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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01451 Doomes-Day booke: or, An alarum for atheistes, a vvatchword for vvorldlinges, a caueat for Christians. By Samuel Gardnier [sic] Doctor of Diuinitie. The contentes the following page sheweth Gardiner, Samuel, b. 1563 or 4. 1606 (1606) STC 11576; ESTC S102820 100,754 118

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coherence is good for the head and the members go together it were abs●rd to part the one from the other But Christ is the head and we are the members conglutinated and coa●nuuated to that head The antecedeut and forepart of the argument is accompanied by sundrie consequences in the following verses That if Christ our head be not risen 1 Our preaching is vaine 2 your faith is vaine 3 we are false witnesses who h●ue testified so much 4 ye are yet in your sinnes 5. They which are asleepe in Christ are perished The analogie of head and members maketh good the consequent That therefore we shal li●e as Christ hath risen wherfore the fathers call the resurrection of Christ the misterie of our resurrection and the Apostle termeth it The first fruits of them that slept 3 Thirdly from the purifit of the contraries he formeth his matter thus It by one man came death by one man must also come the resurrection from the de●de But the first is true therefore the second The argument holdeth the contraries so answering one another Adam and Christ Death and the Resurrection But wee all die in bodie th●ough Adam therefore wee must liue in bodie againe by Christ 4 The forme that the Apostle so accurately descri●eth of the resurrection thus We shall not all sleepe but we shall be all changed in a moment in the twinckling of an eie at the last Trumpet for the trumpet shall blow and the deade shall be raised vp incorruptible and we shal be changed And thus For the Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shout with the voice of the archāgel with the trumpet of God the dead in christ shal rise first thē shal we which liue and remaine bee caught vp with them also in the cloudes to meet the Lord in the aire so shall we euer be with the Lord. This Graphicall and ord●r●ie description of the resurrection euicteth the necessarie also intall●●le certaintie of the resurrection For if it were not a matter vndoubted to what purpose is it that it is thus described These are the chiefe arguments wherewith the Apostle vrgeth the resurrection in that famous fiftéenth charter of his first Letter to the Corinthians Vpon which subiect hée disputed often as at Athens where he preached vnto the people of Iesus and the resurrection as in the Consistorie before Faelix where he maketh this constant profession I haue hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead which they themselues looke for also shall bee both of iust and vniust Of the resurrection of the dead am I accused of you this day Peter in sundrie places witnesseth the resurrection as when he saith Which shall giue accounte to him that is readie to iudge quicke and dead and thus when the chiefe shepheard shall appeare yee shall receiue an incorruptible Crowne of glorie Also his last Chapter of his last Epistle is nothing else but illustration of this Article S. Iohn deliuereth like diuinitie thus We know that when he shall appeare we shal be like him for we shal see him as he is In the Reuelation y● spirit speaketh euidently thus And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the bookes were opened and another booke was opened which was the book of life and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the bookes according to their workes And the Sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and death and hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iudged euerie man according to their works In the next Chapter we haue this discourse which openeth the resurrection vnto vs God shall wipe away all teares from their eies and there shall be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine Saint Iames auoucheth as much saying Be patient vnto the comming of the Lord. Be patient and settle your heart for the comming of the Lorde draweth neere the Authour of the Epistle to the Hebrews hath much good matter in the behalfe of the resurrection In the tenth Chapter after much discourse appertaining thereunto he summeth it vp thus Knowing in your selues how that ye haue in heauen a better and enduring substance c. In the next chapter he saith Others also were racked and would not be deliuered that they might receiue a better resurrection Thus haue we the old and new Testament on the side of this doctrine which is sufficient but because Atheists who pester this land as the Frogs and Caterpillers did Pharaos Court doe arraigne the integritie of the Scriptures and iudge of this matter by naturall reason it is not amisse t● stop their mouthes by confuting and confounding them this way Wherefore we set vpon them thus 1 The soule did not sinne without the body therfore the bodie must be punished with it Therefore the bodie must rise againe The Philosophers doe denie the sequence and say that it is enough that the minde bee rewarded according to the actions thereof and that it is not néedefull that the bodie which was not principall but accessarie in the sinne and only but the instrument to serue sins turne should partake with the mind And they shew comparisons for the same of Artificers and craftsmen who for making a house or any other peece of worke haue their hire and couenants when as the instruments wherewith they wrought are not rewarded neither are they damnified though the worke by them be not accordingly performed Of a poisoned pot which is not therefore dissolued and broken in péeces especially if it be of any price though many haue drunke their destruction out of it Of a sword which a man will not breake or cast from him because a man hath beene slaine with it But yet by their leaue who take these similitudes for such sure studdes there be many in their vnstaied affections that will dash in peeces such intoxicated cups and breake that weapon against a wall that hath beene the occasion of a mischiefe But we turne away all the force of such reaso●ing by distinction of instruments as they are of coniunct and diuided nature The bodie the souls instrument is of the first difference and is conioyned and coupled with the mind wherfore it du●ly taketh such part as the mind doth The minde draweth on the bodie to commit vncleannesse the bodie therefore falleth thereupon iustly into diuers maladies The mind is disposed to fel onie for which the hands and the feete are manacled and the necke is hazarded and the whole bodie vndergoeth the penaltie This argument deducted from the rule of Gods iustice pleaseth Paul so wel as he maketh vse of it hauing pro●ed the resurrection Therefore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast vnmoueable aboundant alwaies in the worke of the Lord forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vaine in the Lord But this labor commeth
