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A20217 The ruine of Rome: or An exposition vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authoritie of Rome, shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the churches of Europe, and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of Protestants, and the daunting of papists, seminary priests, Iesuites, and all that cursed rabble. Published by Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1603 (1603) STC 6640; ESTC S117456 184,102 332

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flye a very high pitch we are giuen to vnderstand that the heauenly spirits are much in celestiall contemplation and do receiue the knowledge of hid secrets and counsels for they are much aloft about the throne of God and many high and deepe secrets are opened vnto them And the foure beasts had each of them sixe winges about him and they were full of eyes within c. vers 8 This maketh it very plaine that by these beasts are vnderstood the sixe Angels because he ascribeth vnto euery one of them sixe wings a piece For the Angels are described with winges both in the first and tenth of Ezechiel before mentioned and also in the sixt Chapter of the prophesie of Isaias where the Seraphins are saide to haue sixe wings a piece two to couer their faces two to couer their feete and two to flie withall because they haue two wings to couer their faces withall because they are not able to endure the vnconceiuable brightnesse and glory of God for he dwelleth in vnapproachable light They haue two wings to couer their feete withall because mortall men are not able to looke vpō the brightnes that is in them For we read that many haue bin astonished dazeled with the glory brightnes of Angels so glorious creatures are they They haue two wings to flie withall to note the prompt obedience and readinesse to execute the commandements of God as formerly was shewed Moreouer the angels are saide to haue winges and to flie swiftly because God by them doth speedily dispatch many purposes actions seruices here below and for this cause the scripture affirmeth that he rideth vpon the Cherubins that he dwelleth betweene the Cherubins and that he maketh the cloudes his chariots and walketh vpon the winges of the winde For as earthly Kings are in their progresses carried in their most sumptuous coaches drawne by the most excellent coach-horses to dispatch great businesses and many waightie affaires within their dominions so the visions in Ezechiel doo shewe that the immortall king is carried most swiftly in his chariot of triumph drawne by the Cherubins as it were by beasts to direct and ouerrule all actions vnder the Sunne Moreouer these Angels are said to be full of eies within vers 8 to note not only their fulnesse of knowledge but also their inward sight into all heauenly things yea euen such as are most secret and hid for they are of all other creatures most inward with God None of his children know so much of his counsell as they Furthermore the Angels are here said to praise God vncessantly vers 8 day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God almightie which was which is and which is to come Where wee may clearely see that the Angels praise and worship God in a burning zeale without wearinesse For they are not as men which through their great corruption are full of dulnesse and wearines in Gods worship but they do alwaies serue him with infatigable desires and therefore are called Seraphins because they burne in the zeale of God and Cherubins because their delight is to approach neer vnto him and to be alwaies about his throne yea euen in his chamber of presence They do double and treble this word holy and warble much vpon it because they know full well that hee is righteous in all his waies and holy in al his workes and that all his proceedings iudgemēts are euen then waighed in the ballance of iustice and equitie when to mans sence the iudgement of reason they seeme nothing lesse For his Iudgements are as a great depth which mans reason cannot found Further wee see that when these beastes that is vers 9 the Angels gaue glory and honour and thankes to God c. vers 10 the 24. Elders also fell downe before him and worshipped him that liueth for euermore Where we may plainely see that both Saints and Angels doo iointly praise and magnifie God and him alone Euen that God that liueth for euermore euen that God which was which is and which is to come that is the eternall and euerlasting God For the scripture saith Praise him ô yee Saints and praise him ô yee Angels that excell in strength And the 24. Elders cast their crownes before the throne saying Thou art worthy ô Lord to receiue glory and honour c. Wherein wee see that all the elect doo emptie themselues of all worthinesse to haue any glorie acknowledging that their crownes of glorie are Gods free gift that the praise therof belōgeth onely to him and nothing to themselues And this in very deede is the right manner of worshipping God frankely to ascribe all glorie to him and all shame to our selues to giue all to him to whome all is due and nothing to our selues which haue nothing for nothing can bee giuen or taken out of nothing Now then to conclude and winde vp this fourth chapter wee doo clearely see the summe and drift of all is that heauen doore was opened vnto Iohn and that hee was let in and called vp into the Chamber of presence by a very loude voice there to take notice of the future estate of the church and that the person which thus called him vp was the very immortall God himselfe who is so gloriously described of his throne his troupes and traines of Saints Angels as we haue heard And all this is to commend set forth the authoritie of this booke whose Author is so excellent yea superexcellent CHAP. V. AFter this Vision containing the glory of the diuine maiestie was shewed vnto Iohn that hee might knowe from what fountaine this Prophesie was deriued now in this fift chapter is taught and shewed by what meanes and by whose mediation the knowledge of such hidden mysteries were reuealed vnto the church namely by the meanes and mediation of Iesus Christ in whom only the counsels and secrets of God the Father are opened and made knowne vnto men For hee is the great Prophet Doctor of the church which is come downe from the bosome of his Father and hath made knowne vnto vs whatsoeuer he hath receiued of his Father as hee himselfe testifieth And the church is commaunded by a voice from heauen to heare him and him alone ver This fift Chapter containeth three things generally First a description of the booke which was in the right hand of God ver 5.6.7 Secondly a description of Iesus Christ which receiueth it at the hande of his Father and openeth it Thirdly a description of those most glorious praises which are giuen to Christ by the Angels vers Saints and all the creatures in heauen and earth I sawe in the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne vers 1 a booke written within and on the backe side sealed with seuen seales By this booke here mentioned is meant this present booke of the Apocalyps or Reuelatiō as it shall plainely appeare in the
next chapter when wee come to the opening of the seuen seales thereof For the things which fall out vpon the opening of the seuerall seales do plainely declare that all is meant of the particular matters contained in this present booke This booke is said to be in the right hand of him that sitteth vpon the throne because all the secrets reuealed in it come from the counsell and decree of the most high God and are ordered by his meere direction and prouidence It is called a written booke to shewe that the things contained in it are so firmely decreed in the counsell of God that none of them shall faile but come to passe and bee fulfilled in their season They are such as wee may write of as wee vse to say and therefore for the certaintie of them they are here said to be written in a booke This booke is said to bee written within and without for the multitude and varietie of matters contained in it For there were both many and great things which should fall out in the world from the time that Iohn receiued this Prophesie vnto the end of the world This booke is sealed with seuen seales that is to say perfectly sealed because the things contained herein are counsels and secrets onely knowne to God til it pleased him to reueale them to his church by his sonne The elect Angels knew nothing of the things written in this booke before the seales were opened vers 2 And I sawe a strong Angell which proclaimed with a loude voice Who is worthy to open the booke and to loose the seales thereof Here is proclamation made to all creatures that if there were any manner of persons in heauen or earth among men or Angels that would take vpon them to open and expound this booke that they should come forth and shewe themselues and bee very willingly and gladly heard But alas the next verse doth shewe vers 3 that none in heauen or earth was able to open the booke and expound it wherevpon Iohn wept very much vers 4 because no man was found worthy to open and interpret this booke The cause of Iohns weeping and lamenting was for feare the Church should bee depriued of such profitable and excellent things as hee knew were contained in this booke Such was his loue to the Church such was his zeale and care for the people of God An example worthy of all imitation to mourne and weepe for the concealing of the booke of God and to reioyce in the opening of it But Papists and Atheists are of a contrary minde for they reioyce in the concealing and keeping close of the scriptures and are much grieued with the opening and reuealing thereof because thereby their hypocrisie and villany is detected and discarded Vpon this one of the Elders said vnto Iohn Weepe not vers 5 Beholde the Lion which is of the Tribe of Iudah the roote of Dauid hath obtained to open the booke and to lose the seales thereof Here we see how Iohn is comforted and cheared vp by one of the Elders being now very pensiue and sad and is willed to plucke vp a good heart and to bee of good cheare for hee could tell him good newes to wit of one that could open and expound this booke and all the secrets in it and that is Iesus Christ the great reuealer of secrets and onely expounder of all riddles and hidden mysteries as before hath bene spoken Iesus Christ is here said to be of the Tribe of Iudah because he is lineally discended of that Tribe according to the flesh and his humane nature He is compared to a Lyon by allusion vnto Iacobs words in his last will and testament concerning Iudah namely that hee should couch as a Lyon and as a Lionesse none should stirre him He is fitly compared to a lion for his great admitable power strēgth for he raigneth