crederent Which are fore-knowne that they should beleeue And we say according to Augustine that those are elected Non qui eliguntur quia crediderunt sed qu● eliguntur vt credant which are elected to beleeue not because they haue beleeued I haue obtained mercie saith Paul that I should bee faithfull Non quia fidelis ●ram not because I was faithfull as Augustine speaketh Secondly we are not elected for any fore-seene workes For first the Apostle excludes all workes from being the causes either of election or of reprobation Rom. 9.11 12. And teacheth that Election is not in him that runneth that is it is not to be attributed to his industrie or indeauours Secondly good workes can merite nothing of God because he is the author of them and they are due vnto him and are not equiualent and proportionable to his grace Thirdly we are elected that we should be holy and should doe good works therefore it were absurde to imagine that good workes did mooue God to elect vs. Hierome saith The Apostle saith not he hath elected vs Cum essemus sancti whē we were holy sed vt essemus but that we should be holy And Augustine saith The election of grace doth not onely preuent or go before mens works but before faith whence all good works do flow Thirdly Election is not made for the wil of mā or for that mā would it For the Apostle painely professeth that it is not in him that willeth but in God which sheweth mercie By will is meant the cogitation desire or endeuour of our minde which the holy Ghost excludeth from Election Secondly the will of man is not eternall and therefore cannot be the cause of eternall election For the efficient cause must goe before the effect in time or at least in nature But the will of man is not in nature before Gods election much lesse then in time Lastly if we were elected for our owne will many grosse absurdities would ensue First the grace of God should bee subiect to mens wills as Prosper affirmeth that is the grace of Election should be inferiour to the will of man as the effect is to the cause the will of man should bee more excellent then the grace of God Secondly it were as Prosper saith to make the beginning of saluation to bee in him that is saued Thirdly it were in mans power to be either an elect or a reprobate if he would Fourthly all certaintie of Election would be taken away seeing the will of man is instable and vncertaine Fiftly election would be casuall as depending vppon the will of man which is mutable and so God should be made an Idol of Fortune that is he should chuse if man would and not chuse if man would not We conclude therefore that the will of man is not the efficient cause of Election Fourthly God doth not elect any man for his birth or beauty or for any prerogatiue or excellencie in his person For God is no accepter of persons and these things are not before Election but come after it Secondly that which Moses saith of the generall election of all the Isralites may bee as truely sayd of the speciall election of all true Isralites that God hath not chosen them for their multitude but of his own loue nor for any dignitie in them but of his owne meere mercie We see God respected not the eldership of Cain but choose Abell hee regarded not the riches of N●bal the wisedome of Achitophel the beauty of Absolom the comlinesse of Saul the princely blood of Iezebel
shall see the good pleasures of the Lord in the land of the liuing and shall haue an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens And what greater ioy can any man desire to enioy then to be assured that he is elected to eternal ioy Fourthly this assurance is the more excellent considering the woe of the Reprobates which want it and the wearisome sights and inexplicable terrors of such as are swallowed vp of dispaire Fiftly this priuiledge is the more to be accounted of because we may enioy it dayly through our life and for that the longer we be partakers of it the sweeter it is vnto vs. Lastly this assurance is an infallible argument of true faith by which wee come to Christ we approch to the Father and hasten to heauen For faith is an enemie to doubting and incredulitie and is an vndoubted certenty or perswasion Thus much concerning the subiects of Election It remaineth yet to speak of the properties and signes thereof and thence wee passe to the accomplishent of it The properties of it are especially three First it is most free without all obligation conpulsion externall instigation or preuision of future preparations merits faith For hath not the Potter libertie ouer his clay to make of the same lumpe one a vessell vnto honour and another a vessell to dishonour Who can compell the Almightie Or what is before his will Why did he make no more worldes then one Why did he make choise of the Israelites aboue all nations Why made he no more kindes of creatures or set no more Sunnes to shine in the heauens Who art thou that thou darest dispute with God The will of God saith Austen is the cause of all things that are And Hugo saith that of Gods will which is the cause of all things there is no cause Deus est liberrimum agens God is a most free Agent and doth whatsoeuer he will Therefore Aquinas saith well that the difference betwixt the saued and the damned proceedes from the principall intentions of the first Agent Secondly the decree of Election is from all eternitie not onely before we did beleeue but before wee were Gods Election and reprobation was past vpon Iacob and Esa● before they were borne and ere they had done good or euill And the