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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15030 A discourse of the abuses novv in question in the churches of Christ of their creeping in, growing vp, and flowrishing in the Babilonish Church of Rome, how they are spoken against not only by the scriptures, but also by the ancient fathers as long as there remayned any face of a true Church maintained by publique authority, and likewise by the lights of the Gospell, and blessed martyrs of late in the middest of the antichristian darknes. By Thomas Whetenhall Esquier. Whetenhall, Thomas. 1606 (1606) STC 25332; ESTC S119728 111,256 168

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tempt God yea they are delivered Then spake they that feared the Lord saith the Prophet every one to his neighbour and the Lord hearkened and heard it and a booke of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name And they shal be to me saith the Lord of hostes in that day that I shall doe this for a flocke and I will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serveth him This is ever the condition of those that forsake God they repent of any good beginning if they see no worldly profit but rather troubles to come thereof And speciallie if they see wicked men preferred com to promotion they repine of the continuance in the serving of God seeing there is neither profit nor promotion that way to be gotten But every one that feareth God saith the prophet though he be never so privat a person yet speaketh even the truth boldlie to his neighbour And the Lord hearkeheth and heareth him and their wordes are written up in a booke Gods remembrance and they shall enjoye the sweete heavenly promisse for although they be but weake and sinfull men yet will the Lord spare them as a Father spareth his sonne that serveth him Neither ought the Preachers in their place to be silent nor to count it a wearines to serue the Lord in his temple like the Priests in the dayes of Malachi or to make light of it nor to offer vp that which is torne and lame and sicke Mal. 1.13 or any of the whore of Babilons dregges but plainely without dissimulation or halting and earnestlie to urge whatsoever hath neede of perfect reformation untill all corruptions and abuses in the Churches of England be restored againe into the first puritie and never cease to call upon God with teares and sorrow of heart and upon the Prince with humble sute of speaking writing and preaching untill he abolish whatsoever doth belong to that whore of Babilon But it is said in the Revelation that after the seaventh Angell had powered out his Viall Rev. 16.19 and the horrible earthquake was come upon the earth the great Citie was devided into three partes This great Citie can be taken for none other but for the territorie dominion of all Nations Kingdomes and People bearing the names of Christians and subjectes to the great Antichrist of Rome upon whose throne the first Angell hath powered out his Viall of the wrath of God wherby the glorie of his kingdome waxed darke And through the voyces lightnings thundrings and horrible earthquakes that came by the powring out of the seaventh Angells Viall That whole great Citie under the Papacie and the whores government is devided into three parts The first parte are they that doe professe the Gospell and utterly renounce the Pope and all the appurtenances of his Church of Rome which S. Iohn calleth the great Whore of Babilon which hath fullie forsaken Christ maried her selfe to Antichrist This first parte is so divided from the whore hateth her with such a perfect hatred that they cannot abide to kisse or any part of her neither finger hand nor foote much lesse her filthy parts which are not to be named Hos 2.17 according to that which is written I will take away the names of Balaim folke in hande that men may beare with the time granting that men may well cut of the thinges that are utterly intollerable and manifestly against God but yet avouching that the thinges may well be borne with which are either Indifferēt or not utterly evill I say that they which speake after that fashion doe shew full well that they haue no right meaning in them nor any desire that ther should be any reformation as were meete to be had And not withstanding the world is full of such disguisers which would faine haue a particoulored fashion of serving God and a religion that were neither fish nor flesh as men say but halfe of one sute and halfe of a nother Heere I would aske these indifferent men and particoulored disguisers of religion whether Images are not thinges indifferent I trust they will not denie but the Image and superscription of Ceasar may be giuen to Ceasar and yet I trow they will not say that it is lawfull for Ceasar to set vp Images publikly in the Churches Let Let them heare what our Engliw Homilie saith which all the Lordbishops doe mayntaine to be not onely true and good doctrine but also publikly to be read in the Church We should not haue saith our Homilie Images in the Temple Hom part 1 against per. of Idol though they were of themselues thinges indifferent And yet againe our Homilie saith expresly though they be thinges indifferent to be used in civill matters yet are they wicked abominable to be used in the Church The wordes of our Homily are these Our Images in Churches haue been be and ever wil be none other but abominable idols part 3. and be therefore not thinges indifferent he meaneth in religious use And where the common cloke is for Images like as for all the rest of superstitious Ceremonies that the people by doctrine are taught not to use them superstitiously and therefore they may safely be used in the Church Against this pild cloake our Homilie thus concludeth To conclude saith our Homilie it is evident by all stories and writings ibedem and experience in times past that neither Preaching nor writing neither consent of the learned nor authoritie of the godly nor the decrees of Counsells neither the lawes of Princes nor extreeme punishments of the offendors in that behalfe nor any other remedie or meanes can helpe against idolatrie if Images be suffered publickely And this conclusion of Images may be by the selfe same reason made as well also of the signe of the Crosse the surplice and other Ceremonies which serue for religious signification and haue ben with further Idolatrie and superstition used by our forefathers yet are still so used by our papistes that remaine in England and by all other the Popish kingdome of Evrope But in the same Homily it is rightlie said of Images Take them cleane away and then is all the danger gone for none worshippeth that which is not and the very same may be justly said of all the rest As for that intrepretation of the great Citie wherein Antichrist hath so long raigned and yet boasteth to be the head thereof if any doe mislike it let him know that this is not myne interpretation onely but of many that are of singular learning and sincere iudgment As namely Doctor Fulke whose wordes are these in his Commentarie upon this place of the Revelation Fulk Cōm in Rev. 16 19. They which in times past with one consent haue worshipped the beast are now divided into three sects For some of them doe from their very hearts abhorre and detest his tyranie others doe remaine in the
