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A17000 A require of agreement to the groundes of divinitie studie wherin great scholers falling, & being caught of Iewes disgrace the Gospel: & trap them to destruction. By H.B. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1611 (1611) STC 3882; ESTC S105815 59,597 104

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at the Law giving it shewed terrour to the contemners Israell and Heathen that six hundred thousand died in the wildernes and Chananeans felt what it was to fight against Gods power and so all Kings in the lande of Assyr or East even to the Macedoneans last fall so here this must be shewed that the Romanes as you handle the storie shall perish likewise The Dragon head and tayle The Cittim one sea-monster made of the Danielean foure once dead and revived by an earth-bred horned in two hornes like the Lambe but having the mouth of the Dragō being purple coloured after the reviviving of the beastes with a bloudsucker woman rider not like the mans Image I speak vpon your former speaches by which you have made the visions plain and the comparison of Iohn with Daniel bringeth light delight vnspeakeable Br. And what must this meane Seaven Lampes of fier were burning before the throne which are the seaven spirits of God Rab. El. Iohn expounding it maketh it plain but we had guessed of the seaven spirits of Christ by our Thalmud Br. Ye had not missed The Godhead of the son hath all that the holy Ghost hath and so he hath seaven spirites to work by grace in them who handle his cause against the old serpent stinging by Pontifices Cesares Pontifices Popos Of the Sea like to Chrystall Brough What must this meane Before the Throne was a Sea like Chrystall Rabbi Elias All thinges in Allegories of Visions as in Ezekiel Daniel Zachary must touch dealinges of God with man The wicked are like a sea foming that is foming out their owne shame Es chap. 57. And indifferentlie the Sea signifieth many nations as The troupes of the sea shall be turned vpon thee And all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as waters cover the Sea Es chap. xi whence the speach of the seaven Spirites be fetched which give fire lampes to teach vs the knowledge of the Eternall So here a Sea cleare before his Throne must be nations cleare in faith So Rabbi Ruben writeth to you that before he knew you he knew from Esaie chap. 24. From the endes of the earth the praises of GOD should be heard So here many Nations cleare by knowledge of redemption must be meant Thus far the speaches be familiar to vs Iewes Of the foure Wightes of six Winges and full of eyes Br. What should be meant by this Before the Throne were foure Zoa livelie bodied wightes They are barbarouslie translated beastes A man is Zoon and an Eagle But not a beast As no reasonable bodied wight nor foule If we had regarded the tongue of A and ω we had not bene so barbarous The first was like a Lion the second like an Oxe the third with a mans face the fourth like a flying Eagle All each one had six wings about them and they were full of eyes Rab. In Esay cha 6. The Seraphim or Angels that should burne the Tēple had six winges two to cover their face because they could not behold the brightnes of God two to cover their feet as not being perfect in Gods eyen and two to flye about their duetie They be burners of the Temple in Esay which warne that to God belōgeth all holinesse in Ezekiel ch 1. the Cherubim be of these soure and Great terrible wheeles full of eyes are there Here I request you to open the matter Br. After that the Lambe openeth the book of Seaven seales these foure wightes praise him for redeeming of them by his blood Therefore men must bee meant here full of knowledge as Argus in Aeschylus of ten thousand eyes of Lyons courage of Oxens patience to sacrifice of mans quiet humanitie and of Eagles high flight to shew in the open Church the cause of Christ Such were the holy Martyrs which made al the world amased at them And for them the Seniours followe in praise to God Now these Martyrs followers of Christ the Lambe as kilde are knowen by his description Chap. fift and in ch sixt vnder the fift seale they call for vēgeance and be heard That the sixt seale sheweth how all their state is shaken Chap. 5. The worthines of the matter of the time to come The storie of the time to come is represented by a booke in the hande of him that sate vpon the Throne writtē within and without sealed with seaven seales Rab. That renueth in part Ezekies visions