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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15434 Thesaurus ecclesiæ: that is, the treasure of the church consisting of the perpetuall intercession and most holy praier of Christ, set forth in the 17. chapter of the Gospel by S. Iohn: which in this treatise is plainly interpreted, with necessarie doctrines enlarged, and fit applications enforced. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1604 (1604) STC 25704; ESTC S102754 86,296 210

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of the church that oile and fatnesse whereby the light thereof is cherished and preserued Zach. 4. 4. For none in heauen or in earth was found worthy to open the book of Gods secrets and to looke thereon but onely the lambe Reu. 5. 3. 9. The booke had remained sealed still if Christ had not taken the booke out of the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne and opened the seales thereof 5. First then their blind endeuor is condemned which by the light of nature thinke to find out the truth The Philosophers among the heathen and wise among the Gentiles much busied themselues to find out the truth but they labored in vaine The three wise-men that came from the East did not content them selues with their humane wisedome and natural experience but followed the conduct of the starre to seeke for Christ. If Saul must haue a prophet to tell him what was become of his fathers asses to find out heauen hath much more need of a propheticall light Secondly all carnal and secure persons are admonished that if they desire knowledge they should seek it at Christs hands in his word it is no maruell that so many yet continue in ignorance seeing they despise the meanes of knowledge Heauen cannot be scaled without Iacobs ladder the top whereof resteth vpon Christ Gen. 28. One well saith Nemini credas tuum nisi praeeunte lucernae istius luce processum sit fides itineris tui praeuia sit tibi iter scriptura diuina Trust no man to direct thee vnles this light go before let faith be the foreman in thy iorney and let thy way be by the scripture Verse 26. And I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it Here our Sauior promiseth the perpetuall assistance of his spirit and continuall declaration of his word to his church that as he had preached and declared it so he would still instruct his seruants not leaue his church destitute of the ministerie of his word 1. Thus the Lord promiseth by his prophet I will make my couenant with them saith the Lord my spirit that is vpon thee the words which I haue put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed saith the Lord from henceforth euen for euer Isay 59. 21. 2. Thus our Sauiour leauing the world ordained his Apostles in his stead to be witnesses of him to the ends of the world Act. 1. 8. The Apostles also constituted Euangelists as Timothy 2. Tim. 1. 6. To second their work the Euāgelists ordained Bishops Pastors and Elders in euery citie Tit. 1. 5. to finish the work of the Gospell 3. For like as it is not enough to sow the corne and cast it into the earth but it must haue both the first and latter raine Ioel 2. 23. so it is necessary that Apostles other succeeding Ministers should water that which Paul and the other Apostles had planted 1. Cor. 3. 6. And like as after the house is builded it must be continually repaired lest through the idlenesse of the hands the house drop through Eccl. 10. 18. so after the foundation laid and building finished by Christ and his Apostles the chiefe builders others must be raised vp to repaire the ruines of Gods house 4. Therefore as Saint Paul saith Christ gaue some to be Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the saints the work of the ministery the edificatiō of the body of Christ Eph. 4. 11. So that al these offices are necessary Prophets to assist Apostles and Euangelists to second Prophets Pastors and teachers to succeed Euangelists that all the Saints in all ages may be gathered together and the whole body of Christ edified 5. How much then are we to giue thankes vnto God for this his prouident care ouer his church neuer leauing the same destitute of his word which we see to the praise of God this day for God hath furnished this Church of England with such abundance of learned pastors as I thinke few churches in the world may compare with it So that as Elias ascending left his spirit doubled vpon Elisha as Ambrose well noteth O haereditas preciosa in qua plus haeredi relinquitur quàm habetur mirum in modum plus Helias gratiae dimisit in terris quam secum portauit ad coelos A precious inheritance wherein more is left to the heire then was first had Elias leaueth more grace in earth then he caried to heauen so I doubt not but many faithfull seruants of God departed this life haue transmitted their spirit and giftes double vpon their posteritie Seeing Christ then hath such care to instruct his flocke as he hath declared his word so doth yet and will further declare let no man despise this so great riches but profit more and more by the ministerie of the word that the oftener it is declared the greater may be our increase in faith that as Gods graces are doubled vpon our teachers so they may be multiplied also vpon the hearers That the loue wherewith thou hast loued them may be in them that is they may haue a liuely sense feeling of the loue of God that as they abound in knowledge so they may also be quickned in the liuely feeling and apprehension of it 1. This is that which the Apostle saith That ye may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth length depth and height and to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge Ephes. 3. 18. 19. 2 Such sense of the loue of Christ the Apostle Paul had who thus in particular professeth of himselfe Christ loued me and gaue himselfe for me Gal. 2. 20. Thus also the prophet Dauid spake from his inward feeling of Gods goodnesse toward him how deare are thy thoghts toward me ô God how great is the sum of them Psal. 132. 17. 3. Like as Iob saith I haue heard of thee by the hearing of the eare but now mine eye seeth thee Iob 42. 5. so they which haue only a speculatiue knowledge of God do heare as with the eare but they that haue an inward feeling and experience of his loue do see him with the eye this the prophet Dauid calleth the tast of the soule Tast ye and see how gracious the Lord is Psa. 34 8. Like as Manna though pleasant to the sight yet was more pleasant to the tast so is the mercie and loue of God more ioyous felt and comprehended then vnderstood onely and apprehended 4 For we are commanded to loue God with all the heart soule and mind Mat. 22. 37. God must not only haue our mind and vnderstanding but our heart and affectiō we do not otherwise honour God with all our strength 5 Hence then we are taught a most nenessarie point of Christian doctrine that we should labour
