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A69010 Institutions of Christian religion framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the best diuines, methodically handled by questions and answers, fit for all such as desire to know, or practise the will of God. Written in Latin by William Bucanus Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lausanna. And published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, for the benefit of our English nation, to which is added in the end the practise of papists against Protestant princes.; Institutiones theologicae. English Bucanus, Guillaume. 1606 (1606) STC 3961; ESTC S106002 729,267 922

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the last iudgement shall not so much be squared by the word of the Law as of the Gospell which the Apostles haue preached according to that Ioh. 3.36 He that beleeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life and he that beleeueth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth him And chap. 12.48 The word that I haue spoken it shall iudge him in the last day And Rom. 2.16 The Lord shall iudge the secrets of men according to my Gospel by Iesus Christ For the sentence in that generall iudgement shall be nothing else but a manifesting or declaring or the sentence now before vttered in this life by the ministerie of the word as concerning the iustification and condemnation of all VVhat are the noats or properties and Epithites of the last iudgment The Apostle Rom. 2.5 reckoneth vp three 1. for he calleth it the day of wrath that is of vengeance because vengeance shall be taken on all who in this life haue not beleeued the Gospell So Sophoniah 1.15 That day shall be a day of wrath a day of trouble and heauinesse a day of destruction and desolation a day of obscuritie and darknesse a day of clouds and blacknes so called indeed in respect of the wicked which day shall be a day of reioycing to the godly 2 The day of Reuelation because heere things are hid but there the thoughts words deeds of all the reprobates how secret soeuer shall by the diuine and omnipotent power of the Iudge be laid open Reuel 20.12 And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things vvhich vvere vvritten in the bookes according to their vvorkes But of the Elect the Lord speaketh Ier. 31.33 and Heb. 10.17 Their sinnes and iniquities will I remember no more 3 Hee calleth it a day of iust and vpright iudgement least any should think saith Chrysostome that the iudgement of God shoud proceed from an angry mind and that none might thinke that the Iudge will take vengeance otherwise then iustice doth sway the iudgement It is called also by way of excellency The day of the Lord and of Christ wherein he shall come with his glorie and maiestie a ●uk 17.34 1 Cor 5 5 Philip 1.6 And day of iudgement b Mat. 10 15 12 36. And the last day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the vttermost last day c Ioh. 6.39.40 by a significatiō taken from time because those which fall out at the last are most strange vnto vs VVhat are the forewarnings of the iudgement to come e Deut 27.26 Gal. 3.15 1 The sentence of death pronounced against transgressors before the fall of our first parents d Gen 2 17 2 The same sentence repeated in the lawe by the voyce of God 3 The hand-writing of God in the consciences of men their consciences bearing witnesse vnto them and their thoughts mutually accusing and excusing themselues in the day wherein the Lord shall iudge the secrets of men Rom. 2.15.16 4 The examples of God seuerity such as was the deluge in which the whole world perished Noe and his family excepted f Gen. 7. ●1 The burning of Sodom out of which iust Lot was saued g Gen 19.24 25 The destruction of the Citie of Ierusalem the basenesse and ouerthrow of the Iewish ciuill gouernment 5 Calamities both publike and priuate to be short the death also of the bodie are the beginning resemblances of the iudgement to come VVhat are the signes and tokens thereof They are manifold some going before others ioyned nigh therunto and of precedent signes some are happened long since which are farre distant from the end as 1. The publishing of the Gospell in all the habitable earth or amongst all nations h Math. 24 14 2 That securitie and gluttonie long agoe waxing strong as it was in the daies of Noah which were before the Deluge a Moth 24 37.38 3 Apostacie from wholesome doctrine wherof 1. Tim. 4.1 The spirit speaketh