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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00216 Articles to be enquired of by the minister, church-wardens, and sidement of euery parish within the archdeaconrie of London ... Church of England. Archdeaconry of London. 1617 (1617) STC 10268.5; ESTC S3089 5,835 1

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❧ Articles to be enquired of by the Minister Church-wardens and Sidemen of euery Pari●… within the Archdeaconrie of London And Presentment to be made by them to Maister Archdeacon of London or his Officiall Contayning a particular Answere to euery Article The forme of the Oath taken by the Churchwardens and Sidemen YOu shall sweare that you euery of you shal duly consider diligently enquire of these Articles giuen you in charge and that al fauour hatred hope feare or any other corrupt affection set aside you shall present all and euery such person which now is or lately was in your Parish as haue committed any offence or default comprized in any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default Wherein you shall deale according to an vpright conscience Canon neither presenting nor sparing to present any person contrary to truth So helpe you God and his faithfull promises in Iesus Christ WHETHER haue you in your Church all things requisite for the common Prayer and due administration of the Sacraments according to his Maiesties Laws and Canons Ecclesiasticall lately established Concerning the Church And namely a faire Bible 80. 81. 82 83. 84. 70. the booke of common Prayer lately ordained onely to be vsed A Font of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place A decent Communion table standing vpon a frame with a Carpet of silke or some other séemely stuffe and a faire linnen cloth to lay thereon at the time of communion A faire communion Cup with a couer of Siluer a decent Pulpit with a cloath and Cushion for the same a conuenient seat to read seruice in a comely large surplice a strong chest for almes for the poore with thrée locks keyes and another chest for kéeping the Ornaments of the Church and Register booke And whether haue you a Register booke in parchment of all Christenings Weddings and Burials and whether is the same kept according to the said Canons and whether doth your Minister vpon euery Sunday read the names of such as haue béen christend married or buried the wéeke before 2 Whether your Church 85. 88. Chancell and Churchyard be kept in good reparatoms aswell within as without whether any prophanation be vsed in them or any man hath incroached vpon them And whether your Prisonage or vicarage house and all housing therevnto belonging be likewise maintained in sufficient reparations If not through whose default and what is the defect 3 Whether haue you a Terrier of all the gleabes 87. lands medows gardens orchards houses stocks ymplements Tenements portions of Tythes lying within or without your Parish which belong vnto your Parsonage or Vicarage in whose hands it doth remaine If not you shall together with your Minister make diligent enquirie of all the premises and exhibite with your next presentment a true note of them in parchment subscribed with your hands specifying how they are but alled or bounded in whose occupation at this present they are 4 WHether diuine seruice be said in your Church by your Minister distinctly and reuerently Concerning the Minister vppon Sundaies and such holy daies as are appointed to bee obserued by the booke of common Prayer 14. 15. 58. and their Eeues and vpon Wednesdaies and Fridaies at conuenient and vsuall times And whether doth he in ministring the sacraments solemnizing of matrimonie visitation of the sicke burying the deade churching of women and all other rites and offices of the Church vse the formes of prayers prescribed in the said booke without any omission or additton And whether doth he read the booke of Canons once yearely and weare a Surplice according to the said Canon 5 Whether doth your Minister solemnly giue warning to his parishioners for the holy cammunion 22. 64. 67. 84. 66. 26. 27. 28. 29. 62. 63. 68 69. 62. 100. and for all holydaies and fasting daies And whether doth he visite the sicke and exhort them to giue to the poore And whether doth he conferre with recusants in your Parish if there be any according to the Canons And whether doth he admit to the holy communion any notorious offenders scismaticks or strangers or reiect any who are not by presentment or publike scandall infamous for some notorious crime And whether doth he admit any Father to be Godfather to his owne child or any to be Godfathers Godmothers which haue not receiued the holy communion or doth not vse the signe of the crosse in baptisme or doth baptize in any bason or other vestell and not in the vsuall Font or doth baptize any children that were not borne within the parish And whether doth he marrie any in any exempt place or without banes published thrée seueral Sundaies or holidaies or without a sufficient dispensation or licence or without licence in times prohibited albeit the banes were thrice published or not betwéene the houres of 8. and 12. in the forenoone or if the parties bee vnder the age of 21. yéeres before their parents haue signified their consent vnto him or whether doth he refuse to christen or to burie or doth deferre the same longer than he should and whether by his default any child hath dyed without baptisme in your parish 6 Whether doth he preach 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. minister the communion baptize children vnlesse in case of necessitie solemnize marriage or church women in priuate houses Or doth kéepe or suffer any Fastes Prophesies Exercises or exercismes without lawfull authority or doth hold or suffer any priuate conuenticles contrary to the Canons And whether doth he frequent Tauernes Alehouses or any place suspected for incontinency or doth table or lodge in any such house or is he a common Gamester at Dice Cards Tables or any other vnlawfull game a swearer or drunkard or one that applyeth not himselfe to his study or is otherwise offensiue and scandalous to his function and ministery or doth not vse decency in his apparell as by the Canons he is enioyned 7 Whether is he continually resident vpon his benefice and how long time hath he been absent from the same And in case he be lycenced to be absent whether doth hee cause his cure to be sufficiently supplyed 45. 