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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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holy and true to iudge and to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earthe The .vi. Chapter GO there was a great erth quake the sunne was as blacke as sacke clothe made of heart and the mone waxed euen as bloude and the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth euen as a fygge free casteth from her her fygges when she is shaken of a myghey wynde heauen vanished awaye as a scroll when it is rolled together and all moūtaines and yles were moued out of their places and the kinges of the earthe and the greatemen and the ryche menne and the chefe captaines and the mighty menne and euery man bound manne and euery free manne hyd them selues in dennes and in rockes of the hylles and said to the hylles and rockes fall on vs and hyde vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrathe of the lambe for the great day of his wrath is come and who can endure it The .vii. Chapter ANd one of the elders answered saynge vnto me what are these whyche are arayde in longe whyte garmentes and whence came they And I sayde vnto him Lorde thou wottest And he sayde vnto me these are they whiche came out of greate tribulation and made their garmentes large and made them whyte in the bloude of the lambe therfore are they in the presence of the seat of god and serue him daye and nyghte in the temple and he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwellamonge them They shall honger no more neyther thyrst neyther shall the sunne lyghte on them nether any heat for the lambe whiche is in the middes of the seate shall fede them and shall leade them vnto fountaines of lyuynge water and god shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes The .viii. Chapter ANd an other angell came and stode before the aulter hauyng a golden senser moche of odoures was gyuen vnto him that he shoulde offre of the prayers of all saintes vpon the golden aultar which was before the seate and the smoke of the odoures whiche came of the prayers of all sayntes ascended vp before god oute of the aun●elles hande The .ix. Chapter IN those dayes shall men seke death and shal not fynde it and shal desyre to dye and death shall flye from them The .xi. Chapter ANd when they haue finished theyr testimony the best that came out of the bottomlesse pyt shall make warre against them and shall ouercome them and kyll them And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the great cyte whiche spiritually is called Zodom and Egipte where our lord was crucified And they of the people and kyndtedes and tonges and they of the nations shal see their bodyes .iii. dayes and a halfe and shall not suffre their bodyes to be put in graues And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them and be glad and shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwell on the earth And after thre dayes and a halfe the sprete of lyfe frome god entred into them they stode vp on theyr fece and great feate came vpon them whiche sawe them and they harde a greate voyce from heauen sayinge vnto them Come vp hydder and they ascended vp into heauen in a cloude and their enemyes sawe them The .xii. Chapter ANd ther was a great battail in heauen Michael his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels preuailed not neyther was their place founde anye more in heauen And the greate dragon the olde serpent called the deuyll and Sathanas was caste oute whiche deceaueth all the worlde And he was cast into the earthe and his angelo were cast out also The .xiii. Chapter HE that kylleth with a swearde muste be bylled with aswearde The .xiiii. Chapter ANd I hearde the voyce of harpers harping with their harpes and they songe as it were a newe song before the feate and before the foure beastes and the elders and no man coulde learne that songe but the hundred and. 44. M. whithe were redemed frome the earthe These are they whiche were not defiled with women for they are virgines These folowe the lambe whethersoeuer he goeth These were redemed frome menne beynge the fyrst frutes vnto god and to the lambe in their mouthes was founde no gyle for they are without spot before the trone of god And I hearde a voyce from heauen sayeng vnto me wrytte Blessed are the deade whiche here after dye in the lorde euen so saithe the sprite that they may rest frō there laboures but their worekes shall folowe them The .xvi. Chapter BEholde I come as a these happy is he that watched and kepeth his garmentes least he be founde naked and menne ie his fylthynes The .xviii. Chapter ANd asmothe as she glorified her selfe and liued want only so moche poure ye in for her of punishement and sorowe The .xix. Chapter HAppye are they whyche are called vnto the lambes supper And I fell at his feete to worshyppe hym and he sayde vnto me se thou do it not for I am thy felowe seruaunt and one of thy brerhren and of them that haue the testimony of Iesus worship god The .xx. Chapter Blessed and holye is he that hathe parte in the fyrste resurrection for on suche shall the seconde deathe haue no power for they shal be prestes of god of Christ shall raigne with him a. M. yeare And I sawe the deade bothe greate and small stande before god And the bokes were opened another boke was opened whiche is the boke of lyfe and the deade were iudged of those thynges whiche were wrytten in the bokes accordynge to their dedes and the sea gaue vp her dead whiche were in her and death and hell delyuered vp the dead whiche were in them and they were iudged euery man according to his dedes And death and hell were cast into the lake of fyre This is the seconde death and whosoeuer was not founde written in the boke of lyfe was caste into the lake of fyer The .xxi. Chapter ANd I hearde a greate voyce out of heauen sayenge beholde the tabernacle of god is with men and he wyll dwell with them And they shal be his people and god hym selfe shal be with them and be their god And god shall wype awaye all teares frome their eyes and there shal be no more death nether sorowe nether cryenge nether shall ther be any more payne for the olde thynges are gone I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the ende I wyll gene to hym that is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe free he that ouercommeth shall inheryt all thinges and I wyl be his god and he shal be my sonne But the featefull and vnbeleuynge and the abhominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers ydolaters and all lyars shall haue their parte in the lake whiche burneth with fyre and brymstone whiche is the seconde deathe His seruauntes