and must raigne ouer al his enemies and in the middest of all his enemies yea till he hath troade all his enemies vnder his feete He is called the roote of Dauid both here and also in the 22. chapter of this booke verse 16. because he sprung out of Dauid the sonne of Ishai as a braunch out of his roote as the Prophet did foretell that A rod should come forth of the stocke of Ishai and a graft should growe out of his rootes And the Apostle saith that Christ was made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh vers 6 Then saith Iohn I beheld and loe in the middest of the throne and of the foure beastes and of the Elders stood a Lambe as though he had bene killed which had seuen hornes and seuen eies which are the seuen spirits of God sent into all the world Here Iohn taketh a view and sight of Iesus Christ from the verie middest of the throne of the foure beastes and the Elders Christ doth not appeare about the throne as do the Saints and Angels which are but ministers and ministring spirits but in the verie middest of the throne and the foure beastes c. because hee is God euerlasting coequall and coeternall with the Father in whom as the Apostle saith dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily or essentially And here afterward the same worship and honour is ascribed vnto him both by the Saints and Angels which before is ascribed vnto God the Father Christ is here compared to a Lambe for his innocencie for the scripture saith He was as a sheepe dumbe before his shearer Hee is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world He is the Lambe slain from the beginning of the world Hee is compared to a Lyon for his great incomparable strength in cōquering hell death and damnation and all infernall power And to a lambe because he hath dispatched all this vpon the Crosse by the sacrifice of himselfe once offered for hee neuer did more liuely shewe forth his Lyon-like power then when hee was as a lambe slaine and sacrificed vpon the Crosse This Lambe Christ is here said to haue seuen hornes which signifie his manifolde power or fulnesse of power or perfect power according as this metaphor or borrowed speech of horne is vsually so taken in all the scriptures This Lambe also is said to haue seuen eies which are interpreted to be the seuen spirits of God that is the manifolde graces and gifts of the Spirit which hee giueth vnto his Church Now then to conclude this point for as much as the number of seuen in this booke is a number of perfection and alwaies noteth perfection therefore by Christs seuen hornes and seuen eies wee may and that soundly vnderstand his perfect power and his perfect sight and knowledge in all things For his seuen eies are so taken in the third chapter of the Prophesie of Zacharie where it is said Vpon one stone shall be seuen eies Meaning that Iesus Christ the corner stone of the
of his sonne in the flesh so to foretell both of the affliction it selfe and also of the iust period and determination thereof And shall we not thinke that God hath the like care now for his church which then he had or hath he not as great and as prouident care for the good of his Church since the promised Messias was actually exhibited as before Yes assuredly and much more too for if his care and prouidence was so great for his Church being in her ward-ship and minoritie then much more now being come to her ripenesse and full age If when it was lesse glorious then much more now being farre more glorious Therefore now vnto vs he foretelleth by his seruant Iohn what shall be the estate of the Church vnto the end of the world and therefore Blessed is hee that heareth and readeth this booke sith it foretelleth of the Churches afflictions in this age by the whoore of Babylon and of the full end and determination thereof It sheweth iustly and precisely what the Church hath suffered since the Apostles times in seueral ages and what it shall suffer and also how all the enemies thereof shall shortly be troden vnder foote What can be more ioyfull or comfortable to all the people of God then to know afore-hand that Babylon shall fall Rome shall downe Antichrist the great persecutor of the Church shal be vtterly confounded and consumed in this world notwithstanding all plottes and policies crafts and deuises to the contrary notwithstanding all forces armies cunningly contriued and raised vp against the Church by Seminary Priests Iesuites Pope Cardinall and King of Spaine For all these in this age do very busily bestirre them and ransacke all corners of their wits to repaire the ruines of Rome and to make vp the breaches which are made in the walles of Babylon their great citie But alas all in vaine for it shall fall It shal fall It shal fall as Dagon before the presence of the Arke do what they can spight of their hearts maugre their beards it shall fall finally it shall without all hope of recouery for hath the Lord spoken it and shall it not come to passe or can any word of his euer fall to the ground Sith therefore the Iesuits and Secular Priests do so fiske about and croake in euery corner as greatly fearing the fall of their Babylon and the drying vp of their Euphrates it standes vs all in hand to be as resolute for Christ as they are for Antichrist and as studious to vphold the kingdome of God as they are to vphold the kingdome of the diuel And for this purpose it is very requisite and necessary that all the Lords people should be acquainted with this booke and armed against them with the things reueald in this Prophesie For this booke is a most precious Iewell which God hath bestowed vpon his Church in this last age and it is great pitie that all the seruants of God are not better acquainted with it especially in these times for now in this age is and shall be the very heate of the warre and brunt of the battell betwixt Papists and Protestants betwixt God and Belial betwixt the armies of Christ and the armies of Antichrist Now this Prophesie laieth all open and plainly telleth vs what shal be the issue and successe in the day of battaile which side shall haue the victory and which side shall goe downe And therefore very needfull it is that it should be expounded againe and againe and all the Lords people made throughly aaquainted with it For in this age wherein we liue this Prophesie can neuer be inough opened and beaten vpon that all good Protestants may bee armed with it against future times euen as it were with an armour of proofe S. Iohn plainly telleth the people of his time euen the Churches of Asia that they should be blessed by reading and studying this booke because they should thereby be both forewarned and forearmed against many eminent troubles and future dangers For saith he The time is at hand that is to say some things were euen then to be fulfilled For some matters foretold in this booke did begin to be fulfilled euen presently after they were shewed vnto Iohn for the mistery of iniquitie did euen then begin to worke The Church in the Apostles time had her conflicts The ten great persecutions began euen then to be raised vp Heresies shortly after beganne to spring and sprout Afterward by degrees the great Antichrist did approach towards his cursed seate And after all this S. Iohn foretelleth how hee should take possession of his abhominable and most execrable seate and sea of Rome How he should raigne and rule for a time as the Monarche of the world How he should preuaile against the Church and make warre against the Saintes How he should raigne but a short time and afterward come tumbling downe as fast as euer he rose vp and decrease as fast as euer he increased Therefore Blessed is he saith S. Iohn that diligently readeth and peruseth this booke that thereby hee may foresee all these thinges and bee armed against them For as the Heathen man saith Leuius laedit quicquid praeuideris antè Foreseeing daungers do least hurt Now to apply all this to our times I say they are twise happie that are studious and painfull in searching out the true sense and meaning of this Prophesie that thereby they may be strengthned against all the assaults of the Papists our professed enemies and the enemies of Gods Church and stick fast to the euerlasting truth of God knowing for a certaintie that these sonnes of Belial shall not long preuaile The date of their raigne is almost out and the time draweth on apace wherein both they and their king Abaddon shal be laide in the dust But I will now proceed to a new reasō to proue that this booke of the Reuelations ought not to be concealed but openly preached and published to the whole Church of God in this age My reason is taken out of the 22. chapter of this booke ver 10. in these words Seale not the words of the Prophesie of this booke for the time is at hand Here is a flat commandement from God that this booke and the doctrine of it may not be sealed vp that is to say kept close from the knowledge of Gods people but it must lie alwaies vnsealed that all men may open it read it and see what is in it for it is a borrowed speech taken from sealing of Letters For we all knowe that when Letters are sealed none may open them or reade them but onely those whom it doth concerne but if they be of purpose left vnsealed then any man may reade them without daunger So the Lorde willeth and commaundeth that this booke of the Reuelations should of purpose be left vnsealed that all the people of God might reade it studie it and knowe it If any man doubt whether the Metaphor
