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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19252 Worke, more vvorke, and a little more work for a masse-priest Reviewed and augmented by the authour. VVith an epistle of an vnknowne priest remaining in London, sent to the authour, excepting against fiue points therein. With the authours answere thereunto: returned vnto the priest within twelue dayes after the receipt of the priests exceptions. ...; More worke for a Mase-priest Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632.; Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. Worke for a Masse-priest.; Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632. Yet more worke for a masse-priest. 1628 (1628) STC 5665; ESTC S117166 110,840 166

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vnderstand by it nothing but the shaven-flocke was there not reason that he should avoid that word and vse another equivalent to it By Scripture any man professing Christian Religion may be accounted Religious And why then doe you Papists appropriate the name Religious to your votaries onely Why are not you ashamed to say Per summum abusum quilibet Christianus dicitur Religiosus It is a great abuse to call every Christian by the name Religious Seeing the word spirituall is given in Scripture to all who haue the Spirit of God as namely 1 Cor. 15. 3. 1. why haue you popish Priests appropriated that vnto your selues Why should you onely and not the rest of Gods people be called spirituall men Seeing Lands and Living are expressely called by the Apostle carnall things as namely 1 Cor. 9. 11. Rom. 15. 17. How comes it to passe that the Lands and Livings belonging to Monkes and Friers are ordinarily called spirituall things You haue a new Gamester who hath lately set vs out a z diminitiue book with this inscription The Gagge of the new Gospell containing a briefe abridgement of the errours of the Protestants of our times with their refutation by expresse texts of their owne English Bible with this Motto subscribed By thine owne mouth I iudge thee noughty servant Luke 19. 22. Now the first errour where withall this youth chargeth vs is That we maintaine the Scriptures are easie to be vnderstood And yet hee himselfe in his preface to the Catholike Reader would make his Reader beleeue That our condemnation i● so expressely set downe in our owne Bibles and is so cleare to all the world that nothing more needes thereto but onely that he know to reade and to haue his eyes in his head at the opening of our Bible Which argues plainly that even in his opinion The Scriptures are easie to be vnderstood otherwise besides knowledge to reade and the having of his eyes in his head when he readeth it were requisite he should haue his wits about him And may I not therefore say to him Thou art in excusable ê m●n whosoever thou art that iudgest for in that thou iudgest another thou iudgest thy selfe for thou that iudgest doest the same things Let him cleare himselfe or rather confesse his foolerie in this and ere long I will doe him the favour to set before his eyes his fopperie in the rest FINIS Here followeth the Letter of an vnknowne Priest remaining in London sent to the Authour excepting against fiue points in this booke To Mr. Alexander Cooke at Leeds in York-shire MAster COOKE with the like desire of your spirituall good as of mine owne I addresse this briefe letter vnto you in stead of larger answere to your booke now twice augmented which in the first Impression you call Worke for a Masse-priest in the second More Worke for a Masse-priest and in the third Yet more Worke for a Masse-priest All which sheweth your zeale against the Romane Church against the Sacrifice of Masse and all the Romane Catholicke religion but neither disproueth the same which you so hate nor proveth your contrary opinions to bee grounded in truth Neither doe you herein obserue any forme or good method of doctrine whereby to discusse which is the true Church of Christ what assurance of truth it hath nor how necessarie it is that every one which desireth to bee saved must bee a living member thereof and therefore no marvell that no Catholike hath hitherto bestowed labour and cost to answere in print your confused triviall obiections Which of how little importance they are and vpon how silly surmises you impute errours to the Catholike Religion may sufficiently be conceived by examination of a few of them For example all proceeding from one spirit See then deare Sir your faults committed in your first obiections and so I shall suppose you will be as loath to haue the rest discussed as I hold it superfluous to proceede further in confuting them First our noble King reporteth say you that his mother sent word to