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A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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3 we see the wicked prosper and florish spredding themselues as the greene Bay tree for loe God hath set them in slippery places Psal 37 53. and casteth them downe in the end vnto desolation they are suddenly destroyed horribly consumed as the chaffe which the winde driueth away and as a dreame when one awaketh This tentation hath ouertaken the children of God and caused them oftentimes to shrinke back when they saw the prosperity of the vngodly Psal 73 2 3. Hab. 1 4. and on the other side the troubles of the godly hath made them to reason within themselues of the prouidence of God But shall not the King rule his owne kingdome or the Master gouerne his own house as pleaseth him And shall not we giue the Lord leaue to dispose of all things in heauen and earth after the good pleasure of his owne will Hee fatteth the wicked against the day of slaughter he leaueth them without excuse and maketh his blessings as a witnesse against them Contrarywise the children of God although they suffer afflictions yet afflictions to them are not euill but try their faith as the furnace doth the gold Senec. de diui prouidentia c. 8 Let vs not deceiue our selues in iudging and esteeming of good and euill That is good which maketh vs better that is euil that maketh vs worse The workes of the flesh adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnes idolatry witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuy murthers drunkennesse couetousnesse and such like are manifestly euill These God keepeth from his deere children and his deere children from them that they reigne not in them The Israelites in Egypt liued vnder hard masters and carried many heauy burthens and sent vp many passionate sighes to God with deepe grones of spirit whilst Pharaoh and the Egyptians tooke crafty counsell together and sported themselues in the miseries mischiefs which they had brought vpon them But whose condition was the more happie let the red Sea testifie from which the Israelits were deliuered Exo 14 27 29 in which the Egyptiās were drowned Dauid taken from the sheepe-folds tasted of many sorrowes being in perils among the Amalekites in perils in the Wildernesse in perils of his owne Nation in perils of his own seruants in perils among false bretheren and was hunted from place to place as a Partridge in the Mountaines 2 Sam. 31 4. whilst Saul sought his life and enioyed the pleasures and treasures of a kingdom But whose estate was the more happy let the end and yssue of them both determine the one liued in glory ended his daies in peace the other sheathed his sword in his owne bowels and so dyed in despaire The Apostle Iames willeth vs to take the Prophets for an example of suffering aduersity and of long patience which haue spoken in the name of the Lord Ye haue heard of the patience of Iob haue knowne what end the Lord made Iam. 5 10 11. for the Lord is very pittifull and mercifull Lazarus a poore begger destitute of succour and friends lying at the rich mans gate hauing his minde as full of cares as his bodie was of sores whilst the rich glutton was clad in purple gorgiously and fared deliciously euery day But whose condition was the more blessed and happy of them twaine let this tell vs and teach vs for our instruction that Lazarus when he died had the holy elect Angels to attend vpon him to carry his soule into Abrahams bosome Luk. 16 22 23 that is to say into the kingdome of heauen Matth. 8 11. the rich man also died his body was buried his soule was carried cast into the torments of hell Where the worme neuer dyeth Marke 9 44. and the fire neuer goeth out the one vnsufferable the other vnquenchable both infinite Let vs not therefore rest in beholding the present face of outward things but possesse our soules with patience in a sweet meditation of Gods prouidence considering that it shall in the end bee well with all them that feare the Lord and that howsoeuer the wicked do prosper in the world increase in riches yet if we enter into the Sanctuary of God Psal ●3 ● we shal see they are set in slippery places they are lifted vp on high and therefore their fall shall be more fearefull seeing all the threatnings of God must without faile fasten vpon them Lastly seeing the menaces and threatnings Vse 4 of God must bee performed this serueth also to assure vs that the gracious promises of God made in mercy to his people shall in truth and righteousnesse bee accomplished The Lord that is alwaies the same as hee is true in his threatnings to the vngodly so wil he be found true in his promises toward the godly For seeing no part of his word shall passe away that he will not falsifie his trueth Psal 89 ● nor alter the thing that is gone out of his mouth one part serueth to confirme another his threatnings are ratified by the assurance of his promises and his promises are established to bee surer then the heauens by the assurāce of his threatnings So then let vs learne to depend vpon God to trust in him knowing 2 Cor. 1 that all his promises are yea and Amen vnto the glory of his name Let vs rest in him for the pardon of our sinnes for the hearing of our prayers for the feeding of our bellies for the resurrection of our bodies for the inheritance of euerlasting life hauing a strong assurance of faith that the Lord is iust and true in all his promises This is a notable comfort and consolation to all the childrē of God to cause vs to set our hope in him hauing a patient and constant expectation of all things that by faith we haue beleeued saying with the Apostle 1 Tim. 1 12. For this cause I also suffer these things but I am not ashamed for I know whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that he is able to keepe that which I haue committed to him against that day Verse 25 26. Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne and cause Aaron to strip off his Garments and thou shalt put them vpon his sonne Heere is deliuered how Aaron yet liuing his sonne is inuested and installed into his Office with the ceremonies and solemnities thereunto appertaining at the appointment of God to shew the continuance of the Priesthoode to take away al occasions of dissentions from the people Thus we see the good estate of the Church is prouided for by Moses before Aaron dyed Doctr● The Ch● must be in good after co● parture and went the way of all flesh The Doctrine hence is that the good of the Church must be regarded of vs to leaue it in good case after our death and departure I say it is a principall duty required of vs when wee must leaue the worlde to prouide for the
the Lord Obiect Ephes 6. Ephe. 6.4 If any obiect against these commandements They will be vnruly and disordered albeit they be neuer so well brought vp and though their parents be very carefull they will be very carelesse and therefore they were as good holde their peace as to speake to them and not to be regarded Answer I answere so it is sometimes but alwayes it is not so Many that haue feared GOD with all their housholdes haue receiued much comfort by their children and seruants that haue had good instruction put into them as pure and wholesome liquour into a vessell and haue seene the fruite thereof to the vnspeakeable ioy of their hearts This we might shew at large in the reformed families of Abraham and Cornelius and sundry others As they planted and sowed good seede in the parts of their families as it were in a fruitfull field so they reaped a plentifull haruest Abraham had seruants that were also Gods seruants Gen 24.12 and 14.14 Act. 10.7 and prayed earnestly vnto him Cornelius had a souldier that waited vpon him that feared God yea all his band of Italian souldiers were Christian souldiers Againe we must trust GOD with the effect and successe of the education that we giue them He will worke thereby by his Spirit in all that belong vnto him as seemeth good to his heauenly wisedome If he doe not giue a blessing for causes vnknowne to vs but knowne to him let vs leaue Gods secret yet iust iudgments to himselfe The third particular branch is to pray to God for them to guide them in his wayes and to blesse them in his feare and to blesse our labours bestowed among them This wee see in Iob Iob 1.5 Chapter 1. toward his children When the dayes of their feasting were gone about he sent and sanctified them and rose vp early in the morning and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all for he said It may be that my sonnes haue sinned and cursed God in their hearts He was carefull for those which were committed vnto his charge and feared they might offend God in their meetings albeit hee knew no such euill by them The wise man saith Happy is the man● that feareth alway but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischiefe Prou. 28. Prou. 28.14 A like example wee haue in Dauid Psalme 72. where he prayeth for Salomon Giue the king thy iudgements O God and thy righteousnesse to the kings sonne hee shall iudge thy people with righteousnesse and thy poore with iudgement So then the faithfull are to entreate and craue from God the continuance of his couenant to their children and to begge from his handes an holy and sanctified seede We must not presume because we are faithfull and haue receiued to beleeue that therefore our seede must of necessity be so likewise for then we shall but deceiue our selues Let not vs therefore faile in crauing a blessing from God vpon our children if we desire to make them heires of blessing Fourthly it is required of vs to reioyce in the blessing of God vpon them and to giue him praise and glory when he vouchsafeth to shew mercy vpon them and vpon vs. If hee did leaue them in their sinnes and in that corruption which they receiued from vs Psal 51. as it were by inheritance we could not finde iust cause of complaint against him who is bound neither to vs nor to our children but forasmuch as he sheweth much mercy to our posteritie as he hath done vnto vs we haue matter of praise and thankesgiuing giuen vnto vs whereby also we shall procure their farther good It is noted of the Iailour Actes 16. Act. 16.34 that he reioyced that they of his houshold also beleeued in the Lord. He accounted it not sufficient for himselfe to beleeue nor reioyced onely in his owne saluation but forasmuch as God had vouchsafed greater mercy vnto him to call his family also to the faith this cheered his heart much more If we haue tasted of the like mercy let vs not be forgetfull of the like duty Lastly it belongeth vnto vs for the furtherance of their good to giue those all good encouragement in well doing that are conscionable in their duties to God and to vs we are bound to praise and commend them to comfort them to cheere them vp and to defend them against all malicious enemies that seeke to disgrace them The Apostle Paul willeth parents not to prouoke their children lest they be discouraged Coloss 3.21 It is a meanes to coole and quench zeale to finde discouragements in godly proceedings On the other side we ought to shew all dislike and hatred against euill and an angry countenance toward such as are vnreformed The Prophet touching the right ordering and good gouernment of his house declareth that hee would not know a wicken person and him that hath an high looke he will not suffer Psal 101.4.5 His eyes should be vpon the faithfull of the land that they may dwell with him hee that walketh in the perfect way hee shall serue him This is a good meanes to make both houses to prosper and kingdomes to flourish when the godly are aduanced and the euil doers are beaten down but when euil is set aloft and goeth vnchecked and vncontrolled and godlinesse is driuen to the wall it prognosticateth and foretelleth the ruine and vtter desolation of those societies albeit for a time they may continue When they offered strange fire before the Lord in the wildernesse Wee haue hitherto spoken of the destruction of Aarons sonnes before the face of their father now let vs see for what cause it was done The sinne of his sonnes is remembred to be this they offered strange fire that is such as was not appointed and commanded of the Lord they tooke not the fire from the altar to burne incense with all which came downe from heauen and was preserued by the diligence of the Priests vntill the captiuity of Babylon Now whereas the authour of the second booke of Macchabees telleth vs that whē their fathers were led into Persia the Priests that were then deuout tooke the fire of the altar priuily Macch. 1.19 and hid it in an hollow place of a pit without water where they kept it sure so that the place was vnknowne to all men hath no testimony of trueth out of the sacred Scriptures as we shal shew more in the 26. Chapter of this Booke of Numbers Moses maketh mention of this example of the sinne and punishment of Aarons sonnes to the end the Leuites should be more wise and wary in the execution of their office because God hereby sheweth that they shal neuer escape his hand that do not rightly discharge the duties committed vnto them For the examples of Gods iudgements vpon the corrupters and contemners of his worship must make vs more carefull and fearefull to offend Now whereas they are punished according to their
riches and reioyce in it more then they that finde great spoiles Account the merchandise of it better then the Merchandise of siluer and the gaine thereof more precious then Rubies so that nothing that we highly esteeme can be compared vnto it Prou. 3.13 14. Magnifie it as a treasure of that value that rather then thou wilt leaue it thou wilt be ready to forsake all that thou hast Matth. 13. There is nothing that more slaketh and shaketh off our deuout attention then to account the precious word of God vile and base in our eyes according to the corrupt custome of many in our dayes that preferre huskes fit to feed swine before the fat of wheat that is sent to nourish the sonnes of God Fourthly we must know that there is great hope of those that refuse not the meanes but submit themselues vnto it but none at all of those that vtterly refuse it What God may worke extraordinarily who sometimes feedeth by miracle from heauen as he did the Israelites Exod. 16.15 1 King 17.6 and Eliah in the wildernesse we cannot affirme and they that waite vpon such vanities forsake their owne mercy But of this point we haue spoken already Lastly it is our duty to lay vp the Word in our hearts that it may not be taken from vs but that we may practise it and profit by it For all our hearing must aime at profiting We must desire the sincere milke of the Word 1 Pet. 2.2 that we may grow thereby Now it can neuer take root except we heare it with an honest and good heart Luke 8.15 If we haue it only running in our mouthes or swimming in our braines it is as the grasse vpon the house toppe Psal 129.6.7 which withereth afore it groweth vp wherewith the mower filleth not his hand nor he that bindeth sheaues his bosome Let vs therefore first of all giue our hearts vnto God pray him to reforme them and to open them that so we may attend to those things that are deliuered vnto vs. As for those that haue their mouthes open but their hearts empty of the word they are as sounding brasse or a tinkling cymball they may please themselues and deceiue others for a time but their hypocrisie shall be vncased their deceitfull dealing manifested and themselues prooued to be no better then vessels that make a noyse but are without all substance in them Verse 11 12. And I behold I haue taken the Leuites c. Hitherto we haue spoken of the commandement of God directed vnto Moses that he should present the Leuites before Aaron the Priest that they may minister vnto him now we are to proceede to the reason of the commandement where we see the cause rendred why they should be giuen vnto him because euen vnto this time the first borne had executed the Priests office being consecrated vnto God and preserued out of the common destruction when the first borne in Egypt were destroyed He putteth them in mind of Gods mercy toward them who might iustly haue destroyed them as well as the Egyptians if it had pleased him When we see a common desolation or destruction and our selues as a remnant taken out of the common calamity it ought to make vs thankfull vnto God and to acknowledge that wee holde our life of him in cheife Thus did Noah stand affected when he offered sacrifice to God after he was come out of the Arke and was preserued with his family from the flood of waters Thus doth Daniel Dan. 5.20 ●● teach Belshazzar the king to humble his heart knowing the heauy iudgment that God brought vpon his father and tooke his glory from him We must profit by the examples of Gods workes both of his mercy and iudgement vpon others We learne from hence Doctrine that the first borne were from the beginning the Lords The first bo● were sanctified to the Lord. and consecrated to serue him and to instruct others This dignity and preheminence of the first borne beganne among the sonnes of Adam and continued in his posteritie as well before as after the generall destruction of the old world the eldest euer succeeding in the kingly and Priestly office vnlesse for some open impiety or other secret cause best knowne vnto God and vnknowne vnto the Church hee were reiected so that there was euermore some excellency vntill that Israel came out of Egypt and the Church became nationall Hence it is that God saith to Caine the elder sonne of Adam If thou doe well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sinne lieth at the doore and vnto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule ouer him Gen. 4.7 To this purpose Iacob speaketh to Reuben Gen. 49.3 Thou art my first borne my might and the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power Thus he was by priuiledge of birthright and thus was euery sonne by creation that first opened the matrice Luke 2.23 Whereby we see that in the family of the faithfull from the first man that God created vntill Aaron was sanctified to be a Priest vnto God in stead of the first borne the eldest of the family ordinarily had both the kingly and Priestly direction of the rest of his brethren As we saw this before in the house of Adam so it appeareth also afterward For when Caine the eldest sonne of Adam to whom the dignity of the first borne did pertaine was for his iniquitie reiected from that honour and excommunicated from the Church which was a spirituall kinde of banishment God raised vp Seth who being taught by his father touching the fall of man touching the punishments of sinne and the promised Sauiour assisted him while he liued in guiding his family and succeeded him after his death in the gouernment of the Church of God which was as a little flocke in comparison of the race of Caines posterity that married many wiues and encreased in great multitudes In like sort Enoch succeded Seth and dying ●ield of the ●rch lib. 5. ● ●et 2.5 ●● 4. ● left that honour to Kenan Kenan to Mahalaleel c. These were preachers of righteousnesse and repentance some of them indued with the spirit of Prophesie to conuince that wicked generation These Preachers of God being contemned and despised in the world such entertainement haue his seruants euer found the flood came and swept them away Noah gouerned as a father the Church of God before and after the Flood and left the same dignitie and office to Shem his second sonne Iaphet his eldest sonne being put behinde for secret causes knowne vnto God euen as his father had committed it vnto him ●en 10.21 Thus we might proceed and goe forward to shew in succeeding ages of the Church how God continued this fauour to the first borne and thereby set as it were a crowne of honour vpon their head Hence it is that at the giuing of the