reason of Christs petition for vnitie taken from the very fountaine and originall thereof namely their election and fore-ordaining vnto glorie for this cause they are glorified in Christ that they might expresse and shew forth this godly vnion and spirituall coniunction Hence then we learne that such as are ordained vnto life and euerlasting glorie are prepared of God vnto good workes first and to the seruice of loue in this life before they shall be admitted to the next 1. So the Apostle saith As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue Ephes. 1. 4. And againe Ye are his workmanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them Ephes. 2. 10. Then both good works were ordained for the elect and the elect ordained to walke in good workes 3. The holy Apostle thus testifieth of himselfe Who shall deliuer me from euery euill worke and preserue me to his heauenly kingdome 2. Tim. 4. 18. He assureth himself that God will giue him grace to abstaine from euill workes seeing he had ordained him for his kingdome Christ concludeth Zacheus to be the sonne of Abraham and child of saluation because he had expressed liuely fruites thereof in his large restitution and bountifull charitie Luke 19. 8. 3. Like as Dauid being deputed and appointed to the kingdom of Israell doth in the meane time prepare and addresse himselfe to walke vprightly as he saith I will do wisely in the perfect way til thou commest vnto me Pfal 101. 2. so all they which are ordained to Christs euerlasting kingdome should walke in Dauids steps As the bride prepareth and trimmeth her self for her husband though alreadie espoused so the elected alreadie by Gods gracious electiō espoused vnto him in Christ must adorne and trim themselues by holinesse and vertue that they may be readie to solemnize the euerlasting mariage feast in heauen 4. For they must first shew themselues faithful in litle whom the Lord should afterward make rulers of much Mat. 25. 23. They must first shew their faithfulnesse in seeking Gods glorie in earth before they can receiue glorie from God in heauen 5. First then seeing glorie is first giuen and decreed to the elect then followeth their godly vnitie and fruitfull loue and the first is bestowed that the second may follow not this first foreseene that the other might be decreed We see that election is not grounded vpon the foresight of mens workes but these are fruites and effects of eiection not causes and beginners of it as the Apostle sheweth That the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth Rom. 9. 11. Secondly we haue here a certaine rule giuen vs whereby we may discerne our election namely by the fruitfull works of vnitie and charity which are as seales and pledges of that glorie which is decreed to be giuen vs in Christ. Thus S. Peter exhorteth Wherefore brethren giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure for if ye do those things ye shall neuer fall 2. Pet. 1. 10. And S. Iohn saith We know we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren 1. Ioh. 3. 14. There are two bookes whereby euery man shall be iudged the booke of life and the book of euery mans conscience as S. Iohn testifieth The bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the booke of life Reu. 20. 12. The booke of the conscience is a true copie of the booke of life here a man shall find how it is written there The record of a mans conscience is a certaine and infallible euidence of the record in heauen Thus S. Paul found written in the booke of his conscience that because he had fought a good fight kept the faith he doubted not but that a crowne of righteousnes was laid vp for him 2. Tim. 4. 8. Wherefore by the workes of grace let vs striue to be assured of glorie let vs now ●ay as the Church fertilitatis suae conscia ●eni frater exeamus in agrum Thus the Church knowing her selfe to be fruitfull ●s Ambrose well applieth that place saith ●o Christ Come let vs go forth into the field my brother Cantic 7. 11. We must now bring Christ into our field to shew him our fruites that he may afterwards bring vs into his barnes to enioy his glorie Verse 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one A third reason is here contained of Christs petition for vnitie in his members namely from the adiunct of perfection they cannot be made perfect without it neither can any man be a compleat Christian and true member of Christ vnlesse there be a coniunction also with Christs bodie So that to this perfection there are three degrees of vnion expressed the first of Christ the Mediator with God his Father Thou in me the second of Christ with his Church I in them the third of the members among themselues That they may be perfit in one 1 Here then where Christ saith I in thē we are taught that there is no true peace concord or vnion but in Christ. So our Sauiour saith That in me ye might haue peace Ioh. 16. 23. and the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 following the truth in loue there is no sound and true loue but in the truth 2 Dauid fretted in himselfe and was disquieted he could find no rest nor peace till he went into the Sanctuarie of God Psal. 73. 17. Thus Saint Paule sheweth that while he was vnder the law he found nothing but death and condemnation But I died and the same commaundement which was ordained vnto life was found to be vnto me to death Rom. 7. 10. But after he was come to Christ then he found that there was no condemnation to them that were in Christ Iesus Rom. 8. 1. It did not helpe the Apostle that he was a Pharise a circumcised Hebrew Philip. 3. 5. confederate with the high Priest Act. 10. 1. all this he counted as doung in respect of the knowledge of Christ. 3 The peace friendship and confederacie of men is like the tempering of iron and clay together that will not be ioyned Dan. 2. 43. And like as when a man leaneth vpon a broken staffe the shiuers thereof will runne into his hand 2. King 18. 21. such is the peace and loue of the world it in the end turneth to hatred Such was the friendship betweene Abimelech and the Sichemites a fire went out from the one and cōsumed the other Iud. 9. 20. 4 For peace is one of the fruites of the spirit Gal. 5. 22. therefore as a man cannot gather grapes of thornes nor figges of thistles so neither is true peace to be expected in the world without Christ. 5 First then all externall peace which is not combined and knit together by