thine heart unto understanding Yea if thou cryest after knowledge and liftest up thy voice for understanding If thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasures Then shalt thou understand the feare of the Lord and finde the knowledge of God Also that saying of the Lord by the Prophet Malachy is ever to be remembred q Mal. My covenant was with Levi of life and peace and I gave them to him for the feare wherewith he feared me and was afraid before my name The law of truth was in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips hee walked with me in peace and equity and did turne many away from iniquity For the Priests lips should keepe knowledge and they should seeke the law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts People are to read the holy Scriptures which the r 1. Tim. 3.15 Church according to her wisedome and the t Rom. 3.2 Hebrew u Rev. 9.11 Greeke and faithfulnesse hath Å¿ 1 Cor. interpreted into English out of w Dan. 2.4 Chaldean texts wherein they were * See all along the margent of Gen. 1. c. and of Mat. 5.11 c. and of Ezra 4.9 c. Soc also the title page of the old Testament and also of the new Read all the Translators Preface set afore the Bibles in quarto and in solio first written by the Prophets and Apostles And as people are to be thankfull unto God and unto the Royall Majestie and unto the Fathers and Doctors of the Church for that delivery of the holy Scriptures so are they to remember it is the x Acts 8.30 31 32 33 34 35. office of the Philips of the Church for to interpret places of the Scripture hard to be understood And the Philips are the y Mal. 2.7 Deut. 17.8 9. c. Acts 15.6 Eph. 4.11 12. Clergie and therein the z 1 Cor. 12.28 See afore in Chap. 35 36 37. of degrees in the ministery principall are the most reverend Fathers in God the Archbishops and the right reverend Fathers in God the Bishops the next are the Doctors and all Pastors and all authorized Preachers whose conscionable and religious care is both by their life and doctrine to set forth Gods true and lively Word and to keepe the unity of the spirit the most holy faith and the true godly life prescribed in the bookes of the Divine Service and in the other bookes of the established doctrine of the Church of England And hereunto may be considered that memorable and very remarkeable delivery of the most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury out of Saint Gregory Nazianzene in the latter end of his Prologue afore the Church-bible of the former translation I marvell much saith he to recount whereof commeth all this desire of vaine-glory whereof commeth all this tongue-itch that we have so much delight to talke and clatter And wherein is our communication not in the commendation of vertuous and good deeds of hospitality of love between Christian brother and brother of love betweene man and wife of virginity and chastity and of Almes toward the poore Not in Psalmes and godly songs not in lamenting for our sinnes not in repressing the affections of the body not in prayers to God We talke of Scripture but in the meane time we subdue not our flesh by fasting waking and weeping wee make not this life a meditation of death we doe not strive to be lords ouer our appetites and affections We goe not about to pull downe our proud and high minds to abate our fumish and rancorous stomackes to restraine our lusts and bodily delectations our undiscreet sorrowes our lascivious mirth ovr inordinate looking our unsatiable hearing of vanities our speaking without measure our inconvenient thoughts and briefly to reforme our life and manners but all our holinesse consisteth in talking And we pardon each other from all good living so that we may sticke fast together in argumentation as though there were no more wayes to heaven but this alone the way of speculation and knowledge as they take it But in very deed it is rather the way of superfluous contention and sophistication The same Author saith also in another place That the learning of a Christian man ought to begin of the feare of God and to end in matters of high speculation and not contrarily to begin with speculation and to end in feare For speculation saith he either high cunning or knowledge if it be not stayed with the bridle of feare to offend God is dangerous and enough to tumble a man headlong downe the hill Therefore saith he The feare of God must be the first beginning and as it were an A. B. C. or an introduction to all them that shall enter into the very true and most fruitfull knowledge of holy Scriptures Where as is the feare of God there is saith he the keeping of the Commandements and where as is the keeping of the Commandements there is the cleansing of the flesh which flesh is a cloud before the soules eye and suffereth it not purely to see the beame of the heavenly light Where as is the cleansing of the flesh there is the illumination of the holy Ghost the end of all our desires and the very light whereby the verity of Scriptures is seene and perceived CHAP. 49. Of reading the bookes in the Bible which are called writings