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A18910 A briefe of the Bible drawne first into English poësy, and then illustrated by apte annotations: togither vvith some other necessary appendices. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1596 (1596) STC 5332; ESTC S108001 105,612 254

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A BRIEFE OF THE BIBLE DRAWNE FIRST into English Poësy and then illustrated by apte Annotations togither vvith some other necessary Appendices By HENOCH CLAPHAM ¶ PRINTED BY Robert Walde-graue Printer to the Kings Maiestie 1596. Cum Priuilegio Regio TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL MASTER THOMAS MY-LOT Esquier encrease of all true happines in Iesus Annointed FInding right Woorshipful so great vtterance of your Christian affecttō immediatly after the spirituall exercises I kept at CHESTER in the STREET I could not but now in dedicatiō of Loue-memorials signifie my duetifull thankfulnes towards you not onely amidst but that more is in the forefront of my Friendes Accept therefore I pray you not a handfull of the Persians vvater offered to an vncircumcised Kesar but a handfull of the vvater of Life offred by the Lord his poor servant vnto an open professed Christian. A vvise Lapidarie chooseth not stones so much for outward quantitie as inherent qualitie nor I hope vvill you so much measure my guift with the bodily eye as by the Line of the Mind or spirituall eye whereupon setting downe my wrest I here rest Beseeching the Lord in all goodnes to be vvith you and yours for ever Amen EDINBVRGH 1596. Your poore vnworthie Kinsman HENOCH CLAPHAM TO ALL YOVNG ones in Christs Schoole increase of knowledge and sanctification be multiplied daily from aboue Amen I Haue heere for thy vse drawn a Summe of the Sacred-writ vsually caled BIBLE from the greek word that in English is BOOKE because it is the Book of al books with which Book other books compared they are but blots of mans braine whereas this is the Sacred-writ and wisedome of ELOHIM or of that ONE ESSENCE IN TRINITIE That Holy-booke before the Incarnation of the PROMISED SEED was divided into Lavve and Prophets but since the CHRIST assumed our nature in the same ascended to the right hand of Majestie from whence HE sent downe the HOLY-GHOST to fill all thinges especially the hearts of his APOSTLES for speaking penning the minde of IESVS after that time I say The Book of God was divided into PROPHETS and APOSTLES Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe Corner-stone Ephes. 2. 20. The whole then consisteth in these Books These are called the fiue Bookes of Moses or of the Lawe 1 Genesis 2 Exodus 3 Leviticus 4 Nombers 5 Deuteronomie 6 Iob which for order of time might be placed next Genesis but here for order of Books 7 Ioshua 8 Iudges 9 Ruth 10 Sam. 1. 11 Sam. 2. 12 Kings 1. 13 Kings 2. 14 Ch●on 1. 15 Chron. 2. 16 Ezra 17 Nehemiah 18 Hester 19 Psalmes 20 Proverbs 21 Ecclesiastes 22 Song of Songs These be called the 4. great Prophets 23 Isaiah 24 Icremiah 25 Ezechiel 26 Daniel These 12. bee called the small Prophets 27 Hoshea 28 Ioel. 29 Amos. 30 Obadiah 31 Ionah 32 Micah 33 Nahum 34 Habakkuk 35 Zephaniah 36 Haggai 37 Zechariah 38 Malachi The last Prophet of the olde Testament and the last book of the OLD COVENANT Betweene this Malachi and the NEVVE TESTAMENT haue too inconsideratlie bene inserted certaine PRIVATE writings called Apocrypha an Humaine Breath betwixt the Lips of the two Testamentes Malachi in English Messenger or Angel prophecieth plainly Chap. 3. 1. and 4. 5. that IEHOVAH will sende vnto the Iewes a Messenger even Elijah to prepare the way before the MESSENGER OF COVENANT viz. CHRIST These speaches of Malachi or last ANGEL of the old Covenant are the very Face of the Newe Testament or Covenant made for Many Matthew he reporteth the ANGEL from Heauen Chapter 1. 20. bringing newes of IESVS and Chap. 2. 1. The Messenger of Covenant is borne and Chap. 3. IOHN BAPTIST the PREPARER of Christ his way is introduced in that worke Mark beginneth with the same and Luke Chap. 1. bringeth in the ANGEL publishing the birth of the Messenger appointed to prepare the waye as also proclaiming the birth of the ANGEL of the NEVVE COVENANT for whome he was to prepare the waye calling this IOHN ELIAS because hee goeth before Christ in the SPIRIT and POVVER of ELIAS or Eliiah The Evangelist Iohn in his 1. Chapter bringeth in the saving LIGHT Iesus and the MAN SENT from GOD viz. Iohn Thus the last BREATH of the olde Testament in Malachi the first BREATH of the Newe Testament in the mouthes of the EVANGELISTS is all ONE BREATH