chap. 3. and the speech is easie to tell of much matter and good and hid Br. One Angel maketh proclamation Who can open the booke and loose the s●ale and none Angell none living nor dead could Balaam Num. 24. told how Italie should afflict Eber and still holde on to destruction But told not the particular sort Our Lord in Mat. 24. told of Ierusalems destruction of deceavers to deceave if it were possible the verie elect And Daniel had told of an Image and beastes but to end by Romes comming vp And Sainct Paul told the Thessalonians that the present hinderer should hinder till he should be taken away the prophane empire and then should come the wicked Romylus whom Ionathan vpon Esai nameth And all the Graecians holde to this day that the bridge-maker of Rome is there dāned And Plantins men have stollen from the Chaldy the terme Romylus because Ionathan and Sainct Paul and all the Graecians plague the brigemaker exceedinglie yet without new revelation the high Bridgemakers the Caesars and Senatours their policie in the high bridge-makers the Popes and Cardinales had not bene so distinctly damned but for this revelation And Iohn in his traunce wept shewing therein the profit of the booke Then a Doctor one of the Seniors telleth him that the Lion of Iudah that in David the noble Prophet figured his warres he should be holden worthy to teach his souldiers to open the booke to loose the seales And so in this heavenly company an opener of the booke commeth An heavenly description of Christ There stood a Lambe as one that had bene slaine having seaven hornes and seaven eies which are the seaven spirites of God sent forth into all the earth He is resembled by the Lambe as answerable to the Lambe killed in Paradise and the Pascha and how he being our Pascha was sacrificed for vs and wil be revenged of Rome for that and hath seaven hornes of Power to be able to tame the Dragon with seaven heades and ten hornes And for wisedome he will as in Zachary for building of his Temple send seaven spirites over al the earth And all the armie ioy and all creatures that now they shall obey Christ and his servantes CHAP. 6. The seales being opened six doe shewe the Caesars case the seaventh last hath seaven Trumpets to sound plainly a Policie altogether sinfull The Caesares though they were wicked men their policie was good while they kept their civill lawes and killed not the Christians vpon false accusations I.
A REQVIRE OF AGREEMENT To the groundes of Divinitie studie wherin great Scholers falling being caught of Iewes disgrace the Gospel trap them to destruction By H. B. 1611. THE AVCTOR TO THE LERNED TEACHERS of Salvation that know Great Britane speach IEwes scattered over the world having Satan breathing in them the more they are provoked to beleve the more they offre them selues to the Serpent to be deceaued to deceaue from that plainnes that is in Christ Since ambassedour Barton of Godly memorie moved a principal Rabbi at Stanpol to write to Englād for Ebrew explication of our Gospel the Iewes of Prage Francfurt Hanaw others bestir them selues to serch our crossing of the holy story They plead that as ours teach Messias Kindred is not in the Godspel how he cometh from Dauid And infer soundly vpon our treason that so the Gospel should not be from God So they say that by ours Mathew and Luke be vnreconcileeble who bring salathiel as we say the one from Iechonla of Salomon as al of trueth must graunt our blindes doth the other of Neri of Nathan Salomons brother And they well think● that men of grace should never be caught in such vmpossibilities So they say we as they make the Romanes the fourth Kingdome in Daniel which was to be destroyed before Christ should come in the flesh and that for ending Moyses Law by Daniels seauens we haue 〈◊〉 many mindes and heades wheras so weighty a matter should haue consent of all Christendome Also they obiect that our best spent 60. yeres to prove that we haue not the New Testament pure which God had kept pure if he had geven it And that we haue 20. Opiniones for our Principal article of Descent to Hell To all these I answear and pronounce all a the an which after warning will trap them to Eternal destruction And to their modest I open our mysteries To the Right Worshipfull the Governour Deputies Assistantes and Generaltie of the Famous companie of Marchants ADVENTVRERS Grace peace and successe in their adventures THE Tribes of Iacob Right Worshipfull which were placed vpon the Sea for Marchandise had stones in Aharons Right-care remembrancing