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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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many other vvomen that came vp together vvith him to Hierusalem ✝ verse 42 And vvhen euening vvas come because it vvas the Parasceue vvhich is the Sabboth-eue ✝ verse 43 came Ioseph of Arimathaea a noble Senatour vvho him self also vvas expecting the kingdom of God and he vvent in boldly to Pilate and asked the body of IESVS ✝ verse 44 But Pilate marueled if he vvere novv dead And sending for the Centurion asked him if he vvere novv dead ✝ verse 45 And vvhen he vnderstoode by the Centurion he gaue the body to Ioseph ✝ verse 46 And Ioseph ″ bying sindon and taking him dovvne vvrapped him in the sindon and laid him in a monument that vvas hevved out of a rocke And he rolled a stone to the doore of the monument ✝ verse 47 And Marie Magdalene and Marie of Ioseph beheld vvhere he vvas laid ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 11. Cheefe Priests Heretikes abuse the ignorant people with these naughtie Priests of the old Testament to make that name odious and to discredite the Priests of Christ in the new Testament But for these Priests thou maist not maruel that they are so busy against Christ * partly because they were such as were intruded by the secular power of the Roman Emperour and from yere to yere by bribery and frendship not by succession according to the Law of Moyses partly because the time was now come when the old Priesthod of Aaron should cease and the new begin according to the order of Melchife dec and for these causes cod suffered their former priueleges of wisedom and iudgemēt and discretion to decay in these later vsurpers and that according to the Prophet saying The Law shal perish from the Priest and counsel from the Ancients But the Priesthod of the new Testament is to continew vnto the end of the world and hath as being the principal part of the Church the assistāce of the Holy Ghost for euer promised to teach it al truth and for Peter the cheefe Priest thereof vnder Christ our Sauiour praied That his faith should not faile and to the rest he said He that heareth you heareth me ●● To satisfie the people Pilate should haue suffered death rather then by other mens prouocation or commaundement haue executed an innocent as a Christian iudge should rather suffer al extremitie then giue sentence of death against a Catholike man for his faith ●6 Bying sindon This dutie done to Christes body after his departure was exceding meritorious and is therfore by holy write so often commended for an example to faithful men to vse al honour and deuotion towards the bodies of Saincts and holy persons CHAP. XVI The third day to three vvomen at his Sepulcher an Angel telleth that he is risen and vvil as he promised Mar. 14 28. shevv him self in Galile● 9 The same day he appeareth to Marie Magdalene aftervvard to tvvo Disciples yet the Eleuen vvil not beleeue it vntil to them also he appeareth 15 To vvhom hauing giuen commission into al nations vvith povver also of Miracles he ascendeth and they plant his Church euery vvhere verse 1 AND vvhen the Sabboth vvas past Marie Magdalene and Marie of Iames and Salôme ″ bought spices that comming they might anoint IESVS ✝ verse 2 And very early the first of the Sabboths they come to the monument the sunne being novv risen ✝ verse 3 And they said one to an other Vvho shal roll vs backe the stone from the doore of the monument ✝ verse 4 And looking they savv the stone rolled backe for it vvas very great ✝ verse 5 And entring into the monument they savv a yong man sitting on the right hand couered vvith a vvhite robe and they vvere astonied ✝ verse 6 Vvho saith to them Be not dismaied you seeke IESVS of Nazareth that vvas crucified he is risen he is not here behold the place vvhere they laid him ✝ verse 7 But goe tel his Disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee there you shal see him * as he told you ⊢ ✝ verse 8 But they going forth fled from the monument for trembling and feare had inuaded them and they said nothing to any body for they vvere afraid ✝ verse 9 And he rising early the first of the Sabboth * appeared first to Marie Magdalene * out of vvhom he had cast seuen deuils ✝ verse 10 She vvent and told them that had been vvith him that vvere mourning and vveeping ✝ verse 11 And they hearing that he vvas aliue and had been seen of her did not beleeue ✝ verse 12 And * after he appeared in an ″ other shape to tvvo of them vvalking as they vvere going into the countrie ✝ verse 13 and they going told the rest neither them did they beleeue ✝ verse 14 Last * he appeared to those eleuen as they sate at the table and he exprobrated their incredulity and hardnes of hart because they did not beleeue them that had seen him risen againe ✝ verse 15 And he said to them * Going into the vvhole vvorld preach the Gospel to al creatures ✝ verse 16 He that ″ beleeueth and is baptized shal be saued but he that beleeueth not shal be condemned ✝ verse 17 And them that beleeue ″ these signes shal folow In my name shal they cast out deuils They shal speake vvith nevv tonges ✝ verse 18 Serpents shal they take avvay And if they drinke any deadly thing it shal not hurt them They shal impose hands vpon the sicke and they shal be vvhole ✝ verse 19 And so our Lord IESVS after he spake vnto them * vvas assumpted into heauen and sate on the right hand of God ✝ verse 20 But they going forth preached euery vvhere our Lord working vvithal and confirming the vvord vvith signes that folovved ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVI 1. Bought spices As she did bestow and consume a costly ointment vpon his body being yet aliue c. 14 3 Christ him self defending and highly commending the fact against Iudas and other who accounted it to be superfluous and better to be bestowed otherwise So not without great deuotion and merite she and these other women seeke to anoint his body dead though Heretikes or other simple persons may pretend such things to be better bestowed vpon the poore and therfore * she first before al other * and they next saw him after his Resurrection 12. In an other shape Christ though he haue but one corporal shape natural to his person yet by his omnipotencie he may be in whatsoeuer forme and appears in the likenesse of any other man or creature as he list Therfore let no man thinke it strange that he may be vnder the forme of bread in the B. Sacrament 16. He that beleeueth Note wel that whereas this Euangelist mentioneth only faith and baptisme as though to beleeue and to be baptized were
Israel ✝ verse 10 and they gaue them into the potters field as our Lord did appoint to me ✝ verse 11 And IESVS stoode before the President and the President asked him saying Art thou the King of the Ievves IESVS saith to him Thou sayest ✝ verse 12 And vvhen he vvas accused of the cheefe Priestes and auncients he ansvvered nothing ✝ verse 13 Then Pilate saith to him Doest thou not heare hovv many testimonies they alleage against thee ✝ verse 14 And he ansvvered him not to any vvord so that the President did maruel excedingly ✝ verse 15 And vpon the solemne day the President had accustomed to release vnto the people one prisoner vvhom they vvould ✝ verse 16 And he had then a notorious prisoner that vvas called Barabbas ✝ verse 17 They therfore being gathered together Pilate said whom vvil you that I release to you Barabbas or IESVS that is called Christ ✝ verse 18 For he knevve that for enuie they had deliuered him ✝ verse 19 And as he vvas sitting in place of iudgment his vvife sent vnto him saying Haue thou nothing to doe vvith that iust man for I haue suffered many things this day in my sleepe for him ✝ verse 20 But the cheefe Priestes and auncients persuaded the people that they should aske Barabbas and make IESVS avvay ✝ verse 21 And the President ansvvering said to them Whether vvil you of the tvvo to be released vnto you But they said Barabbas ✝ verse 22 Pilate saith to them what shal I doe then vvith IESVS that is called Christ They say al Let him be crucified ✝ verse 23 The President said to them why vvhat euil hath he done But they cried the more saying Let him be crucified ✝ verse 24 And Pilate seeing that he nothing preuailed but rather tumult vvas tovvard taking vvater he vvashed his hands before the people saying I am ● innocent of the bloud of this iust man looke you to it ✝ verse 25 And the vvhole people ansvvering said His bloud be vpon vs and vpon our children ✝ verse 26 Then he released to them Barabbas and hauing scourged IESVS deliuered him vnto them for to be crucified ✝ verse 27 Then the Presidents souldiars taking IESVS into the Palace gathered together vnto him the vvhole band ✝ verse 28 * and stripping him put a scarlet cloke about him ✝ verse 29 and platting a crovvne of thornes put it vpon his head and a reede in his right hand And bovving the knee before him they mocked him saying Haile King of the Ievves ✝ verse 30 And spitting vpon him they tooke the reede and smote his head ✝ verse 31 And after they had mocked him they tooke of the cloke from him and put on him his ovvne garments and led him avvay to crucifie him ✝ verse 32 And in going they found a man of Cyréne named Simon him they forced to take vp his crosse ✝ verse 33 And they came into the place that is called Golgotha vvhich is the place of Caluarie ✝ verse 34 And they gaue him vvine to drinke mingled vvith gall And vvhen he had tasted he vvould not drinke ✝ verse 35 And after they had crucified him they deuided his garments casting lottes that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas spoken by the Prophet saying They deuided my garments among them and vpon my vesture they did cast lottes ✝ verse 36 And they sate and vvatched him ✝ verse 37 And they put ouer his head his cause