him Tell me saith Harpsfield were not the Apostles Bishops Brad No except you will make a new definition of a Bishop that is giue him no certaine place Harps Indeede the Apostles office was not the Bishops office for it was vniuersall But yet Christ instituted Bishops in the Church as Paul saith He hath giuen Pastors Prophets c. so that I trow it be proved by the scripturs the succession of Bishops to be an essentiall poynt Brad The ministery of Gods word and ministers be an essentiall point But to translate this to the Bishops and their succession is a plaine subtiltie And therefore that it may be plaine I will aske you a question Tell me whether that the scriptures know any difference betwene Bishops Ministers which ye call priests Harpsfield No. Brad Well then goe on forwards and let vs see what ye shall get now by the succession of Bishops that is of Ministers which cannot be understood of such Bishops as Minister not but Lord it Wherein every Reader may obserue these things First that the Apostles were not Bishops for that a Bishop must haue a certaine place and a flocke to feede wherein he must be resident And not like an Apostle or Evangelist to travell from flocke to flocke from place to place Secondly by the scripture there is no difference between a Bishop and a Minister which is so cleere and manifest that the very Papist himselfe is driven to cōfesse it Thirdly that it being true which the most rankest Papist for shame cannot denie that by the scripture Bishops Ministers differ not Then the glorious succession of the Pope and all his Diocesan and Lordbishops are utterly overthrowne For as M. Bradford saith What Lordly estate can any Bishop get when he ought not to differ from the poore and meane estate of a Minister Fourthly that they are Papists which will haue a Minister of the Gospell to be called a Priest for tell me saith Bradford whether the scripture know any difference between a Bishop and a Minister which you call a Priest Heereunto I will annexe some few sayings out of M. Iohn Bale Bale who being in Germanie wrote divers bookes and sent them hither wherby England receaved great light knowledg and was of such name note in Germanie that Pantalio that learned Germaine in his Ecclesiasticall Chronicles setteth him downe among the three speciall Englishmen which together with Bucer Peter Martyr preached the Gospell in England during King Edwards time To whom Queene Elizabeth in her very young dayes when she had translated a booke of French into English sent ●omilies Yet will I hereunto adde one place out of our owne English Homilies appoynted to be read publikely in our Churches at this day Our Saviour Christ saith our English Homilie against wilfull rebellion teaching by his doctrine that his kingdome was not of this world did by example in flieing from those that would haue made him King confirme the same expresly also forbidding his Apostles and by them the whole Cleargie of all princelie dominion over people and Nations and he with his Apostles likewise namely Peter Paule did forbid unto all Ecclesiasticall Ministers dominion over the Church of Christ which words are there referred to these places of scripture Math. 20. d 25. Mar. 10. f 42. Luk. 22. e 25. Math 23 a 8. Luke 9 f 46. 2 Cor 1. d 24. 1 Pet Seeing therefore Christ and his Apostles both by their example practise course of their whole life and also by their doctrine and all the cheifest of the auncient Fathers in the Primitiue Church likewise by their doctrine practise of life And seeing all the principall lights of the Gospell which God hath set up from time to time in the deepe darknes of Antichrist together with all the godlie Martyrs lights of the Gospell both in other Nations and specially in this our owne Realme of England do so vehemently set forth the deformitie and require reformation of those abuses in this treatise mentioned and spoken of yet in our Churches in England remayning unreformed Doe my Lords the Bishops trow you which stand so fircely in defence of those shamefull enormities against such a cloud and multitude of witnesses being the most learned holy men and Martyrs Doe they yet I say expect till the beasts of the feild the foules of the ayre and the very stones of the streete should crie for reformation What is it possible to thinke that they themselues doe not see and know that the Pluralitie of benefices Nonresidencies the horrible abuse of excommunication and such like are untollerable thinges in a Christian Churche Yet not one of these they list to amend I will hereunto joyne the prayer of that excellent learned man Doctor Fulke in his Sermon at Hampton Court Fulk in Queene Elizabeths time printed dedicated to the Earle of Warwike in which having proved most learnedly the Pope to be the very Antichrist spoken of by the Apostle and Rome to be undoubtedly the whore of Babilon spoken of in the Revelation concludeth his sermon with this prayer saying Let us therefore pray unto Almightie God instantly that all men in their vocation may seeke the utter overthrow and destruction of Babilon that Princes and Magistrats may according to the Prophesies of them hate her with a perfect hatred and utterly abolish whatsoever belongeth to her that they may reward her as she hath rewarded us and giue her double punishmēt according to her workes and in the cup of affliction that she hath powered forth for us they may power forth double as much to her And looke how much she hath glorified her selfe and lived in wantonnes which was without measure so much they may bestow upon her of sorrow and torments That Preachers and Ministers of Gods word may playnlie and without dissimulation or halting discover her wickednes and earnestly to vrge whatsoever hath need of perfect reformation that all subiects may continue in holy obedience first to God and then to their Prince to the advancing of the honor glorie of God through Iesus Christ c. And surely all men without exception which wil be saved by Christ must in their vocation and degree not coldly but fircely fight against Antichrist And specially now when the first Angell hath powred out his Viall upon the throne of the beast so that his kingdom waxeth darke Rev. 16.10 Even now all men ought to seeke the overthrow and the utter destruction of Babilon and not to be weried with the tediousnes of time nor to giue over for the pleasures worldly profitts of this life And not to say as the wicked did in the dayes of the Prophet Malachi What profit is it that we haue kept his commandement Mal. 3 14 15 16.17 and that we walked humblie before the Lord of hosts Therfore we count the proud blessed even they that worke wickednes are set up and they that