Church should be full of eies to looke out for the good of his Church and to giue light to all others for hee is the life and light of the world And he came and tooke the booke out of the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne vers 7 Here Iesus Christ taketh the booke out of his Fathers hand purposing both to open it and expound it For he is the onely expounder of the law and the best interpreter of his Fathers will vers 8 Herevpon it is said that the foure beastes and 24. Elders fell downe before the Lambe to testifie their thankfulnesse and inward ioy and reioycing that the Son of God would take vpō him this office which none other would or could performe Moreouer by their falling downe and worshipping him they doo plainely testifie that hee is God ouer all to be blessed for euer For otherwise the Angels of heauen both Cherubins and Seraphins would not thus fall downe and worshippe him ascribing vnto him both deitie and diuine honour Consider then how great hee is of whom it is said Let all the Angels of God worship him Moreouer these Angels and Saints are said to haue euery one harpes and golden viols full of odours which are the praiers of the Saints vers 8 These harpes doo signifie the sweete concent and harmony both of men and Angels in sounding forth the praises of the Lambe For herein the whole Church both militant and triumphant doo accord and tune together as many harpers harping with their harpes as it is written also in an other place Hereby also they do plainely testifie that inward peace and spirituall ioy which all the faithfull haue through Christe which is more sweete and delightsome to the soule then any musicke is vnto the eares The viols full of odours are expounded to bee the praiers of the Saints which are therefore compared to odours because they smell sweete in the nosthrils of God and are more fragrant then any nosegay or perfume whatsoeuer for hee taketh great pleasure in the praiers of his people especially when they come out of golden viols that is sanctified hearts and consciences for euerie sanctified heart is a golden heart in the sight of God and euerie regenerate conscience is a iewell of price guilt with golde and enameled with pearle For this cause the holy man Dauid wisheth earnestly that his heart might bee so renewed and cleansed inwardely that his prayer might bee directed as incense in Gods sight and the listing vp of his handes as a sweete smelling sacrifice Furthermore vers 9 these Saints and Angels doo sing a new song That is they do sing to the praises of the Lambe with renued affections vnwearied desires Their inward ioy continueth alwaies fresh and greene as the Bay-tree They neuer wither or waxe wearie of the seruice of God Their song is euermore new and therefore euermore delightsome For the more new any thing is the more pleasant and delectable for men are not affected with olde but altogether with new things Now then Iesus Christ hauing taken this booke into his hande to open and expounde is applauded vnto by the general consent and voices of the whole church For say they Thou art worthy to take the booke vers 9 and to open the seales thereof Wherein they doo all with cōmon consent giue their voices vnto Christ acknowledging him to be the only fit persō in heauē or earth to take vpō him this functiō of opening a booke so closed so clasped so shut so sealed and they do yeeld a reason of their proceedings because say they thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs vnto God by thy blood out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation Meaning hereby that he was put to death to pay the price of our redemptiō in whom all the beleeuers both of the Iewes and Gentiles are saued Their reason then is this he that hath died and risen againe and is now exalted farre aboue all principalities and powers c. is the most fit Instrument to open and interpret this booke But thou ô Christ the Lambe of God art such a one therefore thou of all others art most meete to take this matter vpon thee and to enter into this businesse Further they amplifie their reason thus that hee hath made vs of slaues and seruants vers 10 Kings and of prophane persons Priests vnto the most high God And last of all that we shall raigne vpon the earth Not meaning heereby that we shall raigne as earthly kings or only enioy an earthly kingdome For out of all doubt the Saints shall raigne with Christ in the heauens for euermore But heere is mention made of raigning in the earth because after this life Gods children shall haue the fruition and inheritance both of heauen and earth that is to say that new heauen and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse for the heauens and the earth being redintegrated and purged from corruption shall be the portion of the Saintes and the habitation of the elect for euermore After all this vers 11 Iohn heareth the voice of innumerable Angels beside the foure beastes That is the Cherubins and Seraphins or chief Angels that is Angels deputed to chiefe offices round about the throne which all with a loud voice do acknowledge the Lambe which was killed to be worthy of all honor glory praise c. vers 12 And not onely these innumerable Angels being twentie thousād times ten thousand but also all other creatures both in heauē and earth as the Sun Moone Starres the fishes in the Sea and the beastes in the earth do all in their kinde sing the same song vers 13 acknowledging all honour and glory praise and power to belong vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lambe for euermore For although the creature is as yet subiect to the bondage of corruption and therefore groneth and trauelleth in paine waiting when the sonnes of God shal be reuealed yet it stādeth in assured expectation of restitution to libertie incorruption and therefore here all the creatures do praise the Lambe for that restauration which they doo so longly and wishly looke for And the foure beasts said Amen That is they do subscribe to those praises which the creature yeeldeth to their Creator And not onely the Angels do subscribe and consent vnto it but the 24. Elders also who fall downe worship him that liueth for euermore So that the Lambe is praised and worshipped of all hands both of men and Angels and all other creatures as God euerlasting and blessed for euermore CHAP. VI. IN the fourth chapter we haue heard the description of God the Father which holdeth the sealed booke in his right hand In the fift chapter wee haue had the description of Iesus Christ the opener and interpreter of this seuen sealed booke Now in this sixt chapter wee are to vnderstande of the matter and contentes of this booke
and of the straunge accidents and euents which followed vpon the opening of euerie seuerall seale For in this chapter sixe of the seales are opened by the Sonne of God and the mysteries thereof disclosed vnto Iohn that he might declare thē to the Church for the comfort and instruction thereof This chapter containeth sixe principall things arising from the seuerall opening of the six seales and they are these vers 1.2 vers 3.4 vers 5.6 vers 7.8 vers 9.10.11 The spreading of the Gospell Great persecutions following therevpon Famine Pestilence Complaints of the Martyrs vers Fearefull vengeance vpon the worlde for sheading the bloud of Gods Saints vers 1 After I beheld when the Lambe had opened one of the seales and I heard one of the foure beastes say as it were the noise of thunder Come and see Now after all these former matters Iohn did verie intentiuely fixe his eye vpon the Lambe being now about to open and vnclaspe the first seale of the booke and all on the sudden hee was admonished and stirred vp by one of the Cherubins that he should drawe neare and come vp and take knowledge of these great and important matters which were now to be reuealed vnto him And to the end that he might be throughly awaked and stirred vp to attention in so waightie matters it is saide that the voice of the Angell which spake vnto him was like the voice of a thunder So that hereby Iohn was throughly rowsed fitted and prepared to receiue these heauenly visions Therefore I beheld and loe there was a white horse vers 2 and he that sate on him had a bowe and a crowne was giuen vnto him and he went forth conquering that he might ouercome Iohn keeping his eye steadie vpon the Lambe hauing now opened the first seale doth in a vision see a white horse c. By this white horse is meant the ministerie of the worde of God and the first preaching of the Gospell by Christ and his Apostles and the successors in the Primatiue Church chapter 19.11 The white horse is taken in this sense in the 19. chapter of this Prophesie where our Lorde Iesus beeing vpon this white horse beateth downe all his enemies before him For who is able to resist his worde and the ministrie of it In the first chapter of the Prophesie of Zacharie our Lord Iesus purposing to build vp his church being in a very ruinous estate after the captiuitie is brought in by the Prophet on horsebacke both for the reedifying of his Church and also for the punishment of the Babilonians his enemies and the enemies of his people In the 45. Psalme the church the spouse saieth thus to her beloued husbande Christ Gird the sworde vpon thy thigh ô thou mightie one the sworde of thy glorie and comely beautie and with thy comely beautie ride on prosperously for the businesse of truth and of meeke righteousnesse c. Now in all these places of the scripture wee do plainely see that when Christ goeth about either to broach his Gospell or build vp his Church or to be reuenged on the enemies thereof hee is brought in on horsebacke And this doth strongly confirme and warrant this exposition seeing it is not any imagined sense or new deuice of mans braine but such a sense as other places of scripture will verie fully beare out Moreouer if wee doo seriously consider and deepely weigh the purpose and intendment of the holy Ghost in all this it will not a little helpe and further this exposition For the chiefe scope and drifte of all is to describe the state of the Church from the Apostles time to the ende of the worlde chapter 1.1 For this Prophesie serueth to shewe vnto Iohn the thinges that must shortlye come to passe Now wee all knowe by blessed experience that the first estate of the Church did consist in the preaching of the Gospell by Christ and his Apostles and therfore this must needs be vnderstood of that time estate of the church For Iesus Christ is he that sitteth vpon this white horse that is by the ministery of his Gospell he conquereth and subdueth the nations vnder him There may bee three reasons alledged why this horse is saide to be of a white colour First because the doctrine of the Gospell which was preached by Christ and his Apostles was pure and sincere being without all spots and blots of error and heresie For the white colour in the scripture doth signifie puritie sinceritie innocency ioy glory and beautie Secondly because the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles was full of ioy and comfort As it is saide of Samaria after Phillip had set the Gospell abroache there that there was great ioy in that Citie Thirdly because the ministery of Christ and his Apostles was very glorious and beautifull as it is written How beautifull are the feete of them which bring the glad tydings of peace c. And againe with thy comely beautie ride on prosperously for the businesse of truth c. If any man demaund a reason of Christs sitting on horse-backe and riding forth on horse-backe I answere that it doth most fitly represent that maruellous swiftnesse wherewith the light of the Gospell should be carried and spread not only throughout all Iudea Samaria and Galile but also throughout all the kingdomes of the world For is it not a wonder to consider how swiftly and as it were on horseback and also how farre ouer the Heathen nations within a fewe yeares after Christs ascention the doctrine of the Gospell was preached and of multitudes imbraced He rode forth indeed prosperously and swiftly vpon this white horse euen the ministrie of the Gospell for the businesse of truth and of meeke righteousnesse and his right hande wrought fearefull things as saith the Psalmist Moreouer it is here saide that Iesus Christ hath a bowe in his hand And in the 45. Psalme from whence it seemeth all these phrases and speeches are borrowed hee is saide to haue sharpe arrowes in his hande whereby he pierceth the heart of his enemies Now this bowe and arrowes doo signifie the piercing power of the Gospell whereby the world hath bene subdued vnto Christe For all the arrowes of the Gospell which Christ shooteth out of this bowe which is euen the tongue of his ministers doo sticke in the hearts of men yea they pierce into all the secret places of the soule For the ministrie of the Gospell is liuely and mightie in operation sharper then any two edged sworde and entreth through euen vnto the deuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit of the ioynts and the marrowe and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart Heere is yet further mention made of a crowne which was giuen vnto Christ and that hee went forth conquering that hee might ouercome This crowne signifieth the victorie which he getteth ouer the worlde with his bowe and arrowes For the Psalmist