vvritten THIS IS IESVS THE KING OF THE IEWES ✝ verse 38 Then vvere crucified vvith him tvvo theeues one on the right hand and one on the left ✝ verse 39 And they that passed by blasphemed him vvagging their heades ✝ verse 40 and saying Vah thou that destroyest the temple of God and in three daies doest reedifie it saue thine ovvne self ″ if thou be the sonne of God come dovvne from the Crosse ✝ verse 41 In like maner also the cheefe Priestes With the Scribes and auncients mocking said ✝ verse 42 He saued other him self he can not saue if he be the King of Israel let him novv come dovvne from the Crosse and vve vvil beleeue him ✝ verse 43 * He trusted in God let him novv deliuer him if he vvill for he said That I am the sonne of God ✝ verse 44 And the self same thing the theeues also that vvere crucified vvith him reproched him vvithal ✝ verse 45 And from the sixt houre there vvas darkenesse made vpon the vvhole earth vntil the ninthe houre ✝ verse 46 And about the ninthe houre IESVS cried vvith a mighty voice saying Eli Eli lamma-sabacthani that is My God my God ● vvhy hast thou forsaken me ✝ verse 47 And certaine that stoode there and heard said He calleth Elias ✝ verse 48 And incontinent one of them running tooke a sponge filled it vvith vinegre and put it on a reede and gaue him to drinke ✝ verse 49 And other said Let be let vs see vvhether Elias come to deliuer him ✝ verse 50 And IESVS againe crying vvith a mighty voice yelded vp the ghost ✝ verse 51 And be hold the vele of the temple vvas rent in tvvo peeces from the toppe euen to the botome and the earth did quake and the rockes vvere rent ✝ verse 52 and the graues vvere opened and many bodies of the saincts that had slept rose ✝ verse 53 And they going forth out of the graues after his resurrection came into the holy citie and appeared to many ✝ verse 54 And the Centurion and they that vvere vvith him vvatching IESVS hauing seen the earth-quake and the things that vvere done vvere sore afraid saying In deede this vvas the sonne of God ✝ verse 55 And there vvere there many vvomen a farre of vvhich had folovved IESVS from Galilee ministring vnto him ✝ verse 56 among vvhom vvas Marie Magdalene and Marie the mother of Iames and Ioseph and the mother of the sonnes of Zebede● ✝ verse 57 And vvhen it vvas euening there came a certaine rich man of Arimathaea named Ioseph vvho also him self was disciple to IESVS ✝ verse 58 He vvent to Pilate and asked the body of IESVS Then Pilate commaunded that the body should be deliuered ✝ verse 59 And Ioseph taking the body ″ vvrapt it in cleane sindon ✝ verse 60 and laid it in his ovvne nevve monument vvhich he had hevved out in a rocke And he rolled a great stone to the doore of the monument and vvent his vvay ✝ verse 61 And there was there Marie Magdalene and the other Marie sitting ouer against the sepulchre ✝ verse 62 And the next day vvhich is after the Parasceue the cheefe Priestes and the Pharisees came together to Pilate ✝ verse 63 saying Sir vve haue remembred that that seducer said yet liuing After three dayes I vvil rise againe ✝ verse 64 Commaund therfore the sepulchre to be kept vntil the third day lest perhaps his Disciples come and steale him
Peter might redound by Peter to the rest of the Apostles S. Augustine also Christ praying for Peter prayed for the rest because in the Pastor and Prelate the people is corrected or commended And S. Ambrose writeth that Peter after his tentation was made Pastor of the Church because it was said to him Thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren Neither was this the priuilege of S. Peters person but of his Office that he should not faile in faith but euer confirme al other in their faith For the Church for whose sake that priuilege was thought necessarie in Peter the Head thereof was to be preserued no lesse afterward then in the Apostles time wherevpon al the Fathers apply this priuilege of not failing and of confirming other in faith to the Romane Church and Peters successors in the same To which saith S. Cyprian infidelity or false faith can not come And S. Bernard saith writing to Innocentius Pope against Abailardus the Heretike we must referre to your Apostleship al the scandals and perils which may fall in matter of faith specially For there the defects of faith must be holpen where faith can not faile For to what other See was it euer said I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy faith do not faile So say the Fathers not meaning that none of Peters seate can erre in person vnderstanding priuate doctrine or writings but that they can not nor shal not euer iudicially conclude or giue definitiue sentence for falshod or heresie against the Catholike faith in their Consistories Courts Councels decrees deliberations or consultations kept for decision and determination of such controuersies doubts or questions of faith as shal be proposed vnto them because Christes prayer and promes