the Archbishop who did baptize him to forbeare to vse spittle in his baptisme for she would not haue a pockie Priest to spit in her childes mouth Marke I pray you foure manifest vntruths in these words For His Maiestie could not at the time of his baptisme know what message his mother sent to any man but onely hath heard since what some other hath reported therefore it is a manifest vntruth to say His Maiestie reporteth that which he cannot and therefore doth not report Secondly it is incredible that the Catholicke Queene would forbid the ceremonie of spittle which holy Church vseth Thirdly it is doubtlesse a wicked lie to say that she called the Archbishop a pockie Priest Fourthly she could not say and consequently would not say that the Priest spitteth into the childes mouth For the spittle is not spit into the childs mouth but is gently put to his mouth with the Priests finger which ceremonie holy Church vseth amongst others by imitation of Christs example putting spittle and dust vpon a blind mans eyes and putting his finger into the eares and touching the tongue of a deafe and dumbe man whom hee cured To these foure you adde three more vntruths in your first obiection against the worthy Cardinall Bellarmine first you vntruly translate his wordes where hee saith Non est verum eâ ceremoniâ salivam Presbyteri in os infantuli inspui which words in true English are these It is not true that by that ceremonie the Priests spittle is spit into the childes mouth for which you would make him to say thus It is not true that the Priests spittle vsed in Baptisme is put into the childes mouth Secondly you vntruly charge him to denie that spittle is put into a childes mouth for he denieth it not to be put but to be spit into the mouth of the baptized Thirdly you vntruly conclude that the Cardinall calleth his Maiesties report into question which he doth not but their report that told his Maiestie so incredible a thing In your next obiection you vntruly charge the same renowned Cardinall Bellarmine to contradict both our noble King and Pope Pius Quintus For neither doth hee name our King in those words which●your selfe here cite saying onely in generall Non est verum nomen Cardinalis ademptum alijs solis Romanis reservatum It is not true that the name of Cardinall is taken from others and reserved onely to Romanes Neither doth he contradict the Popes decree the tenure whereof declareth that the eminent and proper title of Cardinall belongeth to the onely Cardinalls Colledge of Rome and not to any other Church Neverthelesse the name Cardinall in a lesse dignitie and lesse autoritie is given to other Ecclesiasticall persons in the Church of Toledo whose Archbishop also the Archbishop of Compostella are ordinarily Cardinalls of Rome In your third obiection you charge the same
gracious Cardinall with a lie for saying Nefas est apud Protestantes quenquam creari Episcopum nisi vnius saltem vxoris virum which hee reporteth as their generall practise according to their common doctrine not allowing the vow and obligation of single life And albeit some of your Bishops doe not marrie yet they doe not binde themselues from marrying And the farre greater part haue taken wiues the rest hold it vnlawfull to vow perpetuall chastitie In your fourth you charge all Catholickes with vntruth for saying that all the Apostles were continent from their wiues after they followed Christ which is clearely gathered by our Saviours wordes naming wiues amongst other things which his Apostles had left for his sake Against which cleare testimonie you oppose improbabilitie as you imagine that Saint Peters daughter could not bee beautifull at the age of sixty eight yeares to wit in the ninety eight yeare of Christ. But perhaps there is an errour in the number and for ninety eight should haue beene written the sixty eighth yeare of our Lord and then shee was but thirie eight yeares of age Also she might be faire and beautifull at sixty eight yeares of age which is more reasonable to be supposed then to denie the plaine assertion of the Gospell that the Apostles left all things for Christs service and namely their wiues By the way also obserue that Saint Peters daughter dwelt died in Rome where Count Flaccus a Roman desired to marry her which is a signe of Saint Peters residing there sometimes besides many more euident proofes and monuments testifying the same In your fifth obiection you would proue that all notable Bishops did not liue continent from their wiues whom they had married before Priesthood by the words of Saint Gregorie Nazianzen bringing in his father in a verse saying thus vnto him Nondum tot anni sunt tui quotiam in sacris mihi peracti sunt victimis Thou hast not yet so many yeares as are passed with me in