enemies to their brethren they draw an heauier enemy vpon themselues to wit God himselfe Before we passe from this so necessary a duty it shall not be amisse for vs both to obserue such motiues as may stirre vs vp to the practise of it and to answere such obiections as may hinder vs from yeelding obedience vnto it First of all let vs lay before vs the example of Christ the author and finisher of our saluation who had greater wrong offered vnto him then he had who was more innocent then he that was as a sheepe dumbe before his shearer and opened not his mouth and therefore the Apostle Peter saith chap. 2.22 Christ suffered for vs leauing vs an example that ye should follow his steps who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered he threatned not but cōmitted himselfe to him that iudgeth righteously This farther appeareth vnto vs in that he prayed for his enemies that persecuted him He had power in his own hand to haue resisted their force 〈◊〉 34 reuenged his cause He could haue praied to his Father he would haue giuen him more then twelu legions of Angels yet notwithstanding he suffered patiently 〈◊〉 ●6 53 the iust for the vniust 〈◊〉 18. that he might bring vs to God If any thinke or alledge that this example is too high for vs aboue our reach and too eminent in regard of his person who is God aboue to be worshipped let vs set before vs the examples of the faithful seruants of God that haue liued in all ages in the time of the law and vnder the Gospel ●ed mo● that this may be another motiue vnto vs. How often did the children of Israel murmure against Moses and Aaron and sometimes went about to stone him yet he neuer sought reuenge against them albeit he had bin able to right his own cause by force When Miriam Aaron spake against him by reason of the woman of Ethiopia 〈◊〉 12.2 3 and said What hath the Lord spoken only by Moses hath he not also spoken by vs Moses held his peace and gaue not taunt for taunt rebuke for rebuke he was a very meeke man aboue all the men that were vpon the earth Thus was it with Dauid a man indeed after Gods owne heart though he were a king and wanted not seruants to execute his will yet he would not himselfe reuenge neither suffer any other to take reuenge on Shimei albeit he cursed the king with an horrible curse Saul sought his life 〈◊〉 16.9 and preferred him to be his son in law for no other cause but to lay a snare before him when Dauid had his life oftentimes in his hand to saue it or to destroy it ye he was so farre from seeking reuenge 〈◊〉 26.9 〈◊〉 24.5 that his heart smote him for cutting off the lap of his garment When Stephen had made a worthy defence for himselfe and his own innocency that the enemies could take no iust exception against him their hearts brast asunder and they gnashed at him with their teeth ran vpon him violently all at once 〈◊〉 60. but he kneeled down and cryed with a loud voyce Lord lay not this sin to their charge The Church of Rome are not ashamed to teach thereby to strengthen the hands of traitors rebels that rise vp against Princes that Christians of old deposed not Nero and Dioclesian and Iulian the Apostata and Valens the Arrian and such like persecutous and heretikes 〈◊〉 de Rom. ●●b 5. c. 7. because they wanted temporall power and if they had had power they would haue done it If this be true all their patience was perforce and is not thanke-worthy But they testifie in many places that they had power sufficient but held it vnlawfull to resist and rebell They had filled all places Cities Ilands castles boroughes tents tribes bandes palaces ● Apolog. the Senate and Court not excepted so that they wanted neither number nor strength to make their party good They professe that albeit they be equall in power yet with them it is more tollerable to be killed then to kill They affirme freely God forbid that his religion should be maintained with fire and sword They acknowledge no other weapons to be put into their hands but praiers tears Arma nostra sunt pre●es lacrymae Tert. They neuer practised any reuēge against their persecutors and those that hated them One night with a little fire would haue serued and sufficed them largely to be reuenged of their enemies but they accounted it vnlawful to requite euill with euill But to leaue this consideration to another occasion let vs come to a third motiue A third motiue that is the office which is proper vnto God to whom it belongeth peculiarly to take vengeance and is therefore in holy Scripture called the God of vengeance Psal 94.1 O Lord God the auenger O God the auenger shew thy selfe clearly It is a grieuous sin to sit down in Gods seat and to rob him of his right and royalty Let the enemies of God and his people know that he is the God of reuenge as well as the God of saluation and that he wil as wel right their causes as saue their soules He is a iust God wil recompense tribulation to all that trouble those that are his and therefore hath said Deut. 32 3● Vengeance and recompense are mine but he neuer said to priuate persons Vengeance is thine neither did he euer put the sword into their hands A fourth motiue A fourth motiue to perswade vs to lay aside priuate reuenge is drawn from the gracious promise that God hath made vnto vs namely that he will take our causes into his hand and pay them home that do oppresse vs. For God doth not restraine vs as it were tye vp our hands to expose vs to all iniuries and to leaue vs as a prey in the iawes of the Lyons but because he hath passed his word vnto vs I will repay Rom. 12.29 saith the Lord. So then we must know that God is called the authour and executer of vengeance not only because the power and right belongeth vnto him that he is able to take vengeance of all our enemies how many and mighty soeuer they bee but because he hath vsed this power executed this office from the beginning of the world and as yet vseth it and will vse it to the ful in the great day of the general iudgement He knoweth best of all the greatnes of the iniury that is done vnto vs because he searcheth into the thoughts of the heart and vnderstandeth not only what is done but the manner how it is done Seeing then he hath promised to pay them home into their bosomes that wrong vs it were a fruit of infidelity in vs not to beleeue him at his word
had numbred the people after God sent him this word and offered him the choise of famine or sword or pestilence he saide I am in a wonderfull streight let vs now fall into the hād of the Lord for his mercies are great and let mee not fall into the hand of man Who had not rather receiue punishment at his fathers hands of whose loue he is assured then to bee punished with the strokes of an enemy that loueth him not but hateth him to the death Men are proud and cruell fierce ambitious but God is full of compassion and his mercy endureth for euer he knoweth whereof we were made Psal 103.14 Psalme 78 39 he remembreth that we are but dust hee considereth that we are mortall yea a winde that passeth and commeth not againe He will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that wee are able to beare Hitherto the Lord hath visited vs with his mercifull and gentle corrections famines sicknesses and strange diseases Let vs behold his gracious dealing toward vs and profit by these fatherly admonitions for if he should deliuer vs into the hands of barbarous and beastly enemies we should soone discerne the difference betweene the louing chasticements of a father and the bloody strokes of an enemy 22 Then they departed from Kadesh and the childrē of Israel euen al the congregation came vnto Mount Hor. 23 And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron in Mount Hor neere the border of the land of Edom saying 24 Aaron shall be gathered vnto his people for he shall not enter into the Land which I haue giuen vnto the children of Israel because yee rebelled against my commandements at the waters of strife 25 Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne and charge them to come vnto this Mount 26 And cause Aaron to strip off his garments and thou shalt put them vpon Eleazar his sonne then Aaron shall be gathered vnto his Fathers and shall dye there 27 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded for they went vp vnto Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation 28 And Moses caused Aaron to strip off his garments and he put them vpon Eleazar his son and Aaron dyed there in the toppe of the Mount So Moses and Eleazar came downe from off that Mount 29 And when all the Congregation saw that Aaron was dead all the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty dayes Hitherto of the Ambassage of Moses to the King of Edom These words containe the third and last part of the Chapter to wit the death of Aaron after the people were remooued from the borders of the Edomites For albeit the King did so vnkindly deny them any passage yet Moses and the Israelites doe not oppose themselues against them or attempt to breake through by force of Armes multitude of men and dint of sword but passe by their borders peaceably and fetch a compasse about their land True it is those enuious Edomites were worthy to perish and to be vtterly destroyed for their inhumanity yet because the time was not yet come wherein the Lord had prophesied and promised that the elder should serue the yonger Gen. 25 23. therefore the Israelites commit vengeance to the Lord to whom it belongeth Rom. 12 19. Now in these verses we see how God beginneth to execute the former threatning against Moses and Aaron For heere wee are to consider three things First the death of Aaron Secondly the succession of his sonne Thirdly the mourning of the people The father dieth the son succeedeth the people lamenteth the death of the high Priest If Aaron had dyed without any prediction and foretelling of his death all men might haue thought it had fallen out at aduentures and ascribed it wholy to the decaying of strength wasting of nature but being reuealed to Aaron himselfe and manifested to the whole Congregation both the time when and the place where he should die it appeareth that his daies were numbred and his yeeres limited which hee could not passe As then God had determined the death of Aaron and denounced his shutting out of the land of Canaan so that sentence is heere executed vpon him Deut. 34 4 5. the other concerning Moses is reserued vnto his time appointed of God In this place God commanded both of them what to doe euen to ascend vp to the Mountaine and sheweth that Aaron shall die there for his disobedience whose garments must be pulled off and put vpon Eleazar lest by touching of the dead the holy garments should be defiled After this commandement followeth their obedience agreeable to the same they come vp to the Mountain Aaron is stripped Eleazar is cloathed with them Aaron without feare of death or longer desire of life or prayer for life departeth in peace according to the word of God he is gathered to his Fathers Moses and Eleazar descend from the Mountaine Moses Eleazar and the people mourne for Aaron thirty daies Verse 23 24. And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron We see heere according to the former threatning pronounced by the mouth of God verse 12. that Aaron cometh not into the land of Promise but dieth in Mount Hor. We learne heereby Doctri● God-thr●nings are 〈◊〉 comp●●●● that the threatnings of God are accomplished Howsoeuer his iudgments are many times deferred and his punnishments prolonged because hee is patient toward vs and would haue no man to perish but would haue all persons come vnto repentance yet in the end all his threatnings shall be verified and fulfilled in their times and seasons Consider this truth in our first parents Ge. 2 17. ● 3 7. God threatned them that if they did eate the forbidden fruite they should die the death we see the effect in them and all their posterity throughout al times and generations Behold other threatnings of God wee shall alwayes reade the execution after the denunciation So when God by the Ministery of Noah a Preacher of righteousnesse 2 Peter 2● had threatned to destroy the whole world if in an hundred and twenty yeeres they repented not wee see how he brought in the flood vpon the world of the vngodly swept them away from the face of the earth which they had corrupted with their cruell and vncleane conuersation This we see likewise taught vnto vs throughout the bookes of the holy history of Ioshua The man is cursed before the Lord Ioshua 6● that ryseth vp and buildeth the City Iericho he shall lay the foundation thereof in his eldest sonne and in his yongest sonne shall he set vp the gates of it meaning therby that whosoeuer should attempt to builde this City he should pay for it deerely because what time hee layeth the foundation of the wals his eldest sonne shall dye and when hee setteth vp the gates and hath finished it his yongest sonne shall dye When this threatning seemed quite forgotten and consumed with the rust of time God doeth bring it to passe as we
God and to serue him in the simplicity and sincerity of their hearts This wee must do in health this we must do in sicknesse this we must doe in death and so wee shall glorifie God liuing and dying Thus did Abraham teach his children and seruants and for this is he commended of God Gen. 18 19. I know Abraham my seruant that hee will command his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the vvay of the Lord to do righteousnesse and iudgment Thus said Iacob when he dyed Gen. 49 1 2. this must all of vs be carefull to practise if we will bee the children of faithful Abraham to speake of the lawes of God in our houses 〈◊〉 11 13. whē we walk by the way when we lye downe and when we rise vp Verse 27 28. And Moses did as the Lord had commanded he caused Aaron to strippe off his garments and he put them vpon Eleazar his son Wee see the obedience of Moses to the Commandement of God for Aaron pulled off his Priestly robes and they are put vpon Eleazar to whom lineally the Priesthood did descend whereby we see that there was a personal succession belonging to the Priesthood from father to son from one man to another Hereby we learne ●●●●rine 〈◊〉 Leuitical 〈…〉 from 〈◊〉 that the Priesthood vnder the law passed from one to another The Priesthood begunne in Aaron and continued in his line rested not in one man but continued by succession from age to age This we see euidently proued throughout the old testament for as they were cut off by death so others arose in their rooms that serued at the Altar As Eleazar succeeded Aaron so did Phinchas succeed Eleazar 〈◊〉 6 ●0 so the Priesthood proceeded from father to son and from one generation to another 〈◊〉 ● 16. as appeareth in the genealogies of the Priests This the Apostle to the Hebrewes plentifully prooueth 〈◊〉 23. Many among them were made Priests because they were not suffered to endure by reason of death declaring that the Priestes after the order of Aaron succeeded each other and confirming it by the reason cause thereof because the Leuiticall Priests were taken away by death and could not endure for euer This then we must hold to be one reason forcible and powerfull to prooue the continued Reason 1 succession of the Priesthood of Leui from father to son because they were cut off by death and so not suffered alwayes to execute theyr Priesthood Seeing therfore these Priests were mortall there must be a succession from one to another This is that reason which was remēbred before out of Heb. 7 23. shewing that they had many Priests because they were all subiect to mortality and could not continue through necessity of death Secondly the promise of God made vnto Aaron and to his posterity must be accomplished Reason 2 and performed Hee consecrated Aaron and his sons and made a couenant with them not with Aaron alone not with his children alone but with their posterity Exod. 28 1. hee established it as a testimony in Iacob and as a law in Israel that their posterity might know it and the children which should be born of them shold stand vp and minister before the Lord in the beautiful garments and glorious robes of the Priests Exod. 28 2. Therefore the Lord saide by Moses Exod 29 29 30. Num. 3 10. 18 7. The holy garments which appertaine to Aaron shall be his sonnes after him to be annointed therein and to be consecrate therein That son that shall be Priest in his stead shall put them on seuen dayes when he commeth into the Tabernacle of the Congregation to minister in the holy place So God made his couenant of peace with Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron Nu. 25 12 13 confirmed the Priests office to him his seed after him because in the zeale of his Spirit hee had turned away the wrath of the Lord from the Children of Israel This teacheth vs first of all the imperfection Vse 1 and insufficiency of it both of the Priestes themselues and of the Priesthood it selfe It pointed out a better Priest and a better priesthood and directed them to rest not in it but in some other So the Apostle Heb. 7 11 12. declareth that the Leuiticall Priesthood was vnperfect because another Priest is promised a long time after according to the order of Melchizedek If any perfection had beene by the Priesthood of the Leuites what needed it furthermore that another Priest should arise after the order of Melchizedek and not to bee called after the order of Aaron c. Where we see he sheweth to what purpose there must bee a Priest after another rule and fashion not after the order of Aaron euen because perfection is not in the Priehhood of the Leuites nor vnder the Law which was established vnder it so that wee must acknowledge it hath an end forasmuch as with the ceremoniall law the ceremoniall Priesthood was cancelled and abolished Vse 2 Secondly from hence we learne to acknowledge a difference betweene the Priesthood of Christ and the Priesthood of the Leuites This standeth in diuers points and circumstāces as the same Authour of the Epistle to the Hebrewes euidently declareth The Priesthood of Christ is eternall as the Prophet declared long before Heb. 7 17. Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchizedek he was made with an oath by him that saide vnto him The Lord hath sworne and wil not repent But the Priests of Aarons order were mortall Heb. 7 20 21. not eternall they were made by the word of God but without an oath Heb. 7 26. Besides our great high Priest Christ Iesus holye harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the Heauens hath a * Aparabaton Heb. 7 24. Priesthood which cannot passe from one to another wherefore he is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing hee euer liueth to make intercession for them who by his own blood entred in once into the holy place Heb 9.11 14. and obtained eternall redemption for vs purging our Conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God Hebru 10 4. for it is vnpossible that the blood of buls Goats shold take away sinnes Thus we see that the Priesthood of Christ can haue no succession inasmuch as being once performed it hath no imperfection and whereas the Iews in the time of the law had Aaron and his posterity which were but mortall and miserable men we haue Christ the immortall and blessed God who liueth for euer to be our euerlasting Priest Vse 3 Lastly we learne that seeing the Leuiticall Priesthood passed from one to another so as by death they were not alwaies suffred to exercise and execute their Priesthood we see I say that the Church of Rome bringing in againe such a Priesthood such Priests as
should be as frontlets betweene their eyes and write them vpon the postes of their houses and gates of their Cities all these were as helpes for memory against forgetfulnesse as if he had said vnto them Haue them alwayes in remembrance Of all persons old men seeme to haue the weakest memories which decay with their age and these doe most of all complaine of them howbeit the heathen man telleth vs that there is no man so old Cicero lib. de Senect that hath forgotten where he laid vp his treasure All men remember the things they most regard such as they loue they will not forget forasmuch as Where the treasure is there will the heart be also Mat. 6.21 If then we remember not the things of God the chiefe cause is because we doe not much esteeme of them Set an high price vpon them value them aboue thy siluer and thy gold esteeme them beyond all pearles and precious stones and thou shalt finde thy memory much bettered and encreased The fourth is to plant in vs true godlinesse and reforme our liues as it were to rid our ground of all bryars bushes before we sow any thing in it The gate of Gods house is the gate of righteousnesse because none but the iust and righteous ought to enter into it Psa 118.19 20. This is the cause that Iacob when hee went to Bethel to worship God first cleansed his house of the filthines of idolatry and commanded his houshold to be cleane Gen. 35. ● and change their garments thereby vnderstanding the purity of the heart and the changing of their mindes by the renuing of them according to true godlinesse Thus doth the Lord command the Israelites to wash their cloathes and sanctifie themselues before they came to heare the law at his mouth Exo. 19.14 To this purpose Dauid saith Psal 26.6 I will wash mine hands in innocency so will I compasse thine Altar O Lord. If we come into Gods presence without sanctification we offer a sacrifice full of blemishes which his soule abhorreth He reiecteth our prayers as abominable and our hearing of his word is turned into sinne Lastly we are bound to lay vp in the heart that which we heare for God especially requireth the heart If that be wanting he misseth it by and by he espyeth it so soon as we come as he did him that came to the marriage feast without his wedding garment Mat. 22.11 There is no man hath any treasure that leaueth or layeth it commonly and carelesly but he locketh it vp that no man should take it from him the word is a pearle and a pearle of such price that when he hath found it that knoweth the worth of it Matth. 13. he selleth all that he hath to buy it the heart is as it were the coffer where we ought to keepe it If we hold it in our hands or haue it in our heads or suffer it to dwell in our mouthes onely and cannot afford to giue it roome and lodging in our hearts it is in danger euery foote to be taken from vs and we surprised of it Esay 29.13 Such persons honour him with their lips but their harts are far from him Matt. 15. The blessed Virgin is commended that she kept those sayings in her heart So did Isaac go out into the fields to meditate Luk. 2.10 Gen. 24.63 at euentide he chose a solitary place and fit season to call to minde such things as he had heard Wherefore let vs also lay vp in our soules and ponder in our hearts such good things as wee haue learned and let vs hide them as in the casket of a good conscience that in all times of need we may bring foorth these precious treasures to helpe vs. We know not into what troubles and perplexities we may come how we may be tempted assaulted into what dangers of spiritual enemies we may fall how bitter will those dayes be vnto vs if wee haue no word of God dweling in vs to comfort vs raise vs vp againe It wil then be too late to go and buy oile in our lamps when we should vse it Let vs store our selues with plenty of heauenly meditations that we may neuer be too seeke and arme our selues with such sufficient furniture that wheresoeuer the enemy seeke to foile vs and to make a breach into our soules we may be able to resist him and to stand fast in the power of God against all the wyles of the diuell 21. And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying 22. Take also the summe of the sonnes of Gershon throughout the houses of their fathers by their families 23. From thirty yeares old and vpward vntill fifty yeare old shalt thou number them all that enter in to performe the seruice to doe the worke in the Tabernacle of the Congregation 24. This is the seruice of the families of the Gershonites to serue and for burdens 25. And they shall beare the Curtaines of the Tabernacle and the Tabernacle of the Congregation his couering and the couering of the badgers skinnes that is aboue vpon it and the hanging for the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation 26. And the hangings of the Court and the hanging for the doore of the gate of the Court which is by the Tabernacle by the Altar round about and their cords and all the instruments of their seruice all that is made for them so shall they serue 27. At the appointment of Aaron and his sonnes shall be all the seruice of the sonnes of the Gersbonites in all their burdens and in all their seruice and ye shall appoint vnto them in charge all their burdens 28. This is the seruice of the families of the sonnes of Gershon in the Tabernacle of the Congregation and their charge shall be vnder the hand of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the Priest Hitherto Moses hath spoken of the Kohathites and he hath done it more largely then he doth handle the other families for the causes noted before In the next place he proceedeth to the Gershonites Touching these first God commandeth them also to be numbred and t●●ir age is appointed and limited as in the fo●mer from thirty yeares old and vpward vntill fifty Secondly their proper and peculiar charge is expressed what burdens they are to beare to wit the Curtaines and the couerings the cordes the veiles and all the instruments appertaining to their seruice Thirdly all these things before mentioned must be done at the commandement of Aaron and his sonnes Ver. 22 23. Take also the summe of the sons of Gershon c. Obserue with me in this diuision that Moses repeateth sundry points that are set downe in the former chapter as will euidently appeare vnto vs if wee make tryall and comparison in euery one of the three families as for example touching the Kohathites that which hee speaketh of them in this chapter verse 5 7 9. compare it with the 31. verse of the third chapter
