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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07874 A commentarie vpon the booke of the Prouerbes of Salomon Published for the edification of the Church of God. Moffett, Peter, d. 1617. 1592 (1592) STC 18245; ESTC S112974 222,472 348

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A COMMENTARIE VPON THE BOOKE OF THE PROVERBES OF SALOMON Published for the edification of the Church of God The words of the wise are as goads and as nailes fastened they are the chiefe of choise deliuered by one shepheard Ecclesiastes 12.13 DEVS IMPERAT ASTRIS AT LONDON Printed by Richard Field for Robert Dexter dwelling in Pauls church-yard at the signe of the Brasen serpent 1592. TO THE RIGHT NOBLE LORD THE LORD EDWARD EARLE of Bedford grace mercie and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ AMONG sundrie meanes and helps of furthering of the Gospell of Christ Iesus right noble Earle vvhereby since the time of the blessed Apostles much good hath bin done to the Church of God the vvriting and printing of godly treatises hath bene one of the chiefest For as hereby not onely ancient heresies of all sorts haue long ago bin confuted and laid in the dust but in later times the nevve damnable doctrines of the Antichrist of Rome conuinced and quite in a maner ouerthrovvn so not only the principall points of true religion haue excellently bene handled and generallie made knovvn but manie obscure and hard places of the sacred Scripture illightened and vnfolded For this cause being desirous to employ my poore talent to the greatest aduantage that I can and to vse the best meanes I am able of doing good I thought good to bestovve my labour and leisure in furthering of the Church of God by inke and paper and to vvrite a commētarie on some part of Canonicall Scripture and namely on this excellent booke of the Prouerbes The causes vvhy I rather chose to handle interpret this booke then any of the other as they vvere verie manie so among the rest these vvere the chiefest to vvit that the morall sentences therein contained are most fit to be considered in these carnall times that they are the verie keyes of knovvledge and rules of all righteousnesse that sometimes I had publikely read and expounded them all and finally that they are peerelesse pearles meet to be presented vnto such persons of high degree as your Lordship is There is no parcell of the vvrittē vvord but you may receiue exceeding frute thereby if it please your Lordship to looke thereinto so that if you take anie part of the Scripture to reade or to exercise your selfe in you can not take amisse as vve are vvont to say The sacred histories contained in the fiue bookes of Moses and in the bookes of Iosua Iudges Ruth Samuell Kings Chronicles Ezra Nehemia Hester vvhereunto the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are to be added vvill tell you things past and done manie yeares ago The prophesies among vvhich the Reuelation of S. Iohn is to be numbred and doth indeed excell vvill shevve you vvhat things are to come to passe hereafter and vvere after the vttering of them to be accomplished in their times Ecclesiastes or the booke of the Preacher vvill admonish you of the vanitie of the vvorld a point verie needfull as for all mortall vvights so especially for noble personages to consider In the Epistles of S. Paule Iames Peter Iohn and Iude you may see and heare vvhat the Lord saith to the Churches and vvhat duties he requireth at the hāds of all Christians By the Psalmes of Dauid and the song of songs you may be taught stirred vp to pray and sing inasmuch as the mones and grones of the Prophets in the one are registred euerie vvhere and the voice as it vvere of the bridegrome and the bride resounded in the other To conclude the lamentation of the Prophete Ieremie vvhich Gregorie Nazianzen neuer read but the tears did trickle dovvn his cheeks vvil moue you to mourne for the afflictiōs of Sion and dravve you to performe that dutie vvhereunto the Apostle exhorteth vvhen he vvilleth vs to vveepe vvith those vvho vveepe Euen as then the busie bee vvhen she flieth into some faire and pleasant garden and lighteth sometimes here and sometimes there as it falleth out sucketh out some svveetnesse out of euerie floure and herbe vvhereon she sitteth so your Lordship looking into the volume of the sacred Scripture and reading sometimes this parcell thereof sometimes that shall receiue by euerie booke therein such comfort and profit as vvill cause you to preferre the same before the hony and the honie combe But if there be anie part of the vvord of God among the rest vvhich may be called a garland of heauenly flovvers or out of vvhich your Lordship may reape most precious frute it is this vvorthie booke of Salomons Prouerbs For herein as it vvere in a cristall glasse you shall see the nature of God the maners of men the comely countenance of vertue the vglie shape of vice the image of the true church the state of the vvhole vvorld Hovve manie and hovv notable things are herein spoken of Gods Predestination prouidence iustice vvisedome and mercie Hovv diuinely are the natures the offices and the vvorkes of Iesus Christ herein described Hovv liuely are adulterers drunkards sluggards misers proud vvrathfull foolish and enuious persons herein painted out as it vvere in their colours On the contrarie side hovv excellently are the properties and revvards of the faithfull the iust the meeke the thriftie the liberall and the vvise declaclared and pictured as it vvere in the parables of this booke To conclude hovve notably is the vse of lots the force of gifts the povver of affections and the disposition of sundrie brutish creatures therein expressed So many points of great importance and of singular frute being comprehended in this one litle booke of Salomons Prouerbes you can not most noble Earle better bestovv your labour then in meditating therein both night and day and in binding the sentences thereof as it vvere frontlets before your eyes Novv to the end that the meaning of these diuine sayings may be made manifest vnto you first and so to other into vvhose hāds this small treatise shall come I haue translated the text as faithfully as I could looking into the translatiōs of the best writers both old and nevve but especially into the Hebrue copie so farre foorth as my poore talent did enable me and my leisure suffer Moreouer to the same intent and purpose I haue gathered into mine exposition the pith and marrovv onely of all those obseruations vvhich either I had by me of mine ovvne or receiued from other by vvhose conference or vvriting I vvas helped Finally that as much light might be giuen to these sacred Prouerbs as vvel could be for the time by me in the margent I haue referred the reader to the rootes of diuerse parables pointed to sundrie examples noted here and there some reasons of the translation and quoted for proofe or declaration infinite places of Scripture All the vvhich paines notvvithstanding I confesse and acknowvledge that I am farre from handling of manie points exactly vvhich fault my distractions and encumbrances about other necessarie affaires may