Apostle teacheth that God did chuse vs before the foundation of the world Sedulius saith that God purposed with himselfe ante omnia mundi tempora before the beginning of the world to saue those that beleeue In like manner also S. Austen saith He fore-knew vs before he made vs and elected vs in his fore-knowledge Cum n●ndum fecisset when yet he had not made vs. And againe intra mundum facti sumus ante mundum electi sumus wee were made after the world but wee were elected before the world For as one saith well like as Dauid was annointed and appointed to be king long before he entred to his kingdome and as Moses was designed to be the deliuerer of Israel forty yeeres before he exercised his office so the Elect of God were long agoe ordained to saluation though the accomplishment thereof they must expect with patience Thirdly the election of God is constant perpetuall immutable and inuiolable For the principles and first grounds of things are stable and vnmoueable and that which is contingent mutable and vncertaine is therefore barred from being an originall or ground Now the decree of election is the foundation and scaturidge of saluation therefore it is certaine stedfast and vnchangeable Secondly God the author of Election is an immutable vnresistable and constant Agent or Architecht and doth seriously and effectually separate and elect some men vnto himselfe therfore his decree cannot but bee fulfilled Thirdly the Scripture is euident in auouching this truth My counsell saith the Lord shall stand The foundation of God saith Paul remaineth sure The decree of Election is called a foundation for two causes First because it is the beginning and well-spring of our saluation and of all the meanes tending to saluation Secondly it is so termed for the surenesse and firmnesse of it because the same is neuer shaken but remaines immutable For euery foundation hath this necessarie condition that it bee strong and steddy so as that the rest of the building may stay vpon it surely and not be remoued And such a firme foundation is Gods election For whosoeuer are elected shall still remaine elected and shall neuer bee reiected This is my fathers will saith Christ that of all which he hath giuen me I should loose nothing Those whom he loued euer hee loueth for euer Firmissime tene Hold saith S. Augustine most assuredly and nothing doubt at all Neque perire posse aliquem that neither any of those can perish whom God hath predestinated vnto the kingdome of heauen nor that any of those can by any meanes come whom he hath not predestinated vnto life Now if none of the Elect can perish then Gods election remaineth constant So much for the properties the Signes of Election are many First the loue of God is the ground of election And Gods loue is best knowne by his best gifts the best things hee reserueth for those whom he best loueth As Ioseph sent vnto Beniamin more messes of meate and gaue him richer giftes and more costly suites of apparell then to the rest of his brethren so the Lord bestoweth the best gifts vpon his owne children Now the graces of regeration the spirituall gifts of faith hope and loue are without all comparison the most principall Therefore he that hath faith hope and loue may assure himselfe of Gods loue and that hee is in electorum albo in the ranke and roll of Gods elect these being infallible tokens and vndoubted effects of Election and fore-runners of eternall life Secondly there is as one hath excellently deliuered a knowledge in God whereby he knowes who are his and this knowledge brings foorth an other knowledge in vs whereby wee know God for our God There is an election in God which works in the Elect another election wherby they chuse God for their God The loue whereby God loueth vs workes in vs another loue wherby we loue God Christ first apprehends vs this apprehension of his works in vs the apprehēsion of faith wherby we lay hold vpon him Hoec ille If these things therefore be in vs we may conclude infallibly that we are the elect of God For they are the fruits of his loue the works of his spirit therfore irrefragable testimonies and tokens of Election The sun by his light shines vpon vs and by the same light we view and behold the sunne To conclude these also are sure signes of Election which I will set downe as I finde them in the workes of that zealous Preacher 1. A rebuking of sinne inwardly a pouertie of spirit from thence
represent the whole realme in the Parliament euen so did Adam represent the person of his whole posteritie Whatsoeuer he receiued of God he receiued it for himselfe and for all his progeny and what he lost he likewise lost for himselfe and for them all as wee see a man by high treason doth taint his blood and disgrace his posteritie Iustine saith By sinning Adam made his posteritie obnoxious vnto death made them vniuerso All guiltie of his first offence The Lord saith Gregorie did so make Adam as that he might procreate children without sinne if hee continued in the obedience of his Creator but because the soule of man refused to obey her Lord the procreation of children is in sinne Wee see now that Creation is a meane of the execution of Gods election For a man must first be before he can be saued Yet it is no speciall or peculiar meanes For all that are created shall not be saued some shall be damned All men saith Prosper are of God created but of this vniuersalitie or companie some are to bee damned with the Diuell others shall raigne with Christ The Permission of the fall is that whereby God suffred