soule that they may be preserued from sin from the infection of sin Now if any aske whether the disease of the leprosie be not contagious and therfore whether it be not expedient that all such as are taken and touched with it should be barred and banished from the society of men I confesse this is true and conuenient ought to be so but this was not the chiefe and principall end that God respected and therfore this is left to the Physitians and Masters of that profession to iudge according to the rules of art and experience God committed the matter to the Priests that they should order all things according to the directions giuen vnto them it had beene much safer to haue committed and commended the matter to such as had iudgement in that faculty Moreouer we must consider The leprosie of three sorts that as this disease was foule and filthy vgly and feareful so there are three sorts of it named in the law to wit the leprosie of the body the leprosie of the garments and the leprosie of the house so that it is most probable according to the opinion of the learned that the Iewes in a proper and peculiar manner vnknowne to vs at this day and vnknowne to the Iewes themselues at this day were troubled and tormented with this disease Euen as we that are cast into the last age of the world haue diseases that follow some sinnes which in former times were not knowne to the Physitians themselues And heereupon no doubt prophane writers tooke occasion to deuise sundry lyes and slanders against the whole nation of the Iewes as if it were hereditary vnto them and that all the posterity of Abraham were full of botches and blisters and itches and therefore were driuen out of Egypt by force Ioseph antiq lib. 9. lest they should corrupt the rest with their infection This forged surmise had ancient Authors to rest vpon Cornel. Tacit. Iustin lib. 38. and is as likely to proceed from the Egyptians themselues a proude and hauty people as from any other who being ashamed of the plagues that were sent among them and inflicted among them and desirous to blot out the memory of the reproch of their nation and of the vengeance of eternall God turned the iudgement of scabs blisters that fel vpon thē from themselues to the people of Israel as if they had infected them were for that cause compelled to banish them out of Egypt lest they should corrupt the whole countrey with their maladies But if this had bin the true reason of their departure why did they retaine them so long among them and in the end bestow vpon thē siluer and gold iewels and precious stones thereby spoiling themselues to enrich their enemies or why did they persecute them with such hatred at the red sea that themselues were drowned Furthermore among the curses that God denounceth to bring vpō his people for the contempt of his word disobedience to his lawes Deut. 28.27 he threatneth to smite them with the botch of Egypt and with the hemrohds and with the scabbes and with the itch whereof they should not be healed Lastly if the people of God had beene haunted and vexed with any such filthy diseases the Lord would neuer haue established such sharpe and seuere lawes among them the like whereof were not to be found among forreine nations whereby such were separated from the company of men as had any loathsome and noysome vlcers and sicknesses following them yea if any suspition did arise they were seuered and sundered from the rest for a time vntill the trueth were throughly knowne and found out as appeareth at large in the booke of Leuiticus Verse 2. Command the children of Israel that they put out c. Heere we haue a plaine and expresse commandement of God charging Moses to put out lepers vncleane persons from the Congregation The Apostle Paul speaking of fornicators and incestuous persons that were vncleane liuers vncleane in body and in soule vseth the same word Put out such from among you 1 Cor. 5.13 thereby Doctrine 1 shewing what God intended by this Ceremony Obstinate sinners are to be cast out of the Church the substance whereof teacheth this truth namely that obstinate sinners are to be cast out of the Church All open offenders and vnreformed persons by the dreadfull and direfull sentence of excommunication as it were by the two edged sword of God are to be cut off from the fellowship of the Church and from all the priuiledges that belong vnto the faithfull This ordinance of God hath good ground vpon the separation mentioned in this place which was not commanded as a ciuill policy to keep the whole from the sick but as a part of Ecclesiasticall discipline inasmuch as the Priests the sonnes of Aaron had the whole knowledge of the cause as well the shutting of them out as the receiuing of them into the hoste as we shewed by sundry examples before There are that draw the originall of this Church-censure euen from Adam whom the Lord cast out of Eden and set an Angel at the entry of the garden who by shaking the blade of a glistering sword feared him from re-entring and suffered him not to touch or taste of that tree which was a Sacrament of life vnto him The like doe the Hebrew interpreters obserue touching Caine Gen. 3.24 whom the Lord cast out and banished from the face of God Gen. 4.14 as the lepers were cast out of the fellowship of men For what else is the face of God but the place appointed for his worship where he was wont to appeare to the Fathers and where Adam and his family met together to serue him and to sacrifice vnto him And al ●his was before the law when the sons of God were manifestly distinguished from the sonnes of men Gen 6.1 In the time of the Law we haue many ceremonies to this purpose We see that the vncleane were kept from comming to the Tabernacle from entring into the Temple from the partaking of the sacrifices and from eating the Passeouer Num 19. ● 20. and 9. ● So in another place the Lord threatneth that he shal be cut off from his people that being vncleane eateth of his sacrifice and that the sacrifice shal profit him nothing nor be accounted to him to take away his sinne but that it shall remaine vpon his owne head These are no obscure types darke shadowes but liuely pictures and patternes that represent vnto vs the nature of excommunication Let vs come to the new Testament Mat. 16.13 and 18.18 The vse of the keyes to open and shut and the words of binding and loosing come directly to this purpose And as this trueth is taught by precept so it is farther enlarged and warranted by sundry examples Abraham is commanded to cast out the bond woman her son Ge. 21.10 ● out of his family which was
reiect Hereby then we see that a man is not to be excommunicated and put out of the Church for euery trifle or for euery sinne but for scandals and offences that are notorious A master will not discharge out of his house a seruant that hath serued him for euery trespas neither doth the Magistrate draw the sword for euery breach of the law So ought it to be with the officers of the Church Again excommunication must not be vsed at the first but as the last remedy A Chirurgeon accounteth lancing searing cutting a desperate cure When he commeth to his patient and findeth swelling and soares in the body he doth not by and by proceede to cutting off an arme or legge he vseth first purging and other gentle meanes to try whether he can do any good that way or not So should it be with vs according to the counsel and commandement of Christ he requireth priuate admonitions exhortations priuate reproofes and rebukes and then two or three with vs Mat. 18 1● that in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be established There is required of vs patience and much lenity waiting whether he will by this meanes be amended Lastly we may gather from hence that whiles sinne is secret and vnknowne no man can bee excommunicated but then onely when it is made publike and manifest vnto all Now then it is made publike when the Church is acquainted with it The fourth point in excommunication The fourth part of the description is this that it stretcheth to him only that cannot otherwise be brought to repētance The cause then why the church is compelled to proceed so farre against some of her children is obstinacy impenitēcy For when there is in such offenders both open wickednes whereby the Church is offended notable stubbornenes wherby the church is contemned so that they can by no meanes of the word publikely of the admonitiō priuatly be reformed excommunication must follow of necessity that hereby if it be possible some good may be wrought in them Hereupon Christ himselfe saith If he neglect to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen or a Publican Mat. 18 17. Such therfore as haue offended and truly repent of their sins giuing euident testimonies of their vnfained conuersion ought to be spared not censured to be comforted not terrified to bee retained in the church not reiected cast out of the Church Secondly this sheweth that impenitency is a most greeuous sin and next to infidelity the greatest For as faith is the mother of repentance so is an vnbeleeuing heart the cause of impenitency Of all iudgements that God bringeth vpon the sonnes of men none is greater then the want of repentance to haue an heart that cannot repent To fall into whoredome drunkennes are greeuous sins and wound the conscience weaken our comfort and assurance howbeit to continue in them without feeling of them and turning from them is worse then the committing of the sins themselues This made the Apostle say Rom. 2 4● Despisest thou the riches of his goodnes and forbearing and long suffering not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance But after thine hardnesse and impenitent heart thou treasurest vp vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and reuelation of the righteous iudgment of God Among all the blessings of God giuen vnto vs wee must make great account of a soft and tender heart which the Prophet calleth an heart of flesh opposed and set against the stony heart Such are soone checked and controlled Lastly wee learne from hence to make a difference betweene sin and sin and betweene sinner and sinner All men fall into sin and if we say we haue no sin we deceiue our selues and make God a lyar Neuerthelesse some are penitent sinners they hate their sins and doe with might and maine striue against them They fight against them as against their enemies Others cherish sinne in themselues and are resolued to continue in them They make no conscience of them and cannot be brought to repent for them Such are not fit to be held members of Christ and Citizens of the kingdome of heauen therefore iustly deserue to be cast out of the church ●fth ●f the de●on The fift point containeth and includeth in it the substance of excommunication namely that it driueth impenitent offenders from the visible and outward communion of the Saints from whence also it hath his name Open sinners and scandalous liuers are not worthy to liue among the faithfull nor to come to publike prayers nor to be partakers of the Sacraments nor to be admitted to the assemblies of the Church forasmuch as they would prophane all they touch as Adam the tree of life and therefore was driuen out of the garden Hence it is that Christ would haue vs account them as heathen and Publicanes The Gentiles for religions sake were enemies to the church and therfore in religion the Iewes were to abstaine from their society fellowship whereas in common affaires of this life they were not so restrained ●t the ●icanes 〈◊〉 The Publicanes were such as had receiued an office from the Romanes to whom the Iewes were subiect to gathet tribute being as it were Collecters of subsidies taskes and tallages impoled vpon the Iewes who thought it vnfit and vniust that they beeing the Lords people should pay tribute and custome to the Gentiles as appeareth in the history of Hezekiah and of Ioachim in the bookes of the Kings and by the question propounded vnto Christ in the Gospel ●h 22 17. Is it lawfull to giue tribute vnto Cesar or not Wherfore they were accounted the enemies of the people and the betraiers of their owne Nation they coupled them with sinners and hated thē vnto the death albeit they professed the same religion and oftentimes met together in the place of Gods worship They abhorred these and could by no meanes brook abide these men who for the most part were extreme couetous and catch-polles ●e 19 8. exacting more then was due for them to receiue or the people to pay howbeit they hated them not as the enemies of their religion but as men of a wicked offensiue life The Apostle likewise decreeing and determining what should bee done with the incestuous person willeth the church to deliuer him to Satan 〈◊〉 5 5 7 13 to purge out the old leauē and to put away from among themselues that wicked person Heereby then we see that these obstinate offenders are to be separated frō those good things which the Lord commandeth communicateth in his church as the word sacraments praiers These are holy things for holy and sanctified persons but they are as filthy swine to whom holy things may not bee cast and as dogs to whom the childrens bread doth not belong Now one of the cheefest ends of the censures of the Church is
had ouercome his enemies now he might ouercome himselfe and his owne affections Cicero orati pro Marcel which was a greater and nobler victory then the former Thus he sheweth himselfe religious toward God as well as righteous toward men The like we see in the Law set downe by an expresse commandement Exod. 22.10 11. If a man deliuer vnto his neighbour an asse or an oxe or a sheepe or any beast to keepe and it die or be hurt Deut. 21.8 or driuen away no man seeing it then shall an oath of the Lord bee betweene them both that hee hath not put his hand vnto his neighbours goods and the owner of it shall accept thereof and he shall not make it good This precept directeth when and in what cases to take an oath to wit when the matter is doubtfull and cannot otherwise be decided forasmuch as the owner of the goods is charged to rest therein and to acknowledge himselfe well satisfied This we see farther in the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 1.21 I call God for a record vpon my soule that to spare you I came not as yet to Corinth He did not breake out into this swearing of an ordinary custome but the glory of God and the saluation of that Church required it in which cases we are allowed and warranted to vse it and not otherwise Reason 1 The reasons will better confirme this vnto vs then bare testimonies taken out of the Scriptures which neuerthelesse out to be sufficient where no farther proofe is vsed First God will not hold him guiltlesse that abuseth his Name negligently or vnnecessarily He will surely punish them that sweare vainely This penalty or punishment is annexed to the commandement Exod. 20. The Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine It is an heynous sinne albeit it bee thought light before men and then the iudgement also shall be heauy that hangeth ouer their heads that transgresse this Law The free forgiuenesse of sinnes is the fountaine of all happines both present and to come Psal 32.1.2 for the man is blessed whose sinnes are forgiuen and whose iniquity is couered blessed is that man to whom God will impute no wickednesse and therfore we must needs be in continuall misery so long as our sinnes are retained This is a fearefull thunderbolt to afright vs from the prophaning of his Name he will honour those that honour him but such as despise him shall come to destruction Secondly the end of practising an oath is Reason 2 to decide strifes and to determine controuersies which disturbe peace and hinder Christian charity It cannot be but offences will come and many occasions of quarrels and contentions about matters of this life arise daily betweene man and man which could not conueniently be taken vp except we had the lawfull vse of an oath to confirme some necessary truth as when it serueth to manifest the glory of God or to cleere the good name of our brother or to obey the commandement of the Magistrate or to maintaine our owne credit This is set downe Heb. 6.16 Men verily sweare by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife I call that a necessary trueth when a doubtfull cause called into question cannot be decided without an oath as we see the practise Rom. 1.9 God is my witnesse whom I serue with my spirit in the Gospel of his Sonne that without ceassing I make mētion of you alwayes in my prayers It was necessary for the furtherance of the saluation of the Romanes that they should be perswaded of the Apostles affection toward them but the testimony of men failed to prooue this trueth and therfore he was driuen to take vp an oath and to appeale vnto God This is also at large deliuered by Salomon in that prayer which hee made at the dedication of the Temple 1 King 8.31 If any man trespasse against his neighbour and an oath be laid vpon him to cause him to sweare and the oath come before thine altar in this house then heare thou in heauen and doe and iudge thy seruants condemning the wicked to bring his way vpon his head and iustifying the righteous to giue him according to his righteousnesse Thus we see the constant and continuall vse of an oth among Gods people in matters of weight and importance in their most serious and substantiall affaires Thirdly the Name of God is most fearefull Reason 3 in praises glorious in holinesse great in might and doing wonders and therefore it ought not commonly to runne in our mouthes without necessary cause This is vrged by the wise man Eccles 5.2 Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thy heart be hasty to vtter any thing before God for God is in heauen and thou vpon earth therefore let thy words be few And the Lord saith Deut. 28.58 Iudg. ● If thou wilt not obserue to doe all the words of this Law that are written in this booke that thou mayest feare this glorious and fearefull Name The Lord thy God he will make thy plagues wonderfull and the plagues of thy seed c. If then the Name of God be great and glorious it is not commonly to be vsed of vs to be turned in our tongues and to be trodden vpon with our feet Vse 1 Now let vs consider what vses may be made of this vnto vs. It reprooueth sundry abuses corruptions both in opinion and practise in iudgement and in life As first of all the Anabaptists a proud and fantasticall crue of cursed and damnable hereticks that trouble heauen and earth ouerthrow Church and Common-wealth destroy Magistracy and Ministery disanull the word and Sacraments and make religion to be no better then a doctrine of liberty These teach that it is vnlawfull to sweare at all either in priuate vse or in place of iudgement This is to runne into another extremity and to faile as much in the defect as other doe in the excesse For albeit all swearing be not lawfull yet it followeth not that all swearing is vnlawfull But to abolish all manner of swearing and all vse of an oath because some abuse it and vse it vainly ●r in vita ●g is like vnto him who to take away drunkennesse abolished the vines and would not suffer any to grow in his common-wealth or as if a man would suffer no corne to grow because some will surfet with it There is no good thing but hath beene or may be abused The doctrine that is according to godlinesse is many wayes abused When Paul magnified the mercies of God in his sonne Christ so that where sinne abounded ● 5.20 grace abounded much more men of euill spirits arose that abused this to carnall liberty and turned the grace of God into wantonnesse and wrested the Scriptures to their owne perdition sect 1 The obiections of these heretikes are not many but somewhat they alleadge for themselues First they obiect the commandement
