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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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maner shall it be done for an oxe or for a ram or for a lambe or a kyd Loke what nombre thou makest in these suche a nombre shalte thou make in them also And accordyng to the nōbre of suche offerynges thou shalte encrease the meatofferynges and the drynkofferyngꝭ All that are of your selues shall do these thyngꝭ after this maner to offre an offeryng of swete sauoure vnto the lorde And yf a straunger soiourne with you or who soeuer be amonge you in your generacyons and wyll offre an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde euen as ye do so he shall do One ordynaunce shall be bothe for you of the cōgregacion also for the straunger It shal be an ordinaunce for euer in your generacyons both vnto you to the straunger before the Lorde One lawe and one maner shal serue bothe for you for the straunger that soiourneth with you And the lorde spake vnto Moses saynge speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and saye vnto them When ye be come into the lande to the whiche I bryng you then when ye wyl eate of the breade of the lande ye shall take vp an heueofferynge vnto the Lorde Ye shal take vp a cake of the fyrst of your dow for an heueofferynge as ye do the heueofferynge of the barne euen so ye shall heue it Of the fyrst of your dow ye shal gyue vnto the lorde an heueofferyng in your generacions And yf ye ouerse your selues and obserue not all these commaundementes whiche the Lorde hathe spoken vnto Moses euen all that the Lorde hath cōmaunded you by the hande of Moses from the fyrst daye that the Lorde cōmaunded Moses hence forwarde among your generacions If it happen that ought is cōmytted ygnorantly of the congregacyon all the multitude shal offre a bullock for a burntofferyng to be a swete sauour vnto the Lorde with the meatofferynge and the drynkofferyng therto accordyng to the maner and an he goote for synne And the preest shall make an attonement for all the multitude of the chyldren of Israell and it shall be forgyuen them for it is ygnoraūce And they shal bryng theyr offeryng for a sacrifice vnto the lorde theyr synofferyng before the lorde for theyr ygnoraunce and it shal be forgyuen vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel and vnto the straunger that dwelleth among you seynge al the people were in ignoraunce Yf any one soule syn thorowe ignoraunce he shall brynge a she goote of a yeare olde for syn And the preest shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ygnoraūtly with the synofferynge before the Lorde to recōsyle hym that it may be forgyuen hym And bothe thou that arte borne one of the chyldren of Israel the straunger that dwelleth amonge you shall haue bothe one lawe who so doth synne thorowe ygnoraunce But the soule that dothe ought presumptuously whyther he be an Israelite or a straūger the same blasphemeth the lord And that soule shal be roted out from amonge his people bycause he hath despysed the worde of the Lorde and hath broken his cōmaundement that soule therfore shall perysshe his synne shall be vpon hym And whyle the chyldren of Israel were in the wyldernes they founde a mā that ☞ gathered styckes vpon the Sabboth daye And they that founde hym gatheryng styckꝭ brought hym vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all the congregacion they put hym in warde seynge it was not declared what shulde be done vnto hym And the lorde sayd vnto Moses Let the man dye and let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoost And al the multitude brought hym w t ▪ out the hoost stoned hym with stones and he dyed as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses And the lorde spake vnto Moses saynge speake vnto the chyldren of Israell and byd them that they make them gardes in the quarters of theyr garmentꝭ thorowout theyr generacyons and put vpon the garde of the quarters a ryband of yelowe sylke And the garde shall be vnto you to loke vpon it that ye may remembre al the cōmaundementes of the lorde and do them and ❀ that ye seke not after your owne herte or your owne eyes after the which ye vse to go a hoorynge but ye shall remembre rather and do al my cōmaundementes and be holy vnto your god I am the Lorde your God which