46. 47. 74. according to the Canons And whether if he be allowed a preacher doth he preach one sermon euery Sunday or if not so allowed doth procure monthly sermons and read homilies And whether not being so allowed doth he expound any scripture or suffer any man to preach in your Church whom you haue not well knowne to haue béen sufficiently yeeneed and who hath not first subscribed his name together with the day when he did preach and who was not severly and decently apparelled 8 Whether doth your Preacher and Lecturer read diuine seruice 56. 55. and minister the Sacraments twice a yéere at the least in his owne person according to the said Canons And whether doth he vse the forme
of Prayer before his Sermons for the Kings most excellent Maiestie exhorting the people to obedience to his Maiestie and other Magistrates in authoritie vnder him 9 Whether doth your Minister on Sundaies holydaies catechize the youth ignorant persons in your parish according to the order prescribed in the booke of common prayer and according to the said Canons 59. And whether doth he in the Rogation daies vse the perambulation of the circuite of the parish appointed by law according to his dutie 10 Whether doth he euery six moneths denonce in his parish Church all such of his parish as doe perseuer in the sentence of excommunication 65. not seeking to be absolued And whether hath he admitted any such excommunicate person to the Communion or to the church without certificate of his absolution And whether doth he or any of your parish familiarly frequent the company of any such excommunicate person 11 WHether any of your parishioners doe not cause their Children Concerning Parishioners Seruants and Apprentices to come to their Minister vpon Sundaies and holydaies to be instructed in the Catechisme by him 59. And whether any of them refuse to come or if they come refuse to learne those instructions set forth in the said booke of common prayer And what bee the names of them so not causing or refusing 12 Whether any of your parishioners 13. 14. 18. or other strangers soiourning lodging or commonly resorting to any house within your parish aboue 16. yéeres of age doe wilfully or negligently absent themselues from your parish Church vpon Sundaies or holydaies at morning and euening prayer or who come very late to church vpon the said dayes or who depart from church before seruice be finished Or who doe not reuerently behaue themselues during the tune of diuine seruice deuoutly knéeling at such times as the generall confession of sins the Letany the Ten commandements and all prayers and collects are read Or who doe vse any gaining or pastime abroad or in any house or doe sit in the stréet or Churchyard or in any Tauerne or Victualling house vpon any of those dayes in the time of diuine seruice or who haue quarrelled brawled or vsed violence to any person within your Church or Churchyard Or who haue vsed filthy prophane talke or other rude and immodest behauiour 13 Whether there be any of or within your parish being sixtéene yéeres of age and vpwards 21. 22. 28. that doe not receiue the holy Communion in your Church thrice in this yéere at the least and chiefly once at Easter next And whether any of your Parish doth not deuoutly knéele at the receiuing thereof And whether doth not your Minister receiue it himselfe on euery day that he administreth it to others and vse the words of institution at euery time that the bread wine is administred And whether doe your selues diligently obserue your office in marking what persons of or within your parish offend against this and the next precedent Article and in due presenting their names 14 Whether any in your parish hauing a Preacher to their Parson Vicar or Curate doe absent themselues from his sermons and resort to other places to heare other preachers And whether any hauing béen ordayned Priest or Deacon hath relinquished the same and betaken himselfe to a course of life as a lay man Or whether any not being in orders doth openly read common prayer or execute any ministeriall dutie in your church and what be their names 15 Whether there be any that doe publikely or priuately speake against the Booke of common Prayer 4. 6. 10. 57. 9. 10. 100. deprauing the same or any thing therein contained or against any of the sayd Articles of Religion agréed vpon in Anno. 1562. Or against the Kings Royall supremacie in causes ecclesiasticall or against any of the rites or ceremonies of the Church of England Or against the gouernement of the said church of England vnder the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and other officers in the same affirming that the same is repugnant to the word of God and that the said ecclesiasticall Officers are not lawfully ordayned Or whether there bee any that be Authors or maintayners of scisme or frequenters of any priuate conuenticles or méetings Or that be or be suspected to be Anabaptists Libertines Brownists of the Family of Loue or of any other herisie or scisme And what be their names 16 Whether doe you know any Schoolemaister that doth teach or Curate that doth read diuine seruice within your parish without lycence of his Ordinarie vnder his scale And whether doth not such Schoolemaister instruct his schollers in the Catechisme 77. 