consequently Obiect 2 the Pope may for the auoyding of a greater inconuenience tollerate and permit this sinne without fault and without being charged with any allowance of the sinne it selfe It is one thing to approue and another to allow a thing as God permitteth many wicked actes in the world which notwithstanding he detesteth I answer Answer the comparison is vnequall that I say not it is blasphemous It is the fearefull iudgement of God vpon his enemies to make such monstrous and mishapen conclusions God hath a royall prerogatiue aboue his law and is not subiect vnto it but to the righteousnesse of his owne will He permitteth the abominations that are committed that by his infinite power and wisdome he may turne all things to the glory of his mercy or iustice It is not so with the Magistrate he must bee obedient to the law of God and all his authority is to be subiect vnto it it is his office to punish knowne euill and not to permit it neither is hee able to turne euill into good by his suffering of it Besides it will not follow from hence to speak nothing of the Popes temporall iurisdiction and of the right he claimeth to be a temporall Prince neither can it any way iustifie his practise who raiseth rents and taketh fines for bawdry and therfore maketh himselfe no better then a bawde to whores and knaues forasmuch as he maintaineth them and they maintaine him They haue streetes and houses assigned vnto them where they shall dwell and he taketh their money whch they pay with ease and liue in brauery and excesse with the rest Lastly we may conclude from this reason that Magistrates if they list may permit all maner of wickednesse and suffer it to escape vnpunished and not be charged with the allowance of it For if this reason doe hold in one particular God may permit therfore the Magistrate may it is good in all which were to open a gap wide to all prophannesse Libertinisme Atheisme and Epicurisme A third argument Obiect is this a naughty thing may sometimes be necessary and being necessary and consequently impossible to be remooued it must needes be tollerated without fault as they goe about to prooue by testimony of Christ there must be offences Matth. 18.11 and of Paul there must be heresies 1 Corinth 11.19 Heere is a necessity of offences and heresies yet Christ and Paul were not in fault neither did they allow heresies I answer Answer first I would know whether they meane euery wicked thing or onely some wicked thing I suppose they meane not in generall that euery naughty thing is so necessary that it should be tollerated for then they must speake plainely with the diuels tongue and openly vtter his language Doe they then vnderstand it of some naughty and wicked thing that is necessary and so to bee tollerated Then the reason must be framed in this maner Some euill is necessary and therefore to be suffered but the stewes is some euil that is necessary and therfore the stewes ought to be tollerated Euery one meanly seen in the art of reasoning knoweth that the forme of this reason is starke naught and neither necessary nor to be suffered for of particulars nothing can follow Againe they peruert and corrupt the meaning of Christ and his Apostle Such things as cannot be auoyded may be accounted necessary according to the decree of God When he purposeth to try his children to haue them discerned from hypocrites oftentimes euils yea euen heresies breake forth from the corruption of men This is true we confesse and so much the places proue and inferre So then we must distinguish of tolleration which is of two sorts there is a tolleration of necessity and a tolleration of negligence The one is good as when a Magistrate hauing a subiect that committeth treason or such heinous crime that he cannot punish by reason of his owne weaknesse and his subiects power this he must beare of necessity because he hath no remedy so Dauid dealt toward Ioab when hee had slaine Abner with the sword 2. Sam. 3.39 I am this day weake though annointed king and these men the sonnes of Zeruiah be too hard for me the Lord shall reward the dooer of euill according to his wickednesse Where we see he tollerateth the euill which he could not remedy and referreth the execution of iustice vnto God that was of ability and power to punish it So may the Magistrate beare with patience for a certaine season not failing in his duty howbeit this must not be alwayes for when there is no such cause to suffer a knowne sinne to escape vnpunished he may not winke at it and beare with it There is also a tolleration that is euill which is done of negligence carelesnesse and ouermuch lenity and indulgence this is no necessary tolleration as when Eli bare with his sonnes in his old age did not chastise them for their offences this way doe they offend that punish not at all those that are to be punished or punish lightly such as are to be punished seuerely This tolleration of negligence cannot be implyed from the former places of Scripture seeing that to iustifie the wicked and to condemne the innocent are both of them equally an abomination vnto the Lord. Prouerbes 17.15 Lastly I would gladly vnderstand whether our aduersaries would reason thus Heresies must be therefore tollerate heresies and suffer heretikes to remaine therefore burne not heretikes confute not heresies but let them alone If they dare not reason thus why doe they presse vs with the like consequent if they will needs conclude after this manner what wrong haue they done to our brethren and how much innocent blood haue they shed in the late dayes of persecution O that this argument had beene coyned and vrged in Queene Maries dayes among vs or might now preuaile with the Spanish Inquisition then should not the soules of them that were slain for the word of God Reuel 6.9 10. and for the testimony which they held cry out with a loud voyce saying How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth The last argument is this that the Protestants permit vsurie by their lawes and doe not punish Obiect 4 men for taking ten in the hundred which is done to meet with a greater inconuenience or mischiefe and so doth the Pope with his stewes Heereunto we may adde that which Parsons patcheth together after his trifling manner namely that we allow not the Catholikes absenting themselues from the Church and yet we make them pay for their recusancy I answer Answer to the first instance that if we punish not all byting gaine or suffer the poore to be oppressed we cannot be excused but are to bee blamed forasmuch as the word of God forbiddeth to oppresse the poore by vsury Exo. 22.25 Leuit. 25.35 36. Deu. 23.19 Touching the second instance or example
let vs goe the right way and cry to God we lift vp our voyce against them wheras we ought to lift vp our voyce vnto him who hath his eares open to heare our praiers and will blow away the storme and tempest by the blast of his mouth Thirdly doth God promise to right our cause and take vpon him our defence Then Vse 3 let vs do good for good and returne vnto him like for like let vs yeeld defence for defence and pleade his cause that hath pleaded ours For it is our duty to vndertake his defence whensoeuer his truth is gainsayed or his name euill-spoken of There is no man but is very carefull and circumspect to maintaine his owne name and credite in the world whensoeuer it is any way questioned ought wee not then much more to regard the vpholding and bearing vp the Name of God which is great and holy through all generations Heereunto doth Ioshua seeme to allude chap. 7 verse 9. complaining vnto God of the ouerthrow that the Israelites had receiued at the siege of At The Cananites and all the inhabitants of the Land shall heare of it and shall compasse vs and destroy our name out of the earth and what wilt thou doe vnto thy mighty Name He had greater care of Gods glory then he had of his owne and it went neerer vnto him to heare Gods Name dishonoured then to haue his owne destroyed out of the earth So it ought to be with vs let it not trouble vs to bee hated and maligned of the vnthankfull world and our honour with all contempt and disgrace laide in the dust but bee euermore ready to say Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy Name giue the glory Psal 115.1 If we be to open our mouthes for our brethrē as we shall see more at large afterward when they are laden with scandals and reproches much more then ought wee to do this in Gods cause and for Gods glory Let vs not be ashamed of his truth lest he be ashamed of vs. Let vs confesse his Name before the sonnes of men and we shall be sure to be confessed before the sonnes of God If we acknowledge his truth he will acknowledge vs before the Angels and before his Father This Christ teacheth his Disciples Whosoeuer confesseth me before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heauen Math. 10 32. but whosoeuer shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my Father which is in heauen What a shame and reproch will this be vnto vs that God should defend our cause and we shrinke backe through feare to defend his Christ our Sauiour doth oftentimes take vpon him to defend his Disciples when they were assaulted and set vpon by the Pharisees and therefore no maruaile though he charge this vpon them so earnestly that they should not be ashamed of him and of his words in that adulterous and sinfull generation We must be all ready to say with the Apostle Rom. 1 16. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth He defendeth his Disciples being reprooued because they did not fast often which was the bodily exercise which the Pharisees so much practised Luke 18. and wherein they so much gloried Math. 9 14. Hee defendeth them beeing accused of the breach of the Sabbath when they were seene to plucke the eares of corne and eate them Math. 12 2 3. He defendeth them being charged to transgresse the tradition of the Elders in that they did not wash before they had eatē bread Mat. 15 2 3. Yea such was his great wonderful loue to those that followed him that when his owne credite was touched as well as theirs he seemeth to neglect his owne and maintaine theirs as we see Luke 7. When Christ was entertained in the house of one of the Pharisees a woman in the City which was a sinner knowing that he sate at meate brought an Alabaster box of oyntment and stood at his feete washing them with her teares Luke 7.39 wiping them with her haires kissing them with her lippes and annointing them with the oyntment but when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it he spake within himselfe saying This man if hee were a Prophet would haue knowne who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him for she is a sinner He conceiued hardly of Christ as well as of the woman and iudged wrongfully of him that he was no Prophet as well as of her that she was a sinner yea more corruptly of him then of her forasmuch as shee had beene so whereas he was not onely a Prophet but the Prince of Prophets yea the King of his Church Verse 47. yea the Sonne of God yet hee forbeareth to make any apology for himselfe wholly defendeth her telling him that her sinnes which are many are forgiuen her for shee loued much Hath the Lord Iesus this singular care of vs and shall not we be zealous of his glory Shall we suffer his name to be troden vnder foot and neuer offer to vphold it Shall euill men speake euill of his truth and we say nothing against them The Apostle Peter giueth this commandement Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts and be ready alwaies to giue an answer to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekenesse and feare 1 Pet. chap. 3 verse 15. When the Apostles were charged to preach no more in the Name of Iesus Christ Peter and Iohn answered and saide vnto them Whether it bee right in the sight of God to hearken vnto you more then vnto God iudge yee for we cannot but speake the things which we haue seene and heard Acts 4 19. Woe then vnto those that see and heare God notoriously dishonoured and yet will neither heare it nor see it they make a law against themselues and shall taste of the same measure measured vnto them againe they shall be censured of others when they shall haue none to defend their causes This they will iudge to be an iniury to themselues and yet cannot perceiue the iniquity which they commit against God If then they will haue GOD shew this mercy to them in making their innocency knowne let them performe this duty to him in pleading his cause when his truth is euilly spoken off or any way ouerborne Vse 4 Fourthly forasmuch as this is the mercifull dealing of GOD toward vs and our good name when it is impeached that he will make the truth to be knowne let vs acknowledge this blessing and giue him the praise of it This also is another duty that wee are put in minde off to be performed vnto him For as we are bound in regard of our owne good to pray vnto him to make manifest the secrets of our hearts and to bring to the light the truth that is hidden so whensoeuer we haue found
we do not deny that the Scripture being vnderstood doth enlighten our mindes but it is not therfore lightsome because it is vnderstood of vs for then the light therof should wholly depend vpon our vnderstanding Thus if we vnderstand it it shall be lightsome but if we vnderstand it not it shal not be lightsome Nay which is much more absurd if one man vnderstand it it shal be light if another man vnderstand it not it shall not bee light thus at one and the same time it shold be both light not light The truth therefore is that the Scriptures are lightsome two wayes ●●e holy ●●●iptures are ●o wayes ●●●●t●ome First in respect of them selues secondly in respect of vs. In respect of themselues they are alwaies lightsome of thēselues and haue light in themselues In respect of vs they are lightsome when we vnderstand them and receiue them and light by them But to returne to the former matter the Minister should be the principall light to hold out the Lanthorne to bring men to heauen and to worke in them repentance as Iohn the Baptist is said to be a burning and a shining light Ioh. 5 35. But euery one also in his place must be a light to shine in knowledge and obedience in doctrine and in life On the contrarie when men are as candles put out there falleth great hurt to the church The danger heereof may be discerned by common experience in an hauen towne if the Lanthorne be taken downe or the candle put out which should direct the ships in the night season into the hauen al the ships and the soules that saile in them are left to the mercy of the winds which are without mercy and so all perish by miserable shippewracke In like manner if men haue no light in their hearts to guide them into the hauen and harbour of the church and consequently of the kingdome of heauen they doe as much as in them lyeth betray their owne soules and drowne themselues in eternall perdition Verse 3. And Aaron did so c. The obedience of Aaron is here described and the Candlesticke set in the Tabernacle described It is saide to be of golde as Reuel 1. the most precious of all Minerals for two causes First because as Gold excedeth all other mettals so the Church exceedeth all other societies of men because in it saluation is only to be found Esay 46 13. all other beeing ordained to preserue this safe and sound Esa 45 14. 49 23. Reuel 21 24 26. Ye● it is the glory and honour the beauty and ornament of all other societies kingdomes cities townes houses and persons to be parts of the church inasmuch as otherwise they are parts of the world of the kingdome of darknesse yea a● dogs swine and vncleane beasts Ephes 22 11 12 13 c. Secondly because it is most precious deare to God and to Iesus Christ as gold is to man because it is an holye company sanctified by the blood of Christ whom it cost deare to redeeme it Acts 20. The Candlesticke in the Tabernacle was to hold the light for the direction of all that were therein from Euening to morning continually Exod. 27 22. It is the vse of euery Candlesticke to hold to keepe to preserue to continue and to yeelde forth the light to the benefit of others This doth mystically represent the church Doctrine teacheth that the church is as the Lords golden candlestick appointed to hold and keepe the light treasury of the Word for euer It is the office of the church to holde and keep the word for euer that it should neuer bee lost or embeselled from vs to the end of the world And as the Candlesticke was to hold the light to the first comming of Christ so is the church to preserue the truth vntil the second comming of Christ It is therefore the office of the church and of euery true member thereof to keepe in it and to publish abroad and to hold out to those that are in it the truth of Gods word to direct their pathes aright as Deut. 31 20. The booke of the Law after that it was written was by the Lord himselfe committed to the Israelites to be kept in the side of the Arke of the couenant The Prophet Esay sheweth That the Word should go forth out of Sion where it was kept into the middest of the earth Chap. 2.3 And the Apostle declareth that the Iewes had the Oracles of God committed vnto them of trust Rom. 3 2. and that to them appertained who were the onely church the adoption and the glory and the Couenants and the giuing of the Law and the seruice of God and the promises Rom. 9 4. And Paul is said to haue written vnto Timothy that hee should know how he ought to behaue himselfe in the house of GOD which is the Church of the liuing God the pillar ground of the truth 1 Tim. 3.15 By all which testimonies wee are taught that the Church holdeth and bringeth the truth Esay 41 27. and conueieth it vnto vs and that wee can no otherwise receiue it or be partakers of it For further proofe heereof obserue with Reason 1 me the titles that are giuen vnto it It is a safe keeper or treasurer to keepe as it were vnder locke and key the holy Iewels of the olde and new Testament that they be neither corrupted by Heretikes nor destroyed by other enemies It is as a cunning Goldsmith to try euery thing Whit. de Scrip. quaest 3. Cap. 2. for as he discerneth pure gold from counterfet mettalles so the church discerneth true Scripture from false or forged books and writings It is as a crier to publish and make knowne the decrees of almighty God It is an Interpreter to expound the sence and to open the meaning of the Scriptures according to the proportion of faith set forth in other parts Secondly it is a great honor and wonderfull preferment that God giueth vnto the Church aboue al other societies and places of the world besides And indeede there can bee no greater honor then to be put in trust with such a treasure If a man should vpon trust commit vnto another a great treasure and make choyse of him to leaue it with him it is a signe he honoreth and respecteth him before and aboue others so is it betweene God and his Church he hath laid vp his trueth in his Church as in his store-house Ps 147 19 20. He hath giuen his word to Iacob his statutes and ordinances vnto Israel he hath not dealt so with other Nations as for his iudgements they haue not knowne them This made the Apostle say What is then the preferment or aduantage of the Iew Or what profit is thereof circumcision much euerie day shewing thereby that God committing his Oracles vnto them did aduance and prefer them farre aboue all other Nations Thirdly the church is the house
is euermore the companion of hypocrisie Fiftly to be confident in good causes and couragious especially in time of perill Prou. 10 9. 28 1. Whereas the hypocrite hauing a corrupt conscience is ouertaken with feare and trembling Esay 33 14. Prou. 28 1. Lastly to be constant and to perseuere to the end in good things to bee resolute neuer to giue ouer a continued course of piety vntil we giue ouer this course of life such bring foorth fruite with patience Luke 8 15. and shall neuer be remoued Psal 15 5. Whereas the double-minded man is vnstable in all his wayes Iames 1 8. his godlinesse and religion is as the morning dew Hosea 6 4. By these signes we may sift and examine our selues whether this grace of sincerity be in vs or not And as the gift is excellent so there are sundry motiues to stirre vs vp vnto it Sundry moti●es to 〈◊〉 vs to sinc● For God is good and gracious vnto such as are pure in heart Psal 73 1. and 125 4 5. hee is the Sun and shield to them Psal 84 11. This is the life and substance of all other graces without it the best things are but counterfet and no better then sinnes against God Our faith must be vnfained and loue without dissimulation and our conuersion must be a renting of the heart Consider also that God is present euery where and knoweth all things Psal 139 7. Prou. 15 verse 3. Moreouer wee must meditate oftentimes vpon the iudgements of God which hee bringeth vpon the world but especially of the last iudgement in the end of the world and of our particular iudgment at the houre of death Ro. 2 16. Eccl. 12 14. The heart is the store-house keeper of the graces of God Pro. 4 23. Mat. 13 18 19. Lu. 6 45. Math. 23 26. therefore we ought carefully to looke vnto it CHAP. XIIII 1 And all the Congregation lifted vp their voice and cryed and the people wept that night 2 And all the Congregation of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and the whole Congregation saide vnto them Would God that we had died in the Land of Egipt or would God we had died in this wildernesse 3 And wherefore hath the Lord brought vs into this land to fall by the sword that our wiues and our children should be a prey Were it not better for vs to returne into Egypt WE haue seen in the former chapter the occasiō of this fourth murmuring arising from the report of the spies whereby the seed was sowne which in this Chapter groweth vp to an open obstinate mutiny The fruit was answerable to the seed the successe to the report And who can stay the streame driuen by so violent a winde and tempest When the arrow is once shot out of the bow it is too late to wish it may do no hurt where it falleth because where it hitteth it hurteth But to come to the present matter in hand the people giuing eare to these false reports dream of danger where no danger is like the sluggard that saith There is a Lyon without I shall bee slaine in the streets Prou. 22 13. To minds that are fearfull and perplexed all fansies and coniectures seeme things of truth Consider in this chapt two points first the generall murmuring of all that is of the greatest part of the people secondly the proceeing of God against thē for their murmuring Their murmuring is accompanied with impatience disobedience vnthankfulnesse blasphemy infidelity and tempting of God Psal 106 24 25 c. and it is set downe generally and particularly Generally they murmured against Moses and Aaron amplified by the effect 〈◊〉 cause 〈◊〉 the Isra● wept all 〈◊〉 they wept all the night The cause why they wept is the feare of death and the sense of their sinne they supposed that they were led as sheep to the slaughter and brought into the wildernesse as to a place of destruction had forgotten the promise made 400. yeares before to their fathers Wee see heere how quickly and easily they obey euil persons that seduced them they listen with both their ears vnto them ●●●trine 〈◊〉 are natu● ready to 〈…〉 ●ken to ●cers and ●ers and forget what they had often heard and seen Caleb and Ioshua warned them but all was in vaine The doctrine This is the corruption of our nature we are prone to bee peruerted and ready to hearken to seducers to follow euill liuers and euill teachers while in the meane season wee are hardly drawne to hearken and attend vnto those that tell vs the truth without flattery or forgery Exod. 4 1. The prophet of God sent to prophesy against the Altar at Bethel is easily seduced and forsaketh the word of God 1 Kings 13 21. Our Sauiour complaineth of the peeuishnesse of the Iewes 〈◊〉 11 27. Wee haue piped vnto you and ye haue not danced we haue mourned vnto you and ye haue not lamented c. And Iohn 5 43. I am come in my Fathers name and ye receiued me not if another shall come in his owne name him yee will receiue 2 Tim. 4 34. Gal. 3 1 2. and 5 7. Titus 1 11. Mat. 24 5. First because in the minde and vnderstanding Reason 1 howsoeuer there remaine certaine generall notions concerning good and euil as that there is a God that he is iust and a rewarder of them that do well that wee must honour our parents and not hurt our neighbors yet euen these are corrupt and serue only to take away excuse Ro. 1 19 20. and besides wee haue all receiued from Adam ignorance or want of knowledge of the things of God 1 Cor. 2 14. Ro. 8 7. Likewise disability to vnderstand spirituall things though they be plainly taught vnto vs Lu. 24 41. 2 Cor. 3 5. vanity of the mind thinking truth to be falshood and falsehood to be truth Eph. 4 17. 1 Cor. 1 21. Prou. 14 12. So then the originall or seede of all errors and heresies is in our nature Secondly satan is mighty and subtle he can Reason 2 transforme himselfe into an Angel of light he employeth many instruments in his worke to seduce vs as he did Eue which also worke mightily with strong delusions 2 Cor. 11 3. False Apostles are deceitful workers transforming themselues into the Apostles of Christ 2 Cor. 11 23 24 25. they come in sheeps clothing though inwardly they bee rauening Reason 3 wolues Mat. 7 15. 2 Pet. 2 1 2. Thirdly it is Gods deepe yet most iust iudgement vpon all that obey not the gospel to send them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies This is a punishment sent vpon the vnthankfulnesse of men when they haue the light and yet shut their eies heare the sound of the Gospel and yet stop their eares and vnderstand the truth yet harden their hearts against the truth Mat. 13 14 15. 2 Thess 2 11 12. This serueth to reprooue and conuince the Vse 1
