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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14293 The golden-groue moralized in three bookes: a worke very necessary for all such, as would know how to gouerne themselues, their houses, or their countrey. Made by W. Vaughan, Master of Artes, and student in the ciuill law, Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1600 (1600) STC 24610; ESTC S111527 151,476 422

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that it can neuer be impaired in an honest man by reason that vertue which shineth with vndefiled honours will euer patronize protect it What auayleth it then that a man go to law for such a trifle haue his aduersary punished namely noted with infamy Beleeue me it is better for you O contentious witals to end such cauillations of your wronged credit at home then to trauell to London and there to feed the rauening Lawyers with the sweat of your browes Pursue not therefore one another with vnappeasable stifnesse but rather end your doubts at home vnder an indifferent arbitratour without rancour or malice The fourth part Of Trueth Chap. 16. TRueth is that infallible vertue which reuealeth the creation of the world the power of God his blessing for the godly vengeaunce for the wicked This is she which rightly may be termed the cēter wherin all things repose themselues the mappe whereby we saile and the balme whereby we are healed This is she whom God respecteth more then all sacrifices To be short this is she which hath so great power that no engine wit or art can subdue and although she hath no atturney to defend her cause yet notwithstanding shee is defended by her selfe According to our beleefe in God Truth is named faith in agreements betweene man and man Trueth is called promise of seruants towards their masters she is termed loyalty But in what estimation she is in these accursed times I trēble to speake therof For many there be that outface deny their owne superscriptions vnlesse an honest man bring with him multitude of witnesses to testifie the truth he is like to be defrauded of his due O how farre do we degenerate frō the auncients They were woont in times past to lend money vpon a mans naked bare promise and likewise to passe their conueyances and state of lands in few lines whereas now on the contrary a dozen skins of parchment will scant serue their turne for what do they els but hammer quirckes and crochets and inuent twenty apish trickes to circumuent one another Promooting petifoggers are the mouers of all these fallacies They are the caterpillers which exclude truth and would make her a wandering vagabound Beware of them O yee which are honestly bent Through their illusions breake not the league of amity neither preferre yee kingdomes before truth Take away this vertue and our commonwealth is become a piracy The losse of wealth is nothing to the losse of truth For which cause the Philosopher doubted not to affirme that wise mē ought to contradict themselues for verities sake yea and to engage their credite for her conseruation Thinke vpon this O Lawyers consider with your selues how the speach of Truth is simple and needs not sundry explications and cauillations Of Lies Chap. 17. OF lies there bee three sortes The first I call an officious lie which is vsed when otherwise an heynous offence cannot be eschued as we read in the booke of Kinges where * Michol Sauls daughter saued her husband Dauid by the same meanes The second kind of lies is named iesting which men vse at table not of any premeditatiō or malice but rather for to delight the company Howbeit amōg Christians it is not much laudable The third kind of lies is named hurtfull or odious which extendeth to the harming of one or other This sort of lying is most detestable in the sight of God and man Furthermore a lie is a base vice worthy to be cont●ned of all mortall men especially of those that are wise for the duties of a wise man are two wherof the one is not to lie in any thing which hee knoweth the other to make a lier manifest to the face of the world And euen as we debarre wise men so we most of all disswade youths frō lying for if they be suffred borne withal to coine lies they wil at last become altogether past grace by vse wil be inueterated in falshood Wherfore they must be quickly restrained and seuerely chastised when they lie Hereupon some hold that * those youths are as it were naturally euill which take a delight in telling of lies Othersome say that they differ not from deadly enemies But howsoeuer in my iudgement they ought to bee speedilie looked vnto and then the rather whē they begin once to tel lies to their owne parents which is a most intolerable fact Of Swearing Chap. 18. VVE must not sweare at all neither by heauen for it is the throne of God nor yet by the earth for it is his footstoole Neither must wee sweare by our heades because wee cannot make one haire white or blacke But our communication must be yea yea and nay nay and whatsoeuer is more then these commeth of euil Howbeit notwithstanding there be very few here in England that are not in a manner fully resolued to regard swearing as a vertue Hee is a Gull or a Puritane quoth they that will not sweare nay rather they should say he is a member of the diuell that delighteth in swearing Hearken what an holy father sayth Sweare not at al lest that by swearing you come to the facilitie of swearing from thence to custome and from custome you fall into periurie Neither can your feeble excuses suffice in saying that you sweare not by God by Gods bloud by Gods wounds but rather you sweare by Gog by Gogs bud by Gogs zwoonce O foolish hypocrites doe you thinke although you delude vs that you can dally with him who noteth heareth euerie word which you speake no no it will not goe for payment at the fearefull day of iudgement In swearing thus you heape hot coles of fire vpon your heades and offend as bad by attributing that honor vnto counterfeit creatures which is due vnto the creator who onely is to bee named and that after a good sort in all your words and deedes Take heede least that God execute vpon you such a fearefull iudgement as he of late daies executed on a yong man in Lincolneshire This yong man as is by master Perkins master Stubs others credibly reported was an abominable swearer and his vsual othe was By Gods bloud God willing his repentance corrected him oftē times with sicknes that he might be conuerted But hee vtterly reiected all corrections Then God seeing that nothing could reclaime him frō swearing inflicted on him a most grieuous disease of which he languished a long time At last his friends perceiuing him to be neere his death caused his passing bell to bee rung Whereupon this swearer hearing the bell toll rose vp in his bed saying Gods bloud hee shall not haue me yet But loe the iust iudgement of the Lorde At those words the bloud gushed out at euerie ioynt of his body neuer ceased til al the bloud in his body was run out and thus died this bloudy swearer whose