Apocrypha IN the Table of proper Lessons to be read both at morning and evening prayer on the sundayes throughout the yeere and on the holy dayes there are appointed sundry Lessons to be read of the bookes in the Bible which are called Apocrypha as on Whitsunday there is ordained to be read the first Chapter of the Wisedome of Solomon for the first Lesson at evening prayer And upon the feast day of Saint Peter and of Saint Iames and of Saint Bartholomew and of Saint Matthew and of Saint Luke and of Saint Michael the Archangell the first Lesson is prescribed out of the booke called Ecclesiasticus or the Wisedome of Iesus the sonne of Syrach And for the first Lesson to bee read on many weeke dayes in the yeare it is appointed out of more of those bookes as out of the booke of Iudith of Baruch of Tobias and out of both bookes of Esdras as it may bee seene in the Kalender set in the beginning of the booke of Common Prayer The Church hath not appointed Lessons to be read publikely in Churches forth of any other bookes of how great authority soever excepting the Canonicall Scriptures Among the holy Scriptures which are in the common prayer appointed to be read for to stir up people to remember the poore there are inserted three verses out of the booke of Tobias In both Tomes of Homilies the Church with great respect hath alledged very many sayings out of the bookes called Apocrypha ascribing
greater authority to them than unto meere humane writings In the margent of the last translation of the Bible there is often reference made unto Chapter and verse of those bookes as in the margent of Heb. 1.3 Iohn 10.22 Matth. 6.7 Matth. 23.37 Heb. 11.35 and in more places There is no such reference made unto Chapter and verse of any other bookes excepting the canonicall Scriptures In the Concordance which is sometimes bound with bibles of the middle bignesse namely in quarto places out of all those bookes are often quoted and added unto the places cited out of the Canonicall Scriptures It is not so done out of any other bookes Even all the Fathers which have lived in the Church of Iesus Christ since first the Apostles dayes have with great reverence and respect alleaged sayings out of those books The true Apostolicall Church of England hath ordained those bookes onely and none other of what authoritie soever to be translated with the Canonicall Scriptures and to be set betweene the bookes of the old and new Testament Seeing then that the Church our mother so honoureth the said bookes called Apocrypha ought not wee her members to have them bound in our Bibles to reverence and respect them and diligently to read them for * The Church in the sixt Article of religion so delivereth example of life and instruction of manners and to account them for to be in all respects of so much a Phil. 4.8 1 Thes 5.21 1 Pet. 5.5 Mat. 18.17 1 Cor 16.16 authority as the Church of England now ascribeth unto them CHAP. 50. Of peoples learning the most sacred Catechisme of the Church which is in the booke of Common Prayer Every member of the true Apostolicall Church of England hath occasion greatly to praise the name of the Lord for stirring up our most gracious Soveraigne and the holy Fathers of the Church to take great care for this ordinance of the Gospell of Iesus Christ namely Catechizing that it may bee duely used according as it was prescribed by holy Church heretofore and the same ratified by our late Soveraigne Lord King Iames a Prince of ever blessed memory IN the end of the rubricke after the Service of Confirmation it is said None shall be admitted to the holy Communion untill such time as he can say the Catechisme namely that in the booke of Common Prayer the which being printed alone by it selfe is now commonly called the A. B. C. The said most sacred Catechisme consisteth of but about twenty questions whose answers require any labour of learning by heart And yet therein is contained the summe of the whole Christian faith and life in a most Divine delivery This holy b Ps 119.130 Catechisme should all people members of the Church of England have either in memory or else at least be able so to c 1 Pet. 3.13 answere unto each question therein as that they may declare themselves to have in effect such an d Phil. 3.16 1 Cor. 1.10 understanding of the matters therein contained as the Church hath in full words expressed in it Catechisme is an instructing of people in the e Heb. 5.12 principles of the Oracles of God It is a f Heb. 6.1 2. laying of the foundation of repentance from dead workes and of faith towards God of the Doctrine of Baptismes and of laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the dead and of the eternall judgment It is a ministring of the g 1 Pet. 2.2 sincere milke of the Word unto the h Heb. 5.13 unskilfull in the word of righteousnesse Even as a house cannot bee well built up and stand fast unlesse the foundations thereof be firmely laid so people who should bee built up a spirituall i 1 Pet. 2.4 house for an k Eph. 2.21 22. habitation of God through the spirit cannot be fitly framed together and