brought you out of the lande of Egypte for to be your God I am the lorde your God ¶ The rebellyon of Corah Dathan and Abiram CAPI XVI ANd Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Cahath the sonne of Leui and Dathan and Abiram the son of Eliab and Ou the son of Peleth the sonne of Ruben rose vp before Moses with other men of the chyldren of Israel two hundred fyftie which were captaynꝭ of the multitude great and famous men in the congregacyon and they gathered themselues togyther agaynst Moses and Aaron and sayde vnto them ye make moche to do seynge all the multitude are holy euery one of them and the Lorde is amonge them Why heue ye your selues vp aboue the congregacyon of the Lorde And when Moses herde it he fell vpon his face and spake vnto Corah and vnto all his companye saynge to morowe the Lorde wyll shewe who are his who is holy who ought to approche nygh vnto hym whom he hath chosen to come to hym This do ther fore take you fyre pannes both Corah and al his company and put fyre therin put sence in them before the lorde to morowe And the man whome the Lorde dothe chose the same shal be holy Ye make moch to do ye chyldren of Leui. And Moses sayd vnto Corah here ye chyldrē of Leui. Is it but a smal thyng vnto you that the God of Israell hath seperated you from the multitude of Israel brought you to hym self to do the seruyce of the dwellyng place of the Lorde and to stande before the multitude and to ministre vnto hym he hathe taken the to hym and all thy brethren the sonnes of Leuy with the and seke ye the offyce of the preest also For which cause both thou and all thy companye are gathered togyther agaynst the Lorde What is Aaron that ye murmure agaynst hym And Moses sent and called Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab whiche sayde we wyll not come vp Is it a small thynge that thou hast brought vs out of a lande that floweth with mylke and hony to kyll vs in the wyldernesse and to reygne ouer vs also Hast thou brought vs vnto a lande that floweth with mylke and hony and gyuen vs enherytaunce of feldes and vyneyardes Wylte thou pull out the eyes of these men we wyll not come vp And Moses waxed very angry and sayd vnto the Lorde Turne not thou vnto theyr offerynge I haue not taken so moche as an Asse from them neyther haue I hurte any of them And Moses sayd vnto Corah
the beholders of starres come on nowe and delyuer the yea and let thē shew when these newe thynges shall come vpon the. Beholde they shal be lyke st●awe which yf it be kyndled with fyre no mā may rydde it for the vehemencye of the flame And yet it geueth no synders to warme a mā by nor cleare fyre to syt by Thus are they with whom thou hast weryed thy selfe and thus are thy marchauntes that haue bene with the from thy youth Euery one shall shewe the hys erroneous waye yet shall none of them defende the. ¶ The ypocryse of the Iewes is reproued The Lord alone wylbe worshypped which hathe chosen vs and whiche socoureth vs for hys owne sake ¶ CAPI XLVIII HEARE thys O thou house of Iacob ye that are called by the name of Israel and are come out of one stocke with Iuda whiche sweare by the name of the Lorde and beare wytnes by the God of Israel but nat with trueth and ryght whiche are called fre men of the holy cytie and are grounded vpon the God of Israel whose name is the Lorde of Hostes. The thynges that I shewed you euer sence the begynnynge Haue I nat brought them to passe immediatly as they came out of my mouth and declared them And they are come Howe be it I knowe that thou arte obstinate and that thy necke hathe an yron veyne and that thy browe is of brasse Neuerthelesse I haue euer sence the beginnynge shewed the of thynges for to come and declared thē vnto the or euer they come to passe that thou shuldest nat saye myne Idol hathe done it my carued or molten ymage hathe shewed it Heare and consyder al these thynges whether it was ye that prophecyed them But as for me I tolde the before at the begynnynge newe and secrete thynges y ● thou knowest nat of And some done nowe nat of olde tyme wherof thou neuer hardest before they were brought to that thou canst not saye Beholde I knewe of them Moreouer there be some wherof thou haste nether herde nor knowen nether haue they bene opened vnto thyne eares afore tyme. For I knewe that thou woldest malicyously offende therfore