protecteth them therein for confirmation of their brethren And no maruel that our Maister would haue his vicars Consistorie Seate infallible seeing euen in the old Law the high Priestod and Chaire of Moyses wanted not great priuilege in this case though nothing like the Churches and Peters prerogatiue But in both any man of sense may see the difference betwene the person and the Office as wel in doctrine as life Liberius in persecution might yeld Marcellinus for feare might commit Idolatrie Honorius might fall to Heresie and more then al this some Iudas might creepe into the Office and yet al this without preiudice of the Office and Seate in which saith S. Augustine our Lord hath set the doctrine of truth Caiphas by priuilege of his Office prophecied right of Christ but according to his owne knowlege and faith knew not Christ The Euangelists and other penners of holy write for the execution of that function had the assistance of God and so far could not possibly erre but that Luke Marke Salomon or the rest might not erre in other their priuate vvritings that we say not It was not the personal wisedom vertue learning or faith of Christs Vicars that made S. Bernard seeke to Innocentius the third S. Augustine and the Bishops of Afrike to Innocentius the first and to Celestinus ep 90. 92. 95 S. Chrysostome to the said Innocentius S. Basil to the Pope in his time ep 52 S. Hierom to Damasus ep 57. 58. to 2. but it was the prerogatiue of their Office and higher degree of Vnction and Christs ordinance that would haue al Apostles and Pastors in the vvorld for their confirmation in faith and Ecclesiastical regiment depend on Peter The lacke of knowledge and humble acceptation of which Gods prouidence that is that one is not honoured and obeyed of al the brotherhod is the cause of al Schismes and Heresies saith S. Cyprian A point of such importance that al the Twelue being in Apostleship like Christ would yet for the better keeping of vnity and truth haue one to be head of them al that a head being once appointed occasion of Schisme might be taken away saith S. Hierom. li. 1. adu Iouinian c. 14. CHAP. XXIII The Ievves accuse him to Pilate the Gentil 4 Who seeking earnestly to deliuer him specially after that Herod sent him backe 17 they not onely preferre the murderer Barabbas but also crie CRVCIFIGE 26 in the vvay to Caluarie he foretelleth the vvomen that lamented vpon him the horrible destruction of their Hierusalem ●2 vpon the crosse he is betvvene tvvo theeues ●5 scorned of the Ievves 36 of the souldiars 39 and of one of the theeues 40 but euen there confessed of the other theefe 44 and after his death because of the great miracles concurring also of the Centurion 4● yea and of the vvhole multitude 50 and finally he is buried honorably verse 1 AND all the multitude of them rising vp led him to Pilate ✝ verse 2 And they began to accuse him saying Vve haue found this man subuerting our nation prohibiting to giue tributes to Caesar and saying that he is Christ the king ✝ verse 3 And Pilate asked him saying Art thou the king of the Ievves But he ansvvering said Thou sayest ✝ verse 4 And Pilate said to the cheefe Priests and multitudes I finde no cause in this man ✝ verse 5 But they vvere more earnest saying He stirreth the people teaching through out al Ievvrie beginning from Galilee euen hither ✝ verse 6 But Pilate hearing Galilee asked if the man vvere of Galilee ✝ verse 7 And vvhen he vnderstoode that he vvas of Herods iurisdiction he sent him backe to Herod vvho vvas also him self at Hierusalem in those daies ✝ verse 8 And Herod seeing IESVS vvas very glad for he vvas desirous of a long time to see him for because he heard many things of him and he hoped to see some signe vvrought by him ✝ verse 9 And he asked him in many vvordes But he ansvvered him nothing ✝ verse 10 And there stoode the cheefe Priests and the Scribes constantly accusing him ✝ verse 11 And Herod vvith his armie set him at naught and he mocked him putting on him a vvhite garment and sent him backe to Pilate ✝ verse 12 And Herod and Pilate vvere made frendes that day for before they vvere enemies one to an other ✝ verse 13 And Pilate calling together the cheefe Priests and magistrates and the people ✝ verse 14 said to them You haue presented vnto me this man as auerting the people and behold I examining him before you haue found no cause in this man of those things vvherein you accuse him ✝ verse 15 No nor Herod neither for I sent you to him and behold nothing vvorthie of death is done to him ✝ verse 16 I vvil chasten him therfore and dimisse him ✝ verse 17 And he of necessitie had to release vnto them vpon the feast day one ✝ verse 18 But the vvhole multitude together cried out saying Dispatch him and release vs Barabbas ✝ verse 19 vvho vvas for a certaine sedition made in the citie and murder cast into prison ✝ verse 20 And Pilate againe spake to them desirous