CANONICALL from Heaven They looke not with Ianus into two contrary Coastes but Hand in hand they joyne kissing each other and both of them looking into the EAST from whence the Glorious DAY-STAR did visit the Earth Who nowe dare hinder their lips from meeting by inserting Vn-canonicall writs a Darke-Cloude and Private if not a stinking Breath The Iews that kept the Canon received them not As also they were not written in Hebers sacred tongue a sufficient Brand that they were no Orackles from IEHOVAH to Hebers People Leaping thē over them Logs we come vnto the Newe Testament whose Books be these 1 Matthewe 2 Mark 3 Luke 4 Iohn 5 Acts of the Apostles 6 Paul his Epistle to the Romanes 7 Corinthians 1. 8 Corinthians 2. 9 Galatians 10 Ephesians 11 Philippians 12 Colossiaus 13 Thessalonians 1. 14 Thessalonians 2. 15 Timothie 1. 16 Timothie 2. 17 Titus 18 Philemon 19 The Authour to the Hebrewes 20 The Epistle of Iames. 21 Of Peter 1. 22 Of Peter 2. 23 Of Iohn 1. 24 Of Iohn 2. 25 Of Iohn 3. 26 Iude. 27 Revel Exercise thy selfe in pervsing the Bible the whole of al these several writs and thereby thou shalt easilie God his Spirite assisting thee discerne the true Christ from False the True Church from the False True writ from False and so consequently all holy Trueth from Falshood And for helping thy weake Memorie as also for giuing a taste of that large Truth in short speach I haue throgh God his helpe manifested my poore power but riche good-will in this little booke First I haue in English Poësie drawn according to an ancient staffe delivered summarily the hystorie of the olde and newe Testament Secondly vpon the most difficult points of the Poësie I haue dilated by way of Illustration not only for the fulfilling of the hystorie but also for discussing sometimes some necessarie question as also annexed hereto such certaine computation of time for speciall joynts of the Story as whereby the spirituall minded may something bee furthered to deeper points contemplatiue As thou shalt receiue any good hereby so I pray thee be thankful vnto God therfore quickly thou shalt finde his hand vpon thee to every good work The Lord be with thy spirit Amen Dedicate to shewe all duetie chiefly to England H. C. A BRIEFE OF THE BIBLE WITH NECESSARY Annotations vpon the most materiall pointes in the Poësie 1. Staffe VVHen Elohim a El b Shaddaj c Iehovah d Iah d Ehjesh that is GOD e in Persons Three But e Essence One On whome all things do stay Cause of all Causes and Sufficiencie when f HE
he was but of Iudah shall bring vs if so we will studie to enter into that rest Without studying and striving it will not be for the Gate is straight and the way narrowe that leadeth vnto Life and fewe there be that finde it Mat. 7. 14. b Ioshuah hauing seated the Tribes in their seuerall Lots as God had appointed onely Levies Tribe had no such Lot for the Lord was his special portion and the other Brethren were to paye vnto them Tenths Reuben Gad and the halfe Tribe of Manass●h Then returne vnto their Lot which fell out on the other side Iordan They as wee must sought no Rest to themselues till they see Rest for the Body of Israel c Ioshuah readie to set foot in the Graue calleth before him the Elders of the People rehearsing before them the wonderfull mercies of God received for the which they were all neerely tyed vnto IEHOVAH But in the end he concludeth howsoever others were resolved yet Hee togither with his Houshold would serue the Lord. Soone after he died being 110. yeares olde having ruled 17. yeares and about 50. yeares after their comming from Aegypt So endeth the book of Ioshuah the World then aged 2570. yeares Here beginneth the Booke of IVDGES Ioshuah dead the People consult with God for the succession in Government The Lord appointeth the Tribe of Iudah Of Iudah Othoniel was chosen Iudge who oversawe them for 40. yeares To him succeedeth Ehud of Ben-iamins Tribe who was not I think lame but left handed Iudg. 3. 