grow unto an holy Temple in the Lord unlesse they bee l Luke 11.52 Mat. 14.11 rightly instructed in the principles of the Doctrine of Christ and withall grow up in all due m Rom. 1.5 and 16.26 obedience unto the same Not onely the Catechisme in the Divine Service doth deliver the Milke of the Gospell but also the whole Divine Service doth minister the same abundantly If one would know what is repentance and faith let him reade the Homilies thereof If hee would know what is the mysterie of baptisme and of laying on of hands let him reade the Services thereof If one would know the mysterie of the Communion let him read the Service and the Homily thereof It is a main part of the use of the Divine Service to lay firmly in peoples mindes the n 1 Cor. 3.10 grounds of Christianity All people therefore that would bee rightly grounded in the true Christian religion and grow more and more towards o Heb. 6.1 Col. 1.28 29. perfection in Iesus Christ ought to be much conversant in every part of the said Service and to enable themselves so to render a reason of every point of Christianity according as they finde it delivered in the said p Prov. 6.20 21 22 23. Luke 10.16 bookes and withall to q 2 Thes 1.3 Prov 4.18 increase in that godly conversation which is throughout the service prescribed And thereunto this present worke will much helpe every one that will make due use of all the same The Church hath ordained that not onely the youth but other ignorant persons also to be r Song 6.6 Ps 1.48 12. Deut. 31.12 Nehem. 8.2 instructed in the Catechisme For thus is her sacred * Canon 59 This holy and necessary Ordinance of Christ and his Church is now by the great goodnesse of Almighty God observed and al true Christians hearts doe pray that so it may bee continued and more and more conscionably used unto Gods glory and the edification of all people constitution Every Parson Vicar or Curate upon every Sunday and holy day before evening prayer shall for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his parish in the ten Commandements the Articles of the beliefe and in the Lords prayer and shall diligently heare instruct and teach them the Catechisme set forth in the booke of Common prayer c. Peoples Å¿ Prov. 19.2 neglect of learning that Catechisme and of obedience thereto and also their not regarding to have their Children and servants taught the same and instructed unto the observing of the duties therein prescribed is a maine cause that now so many are ignorant in minde and t Prov. 29.15 disorderly in conversation The Oracle of God saith u Prov. 22.6 Traine up a Child in the way he should goe and when he is old he will not depart from it CHAP. 51. Of Baptisme THE Catechisme in the Divine service delivereth That the outward visible signe or forme in baptisme is water wherein the person baptized is dipped
THE CHRISTIAN DIVINITIE Contained in the Divine Service of The Church of ENGLAND Summarily and for the most part inââââââ according as point on point dependeth conâââded and with the holy Scriptures plainly and plentifully confirmed Written for the furtherance of the Peoples understanding in the true Religion established by publike Authoritie And for the increase of Vnitie in that godly truth eternall BY EDMVND REEVE Bachelour in Divinitie and Vicar of the Parish of Hayes in Middlesex IER 6.16 Thus saith the Lord Stand yee in the wayes and see and aske for the old paths where is the good way and walke therein and yee shall finde rest for your soules AVGVSTINVS Vtile est de iisdem quaestionibus plures à pluribus fieri libros diverso style non diversa fide LONDON Printed for Nicolas Fussell and Humphrey Mosley at the signe of the Ball in Pauls Church-yard 1631. TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE CHARLES By the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. MOST dread Soveraigne The holy Fathers of the Church out of their due consideration of the defects of these times having in the liturgie for the late Fast taught to pray O Eternall God and most gratious Father wee confesse that by our manifold transgressions we have deserved whatsoever thy Law hath threatned against sinners Our contempt of thy Divine Service is great and wee heare thy word but obey it not Our charity to our neighbour is cold and our devotion to thee is frozen ReligioÌ is with us as in too many places besides made but a pretence for other ends then thy Service and there hath beene little or no care among us to keepe truth and peace together for the preserving of our Church and State Forgive us O Lord forgive as these and all other our grievous sinnes c. Have thereby signified to all Pastours and Ministers of the Church that they should doe their part towards the repairing of those decayes in many peoples mindes conversations The which most necessary signification beeing proceeded from them who in the Clergie are endued with the amplest understanding in all matters of Religion hath incited me though the most unworthy amoÌg the labourers in the Lords harvest unto greater accuration in my function and therto through