said to Paul A litle thou persuadest me to become a CHRISTIAN ✝ verse 29 And Paul said I vvish of God both in litle and in much not only thee but also al that heare this day to become such as I am also except these bandes ✝ verse 30 And the king rose vp and the President and Bernice and they that sate by them ✝ verse 31 And going a side they spake among them selues saying That this man hath done nothing vvorthie of death or bandes ✝ verse 32 And Agrippa said to Festus This man might be released if he had not appealed to Caesar CHAP. XXVII What a dangerous nauigation he had tovvards Rom● and that by his prediction and counsel the ship might haue been saued And for his sake as God also reuealed to him before al the companie vvas preserued being 276 persons verse 1 AND after it vvas decreed that he should saile into Italie and that Paul vvith other prisoners should be deliuered to a Centurion named Iulius of the band Augusta ✝ verse 2 vve going vp into a ship of Adrumétum beginning to sail about the places of Asia loosed from the land Aristarchus the Macedonian of Thessalonica continuing vvith vs. ✝ verse 3 And the day folovving vve came to Sidon And Iulius intreating Paul courteously permitted him to goe to his frendes and to take care of him self ✝ verse 4 And vvhen vve had loosed thēce vve sailed vnder Cypres because the vvindes vvere cōtrarie ✝ verse 5 And sailing the sea of Cilicia and Pamphilia vve came to Lystra ' vvhich is in Lycia ✝ verse 6 and there the Centurion finding a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italie remoued vs into it ✝ verse 7 And vvhereas many daies vve sailed slovvly vvere scarse come ouer against Gnidus the vvinde hindering vs vve sailed neere Crete by Salmóne ✝ verse 8 and vvith much a doe sailing by it vve came into a certaine place that is called Good-hauens nigh to the vvhich vvas a citie Thalassa ✝ verse 9 And vvhen much time vvas spent and vvhereas novv it vvas not safe sailing because the fast novv vvas past Paul comforted them ✝ verse 10 saying to them Ye men I see that the sailing beginneth to be vvith hurt and much damage not only of the lading and the ship but also of our liues ✝ verse 11 But the Centurion beleeued the gouernour and maister of the ship more then those things vvhich vvere said of Paul ✝ verse 12 And vvhereas it vvas not a commodious hauen to vvinter in very many taking counsel appointed to saile thence if by any meanes they might comming to Phoeníce vvinter there a hauen of Crete looking tovvard the Afrike and the Chore. ✝ verse 13 And the south vvinde blovving they thinking that they had obteined their purpose vvhen they had parted from Asson sailed along by Crete ✝ verse 14 But not long after a tempestous vvinde that is called Euro-aquilo droue against it ✝ verse 15 And vvhen the shippe vvas caught and could not make vvay against the vvinde giuing vp the ship to the vvindes vve vvere driuen ✝ verse 16 And running vpon a certaine iland that is called Cauda vve could scarse get the cock-boate ✝ verse 17 Vvhich being taken vp they vsed helps girding the ship and fearing lest they should fall into the Syrte letting dovvne the vessel so vvere they caried ✝ verse 18 And vvhen vve vvere mightly tossed vvith the tempest the next day they cast forth ✝ verse 19 And the third day vvith their ovvne handes they threvve forth the tacklinges of the ship ✝ verse 20 And neither sunne nor starres appearing for many daies and no smal storme being tovvard al hope vvas novv taken avvay of our sauing ✝ verse 21 And vvhen there had been long fasting then Paul standing in the middes of them said You should in deede O ye men haue heard me and not haue parted from Crete haue gained this hurt and losse ✝ verse 22 And novv I exhort you to be of good cheere for there shal be no losse of any soule amōg you but of the ship ✝ verse 23 For ″ an Angel of the God vvhose I am and vvhom I serue stoode by me this night ✝ verse 24 saying Feare not Paul thou must appeare before Caesar and behold God hath giuen thee al that saile vvith thee ✝ verse 25 For the vvhich cause be of good cheere ye men for I beleeue God that it shal so be as it hath been said to me ✝ verse 26 And vve m●st come vnto a ce●t●ine ilande ✝ verse 27 But after the fourtenth night vvas come on vs as vve vvere sailing in Adria about midnight the shipmen deemed that there appeared some countrie to them ✝ verse 28 Vvho also sounding found tvventie fadomes and being parted a litle from thence they found fiftene fadomes ✝ verse 29 And fearing lest vve should fall into rough places casting out of the sterne foure anker● they vvished that day vvere come ✝ verse 30 But as the shipmen sought to flee out of the ship hauing let dovvne the cock-boate into the sea pretēding as if they vvere about to cast out ankers out of the fore part of the ship ✝ verse 31 Paul said to the Centurion and to the souldiars ″ Vnles ●hesc tarie in the ship you can not be saued ✝ verse 32 Then the