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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10957 The English creede consenting vvith the true, auncient, catholique, and apostolique Church in al points, and articles of religion, which euerie Christian is to know and beleeue that would be saued. The second part, in most loyal manner to the glorie of God, credit of our Church, and displaieng of al hæresies, and errors, both olde and newe, contrarie to the faith, subscribed vnto by Thomas Rogers. Allowed by auctoritie.; English creede. Part 2 Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1587 (1587) STC 21227; ESTC S116387 55,407 97

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found in Israel to serue the Lord their God 2. Chro. 34. 33. VVith the K. of Nihiuch for th'auoiding of th'imment vengeance of God Ionas 3. 7. c. Proclaime a general Fast. Command euerie man to turn from his euil waie and from the wikednes that is in his handes Herun to subscribe the Churches ptotestant Confe of Heluet. 1 ar● 26. Heluet. 2. c. 30 Basil. art 7. Bohem. cap. 16. France art 39. Flan. art 36. Saxon. art 23. VVitte cap. 35. The Papists as in other pointes so herein discēt altogether from the true Church of God For thei teach that No Queen No King None Emperor Hath anie ●ucto●tie to deliberate or define in m●tters of Religion or to make anie lawes for th'aduancemēt of the same religion yea vvhat Prince soeuer doth so he shal bee damned saie theie vndoubtedly except theie do repent 4 Th' office of the ciuil Magistrate hath in part alrea die bin declared in this article in part also this proposition she vveth namely that hee is to restraine and if need be to punish the disturbers of the quiet peace of his Common-vvealth and that if occasion do require By force of armes if th' enemies of his State be Foraine Domestical And theie gathered together be Manie Mightie To this end principallie theie haue Men Munition Subsidies Tributs Thus against th' enemies of God good men vvent of Israel Iudah The valiant Iudges The noble and puissant Kinges Princes By executing of wholsome lawes vpon the Goods Cattel Lands Bodies Of their disobedient subiects For he is the minister of God to take vengance on him that doeth euil Rom. 13. 4. Therefore Princes are to be feared Not of them vvhich do wel Rom. 13. 3. Of such as doe vvickedlie Rom. 13. v●● 3. 4. Theie vvhich haue profited in the schoole of Christianitie novvhit doue heereof Confe of Heluet 1 ar 24. 26 Heluet. 2. c. 30. Basil. art 7. Bohem. cap. 16. France art 39. Flan. art 36. Ausb ar 16. Saxon. art 23. But The Cresconians are of an opinion that the Magistrates ar to punish no malefactors Rabanus drea meth that magistracy is not th'ordinaunce of God for the good but an humane inuention for the hurt of man Th'anab aptists deliuer that before the resurrectiōther shalnot be anie magistrats for al the wiked shal be rooted out The like fancie haue the Fam. of Loue. The Papists think that the Cleargie are not to be punished or corrected of the ciuil magistrate 5 The Bishop of Rome did he Preach the Gospel 1. Cor 9 v. 16 17. 1. Tim. 4 2. Mat. 28. 19 Labor in the Lorde his haruest Mat. 9 38. Diuide the word of God a●ight ● Tim. ● 15. Minister the Sacraments instituted by Christ that syncerelie Matt. 28 19. 1. Cor. 10 16. Shew by his life the goodfruits of à godly Bishop 1. Tim. 3 2. c. Tit. 1 7. c Doubtles hee were worthie of double honor by the word of God 1. Tim 5. 17 yet wil not the same worde of God were he neuer so holie religious warrant him anie iurisdictiō within this realme much lesse when hee doth execute no part of à Christian but euerie part of an Antichristian Bishop In corrupting the doctrin of the truth with errors cursed opinions In defacing the sacramēts of the church by supersticious ceremonies In persecuting the Church of Christ with fire and sword In making marchandise of the soules of men thorough couetousnes 2 Pet. 2 3. In pl●ieng the Lorde ouer gods heretage 1. Pet. 5. 3. In sitting in the temple of God as God shewing himself that hee is God 2. Thes. 2 4. In exalting himself against al that is called god or that is worshipped 2. Thes. 2 4. In respect of which fruits of impietie the pope of Rome He is described in the holie scripture to be verie Antichrist euē The wikedman That man of sinne The son of p●idition Th' aduersarie of God 2. Thes. 2 3. c. Hee was openlie proclaimed Antichrist by à councel in France in the raigne of Capet He is called by the godlie learned The prince among al the children of pride Verie Lucifer The Basiliske of the Church The plague of the world Neither the head nor the taile of the Church of God His iurisdiction hath bine and is banished out o● Englande by manie kings parliments namelie by K. Edwarde the 1. 3. 6. Richard the 2. Henrie the 4 8. His pride and intollerable supremacie is renounced by al the true seruants of God by mouth and writing Confel of Hel. 1. 2. 18 Helue 2 c. 17. 18. Boh. c. 8. 9 Fland art 28. 31. VVittem art 31. Ausburg touching abuses 1 art 7. And that vpon good cause he is thus detested it appeareth as by that alreadie setdowne so by that which the Papists themselues giue out of their holie father as namelie that The pope is In supremacle Abel In gouerning of the A●ke Noah In patriarkship Abraham In Order Melchisedech In dignitie Aaron In auctoritie Moses In iudgement Samuel In zeale Helias In humilitie Dauid In power Peter In respect of his vn●tion Christ. The general pastor The common father of al Christians The high pastor of Gods vniuersal Church The prince of Gods people God In title God euen the Lorde God the Pope For power god By him kings raigne He maie iudge al but must be iudged of none He can do what him list as wel as God except sin He hath vniuersal iurisdiction ouer the whole world Vpon paine of damnation al christians are to yeeld obedience to the Pope 6 As the natures of men be diuers and sometimes in some countries more abund than in other so are the punishments to bee imposed vpon malefactors according to the quantitie and qualitie of th'offēce and anie countrie and realm maie punish offendors and that with death is the laws thereof do so command and the case requireth For Al that take the sword shal perish with the sworde Matth. 26 52. Gouernors are sēt of the king 1. Pet. 2 14. For The punishmēt of euil doers The praise of them that do wel A wise king scattereth the wiked and causeth the wheele to turne ouer them Rom. 20 26. The magistrate Rom 13 4. He beareth not the sworde for nought He is the minister of God to takeven geance on thē that do euil In regarde wherof in some places before the magistrats are borne Rods to correct them which be reformable To cut of such as are past recouerie and rotten mēbers Axes Hatchets Halberds Swords but not bare and naked but in the scabberd to signifie That theie are to haue death which deserue the same yet cōmeth the magistrate to that execution vrged therunto by necessitie rather than willinglie VVhich punishments do testifie to the world that God is al iust which wil haue Some sinnes more seuerelie punished than others The magistrat to cut of dangerous and vngodly members God is merciful and hath à care