helpe of the Divine grace for to compile this worke The which now with all humility I present unto your most sacred Majestie And although it is for the most part but as it were a collection of sentences out of the Divine Service Bookes of the Church for to put the common people in more remembrance and consideration of what therein is delivered concerning the principall points of Christian Divinity and a quotation of Scriptures witnessing the same yet unto all which unfainedly endeavour to know the will of God for to live obediently unto it and will unpartially read through and seriously consider every delivery therein it will appeare to be a worke profitable for to make more knowne unto the laity the established Doctrine of the Church to further them in learning their duty towards God your Highnesse and their neighbours Yea it will awake many out of their sleepe of ignorance and cause all such as are upright of heart to say Surely the Lord is in this place and we knew it not The everlasting truth of the Eternall God is abundantly delivered in the publike prayers exhortations and Homilies of the Church of England and we tooke none or but little notice of it Notwithstanding there will not be wanting spirits of disobedience which will calumniate the work and me by reason of the same Wherefore I humbly crave of your most sacred Majesty that since things of this quality are subject to the censures of persons ill-meaning and wise in their owne eyes it may receive patronage from your most gracious Highnesse Your Majesties father a Prince of most worthy ever blessed memory all the time of his happy Reigne over us shewed most pious zeale towards maintaining the Divine Service of the Church and for confirmation thereof caused the Proclamation made for the authorizing and uniformitie of the Booke of CoÌmon Prayer to be used throughout the Realme to bee printed with the said booke and also the booke of Homilies to be reprinted The like most godly care to conserve maintaine the Church in the unity of true religion your Highnesse in that most divine and ever most memorable declaration afore the Articles of the Church of England hath unto the great comfort of all your Majesties loyall religious people manifested testified The Lord of heaven and earth blesse your Highnes with many happy yeares That as his heavenly hand hath enriched your Majesty with many singular extraordinary graces So your Highnes may be the mirrour of the world in this latter age as most truly it already is for the prudent and zealous defending of the true Catholike and Apostolike faith unto the honour of that great God and the good of his Church through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Saviour Your Majesties most humble and devoted subject EDMVND REEVE To the Reader HAving composed a summe of Divinitie out of the bookes of the Divine Service of the Church of England Whereas ân tius work thore is often mention maâe of the Church therby wheresoever it is used for to signfiâ those unto whom all people owe most faithfull obediencâ is to be understood the Church representative where of the 139. Canon faith âhosoever shall hereafter ââfâiâ me that the sacred Synode of this Nation in the name of Chââââ and by the Kings Authority assembâed is not the true Church of England by representation let him bee excommunicated and not restored untill her repent and publikely revoke his wicked errour And Canon 140. saith Whosoever shall affirme that no manner of person either of the Clergy or Laity not being themselves particularly assembled in the said sacred synode are to be subject to the deârces thereof in causes Ecclesiasticall made and ratified by the Kings Majesties Supreme Authority as not having given their voyces unto them let him be excommunicated and not restored untill hee repent and publikely revoke that his wicked errour it is necess for mee in some wise to declare their Authoritie that they with whom the said bookes are not in due account may have no just cause either of undervaluing the deliveries taken forth of them or of light esteeming this worke a collection of the same If all the authorized writings of a godly and learned Divine are much to be regarded then how much more are those writings to bee esteemed which are set forth by publike Authority as of the Royall Majesty of the Archbishops Bishops and the rest of the representative Church of England are assented unto by all the rest of the Clergy and are confirmed by Act of Parliament That the booke of Common prayer is thus established the Act for