souldiars cut of the ropes of the cockboate and suffered it to fal avvay ✝ verse 33 And vvhen it began to be light Paul desired all to take meate saying This day is the fourtenth day that you expect and remaine fasting taking nothing ✝ verse 34 For the vvhich cause I desire you to take meate for your health sake for there shal not an heare of the head perish of any of you ✝ verse 35 And vvhen he had said these things taking bread he gaue thankes to God in the sight of them al and vvhen he had broken it he began to eate ✝ verse 36 And being al made of better cheere they also tooke meate ✝ verse 37 And vve vvere in al the ship soules tvvo hundred seuentie sixe ✝ verse 38 And being filled vvith meate they lighted the ship casting the vvheat into the sea ✝ verse 39 And vvhen day vvas come they knevv not the land but they spied a certaine creeke that had a shore into the vvhich they minded if they could to cast a land the ship ✝ verse 40 And vvhen they had taken vp the ankers they committed them selues to the sea loosing vvithal the rudder bands and hoising vp the maine saile according as the vvinde blevve they vvent on tovvard the shore ✝ verse 41 And vvhen vve vvere fallen into a place betvvene tvvo seas they graueled the ship and the fore-part truly sticking fast remained vnmoueable but the hinder part vvas broken by the violence of the sea ✝ verse 42 And the counsel of the souldiars vvas that they should kil the prisoners lest any svvimming out might runne avvay
be temporally chastised in the next life cannot be saued vvithout great vvatch feare and trembling and much labouring and chastisement And this is far contrarie to the Protestants doctrine that putteth no iustice but in faith alone maketh none iust in deede and in truth teacheth men to be so secure and assured of their saluation that he that hath liued vvickedly al his life if he onely haue their faith at his death that is if he beleeue stedfastly that he is one of the elect he shal be as sure of his saluation immediatly after his departure as the best liuer in the vvorld CHAP. V. He exhorteth Priests to feede their flockes onely for Gods sake and revvard of heauen vvithout al lordlines 5 the laie to obey al to be humble one to●ards an other 8 to be constant in the Catho faith considering it is not man but that lion the Diuel that persecuteth them 9 as he doth the vvhole Church also that God vvil after a vvhile make them secure in heauen verse 1 THE seniors therfore that are among you I beseche my self a fellovv senior vvith them and a vvitnesse of the passions of Christ vvho am also partaker of that glorie vvhich is to be reuealed in time to come ✝ verse 2 feede the flocke of God vvhich is among you prouiding not by constrainte but vvillingly according to God neither for filthie lucre sake but voluntarily ✝ verse 3 neither as ● ouerruling ● the Clergie but made examples of the flocke from the hart ✝ verse 4 And vvhen the prince of pastors shal appeare you shal receiue the incorruptible crovvne of glorie ✝ verse 5 In like maner ye yong men be subiect to the seniors And do ye al insinuate humilitie one to an other because God resisteth the proude and to the humble he giueth grace ✝ verse 6 * Be ye humbled therfore vnder the mightie hand of God that he may exalt you in the time of visitation ✝ verse 7 * casting al your carefulnes vpon him because he hath care of you ✝ verse 8 Be sober and vvatch because your aduersarie the Deuil as a roaring lion goeth about seeking vvhom he may deuoure ✝ verse 9 vvhom resist ye strong in faith knovving that the self same affliction is made to that your fraternitie vvhich is in the vvorld ✝ verse 10 But the God of al grace vvhich hath called vs vnto his eternal glorie in Christ IESVS he vvil perfite you hauing suffered a litle and confirme and stablish you ✝ verse 11 To him be glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ⊢ ✝ verse 12 By Syluanus a faithful brother to you as I thinke I haue breefely vvritten beseching and testifying that this is the true grace of God vvherein you stand ✝ verse 13 The Church saluteth you ● that is in Babylon coëlect and Marke my sonne ✝ verse 14 * Salute one an other in a holy kisse Grace be to al you vvhich are in Christ IESVS Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 1. Seniors Though the Latin Senior be not appropriated to holy order by vse of speache neither in the Latin nor in our language yet it is plaine that the Greeke vvord Presbyter vvhich the Apostle here vseth is here also as commonly in other places of the new Testament a vvord of Ecclesiastical office and not of age and is as much to say as Priest or Bishop For the Apostle him self being of that order speaketh as by his vvordes it is plaine to such as had charge of soules saying Feed● the flocke of God vvhich is among you Because vve folow the vulgar latin translation vve say Seniors and Senior vvhereas othervvise vve might and should say according