haue I called the a transgressour euen from thy mothers wombe Neuertheles for my names sake I haue with drawen my wrath for myne honours sake I haue ouersene the so that I haue not rooted the out Beholde I haue pourged the and not as syluer I haue chosen the in the fyre of affliccyon And that onely for myne owne sake yea euen for myne owne sake For I geue my honour to none other that thou shuldest not despyse me Herken vnto me O Iacob and Israell whome I haue called I am euen he that is I am the fyrste and the last My hande hath layde the foundacion of the earthe my ryght hande hath spanned ouer the heauens Assone as I call them they are there Gather you al together and herken which of yonder goddes hath declared this The Lorde hath a loue ☞ vnto him and he shal perfourme his wil agaynste Babell and declare his power agaynst the Caldees I my self alone euen I haue tolde you this before Yea I dyd call him and brynge him forth and he shall giue a prosperous iourney Come nye and heare this haue I spoken any thynge darckely sence the begynnyng when a thynge begynneth I am there Wherfore the Lorde God and his sprete hath sent me And thus sayeth the Lord god thy redemer the holy one of Israell I am the Lorde thy God whiche teacheth the profytable thinges leade the the waye that y ● shuldest go O that y ● haddest regarded my commaundementes then had thy welthynes bene as the water streame thy ryghtu ousnes as the waues flowynge in the See Thy sede also had be lyke as the sāde in the see the frute of thy body lyke the grauell stones therof Thy name shulde not be roted out nor destroyed before me Go away from Babylon flye from the Caldees with a mery voyce speke of this declare it abrode and go forth vnto the ende of the world say they The Lord hath redemed hys seruaunt Iacob that they suffred no thurst he led thē thorowe the wyldernesse and caused the waters to flowe out vnto them from out of the rocke He claue the rocke a sonder and the water gushed out As for the vngodly they haue no peace sayeth the Lorde ¶ Thryst shal gather together all nacyons be they neuer so fo farre of CAPI XLIX YE Iles harken vnto me take hede ye people from farre The Lorde hath called me fro my byrth and made mencyon of my name fro my mothers wombe ☜ he hath made my mouth like a sharpe swerde vnder the shadowe of his hande hath he defended me and hyd me in hys quyuer ☜ as a good arowe and saide vnto me Thou arte my seruaunte Israel I wyll be honoured in the. Then answered I I haue lost my laboure I haue spent my strength in vayne Neuertheles I wyll cōmytte my cause and my worke vnto the lorde my god And nowe sayth the Lorde euen he that fashyoned me from my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte that I maye brynge Iacob agayne vnto hym howbeit Israel wyl not be gathered vnto hym agayne In whose syght I am greate whiche also is my Lorde my God and my strength And he sayde It is but a small thynge that thou art my seruaunt to sette vp the kynreddes of Iacob and to restore the destruccyon of Israell For I haue made the the lyght of the Gen tyles that thou mayst be my helth vnto the ende of the worlde Moreouer thus sayth the Lorde the redemer and holy one of Israell because of the abhorrynge and despisynge amonge the Gentyles concernynge the seruaunt of all them that beare rule Kynges and Prynces shall se and aryse and worshyp because of the Lorde that is faythfull and because of the holy one of Israell whiche hath chosen the. And thus sayth the Lorde In the tyme accepted haue I hearde the and in the daye of saluaciō haue I helped the. I wyl preserue the and make the to be the attonement of the people that thou mayste helpe vp the earth agayne and chalenge agayne the scattered herytages That thou mayst saye to the prysoners go forth and to them that are in darknesse come into the lyght that ☞ they maye fede in the hye wayes and gette theyr liuynge in all hye places There shall neither hunger nor thurste heate nor sunne hurte them For he that fauoureth theym shall leade them and geue them drynke of the sprynge welles I wyll make wayes vpon al my mountaynes and my fote pathes shal be exalted And beholde they shall come from farre lo some from the north and west some from the south * Reioyce ye heauens and synge prayses y ● earthe Talke of ioy ye hilles for God hath comforted hys people