Sabbath and Sacraments If a man should doe nothing but practise treason and rebellion against the King despising his word and contemning his Proclamations in what a fearefull condition would we account him to be And when the King himselfe should appoint a day wherein he would haue his owne person specially attended and wholly waited vpon if his houshold seruants should refuse to giue him any attendance but waite worse vpon him that day then any other and giue themselues wholly to attend vpon their owne pleasures would he not thinke himselfe notably abused and discharge such of his seruice and were they not sure to run into his displeasure and to procure iudgement vpon themselues Notwithstanding this is the state of many among vs. God hath commanded vs to reuerence his Name his Sanctuary his Sabbath his Word his Ministery if then we shall dare to sweare blaspheme openly to reiect the word of God and to abuse the Sabbath by following after our pleasures and profits our sports and recreations and thereby practise after a sort against the person of GOD himselfe do they not prouoke me to my face saith the Lord and shall they go vnpunished No certainely they shall not his iudgements shall ouertake them for these things God hath ordained and enacted as by a solemne Proclamation that all sorts that professe themselues his seruants should waite vpon him on the Sabbath he is then determined to set foorth the greatnesse of his glorious Name and the riches of his house and the might of his power and the honour of his Maiesty it is his will and pleasure that men women children should assemble together before him to giue him attendance shall we answer with Korah and his company in the next chapter We will not come vp Numb 16 14. And albeit we be not so impudent and shamelesse to say so yet it is little better because we do not appeare before him Nay we serue our selues by walking in our owne waies and many serue Satan the enemy of God by following his wayes with greedinesse If wee giue vp our selues to our pleasures and profits we serue our selues when we giue vp our selues to our sinnes and delight in drunkennesse and such like wickednesse vpon that day we serue the diuell And in truth let any man marke it he shall see that God is no day worse serued of the common sort then vpon his owne holy day so that when he requireth all our seruice he can get little or none at all at our hands Vse 4 Lastly let no man flatter himselfe in performance of duties vnto men and thinke himselfe in good case because he liueth vnblameably in the eyes of the world We must learne to deny not onely worldly lustes but all vngodlinesse and we must liue not onely soberly righteously but also godly in this present world Titus 2 12. Christ gaue himselfe for this purpose to purge vs from al iniquity and to purifie vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of all good workes And indeed the sinnes of the first Table are the greatest most hainous sinnes and deserue the greatest plagues of God and most fearefull condemnation he will reward with euerlasting fire not onely such as know not their duties to men but such as know not God neither obey the Gospel of Iesus Christ 2 Thess 1 8. And this is noted as a maine cause of the destruction of the olde world to wit disobedience to the word 1 Pet. 3 20. When the Israelitish womans sonne whose father was an Egyptian blasphemed the Name of the Lord and as it were thrust him through with horrible curses Leuit. 24 11. he is commanded to be put to death and stoned verse 16 23. These sinnes are euery where little thought vpon and supposed to be either no sinnes at all or very little ones But mans iudgement is corrupt in the matters of God How the breaches of the first Table are greater then the breaches of the second except we looke vpon sinne with the light of the Scripture and if we shall paralell the sinnes of the first Table with the sinnes of the second in equall degree the greatest of the one with the grossest of the other both done in knowledge alike and ignorance with ignorance comparing deeds with deeds words with words thoughts with thoghts the breaches of the law beeing thus considered are farre greater against the first then against the second Table because they are cōmitted immediately against the person of the great God as rebellion against the person of a Prince is greater thē the insurrection against another the murthering of a Prince more thē of many others 2 Sam. 18 3. See then from hence the wofull abuse of our sinfull times prophane people Such as would seeme to make conscience of stealing of whoring of robbing and false witnessing in iudgement and hold them vnworthy to liue vpon the earth that commit these things marke their waies in matters that concerne the most high God possessour of heauen and earth and you shall euidently perceiue they thinke it no euill or enormity to be ignorant of GOD and his word to maintaine superstition and set vp humane traditions to abuse his Name by cursed oathes to prophane his Sabbath by cursed or corrupt workes to despise his Word and to refuse his Sacraments These are so ordinarily so openly so impudently committed with bold nay with brazen faces and defended also by those that do them as if we would despite God to his face and thrust him out of his kingdome and from the gouernement of the world I will tell you what I haue obserued by the common course of the world that moe perish through ignorance and prophanenesse then do by all the deeds of vnrighteousnesse Satan preuaileth more among the people by bringing them to a prophane life and keeping them in sottishnesse and blindnesse touching the will of God then by murther whoredome and theft laid together I know I speak this to many that haue most wretched and swinish hearts but no eares to heare and therefore regard their owne pleasures more then they doe their saluation These are the dangerous daies spoken off by the Apostle 2. Tim. 3 1 4 5. God in his mercy amend them if not let them that be ignorant be ignorant still 1 Cor. 14 38. and he that is filthy let him be filthy still Reuel 22 11. that so they may fill vp the measure of their sinnes Math. 23 32. 36 And all the Congregation brought him without the Camp and stoned him with stones and he died as the Lord commanded Moses It may seeme strange at the first that they should consult with God what to do with this prophane person seeing the Law had appointed death for him that transgressed this commandement Exod. 31 14. and 35 2. why then did they enquire or wherefore did they put him in minde to know what should bee done vnto him Some answer that
vpon you seeing all the Congregation is holy euery one of them and the Lord is among them Wherefore then lift ye vp your selues aboue c. IN this chap. we haue two other murmurings set down the latter arising out of the former as one sticke on fire kindleth another The former consisteth of a few carried away with enuy and emulation against Moses and Aaron the originall whereof arose from Korah of the Tribe of Leui The cause of Korahs Conspiracy who first blew the bellowes and tooke it greeuously that the Priestly dignitie was translated to Aaron and challenged Moses of partiality as if hee had preferred his owne Kindred and followed his priuate affection rather then the direction of God This seditious Korah associateth vnto himselfe Dathan Abiram and On of the Tribe of Reuben whom he knew to be ill affected towards Moses because hee being the eldest sonne of Iacob had by right of his birth-right the Principality and gouernement of the whole people belonging vnto him and therefore they thought themselues as worthy to haue the Soueraignty in their hands as Moses was to haue it in his hands All these ioyning together made a schisme or rent amongest the people and assemble two hundred and fifty others all Princes of the assembly which seeme to stand for the good of the whole Congregation as also all Rebelles haue euer had some pretence and colour for they plead that all the Lords people are holy that God is present among them and therefore they should no longer vsurpe the sole gouernment of the whole hoste It is vsuall in all ages of the Church to haue schismes and rents to arise in it and for men to separate themselues from the Church because forsooth it is not well gouerned as it ought to be Now albeit this open insurrection were a flat rebellion against the expresse ordinance of God yet they set many goodly shewes vpon their doings helping a bad cause with a beautifull colour lest they should seeme to be mad without reason alledging that all the Lords people are holy and the Lord is among them ●octrine We learne heereby that whatsoeuer corruptions breake out of men and whatsoeuer euils they doe ●hatsoeuer 〈◊〉 wicked ●en doe they some co●er vpon it and howsoeuer they decline from God from his word and from his ordinances yet they will labour to excuse it to defend it to colour it that it should not seeme as it is When euill men haue committed euill they are ready to iustifie their euils that they may seeme good We see this in Saul 1 Sa. 13.11.12 and 15.15 so Ioh. 12.5 6. Iudas pretended the poore and his great care of them albeit he cared not for them but for himselfe and chap. 11.48 So Caiaphas pretendeth the safety of the people to wit if Christ were not put to death the Romanes would come with a mighty army and ouerrunne them but the taking of him away and the putting of him to death was indeede the true cause why the Romanes came and destroyed the Temple the Citie and the people This we see sometimes also in those that are not the worst men The fact of Simeon and Leui against the Schechemites was no better then horrible murther committed against the Law of God and of nature and against the league and couenant that had passed between them which ought to be held inuiolable euen among infidels yet somewhat they pretend to couer it Gen. 34.31 should he deale with our sister as with an harlot So the Israelites touching their Idolatry Exod. 32.1 and Aaron verse 23. and our first parents Gen. 3. and in a maner all wicked men do the like that are vnregenerate without repentance and sanctification The reasons Reason 1 For men are affected to their actions as they are to themselues Though they be corrupt abominable yet they would not bee thought and iudged to be so so it is with their actions that proceed from them though they bee wicked and vniust yet they would haue them accounted iust and therefore they seeke excuses for themselues ●● 7. as Adam did fig leaues to Reason 2 couer his shame and his sinne Secondly if they should pretend nothing al would be ready to condemne them and to passe sentence vpon them therefore to blinde the eyes of others they cast a mist before them as iuglers vse to doe that they may not be espied This did Herod Mat. 2.8 he pretended to come and worship Christ For he knew well enough if hee had dealt plainely and told them hee sought the life of the babe they would haue detested his detestable cruelty This serueth to reprooue diuers sorts that Vse 1 goe about to varnish their actions with false colours thereby to blind the world and to put out their eyes These shew themselues to bee ranke hypocrites exceeding sinners against the Lord which serue to harden their hearts and to hinder them from a sight of their sinnes and sorrow for them For no man can returne from his sinnes and repent of his euill wayes so long as he goeth about to defend them because all such sinners doe declare a firme resolution to continue and goe forward in sinne and thinke themselues safe and sure because they haue some colours for their actions But the first beginning of repentance is confession a duty oftentimes commended and continually practised by the faithfull The first thing that Ioshua perswaded Achan to performe when he was taken as guilty for taking the accursed thing was that he should giue glory to the God of Israel and make confession vnto him Iosh 7.19 Prou. 28.13 1 Ioh. 1.9 Whereas such as hide their sinnes shall not prosper and they that say they haue not sinned doe make God a lyar and his word is not in them Wherefore we cannot giue a more euident signe of our want of the grace of repentance Psa 32.3 4 5. then by defending denying excusing or lessening of sinne Secondly this sheweth the cause why the Vse 2 dregs of Popish religion are so setled in the hearts of men that they are hardly rooted out euen because such deceitfull colours are set vpon them and their superstitious practises If they be accused for their idolatry worshipping of Images they pretend they worship God in the Image Touching the worship of Saints and praier to them they say they honor them as the friends of God and that they are vnworthy to approch or to come neere to God themselues and therefore in humility they goe to the Saints and Angels but this is nothing but to speake lies through hypocrisie Col. 2.23 Concerning their sacriledge in withholding the cup from the people they haue their colour that the labour of the Priest would be too great if he should deliuer the same to all himselfe or else that the blood of Christ might be spilt vpon the ground but these excuses cannot deceiue God hee seeth their open declining from the word of
but it is a farre greater fauour that among or out of his Church in generall the Lord should make a more speciall couenant with his Ministers that he should take them to bee a peculiar people to himselfe 1 Sam. 2.28 and 3.20 Exod. 19.22 2 Cor. 2.15.16 Mal. 2.5 6. Reason 1 The reasons follow First the Ministers are Gods seruants and Ambassadours 2 Cor. 5.20 they are in speciall place about him such as stand before him and minister vnto him vpon earth as the Angels minister vnto him in heauen Mal. 2.7 and 3.1 Reuel 1.20 and 2.1 and 3.1 Reason 2 Secondly they are as it were of Gods priuy counsell not to giue him counsell but to take counsell from him and to reueale his counsels to the sonnes of men Amos 3.7 for therefore he teacheth them that they should teach his people Mal. 2.7 True it is God reuealeth his secrets to his people neuerthelesse it is by the meanes of the Minister Vse 1 This serueth fitly and fully to reproue such base persons that thinke basely of the Ministery and those that account the Ministers as the scumme or refuse of the people who indeed are little better themselues I will not giue them the titles which they iustly doe deserue dishonouring that calling which God himselfe hath highly honoured and throw downe that which he hath aduanced and lifted vp I range among such those also that thinke the Ministery too base for their birth or quality yea they thinke their kindred exceedingly debased and disgraced if they haue a Minister of their name We would thinke it an high honour for any of our children or kindred to be preferred as a speciall fauorite about a Prince and yet we cannot bee content that they should haue this speciall calling and iudgement of the Ministery which is not inferiour to any place or calling whatsoeuer in the common wealth as we haue shewed often before True it is the greatest part of the world thinke otherwise and I confesse it but it is because they haue corrupt eyes which the vaine pompe and glory of the world doe dazle so that they cannot see nor perceiue the glory of God in the calling of the Ministers of the Gospel For if they had a better and a clearer sight they would thinke it the greatest honour and highest fauour to bee set in that calling Secondly this is an admonition and warning Vse 2 to all men that they should not in any case abuse offend disgrace wrong and reuile those that are called of God to be the Ministers of his word whom he hath set to be neere vnto him because they are in speciall grace and fauour with God Dare any oppose against him that is the kings friend or fauorite Doe not all desire and seeke his fauour how then dare wee disgrace and dishonour those whom God would haue honoured and speake contemptibly and contumeliously of their Ministery seeing God hath said they are the men whom hee would haue honoured When the king would haue Mordecai honored for the good seruice hee had done to his person he said Ester 6.6 What shall be done to the man whom the king delighteth to honour The Ministers are Gods speciall fauorites and therefore such as wrong and molest them shall not bee left vnpunished for those whom God will honour they shall be honoured especially of those that know the vse necessity profit of the Ministery Thirdly from hence ariseth matter of comfort Vse 3 to the Ministers themselues Hath hee made a speciall league and couenant with them to fauour and protect them Then we are assured that the iniuries and wrongs which are done vnto them rest not in their persons but extend to God himselfe who is wronged with them so that he will reuenge their wrongs and protect their persons Deut. 33.11 Smite through the loynes of those that rise vp against them that they rise not againe We haue also comfort as a shield and shelter from the base estimation of the vnthankfull world 1 King 22.8 though they hate vs as enemies yet God honoureth vs as his seruants nay as his friends and receiueth vs into speciall fauour so that he often maketh vs to be had in great honour estimation euen of those that before had so basely esteemed of vs. Let it not therefore trouble vs though wee bee not regarded of men seeing we stand or fall not to them but to our owne Master who hath thus farre honoured vs to be put into his seruice and therefore let vs say with the Apostle It is a small thing that I should be iudged of you or of mans iudgement yea I iudge not mine owne selfe 1. Cor. 4.3 Lastly it teacheth what the Ministers of God ought to be they should bee men of an vnblameable life and holy conuersation because they come so neere to God lest it bee said to them as Psal 50.16 What hast thou to doe to declare my statutes or that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest instruction and castest my words behinde thee If all the people of GOD must bee holy much more then ought the Ministers to bee endued and adorned with integrity of life They must be neither ignorant nor vaine because they come neere vnto God He that loueth his friend will bee very wary and circumspect what maner of seruants hee commendeth to his friend to be in his seruice and yet how vnfaithfully do many deal with God that dare commend to him idle wicked Ministers to be his seruants and to carry his word to his people It were to be wished that such as haue authority in their hands would turne all such vnworthy seruants out of his seruice and put them to silence which cause the holy ordinances of God to be prophaned and polluted by their wickednesse 8 And Moses said vnto Korah Heare I pray you ye sonnes of Leui. 9 Seemeth it but a small thing vnto you that the God of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel to bring you neere to himselfe to do the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Lord and to stand before the Congregation to minister vnto them 10 And hee hath brought thee neere to him and all thy brethren the sonnes of Leui with thee and seeke ye the Priesthood also Moses proceedeth and goeth forward to see if he could draw these proud conspirators to a sight of their sinnes and thereupon putteth Korah in mind how graciously God had dealt with him and the rest of the Leuites to suffer them to come neere vnto him to do the seruice of the Tabernacle and to stand before the Congregation to minister vnto him vppon which consideration he mooueth them that they should not bee carryed beyond the bounds of their calling Doctrine We learne hereby that the moe meanes and helpes wee haue to preuent sinne and to keepe our selues from offending against God The greater our meanes are to preuent sinne the more wee offend if we