to the Greeke The Priests therfore I beseech my self a follovv-priest vvith them So doth S. Hierom read Presbyteros compresbyter and expound ep 85. So translateth Erasmus and Beza him self 3. Ouerruling Not superiority preeminence souerainty or rule on the one side not obedience subiection and inferiority on the other side be forebidden in the Clergie but tyrannie pride and ambitious domination be forbidden and humility meekenes moderation are commended in Ecclesiastical Officers the Greeke vvord here of ruling or ouerruling being the same that our Sauiour vseth in the Gospel of the tyrannical rule of secular Heathen Princes saying to his Apostles that it shal not be so among them according as here the prince of the Apostles teacheth his brethren the Ecclesiastical rulers 3. The Clergie Some of the English nevv translations turne it corruptly Parishes others heritages both to auoid the most knovven true and common vvord in al Christian languages to vvit Clergie a vvord by vse of al antiquity agreably to the holy Scriptures made proper to the Spiritualty or Clergie though in an other more vulgar acception it may agree to al Christs chosen heritage as vvel of lay people as Priests vvhich the Protestants had rather folovv because they vvill haue no difference betvvene the laity the Clergie But the holy fathers far othervvise euen from the beginning Vvhereof see S. Cyprian ep 4. 5. 6. c. And S. Hierom ep 2 to Nepotianus ● 5. vvhere he interpreteth this vvord Therfore saith he Clericus that is a Clergie man vvhich serueth the Church of Christ let him first interprete his name and the signification of the name being declared let him endeuour to be that vvhich he is called If 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cle●us in Greeke be called in Latin Sors therfore are they called Clerici that is Clergie men because they are of the lot of our Lord or because our Lord him self is the lot or portion of Clergie men c. Vvhich calling no doubt vvas taken out of the holy Scriptures Numer 18. and Deutero 18. vvhere God is called the inheritance lot and portion of the Priests and Leuites and novv vvhen men be made of the Clergie they say Dominus pars haereditatis meae that is Our Lord is the portion of mine inheritance but specially out of the nevv Testament Act. 1 17. 25. and 8 21. Vvhere the lot or office of the Ecclesiastical ministerie is called by this vvord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cle●us See in Venerable Bede the causes vvhy this holy state being seuered by name from the Laity doth vvear● also a crovvne on their head for distinction Lib. 5. hist Angl. c. 22. 4. Crovvne of glorie A● life euerlasting shal be the revvard of al the iust so the preachers Pastors that doe vvel for their doing shal haue that revvard in a more excellēt degree expressed here by these vvordes Crovvne of glorie according to the saying of Daniel c. 12. They that sleepe in the dust of the earth shal avvake one sort to life euerlasting others to euerlasting rebuke but such as he learned shal shine as the brightnes of the firmament and such as instruct many to iustice shal be as starres
temporal commodities sake either coi●ath or folovveth nevv opinions S. August li. de Vtil ●red cap. 1. And lastly by the resemblance they haue vvith the auncient and notorious Schismatike Corè and his companions vvho forsooke the ordinarie Priesthod appointed by God and would needes doe sacrifice them selues without lavvful calling Such in deede be al Heretikes and such be al their sacraments seruice and offices in their Church as Cores vvere in his schismatical tabernacles And as pride vvas the cause of his reuolting from the obedience of Moyses and Aaron his Priests and true Gouernours so is intolerable pride the cause of al Heretikes forsaking their lavvful Pastors and Rulers and namely of forsaking Christes owne Vicar in earth our true Aaron as S. Bernard calleth him De consid li. 2. cap. 8. To al such forsakers the Apostle here giueth the curse and Va due to the said three Cain Balaam and Corè and telleth them that the storme of darkenes and eternal damnation is prouided for them most liuely describing al Heretikes as in some vve to our woe haue experience by their maners in our daies in al this passage euen to the end of the epistle 19. These are they vvhich segregate them selues The conditions in the later daies that is euer since Christs time not of these onely of our age For there were many that forsooke Gods Church and segregated them selues from the fellowship of the faithful euen in the primitiue Church that vve may the lesse maruel at these mens segregating them selues and going out from the rest into seueral sectes which S. Augustine therfore calleth Segregations THE ARGVMENT OF THE APOCALYPSE OF S. IOHN THAT vvhich the old Testament foretold of Christ him self the Apostles could report the fulfilling thereof in the nevv Testament by vvay of an