euidently that in the later times some shall depart from the faith and shall giue heed vnto spirits of errour 4 Generall corruption of manners b 2. Tim 3 1.2.3 5 The reuealing and comming of Antichrist 2. Thes 2.3 The day of Christ shall not come except the man of sinne be disclosed and 1. Iohn 2.18 Little children it is the last time and as ye haue heard that Antichrist shall come euen now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time 6 Persecution and betraying of the Godly for the name of Christ 7 Pulicke offences d math 24 10 8 False Christes and many false Prophets saying I am Christ that is vsurping the name of Christ or faining that they are sent of Christ c math 24.9 Luk 21 1. that they are that which Christ is and shewing signes and miracles to seduce the verie elect if it were possible e luk 21.8 Math. 24 11 9 Neglect of charitie vers 12. and want of faith Others going next before which notwithstanding the ende shall not presently ensue and that in heauen Mark 13.3 The sunnne shall be darkened that is there shall be Eclipses of the sunne often The moone shall not giue her wonted light The starres shall fall from heauen that is seeme to fall The powers of heauen shall be shaken for these things are to be vnderstood properly not in a borrowed sense 2 In the earth great Earthquakes troubles and tumults For Nation shall rise vp against Nation and Kingdome against Kingdome Luke 21 9.10 Nor shall there be any place free from warres there shall be hunger and pestilence and fearefull things and people shall be in anguish and at their wits end with desperation f Mark 13 7.8 and in the Sea there shall be fearefull noises and tumults or inundations of the Sea and waters g Luk 21.25 4 In the ayre fearefull and terrible tempests In a word the heauen and earth and euen all the Elements shall in a sort resemble the countenance of an angrie Iudge that sinners being admonished may repent vnlesse they desire sodainely to perish 5 Vnto these is also added the conuersion or gathering together of Israell that is of the whole Nation in generall vnto the Church of Christ after that the fulnesse of the Gentiles shall come in Isay 29.20 Rom. 11 25.26 which neuerthelesse after what sort and when it shal be is not knowne The signes adioyning thereunto are wailing sorrowing of all the kinreds of the earth and the signe of the sonne of man which shall be seen in the heauen when the Lord commeth in the clouds a Math. 24.30 which some interpret to be the figure of the Crosse others great glorie and maiestie which shall testifie that Christ is at hand When shall the iudgement be This is
INSTITVTIONS OF CHRISTIAN REligion framed out of Gods word and the writings of the best Diuines methodically handled by Questions and Answers fit for all such as desire to know or practise the will of God Written in Latin by WILLIAM BVCANVS Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of LAVSANNA And published in English by ROBERT HILL Bachelor in Diuinitie and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge for the benefit of our English Nation to which is added in the end the practise of Papists against Protestant Princes PROV 16.16 How much better is it to get wisedome than gold and to get vnderstanding is more to be desired than siluer Printed at London by George Snowdon and Leonell Snowdon 1606. King Dauids Testament to his sonne Salomon ANd thou Salomon my sonne know thou the God of thy father and serue him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth al hearts and vnderstandeth all imaginations of thoughts If thou seeke him he will be found of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off for euer 1. Chron. 28.9 TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND hopefull young Lords Robert Deuoreux Earle of Essex sonne in Lawe to the most Honourable Thomas Earle of Suffolke and to Sir William Cecill Knight of the Bathe Lord of Cranborne sonne and heyre to the most worthy Lord Robert Earle of Salisbury grace and Peace RIght Honorable It hath pleased God to giue vs in this Church verie many remarkeable testimonies of his mercie whether we looke to the heauens aboue vs the earth beneath vs our Princes who rule vs our Pastors who teach vs our lawes which command vs or the singular mercies which we haue receiued or the fearefull iudgements which we haue escaped Our heauen is not brasse as it was in Achabs time a 1 K. 17 1 ● our earth is not barren as it was in Pharaohs time b