Which question is asked of the Elder not as being ignorant thereof but to stirre vp Iohn being ignorant to enquire of the matter that he might instruct him therein And therfore when Iohn confessed his ignorance desiring to be instructed therein the Elder telleth him the whole matter namely vers 14 that they were such as were come out of great tribulation For none can enter into life but through many afflictions as the Apostle saith After this againe the militant and visible church is described and set forth not according to their present state but according to that which is to come vers 16 vers 15 for they are here spoken of as if they were alreadie in the possession of heauen and that for infallible certaintie and assurance thereof Therfore the Apostle saith that euen already they do sit together in heauenly places And here they are said to be in the presence of the throne of God vers 16 c. to hunger and thirst no more c. to haue all teares wiped from their eyes vers 17 and to be ledde by the Lambe vnto the fountaines of liuing waters All which dooth very plainely and plentifully expresse that infinite glory and endlesse felicitie which is prepared for all the true and faithfull worshippers of God Many good lessons and obseruations might be gathered out of all this But I do of purpose omit them because in this worke I do chiefly and almost altogether aime at interpretation therein also studying breuitie soundnesse and plainenesse CHAP. VIII WE haue heard out of the seuenth Chapter how the diuels and their instruments the Romaine Emperors did stop the course of the Gospel Now in this chapter we are to heare the woeful effects of the stopping thereof which was the springing vp preuailing of manifolde errors heresies in the worlde So that the principall scope and drift of this chapter is to shewe that God for the contempt of his Gospel and great indignities offered to the true professors thereof did giue vp the worlde to blindnesse to errour to superstition and heresie and as the Apostle saith Because they receiued not the loue of the truth therefore God sent them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies For as before we haue heard how the worlde was most fearefully punished with externall plagues and iudgements So here we are to vnderstand how the same was punished with iudgements spirituall and internall as formerly hath bene said vpon the stopping of the foure windes For although that spirituall plague was very great yet these spirituall plagues which follow vpon the opening of the seuenth seale are farre greater For now we are to heare and vnderstand not onely of the errours and heresies whereby a way and passage was made by degrees as it were by certaine staires for Antichrist to climbe vp into his cursed chaire and to take possession thereof but also wee are to vnderstand of his very tyrannie and kingdome it selfe and also of the kingdome of the Turke and the last iudgement For the things contained vnder the opening of the seuenth seale do reach vnto the ende of the worlde For the booke sealed with seuen seales containeth all the whole matters which were to bee reuealed This chapter containeth foure principall things as it were the foure parts thereof First the reuerent attention and silence vers 1 with admiration which was in the Church at and vpon the comming forth of this most horrible vengeance Secondly before the execution of these most execrable plagues vers the Church is remembred and set in safetie with all her children by her great mediator Christ Iesus Thirdly the execution of this vengeance vers 6 which commeth forth at the blowing of the seuen trumpets by seuen Angels Fourthly the vengeance it selfe contained in the preuailing of errour and heresie vers the falling away of the Pastors of the Church and the vniuersall darkenesse that followed therevpon And when hee had opened the 7. seale there was silence in heauen about halfe an houre By heauen in this place he meaneth not the kingdome of glory after this life but by heauen is meant the Church here vpon earth as it is so taken chap. 12. verse 1. and chap. 14. verse 2. There may bee three reasons yeelded why the church is called heauen First because the birth thereof is from heauen for it is borne of God Secondly because the inheritance therof is from heauen and therefore is called the inheritance of the Saints Thirdly because the conuersation therof is in heauen as the Apostle saith To this may be added that our Lorde Iesus in his Gospell dooth so often call his visible Church the Kingdome of heauen by a trope because Christ beginneth his raigne in the faithfull therein whom afterward he translateth actually into the very kingdome of glory By silence here is meant the great attention of the church because great things were now in hand For now vpon the opening of the 7. seale farre greater matters are threatned then any before and therfore the Church doth listen vnto them in deepe silence as it were in horror and trembling through admiration for now there appeare such dreadfull iudgements of God to be executed vpon the earth that all the heauenly company are astonished and amazed to behold it and do as it were quake and tremble to thinke vpon it For as when heauie newes commeth downe from the Prince to bee proclaimed in open markets all good subiects doe listen and giue eare with silence and trembling so it fareth in this case By halfe an houre hee meaneth that short time wherein the minds of the godly were prepared fitted and disposed wisely to consider of these matters and to make good vse of them I know right well that this Verse is farre otherwise interpreted of some but I take this to bee most sound and simple and best agreeing to all that followeth for the next Verse is ioyned vnto this by a coniunction copulatiue to note a coherence of the matter and to draw the sense together for he saith And I saw 7. vers 2 Angels which stood before God and to them were giuen seuen Trumpets These seuen Trumpets signifie that God would proceede against the worlde in fearefull hostilitie and come against it as an open enemie vnto battell proclaiming open warre against it as it were with sound of Trumpet and Dromme setting vp the flag of defiance against it And hereupon groweth this silence and trembling in the Church which onely is mooued with the signes of Gods wrath when as all others sit still in securitie as the Prophet Zachary saith in a like case To stand in this place signifieth to administer as it is said of the Priests Leuites that they stand before God and before the Aultar that is Minister So here the Angels doo stand before God as readie to administer and execute these iudgements For they are ministring spirits and here
sheweth how the true Church should be gathered together and built by the preaching of the Gospell and all the wicked refused and cast out Secondly it describeth the builders that is ver all the faithfull Ministers which had and should resist Antichrist Thirdly ver 7.8 it sheweth how Antichrist should persecute the Preachers and professors of the Gospell vnto death and murther them by heapes Fourthly it sheweth that Papists Atheists and wicked worldlings ver 9.10 should reioyce in the death of Gods people and not vouchsafe them so much as the honor of buriall but send gifts one to an other for ioy that they were rid out of the earth Fiftly ver 11.12.13 it sheweth that notwithstanding the rage and fury of the world in persecuting them to death God would not onely receiue their soules to glorie but also raise vp others endued with the same spirit which should preach professe witnesse the same truth constantly continually euen vnto the ende of the world Lastly it sheweth vers that after the preaching of the Gospell some good time in this last age the seuenth Angel should blowe the trumpet and the worlde should end And there was giuen me a reede like vnto a rodde vers 1 and the Angel stood by saying Arise and measure the temple of God and the aultar and them that worship therein Here Iesus Christ giueth a reede vnto Iohn like vnto a rodde and thervpon he is commanded by an Angell to goe about the measuring of the temple the aultar c. By this measuring with a reede like a rodde is signified the restoring and building vp of Gods house which now was greatly ruinated and runne into decay through the long preuailing of Poperie Measuring with a reede is taken for the building vp of Gods Church after the decaied estate thereof both in Ezechiel Zachary and this Prophesie Iohn in the persons of all faithfull Ministers hath this measuring rodde giuen him because the church was to be restored and built vp by the Ministers and Ministrie of the Gospell The thing to be measured is the Temple the Aultar and them that worship therein This is an allusion to the legall worship whereby our spirituall worship is represented For by the materiall Temple is meant the spirituall Temple or Church of God By the Aultar of stone is meant the spirituall worship By them that worship therein with carnall sacrifices is meant all the true members of the Church which worship God in spirit and truth Now then both the Church the true worship and worshippers were all to be measured repaired and built vp by the ministrie of the word which all were decaied and almost laide waste by the Popes tyrannie But the court which is without the temple cast out and measure it not for it is giuen to the Gentiles and the holy citie shall they treade vnder foote two and fortie moneths Iohn is heere forbidden to measure and build vp the court which is without the tēple Wherby is ment all heretikes