his mercy that we are not vtterly consumed Lam. 3.22 When Eli heard the punishment that God had determined to bring vpon him and his house for the wickednesse of his prophane sonnes he answered with all humility It is the Lord let him doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him 1 Sam. 3.18 God loueth a broken and contrite heart it is a sacrifice wherein hee greatly delighteth Lastly let vs make our whole life a continuall practise of vnfained repentance and labour for godly sorrow that wee may mourne and afflict our soules for sinne because it is sinne a breach of Gods law and displeaseth him Sinne will not lodge long where it is not cherished and made much off and entertained with delight It is as a ghest that will not lodge in such houses where he is not welcome but if once you make much of him and delight in him then he is an importunate and a shamelesse ghest you shall hardly rid your house of him In the word of God wee finde sundry meanes and motiues to moue vs to enter these meditations Motiues moouing vs to repentance First the commandement of God himselfe so often vrged and repeated Ier. 3.12 and 8.6 and 18.11 This was the voyce of Iohn crying in the wildernesse Repent bring forth fruits worthy amendment of life Matth. 3.8 This doctrine was preached in Paradise to our first parents and was afterward figured out by circumcision before the Law and by their purification after the Law Esay 1.16 Wash you make you cleane Againe such as repent not lye vnder the bondage of Satan they are as captiues prisoners bound to obey his will and to doe him seruice 2. Tim. 2.26 Thirdly such as die without repentance remaine for euer without remission and forgiuenesse They are lost children and must needs perish if they repent not before 2 Pet. 3.9 Luke 13.3 Fourthly the threatnings denounced executed vpon the rebellious and disobedient are made examples and admonitions vnto vs his vengeance iustly fallen vpon others should serue to amend vs 1 Cor. 10.5.6 2. Pet. 2.3 4. Psal 7.11 12. Fiftly the certainety and suddennesse of the last and generall iudgement which shall come as a theefe in the night when the heauens themselues shall passe away with a noise and the elements shall melt with heate and the earth with the workes therein shall bee burnt vp What manner of persons therefore ought wee to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse 2 Pet. 3.10 11. and 2 Cor. 5.10 Wee must all appeare before the iudgement seat of God that wee may receiue the things done in this body whether good or euill This last day is called a day of Reuelation Rom. chap. 2. ver 5. Lastly we must bee all ledde to repentance by the vnspeakable fruits that follow it as pardon of sinnes reconciliation with God peace of conscience hearing of our prayers and in the end blessednesse in the heauens Ezek. 33.11 CHAP. XVIII 1 ANd the Lord said vnto Aaron Thou and thy sonnes and thy fathers house with thee shall beare the iniquity of the Sanctuary and thou and thy sonnes with thee shall beare the iniquity of your Priesthood 2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of Leui the tribe of thy father bring thou with thee that they may be ioyned c. 3 And they shall keepe thy charge and the charge of all the Tabernacle onely they shall not come nigh the vessells c. 4 And they shall be ioyned vnto thee and keepe the charge c. IN the latter end of the former Chapter the people are brought in confessing their sins and crauing pardon of God Wee heard their greefe and sorrow for their sinnes and bewailing their transgressions past and saying Shall we perish vtterly and is there no hope of forgiuenesse Now we haue in this Chapter the answer of God to this question which did proceed from a feeling of their sinne and a feare of present death which they had iustly deserued For Moses declareth how God shewed himselfe reconciled notwithstanding their manifold prouocations he cannot keep his anger for euer but returneth vnto them in mercy when they turne vnto him by repentance The deuision of this Chapter Concerning the which reconciliation we must consider in this Chapter two points first the persons procuring the attonement which were the Priests Leuites attending to the Ministery of the word and Sacraments secondly the things appertaining vnto them and to their charge as also the next Chapter deliuereth such things as belong to the people Now the commandement belonging to them both to wit both to the Priests and Leuites which are heere said to be brethren All the M●nisters ough to be as children Matth 23.8 2 Pet 15. Heb. 13.22 1 Pet 12. is directed to Aaron and not to Moses because this was a meere Church matter Ecclesiasticall not ciuill and his Priesthood was newly ratified to him by the authority of God and by a notable miracle in the flourishing of the Almond rod Chap. 17.8 The summe and effect is this that the Priests should minister in the Sanctuary at the Altar but the Leuites should minister vnto the Priests and both of them both for themselues the people First therefore the charge of the Sanctuary is committed to Aaron and his sonnes and to the ouersight of the Leuites to the eight ver that the seruice of God might not be prophaned either by themselues or by any other lest they made themselues guilty of sinne whereby the Lord would signifie that there was indeed no cause why any should enuy them this dignitie forasmuch as it was ioyned with such danger and difficulty The burden of the Priesthood was so great and lay so heauy vpon their shoulders that they were threatened to be punished if the worship of God which ought to bee performed with all reuerence were prophaned through their default From hence we learne that as euery sin is in it owne nature great so are these sinnes the greatest and most heinous which are committed against a mans particular place and calling wherein God hath set him ●e ●nnes ●test ●e ●ed ● mans ar Iob 2.9 The Prophets denouncing iudgements against sundry persons doe single them out for neglecting of personall duties The Prophet Micah threatneth the Rulers and men of might that they hate the good and loue the euill Who plucke off their skinne from off them and their flesh from off their bones they breake their bones and chop them in pieces as for the pot and as flesh within the cauldron Mic. 3.2 3. Thus also he noteth out the falsehood of the Prophets that made the people of God to erre and cry peace ver 5. The idolatrous kings are most of all taxed for the abuse of their calling not so much for priuate faults as other men but for their erecting or suffring of idolatry which they ought to haue pulled downe yea the good kings are often blemished that way because they reformed not the
of professours because we see the hand of God sometimes to bee heauy vpon them and more then vpon others but rather consider it is or may be for the sinnes of their profession and that afflictions fall out a like for Iudgement must first beginne at the house of God 1 Pet. 4 17. hee will first set in order his owne house and his owne children and will deale more seuerely with them for smaller sinnes in this life then he will with the vngodly for greater in this life whom he specially reserueth for his wrath to come Nah. 1.2 Let all those therefore that make an holy profession of seruing the Lord in truth lay these things to their hearts and not suffer themselues to bee carried away with the force of sinne for God will surely meete with them his hand shall first finde them out howbeit alwayes for their good whiles he seemeth not to regard nor reward the sinnes of the wicked so that we must beware of those sinnes which are against our place and calling wherin God hath set vs. Lastly euery one must be carefull to walke Vse 4 carefully in the duties of their particular callings with a good conscience that so they may please God and take occasion to reioyce before him looking to the ordinance of God who hath set and appointed distinct callings in the family in the Church and in the common-wealth 1 Cor. 7.7 21 22. Ephe. 4.11.12 Actes 20.26 There can arise no comfort to vs that wee belong to God though wee seeme neuer so carefull in the generall duties of Christianity if we faile in the speciall parts of our seuerall callings That Minister which liueth in all the common duties of other Christians and yet doth not or cannot guide the people and feed them with the foode of life is a wicked Minister and there belongeth to him a fearefull woe Woe to the shepheards of Israel that feede themselues should not the shepheards feede the flockes Ezek. 34.2 Ier. 23.1 Zach. 11.17 Such are not able to blow the trumpet and therefore shall not deliuer their owne soules That gouernour of a family which regardeth not to prouide things necessary for them so farre as he may and according to the meanes giuen vnto him is an euill gouernour he is worse then the infidell and hath denyed the faith 1 Tim. 5.8 Again he that regardeth not the education of his children in the nourture and admonition of the Lord Ephe. 6.4 is an euill and wicked father howsoeuer he may deceiue himselfe in thinking himselfe to be a good Christian For heereby we shall indeede try what is in euery one if we marke and regard what is in them in regard of priuate and particular duties in their seuerall callings I haue oftentimes obserued that many people when they come abroade behaue themselues in the company of others very religiously and deuoutly they are ready to ioyne with others in all holy duties but marke what they are at home and within the walles of their owne houses and you shall see them to be quite other men and women and not the same neuer a whit carefull to discharge their duties in their speciall callings There are sundry persons that would bee iudged of others to be Christian men but they doe not shew themselues priuately to bee Christian gouernors nor Christian husbands And many women beare themselues publikely as Christian women of an holy conuersation who notwithstanding want the ornament of a meeke and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price neither shew that subiection toward their husbands that ought to bee in Christian wiues 1 Pet. 3.4 5. It is not enough to professe our selues to be Christian men when God hath blessed vs with children and seruants but heereby we shall bee tryed what is in vs whether Christ be in vs dwell in our hearts by faith or not if wee approoue our selues to be Christian parents and Christian masters 5 And ye shall keepe the charge of the Sanctuary and the charge of the Altar that there bee no wrath any more vpon the children of Israel 6 And I behold I haue taken your brethren the Leuites from among the children of Israel to you they are giuen as a gift for the Lord to doe the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Congregation Heere the Lord teacheth how Aaron and his sonnes should behaue themselues toward the Leuites and likewise the Leuites toward Aaron and his sonnes For hee willeth them to admit the Leuites to the administration of holy things but so as they helpe them onely in inferiour things not in the chiefest part of their Ministery He will not haue them come neere to the Altar to sacrifice neither to enter into the inner parts of the Tabernacle which belonged onely to the Priests themselues ●iffrence ●eene the ●g of the ●s and ●es Heere then we see that God maketh a difference betweene the Priests and the Leuites and also wherein the difference consisteth the more excellent dignity is committed to the Priests the lesser to the Leuites They that had the higher calling were not to contemne the others and they that obtained the lower place were not to greeue at it or to enuy at others but God maintaineth peace and vnity among them so that both must be content and one be ready to helpe another And whereas God permitted not the Leuites to offer sacrifice or to enter into the Sanctuary and that if either any of them or of the people should presume to doe it he appointeth death to them that brake this his ordinance the cause is that we should know that none hath power to reconcile vs to himselfe and to giue vs entrance into his presence but Christ himselfe onely whose person and office was figured out in Aaron and his sonnes Wretched therefore and blasphemous is the practise of the Papists who goe about to make reconciliation betweene God and his people by their idolatrous Masses offered vp for the quicke and the dead whereby as much as lyeth in them they crucifie againe the Lord of life and are no better then the betrayers and murtherers of him Euill also is the practise of all hypocrites who by the merits of their owne good workes doe thinke to procure and purchase vnto themselues the fauour of God for they are so farre from attaining heereunto by their blinde deuotion that they offend God the more and prouoke his wrath and indignation against their owne soules Againe note in this difference which God maketh betweene the Priests and Leuites how necessary and profitable it is that there should be order kept and obserued in the Church Marbucch comment in Nume There is not onely one office and function in the Church but many and diuers neither can one man discharge all places without presumption nor all discharge one without confusion and therefore to auoide both there ought a comely order to be obserued of which we haue often spoken before As then in
we may be assured he will deliuer our soules from death Psal 33 19. Rom. 6 ●2 Luke 12 32. preserue vs in famine For if hee spared not his owne Sonne but hath giuen him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Feare not therefore the want of outward things which perish with their vse for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue vnto you a kingdome If he haue promised to giue vnto vs the greater nay the greatest blessings that can be rehearsed or remēbred we may ground our selues on this assured truth that he wil not leaue vs nor forsake vs so that we may boldly say The Lord is my deliuerer I will not feare what man can do vnto me Indeed the iudgement practise of carnall men is otherwise who esteeme earthly things aboue heauenly and preferre their Swine before Christ-like Esau Matthew 8 Heb. 12 16 who prized one messe of pottage aboue the birthright If these men bee a little pained and pinched with famine and suffer a little want of food that they haue not their necessities supplied their bodies cloathed their bellies filled they cry out aloud in the anguish of their spirit What shall we eate What shall we drinke How shall wee liue How shall we maintaine sustaine our selues and our families But alasse though their soules be hunger-bitten and hungerstarued ready to pine and consume away throgh want of spirituall food they are neuer greeued or vexed it troubleth them not at al. Let vs learn better things let vs value spirituall things at the highest rate and set them in the cheefest place If thus we set as our honorable friends all heauenly things in the cheefest place and turne all transitory things with shame into the lowest roome and ranke as saucie aspiring guests vsurping climbing aboue their betters we shall beare all earthly losses and troubles with patience and stay our selues from murmuring at the feeling of them Ver. 6. Then Moses and Aaron went from the face c. We heard before the complaint of the people now let vs see the behauiour of Moses Aaron They do not rage nor reuile thē they do not fret and fume against thē or aske the life of their enemies but possesse their soules with patience and declining the violent rage of the people as a beast with many heads they goe to the Tabernacle declare their causes and cases before the Lord. From this their distresse we learne this truth that in all wrongs iniuries offered vnto vs we must seeke helpe and comfort of God Doctrin● In all wr● and iniuri we must 〈◊〉 to God I say it is the duty of all the seruants of God when they are wronged and oppressed when they are euilly entreated and spitefully handled at the hands of sinfull men to vnlade disburden all their cares into the bosome of God depending for counsell and comfort vpon him alone In the performance of this duty the holy seruants of God haue gone before vs. Reade the booke of the Psalmes as a plentifull store-house and schoole-house to teach this truth as Psal 3 1 2. and 7 1 2. where we see that in his troubles he had recourse to God who smiteth his enemies on the cheeke-bone and breaketh the teeth of the wicked but was a sure Buckler to him not such as men hold vp that can defend one part and in one place onely but a buckler to safegard him round about before and behind And being greeuously accused of some heynous crime by some of Sauls retinue ● 14.10 he flyeth to God he trusteth in him who preserueth the vpright in heart So when Iob had his camels and cattell taken away by the enemies he did not through the greatnes of his affliction and greefe of mind rebell against God but said Naked came I out of my mothers wombe ● 13 17. and naked shall I returne thither the Lord hath giuen and the Lord hath taken it ●●g 19.3 blessed be the Name of the Lord. The like appeareth in Hezekiah when Ierusalem was besieged This is a day of tribulation and of rebuke and blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there is no strength to bring forth Now therefore O Lord our God I beseeeh thee saue vs out of his hand that all the kingdomes of the earth may know that thou O Lord art onely God All which examples teach vs that when we suffer wrongs or fall into any wrongs or fall into any dangers wee must haue recourse to God and craue of him that the malice of the wicked may come to an end Reason 1 The reasons of this doctrine are first the gracious promise of God who hath mercifully promised to heare and to helpe vs in all our troubles This the Prophet teacheth Call vppon me in the day of trouble ● 50.15 ●h 5.14 15 I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And the Apostle Iohn This is the assurance that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs and if we know that he heareth vs whatsoeuer we aske we know that we haue the petitions that wee haue desired of him Let vs not doubt and wauer like a waue of the Sea tossed to and fro by the violence of the winds but by faith beleeue that God will grant our requests which wee make according to his will and word Seeing therefore he is willing to heare and able to helpe and promiseth to grant our requests our duty is to come when he calleth to aske seeing hee giueth and to knocke seeing he openeth the gates that leadeth vnto his treasures Some put their trust in chariots some in horses and some in Princes but we must remember the Name of the Lord our God who neuer faileth and breaketh promise with these that depend vpon him that feare and trust in his mercy Reason 2 Secondly as he is our helper who deliuereth our soule from death our eies from teares and our feet from falling so whither shall wee turne our selues to find comfort and consolation besides in him When God denyeth to send succour who shall saue When hee refuseth to helpe who shal deliuer When he shutteth who can open If wee looke to men or Angels to heauen or earth to the liuing or the dead we shall be deceiued and deluded The Prophet saith Psal 62.8 9. Trust in him alway ye people poure out your harts before him for God is our hope aboue all yet the children of men are vanity the chiefe men are lies to lay them vpon a ballance they are altogether lighter then vanity Vse 1 Let vs now come vnto the vses First from hence we gather that such is Gods great goodnes to his children that he neuer leaueth them without comfort For if he require of vs to repaire to him in our troubles surely he will not send vs away empty nor cause vs to depart
Psal 80 5 where he complaineth that God had giuen them bread of teares and fed them with teares to drinke in great measure Thou hast made vs a reproch to our enemies thou hast brought a Vine out of Egypt thou hast cast out the Heathen and planted it yet the wilde Boare deuoureth it the beasts of the field eate it vp Vpon this consideration he sheweth his affection and oftentimes doubleth it Returne we beseech thee O God of hosts looke downe from heauen and visite this Vine The like care of redressing the distressed condition of the Church appeareth in Habakkuk for when God reuealed vnto him that for the wickednesse and iniquity the strife and contention of the people he would punish and visite them by the Chaldeans a Nation worser then themselues it cōstrained the Prophet to break out into an earnest prayer When I heard thy voice I trembled and was afraid Lord in wrath and in the middest of iudgement remember mercy Hab. 1 3 6 3 2. What should I adde more The booke of Lamentations sheweth that the horrible desolation of the Church did draw vp whole buckets of water and fountaines of teares frō the Prophet euen bowels of compassion and most earnest praier to God for the deliuery of his people being moued with a sensible feeling of the Churches distresses Lam. 1 and 2 and 3. And although this meditation alone be sufficient Reason 1 to enforce this affection of compassion yet it may be more earnestly considered and deepely enforced by sundry reasons For first nothing ought to be more precious and deare vnto vs then to see the florishing estate of the Church nothing ought to go nearer vnto our hearts and to make our eyes a fountaine of teares to weepe day and night then to behold the decayings and desolations of Sion This appeareth euidently vnto vs Psal 137 1 2 5 where the Prophet layeth downe the miserable estate of the Church vnder the Babilonians and the affection of the Church conceiued vpon that distresse We sate downe and wept when we remembred Sion we hanged our Harpes vpon the willowes in the midst therof if I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget to play If I do not remember thee let my tongue cleaue vnto the roofe of my mouth yea if I preferre not Ierusalem before my chiefe ioy Wherein ariseth this reason that howsoeuer many things are ministred to comfort the people of God as fauor friends honour glory pleasure and prosperity yet aboue all other ioy the peaceable and prosperous estate of the Church affecteth thē as that which sticketh neerest and cleaueth closest vnto them 1 Pet. 1 12. at the sight wherof the Angels take occasion to wonder at the mercies of God Contrariwise the troubles and tumults raised against the Church beginning to preuaile against it and threatning to make hauocke of it haue caused the greatest sorrow of all other incident to the sonnes of men We see a worthy and memorable example of this in the wife of Phinehas when the Philistims preuailed ouer the people of God many sorrowes fell vpon her one in the necke of another the taking of the Arke the fall of her father the death of her husband the slaughter of her brother the ouerthrow of the hoast the triumph of the enemy yet aboue all as if the rest were nothing the report of taking the Arke was as a sword to pierce through her soule and suffered her not to receiue any comfort in her trauaile but she named her childe Icabod that is no glory saying The glory is departed from Israel because the Arke of God was taken and because of her father in law and her husband She saide againe For the Arke of GOD is taken 1 Sam. 4 19 21 22. Whereby we see that howsoeuer we feele nothing but worldly losses being men of this world whose portion is in this life and are acquainted with nothing but worldly sorrowes which cause death chusing rather to leaue Christ then to lose our commodities to sell our birth-right then to want our pottage like prophane Esau or the swinish Gadarens yet she sealeth vp her sorrow in the name of her sonne and repeateth the departure of the glory from Israel as that which most of all doubled and increased her affliction If then all things in this life are not to bee compared and matched with the prosperous proceeding encrease of the Church in spirituall things if no earthly losse of things neerest and dearest vnto them do so far enter into them as the calamities and ruines of the Church maruaile not if the wants thereof go neere vnto the Church and stirre them vp to labour the redresse thereof in their best meditations Secondly the distresses of the Church set Reason 2 open a wide doore to faithlesse and prophane men to insult contumeliously and to triumph vaine-gloriously ouer the Church as though God had forsaken them left them as a prey in the iawes of the enemy whereby the truth is slandred the Name of God which ought to be precious vnto vs is blasphemed This appeareth Psalm 70 1 4 5 8 10. when the heathen rushed into the inheritance of God defiled the Temple and made Ierusalem an heap of stones that they were a reproch vnto their neighbours euen a scorne and derision to them that were round abound them The Prophet expressing his affection saith Lord how long wilt thou be angry for euer Shall thy iealousie burne like fire And thē he addeth this as a reason Wherfore should the heathen say where is their God Let him bee knowne among th● heathen in our sight by the vengeance of the blood of thy seruants that is shed So then as on the one side the florishing estate of the Church is that which giueth inward ioy and true comfort of heart aboue all other things to Gods seruants on the other side the distresses of the Church do set open a doore to faithlesse and rebellious men to take aduantage to reioyce ouer the Church and in the spirit of Ismael to scoffe at it with taunts more bitter then gall and wormewood it followeth that the troubles thereof must draw vs to pitty moue vs to prayer and incite vs to vse all good meanes to redresse them The vses follow First we must be greeued for the troubles of the Church as fellow-members Vse of the same body Can that be a true and liuely member that is not any way touched with a fellow-feeling of the rest of the members The Apostle teacheth 1 Corin. 12 25 That the members should haue the same care one for another therefore if one member suffer all suffer with it if one member be had in honour all the members reioyce with it Would wee then know whether we haue Christ for our head coupling vs together whether wee be members of Christ and haue him dwelling in vs by faith and whether we be made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh
the sonnes of God for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him God is become our Father the Sonne is our Redeemer the Holy-ghost is become our sanctifier the Angels are become our attendants the Scriptures are become our euidences the Sacraments are our seales the creatures are become our seruants our afflictions are our instructions This the Apostle teacheth the Church 1. Cor. 3 21 22 23. They are blessed that haue their sinnes pardoned and not imputed vnto them as the Prophet teacheth but God saith to euery beleeuer Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee They are blessed that heare his word and keepe it but the sheepe of Christ heare his voyce and follow him They are blessed that delight in the Law of the Lord and in his Law meditate day and might but the godly make it their counsellour to be aduised by it This vse that now we stand vpon is directly vrged by the Prophet Psal 84. where hauing made his complaint that hee could not haue accesse to the Church of God to make profession of his faith and to profite in Religion hee breaketh out into this passionate exclamation being touched with an inward feeling of the want of those holy assemblies Psal 84 4 5. O Lord of hoasts how amiable are thy tabernacles thereupon concludeth the point which wee haue stood vpon Blessed are they that dwell in thine house they will euer praise thee blessed is the man whose strength is in thee and in whose heart are thy wayes Howsoeuer the vngodly that sauour nothing but of the earth want spirituall eyes to behold the beauty of the Church and account it no part of their happinesse to liue within the compasse and bosome of it yet the children of God haue taken nothing so neere to heart as when they haue bene driuen from the place of his worship The Prophet is grieued that the sparrowes and swallowes had better accesse and freer recourse to the houses of men to build their nests to lay their young and to rest and repose themselues then he had to the Lords Tabernacle and therefore preferreth their condition before his owne We see how the Iewes wept and pittifully lamented by the riuers of Babylon and hung vp their instruments on the willowes saying Psal 137 1 2 3 How shall we sing the song of the Lord in a strange land If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget to play If I doe not remember thee let my tongue cleaue to the roofe of my mouth yea if I preferre not Ierusalem to my chiefe ioy No doubt they might haue prayed to the Lord in Babylon and in banishment as well as in Iudea and at Ierusalem the Lord heareth in all places and willeth that men pray euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath or doubting 1. Tim. 2.8 but they mourned because they could not visit the Temple of God in Ierusalem there to make publicke confession of their sinnes and of their faith toward God They therefore plainely testify that they haue no feeling either of the weakenesse of their faith or of the greatnesse of their offences that glory in their owne shame and say they beare as good a soule to God as they which resort so often to the Church and delight to heare the preaching of the word and that they can serue God as well at home as in the Church These are led by another spirit then Dauid was who if he were a man after Gods owne heart Psal 42 1 2 3. hauing such an earnest desire after the seruice and worship of God and saying As the Hart brayeth for the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God surely these must needs be guided by the spirit of the diuell who so openly scorne all Religion and are at defiance with God robbing God of his honour committing sacriledge in keeping their tongues from the publick praises of God entring themselues off from the mysticall body of Christ condemning and contemning the congregation of the faithfull giuing offence to others by euill example and despi●●ng the ordinance of God who hath appointed commanded the assembly of his people to meet together to acknowledge their sinnes to confesse their faith to pray for things necessary to praise him for his blessings receiued to heare the word expounded and to receiue the Sacraments deliuered so that such as flye from these doe fly from God himselfe they fly from their owne saluation they seeke a worship by themselues and they imagine an heauen by themselues But let them take heed their worship proue not a false worship and their heauen a false heauen and a true hell Secondly we must all labour to bee members Vse 2 of the Church rather then of any other place in the world We see how carefull men are not onely to be in great societies towns but to be of them to haue the freedome of priuiledged places and incorporations Act. 22 28. Yea to obtaine it purchase it with a great summe of money because it hringeth worldly commodity How much more should wee endeauour to be members of the Church whereby we are made free men and haue interest in the blessings of God yea wee become free denizens of the Kingdome of heauen How doe men esteeme their freedome to be of earthly cities If wee be part of the Church wee haue accesse to the truth Now if wee shall know the truth the truth shall make vs free Iohn 8 32 36. If we be belonging to the Church we haue our interest in Christ now if that Sonne shall make vs free then we shall be free indeed This made the Apostle say Phil. 3 20. Our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a Sauiour If we become limbes of the Church of God wee haue the spirit that beares witnesse to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God now the Lord giueth his Spirit 2. Cor. 3 17 and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty Such as are free of cities and incorporations haue diuerse priuiledges that others want obtaine many benefites that others want obtaine many dignities that others desire and haue their names enrolled among the free-men but how much greater is the preheminence of all those that are brought into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God being made parts of the Church which is the freest citty vnder the heauens This city of our God hath the priuiledges of the communion of Saints of the forgiuenesse of sinnes of the resurrection of the body to eternall life and all such as belong vnto it haue their names registred and enrolled in the booke of life What shall it profite thee to obtaine an earthly freedome in earthly cities and to be the seruant of sinne the bondslaue of the diuel and to want the freedome of the sonnes and daughters of almighty
giue to these maintaine them both in idlenes wickednes As then we see vnto whō we ought not to giue so we must know to whom we ought to giue To whom we ●●ght to giue These are poore widdowes and fatherlesse children 1 Tim. 5 16 such as are poore strangers such day laborers as worke hard for their liuing all the week and yet cannot either thorough weaknesse of their body or greatnes of their charge get things necessary and sufficient for them and of these we shall alwaies haue with vs to the end of the world Mat. 62 11 Such also as are falne into decay by ineuitable losses 〈◊〉 15 11. Leu. 23 35. Lastly such as are weake and impotent whether through age or other blemish whether in their feete or in their hands or other parts that thereby though they bee willing yet they are not able to take paines for theyr liuing Acts 3.2 6. but amongst all these they are especially to bee respected that are of the houshold of faith Gal. 6 10. If we be careful and mindfull of these God will recompence vs againe and pay vs home seuenfolde into our bosomes whatsoeuer we haue giuen both in temporall spirituall and eternall blessings Lastly it is our duty to acknowledge Gods Vse 3 great mercy toward vs in the blessings of this life that hee hath giuen to vs that which hee hath denied to many others and when he giueth vnto vs a comfortable vse of these blessings wee must confesse we haue them not by our owne labor and industrie but by his speciall goodnes towards vs Psal 127 1 3. and therfore we ought to sanctifie our daily pains with daily prayer and begin and end our labors with remembring him that remembreth vs and so praise his goodnes that enableth vs to get goods and this shall make our labour sweet and pleasant and the yoake that lyeth in our neckes to be light and easie Againe as God giueth them so he giueth a blessing with them a blessing with a blessing that is bread and the nourishment of bread For a man liueth not by bread onely but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Deut. 8. Moreouer as he giueth outward blessings so he can take them away when it pleaseth him euen in a moment Iob 1 Luk 12. 22 And the Lord saide vnto Moses Get thee vp into this mount Abarim and see the land which I haue giuen vnto the children of Israel 13 And when thou hast seene it thou shalt bee gathered vnto thy people c. 14 For ye rebelled against my commandement c. Here followeth the second part of the chapt touching the successour of Moses in the gouernment of this great people wherein obserue the occasion the calling of Ioshua The occasion is double the death of Moses at hād his request to God to appoint a man to be set in his place Touching his death he is willed to go vp to mount Abarim and to behold the land that God had giuen to the Israelites for God had foreshewed that he should see the land with his eies though he did not tread on it with his feet when he had seene the land he should dy as Aaron his brother before him chap. 20 24 amplified by the cause they had not sanctified the name of the Lord at the Waters of Meribah of which we haue spoken before Touching the prayer and request of Moses he desireth of the Lord that he wold appoint a fit Ruler ouer his people to succeed him in this gouernment that might be able to beare this great burthen For hearing the vnchāgeable determination of God humbling himselfe vnder his correcting hand chastising his transgression he is not afraid of the sentence of death being at hand and seeing it before him neither doth he craue to haue the stroke thereof prolonged and delayed neither is he troubled with excessiue cares for himselfe and his children and posterity as the manner is of worldly minded men that mind nothing but the earth and earthly things when they must go out of the world shall haue their mouth full thereof but all his care was for the future benefite of the people to leaue them in good estate after his departure This should teach vs after his example to be readie to leaue the world whensoeuer God calleth vs not to stād in feare of death but to be willing to goe to God knowing the we shall go to an inheritance immortall that fadeth not 1 Pet. 1. and we must all likewise be carefull to leaue our houses places in good state when we are gone of which we haue spoken before chap. 20. Moses was the deere seruant of God yet sinning hee is punished The Lord himselfe receyued his soule and buried his body Deut 34 6 13. He was in high fauour with God liuing and dying an excellent Prophet to whom God spake face to face yet hee was not suffered to enter into the land of Promise Doctrine Many want the outward signes that are partakers of the truth of the Sacraments Wherby we see that many want the Sacraments that are partakers of the truth and substance of the Sacraments He entred into the heauenly Canaan that was not permitted to enter into the earthly Some are admitted vnto the outward signe that neuer receiue the thing signified so was Iudas to the Passeouer as well as Peter and the rest of the Apostles yet he was neuer partaker of the Lambe that taketh away the sins of the world Iohn 1 29. On the other side some take not the outward signe that neuerhelesse partake the inward grace The vses heereof are to teach vs that the outward Vse 1 and inward parts of the Sacraments are not necessarily ioyned together so that hee which partaketh the one should also partake the other and therfore the outward sign doth not simply conferre grace Secondly it condemneth the Church of Rome that holdeth that children dying without baptisme are not saued whereas saluation is not alwayes annexed to the signe so that though infants want the outward washing yet to them may belong the kingdom of heauen Mark 10 14. Lastly it serueth as a great comfort to such as desire to come to the Sacraments yet are hindred sometimes by sicknes and somtimes by other ineuitable occasions that procure their absence forasmuch as we see in this example of Moses that we may bee partakers of the truth of the signes and yet bee barred or banished from the signes themselues In such cases as these God accepteth the will for the deede 2 Cor. 8 12. Againe Doctrine Many are temporally punished that are not eternally condemned we learne by the examples of Moses and Aaron that were not suffered to enter into Canaan a figure of the heauenly Canaan this truth That many are temporally punished which are not eternally condemned Many are chastised in this life not onely with diseases and sicknesses but with death
as wee haue receiued from forraine enemies and domesticall And what blessings wee haue all receiued in particular what tongue can expresse what heart can comprehend Doth not GOD on the other side requyre much at our hands O let vs beware and take heede lest these blessings bee turned into curses and his mercies into iudgments CHAP. XXXII 1 NOw the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great multitude of cattell tand when they saw the land of Iaazer and the land of Gilead that behold the place was a place for cattell 2 The children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spake vnto Moses and to Eleazar the Priest and vnto the Princes of the congregation saying 3 At aroth and Dibon c. 4 Euen the countrey which the Lord smote before the congregation of Israel is a land for cattell thy seruants haue cattel 5 Wherefore said they if we haue found grace in thy sight let this land be giuen vnto thy seruants for a possession and bring vs not ouer Iordan COncerning the great victory giuen ouer the enemies of Israel wee haue already spoken now wee come to the diuiding of the inheritance among the Conquerors according to their estate and condition wherein consider three things The contents of this chapt First the occasion of distributing the land of the Midianites the victory being obtained Secondly the conditions of this distribution Thirdly the agreement and sending of them into the possession The occasion is in these verses the two tribes and the halfe had many cattel vpon which occasion they come to Moses and request this land which they had lately seazed into their hands the chiefe townes whereof are reckoned vp that they might sit down there not bee compelled to passe ouer Iordan they thought they might speed themselues nearer home and neuer trouble themselues to goe so farre The sons of Reuben are in the first verse set before the sonnes of Gad because Reuben was the eldest and first borne and yet oftentimes in this Chapter the sons of Gad are set before them the cause whereof seemeth to be this Why the sons of Gad are set before the sonnes of Manasseh because they were the authors of this counsell to shift and prouide for themselues and to aske of Moses the land of the Midianites From hence sundry doctrines may bee pointed out Doubtlesse euery tribe had store of cattell for Gen. 46 32 they are said to bee shepheards men of cattell and Exod. 12 38 there went vp with them out of Egypt flockes and heardes euen very much cattell yet the tribes heere mentioned did especially and aboue the rest abound with cattell We learne heereby that God doth distribute his blessings differently hee giueth things temporall to one more and to another lesse as in his owne wisdome he seeth to be expedient and profitable for them He would haue vs stand in need one of another one nation of another one land of another one person of another that we might hold a communion among our selues al depend vpon him as vpon our soueraigne Lord. It is therefore the duty of one member to help another and to do good one to another euen as it is in the members of the body al haue not one office but euery one his speciall function but for the good comfort of the whole And as it is in temporall blessings so also it is in spirituall God giueth disperseth them variably These tribes do come to Moses to obtain their suit They attempt not by force or by fraud to get it they vse lawfull meanes they haue recourse to the Magistrate It is our duty therfore to go to the Magistrat to obtaine our right to make petition of lawfull things to him Again albeit the children of Israel smote this land of the Midianites yet it is said the Lord smote it because the labors endeauors of men come to nought of euery good action God is the principal agent the creature only the instrument is supported by his power From hence this ariseth that all good actions of the second cause are to be ascribed to the first cause as the chiefe worker therof See also the maner of their speech if we haue found grace in thy sight thus they speake to the Magistrate which teacheth that we ought to vse shew all reuerence humility both in word gesture to Magistrates and to our superiours Al these things are good serue for imitation but there is one thing more also must serue for our instruction though it be euil These tribes do seek their own profit altogether forget their brethren their mind was more vpō their own cattel then the procuring of the good estate of the rest Wee learne heereby Doctrine The loue of this world draweth from duties to God and man that the immoderate loue of this world is dangerous drawing to sin against God and to breake the bonds of nature Where the loue of the world of our selues is throughly settled it worketh a carelesse neglect of all others Abraham Lot loued as natural brethren nothing could separat them they went out of their countrey and from their kindred together Gen. 11 31 what seuered these but matters of the world when Lot looked on Sodome saw it fruitful as Eden he left Abraham and dwelled there which brought great trouble vpon himself Gen. 13. And afterward what caused Lots wife to looke backward c. was it not the loue of the things which he had left behind Gen. 19. Luke 17. Saul looked vpon the fattest of the sheep fel into disobedience lost his kingdom Achan looked vpō the wedge of gold the Babylonish garment set his hart vpon thē prouoked God against himself the host of Israel Ios 7 The like we might manifest by sūdry other examples of the yong man that came to Christ Ma. 19 of Iudas that betrayed his Master Math 26 of Demas that forsooke Paul and embraced this present world 2. Tim. 4. Reason 1 And no marueile For the loue of God the loue of the world are contrary the one to the other there is no affinity betweene them they are enemies and one cannot abide the other These can neuer looke each other in the face but by and by they turne their backs 1. Iohn 2 15 If any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him These two are as two contrary Masters no man therfore can serue them both for both require the whole seruice of a man both command contrary things Mat. 6 24. Secondly the desire of these worldly things is a ranke thorne Luke 8 and is the roote of all euill 1. Tim. 6. The hearts of men are hardened by it when once they are ensnared and taken in loue with it The world is a very harlot it speaketh faire promiseth much good it hath a painted