Gen. 41 55 our Princes are not Lions as the princes of Iudah c Zeph 3.3 our Pastors are not wolues as were the shepheards of Israell d Math 7 15 our Lawes which commaund vs are not as the Lawes of Draco and our mercies receiued are Gods mercies our iudgements escaped are mens cruelties Yet of all the testimonies of Gods loue vnto vs this is and ought to be esteemed the greatest that we are come out of Babylon know God in Christ may read the scriptures heare Gods word be partakers of the sacraments pray in a knowne tongue worship the true God and that of mortall and sinfull men we are made the immortal and righteous children of God But because wee are so blinded with the loue of this world that we see not or perceiue not this note of Gods loue therefore the Apostle Iohn setteth an Ecce vpon it and saith behold what loue the father hath giuen vs that we should be called the sons of God e 1 Ioh. 3. ● Behold we therefore not the loue of Sampson to Delila f Iudg. 14.3 for that was a wanton loue nor the loue of Iaakob to Rahel g Gen 29.17 for that was a carnall loue nor the loue of Dauid to Ionathan h 1 Sam 18.3 for that was an humane loue but the loue of God to man the Creator to his Creature a good father to a multitude of prodigall and rebellious children Hee loued vs in our creation for he made vs men but more in our redemption for he mad vs saints he created vs with a word of his mouth he redeemed vs by the bloud of his sonne he created vs whē we were nothing hee redeemed vs when we were worse then nothing he created vs to liue before him on earth he redeemed vs to liue with him in heauen He created vs and so did he others he redeemed vs but did not redeeme others He hath not dealt so with euery nation neither haue the heathen knowledge of his lawes i Psal 147 ●● If there were in vs eyther Nobility of birth or comelines of beautie or correspondence of vertue or aboundance of riches our God might loue like vs for these as men doe affect and follow vs for these But since by discent we are Cananites k, EZ 16.3 by deformitie polluted in our owne bloud l. v. 6 by sin there is none that doth good no not one m Rom. 3 12 that our pouerty is such that we are poore naked and miserable creatures n Reuel 3 1● it is not our old birth but the new birth not our owne beautie but Gods bountie not our vertue but Gods grace not our goods but Gods goodnes by which we become Gods children If I were Right honorable as profound as Paule as eloquent as Apollos as deuout as Dauid and as zealous as the Prophet Elias was I could neither expresse the quantity of this loue it is so great nor the quality of this loue it is of such efficacy By this fauor of God we of seruants become sons o Gal. 4.4 of enemies frinds p Rom. 5.10 of diuorced espoused q Hos 2 20 of prophan priests r Reuel 1.6 of captiues kings ſ Reuel 5.8 of Cananites Israelites t Acts. 11.26 of heathens christians of inheritors of hell heires nay felow heires with Iesus Christ u Rom. 8 17. By this fauor we enioy the forgiuenes of sins peace of conscience ioy in the holy ghost protection of angels the communion of saints audience in praying acceptance in obeying security in life comfort in death and eternal glory after we be dead By this fauor we are written in Gods book receiue a new name incorporated into Christs body clothed with Christs righteousnes indued with Christs spirit and one day shall be partakers of his glory But as Augustine was swallowed vp by the admiration of Gods Maiesty so am I with the consideration of this mercy I say of this mercy which is giuen vs by the father purchased by the son assured by the holy ghost offered in the word sealed in the sacraments apprehended by faith tried by tribulation and though not deserued by vs yet reserued for vs in the highest heauens Is God our father behold our dignity are we his children learne we our duty The consideration of this dignity made Theodosius to thanke God more that he was a christiā then a King Moses to refuse the crowne of Aegypt x Heb. 11.24 Dauid to desire the place of gods doorekeeper y Psal 84.10 and Paul to make a base account of all things in this world z Philip. 3.9 The consideration of this duty made Abell to sacrifice his sheep a Gen. 4.4 b Gen 26. Abraham to sacrifice his son and the Romans to sacrifice thēselues c Rom 12.1 Ioseph to flie adultery d Gen 39.9 the three children to flie idolatry e Dan 3 16 Nehemiah to fly tyranny f Neh 5 15 and all Gods children to abandon impietie