holy sacrifices Which must either bee vnderstood in some other sense then of the yeares of Saint Gregories age or else it should be contrary to his cleare affirmation saying in his funerall oration that himselfe was borne before his father was either Priest or baptized And so being reasonable to interprete his verse by his proofe this instance will not serue your turne But it sheweth evidently that his father was a sacrificing Priest And such are Masse-priests whom you so contemne because we offer the holie sacrifice of Masse And this may suffice to shew by example of your fiue first obiections how feeble and frivolous the rest also are And therefore Masse priests are imployed in better workes then to lose good time in answering your idle questions And your selfe may be better occupied in seeking the true Church and the infallible authoritie thereof and so returning into the same may saue your soule which I wish you to doe with all my hears From London this Feast of Corpus Christi 1623. Yours to serue you in Iesus Christ Th. Bl. a Masse-priest Now come wee to the answere of the said letter returned vnto the Priest within twelue dayes after the receipt thereof SIR Masse-priest I received the letter which you as you phrase it addressed vnto mee in stead o● larger answere vnto a booke of mine intitled Yet more Worke for a Masse-priest In which letter you taxe me in generall with confusion of matter with want of forme and good Method with proposing feeble and frivolous and triviall obiections and idle questions with imputing errours to your Catholike Religion vpon silly surmises with failing in proofe of my owne opinions and disprooving yours All which I passe over as words of Course holding opinion That generall and naked accusations of adversaries deserue not so much as generall and naked denialls the rather for that you show a great deale of simplicitie and ignorance in the particulars wherein you vndertake to let me see my faults committed for I take it no breach of charitie to thinke that he hath nothing to say for proofe of his generall assertions who saith nothing to purpose for proofe o● his speciall Now that you haue nothing to say to purpose for proofe of your speciall accusations against mee I doubt not to make it plaine to your owne selfe though forestalled with preiudice For thus at the first rush you bring me in saying Our Noble King reports that his mother sent word to the Archbishop who did baptize him to forbeare to vse spittle in his Baptisme for she would not haue a pockie Priest to spit in her childes mouth And presently you crie Marke I pray you foure mainfest vntruthes in these wordes yet the proofes you make thereof are ridiculous for in way of proving the first thus you argue His Maiestie could not at the time of his Baptisme know what Message his Mother sent to any man but onely hath heard since what some other hath reported Therefore it is a manifest vntruth to say His Maiestie reporteth His mother sent word to the Archbishop c. Which Argument of yours is brainelesse for it presupposeth that no man can report any thing from the report of another No man can report any thing which was done about the time of his Birth and Baptisme much lesse before he was baptized and borne If this Argument of yours bee good I cannot report what lascivious talke passed betweene an English woman and Aeneas Sylvius who not long after was poped and called by the name of Pius 2. in an Inne at Strawsburgh where they casually met I cannot report how he wished her when shee went to bed to leaue her chamber doore vnbolted promising hee would come and lie with her as indeede he did she proving with childe vpon that nights meeting I cannot report that this Aeneas Sylvius committed the bringing vp of that child thus begotten to his father wondring that his father was not glad that by it though got in whoring he was made a grandfather for at the time of my Baptisme I knew no more of this then his Maiestie at the time of his Baptisme knew what Message his Mother sent to any man Only I haue heard since what some other or rather what Aeneas Sylvius himselfe hath written hereof At the time of my Baptisme I knew not that any man had written Qui sunt Romae et prope loca in quibus habentur magnae Indulgentiae vbi sunt mag●●a peregrinagia quia prope remedia habent communiter sunt pessimi That they who dwell at Rome and neere vnto such places where large Indulgences are granted whereunto there is greatest resort of Pilgrims are commonly the worst people because they haue so present remedies I knew not at the time of my Baptisme that any man had written Quàm periculosum Principi habere Consiliarios Papisticos It is very dangerous for Princes to haue popish Counsellours I knew not then that any