the uniformity of Common prayer set in the beginning thereof testifieth Also every one which entreth into the Ministery of the Church of England first subscribeth That the booke of Common prayer containeth in it nothing contrary to the Word of God and that it may lawfully so bee used and that hee himselfe will use the forme in the said booke prescribed in Publike prayer and administration of the Sacraments and none other As it is in Canon 36. That the booke of ordering of Bishops Priests and Deacons is likewise ratified the six and thirtieth Article of the Religion established declareth saying The Book of Consecration of Archbishops and Bishops and ordering of Priests and Deacons lately set forth in the time of Edward the sixt and confirmed at the same time by Authority of Parliament doth containe all things necessarie to such Consecration and ordering neither hath it any thing that of it selfe is superstitious and ungodly And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that booke since the second yeare of the aforenamed King Edward unto this time or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same Rites we decree all such to be rightly orderly and lawfully consecrated and ordered That both the bookes of Homilies now printed in one Volume and distinguished into two Tomes are approved by the whole Clergy it is manifest by every ones subscription unto the third Article to be subscribed unto afore receiving any order or degree in the ministery whereof the words are That he alloweth the book of Articles of Religion agreed upon by the Archbishops In Canon 36. and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergie in the Convocation holden at London in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand five hundred sixtie and two and that he acknowledgeth all and every the Articles therein contained being in number nine and thirty besides the Ratification to be agreeable to the Word of God And in the five and thirtieth Article therof it is said The second booke of Homilies the severall titles whereof we have joyned under this Article doth containe a godly and wholesome Doctrine and necessary for these times as doth the former booke of Homilies which were set forth in the time of Edward the sixt and therefore we judge them to be read in Churches by the Ministers diligently and distinctly that they may bee understanded of the people The Eleventh Article concerning the justification of man referreth unto the Homily of Iustification wherein the most wholesome Doctrine thereof and very full of comfort is more largly expressed In the booke of Common Prayer in the Rubrick after the Nicene Creed the Homilies are mentioned It is required that the booke of Homilies be in every Church Canon 80. And Canon 49 requireth Ministers not allowed Preachers to reade the said Homilies For the confirmation of be true saith and for thââââd ââstrââlââ and ãâã disication of the people The great authority of the Homilies may also appeare out of the Titles of both Tomes of them The Title of the first Tome is Certaine Sermons or Homilies appointed to bee read in Churches in the time of the late Queene Elizabeth of famous memory And now thought fit to be reprinted by Authority from the Kings most Excellent Majesty The Title of the second is The second Tome of Homilies of such matters as were promised and entituled in the former part of Homilies set out by the Authority of the late Queenes Majesty and to be read in every Parish Church agreeably There are no writings of any Author whatsoever whereunto the Church ascribeth so much authority as to the Bookes of Divine Service having ordained them only together with the holy Scriptures to bee publikely read in every congregation of the Land Now some will say It appeareth by these relatings that great is the respect which we owe unto the said bookes of the Church but yet we are to receive no delivery in them but what we know agreeth with the Word of God In which saying of many of these times there is contained a greater defect than all doe observe therein For first by so saying they attribute not such authority as is due unto the Church their Mother they duely acknowledge not her loyalty unto Christ her Head S. Paul propoundeth the Church her fidelity or faithfull obeience to be a patterne for imitation where he saith As the Church is subject unto Christ Eph. 5.24 so let the wives bee to their owne husbands in every thing Put case that in that her fundamentall Doctrine there were some deliveries not in all respects so perfect as are the Scriptures of God our Father yet it is against her loving nature and prudence to propound unto us any matter for our hurt Yea what we suppose to be imperfect wee may make that use thereof for which it was by her intended and be much benefited thereby Secondly by that their limitation they imply that they have an ability to judge the understanding and wisdome of their mother And if they bee demanded whence they have received so great an extraordinary abilitie as to judge of their mother the Church her knowledge and Doctrine The common answer is by their reading the holy Scriptures They not seriously considering what is written in them also Acts 8.30 31. That how can one reading the holy Scriptures understand them except some man guide him Malachi 2.7 And that the Priests lips is to keepe knowledge and the people is to seeke the Law at his mouth The Clergie of the Church is to teach the common people of the same The lay people in their understanding and applying the Scriptures are to be guided by the Priesthood or Clergy And before it hath beene declared