but meeteth with them one way or other eyther he striketh them with his owne hand that did lift vp their hands to strike others or he deliuereth them ouer to the Magistrate Some times he maketh them to be witnesses against themselues sometimes to discouer themselues in their dreames sometimes to feele the torments of hell in their owne consciences and sometimes the birds of the ayre to reueale them We see this in Caine that slew his brother for God set a marke vpon him and branded him for his wretched parricide Genesis 4 verse 15. This the very heathen themselues knew by the light of nature that howsoeuer the murtherer may escape out of some danger yet vengeance will pursue and ouertake him Acts 28 4. This we see in Herod that killed Iames with the sword and put Peter in prison intending also the like against him hee escaped not the hand of God long but his deepe vengeance did so dog him at the heels that he was smitten shortly after by the greater stroake of an Angel from heauen and was eaten vp of worms Acts 12 2.23 Thus did Samuel speake to king Agag 1 Sam. 15 33. As thy sword hath made women childlesse so shall thy mother bee childlesse among women and he hewed him in peeces before the Lord. The like we see in Ioab who was smitten with the sword as hee had killed others 1 Kings 2 31 32. And it is to be obserued what Dauid saith of him concerning the blood of Abner that he had spilled 2 Sa. 3 29. Let it rest on the head of Ioab and on all his fathers house and let there not faile from the house of Ioab one that hath an yssue or that is a leper or that leaneth on a staffe or that falleth on the sword or that lacketh bread Thirdly God doth so detest murther that if a beast kill a man it must bee stoned to death and his flesh not eaten Exod. 21 28. What is God offended with the bruite beasts or do they sinne against him and breake his Commandement No but thereby GOD would shew how much hee abhorreth the shedding of mans blood and that man should lay it to his heart Fourthly it is an offence against a mans owne flesh Eph. 5 29 No man euer yet hated his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it now euery man is as our owne flesh Esay 58 7. We see Beares and Lions and Tigres and wilde beasts doe play together because they are of one kinde mankind is of one kind if we do not agree together but prey one vppon another we are more fierce then Beares more cruell then Lyons more mercilesse then Tygres and more sauage then wilde beasts Fiftly such as slew another violently were taken out of the Cities of refuge by violence God wold giue no protection to such beasts neither City nor Altar nor Tabernacle nor any thing could yeeld them any safegard Deu. 19 11 12 13. 1 Kings 2 31 32. Sixtly it is a crying sinne blood hath a very lowd voice and neuer ceaseth crying vntill iudgement fall vpon the head of the murtherer Gen. 4 10. Beholde the blood of thy brother cryeth from the earth Abel was now dead his mouth was stopped and he could not speak but his blood could speake the which called and cryed in the eares of the Lord GOD of hoastes from the earth for vengeance Hebre. 11 4. Seuenthly no pardon was to bee giuen to such as appeareth in this chapter and verse 32. Ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of him that is a murtherer which is guilty of death but he shall surely be put to death Lastly the Land is defiled by it ver 33 34. Blood defileth the Land and the Land cannot bee clensed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it Defile not therefore the Land which ye shall inherite wherein I dwell for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel Now let vs come to the vses First we haue iust cause to feare the wrath of God and if he come to make inquisition of blood he shall finde much blood spilt vpon the earth like water that cannot be gathered vp again throughout the whole Land What abundance of iniustice and cruelty is there to be found in euery place and thought to be iust and vpright dealing How many are there to bee found that hauing once conceyued anger and malice in their hearts will remaine whole dayes and moneths and yeares before they will bee reconciled nay speake one to another thereby depriuing themselues of the mutuall comfort they might reape and receyue and by suffering the Sunne to goe downe vpon their wrath doe giue place to Satan to enter into them to possesse them Eph. 4 26 27. And what colour soeuer men set vpon their cruelty it is but a false painting of a foule face as Adams fig-leaues that couered his shame but could not hide his sinne If it be done vnder pretence of law it is a most fearefull sinne the pretence it selfe maketh it more fearefull because fained iustice is a double iniustice When the Law is so wrested that it is made the occasion of murther it must needs be offensiue displeasing vnto God And albeit this sinne be committed by the Magistrate in letting malefactors go vnpunished yet it must needs bee offensiue vnto GOD because it is that which bringeth the guilt of blood vpon the Land nothing can clense the Land from blood but the blood of him that shed blood This made the Prophet say to Ahab Because thou hast let go out of thy hand a man whom I appointed vnto destruction therefore thy life shall goe for his life and thy people for his people 1 Kings 20 42. Whē there was a famine in the Land in the dayes of Dauid three yeares yeare after yeare and hee enquired of the Lord the cause of that sore iudgement the Lord answered It is for Saul and for his bloody house because hee slew the Gibeonites 2 Sam. 21 1 and the attonement could not be made vntil seuen men of his sons were deliuered into their hands and they were hanged vp vnto the Lord that his inheritance might be blessed The sinnes of the sonnes of Eli became to be the sins of their father not because he was their father neyther yet because he was the committer of them but because he being a Magistrate did not punish correct them so likewise when iudgement is not executed vpon men for their sinnes the blood of those which are slaine must needs remaine in the Land If this be committed by way of reuenge it is also an heynous sinne against almighty God because he that doth it preuenteth Gods worke and so prouoketh Gods wrath for he taketh Gods office out of his hand and taketh vp his place who hath saide Vengeance is mine Rom. 12. And if we ascend to the higher degree of men shall wee not finde among them little conscience made of shedding
forbidden in it selfe that is by the Law of God either expressed or vnderstood which is the Law of Nature And we are to approue the politicall lawes of Princes touching these things prouided that the conscience bee not snared and entangled Heereupon Peter Martyr aduiseth Magistrates that they should take heede that they burthen not the people too much and without waighty cause Beza de repudii● Beza to the same purpose wisheth that all Christian Magistrates would decree this matter for the lawfulnes of such matches as the first Councel of Paris did rather then supra Deum ipsum veteres Leges ciuiles sapere videri that is Then to seeme to bee wiser then God himself and the ancient ciuil lawes in prohibiting these matches which are not prohibited eyther in the law of God or in the law of the Romanes So then where there is a law of the Magistrate in force that forbiddeth them the precept of the Apostle euen in al indifferent things must take place Let euery soul be subiect to the higher power Rom. 13 1. howbeit Christians must be subiect thereunto as to a politicke constitution not to a diuine institution But with vs there is no such positiue Law but the matter is established according to the pure and simple word of God neither is there any offence taken in our land against such matches which is the onely reason why in many places they are forbidden As then we haue shewed before that this degree hath ground and foundation in the word of God so let vs see what is the iudgement and opinion of the learned that if by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery trueth should stand then by a clowde of witnesses speaking as it were with one voyce we may be mooued to giue our consent And albeit no man is to builde his faith vpon men which were to set our house vpon the sand yet after the resting and reposing of our selues vppon the doctrine of the Law and the Prophets it cannot but minister some comfort to see the generall consent in a manner and approbation of such as haue bin great lights of the world worthy instruments of God excellent Preachers of the Gospel firme pillars of the church and constant defenders of the faith Obiect But it will bee obiected That many learned men do condemne this marriage and that there is great variety dissention and diuision among them whereupon ensueth much doubtfulnes and distraction among the simple people that are not able to iudge and discerne betweene the one and the other Answ I answer first touching doubtfulnes there are not many if there be any that enter into marriage of this kinde but they ask the iudgment of others and haue the opinion of moe besides themselues and then touching the learned there are not many that I know of which simply condemne the same among these some alledge Ambrose an ancient Writer and some produce Tremellius among the later Touching Ambrose it cannot bee denied but he holdeth this kinde to be prohibited in the Law For hauing in hand to perswade Paternus not to marry his sonne to his daughters daughter that is Ambros Epist 66. ad Patern the Vnckle to the Neece he bringeth this as a reason that because cousin germans which are a degree farther off then Vnckle and Neece are forbidden therefore that of Vnckle Neece must be holden as prohibited But herein he committeth a double error one in that he taketh the one match to be prohibited which indeed is not the other in that hee conceiueth not that degree to be expresly prohibited which indeed is prohibited It were easie to trace out farther ignorance in this Father otherwise of great desert but to omit that I will oppose against him the authority of Saint Augustine no way inferiour vnto him in well deseruing of the Church of GOD and withstanding Heresies and Heretickes that pestered and poysoned with theyr leuen the purity of the Gospell Both these were verie great Doctors of the Latine Church and both liuing at the selfe same time about foure hundred yeares after Christ For he calleth this kinde of marriage Aug. de Ciuit. Dei lib. 15. Cap. 16. factum licitum A lawfull acte and sayeth Quod fieri per Leges licebat quia id nec diuina prohibuit nondum prohibuerat lex humana that is Which was lawfull to be done by the Lawes because the law of God had not prohibited it neither as yet had the law of man And whereas it was one cause of the prohibition of this kinde for the multiplying of affinities Austine obserueth that the nephewes of the first men in the world might marry their cousin germanes and that they had a religious care that the neerenesse of their kindred being pulled asunder by the degrees of propagation should not go out too far therefore by the band of marriage among cousin germans they endeauoured to binde it vp againe But touching Tremellius the case is not so cleere neither so certaine what his opinion is because hee giueth no note but setteth downe certaine figures whereby some gather that he maketh cousin germans a degree as far off as the vncles wife and therefore therein by Analogy prohibited Howbeit there is great cause to doubt In Leu. cap. 18. whether his iudgement swayed that way forasmuch as we finde the father and the sonne also noted with a like figure as likewise the brother and sister as if they were all in one degree and that in the second degree which I thinke no man will affirme For it is plaine and certaine that the son from the father is in the first degree in the line direct and the brother and sister in the same degree in the line collaterall and therefore it is very doubtfull what his meaning is hauing left no full explication thereof Againe it is as cleere to me as the Sun and I dare boldly auouch that the vncles wife and the cousin german are not both in one degree howsoeuer any man do cypher them with the same figure or another discypher thereupon because then the mother and hir sonne should be holden to be in one degree for the cousin german may be the Aunts sonne which Aunt as from her parent is the first degree and her sonne being the cousin german the second so that the Nephew marrying the Aunt doeth marry her that is in the first degree which is prohibited but marrying her daughter who is his cousin german he marieth in the second degree which is not prohibited expresly and not be holden to bee prohibited by analogy to the Aunt seeing there is no like reason of proportion betweene the first the second or any diuerse degrees in the collaterall lines but alwayes betweene the same degrees So then I holde it for an vngrounded and an vntrue assertion that any degrees are forbidden farther off then cousin germans But suppose these two were plaine and direct against the same as
more ease but rather the lesse ease the more torment because of the multitudes and thousands of them so on the earth there are many desperate sinners yet when once iudgement commeth they cannot by any meanes ease one another who shall not bee able to helpe themselues and therfore it is one of the vainest things in the world for any man to deceiue himselfe by following the corruption of the times and by dooing as the greatest part of people doe Be it that no extraordinary iudgement come vpon vs generally or particularly yet when wee must dye the common death of all men and bee visited after the common visitation of all flesh Satan shall come charge vs for our sins what comfort can this minister vnto vs at that houre to alledge for our selues that we haue done as the multitude did haue walked with them in the way that leadeth to destruction And be it further granted that we feel no check of conscience or tentation of Satan but end our dayes in peace as one that quietly falleth asleepe yet when we come to stand before the seate of God where euery man shall beare his owne burden and receiue according to his owne workes Rom. 2 6. 2. Cor. 5 10 what comfort or confidence can this giue vs to plead for our selues and say O we haue followed the multitude Let no man therefore dally with himselfe so delude his owne soule for this must come to passe we must all dy and appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things done in his body when the heauens shall passe away as a scroule and the elements melt with heat Be it some generall plague donot come before in this life or some particular iudgment do not seaze vpon vs yet in the end we cannot escape when euery one must answere for himselfe in his owne person CHAP. XXVII 1. THen came the daughters of Zelophehad the sonne of Hepher the sonne of Gilead the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasseh of the families of Manasseh the son of Ioseph these are names of his daughters Mahlah Noah and Hoglagh and Milcah and Tirzah 2 And they stood before Moses and before Eleazar the Priest c THe former Chapter hath opened vnto vs the order to bee obserued in the diuision of the land that the greater tribe should haue the greater share and portion in the land the lesser a lesser portion therby to giue contentment satisfaction to euery one this was to bee done by lot to take away contention which often ariseth in like cases vpon like occasions as we see when some commons or wasteground commeth to bee enclosed one thinketh his fellow hath too much another thinketh himselfe hath too litle one wil haue his part lye in such a place another thinketh that parcell the fittest morsell for himselfe The diuision of this Chapter In this chapter obserue two things first touching the persons that should enioy the inheritance and of the right of succession secondly touching the designing and deputing of Ioshua the seruant of Moses to be his successour to be set ouer the people to conduct them vnto the land to fight the battels of the Lord and to giue to euery tribe his proper inheritance Concerning the first point to wit what persons should haue inheritance consider two things the occasion of a question and controuersie heere arising and the deciding and determining heereof without any farther doubt or contradiction by the sentence of God himself The occasion fel out in this maner When the families of the tribe of Manasseh came amōg the other tribes to bee numbred fiue sisters all the daughters of Zelophehad came likewise in their order hoping to receiue as the rest did and thinking themselues as capable as any but because their father was already dead and left no heyres males behind him some of their Tribe would haue put them by theyr inheritance that themselues might obtaine the more not regarding what they gained by the losse of others A common euill of the world a common practise of worldly men These women being left fatherlesse comfortlesse and friendlesse exposed therefore to iniuries and like to be ouerborne finding few or none to stand for them and to take their part complained to Moses and to the rest of the Princes heads of the people which is the lawfull remedy left vnto vs in all wrongs whatsoeuer They do plainely declare the truth of their cause the equity of their request that they were Israelites of the seed of Abraham of the Tribe of Manasseh whose father dyed in the wildernesse not in the rebellion and conspiracy of Korah Numb 16 whose companies were worthily destroyed and disinherited neyther yet perished he in any murmuring of the people neyther for any publike and notorious offence committed against God but dyed a naturall death when his time was come as all men must dye inasmuch as all haue sinned Rom. 5 and therefore they shew that their kindred their flesh and their bones had no iust cause to exclude thē from such inheritance as their father should haue had if he had bin aliue But of this more afterward both of the yssue of their request the deciding of this question The daughters of Zelophehad stood before Moses and Eleazar and before the Princes c. These women after the decease of their father were left as we say to the wide world and were like to sustaine great wrong to the preiudice both of their father and of themselues and their posterity and of the whole Tribe when one family was like to perish in Israel Heere we see The fatherles do lye open to wrongs iniuries that aboue all other such as are left destitute of protection as the fatherlesse the widow the stranger the poore and such like lye open to receyue wrongs and iniuries Such whose forlorne distressed estate ought to moue speciall pitty and commiseration euen they are least regarded and releeued Zac. 7 10. Iob 31 21. Hence it is that God promiseth to take care of them and to protect thē and to punish their oppressors Exod. 22 22 23 24. A great comfort to all that are in distresse to consider that God is on their side he will be a father to the fatherlesse and an husband to the widow These daughters of Zelophehad appeale to the Magistrate they do not side themselues with others to make a commotion as turbulent spirits vse to doe but they go to Moses as supreme and to the Princes vnder him Doctrine We are to go to the Magistrate ●o redresse our wrongs Wherby we learne that in al wrongs and iniuries we must go to the Magistrate and seek helpe of him we must make our causes knowne to him and seeke remedy and redresse at his hands This hath bene the practise of Gods seruants from time to time Heereunto commeth the Parable of the wise woman
of Tekoah when she pretendeth that one of her sonnes beeing slaine by the other the whole family rose vp against her to deliuer her son that was left her that they might kill him for the life of his brother she appealed to the king to be deliuered from the auenger of blood 2 Sam. 14 11. So 2 Kin. 6 28 8 3. The Shunamite hauing left her house and country thorough famine and in her absence some encrochers seizing vpon her land at her returne to whom goeth she but to the King to haue the same restored and he sent an Officer as it were the high Sheriffe to put her in possession againe and tooke order that they should make restitution vnto her both of her house and land all the fruites and reuenues thereof since the day shee left the Countrey See more Ester 7 3. Ier. 38 8 9. Act. 23 20 21. The Reasons First because God hath instituted Reason 1 appointed Magistrates to this purpose It is properly the office of God to be the reuenger of wrongs and to do iustice to all but he hath left Kings and Princes to bee his Lieutenants and set them to supply his place not to enrich themselues but for the good of the people as Rom. 13.4 He is the Minister of God for thy wealth not for his owne Secondly men are oftentimes constrained especially the faithfull to receiue many great wrongs iniuries from them whose might is as great as their malice If then Princes were not to be nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the church they must many wayes vndergo much danger and displeasure much hurt and oppression thus doth Ester reason ch 7 3 making petition for her people and her owne life For we are sold I and my people to be destroyed to bee slaine and to perish This reproueth all priuate men that forsaking Vse 1 the meanes that God hath left will bee Magistrates to themselues like Peter who when his Master was wronged drew the sword and smote off the high Priests seruants eare howbeit he is reproued of Christ Mat. 26 51. This is the disorder that Salomon complaineth of Eccl. 10 7. What then will some say Obiect shall wee suffer our selues willingly and wilfully to bee troden vnder foote as blocks and be exposed as spectacles and gazing stocks for euery one to insult ouer vs I answer No Answer God hath not left vs meerely in the hands of euill men but hath appointed vs to resort to the Magistrate But some will say Obiect wee haue complained to them oftentimes and we find no remedy they are deafe and will not heare they are partial and wiil not vnderstand they are carelesse will not helpe Answ Answ Be it so yet wee must not bee as malecontents to right our owne cause but rather continue from time to time to sollicite the Magistrate albeit he will not doe it at the first yet he may repent and doe it at the last We see this in the poore distressed widow mentioned in the Gospel remember her example Luke 18 3 4 5 shee came to an vniust Iudge and said Auenge me of mine aduersary and he would not for a while but afterward he said Though I feare not God nor regard not man yet because this widow troubleth me I will auenge her lest by her continual comming and importunity she weary me Thus it ought likewise to be with vs. Obiect But it will be said They are oftentimes wickedmen they looke for bribes and therefore wee haue little hope to haue helpe for them So was the iudge to whom the poore widow complained Answ So was Ahashuerosh wicked or else he would neuer haue sealed and set foorth so bloody and barbarous a decree for the vtter subuersion of the Iewes and besides he was an idolater and an infidel yet Esther petitioned vnto him and obtayned a gracious answer and they found a great calme after a great flaw of wind and weather that threatned shipwracke So had Pharaoh hardned his heart against GOD and his people and was no better then the former yet would not Moses and Aaron giue him ouer So was Cesar a prophane Prince yet Paul appealed vnto him from his owne countreymen the Iewes Acts 25 10. If any say Obiect we haue waited long and yet can find no redresse but matters rather grow worse and worse and we are euery day farther from succour then before I answere Answer then wee must know thus much that God calleth vs to suffer thereby to try our patience and obedience as we see in the example of the Israelites oppressed by the hard dealing of the taske-masters when they finde no release or redresse they sigh to God and grone in spirit and waire his leisure In this case it is our duty to submit our selues to his heauenly pleasure remembring what the holy and constant martyrs suffered and what the Apostle sayth Phil. 1.29 Vnto you it is giuen in the behalfe of Christ not onely to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake and 1. Pet. 2.19 And if supplication to men will not serue our turne let vs turne our selues to God and make our supplication to him And as Paul appealed from the Iewes to Cesar so let vs appeale to an higher Court from Cesar to God Vse 2 Secondly it is the duty of all Magistrates to deale iustly and truly knowing that they carry the Name of God so that their place is the place of God and their iudgement is the iudgement of God They must bee so farre from doing wrong taking away the goods of other men as Ahab did the vineyard of Naboth 1 King 21 16 that they ought to restore to euery one his right as Iehoram did to the Shunamite 2 King 8 6 and Nehemiah to the people chap. 5 11 12. Iob was a man endued with great power and authority Iob 29 7 8 as well as with much wealth and substance chapt 1 1 2 and yet he telleth vs chap. 31 A looking-glasse for magistrates that he neuer withheld the poore from their desire neyther caused the eyes of the widow to faile verse 16 he neuer saw any perish for lacke of clothing or any poore without couering verse 19 hee neuer lifted vp his hand against the fatherlesse when he saw he might helpe him in the gate verse 21 and before chap. 29 he testifieth that hee deliuered the poore that cryed and the fatherlesse and him that had none to helpe him verse 12 he became eyes to the blinde and feete to the lame a father to the poore and the cause which hee knew not he searched out verse 15 16 hee brake the iawes of the wicked and pluckt the spoyle out of his teeth verse 17. Heere is a looking-glasse for all magistrates to behold and a picture to looke vpon and a watchword to admonish them what to do the oppressed should be relieued and the oppressors should be restrayned and bridled Happy are such magistrates that