15. compared with Verse 21. and therefore exercised that hand as most ready to drawe his dagger forth Hee slewe Eglon Israels Oppressour for 18. yeares From Othoniels death to the end of his Iudge-ship are 80. yeares Heere Shamgar slewe 600. Philistims with an Oxe-goade and so helped Israel But after Ehud his death Israel forgetteth God their deliverer for which IEHOVAH giueth them into the hand of Iabin a Cananitish King whose chiefe Captaine was Sisera a Gentile He had 900. Chariots of Iron and twentie yeares he vexed Israel But Israel crying vnto IEHOVAH hee raised vp in Israel the woman Deborah an excellent Prophetesse who stirreth vp Barak of Naphtali to take 1000. men of Naphtali and Zebulon for rescuing Israel out of the hands of Sisera Iabins Captaine The Prophetesse goeth vp with Barak and they ioyne with Siseraes hudge Armie by the waters of Megiddo Siseraes Armie is discomfited himselfe finding a paire of feete better than two paire of handes Comming wearie into Iaels Tent he sleeping she knocketh a nayle into his Temples and and so brought Barak pursuing to the spectacle So had Israel much rest for 40. years not for 40 years after this Triumph but accompting 40. years from Ehud vnto Gideon next Israelitish Iudge After Deborahs victorie the Lord because of Sinne gaue Israel into the hands of Midian for whose deliverance Gedeon of Manasseh called also Ierub-baal was stirred vp who Iudged his People 40. yeares To him succeedeth Abimilech Ierubbaals yong sonne hauing first murdered his brethren and hee raigned 3. yeares After him Tola of the Tribe of Issachar helped his people 23. yeares Next Iair of Manasseh for 22. yeares Then Iephte Spurius of Manasseh for 6. yeares After him arose Ibsan of Bethlehem-Iudah Iudged 7. yeares To him succeeded Elon of Zabulons Tribe hee had 40. sonnes and thirtie Nephewes that rode on 70. Asse-coltes He iudged 10. yeares Then next Abdon of Ephraim for 8 yeares In his nect followed Sampson of kicking Dans Tribe He for 20 yeares was a strong plaguer of the vncircumcised Philistims slaying more in his Death than in his Life A Nazarite hee was and a figure of our Nazaret Annointed who by his death on the Cros●e overcame Death and destroyed all power infernall to the Faithfull After Sampson arose Eli of the Tribe of Levi and of the Familie of Ithamar the 4. Sonne of Aaron for Aaron had Nadab and Abihu slaine of God in the Wildernes for offering with straunge fire as also he had Eleazar and Ithamar for sonns This Eli became as Priest so Iudge to his people for 40. yeares And heere examining the time of Iudges durance the Booke of Iudges will end within whose times falleth the Story of Ruth the Moabitish Gentile married to Boaz great Grandfather to David The Moabites came from LOT his incestuous sonne Moab 1 Othoniel raigned 4. years 2 Ehud his end of Iudgship after Othoniel 80. yeares 3 From thence to Gedeon 40. yeares 4 Gedeon 40. yeares 5 Abimelech 3. yeares 6 Tol● 23. yeares 7 Iair 22. yeares 8 Iephte 6. yeares 9 Ibsan 7. yeares 10 Elon 10. yeares 11 Sampson 20. y. 12 Eli 40. yeares The yeares of the 12. Israelitish Iudges in one summe are 339. yeares Obiect But holy Paul preaching at Antioch and making rehearsal of the sacred Story he there saith that the Lord gaue vnto Israel Iudges about 450. years Act. 13. 20. so that by the former number 339. Paul should over-compt one hundred and eleuen yeares Ans. Manie and not vnlearned haue either here affirmed the text corrupted or else they haue not begunne the number of Iudges from Ioshuahs last but they haue runne backe beyond Ioshuah beyond Moses beyond Iaacob even to Isaac But if they marke Paul there they shall easilie see that he bringeth in the accompt of Iudges from the time that Israel had full possession of their Lots In a word to resolue the doubt Paul hath an eye not onely to these 12. Iudges sprong out of Israel but also to the vncircumcised Rulers that oppressed them and into whose handes the Lord gaue them because of their sinnes for who knoweth not that if the Lord gaue his people into the hands of the Vncircumcsed and so it is oft said in the book of Iudges then it was God that se● the Rulers ouer them Let vs number the yeares of the Oppressours 1 Chusan 8. yeares 2 Eglon 18. yeares 3 Sisera 20. yeares 4 Midian 7. yeares 5 Ammon 18. yeares 6 Philistims 40. yeares These halfe 12. being Oppressors do so make 111. yeares Which one hundred eleuen put vnto three hundred thirtie nyne doeth giue vp holy Pauls number of 450. Neither are these 111. yeares falling Alone or successiuely to the Iudges but Togither or intermixtly with them And therefore that 339. yeares are in mixture or confusion 450 yeares mystically reproouing the peoples ' confused manners Let vs now number from Israels Exit from Aegypt hitherto The whole 396. Moses governed 40. yeares Ioshuah 17. yeares The Iudgships orderly time 339. yeares Nowe followe the Books of SAMVEL Eli last Iudge of that Number being now Priest in Israel vnto him and for the service of the Lord Hannah the wife of Elkanah brought her young sonne Samuel to which Samuel the mightie God appeared declaring to him the destruction of Eli and his house because hee stayed not his sonnes Hophni and Phineas from prophaning the holy things Warres being then with the Philistims Israel went out