historie euen from his Conception to his Glorification But of his Church they could not doe the like because in their time it did but beginne being to continue long after them euen to the end of the vvorld and then at length to be glorified as Christ her Spouse alreadie is Herevpon God vvould haue S. Luke to report in the Actes of the Apostles the storie of the Churches beginning and for the rest of it to the end that vve might receiue this benefite also by the Apostles handes he vvould S. Iohn to tell vs of it in this booke by vvay of a prophecie Of vvhich booke S. Hierome saith The Apocalypse of S. Iohn hath as many sacrament or mysteries as vvordes Yea more then that In euery vvord there are hid manifold and sundrie senses Therfore it is very litle that can here be noted in respect Yet to giue the good Catholike vvhose comfort is here some litle helpe the booke may be deuided into fiue partes The first after the Pro●●me conteineth seuen Epistles from Christ novv in glorie to seuen Churches of Asia or for these he maketh al one to the seuen Bishops of those Churches meaning no to those only but to al his Churches Bishops throughout the vvorld saying therefore in euery one of them to al in general He that hath an eare let him heare vvhat the Spirit saith to the Churches As also in euery one he exhorteth vs to fight manfully in this spiritual vvarfare of ours against sinne for the victorie and in euery one accordingly promiseth vs a revvard in heauen But before this in the beginning of euery one be partly commendeth partly reprehendeth and exhorteth to penance Vvhere this is much to be noted and feared that among so many he reproueth somevvhat in al saue only in tvvo vvhich are the second the sixt In the beginning also of euery one he taketh some peece out of the apparition going before to frame thereof his slyle agreably to the matter of eche Epistle After this admonition to Pastors and their flockes the second part folovveth vvherein the Church and vvhole course thereof from the beginning to the end is expressed in the opening of a booke in Gods hand and the seuen seales thereof by Christ for the vvhich he seeth praise sung novv in heauen and earth not only to the Godhead as before but also after a nevv manner to Christ according to his Manhod And here vvhen he is come to the opening of the last seale signifying Domesday he letteth that matter alone for a vvhile and to speake more fully yet of the said course of the Church he bringeth in an other pagent as it vvere of seuen Angels vvith seuen Trumpets The effect of both the Seales Trumpets in this That the Church beginning and proceding there should be raised against it cruel persecutions and pestilent heresies and at length after al heresies a certaine most blasphemous Apostasie being the next preparatiue to the comming of Antichrist After al vvhich Antichrist him self in person shal appeare in the time of the sixt seale and sixt trumpet persecuting and seducing for the short time of his reigne more then al before him The Church notvvithstanding shal still continue and vvade through al because Christ her Spouse is stronger then al these aduersaries vvho also straight after the said sixt time shal in the seuenth come in maiestie and iudge al. Of the vvhich iudgement differring yet a vvhile to speake at large he doth first in the third part intreate more fully of the Deuils vvorking by Antichrist and his companie against the Church that the iustice of Christ aftervvard in iudging may be more manifest At length therefore in the fourth part he commeth to the seuen last plagues the seuenth of them conteining the final damnation of the vvhole multitude societie or corps of the vvicked from the beginning of the vvorld to the end Vvhich multitude in the Gospel and first Epistle of this same S. Iohn as also in the other Scriptures commonly is often called Mundus the vvorld and here he calleth it partly Meretricem a vvhore or harlot because vvith her concupiscence she entiseth the carnal and earthly men avvay from God partly Ciuitatem Babylon the Citie of Babylon because it maketh vvarre against Hierusalem the Citie of God and laboureth to hold Gods people captiue in sinne as it vvas shadovved in Nabuchodonosor his Babylonias leading and holding the Ievves vvith their Hierusalem in captiuitie vntil Cyrus in figure of Christ deliuered them But vvhether al these seuen plagues should be vnderstood as the seuenth of Domesday it self it is hard to define More like it is that the first sixe are to goe before Domesday but vvhether corporally and literally so as Moyses plagued Egypt or rather spiritually it is more hard to define Yet it seemeth more easie to vnderstand them corporally as also the plagues vvherevvith Elias and his fellovv shal in the time of Antichrist plague the vvicked vvhich peraduenture shal be the same last plagues vvhere of vve reade in this booke c. 11. v. 6. But not content to haue described