that the universall Clergy with one mouth and consent have borne witnesse That there is not any thing in the Booke of Common Prayer which is contrary to the Word of God And that the booke of Homilies doth containe a godly and wholesome Doctrine and necessary for these times to bee understanded of the people Seeing then all the guides in the Church all the ordained keepers of knowledge all such from whom the people are appointed to seeke the Law or spirituall instruction and teaching doe testifie together the truth and profitablenesse of the bookes of the Divine Service can any one justly accept against any deliverie in them unlesse he doe assume unto himselfe for to outsee the whole Clergy of the Church of England The Lord Iesus Christ hath so greatly confirmed the authority of his Church that he hath said Mat. 18.17 Whoso neglecteth to heare the Church let him or her be unto his people as an Heathen and a Publicane Wherefore it is our bounden duty most diligently to heare read and meditate on every particular delivery in those fundamentall bookes composed by the perfectest wisdome of the Church our mother and to frame our mindes and lives according to every prescription
consent out of their farre most profound judgements delivered unto us in an incomparable divine manner A Table of the CHAPTERS in generall CHAP. 1 THat there is a God PAG. 1 CHAP. 2 That there is a Trinity in the Godhead PAG. 3 CHAP. 3 Of God the Father PAG. 4 CHAP. 4 Of God the Sonne PAG. 5 CHAP. 5 Of God the Holy Ghost PAG. 7 CHAP. 6 Of certaine Attributes unto God PAG. 9 CHAP. 7 Of the Creation of the World and of the Angels in speciall PAG. 13 CHAP. 8 Of the Creation of Man and of his estate in Innocencie PAG. 15 CHAP. 9 Of Mans falling from God and of the Misery of mankinde thereby PAG. 16 CHAP. 10 Of Gods Calling Mankind PAG. 18 CHAP. 11 Of Iustification PAG. 19 CHAP. 12 Of the true and liuely Faith PAG. 22 CHAP. 13 Of the Faith in the People of God which lived afore the Incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ ever since the fall PAG. 25 CHAP. 14 Of the Arke which Noah built and of other things in the Storie of the Old Testament PAG. 27 CHAP. 15 Of Circumcision PAG. 29 CHAP. 16 Of the Calling of Moses PAG. 31 CHAP. 17 Of the Passeover PAG. 33 CHAP. 18 Of the Law given by Moses PAG. 35 CHAP. 19 Of the Tabernacle and Temple of the Iewes PAG. 38 CHAP. 20 Of St. Iohn Baptists Preaching PAG. 40 CHAP. 21 Of the Holy Incarnation and Nativitie of our Lord Iesus Christ PAG. 42 CHAP. 22 Of Christs death PAG. 45 CHAP. 23 Of the Resurrection and Ascension of Iesus Christ PAG. 47 CHAP. 24 Of the Comming downe of the Holy Ghost PAG. 49 CHAP. 25 Of the Merite of Redemption wrought by Christ PAG. 54 CHAP. 26 Of the end for which Iesus Christ Redeemed Mankinde and who of yeares of discretion of perfect age partake of the merit of the same Redemption PAG. 56 CHAP. 27 Of Christs Priest-hood PAG. 63 CHAP. 28 Of Christs Prophetship PAG. 64 CHAP. 29 Of Christs Kingdome PAG. 66 CHAP. 30 Of Christs Mediation for his People and of the Reconciliation PAG. 68 CHAP. 31 Of Christs Iudging Mankinde PAG. 70 CHAP. 32 Of the Church of Christ PAG. 74 CHAP. 33 Of the Ministerie which Christ appointed in his Church in generall PAG. 77 CHAP. 34 Of Deacons PAG. 78 CHAP. 35 Of Priests PAG. 80 CHAP. 36 Of the Bishopricke that it is a degree aboue the Priest-hood and so ordained to be by Iesus Christ PAG. 82 CHAP. 37 Of the Distinction or disparitie among Bishops or of Arch-Bishopricke PAG. 85 CHAP. 38 Of the Prophetship that every kinde thereof is not ceased PAG. 90 CHAP. 39 Of Lord-ship which Arch-Bishops Bishops have PAG. 93 CHAP. 40 Of the Lyturgie or Divine Service of the Church in generall PAG. 94 CHAP. 41 Of the Ceremonies of the Church of England in generall PAG. 97 CHAP. 42 Of Wearing a Surplesse PAG. 101 CHAP. 43 Of the due Celebration of Sundayes and other times required by the Church to be kept holy PAG. 104 CHAP. 44 Of Prayer Thanksgiving and Confession unto God in publike and in private PAG. 111 CHAP. 45 Of Singing Psalmes and Spirituall Songs in publike in private also of singing with Musicke PAG. 116 CHAP. 46 Of the publike reading of the Holy Scriptures as also of the Homilies and of making an Exhortation in publike PAG. 119 CHAP. 47 Of Expounding the Scriptures and of Preaching also of Peoples hearing Sermons PAG. 124 CHAP. 48 Of Peoples reading the Holy Scriptures in private and of meanes helping to the Vnderstanding of theÌ PAG. 132 CHAP. 49 Of Reading the Bookes in the Bible which are called writings Apocrypha PAG. 142 CHAP. 50 Of the Peoples learning the most Sacred Catechisme of the Church which is in the Booke of Common Prayer PAG. 144 CHAP. 51 Of Baptisme PAG. 147 CHAP. 52 Of Godfathers and Godmothers PAG. 150 CHAP. 53 Of the signe of the Crosse made on the fore-head of the Child having received Baptisme PAG. 152 CHAP. 54 Of Confirmation commonly called Bishopping PAG. 154 CHAP. 55 Of the Holy Communion or the Sacrament of the and Blood of Iesus Christ PAG. 158 CHAP. 56 Of preparing ones selfe for to receive worthily