Adam and his sonnes to reuolt fall into sinne and did not hinder the fall which he could haue done if it had so pleased him But hee would not hinder it because such was his pleasure for certaine causes best knowne vnto himselfe In the meane let no man thinke that God was iniurious For 1. he was not indebted to vs to confirme vs by his grace to keepe vs from declining 2. this fall was by God permitted for the greater benefit of all his Elect. For their glory procured by Christ which had neuer been if man had neuer fallen doth farre surpasse the glorie which was giuen them in their creation Great are the euils saith Gregorie which wee suffer by reason of that first offence but what faithfull man would not indure greater rather then want so great a Redeemer Thirdly though God not bound to let did permit this fall yet it is not to be ascribed vnto him as to the cause thereof For hee did not incline his heart to sinne hee did not infuse the least corruption into his soule neither did hee with-draw any grace before inspired into him but hee fell by his free-will through his owne default at the perswasion and suggestion of the Diuell Tertullian saith truely As God brought man into the state of life so man brought himselfe into the state of death The beginning and root of sinne is in our selues saith Basil It cannot be saith Austen that hee which raiseth vs from sinne should make vs fall into sinne Thou art not a God saith Dauid that loueth wickednes neither shal euil dwel with thee Man therefore as Fulgentius saith hath the cause of his iniquitie in his owne proper will not frō Gods predestination If any man decline from iustice and pietie he runnes head-long of his owne will hee is drawne by his owne concupiscence he is beguiled through his perswasion Nihil i●i Pater the father hath no oare in this boat the Sonne is no agent of this sinne the holy Ghost is no worker of this wickednesse And though we should say that God willed that reuolt yet we must know that God did not will it positiue so as to produce effect or giue being to it but negatiuè desere●do because his will was to leaue Adam to himselfe and not to preserue him from reuolting that he might bee prooued by temptation and that it might appeare what the creature is able to doe when the Creator shall with-draw the staffe of his grace and cease to support Therefore we conclude with Clemens That the fault of mans chusing of that which was forbidden is not to be transferred or ascribed vnto God Thus we see the second meanes of the Execution of Election Which is a very necessary meane For if a man had not fallen then had there been no place for vocation iustification by Christ and sanctification by the Spirit But though this meane is necessarie yet it is not appropriated to Election because then all that fell should be restored But as Ambrose saith Liberatur par● hominum parte pereunte as some are deliuered so some are destroyed The wicked saith Iob are kept vnto the day of destruction The righteous onely shall be saued CHAP. IIII. What effectuall Calling is the parts causes effects subiects place time maner properties and signes of it are declared THvs much concerning the common meanes seruing for the execution of Gods Election The speciall are these three Effectuall Voca●ion Iustification and Glorification that is as Trelcarius saith The gracious beginning proceeding and the glorious accomplishing and consummation of the blessings of God For the first Effectuall vocation or calling is an action of God translating men from the kingdom of darkenesse to his owne Kingdome And it is two-folde● Extraordinary and Ordinary Extraordinary vocation is an immediate and speciall worke of the Spirit whereby without outward meanes hee smiteth the heart and inwardly speaketh to the soule and by the infusion of grace doth make the heart to answere his call and drawe neere vnto him This calling without the ministerie of the word is very rare and vnusuall But the Lord that is aboue meanes is not tyed to meanes but can worke without meanes when it pleaseth his Maiestie so to doe Effectuall vocation which is ordinary is that Whereby God calleth out of darkenesse into his marueilous light from the power of Sathan vnto God those whom he knew from eternitie and predestinated vnto life of his meere fauour by the promulgation of the couenant of grace or preaching of the Gospell Or It is when grace is not onely offered but giuen also by God through the effectuall working of his Spirit in our heartes which is the beginning of grace in vs hee himselfe laying the first foundation of it by giuing power to receiue the word to mingle it with faith and to bring foorth the fruites of new obedience This ordinary effectuall calling hath two parts Inuitement and Admission Inuitement is when God offers remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to them that beleeue Outwardly by the preaching of the Gospell Inwardly by the inspiration of heauenly desires Admission is when men are entred into the kingdome of grace and it is either outward or inward Outward admission is made in Baptisme Inward admission is when men are taken out of old Adam and by faith ingraffed in to Christ For by this insition into Christ men are made reall members of Gods kingdome Haec ille For the better conceiuing and vnderstanding of this Calling these points ensuing are worthy our consideration The efficient cause of effectuall Calling is Almightie God By him we are called vnto the fellowship of his Sonne He hath called vs vvith an holy calling