hypocrites worldlings all such as haue a place in the Church but are not of the Church This phrase of speech is taken from the olde shadowish worship as the rest before For in the temple of Ierusalem there was an outward court which was common to all good bad the holy place which was proper to the Priests and Leuites and the holy of holiest or most holy place where none might come but the high Priest onely Here is a reason added why the Lord God refuseth all Papists and hypocrites and all such as belong to the outward court onely and it is this that this outward court is giuen vnto the Gentiles that is to all false Christians and counterfaits in Religion which are members of the visible Church but haue nothing to do with the inuisible These are compared to Gentiles in two respects First in regard of prophanesse for they are as prophane as the Heathen Secondly in respect of persecuting the truth for hypocrites and Atheists are as forward in persecuting the people of God as the Heathen Emperours which persecuted the Church by the space of 300. yeares All comes to this that when the Church should bee gathered and built by the Preaching of the Gospell God would haue all Papists Atheists and hypocrites shut out Moreouer here is the second reason yeelded why the outward court should be cast out and not measured to wit because they should tread the holy Cittie vnder foote forty and two monethes That is they should persecute the Church all the time of Antichrists raigne For forty two moneths in this verse and 1260. dayes in the next verse and three dayes and a halfe verse 9. and time times and halfe a time in the 12. Chapter verse 14. and 1260 dayes Chapter 12. verse 6. doe signifie all one thing which is the short raigne of Antichrist for these moneths these dayes and these times doe euery one of them make three yeares and a halfe For who knoweth not that 42. monethes make iust three yeares and an halfe and that 1260. dayes maketh euen so much also and by time he meaneth a yeare by times two yeare and by halfe a time halfe a yeare Now the reason why Antichrists raigne is numbred by dayes monethes and halfe times all amounting but to three yeares and a halfe is to note the short continuance thereof for the comfort of the Church as appeareth more fully and plainely in sundry places of this Prophesie where it is set downe in plaine wordes that Antichrist should raigne but a short time for what is fiue or sixe hundred yeares in comparison of eternitie But here the Papists doe shew themselues most sottish and ridiculous in that they would gather frō hence that the Pope is not Antichrist for say they Antichrist shall raigne but three yeares and an halfe but the Pope hath raigned many yeares therefore the Pope is not Antichrist Now to answer the proposition of their argumēt taken from this place First it may bee answered that this place is not to be vnderstoode litterally but mistically as many other things in this booke Secondly here is a certaine number put for an vncertaine a definit number for an indefinit which also is vsuall in this booke as we heard before chapter 7 concerning the sealing of the Tribes of euery Tribe 12000. which maketh 144000. Now no man is so mad as to thinke there were iust so many sealed and neither more nor lesse Thirdly here is an allusion to Daniels weekes and other propheticall computatiōs wherin sometimes a day is put for a yere a weeke for 7. yeares as in Daniels seauens and a moneth for 30. yeares So then I conclude that it is extreame folly to interpret this place litterally The curious and friuolous interpretations of this place and such like in this booke by some writers I do of purpose omit as matters vntrue vnsound vniudiciall for I only in this booke seeke
of Sealing be thus taken in the scripture let him reade the places quoted in the margent and in all these places hee shall finde it taken in this sense Whereby it doth euidently appeare that the minde and meaning of God is that this booke should be proclaimed and published in all the Churches And vpon this grounde I holde that euery Minister of the Gospell standeth bounde as much as in him lyeth to Preach the doctrine of the Apocalyps to his particular charge and congregation for euery Minister of the Gospell must shewe vnto his people all the counsell of God and keepe backe nothing as Paul testifieth that hee did to the great comfort of his conscience But the doctrine of the Reuelations is a part and parcell of the counsell and will of God therefore it must not be concealed or kept backe from the knowledge of the people of God And in these dayes I thinke it not only meete and conuenient that it should be so but in truth absolutely necessary But now me thinketh I heare some man say what must this book of the Apocalyps be preached made knowne to the commō people alas what should they do with it It is not for them to meddle withall It is not for their diet I answere and yet not I but the holy Ghost that this booke must be made knowne to all the seruāts of God For Saint Iohn calleth it the Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue him to shew vnto all his seruants It is plaine therefore that al the seruantes of God both men and women yong and old rich and poore must be made acquainted with this booke Moreouer Iohn is commaunded by the God of heauen to set downe all the visions which the Angell shewed him and to write them all in a booke and send them to the seuen Churches of Asia that is to people of all sortes and conditions And therefore this booke doth not only concerne preachers and deep diuines but euen all the Lords people whatsoeuer for it doth minister great comfort and strength of faith to all the people of God that liue in this age But here the Papists obiect that this booke is full of darkenesse and obscuritie and therefore not for the common people to meddle withall nay say they there are as many misteries as words in it and therefore what should men trouble their heads about it But no maruell though the Papists say so much for it is the wound of their kingdom and the battery of their Babylon As for others both learned and godly which in this point are almost of the same mind that they will not meddle with this booke of the Reuelations I cannot but maruell at it The modesty and humility of some very rare and reuerend men for learning great variety of gifts which notwithstanding scotch much at this book is greatly to be commended But if I were worthy to giue them aduice I would wish them in this behalfe to change their minde and to be of another resolution for I dare auouch it that there is nothing in this Prophesie which study and diligence with prayer and humility may not ouercome True it is indeed that the shell is thicke and hard to breake but being broken the kernell is most sweet and pleasant If any be discouraged with the darkenesse obscurity of it let him hearken to these reasons following First it is called a Reuelation which is as much to say as an vncouering of things which did lie hid if it be an vncouering and reuealing of things then no doubt it may be knowne and seene into For reuealed thinges are for vs and our children If it be a Reuelation how say some that it cannot be vnderstood For it is contrary to the nature of a Reuelation to be so darke that none can vnderstand it But shall we say that the holy Ghost which is the spirit of truth hath giuen a wrong name vnto it God forbid For if it hide matters or so set them forth that it cannot be vnderstood then it is not rightly called a Reuelation If this booke be so mysticall that it cannot be vnderstood If the interpretation of it be vncertaine If the common people cannot be taught to vnderstand it how then should the holy Ghost say Blessed is he that readeth the words of this Prophesie c. Let any man iudge that hath common sense Can any man be blessed by hearing and reading those things which he vnderstandeth not I trow no. Then it followeth that this booke may be vnderstood and no doubt is vnderstood of many and might bee better vnderstood of many moe if they would bend their wittes and studies vnto it The holy Ghost as I said before willeth and commaundeth that the words of this Prophesie should not be sealed vp Whereby it is euident that he would haue them read and made knowne to all Then I reason thus That which is open and vnsealed may be read and knowne But this booke is open and vnsealed Therefore it may be read and knowne If men say the matters of this Prophesie are sealed and hid and God say they be vnsealed and open whether shall we beleeue men or God If any shall reply say we feele finde by experience that the words of this booke are hard to be vnderstood I answere that the fault is in our selues because we are so negligent in the search and study thereof For if we did with that humilitie and reuerend care that ought to be in vs search after the things reuealed in this booke we should finde that they be not sealed vp but lie open to bee read and knowne True it is indeed that if any man light vpon some peece and take it by it selfe he shall finde it very darke But if he looke vpon the whole course of matters throughout the booke and marke and obserue diligently how things be iterated hee shall finde no such darknesse as he feareth for there is a notable coherence of matters and course of times obserued in this booke euen from the first chapter vnto the last as God willing shall more fully plainly appeare in the particular opening and interpretation thereof One great obiection against this Prophesie is that the Fathers confesse it is full of mysteries and that they could not vnderstand it If they could not vnderstand it say some how how shall we vnderstand it Is it not great arrogancy for vs to say wee vnderstand it better then they did I answer no. For a man of meane learning in comparison may now in these daies more easily vnderstand expound this booke then the learnedest Doctors and Fathers in auncient time The reason is this we liue in an age wherein the most of the things prophesied in this booke are fulfilled Now the fulfilling of a prophesie is the best exposition of it But as for the Fathers they liued in a time wherein many of these things were not come