the Holy Sacrament PAG. 166 CHAP. 57 Of Kneeling in the Act of Receiving the Sacrament PAG. 168 CHAP. 58 Of Matrimonie PAG. 170 CHAP. 59 Of the Ring used in the Solemnization of Matrimonie PAG. l72 CHAP. 60 Of thankesgiving of women after Child-birth commonly called the Churching of Women PAG. 173 CHAP. 61 Of Combination or Denouncing Gods Curse due unto sinners which will not Repent or doe neglect the same PAG. 175 CHAP. 62 Of Excommunication PAG. 177 CHAP. 63 Of Confession and Absolution in particular manner PAG. 180 CHAP. 64 Of Penance PAG. 184 CHAP. 65 Of Visiting the Sicke PAG. 187 CHAP. 66 Of the Communion of the Sicke PAG. 189 CHAP. 67 Of the Buriall of the Dead PAG. 191 CHAP. 68 Of the Reverence to be done to Almighty God in his Worship PAG. 193 CHAP. 69 Of Good Workes in generall PAG. 202 CHAP. 70 Of the Kings Soveraigntie and of bearing faith and true Allegiance to his Majestie his Heires and Successors PAG. 207 CHAP. 71 Of Submission to all Powers inferiour to the Kings Majestie PAG. 214 CHAP. 72 Of Magestrates duties in generall PAG. 217 CHAP. 73 Of Swearing PAG. 220 CHAP. 74 Of Honouring the Ministerie PAG. 224 CHAP. 75 Of Vsing the Perambulation of the Circuit of the Parish called Going a Procession PAG. 226 CHAP. 76 Of Almes-deedes PAG. 230 CHAP. 77 Of Fasting PAG. 233 CHAP. 78 Of Conversion Repentance and Regeneration PAG. 239 CHAP. 79 Of our Duty towards God as it is delivered in the most sacred Catechisme PAG. 249 CHAP. 80 Of our Duty towards our Neighbour as it is expressed in most divine manner in the Catechisme also PAG. 260 CHAP. 81 Of the Duty of the Husband unto his wife and of the Duty of the wife unto her husband PAG. 266 CHAP. 82 Of the Duty of Parents toward their children and of children towards their Parents likewise of Masters and Dames to their servants and of servants to their Masters and Dames PAG. 272 CHAP. 83 of the foure Princiall vertues PAG. 279 CHAP. 84 Of the seeven gifts of Grace PAG. 282 CHAP. 85 Of Sundry fruits of the Holy Spirit PAG. 287 CHAP. 86 Of Sundry other Vertues prescribed in the Divine Service PAG. 294 CHAP. 87 Of Satisfaction for wrong done in word or deede PAG. 306 CHAP. 88 Of Forgiving others the wrongs which they have done to us in word or deede PAG. 309 CHAP. 89 Of Examining and judging our owne selves PAG. 313 CHAP. 90 Of Seeking Gods Kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof PAG. 320 CHAP. 91 Of the Christian Vnite PAG. 326 CHAP. 92 Of Growing in the Christian faith and the Christian life PAG. 333 CHAP. 93 Of the Devill PAG. 343 CHAP. 94 Of the seven deadly Sinnes PAG. 350 CHAP. 95 Of Sundry other Sinns PAG. 360 CHAP. 96 Of the Sinne against
high Priest vnto God his Father to make intercession for them also a Prophet to his people or a declarer vnto them of his Fathers will and is the m Reuel 15.3 King of Saints or administreth the kingome of n Rom. 5.21 grace vnto and within his people Whereas also he is the appointed o Heb. 1.2 heire of all things and all things were created p Col. by him and for him Also he is before all things and by him all things consist And he is the head of the body the Church who is the beginning the first borne from the dead that in all things he may haue the preheminence and no good thing commeth from God the Father vnto the Church on earth but through the q Acts 4.12 Iohn 20 31. Iohn 15.16 Name and for the r Dan. 9.17 sake of Iesus Christ Therefore the Church concludeth euen euerie of her prayers with these or the like wordes Through Iesus Christ for the honor of our Aduocate and Mediatour Iesus Christ Through the merits of thy onely Sonne c. For conclusion therefore of the mediatorie workes of Iesus Christ let S. Pauls words to the Saints that were at Rome be here for our meditation Å¿ Rom God commendeth his loue towards vs in that whiles we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. Much more then being now iustified by his bloud we shall bee saued from wrath through him For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled we shall be saued by his life And not onely so but we also ioy in God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom wee haue now receiued the attonement Let vs therefore saith the Church in the second part of the * Tom. 1. p. 82. Homily against Adultery consider first the glory of Christ then our estate our dignity and freedome wherein God hath set vs by giuing vs his Holy Spirit and let vs valiantly defend the same against Sathan and all his crafty assaults that Christ may bee honoured and that we loose not our liberty or freedome but still remaine in * 1 Cor. 6.17 Eph. 4.3.4 one Spirit with him CHAP. 31. Of Christs iudging Mankind IT is sayd in the Athanasian Creed Iesus Christ shall come from the right hand of the Father God Almighty for to iudge the quicke and the dead At whose comming all men shall rise againe with their bodies and shall giue account for their owne workes And they that haue done good shall goe into life euerlasting and they that haue done euill into euerlasting fire So the Church sayth in Saynt Ambrose Song We beleeue that