my Father which is in heauen The Apostle hath set it downe for an irrefrugable conclusion we shal all appeare before the iudgement ●eate of Christ Answerable to this is this his other Aphort●me we must al appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euerie man may receiue the thinges which are done in his bodie c. But the Godly shal make a very easie reckoning For Christ is their comfort●● their conscience there cleerg● as witnesse of their 〈◊〉 heauenly possession But the wicked because their conscience shal condemne thē the deuil shal accuse th●● Christ shal be against thē shal haue a world of wo●●n answer to make answers They shal say to the mountaine hide vs and to the hilles co●er vs. But from hence groweth a question how the Godly can bee iudged seeing they shall sitte Assistants with Christ in the iudgement as Esai saieth The Lord shall enter into iudgement with the ancients of his people and the Princes thereof that is to say with the elect companie as Christ saith to his Apostles Ye shal sit vpon twelue Thrones and iudge the twelue Tribes of Israel as Paul saith Know ye not that wee shall iudge the Angels We answer that iudgement is of double nature there is a iudgement of Absolution there is another iudgement which is of Condemnation In the iudgement of Condemnation are the wicked only wrapped adulterers adultresses fornicators vncleane persons vsurers oppressors slanderers blasph●mers hers deceiuers ep●cures Machi●ilians Atheists The godly haue onely but iudgement of Absolution that is to say they are iudged to be quit and deliuered and blessed They shall be absolued of all the slanderous imputatiōs of the world and wicked men against them Besides men the euill spirite also shall be iudged Christ denounceth infernall fire to the diuell and his angels Goe yee cursed into Hell fire prepared for the diuell and his angels Of this their condemnation speaketh Peter thus God spared not the Angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hel and deliuered them into chaines of darknes to bee kept vnto condemnation Of this Paul speaketh when he saith Rnow yee not that we shall iudge the Angels Iude consenteth with the rest expresly saying The Angels also which kept not their s●st estate but le●t their own habitation he hath referred in euerlasting chaines vnder darknes vnto the iudgement of the great day These are to be iudged as ringleaders of all 〈…〉 of all the band of sinners as Iudas did the band of souldiers against Christ Also this iudgement shall extend it selfe vnto the senslesse vnreasonable creature the heauen the earth and whatsoeuer is conteined in them Esai speaketh of new heauen and a new earth that are promised The new heauens and the new earth which I will make shall remaine before me Paul sheweth somuch saying The feruent desire of the creature waiteth when the sons of God shal be reuealed because the creature is subiect to vanitie not of its own wil but by reason of him which hath subdued it vnder hope because the creaturs also shal be deliuered frō the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God Lastly antichrist is rankt in the ranke of those that shall haue condemnatorie iudgement His dam●ation decréed against him is thus spoaken of Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirite of his mouth and shall abolish with the brightnes ●f his comming Thus haue we the seuerall persons that shall be iudged seuerally the sen●les creature shal be purged the godly shal be absolued the wicked shall be condemned Sathan the muster maister of malignant men shall be throwne downe into hell and Anti-christ as the sonne of perdition the opposite a●uersarie to our Sauiour Christ shall be destro●ed by the wrath●●l● indignation of Christ The eleuenth Chapter The thinges that are to be iudged AS all persons are to be iudged so they shall bee ●asted to their co●rsest branne Their thoughtes wordes workes shal be as throughly ransacked as euer Laban did ra●sacke Rachels st●ff● That all thinges shal be scanned Saint Iohn hath declared I saw the dead b●th great and small ●●and before God and the bookes were opened and another booke was open●d which is the booke of life and the deade were iudged of these things which were writtē in the bookes a●cording to their works God is said i● haue counting bookes by him because all thinges are as certaine to him as if he had Ac●●●ries and Clarkes in heauen to make enrolement thereof and to keepe the recordes of them 〈◊〉 hath three seuerall 〈◊〉 or Bookes 1. The booke of prouidence 2. Of Iudgement 3. Of life The booke of his prouidence is the absolute knowledge of a particularities p●st present to come This Book is me●●oned by Dauid in these wordes Thine eyes did see my substance yet being vnperfect and in thy bookes were al my members written which day by day were ●ashioned when as yet there were none of them As in another place thus Thou tellest my ●●ttings puttest my teares into thy bottel are not these things noted in thy bookes The booke of Iudgement is that whereb● he giueth iudgement which is of two sections The first is his ●ore knowle●ge in wh●ch all the affaires of men their designme●ts and 〈…〉 as plainely set downe to him as if they were p●nned Wee may ●et them slippe in a careles●e ●orge fulnesse but God hath ●ckets of our dooings by him and keepeth them in per●ect remembrance Of which the Prophet Dauid saith thus Thou hast set my misdeedes before thee and my secret sinnes in the sight of thy countenance So that be they neuer so olde they are as new to him as if they had beene doon but yesterday For he rippeth vp the s●ane of Amalek doone more then three hundreth yeares before and commaundeth Saul to conferre it He y● numbreth the stars calleth them all by their names hath numbred our sins and will name them vnto vs as periuries blasphemies adulteries lyes vsuries and such like The second leafe or tome of this second Booke is euerie mans particuler conscience which maketh conuulsions thinges in vs and is instead of a thousand witnesses setting before vs the thinges that we haue done The booke of life is the decree of Gods election in which God hath set downe who are sealed vp vnto eternal life The opening of these bookes is Gods reuealing vnto euerie man his owne proper sins in thought word and deede committed against heauen and against him and then also by his omnipotent power hee that can of stones by Iordans brooke side raise vp Children to Abraham shall breake a sunder our stonie consciences so that wee shall haue compunction and remembrance of all sorepassed actions Now the conscience of the wicked is feared with a hot yron and is past feeling but then it shall be so sensible