againe and the Papists looke for a day It stands vs then all vpon which loue Christ and his Gospell that wee should be well appointed and throughly armed against them And for this purpose the Reuelation of S. Iohn is of great vse necessitie As I said before so I say againe that it is the Prophesie of our time written to this speciall ende that by it wee might bee both fore-warned and fore-armed If wee doo consider the whole matter of this booke wee shall easily finde out the vse and end of it For the excellent matter of it doth argue the excellent ende and vse of it Now then as concerning the generall matter of this booke here are to bee founde very large and liuely descriptions of the most glorious person of Christ chapter 1 and all his excellent offices both of King Priest and Prophet and also most notable descriptions of the Church and of the Ministers of it and of the persecutions and afflictions which it must of necessitie passe through in this world Also of Gods mercifull prouidence for his Church and most vigilant care ouer it in the middest of all extremities Here are set before our eyes very liuely descriptions of the Churches deadly enemies both of Sathan himselfe and his three great instruments the Romaine Emperour the Pope and the Turke Here are set downe all their cruell persecutions of the Church and their vtter ouerthrowe in the ende Here are described hell death the resurrection and the last iudgement Here also the very kingdome of heauen is at large described with all those great rewards infinite glory and endlesse felicitie which remaine for all the faithfull worshippers of God I conclude therefore that for as much as this Prophesie is of such excellent contents therefore the vse and necessitie of it must needes bee verie great And for this cause Iohn is willed and commaunded by Alpha and Omega chapter 1.19 to write the things which hee had seene the things that were and the things that shall come hereafter By the things which he had seene is meant that glorious vision mentioned in the first Chapter vers 13 14 15 16. wherein Iesus Christ did appeare vnto him in the middest of the seuen golden Candlestickes in most glorious manner as is there described And all this was in the I le of Pathmos where Iohn was first called and authorised to this worke and therfore he is willed first of all to record this vision which hee had alreadie seene By the things that are hee meaneth the present state of the seuen Churches of Asia which were then the most flourishing Churches in the world as they are described in the second and third Chapters and in them the estate of all other Churches By the things that shal be he meaneth all the prophesies of this booke which were to bee fulfilled in their time al those strange accidents which should come to passe in processe of time and the seuerall ages of the Church euen vnto the end of the world Thus we see how Iohn receiueth a precise commandement from the sonne of God to write things past present to come that they might stand in record vnto all posterities from generation to generation Thus much touching the fift circumstance which is the ende and vse of this booke Now followeth to speake of the last circumstantiall point which is the authoritie of this Prophesie which is strongly confirmed from the Author of it which is Iesus Christ and therefore it is called the Reuelation of Iesus Christ which God gaue vnto him chapter 1.1 And againe it is written I Iesus sent mine Angell to testifie these things in the Churches chapter 22 16. Here wee see plainely that Iesus Christ the very sonne of God the Alpha and Omega is the Author of this booke for hee subscribes his name vnto it and sets his hand and seale vnto it Needes therefore must the authoritie of it bee very great which commeth from so great a personage for looke what dignitie and authoritie he is of from whom the booke commeth of the same dignitie authoritie is the booke it selfe An other strong argument to confirme the authoritie of this booke may be taken from the protestation of Iesus Christ in these words I protest vnto euery man that heareth the words of the Prophesie of this booke chapter 22 18. if any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke And if any shall diminish of the words of the booke of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the booke of life Here wee see how Iesus Christ maketh the authoritie of this booke equall to all other the Oracles of God to the which it is not lawfull for any man to adde or detract vnder paine of condemnatiō It maketh much also for the authoritie of this booke that S. Iohn doth so often repeate reiterate and inculcate his owne name I Iohn I Iohn I Iohn I Iohn the Apostle I Iohn the Euangelist I Iohn the Diuine Shewing by all these repetitions how needfull a thing it was that the faithfull should bee throughly instructed who he was euen one of the Lambes twelue Apostles and therefore to be voide of all suspition and doubt concerning the authoritie of this booke and not once to imagine it to bee any inuention of man or faigned deuice sith it was penned by so great an Apostle Moreouer the authoritie of this Prophesie is confirmed by foure reasons in the last chapter The first is the affirmatiō of the Angell who saith chapter 22.6 7 8. These words are faithfull true The second is the authoritie of the most high God himselfe in these wordes vers 6 The Lorde God of the holy Prophets sent his Angell to shewe vnto his seruants the things which must shortly bee fulfilled The third is the testimonie of Iesus who pronounceth them blessed which keepe the words of this Prophesie For saith he Behold I come shortly vers 7 Blessed is hee that keepeth the words of his Prophesie The fourth and last is the witnesse of Iohn in these words I am Iohn which heard and sawe these things vers 8 Now it may bee demaunded what is the cause that here are so many things heaped vp for the confirmation of the authoritie of this booke Surely wee must thinke there is some speciall cause and reason of it For the holy Ghost dooth not vse to deale so much and so earnestly in a matter but vpon great cause We may easily gather what the cause is This booke painteth out the whore of Babylon and the whole kingdome of the great Antichrist together with all Sathans cunning and sleight therein and for this cause Sathan hath laboured especially to weaken the credit and authoritie of this booke Hee by some meanes in olde time preuailed thus farre that euen among some Churches of true Christians the authoritie and truth of it was doubted
state of his church but one that continually worketh out the good thereof Concerning his prouident care ouer his faithfull Ministers he is said to carry them in his right hand for hee had in his right hand seuen starres that is vers 16 vers 20 the Ministers of the churches As Christ saith the seuen starres are the Angels that is the Ministers of the seuen churches Ministers are compared to starres because they should shine as bright starres in this darke world both by life and doctrine Christ is said to hold them in his right hand because he alwaies defendeth them against the malice fury of the world which of all others is most outragiously bent against them and their fauorites But let men take heed of ouer bold presuming to pul the starres out of Christs right hand least they smart for it The world is very busie this way they thinke to wring them out of his hands but alas poore soules they are not able he holdeth them too fast who can pull them out of his right hand If they continue bold and busie this way they may hap at last take a beare by the tooth and peraduenture pull an olde house vpō their heads An other reason why Christ is said to holde the 7. starres in his right hand is because he worketh by them and their ministrie as an Artificer with his toole in his right hande The things which Christ hath done by these instrumēts are glorious and admirable For by the ministery of the Gospell he hath cōuerted many sinners saued many soules then the which nothing can be more honorable wonderfull and therfore the word of God which is the Ministers weapō is compared to a sharpe two edged sword vers 16 which came out of Christs mouth Now vnto all this may be added that Christ saith he was dead but now aliue because hee died and rose againe And also that he saith Hee had the keyes of hell and death that is authoritie and power ouer hell and damnation For he hath absolute power to open and shut binde and loose and therefore it is written chapter 3.7 He hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth All this setteth forth the great power glory of Christs person and all aimeth at this marke end to commend vnto vs the authoritie of this booke because it commeth from a person of so great dignitie excellēcy Last of all it remaineth to shewe how Iohn was affected with this vision wherein Christ did so gloriously appeare vnto him vers 17 for he saith When I sawe him I fell at his feete as dead Wherein hee sheweth how greatly hee was amazed and daunted with the sight of Christs most glorious personage Hee was striken with such an astonishment feare that there was almost no life or spirit left in him and all this was to humble him euen to the ground in as much as by it he findeth his owne weakenesse and imperfection not capable of such a sight so farre as to endure it It was no doubt profitable or rather necessary that this holy seruant of God should thus be humbled and made fit to receiue this reuelation with the greater reuerence from his great Lorde and maister And also it maketh much for our profit as appeareth in that euery part of this vision is rehearsed in the Epistles to the Churches But to conclude Iohn being thus humbled and cast downe in himselfe is comforted and raised vp by Christ who laid his right hand vpon him and willed him to feare nothing For saith he I am the first and the last vers 17 and am aliue but I was dead behold I am aliue for euermore In which wordes hee dooth greatly cheare vp Iohns heart and telleth him plainely that this might and terrour of his person is bent onely against the wicked enemies of his Church nothing at all against the friends thereof but contrariwise that all this power and glorie might and maiestie is wholy and altogether for the good of his Church Wherein wee may all clearely see and knowe to our great comfort that the same arme of God which casteth down the wicked raiseth vp the godly the same power wich woundeth them healeth vs the same hand which destroieth them saueth vs the same might and maiestie wich hurteth them helpeth vs. For whatsoeuer is in God is wholly for his and wholy against those that are none of his And thus much concerning the first Chapter CHAP. II. and III. I Haue thought good to handle these two Chapters together and in a generall and compendious maner to set downe the most speciall matters contained in them both not meaning to insist vpon euery particular both because these two chapters are plaine and easie to vnderstand also because they haue bene sufficiently beaten vpon by many These two Chapters doo generally containe seuen Epistles written to the seuē Churches of Asia wherein the present estate of the Churches of Asia is very liuely described and in them the state of all other churches then militant vpon the face of the earth Euery one of these seuen Epistles containeth foure things First an Exordium