thou shalt come to be our Iudge In the Seruice for the buriall of the dead it is sayd Thou most worthy Iudge Eternall In the exhortation for the visitation of the sicke it is sayd Forasmuch as after this life there is an account to be giuen vnto the righteous Iudge of whom all must be iudged without respect of persons I require you to examine your selfe and your state both toward God and man so that accusing and condemning your selfe for your owne faults you may find mercy at our heauenly Fathers hand for Christs sake and not bee accused and condemned in that fearefull Iudgement In the * It is set in the beginning of the Psalmes in Meeter in the booke of Common Prayer in Folio Athanasian Treatise concerning the vse and vertue of the Psalmes it is sayd The Psalmes informe and teach euery man with diuerse instructions whereby he may not onely espie the affections and state of his soule and winne a good patterne and discipline how hee may please God but also with what forme of wordes he may amend himselfe and how to giue God due thankes least if he should speake otherwise than were conuenient he should fall into impiety by his vnreuerent estimation of God For we must all make an account to the Iudge as well of our t Math. 12.36 idle words as of our euill deedes In the third part of the * T. 2. p. 273. Homily of Repentance it is sayd Verily when the highest Sumner of all which is death shall come he will not be sayd nay but we must forthwith be packing to be present before the Iudgement Seate of God as he doth finde vs according as it is written u Eccles 11.3 Where as the tree falleth whether it be toward the South or toward the North there it shall lye Whereunto agreeth the saying of the holy Martyr of God Saint Cyprian saying As God doth finde thee when he doth call so doth he iudge thee In the second part of the * T. 1. p. 63. Homily against the feare of death it is said That Iesus Christ shall be openly shewed to be iudge of all the world In the * T. 2. p. 109. Homily against excesse of apparrell it is said Vnto God we shall render accounts for all his benefits at the glorious appearing of our Sauiour Christ In the third part of the * To. 2. p. 123. Homily concerning prayer it is said Wee must take heede that wee call vpon this aduocate Christ whiles we haue space giuen vs in this life least when we are once dead there be no hope of saluation left vnto vs. For as euery man sleepeth with his owne cause so euery man shall w Rom. 14.12 rise againe with his owne cause And looke in what state he dyeth in the same state he shall also be iudged whether it be to saluation or damnation In the third part of the * Tom. 2. p. 229. Homily for Rogation weeke it is said By Christ hath almighty God decreed to dissolue the world to call all before him to iudge both the quicke and the dead and finally by x Mat. 25.34.41 him shall he condemne the wicked to eternall fire in hell and giue the good eternall life and set them assuredly in presence with him in heauen for euermore And in the first part of the * Tom. 1. p. 3. Homily which is an Exhortation to the reading and knowledge of holy Scripture it is said By this word of God we shall be iudged For the word that I speake saith Christ is it that shall y Ioh. 12.48 iudge in the last day Iesus Christ himselfe hath also said The z Ioh. 5.22 23 27. Father iudgeth no man but hath committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne that all men should honour the Sonne euen as they honour the Father And hee hath giuen him authority to execute iudgement because he is the Sonne of man Saint Peter saith a Acts 10 4â God hath commanded vs to preach vnto the people and to testifie that it is he which was ordained of God to be the iudge of quicke and dead Saint Paul saith to the Romans Wee shall all stand before the b Rom. 14.10 11 12. iudgement seat of
breake bread that is to eare the i Acts 20.7 Lords Supper The Church of Christ also rightly vseth Ecclesiasticall discipline as the Church of Corinth k 1. Cor. 5.4 5 11. excommunicated the incestuous one according to the Law If any man that is called a brother be a fornicator c. with such a one no not to eate and afterward when he was l 2. Cor. penitent the Church receiued him againe into her holy communion CHAP 33. Of the Ministerie which Christ appointed in his Church in generall IN the Booke of ordering Bishops Priests and Deacons in the Prayer afore the consecration of a Bishop it is said That Christ being ascended into heauen powred downe his gifts abundantly vpon men m Eph. 4.11.12 making some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some Pastors and Doctors to the edifying and making perfect his congregation And in the prayer afore ordering Priests it is added By whose labour and Ministerie he gathered together a great flocke in all parts of the world to set forth the eternall praise of his holy Name It is there also added So that as âell by these thy Ministers as by them to whom they shall be appointed Ministers thy holy Name may be alwayes glorified and thy blessed kingdome enlarged The Apostle saith