daily their Navigation to be assured of Gods protection Isachar had the blew Saphir the sky colored to trust in God when Coelum vndique vndique pontus as Maro speaketh Zabulon had the Iahalom the Sardonyx named in Ebrew of beating as in Homer Gallie-men beate the sea with their ores and still yet doe in Gallies Aser had the stone called the Sea Tharassis thalassa in Greeke is the Sea and happy Asers stone And these Tribes have speciall blessing in Moyses That they shall sucke the riches of the Sea and the hid wealth of the Sand and be of force al their dayes And fame of the Phoenices for navigation in Tyrus and Sidon among Graecians was for these Tribes as we may gather by scripture How Salomons ships went with Chyrams to Tarsis or Tartess the Law telleth and Aristotle harpeth vpon it Aristotle telleth that Phoenices went to Tartesus beyond Spaine and for their countrey trash had such store of silver that they made their very ancores of silver even to spare so much in their fraight being full laden with silver that if they kept their yron so much silver must be castaway Aristotle seemeth to have mished in the word Tariess which meaneth the sea and not one soile in Chanaan speach And for Cethem of Ophir this honoreth Israels travelling far I asked a simple mariner which had ben in the west Indians what they called gold there he saide Cethem iust the scripture terme and yf Spaniards of late for some conceipt did not give gold there that name Salomons Fleete may well seeme to have gone into those quarters and marchantes of Israell to have shewed there that they worshipped the God of Heaven and to have invited some home with them And whereas Aristotle writeth of the Carthagineans that beyond Hercules pillers they found an happy soile and Plato of a most large Countrey as now we know Phoenices and Isachar with Zabul on might well give the occasion to all this So honorable would the Law have Merchants care Gods care for them that know him But without singular blessing of God marchants suffre great losse it were to be wished that all of stately Companies should have the chiefe groundes of holy learning knowen Isachar is cōmended above all Tribes for skill in times what Israel should doe as how the feastes of Pascha and all appendantes by the Heavens course should be ruled As of necessitie they were to be Mathematicianes that goe to the sea so this Tribe passed them that kept at home And now a dayes men for so much match Isachar for Marchandise but not many Nations for skill of holy Law yet in England Merchandes haue bene a great help to hold the Gospel mainteyning our best lerned abroad to restore the trueth after our holy martyrs calling for vengeance from vnder the altar rowled vp the Popes heaven as a booke rowled I will shew them S. Iohns Apocalyps wherof I giue you the sum by chapters that they may see the marow of his booke He telleth that Christ shewed the state to come to the end of the world a vision of him self as vnto Daniel ch 10. this doth he ch 1. And in singular sweetnes to the seauen starres in the seauen Golden Candelstickes all these partes be applyed with addition against all Arianes that the Eternal the Sonne of God the creatour of the world is hee that appeared vnto Daniel So Iohn expoundeth Daniel into salvatiō of al Iewes of Grace This goeth through ch 12. In easy facility Now for times to come this appeareth ch 4. God on a throne sitteth a Iudge like Iasper for Beniamins temple Sardius as Ruben to fight for the tribes And Christianes in state Persones are 24. Bishops and besides goodly this in ch 4. Then the Lambe Lion openeth the booke of seauen seales ch 5. then he cometh further against Caess on horse white with plaguing riders vpon red black Pale For the martyrs who crave to destroy the Empire but are bid to expect Diocletianes Persecution Then shal their profane world be rowled vp ch 6. After that a generall apostasie cometh ch 7. How that falleth out the seaventh seale doth shew Christ standeth at the golden altar to receaue all prayers Rome bends a policy against all this Thervpon Christ as in Ezekiel casteth fier into the earth Angels trumpetters sound how hayle and fyre is mixt with blood by that Popes be made a mountayne so a mountaine of fyre cast into the worlds sea to set all on fyer when the star Byshop falleth from his heauens to turne the law waters into wormewood and to darken the chief sun mone and starres comming vp by falling by turning the Scriptures into gal sone darkning the third part of the Church that three woes are