or entrance into the matter Secondly a generall proposition Thirdly a narration Lastly a conclusion The Exordium or entrance of euery Epistle containeth two things namely the person to whom the Epistle is written and the person from whom the Epistle is written The proposition is one the same in all these Epistles contained in these words I know thy workes The narration containeth the matter of each Epistle and cōsisteth of commendations and discommendations of admonitions reprehensions threats and promises The conclusion of euery Epistle is one and the same in these words Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith to the Churches First concerning the person to whom these Epistles are sent he is named in the beginning of euerie Epistle To be the Angel of such a Church By this word Angel he meaneth not the inuisible spirits which we call the Angels of heauen for the things attributed to these Angels can in no wise agree to the inuisible spirits as to be Angels of seueral churches to be neither hotte nor cold to leaue their first loue to repent and amend and sundry such like attributes throughout all these Epistles But by the word Angell he meaneth the Minister or Pastor of euery church which therefore is called an Angell because he is the Minister of God as the word signifieth As also because euery faithfull Minister ought to be receiued and regarded as an Angell of God as the Apostle witnesseth of the Galathians that they receiued him as an Angell of God yea as Christ Iesus And he giueth many admonitions in his Epistles to this effect for hee would haue all faithfull and painfull Ministers to be greatly reuerenced and had in double honour to be acknowledged had in singular loue for their workes sake to
For they are virgins that is chast worshippers of God which are not polluted with the defilemēts of Antichrist These follow the Lamb Christ whersoeuer he goeth They heare his voyce they professe his worship and obey his doctrine they abhorre Antichrist they followe not the beast nor receiue his marke They are bought from men and bought from the earth as it is sayd before that is they are redeemed and bought with a price from the corrupt lumpe of mankind and cursed race of Adam that they might bee the first fruits vnto God and to the Lambe that is wholy consecrated to his worship and to serue him in righteousnesse and true holinesse all the dayes of their life In their mouthes was found no guile That is they doe declare their innocencie and vprightnesse both in their words and works as those which Christ hath chosen out of this world and bought with a price thorough his bloud in whom they are without spot or speck before God vers 6 Then I saw another Angell flie in the middest of heauen hauing an euerlasting Gospell to preach vnto them that dwell on the earth and to euery nation and kinred and tongue and people vers 7 Saying with a loud voice Feare God and giue glorie vnto him for the houre of his iudgement is come and worship him that made heauen and earth and the sea and the fountaines of waters Hitherto the holy Ghost hath taught vs how the Church was preserued vnder the tyrannie of Antichrist and greatest waues of persecutions and that euen then they did purely and faithfully worship the true God Now he proceedeth to foreshew the ruine and downfall of Antichrist and plainely to prophesie the vtter decay of the kingdome of Babell This doctrine therefore we are to hearken vnto with great attention and cheerefulnesse because it doth so much concerne our good the good of the whole church also because we liue in the dayes wherin we see it is in part fulfilled First therefore wee are to vnderstand what is meant by this Angell heere mentioned to wit not anie celestiall Angell or inuisible spirit as it is sundrie times taken before but by this Angell and the two Angels following are meant all the faithfull Ministers of the Gospell which should bee raised vp in these last dayes for the ouerthrow of Rome and the deliuering of the Church from vnder the captiuitie of Antichrist which may plaine●y appeare by this that it is said this Angell preacheth the euerlasting Gospell vnto them that dwell on the earth which cannot properly agree to the celestiall spirits Wee haue heard out of the tenth chapter that Iesus Christ did open the little booke which is the Bible and did giue authoritie to his faithfull Ministers to goe preach and publish the doctrine thereof to manie nations countries and kingdomes chapter 10.11 nowe vnto that agreeth this which is heere spoken of and is a further opening and declaring of that which is there set downe For as there Iesus Christ commeth downe from heauen and openeth the little booke which had beene long shut vp vnder the darknesse of Poperie and the smoake which came out of the bottomlesse pit so heere Christ Iesus raiseth vp his faithfull Ministers and preachers to publish and proclaime the doctrine of the Gospell which had long lyen hidde vnder the outragious persecutions of the two monstrous and most hideous beasts chapter 18.1 To this also agreeth that which is written in the eighteenth chapter of this Booke where Saint Iohn seeth an Angell come downe from heauen hauing great power so that the earth was lightened with his glorie By which Angell is meant all the Preachers of this age And the Angell is saide to haue great power For what is more powerfull then the ministerie of the word And moreouer it is sayd that the earth was lightened with his glorie that is with the brightnesse of the preaching of the Gospel whereby the darkenesse of Poperie was dispersed and driuen away and Babylon falleth vpon it as there you may reade and as heere we shall see the like effect by and by Moreouer it is heere sayd that this Angell flieth in the middest of heauen that is verie swiftly carrieth this euerlasting Gospell thorough all the Churches For when Gods appointed time was come wherein he would goe about the ouerthrowe of Poperie he caused his euerlasting Gospell to be set abroach and to spread ouer many kingdoms and nations as wee see this day Now because these kingdoms where God would haue the knowledge of his Gospell diuulged were manie and great therefore heere is expedition required and this Angell doth carie it not standing but flying And all this we see perfectly fulfilled with our eyes when God raised vp Luther Zuinglius Melancthon Peter Viret Caluin Bucer Bullinger Peter Martyr and all their worthy successours vnto this day which haue spred the euerlasting Gospell verie farre and caried it verie swiftly ouer England Scotland Germanie Denmarke Polonia Sweuia Russia and many parts of France and Flaunders Another reason why this Angell is said to flie in the middest of heauen is because no power of man shall euer be able to stay the course of this euerlasting Gospel which this Angel carieth abroad no more then men are able to stoppe the course of the Sunne in the heauens or a cloud in the skie For this Angel flyeth in the midst of heauen far aboue the reach of the beast and al Kinges and Potentates that stand for the kingdom of the beast Therefore let them doe al what they can they shal neuer be able to stop the course of the Gospel For it is called the arme of God his very arme holdeth it forth to the world and who is able to bend it in or to turne it backward There be three reasons why the Gospell is called euerlasting First because it is in his owne nature euerlasting as it is written the worde of the Lord indureth for euer Secondly because it putteth vs in possession of euerlasting things As it is written Thy word O Lord endureth for euer in heauen Thirdly principally because as it was long before Antichrist was hatched so it shal continue when he and his kingdome is dead and rotten Saying with a loud voice Feare God ver 7 and giue glory vnto him c. Here is sette down the doctrine which this Angel preacheth with a loud voice that is with great zeale The summe whereof is this Feare God and giue glory vnto him and worship him that made heauen and earth c. The sense is that the true and euerliuing God should only be feared and worshipped and all glory should be giuen to him alone through Christ and none to Antichrist none to Cardinals and Legats none to Angelles none to Saintes none to images roods crosses and crucifixes Here then is set downe an abridgement of the doctrine of this euerlasting Gospell namely that men should onely feare God and worship him and
we are therefore it was needfull for the better strengthning of their hope cōfort in afflictiōs that they should know the very time determined but because the Church of the christians liueth vnder most cleere comfortable promises of deliuerance therfore God according to his deepe wisedome would haue our faith exercised in an assured expectation of the accōplishment therof though the precise time be concealed An other reason may bee this the vtter ouerthrow of Rome falleth out to bee but a little before the comming of Christ to iudgement as appereth in this prophesie Now then if wee knew the day or yeere certainely when Rome should fall finally it would giue vs too much light vnto the knowledge of the last day which God in great wisedome hath of purpose hid from the knowledge of all men yea and of Angels I know right well that a certaine learned writer doth precisely determine the vtter destruction of Rome to fall out in the yeere of our Lord 1639. But by the fauour of so excellent a man bee it spoken I see no sufficient ground thereof But touching this matter of the time of Romes finall fall I will deliuer mine opinion and my reasons submitting my selfe to the iudgement of the learned for I would bee loth in this or any other thing to goe beyond my compasse or to passe the bounds of modestie and humilitie and therefore doe refer all to bee tryed by the sicle of the sanctuary I doe therefore thus iudge that the vtter ouerthrow of Rome shall bee in this age I meane within the age of a man my reason is this We of this age liue vnder the opening of the seauenth seale the blowing of the sixt trumpet and the powring foorth of the sixt vial For the first it is manifest because the opening of the seauenth seale containeth all things that shall fall out to the end of the world as hath beene shewed and proued before For the blowing of the sixt trumpet that also is plaine because vnder the blowing thereof the little booke was opened and the gospell preached as wee see in this age For the powring downe of the sixt viall of Gods wrath that also is most cleere because thereupon the great riuer Euphrates drieth vp and the Iesuits are sent out to sollicit the kings of the earth to battaile against the Church as wee see fulfilled in these our daies Then I reason thus Rome must fall downe finally in that age wherein the little booke is opened and the euerlasting