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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69269 The speech of the Lord Chancellor of England, in the Eschequer Chamber, touching the post-nati Egerton, Thomas, Sir, 1540?-1617. 1609 (1609) STC 7540.5; ESTC S100270 40,281 132

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THE SPEECH OF THE LORD CHANCELLOR OF England in the Eschequer Chamber touching the Post-nati LONDON Printed for the Societie of Stationers An. 1609. The Printer to the curteous Reader THrough great haste the common Spoiler of most serious Labours Hillary Terme being halfe spent ere this Booke could come forth the word Non in the 45. page and 15. line of all the Bookes of the first Impression was left out which altered the Sentence to a cleane contrary Sence Therefore in those first imprinted Bookes for Quod lego non credo reade quod non lego non credo according to the correction of that place in these Bookes of the second Impression ❧ To the louing Readers BEfore I presumed to speake in the Eschequer Chamber in R. C. Case which is now commonly called the Case of Post-nati I considered mine age and infirmities and how long I had discontinued from such Legall Exercises I might hereupon haue iustly challenged the priuiledge of silence But greater and weightier Reasons ouer-ruled mee and enforced mee to waiue the benefit of that priuiledge For looking into the nature of the Question then in hand and examining the Circumstaunces I found the Case to bee rare and the Matter of great import and consequence as being a speciall and principall part of the blessed and happy Vnion of great Britaine I heard many learned and iudicious Arguments made by the reuerend Iudges and finding that they did not all concurre in Opinion though the number was indeede so few of them that differed that in Greeke it woulde not make a plurall number and that some things were by them omitted which seemed to mee to be both pertinent to the Matter and necessary to bee knowne and more proper and fit to bee spoken by me respecting the place I hould than by them that did wholy binde themselues to the forme and rule of legall Argument and Discourse I thought that I coulde not in duetie sit as a dumbe and idle Hearer onelie The Cause being iudicially depending in the high Court of Chancerie where I was to iudge of it according to Lawe following the rule of mine owne Conscience and the measure of mine owne vnderstanding and not to bee swayed vvith the vveight of other mens opinions I considered also that althogh Silentij tutum proemium is often true in humane policie yet sometime there is Crimen Reticentiae and therefore the Prophet said Vae mihi quia tacui And Chrysostome obserueth that Tribus modis in veritatem peccatur 1. Veritatem prae timore tacendo 2. Veritatem in mendatium Commutando 3. Veritatem non defendendo Remembring this my Conscience tould me that howsoe●●● Silence might in this Case ●●●e excused mee of the second but I could not haue escaped by ●●●ence from offending in the first last And if Festus thoght it not reason to send a prisoner without shewing the Causes which were layed against him I might haue beene worthily ●ustly censured if vpon other mens arguments and as it vvere ●…implicita I should haue pronounced my iudgement and sentence in so great a Cause without declaring the grounds ●●d reasons vvhereupon I stood ●●us Duetie and Necessitie ●●r ratio sapienti necessitas were the causes that induced mee to speake in this rare and weightie cause and the force of truth moued mee to speake that which I did speake without respect of pleasing or displeasing any And so hauing the warrant of a sincere conscience which is truly said to be veluti Comes Testis I●dex actionum I haue in the Chancerie iudged and decreed the Case for R. C. And the like Iudgement is also giuen by the Iudges of the Kings Bench in the Assise depending in that Court The decree and iudgement being thus passed diuerse vnperfect Reports and seuerall patches and pieces of my Speech haue bin put in writing dispersed into many hands and some offred to the Presse The Kings M ie hauing knowledge thereof misliked it thereupon cōmanded me to deliuer to him in writing the whole discourse of that which I said in that Cause Thus I was put to an vnexpected new labour to reuiew my scribled brokē papers Out of which according to the charge imposed vpon me I gathered all which I had before spoken so set it downe faithfully plainly and as neare as I could in the same words I vttered it it pleased his sacred M ie to take some view of it taking occasion thereby to remember the diligence of the L. chiefe Iustice of the common place for the summary report he had published of the Iudges Arguments he gaue mee in charge to cause this to be likevvise put in Print to preuent the Printing of such mistaken and vnperfect reports of it as vvere alreadie scattered abroad Whatsoeuer it is it vvas first conceiued spokē out of conscience duty and is now published in humble obedience to my most gracious Soueraigne And so I offer and commend it to your good acceptance and fauourable interpretation T. Ellesmere Canc. ❧ Post-nati MY Lords mine age mine infirmitie and indisposition of health my decaie and weakenesse of memorie and Desuetudo and long discontinuance from this maner of Legall exercise aboue foureteene yeeres haue bereaued mee of the meanes and helpes that should inhable me to speake in so great a Case I feare therefore that it will be deemed presumption if not worse that I aduenture to speake heerein at all specially after so many learned and iudicious Arguments of so many graue learned and reuerend Iudges To say the same that hath beene saied must needes be vnpleasaunt wearisome and loathsome to the hearers and not to say the same is to speake little to the purpose for what more can bee saied than hath beene Yet for that the Case is depending in Chancerie and adiourned hither for difficultie in Law there I must giue iudgement according to the Law Whether the Complainant bee inhabled by Lawe to maintaine his suit in that Court or not I holde it more fitting to deliuer the reasons of my iudgement heere where others haue beene heard than there before a few which haue not heard that which hath beene so learnedly argued and largely debated heere And therefore the Case standing thus I will speake what I thinke And I must say as one of the graue Iudges saied I can tell no newes But some old things which I haue read and obserued I will remember but I can not diuine or prophesie de futuris I leaue that as Iustice Yeluerton did I am free and at libertie Nullius addictus iurare in verba Magistri and therefore I will speake ingenuously and freely In the arguing of this Case some things which are of great weight with mee haue in mine opinion beene passed ouer too lightly and some other thinges which seeme to me but light haue beene ouerweighed as I thinke Halfe an howers time longer or shorter I meane not to striue for and