48. 79. and teach them the grounds of Religion and bring them to Church to heare diuine seruice sermons and whether is he a common officer or artificer or any waies reproueable in life And whether is your parish Clarke also allowed by the Ordinary And whether doth your Clarke serue more eures than one And whether doe they demeane themselues according to their seuerall duties 17 How many Midwiues haue you in your parish which doe exercise that office how long haue they so done and by what authority Also how many in your parish doe practise as Phisitions or Chyrurgions how long haue they so done and of what skill are they reputed in their profession 18 Whether doe you know any persons that doe administer the goods of the dead without lawfull authority or suppresse the last will of the dead or with-hold any stocke of the Church or any legacies giuen to godly and charitable vses 89. and whether is the Almes of the Church faithfully distributed to the vse of the poore And whether the late Churchwardens haue giuen a iust accompt according to the Canons 19 Whether do you know in your parish any common swearers 109. drunkards blasphemers any simonicall persons or vsurers contrary to the statute 37. of Henrie the eight any witches coniurers soothsayers charmers fornicators adulterers incestuous persons braulers common slaunderers of their neighbors raylers scoulds filthy lascimous talkers sowers of discord betwéene neighbors or any that receiue or lodge incontinent persons or harbour women with child which be vnmaried conneying or suffering them to go away before they haue made satisfaction to the congregation or any persons that are by common same noted or vehemently suspected of any of these crimes or that being héertofore suspected or presented for any of these faults haue for that cause departed out of your parish and are now returned againe 20 Whether there be any persons within your parish that be married within the prohibited degrées of consanguinity or affinity 99. 57. or their old wines or husbands being yet aliue albeit diuorced from them or that being lawfully married doe liue scandalously apart or that were married in times prohibited or without banes thrée seuerall Sundaies or holidaies published hauing no sufficient lycence or dispensation for the same And whether there be any that doe communicate or cause their children to be baptized in other Parishes abroad or kepe their children vnbaptized longer then is conuenient 21 Whether any woman deliuered of child in your parish in time conuenient after Childbirth doe not come to the vsuall place in the Church to giue God thanks as is appointed by the booke of common Prayer And whether doth your Clarke lay a Cushion at the said vsuall place And whether doth your Minister admit any thereto who was begotten with child in adulterie or fornication without licence from the Ordinarie 22 Whether any Inhabitant within your parish doth detaine the Clarks wages duties for bread and wine or any other Church duties Present particularly what be their names and what and how much those duties be 23 Whether any person in your parish doe exercise any Trade Handicraft or bodily labour or doe buy sell or kéepe open shoppes or Warehouses vpon any Sunday or holiday by themselues their seruants or Apprentizes or haue otherwise prophaned the said da●es contrary to the orders of the Church of England And whether there be any Inkéepers Alchousekéepers or Victuallers that permit any persons in their houses to eate drinke or play at any games during the time of diuine seruice or Sermon in the forenoone or afternoone vppon those dayes 24 Whether doe any in your parish familiarly frequent the company of excommunicate persons And whether doth your Minister or any of your parish without consent of the Ordinary cause any to doe penance or to be censured or punished by any Vestry méetings or otherwise by their owne authority or do or haue taken any money for any crime or matter punishable by the ecclesiasticall Law who haue béene so punished in what manner and vpon what cause 25 If any one or more of you do know or haue heard of any fault enquired of in these Articles or of any other crime the reformation whereof belongeth to the spirituall iurisdiction hapning from the _____ day of _____ that then you do enforme one another therof 117. and you shall likewise present the same by vertue of your oathes 26 The Minister of euery parish may ioyne in euery presenment with the Churchwardens and Sidemen who if they will not present the Minister may himselfe present to the sayd Archdeacon or his Officiall such faults or crimes abouesaid as shall be thought to require due reformation 113. You are charged to specifie the fault or crime 118. 128. proper name surname trade or addition place of dwelling of euery person presented And to bring your first generall presenment vpon all these Articles into Christ-church in London in the forenoone betweene the howers of viij and xj of the clocke the. _____ day of _____ And your last generall presentment on the Tuesday senight immediately ensuing after Easter day next or else then and there to appeale personally to shew the cause of your default therein Intimating further that you may besides those generall present offenders as oft as you shall thinke meete as by the said Canons is prescribed