gospell preached but in this age the little booke is opened and the euerlasting gospell preached therfore in this age Rome must fall downe finally And againe I reason thus Rome must fall downe finally in that age wherein the riuer Euphrates that is the fortification of Rome drieth vp and the Iesuits are sent forth to stop the leake thereof but all this falleth out in this age as wee see with our eies Therefore in this age Rome shall fall downe finally The reason of the proposition is because in this age the popish armies shall come to Armageddon Moreouer this I say and not I but the Lord when the seauenth Angell bloweth the seauenth trumpet then commeth the end of the world But the sixt Angell hath sounded the sixt trumpet long agoe as appeereth by the effects Therefore it cannot be long ere the seauenth Angell blow But Rome must fall downe finally before the seauenth Angell blow as hath beene shewed before Therefore the vtter fall of Rome cannot bee long deferred I doe not determine either of day month or yeere because it is not reuealed But I guesse at an age because the holy ghost pointeth vs vnto an agent But all these things I set downe for the comfort of Gods Church not desiring to vnderstand aboue that vvhich is meet to vnderstand but to vnderstand according to sobrietie Now it resteth to speake of the last maine point vvhich is the causes of Romes vtter ruine and ouerthrow chapter 14 8. Chap. 18.3 Chap. 19.3 Chap. 17 2. vvhich first of all are set downe foure seuerall times for falling to be because she made all nations drunke with the wine of the wrath of her fornication They which outwardly make others drunke or commit fornication vvith others are vvorthie to be seuerely punished How much sorer punishment are they vvorthie of vvhich doe the same spiritually and therfore vvoe be to Rome An other cause of the destruction of Rome is for that she hath shed the bloud of all the Prophets Martyrs chapter 16.6 Chap. 18.24 and Saints as it is vvritten In thee was found the bloud of the Prophets and of the Saints and of all that were slaine vpon the earth What is he vvorthie to haue that is a most cruell bloudsucker nay vvhat is he vvorthie to haue that shal murther a kings children yea that shall murther his eldest sonne and heire apparant to the crowne But Rome hath murthered thousands of the king of Heauens children Yea Rome hath murthered the great heire of Heauen and earth I meane the very sonne of God For Christ vvas put to death by the Romane power and authoritie and by a Romane Iudge chapter 11.8 as before hath bene shewed Therefore let all men iudge vvhat Rome is vvorthie to haue Moreouer S. Iohn telleth vs that Rome with her enchantments hath deceiued all-nations chapter 18.23 Then let the matter be referred to the iudgement of any indifferent man to determine and set downe vvhat punishment sorcerers and enchanters are vvorthie of especially spirituall sorcerers and enchanters Besides all this the holy ghost saith chapter 18.2 that Rome is the habitation of diuels and the hold of all foule spirits and a cage of euery vncleane hatefull bird What think you is like to come of an habitation of diuels What trow yee vvil be the end of a shoule of foule feends a company of most vgly mōstrous helcats What is like to become of a cage of Howles Rauens and Vultures Yea a nest of Vipers Toades Snakes Adders Cocatrices all the most stinging serpents and venemous vermin in the world What wil be the end of pild Priests filthie Friers maungy Monks roguing Iesuits Are not these a cage of vncleane birds What doe they studie what doe they plot what doe they practise euery daye but seditions periuries murthers cōspiracies treacheries treasons all maner of villanies If I had no other reason to persuad me that Rome shal fal come to a miserable end yet this onely would make me so to think that these villanous Iesuits do teach conclud in their cursed conuēticles y t it is not onely lawful but also meritorious to murther any christiā prince y t is not of their catholike religiō oh mōstrous villains ô most hideous helhoūds haue not these monsters suborned diuers desperate caitiffes to embrue their hands in the bloud of christian princes How many haue beene their plots now desperate
yea did couer the whole face of the earth with their multitudes and compasse the tents of the Saints about and the beloued citie that is did make warre against the Church and people of God which in comparison of them were but as a few tents or some little citie But marke vvhat followeth and consider the issue of the battaile The holy ghost saith expressely that fire came downe from God out of Heauen and deuoured them Which doth plainely shew that the armies of Gog Magog though neuer so huge shal be destroyed by the fire of Gods vvrath Now from this I gather that as the armies of the Pope shall goe downe still more and more as formerly hath bene shewed and as experience in the last yeeres good successe both in Ireland Netherland and against Spaine also hath partly prooued Gods most holy name be praised so also the armies of the Turk shal be ouerthrowen so farre foorth as they fight against the true Church or at least be so kept back that they shall not be able to compasse the tents of the Saints as vve see and feele this day God be thanked ver 10 And the Diuell that deceiued them was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where that beast and that false prophet are and shal be tormented euen day and night for euermore Heere is set downe the Diuells doome to vvit that he shal be cast downe into the infernall pit as vvell vvorthy both for his seducing all nations and stirring vp the armies of Gog and Magog against the Church euen to roote it vp if it vvere possible Therefore Saint Iohn telleth vs that forasmuch as he is the author of all mischiefe and he that hath set all the rest a vvork therefore both he and his instrumens the beast and the false prophet Gog and Magog shall all drinck of the same cup of Gods eternall vvrath and be all throwne downe together into one close prison vvhich is that gasping gulfe and infernall lake that burneth vvith fire and brimstone for euer Loe then vvhat shal be the end of the diuell the Pope the Turk the Emperour the King of Spaine the Cardinall and all other the diuels instruments vvhich heere in earth haue persecuted the Church and compassed the tents of the Saints and the beloued Cittie Now after all this in the fiue last verses Saint Iohn entreth into a liuely and cleere discription of the last iudgement First noting the terror and maiestie of the Iudge himselfe in this ver 11 that from his face both Heauen and earth fled away that is no creature shal be able to endure his angry countenance in that daye and yet vvithall setting downe the puritie and vprightnesse of his iudgement and iudgement seate calling it a white Throne ver 12 And after this the generall citing and personall appearing of all men before him of vvhat degree estate or condition soeuer For both death and hell sea and graue did deliuer vp their dead And all vvithout exception came to iudgement And the bookes of their consciences vvere opened for euerie mans vvorke is engrauen vpon his cōscience as it vvere in letters of brasse or vvith the point of a Diamond as the Prophet speaketh And they were iudged of those things which were written in the bookes according to their workes and according to the testimonie of their owne consciences And death and hell ver 14 that is all the heires of death and hell euen all the societie of reprobates both papists Atheists and all vnbeleeuers yea whosoeuer were not found written in the booke of life were cast into the lake of fire ver 15 which is the second death Now heere I would haue it dilligently obserued that the holy ghost hath three seuerall times in this booke described the last iudgement to wit in the latter end of the 11. Chapter in the latter end of the 14. Chapter and now in the latter end of this Chapter And moreouer I would haue the order and causes of these descriptions well waighed For in the 11. Chapter hauing before described the kingdome of the Pope and the Turk with their ouerthrow and also the preaching and preuailing of the Gospell in these last daies hee commeth to describe the last iudgement In the 14. Chapter hauing set downe that the euerlasting gospell should be plētifully preached in this last age the ouerthrow of Babylon immediately following forthwith hee proceedeth to the discription of the last day In this Chapter hauing before concluded of the vtter ouerthrow of Rome of the beast and the false prophet of Gog and Magog and all aduersary power at length hee proceedeth to this description of Christs second comming which wee haue heard of And out of all this I do gather that the vtter ouerthrow of the Pope all his adherents shall be in this life a little before the comming of Christ vnto iudgement Chap. 21. AS wee haue heard before of the vtter ouerthrow of the beast and the false prophet and all their adherents and also of the euerlasting condemnation of the dragon that old serpent which set them all a worke So now in this Chapter wee are to heare of that most happy and blessed estate which the faithfull shall dwell in for euermore so that the maine drift of this Chapter is most fully to describe that infinit glory and endlesse felicitie to the which all the 144000 that is all the elect of God shal be aduanced when both the beast and all that haue receiued his marke shall be cast downe into the infernall lake This Chapter may very fitly bee deuided into foure parts The first is a description of the renouation of the world and the restauration of the creature ver 1 The second is ver 2.3.4 a laying foorth of the most glorious estate of the Church when it shall bee freed from all misery The third is a protestation of God himselfe ver concerning the renouation of all things the felicitie of his elect and the endlesse torment of all reprobates The fourth is ver a liuely description of the very kingdome of God and the vnspeakeable ioyes of heauen vnder the figure of a great citie called the holy Ierusalem Which citie is heere most gloriously described of his walles gates foundations streets height length breadth brightnesse matter forme persons and inhabitants The text ver 1 AND I saw a new heauen and a new earth for the first heauen and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea ver 2 And I Iohn saw the holy city new Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen prepared as a bride trimmed for hir husband ver 3 And I heard a great voice of heauen saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and hee will dwell with them and they shall bee his people and God himselfe shall bee their God ver 4 And God shall wipe all teares from their eies and there shall bee no