myght be eased from their wyckednes the ten thousande part of men shulde not be made lyuynge And yf the iudge forgaue not those whiche he healed with his worde and yf he wold destroy the multitude that striueth there shuld be very fewe left in an vnnumerable multitude ¶ The .viii. Chapter THe most highest made this worlde for many but the world to come for fewe I will tell the a symilitude Esoras As when thou askeste the earthe it shall saye vnto the that it geueth muche moulde wherof earthen vessels are made but litle of it that golde commeth of euen so is it with the worcke of this worlde There be manye created but fewe shal be preserued Yf thou haue mercye vpon vs thou shal be called mercyfull where as we haue no worckes of righteousnes for the righteous whiche haue laid vp many good worckes together shal out of their dedes receaue rewarde ¶ The .ix. Chapter LYke as the felde is so is also the seede as the floures be so are the coloures also suche as the worckeman is suche is the worcke and as the husband man is him selfe so is his husbandry also ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter THe weaker that the worlde and the time is the more shall synne wyckednesse increase in them that dwell vpon earthe for the truthe is fled farre awaye and lesynge is harde at hande Yf so be that ye wyll subdue your owne vnderstandyng and reforme your herte ye shall be kept aliue and after deathe shall ye optaine mercy for after deathe shall the iudgement come when we shall lyue againe and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest and the workes of the vngodly shall be declared ¶ The .xv. Chapter THus saith the lorde god my right hand shall not spare the synners my sweard shal not cease ouer thē that shed innocent bloude vpō earth The .xvi. Chapter ANd when youre synnes are brought forthe ye shal be ashamed before menne and youre owne synnes shal be your accusers in that daye Wo be vnto them that are subdued vnto theyr synnes and tangled in theyr wickednesse like as a felde is hedged in with bushes and the pathe thereof couered with thornes and that no manne maye trauayle thorow and so is he taken and cast in the fyre and brente ¶ The booke of Tobias The fyrst Chapter TObias gat him to Ierusalem vnto the temple of the lord there worshipped the lord god of Israel faythfully offeryng of al his first frutes tythes so that in the thyrde yeare he ministred all the tythes vnto the straungers conuertes Tobias taughte his son frō his youth vp to feare god and to refrayne from all synne Tobias fed the hungry clothed the naked and buried the dead and slayne diligently The .ii. Chapter THis temptatiō of blindnesse did god suffer to happen vnto hym that they whiche came after might haue an exāple of his paciēce lyke as of holy Iob for in so muche as he euer feared god frō his youthe vp kepte his cōmaūdementes he grudged not against god that the plage of blindnes chaūsed vnto him but remained sted fast in the feare of god and thanked god all the dayes of his lyfe ¶ The .iii. Chapter BLessed be thy name o god of our fathers whiche when thou arte wroth shewest mercy and in time of trouble thou forgeuest the synnes of them that call vpon the. Whosoeuer loueth the and serueth the a right is sure of this that if his life be tempted and proued it standeth in the trying and yf he endure in patience he shall haue a rewarde and be hyghlye crowned if he be in troble that god no doubte shall delyuer him and yf his lyfe be in chastening that he shall haue leue to come vnto thy mercye For thou hast no pleasure in our damnation and why after a storme thou makest the wether fayre and styll after wepinge and heuynes thou geuest greate ioye ¶ The .iiii. Chapter HOlde thy mother in honoure all the dayes of her lyfe for thou oughteste to remember what and howe greate parels she suffered for the in her wombe Geue almes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face frō the pore and so shall it come to passe that the face of the lord shall not be turned away from the. Mercy delyuereth from all synne from death and suffereth not the soule to come in darcknes A greate conforte is mercy before the highe god vnto all them that shewe it Whosoeuer worcketh any thynge for the immediatly geue him his hyre and loke that thy hyred seruauntes wages remayne not by the ouer nyght Looke that thou neuer do vnto another man the thinge that thou woldest not another manne shoulde do vnto the. The .vi. Chapter Yf thou layest a pece of the herte vpon the coales the smoke therof driueth awaye all maner of euell spretes wether it be from man or woman so that from thenceforthe the same shall come no more vnto them Heare me and I wyll tell the what they be of whome the deuyll hathe power Namelye they that receaue mariage of suche a fashion that they shute god oute from them and from theyr herte and geue theym selues to their owne luste euen as it were an horse and mule whiche haue no vnderstandynge vpon suche hathe the deuyll power But when thou takest Sara and art come in to her chaumbre wytholde thy selfe from her thre dayes and geue thy diligence vnto nothing but vnto prayer with her The .x. Chapter SO the elders embraced their doughter ●yssed her and let her goo exortyng her to honoure her father and mother in lawe to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order to shewe her selte fawtlesse ¶ The .xii. Chapter IT is good to hyde the kynges secrete but to shewe the worckes of god to prayse them is an honorable thinge Prayer is good with fastyng and mercye is better then to horde vp treasures of golde For mercye delyuereth frome deathe clenseth synne and causeth to fynde euerlastyng lyfe But they that do synne and vnrighteousnes are the enemies of their owne soule When thou prayedest with teares and buriedest the deade and leftest thy dyner and hyddest the dead in thy house vpon the daye tyme that thou myghtest burye them in the nighte I offered thy prayer before the lorde You thougt that I dyd eate and dryncke wythe you but I vse meate that is muscible and drinck that can not be sene of menne The boke of Iudith The fourth Chapter BE ye sure that the lorde wyll here your petitions if ye continue stedfast in fastinges and prayers in the syghte of the lorde The .viii. Chapter Iudyth ware a smocke of heare and fasted all the dayes of her lyfe excepte the sabothes new mones the solempne daies that the people of Israell kepte The .ix. Chapter THy power o lord standethe not in the power of men neither hast thou anye plesur in the strenghte of horses